ƒ”‹•Šˆϐ‹ ‡ǣ 01329 832 162 a†‹̷•–Œ‘Š–Š‡„ƒ’–‹•–•Š‡†ϐ‹‡Ž†Ǥ ‘ October 2020: on line only ™™™Ǥ•–Œ‘Š–Š‡„ƒ’–‹•–•Š‡†ϐ‹‡Ž†Ǥ‘”‰Ǥ— ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH, SHEDFIELD Church Office St John the Baptist Church, PARISH OFFICE Church Road Shedfield SO32 2HY. [email protected] 01329 832 162

The Rectory Southwick Road Wickham PO17 6HR VICAR The Revd Jane Isaac 01329 835 295

Members of the ministry team can be ASSISTANT CURATE The Revd Dr Ruth Howlett- 01329 280905 contacted by email via the parish office Shipley 52 Brooklynn Close SO32 2RZ ASSOCIATE PRIEST The Revd Juliet Montague 01489 895 012

LAY MINISTER Mr Stephen Campion 4 Palace Mews Bishops Waltham 01489 893 369 PERMISSION The Revd Brian McHugh 28 Siskin Close Bishops Waltham 01489 896 658 TO OFFICIATE CHURCHWARDENS Carol Hotchkiss 3 Meadow View Church Road Shedfield 01329 832 738 Adrian Jordan 32 Chase Grove Waltham Chase 01489 890 007 VERGER/SACRISTAN Julia Jordan 32 Chase Grove Waltham Chase 01489 890007 PCC SECRETARY Rosemary Yeoman The Laurels Winters Road 01329 832 595 PCC TREASURER Adrian Jordan Temporary filled by Church Warden see above ORGANIST/CHOIR Julia Burgess 19 Wickham Croft Wickham 01329 832 441 DIRECTOR/MUSIC GROUP MOTHERS’ UNION Susan Rogers 01329 832529 MEN’S GROUP Ian Treveil 14 Ashley Gardens Waltham Chase Hants 01489 896 184 BELLRINGERS’ CAPTAIN Betty Daysh Woodmans Cottage Rd Waltham Chase 01489 892 216

Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church Bishops ROMAN CATHOLIC Canon Alan Griffiths Waltham Email: 01489 890 947 PRIEST [email protected] METHODIST MINISTER The Revd Joseph Tembo Treetops Smiths Lane Shirrell Heath 01329 833 518 [email protected] CEMETERY CLERK Brenda Byrne Dalecote Farm Winchester Road Waltham Chase 01329 833 592

ST JOHN THE BAPTIST C OR E PRIMARY SCHOOL Solomons Lane, Waltham Chase SO32 2LX 01329 833 141 FAIRLANDS NURSERY SCHOOL Church Road Shedfield SO32 2HY 01329 834 848 WALTHAM CHASE PRE-SCHOOL Village Hall Waltham Chase SO32 2LX 07913 640 795

PARISH MAGAZINE Editor Dr Danny Dubois Email: [email protected] 01329 833073 Advertising Manager To be filled Email: [email protected] 01329 832286 Treasurer Mr Brian Southon Email: [email protected] 01329 832286 Distribution Manager Mrs Deborah Casper Email: [email protected] 01489 896397

THE STUDY CENTRE St John the Baptist Church, Bookings: Lynn Hayward Lynn Hayward Church Road Tel: 07789 391530 and 01329 835134 (Bookings Shedfield SO32 2HY Email : [email protected] Manager) Web site :



Letter from Stephen Campion, Lay Minister

Dear Friends

October has been, and will forever be, a special month for me. In October 2001, after 4 years of academic and theologi- cal training, I was licensed as a Reader, an authorised Lay Minister in the Church of , by the late Bishop Kenneth Stevenson in Portsmouth Cathedral.

