AC TRANSIT DISTRICT GM Memo No. 08-244 Board of Directors Executive Summary Meeting Date: October 15, 2008

Committees: Planning Committee Finance and Audit Committee External Affairs Committee Operations Committee Rider Complaint Committee Paratransit Committee Board of Directors Financing Corporation

SUBJECT: Report on the Proposed Bus Flag Refurbishment Program


Information Only Briefing Item Recommended Motion

Fiscal Impact: Minimal increase in flag and decal production costs.

Background/Discussion: AC Transit staff has developed a program for refurbishing AC Transit’s bus stop flags. (“Flag” is the colloquial name for the metal signs at every bus stop, showing bus line numbers and letters.) There has been great interest in improving the District’s flags for some time. The flags in use now do not use the District’s current branding; they are designed in a way that makes it difficult to maintain their appearance; and they contain very little information, with, in most cases, only the line number or letter displayed.

As staff noted in GM Memo 06-236 (Attachment A), implementing a program akin to the Rapid flags throughout the District would require significant additional resources. However, it is possible to take an intermediate step toward the full program with only minimal additional resources.

This program does not meet the goal of providing additional information (such as destination and transit connections) to the passengers, but it will improve the appearance of the flags and update the branding (logo, fonts, and colors), while minimizing costs and providing for the ability to add more information in the future.

BOARD ACTION: Approved as Recommended [ ] Other [ ] Approved with Modification(s) [ ]

The above order was passed on: . Linda A. Nemeroff, District Secretary By

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The District will update the background artwork of the flags. This background artwork will be compatible with both a set of smaller decals to be used immediately, and larger, more informative decals that can be added later. For now, the District will only use the smaller decals except at Rapid stops.

The small decals will have white numbers or letters on a colored background. The color will match as much as possible the colored headsigns on the buses and the color used on the AC Transit system map. The small decals will contain the same information as is currently found on flags. In most cases this is only the line designation, although any additional information currently found on selected flags (e.g., BART stations) will continue to be provided on the new flags.

The District regularly buys new flags, to replace those that have been damaged or stolen. All new flags purchased will have the following features:

• a printed grid, to allow the maintenance crew to place decals more neatly • space to accept 16 small line-only decals, or four larger, more informative decals, or a combination • a size of 17 inches tall by 19.5 inches wide. (As a comparison, the new Oakland parking “pay station” signs are 18 inches tall by 24 inches wide) • current logo, fonts, phone number, and Web site • space for NextBus stop code and telephone information

However, most flags will not be replaced in this interim program. To save money, the District will refurbish older flags by covering them with a new background. This new background will be similar in design to the background of newly purchased flags, but will match the existing flag sizes.

When the maintenance crew needs to alter a flag’s decals, they will follow a simple procedure. Where a bus line is removed and no new line is added to an older-style flag, the crew will cover the old number with blank decal material, as is done currently. For any other change to an older flag, the crew will replace the flag with either a new or refurbished flag, and install new decals for all lines shown. The old flag will then be sent to the District print shop to be refurbished for future use.

Once this change of replacing the flag is made to any particular stop, it means no change to the maintenance crew’s procedures from that point on: Decals can be covered up or added as before.

The result will be a gradual change-over of flags from old style to new style. More flags can be changed out as time allows, until all flags are changed.

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At some future date when resources allow, the smaller decals can be replaced with the larger, more informative decals. The new, larger flags would be installed as needed, but where older flags are sizeable enough to accommodate the larger decals, they would not be replaced. Thus, this project maintains cost-efficient compatibility with future flag improvements.

Figure 1. The background artwork for newly purchased flags (19.5 inches wide by 17 inches tall)

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Figure 2. Background artwork for refurbished flags.

Figure 3. Some examples of the smaller decals. (Decals are 4 inches or 8.25 inches wide by 2.375 inches tall.) Decals with destination information would be used rarely: only at transit centers or other locations where destination information is given today.