When the then Vicar of Shedield, Reverend Geoffrey Morrell, placed that blue scarf around my neck at the steps of the Cathedral altar, I will admit to being emotional, fuelled by the enormity of that moment, coupled with a very deep realisation that without the love and support of so many in the parish, I would never have received my licence “which shall remain valid until you reach the age of 70.”

That time will be reached in November this year, and over the past 12 months or so I have relected on my ministry with Reverend Jane, Archdeacon Gavin and many friends and colleagues close to me.

I have used these past months to think hard about my journey so far, and where it might lead in the future within the Beneice of Wickham and Shedield and across the Deanery.

I have done so reminding myself that, over 25 years ago, my calling was prompted irst and foremost by a desire to support the parish as Geoff's health deteriorated. Not for me was the calling prompted by a sudden and blinding lash as appeared before the eyes of St Paul, but more like that experienced by the reluctant Moses – “Why me Lord? You can ind many others far better than me!”

But God, like Geoff, is persuasive. Working over the years since then, with Shirley Henderson, Bruce Deans and now Jane Isaac, with several long vacancies in between, has taught me that ministry is not only about assisting the vicar/rec- tor; it extends far wider than that.

Indeed, how could it be otherwise? Our two parishes are not deined by population statistics, postcodes or bricks and mortar. They are home to all who live within; and neither are our churches bricks and mortar. They, too, are alive, not simply in the provision of worship, baptisms, weddings and funerals but are home to all who want to take comfort in the love of God.

In planning the next stage of my journey, I am grateful that Bishop Christopher has graciously granted me his “Permis- sion to Oficiate.” Having passed the age milestone, this new licence provides that I can remain a Reader/Lay Minister authorised, as has always been the case, to serve under the direction of the vicar/rector.

As I ease into this different phase of my ministry though, my intention is to do so in a reduced capacity. What does that mean? It means, for example, winding down from writing numerous sermons a month, leading and assisting church services most Sunday mornings and at evensong, being a member of a wonderful Ministry Team, attending meetings of the Parochial Church Council, the Diocesan Readers Executive Board, and being sub-warden of Readers in the Deanery.

But, emphatically, it does not mean that I am disappearing into the sunset. "Winding down" does not mean "giving up!" The Church of England, Shedield and Wickham parishes and especially their congregations have played such an important part in my life that I am keen to continue to support Jane and the Ministry Team in whatever way I can if and when asked to do so.

And I will do so, recognising that without you my journey would never have even started. As it now continues on a different path, I thank all of you who have shaped, supported and guided me over the years.

With Love


Stephen Campion, 4 Palace Mews, Winchester Road, Bishops Waltham, , SO32 1SB.

01489 893369

PARISH REGISTER Funerals 28 July - Stephen Michael Bruce Revd Jane Isaac, Vicar of Shedield and Rector of Wickham, answers your questions about services in church and online.