GM Memo No. 08-244 Meeting Date: October 15, 2008 Page 5 of 5

Prior Relevant Board Actions/Policies: None

Attachments: Attachment A: GM Memo 06-236, Report on AC Transit’s flag program

Approved by: Rick Fernandez, General Manager Jim Gleich, Deputy General Manager Jaimie Levin, Director of Alternative Fuels Policy & Marketing Victoria Wake, Marketing & Community Relations Manager

Prepared by: Aaron Priven, Marketing Administrator

Date Prepared: Monday, October 6, 2008

INFORMATION ITEM GM 08-244, October 15, 2008 Attachment A

AC TRANSIT DISTRICT GM Memo No. 06-236 Board of Directors Executive Summary Meeting Date: Oct. 18, 2006

Committees: Planning Committee Finance Committee External Affairs Committee Operations Committee

Board of Directors Financing Corporation


Report on AC Transit's flag program


Information Only Briefing Item Recommended Motion

Fiscal Impact: None at this time

Background/Discussion: Each AC Transit bus stop has a metal sign, colloquially called a “flag,” indicating the bus line or lines that stop at that stop. Attachment A, figure 1, is a photograph of a typical flag in the AC Transit system. It displays the designations (numbers or letters) of the lines that stop there on a background of the old AC Transit logo, a symbol representing a bus, and a telephone number for further information.

BOARD ACTION: Approved as Recommended [ ] Other [ ] Approved with Modification(s) [ ]

[To be filled in by District Secretary after Board/Committee Meeting]

The above order was passed on ______, 2006.

Rose Martinez, District Secretary By

GM Memo No. 06-236 Subject: Report on AC Transit’s flag program Date: October 18, 2006 Page 2 of 5

The District is maintaining this existing system and, other than replacing the old 817- 1717 telephone number with the 511 telephone number, has no current plan to replace it in most of the District.

A new program has been developed and is in the process of being implemented on the two Rapid lines, in conjuction with the new Rapid poles. Attachment A, figures 2 through 4, are images of information used in this project. Figure 2 is an image of the flag; figure 3 an image of a detail of information on a line as used in the project to place special poles at the 1R and 72R stops; figure 4 is a detail of and key to the various symbols used. The flag background has the new AC Transit logo, the words “bus stop,” a definition of the intermodalism icons used on the line decals, and a telephone number and Internet address.

Each bus line has its own decal area on the flag, with a background the same color as is used on the system map. Each decal contains: • The line designation • The destination, or destinations (for lines with branches or short turns), of this bus line • A brief description of the general span of service of the line, corresponding to the symbol used on the system map • A symbol indicating whether the line is a Rapid or Transbay line • Intermodal icons indicating whether this bus connects to BART, another train system (Amtrak, ACE, VTA Light Rail), a ferry, or the Oakland Airport • The All Nighter logo where appropriate (in lieu of the intermodal icons)

At this time, this program is planned for implementation only at the Rapid stops.

While not strictly part of the flag system, it should be noted that the District has placed pole-mounted schedules at over 800 bus stops and plans to expand this program to 500 additional locations after the upcoming signup is effective. In addition, working with the City of Alameda and the two advertising-supported bus shelter companies, information with fares, maps, and schedules have been placed in cases in just over 400 bus shelters. While this is not a replacement for the flag system, it does provide more information at some bus stops to passengers.


The Districtwide flag system is substandard in many ways. Better passenger information as part of stops would be beneficial to passengers, helping to maintain and attract ridership, and improving AC Transit’s image as a premier transportation provider.

While there are many possible ways of providing more information than what is provided now, the type of system used on the Rapid lines, which has evolved from the program implemented in Fremont and Newark in 2000 through the San Pablo Rapid roll-out in

GM Memo No. 06-236 Subject: Report on AC Transit’s flag program Date: October 18, 2006 Page 3 of 5

2003, is arguably what the District should be working to implement throughout the AC Transit system. However, there are many challenges faced in rolling out a system like this.

At the moment, it is easy to specify and place information on flags. Each line has a single decal associated with it, containing only the number or letter, and with minor exceptions that is the same throughout the line. Placing more information on the flags has the potential of multiplying the types of decals for each line, and thus the difficulty of specifying which decals go on which flags, dramatically.

Attachment B is the decal specification book for the Rapid flag deployment in May 2006. (A replacement for the upcoming signup is now being written.) Each line in the book represents a separate decal. The number of decals goes up to at least two for each line, one in each direction, and in many cases goes up to many more. Of the lines that were expected to appear on Rapid flags and thus were prepared in this document, lines 72 and 43 each have eight different decals, lines 74 and 84 have seven, lines G, 15, 72M and 93 have five, and lines L, NL, 11, 51, 55, 59, 59A, and 72R have four.

The changes in business practice that would result from a Districtwide roll-out of this program are substantial. Most obviously, this specification book would have to be completed and decals typeset and printed not only for the subset of lines that share stops with lines 1R and 72R, but for all lines in the District.