Is the church open during the week? Thanks to several very dedicated volunteers we’re able to open the churches for a longer period each day* On Mondays to Saturdays, weddings and funerals allowing, both St John the Baptist Church in Shedield and St Nicholas Church in Wickham are now open between the core hours of 10.00am–5.00pm for private prayer. On Sundays, the churches remain open after the morning service and close at 5.00pm. Hand sanitiser dispensers and entrance and exit doors are clearly signposted and specially-designated seating is available. Please be aware that the wearing of face coverings is now mandatory in church at all times. What about Sunday services? We’re alternating services between St John the Baptist Church in Shedield and St Nich- olas Church in Wickham for a shared Sunday morning service starting at 10.00am and lasting for around 45 minutes. Similar in content and style to the online Sunday service that’s proved to be very popular, the service in church is infor- mal, relaxing and features music, a short relection and lots of opportunity for prayer. Doors open at 9.40am and our stewards will show you to your seat via the newly-installed hand sanitiser dispensers. After the service you’ll be direct- ed to the designated exit and the church will be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with Covid-19 requirements. The NHS’s tracing programme requires us to take your name and contact details on your arrival. This record is kept for 21 days before being destroyed. If it’s a while since you’ve been to church or if you’re new to the area, you can be assured a very warm (socially distanced!) welcome: behind those face masks are lots of smiles! Why isn’t there a list of church services in the parish magazine? It’s a question several of you have understandably been asking. The answer is that in the present uncertain circumstances we simply can’t plan further than a couple of weeks in advance with any certainty – which means that I’m unable to conirm details of this year’s services for All Souls’ (Monday, 2nd November), Remembrance (8th November) and Christmas. As someone who’d ‘normally’ be thinking about Lent by now, I know how unsettling this is – and please be assured that these commemorations will most certainly be taking place, either in church, online or with a combination of the two. Check the church websites for the latest information about Sunday worship, and please do bear in mind that whilst Covid-19 restrictions remain in place we can’t, for example, return to an ‘old normal’ pattern of communion services at two churches every Sunday. From time to time we hope to be able to share in a variety of different services in one or other of the beneice’s churches: a short midweek service of holy communion, for instance, or Compline by candlelight on a Sunday evening. I don’t feel comfortable coming to church yet: will the online services be continuing? As the ministry team has said right from the beginning of lockdown, it’s important that we stay focussed on what we can do and not what we can’t. Getting churches open at any cost isn’t the point of all this: what really matters is making sure that our churches are safe, welcoming, Covid 19-aware place for those who come for worship or in search of a quiet space in their lives. Social distancing, shielding and self-isolation mean that everyone’s having to learn how to keep in touch with each other in different kinds of ways, and that includes the church family here in the United Beneice of Shedield and Wickham too. That’s why we’ll be continuing the Being Church at Home services so that we can worship together whether or not we’re in church. Each Sunday two new services are posted on the church website and linked to the village Facebook pages too. There’s the beneice’s own Sunday morning prayer service and a more informal Sunday service with a relection on the Gospel reading, prayers and hymns. The website also includes an act of spiritual communion. Being Church at Home services are intentionally simple in their layout so that those of you who prefer a hard copy can easily print out a service booklet. Live streaming is proving dificult from our churches, so occasionally we will be pre-recording worship and the ministry team’s weekly relections on YouTube: you’ll ind the links via the Being Church at Home page on the church websites. If you’re without internet access and would appreciate a printed copy of the Sunday services, do contact a member of the ministry team so that we can arrange for that to happen. And if you’d like to receive the weekly e-bulletin with links to the online services and news of what’s happening in the parishes, please do let me know (my contact details are on the inside front cover). The Church of England’s Daily Hope prayer line – 0800 804 8044 – has been set up with those who are unable to get to church or join online church services in mind. Daily Hope offers music, prayers and relections as well as full worship services and is absolutely free of charge.