More significant is the change in the number of decals produced and placed. When service changes currently, only where a line is added to or removed from a stop does the decal require changing. However, if more information is added, then when that additional information changes, the decal must be changed even if the line designation remains the same. An example is the change in the upcoming signup to Line 99. This line is being extended at both ends: from its terminal at Hayward BART to Bay Fair BART, and from its terminal at Union City BART to Fremont BART. Line 99 decals will be added on the new segments. A flag program with destinations would require the replacement of all line 99 flags, as the old destinations would no longer be valid. Most route changes would require decal changes all along the line, not only in the changed segments. Major changes such as the upcoming service change would become even more challenging for the pole maintenance crew and the print shop.

The most significant challenge, however, is the difficulty of specifying each decal that goes on each stop in the District. This is manageable with the roughly 100 stops in the Rapid program but is vastly greater for the 6400 remaining stops served by the District.

One possibility is to use the descriptions found in the decal specification book and train the pole maintenance crew how to interpret them. While individual experienced pole maintenance crew members do amass considerable knowledge about the bus system, this kind of interpretation of description is not something currently required of them.

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They would not only have to learn about existing service but be briefed on new and changing service in ways that are not done at present. They would also need to be trained to apply that knowledge. It would require significant change from their current practice of working from stop lists prepared by others.

It is more likely that other staff would determine for each stop which decals belong there. This is a significant amount of extra labor. Although the task could be accomplished extemporaneously each time the pole crew needs a specification, it is probably more efficient to develop a database containing this information. A database of bus stops would be maintained containing a list of decals for each stop, and printed reports (or, possibly, a mobile remote database access system) would be provided in which the pole maintenance crew can look up stops when necessary.

Although the District does maintain a database of bus stops, its primary purpose is to provide data to the scheduling system, and restrictions on how the data in the scheduling system can be changed restrict the ability to change data in it in between sign-up periods. Thus, it is not suitable in its current form for the purpose of determining flag decal locations. A secondary database would have to be used and occasionally reconciled with the bus stop database. This would be similar to the database currently used for at-stop schedules, but larger in scope.

A further challenge will be maintaining the quality of the information. It is relatively easy to look at a bus stop and ensure that the right line designations are present. More complicated information means that it will become much more important to have the decal placement by the pole crew checked. This, too, represents a significant amount of additional resources.


Most obviously, additional resources would be required to purchase and install new flags. Although AC Transit would benefit from replacing its flags because new flags would have the new AC Transit logo, it would be necessary even if the District’s logo and identity program had not been changed. In 2000, AC Transit attempted a preliminary project to place larger, more informative decals on its existing signs in Fremont and Newark in conjunction with the Fremont/Newark Transit Development Plan. While the signs were – to some extent – more informative, they did not achieve the secondary goal of improving AC Transit’s image, because there was simply not enough room on the existing flags to place new, larger decals. An example of the negative result of this approach is shown in Attachment A figure 5. For systems with few lines such as Union City Transit, few branches to their lines such as VTA, or which cover few stops with detailed information such as Muni, the challenge is lesser.

However, the bigger lesson from the Fremont/Newark experience, as well as other experiences with public information projects, is that the up-front costs are only the

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beginning. Projects like this require ongoing, permanent maintenance and a permanent commitment of resources to them. Since incorrect information is worse than no information – it is better to know one does not have needed information than act incorrectly based on bad information – it does a disservice to our riders to produce a project like this and not commit to maintaining it permanently or, at the very least, taking it down when it is no longer correct.

it is clear that significant additional staff time will be required to implement a proposal of this type. While some of the work will be up-front, much of it will be ongoing and thus not easily suited to grant funding.

Two months ago AC Transit hired a Public Information Systems Assistant, and this additional resource will allow some additional projects to be taken on. However, the public information systems work being done is already extensive: regularly creating and following up on the placement of currently 1300 and soon to be 1800 map and schedule signs (including pole-mounted schedules, bus shelters, maps in BART stations and the like), overseeing the cartographic consultants on all AC Transit maps (including new schematic maps to be used for operator training), preparation of schedules for the AC Transit Web site, flag demonstrations on the Rapid lines, working with the Planning Department to prepare service change bags, and working with MTC and MTC’s consultants to prepare wayfinding and public information plans for major transit hubs. It is not clear at this point how much additional time will be available.