*Written on 19th September 2020 – please be aware that Government and Church of England regula- tions are extremely likely to have been amended by the time you read this. For the latest Church of England Covid-19 guidelines on church opening and maintenance, public worship, baptisms, weddings and funerals please go to THANK YOU, STEPHEN As you’ll have read in this month’s letter, at the end of October Stephen Campion will step back from his roles as authorised lay minister in the beneice and Deanery Subwarden of Readers. Stephen isn’t retiring and he’s not leaving us, but he’s decided that with his 70th birthday the time has come to become a lay minister (‘Reader’ in old money!) with ‘permission to oficiate’. PtO is granted by the Bishop to those wishing to ‘retire’ from active ministry (to the extent that it is possible to retire from a voluntary ministry!), and I know that you will share with Juliet, Ruth and I our delight that Stephen has every intention of being with us from time to time to lead worship and to preach. Not having to come to rota meetings is, he tells me, one of the things he’s looking forward to most! And Stephen, there’ll be so much more time to go on courses…golf courses, that is…now that you are freed up from those weekly ministry team meetings with the Three Revs that inevitably start with your ‘Mine’s a cappuccino’! The ministry team have so valued Stephen’s robust good sense and humour, not just at team meetings but in all our working together in the churches and in the parishes. His funeral ministry has been, and will continue to be, the great- est of blessings to hundreds of bereaved families. Fellow Readers speak of Stephen’s encouragement and wise advice throughout their training and ministry and they remember, as so many of you do, many of his thoughtful and thought-provoking sermons. Never didactic, never lightweight, Stephen’s preaching ‘always hits the spot’ – indeed, as one Shedield parishioner told me, ‘Stephen gives a better sermon that most vicars’. And of course, Stephen’s pineap- ple-focussed Christingle service has gone down into Shedield legend! Lockdown gave me the opportunity to read dozens of back issues of the parish magazines, and it’s with great pleasure that I share here the irst of Stephen’s magazine letters, which I came across in the September 2002 edition, printed shortly after the parish of Shedield went into vacancy on Geoff Morrell’s retirement and Stephen’s licensing as Reader. Eighteen years after they were written, Stephen’s words seem to me to resonate perfectly with his letter in this current issue, as well as with the extraordinary times in which we ind ourselves.

Stephen writes

Dear friends ‘It’s not the winning but the taking part that counts.’ These thoughts echoed in my mind as the captain asked me to bowl the inal overs in the recent cricket match against Shedield. Playing for the Crumblies, I became acutely aware that what was needed were a few tight deliveries to restrict the opposition to a manageable total… In the event, the opposing batsman was in no danger of my getting him out. Much more vulnerable were the top windows of Sam’s Hotel as he smashed me on his way to an undefeated half-century. Any hope of winning the match evaporated, but it was all in a good cause and the Study Centre funds beneited through the generosity of players, sponsors and of course the sale of pavilion teas kindly arranged by Rosemary Yeoman and her helpers. The winning was not so important as the taking part…and Christianity is not of course a sport. But relecting on the crick- et match it seems to me that there are parallels that can be drawn. In Jesus Christ we have a coach whose training manual is there for all to see, to read and to follow. The future is an opportunity, and taking part is essential if we are to rise to the challenge: ‘to go in peace to love and serve the Lord’… I pledge to you my service to the very best of my ability. All I ask in return is that we all acknowledge that Christian commitment is not a passive act – it’s the taking part that counts. With love, Stephen

Thank you, Stephen for a ministry shared so ably and so generously over so many years. And our pledge to you is to take all that you have taught us and shared with us into the life of our churches and our communities as we ‘go in peace to love and serve the Lord’. Revd Jane Isaac, Incumbent of the United Beneice of Shedield and Wickham


Our prayers and love go to Revd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley on the occasion of her ordination as priest at St John the Baptist Church, Shedield on 2nd October. The service will be live streamed by the diocese and is available on the diocesan Face- book page: details on our church websites. We miss being able to gather together each month but we are holding out our hands to reach you Five inger prayer

For more ideas visit our Messy Church Page at hp://

To find out more: call Sue Piam (Messy Team Leader) on 01329 828 589 and visit


On Monday, 14th September, a few members of Shedield Mothers’ Union were at St John the Baptist Primary school as lots of young children arrived to begin their irst day at school. It can be an emo- tional time for families, but probably more so for parents, as their children take this important irst step into full time education. As they left their children in the care of the teachers, the parents/car- ers were given a bunch of lowers and gift bag containing a short message, a pack of tissues, a tea bag, a bar of chocolate, and a prayer card. We hope our small gift brought some comfort to parents. Thank you to Sonia, Anne, Yvonne, Deborah, Jacky, Joss and Rose- mary for all that was involved in getting the project off the ground - sourcing the items, making up the bags, making up the lower bunches, and for distributing the gifts. Over the last few years, members of Shedield MU, together with members of the church have been involved in many projects in school, ranging from sewing multi-coloured doves to getting wet and muddy at “Wild Monday” outdoor learn- ing sessions. Christian care for families and family life is the core of our work locally and worldwide. This “Bags of Love” project has been a joint enterprise with Wickham MU and supported by Rev. Jane, Rev. Juliet and Rev. Ruth from the beneice of St Nicholas Wickham and St John the Baptist, Shedield. It has been a delight to be part of this project, and we will certainly continue in the future.


About 15 years ago, my wife and I took on the maintenance of the lower bed on the south side of St John the Baptist Church, Shedield. Initially it was a Rose bed, and we continued with this for a short time. However, many of the old Roses needed replacing; so, we removed all the bushes and replaced them with new plants. The new bushes initially did well, but it was evident that the competition between us the Gardeners, and the local resident Deer was unsustainable!

A new bold approach was required. We thus contacted one of our Daughters who has a Garden Design business, with a view to her advising and providing a new layout for this piece of land, to exclude Roses. Once again, the Rose bed was demolished, and the area planted up with the well-established growth that exists today. Our Grandson, who is now 12, was a willing helper as a pre-school volunteer!

Over the ensuing years, additional items have been added, such as daffodils and tulips…. however, the Deer love the latter, so very few survive. The liberal sowing of Foxglove seeds, brings hope for a blaze of colour in the summer with some plants to encourage ground cover, helping to cut down on the amount of weeding required.

Overall, we hope that this endeavour has been a success, and the time has come for us to hand this over to a successor so that this prominent feature of the churchyard can continue to be an attractive place for us all to contemplate our beautiful world in the relative warmth of the south wall.

The area requires some attention during the year: this consists of some weeding with the bulk of maintenance in Septem- ber, when the Yew bushes need a haircut, as does the Rosemary and Lavender, with minor attention to some of the other bushes.

Mike and Mandy Taylor

If you are interested in taking on this very rewarding task, please contact either;

Adrian Jordan or Carol Hotchkiss {Church Wardens} or

Mike and Mandy Taylor 01489 893172. Email [email protected] Home visits willingly undertaken CHAMBERLAINS FREE Personal service by the partners FAMILY SOLICITORS Colin Chamberlain & Henry Mundy INITIAL RED LION STREET (off High Strret) We can help you with a wide range BISHOP’S WALTHAM OFFICE of legal services including Conveyancing, Probate and Wills 01489 896141 INTERVIEW Email: [email protected]

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End Polio Now There was exciting news on 25th August when the World Health Organisation declared that the whole continent of Africa had been free of the wild Polio Virus for more than 3 years. Bishops Waltham Rotary has been contributing to the End Polio Now project since the club’s formation in 1989. The project was started by Rotary in 1985, when there were 350,000 cases of wild polio in 125 Countries every year. Rotary has been partnered by UNICEF and more recently the Bill Gates Foundation to advocate the beneits of the eradication of the virus which can cause severe disabilities, with children under 5 most vulnerable to infection. The announcement that Africa is wild polio free means that there are only two countries in the world where transmission of the wild virus has never been stopped these are Afghanistan and Pakistan. Rotary works with all the agencies in those countries to deliver vaccine to all children under 5, often struggling against the climate and communities that do not understand the beneits of immunisa- tion. Despite this there have only been 102 cases of wild virus infec- tion worldwide this year. The United Nations have established a World Polio Day on 25th October every year. As part of the awareness campaign, Bishops Waltham Rotary will be planting 4000 purple crocus corms around the area during Octo- ber. Look out for the purple blooms in February/March 2021. Street collection in aid of those affected by the explosion in Beirut Many of you would have been shocked, like us, to have seen the footage of the major explosion that shook Beirut in August, the sheer scale of the devastation and the numbers affected. We were very keen to help out by organising a street collection, but we were mindful of ensuring that any funds we sent would reach the right people, plus there were the practicali- ties of trying to do such a collection in the post lockdown environment we ind ourselves in. After a bit of careful research, we made contact with a Rotary Club in Beirut, who were already running a food bank out there and were ideally suited to provide support where appropri- ate. Plus, with a bit of ingenuity involving screwing collecting buckets to workbenches so that we could be suitably distanced from any prospective donators, a lot of hand gel and some disinfectant wipes we managed to mount a street collection in early September. At this point in time we do not know exactly how successful the collection was because the money raised is in quarantine for 72 hours, but we are conident that several hundred pounds was raised. Like our Facebook page or take a look at our website for updates on the funds raised for Beirut, the ight against Polio, what is going on, what we have been up to and how you can help us help others! [email protected] MEON VALLEY LIONS CLUB