Prior Relevant Board Actions/Policies: None

Attachments: Attachment A, images of AC Transit flags and flag-related information Attachment B, decal specification book May 2006

Approved by: Rick Fernandez, General Manager Jim Gleich, Deputy General Manager Jaimie Levin, Director of Marketing & Alternative Fuels Policy Victoria Wake, Marketing & Community Relations Manager

Prepared by: Aaron Priven, Public Information Systems Coordinator

Date Prepared: October 11, 2006

GM Memo 06-236

Attachment A

Figure 1. A typical AC Transit flag.

GM Memo 06-236, Attachment A, page  Flag #33 - Broadway at 12th, southbound

EVERY DAY (Last weekday 72 bus after 10pm) To Oakland Amtrak


EVERY DAY (Last weekday 72M bus after 10pm) To Oakland Amtrak


WEEKDAYS 72R Daytime To Jack London Square


EVERY DAY 11 Daytime To Fruitvale Ave., Dimond District


EVERY DAY (Last weekday 51 bus after 10pm) To Broadway Ave. & Blanding St., Alameda


85To East Alameda1


Service to BART Service to Amtrak, ACE, or VTA Light Rail Service to Ferry Service to Airport


and say or visit Phone: “AC Transit”

Figure 2. A May 2006 Rapid flag

GM Memo 06-236, Attachment A, page  EVERY DAY (Last weekday 72M bus after 10pm) To Oakland Amtrak


Figure 3. A decal from a Rapid flag

GM Memo 06-236, Attachment A, page  WEEKDAYS EVERY DAY Daytime Daytime Ferry D-5 D-7

WEEKDAYS EVERY DAY Last bus (Last weekday after 8 pm bus after 8 pm) BART 8-5 8-7 WEEKDAYS EVERY DAY Last bus (Last weekday after 10pm bus after 10pm) Airport 10-5 10-7

COMMUTE Two days HOURS ONLY per week Train

C S Transbay Bus

Rapid Transbay

Figure 4. All Nighter (AN) Symbols used on Rapid flags. GM Memo 06-236, Attachment A, page  Figure 5. AC Transit and Union City Transit flags, January 2001.

GM Memo 06-236, Attachment A, page  Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter 7 To Rockridge BART Start End 8-7 x To Del Norte BART / The Alameda & 7 Solano Ave. Start Sutter & Hopkins 8-7 x 7 To Del Norte BART The Alameda & Solano End 8-7 11 To Fruitvale Ave., Dimond District Start Oak St. & 8th St. D-7 x 11 To Fruitvale Ave., Dimond District 10th St. & Fallon St. End D-7 11 To Highland Ave. & Highland Way Start 19th St. & Broadway D-7 x 11 To Highland Ave. & Highland Way 20th St. & Franklin St. End D-7 12 To Downtown Oakland Start Latham Square D-7 x 12 To Downtown Oakland 14th St. & Broadway End D-7 12 To MacArthur BART Start End D-7 x 15 To Montclair Start (both UC Loop and EC Latham Square 8-7 x BART starts) 15 To Montclair 14th St. & Broadway End 8-7 15 To El Cerrito Plaza BART / UC Start 8-7 x Berkeley West Entrance Shattuck & Center 15 To Moraga Ave. & Medau Pl. UC Loop stop (one stop) D-7 x 15 To El Cerrito Plaza BART University & Milvia End 10-7 x 40 To Berkeley BART Start End (none) x 40 To Bay Fair BART Start End (none) x 40L To Berkeley BART Start End D-7 x 40L To Bay Fair BART Start End D-7 x 43 To El Cerrito Plaza BART/U.C. Village Start 12th St. & Broadway D-7 x

43 To El Cerrito Plaza BART/U.C. Village 14th St. & Broadway San Pablo Ave. & 10-7 x Buchanan Ave. 43 To U.C. Village San Pablo Ave. & Marin Ave. Monroe & 10th 10-7 43 To El Cerrito Plaza BART Buchanan St. & Jackson St. End D-7 x 43 To Eastmont Transit Center/Broadway Start (Plaza BART) Buchanan & Jackson D-7 x & 14th St. 43 To Eastmont Transit Center/Broadway (All stops west of Central & D-7 x & 14th St. Pierce) 43 To Eastmont Transit Center/Broadway 1125 Jackson Latham Square 10-7 x & 14th St. Jackson & Buchanan 43 To Eastmont Transit Center 14th St. & Broadway End D-7 45 To Foothill Square Start End 10-7 45 To Coliseum BART Start End 10-7 x x 46 To Keller Ave. & Mountain Blvd. Start End D-5 46 To Coliseum BART Start End D-5 x x Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter 47 To 55th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. Start End D-5 47 To Fruitvale BART Start End D-5 x 48 To High St. & MacArthur Blvd. Start End D-5 48 To Fruitvale BART Start End D-5 x 51 To Berkeley Amtrak Start Shattuck Ave. & 10-7 x x Center St. 51 To Berkeley Amtrak University Ave. & Milvia St. End 10-7 x 51 To Broadway Ave. & Blanding St. Start 14th St. & Broadway 10-7 x 51 To Broadway Ave. & Blanding St. Broadway & 12th St. End 10-7 52 To Bancroft Ave. & Telegraph Ave. Start End C 52 To U.C. Village Start End C 52L To Bancroft Ave. & Telegraph Ave. Start End 10-7 52L To U.C. Village Start End 10-7 55 To Bay Fair BART Start W. Juana Ave. & D-5 x Clarke St. 55 To Bay Fair BART San Leandro BART End D-7 x 55 To San Leandro Main Library/San Start Davis St. & San D-7 x Leandro BART Leandro Blvd. 55 To San Leandro Main Library San Leandro BART End D-5 56 Clockwise loop to Coliseum BART Start End 8-7 x x 56 Counterclockwise loop to Coliseum Start End 8-7 x x BART 59 To Rockridge BART/Piedmont Ave. & Start Piedmont Ave. & D-7 x 41st St. Montell St. 59 To Rockridge BART Piedmont Ave. & Glen Ave. Rockridge BART (none) x 59 To BART Start Piedmont Ave. & (none) x Linda Ave. 59 To Lake Merritt BART Piedmont Ave. & 41st St. End D-7 x 59A To Rockridge BART/Piedmont Ave. & Start Piedmont Ave. & D-7 x 41st St. Montell St. 59A To Rockridge BART Piedmont Ave. & Glen Ave. Rockridge BART (none) x 59A To Lake Merritt BART Start Piedmont Ave. & (none) x Linda Ave. 59A To Lake Merritt BART Piedmont Ave. & 41st St. End D-7 x 72 To Oakland Amtrak Start Mission Bell Dr. & 8-7 x x x College Ln. 72 To Oakland Amtrak Contra Costa College Latham Square 10-7 x x x 72 To Oakland Amtrak Broadway & 14th St. Embarcadero & 10-7 x x Broadway Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter 72 To Oakland Amtrak Embarcadero & Franklin End 10-7 x 72 To Hilltop Mall/Contra Costa College Start Embarcadero & 10-7 x x Franklin 72 To Hilltop Mall/Contra Costa College Embarcadero & Broadway San Pablo & Potrero 10-7 x

72 To Hilltop Mall/Contra Costa College Del Norte BART Mission Bell Dr. & 10-7 College Ln. 72 To Hilltop Mall Contra Costa College End 8-7 72M To Oakland Amtrak Start Latham Square 10-7 x x x 72M To Oakland Amtrak Broadway & 14th St. Embarcadero & 10-7 x x Broadway 72M To Oakland Amtrak Embarcadero & Franklin End 10-7 x 72M To Point Richmond Start Richmond BART 10-7 x x 72M To Point Richmond Macdonald & 13th St End 10-7 72R To Jack London Square Start T.L. Berkley Way & D-5 x x Broadway 72R To Jack London Square Broadway & 14th St. End D-5 x 72R To Contra Costa College Start San Pablo/Potrero D-5 x 72R To Contra Costa College Del Norte BART End D-5 74 Weekends: To Marina Bay Hilltop Mall Fordham & (none) x x Rollingwood 74 To Marina Bay Orinda BART 22nd St. & Nevin Ave. 10-7 x x