Meon Valley Lions were getting concerned about our lack of visibility in the community over recent months. Did everyone know we were out there to help those in need at this dificult time? Never being a group to shy away from a challenge, we have run a programme of communication sessions in our local communities: Wickham, Swanmore and Bishops Waltham. During our programme we met some old friends, but also had the opportunity to talk to members of the community who were not fully aware of the range of charitable activities Lions undertake. It also made them think a little more about anyone they knew who could do with a helping hand. Our key message has been, who are the Lions, what do we do and most importantly do you know anyone who would beneit from our help? Supporting the local community We have supported many causes over the recent months from providing planters for a local nursing home to helping families with inance for wheelchairs. Please get in touch if you need help and well do our best to support you. Minibus The minibus is available to support local groups and we have put all the measures in place to ensure we can operate the service safely. Lions usually drive but at times we cannot, so additional volunteers give us a hand. If you feel you could help out occasionally by driving the minibus, please contact John Sharpe on 01489-892750. Charity donations As you can imagine, we are looking at different ways to fundraise so we can support the local community. If you would like to make a donation an easy way to do this is simply text: LIONS to 70490 to donate £3 OR if you would like to donate between £1 and £20 text LIONS followed by your donation amount e.g. to donate £5 text LIONS 5 or to donate £10 text LIONS 10. Texts cost your chosen donation amount plus one standard network rate message. Another great way to donate and it won’t cost you a penny! If like many of us, you are using Amazon to do your shop- ping, you can help us raise money by simply changing your settings and Amazon will donate every time you make a purchase through your account. Go onto and select Meon valley Lions Club. Why not join us: We are a happy group of appropriate 30 members (not to forget partners) who work and play hard so, if you’d like to join Meon Valley Lions Club please check out our website. Dates for your diary Swanmore Fete 2021 - We’ll keep you updated on our website but in the meantime please add next year’s date to your diary: Saturday 10th July 2021. Contact us through our website:


Currently our indoor meetings are suspended until at least January 2021 due to Covid-19. We are now holding meet- ings twice a month via Zoom. The irst was a presentation by our Chairman Mike Hollis on Al Jarf, an ancient Egyptian port. The next will be on 29th September when Dr Lyndon Palmer will give a presentation on the history of Smallpox and its relationship to Covid-19. Future Zoom presentations have not been decided yet. Members will be sent a link to join the session a few days before, and we look forward to more of you taking part. Some of our groups have managed to continue by communicating through email or meeting outdoors- Poetry Circle and Reading. Mike has started giving Zoom presentations to the Egyptology group. Strolling has resumed with a limit of six people socially distancing. Others due to their nature of visiting places /meeting in groups – Art Appreciation, Geology and Nostalgia have ceased for the time being. Membership renewals have been postponed until January. Meon Valley U3A is one of the smallest U3As with a membership of over 100 people and has nine interest groups. If you are interested in joining please use one of the contact details below. General enquiries to: Betty Hiscock, Secretary 01489 894807 or 07766522464 email: [email protected] Website: WALTHAM CHASE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE

Connecting in lockdown!!