74 To Marina Bay Richmond BART End 8-7 74 To Orinda BART (Weekends only: Start Macdonald Ave. & 8-7 x x Hilltop Mall) 21st St. 74 To Orinda BART (Weekends only: Richmond BART Rollingwood & 8-7 x Hilltop Mall) Fordham 74 To Orinda BART Rollingwood & Devon Orinda BART 8-7 x 74 Weekends: To Hilltop Mall Moyers & Duke Hilltop Mall (none) 80 To Hayward BART Start End D-7 x 80 To San Leandro BART Start End D-7 x 82 To Hayward BART Start End 10-7 x 82 To Downtown Oakland Start End 10-7 x 82L To Downtown Oakland Start End D-7 x 82L To Bay Fair BART Start End D-7 x 84 To Kaiser Hospital Hayward / Hayward Start B St. & Mission Blvd. 8-7 x BART Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter 84 To Kaiser Hospital Hayward / Hayward (Bypassing Fargo and Norton) (none) x BART 84 To Kaiser Hospital Hayward / Hayward (On Fargo and Norton) D-7 x BART 84 To Kaiser Hospital Hayward Hayward BART End D-7 84 To San Leandro BART Start A St. & Grand St. D-7 x 84 To San Leandro BART Hayward BART End 8-7 x 84 To San Leandro BART (Bypassing Fargo and Norton) (none) x 84 To San Leandro BART (On Fargo and Norton) D-7 x 88 To North Berkeley BART Start End 10-7 x 88 To Lake Merritt BART Start End 10-7 x 93 To Alameda County Juvenile Justice Start Elgin St. & Linnea 8-7 x Center Ave. 93 To Alameda County Juvenile Justice Bay Fair BART End 8-7 Center 93 To Alameda County Juvenile Justice Grant Ave. & Worthley Dr. (one stop) (none) x Center 93 To Hayward BART Start End 8-7 x 93 To Hayward BART Grant Ave. & Worthley Dr. (one stop) (none) x 356 Tue & Fri: To Alameda Towne Center Start End S

356 Tue & Fri: To E. E. Cleveland Senior Start End S Center 604 To Head Royce School / Hebrew Day Start End C School 604 To Berkeley BART / North Berkeley Start Shattuck & Kittredge C BART 604 To North Berkeley BART Shattuck & Center End C 605 To Head Royce School Start End C 605 To Berkeley BART Start End C 613 To Coliseum BART Start End C 613 To Madison Middle School Start End C 614 To Start End C 614 To 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. Start End C 618 To 14th St. & Franklin St. Start End C 618 To Montera Middle School Start End C 645 To King Estates Middle School Start End C 645 To 105th Ave. & International Blvd. Start End C 651 To Holy Names High School Start End C Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter 651 To Jack London Square Start End C 800 To Richmond BART Start End AN x 800 To San Francisco Start End AN x x 801 To Downtown Oakland Start End AN x 801 To Fremont BART/Bay Fair BART Start 159th Ave. & E. 14th AN x St. 801 To Fremont BART Start End AN x 802 To Berkeley Amtrak Start End AN x 802 To Broadway & 14th St. Start End AN x 805 To Downtown Oakland Start End AN x 805 To Oakland Airport Start End AN x 840 To Eastmont Transit Center Start End AN x 840 To Broadway & 14th St. Start End AN x 851 To Berkeley BART Start End AN x 851 To Park St. & Santa Clara Ave. Start End AN x F To Bancroft Ave. & Telegraph Ave. Start Shattuck & Center 10-7 x F To Bancroft Ave. & Telegraph Ave. Shattuck & University (one stop) 10-7 F To San Francisco Hearst & Shattuck Adeline St. & Ashby 10-7 x Ave. F To San Francisco Ashby BART End 10-7 x x G To Potrero St. & Richmond St./Solano Start Solano & Ensenada C x Ave. & Colusa Ave. Richmond & G To Potrero St. & Richmond St. Solano & Colusa Fairmount C x G To Potrero St. & Richmond St. Richmond & Central End C G To San Francisco Start Richmond & Central C x x G To San Francisco Richmond & Fairmount End C x

L To Princeton Plaza Shopping Center Start San Pablo & Potrero C x C L To Princeton Plaza Shopping Center San Pablo & Cutting End San Pablo & C L To San Francisco Start Macdonald x x L To San Francisco San Pablo & Cutting End C x 10-7 NL To San Francisco Start 20th St. & Webster St. x x NL To San Francisco 20th St. & Broadway End 10-7 x NL To Eastmont Transit Center Start Grand & Market 10-7 x NL To Eastmont Transit Center 20th St. & Broadway End 10-7 Decal specification book May 2006 GM Memo 06-236, Attachment B

Time All Line Destination First stop Last stop symbol Transbay Bart Ferry Train Airport Nighter Z To San Francisco Start End C x Z To Buchanan St. & Pierce St. Start End C