Our monthly meetings have been suspended since April. Likewise, our outings, meals and coffee mornings. In fact, for many of us life did end on the 24th March!! But not all. Some of our members have been busy working from home whilst others have been trying to keep the communication going. Regular phone calls, especially to those living alone, and monthly news reports have helped. Full of member’s fun and interesting contributions – how to cope, poems, recipes, lots of funny bits and personal memories and stories. Unlike our normal newsletter which runs to one side of A4 and is full of WI business (pretty boring really) Covid news goes on and on. From May W I friends we have been meeting on Monday mornings in distanced small groups on Waltham Chase Rec. Bring your own chair and drink and sit 2 metres apart in a circle of six - it works - and when the sun shines which it has for the majority of Mondays throughout the summer, it’s a great place to meet up with friends. You may have seen our President, Chris Denny, around the village litter-picking whilst doing her permitted exercise. Waltham Chase must be the cleanest village in Hampshire?! Special mention must go to Candy Coley, our Care Worker member, who has worked throughout lockdown in a nursing home where there have been no coronavirus cases. We are very proud of her. The War Memorial lower troughs have provided a constant splash of colour over the summer thanks to Di Portman and Denise Francis’ green ingers. Working with Shedield WI the troughs are planted up and maintained throughout the year. One positive from all of this is the ZOOM revolution. Denman WI College has been running various courses via Zoom which have been well received by members. Zoom has certainly pushed many of us into the world of technology! Our next planned jumble sale in October, will not be happening. However, we are looking forward to a whopper sale next March so hang on to all your ‘stuff’! Best to be positive?? We are not too sure about our immediate future. We hope to organise local walks, meals and coffee mornings from this month but our regular meetings at the village hall may not happen again this year. Working within the coronavi- rus rules and guidelines isn’t easy!! We just try to remember our motto – ‘Fun and Friendship’ and keep connecting! For more information please contact our secretary: [email protected]

Waltham Committee.


Waltham Chase Village Hall, Winchester Road We have started the new academic year with Waltham Chase, Hampshire SO32 2LX lots of new faces and it’s been lovely to see our Telephone: 07913 640795 older children return. All the children have settled in really well and we [email protected] would like to thank the parents for their support and cooperation Registered Charity: 1038627 following our Covid-19 guidelines which has made the opening and Ofsted Number: 109969 cooperation of the pre-school as easy as it can be.

We would like to welcome Chloe to the team. She has settled in very well and the children are enjoying have a new person to play with.

We have lots of availability for new children from aged 2. We are open Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 3pm. Please give us a ring or email if you would like to inquire.


The Society has already been treated to some excellent speakers so far this year and then in July Paul Sanders gave a presentation on “Mindful Photography”. Former picture editor of The Times newspaper, Paul explained how photography helped him overcome the incredible stress of his role. He found by employing a mindful, almost meditative, approach to his photography allowed him to overcome this stress-illed existence. Chairman John Coote said “If you had thought that you had heard every style of photographer’s talk, I think that most of those who heard Paul Sanders’ talk to us last night would agree that it was unique”. Here are a few of the comments that members wrote in the text chat on Zoom: ‘Just like to thank Paul for his honesty - can see why his photographs express such feeling’, ‘I’m now looking forward to trying out Paul’s mindful approach to photography’, ‘Stunning, fabulous talk and pictures, thank you Paul’, ‘So good to hear someone talk about the mental process of picture making rather than the technicali- ties’, ‘Paul is not only the most incredibly talented photographer, teacher and wordsmith but such a genuinely lovely and caring person who I have had the privilege of spending time with and learning from’ and, ‘best talk I've heard for a long time’. Our member’s evenings over recent months have been dedicated to sharing our knowledge on ‘processing/editing’ images. Recently Dave Kirkland and Gabor Kovacs did a wonderful job of providing a ‘live demo’ of the software programs they use for this task. Gabor ran through the layout and sliders he uses in Luminar. It is interesting to see irst-hand the processes used by different people – Dave’s ‘worklow’ demonstrated many useful shortcuts and techniques he uses to achieve the effect he wants. The second half of the evening saw a few members show ‘before and after’ processing: images with adjustments – from basic cropping to in depth reconstruction! Thank you to both gentlemen and members for taking the time to demonstrate techniques used – everyone would have taken something away from this. The beginning of August saw the third competition round with the return of Gordon Brown ARPS to provide the critique. This round had the theme of ‘On My Doorstep’ – the topic was chosen way before any restrictions came into play but very apt indeed! Gordon gave some wonderful feedback and was very complimentary on the standard of entries. Many congratulations to every- one who gained places – some new names appearing in the Primary League including two of our Junior members. The fourth round is in November with the League standings very tight at the top so watch this space for the inal tallies and who will be lifting the trophies! Primary League 1st Louise Goslin “Alternative Sunlower”, 2nd Olivia P “Within the Shadows”, 3rd Dianne Lucas “Last of the Crop”, HC Evie T “Anyone for a Game of Cricket” Intermediate League 1st Mary Gardiner “Momento Mori”, 2nd Helen Thomson “Shadow”, 3rd Jerry Draper “Poppy Seedhead”, HC Paul Harknett “Dragon Fly”, HC Kevin Melsome “Olives” Advanced League 1st Sarah Townley “Blackbirds Fighting above the Bird Table”, 2nd Helen Otton “Fleeting Moment over the Garden Hedge”, 3rd Dawn Blight “Waiting”see photo, HC Roy Gray “Bee Happy”, HC Gareth Morgan “Tweasel”, HC Graham Campbell “Birdfeeder”. On September 3rd guest speaker Paul Davidson ARPS, DPAGB, gave a presentation entitled ‘A Travelogue: Shipbreaking, whale hunting and a slice of paradise’. Members were treated to some stunning environmental landscape photography in Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia. Paul’s main reason for travel though is to engage with people and his portraits showed this – the people he met were happy to be photographed going about their everyday lives. Thank you, Paul, for sharing your travel experiences and wonderful images. Coming Up: Over the next couple of months our programme has been extended to include more guest speaker presentations together with the annual event of Members presenting their Portfolios/Panels based around set topics. Guy Edwardes will be talking to the Society about ‘Landscape and Nature Photography’ on Thursday 1st October and on 29th Jane Lazenby will give a ‘live’ demo on how to add textures to photographs. Sadly, we are unable to hold our annual Member’s Print Exhibition in the United Free Church in Bishop’s Waltham this year. The good news though is that the exhibition will become a ‘virtual’ one with a collection of the fabulous work by our members put together by our IT guru Matthew White, in an ‘online’ exhibition – see the lyer in this magazine which contains a link available from the 15th October for everyone to view this through October. The link is also available in various other publications, social media and via the Society’s website. We are still accepting new members (annual sub. £30) – we may not be able to meet face-to face but a warm welcome will await anyone interested in taking pictures, wanting to improve their skills and chat (via Zoom!) with like-minded people. There is no need to enter competitions! More information about the Society can be found on our website: For anyone with children/grandchildren interested in photography, the Society’s Junior section is also continuing at this time with online meetings and set topics – please contact Peter Mason [email protected] for more information. SHEDFIELD PARISH COUNCIL

For those that do not know, some information on the role of a Parish Council. A Parish Council is the 3rd tier of Local Govern- ment and Shedield Parish Council incorporates the three villages of Shedield, Shirrell Heath and Waltham Chase. Our fund- ing (or precept) comes from Council Tax paid by Parish residents, via Winchester City Council. At full strength we would have 14 members; councillors are all unpaid volunteers, serving their community, and together are responsible for taking care of many aspects of village life, such as the Recreation Ground and “Triangle” open spaces in Waltham Chase, open space area at Provene Gardens and the Cemetery on Church Road, Shedield. In addition, the Parish Council manages over 40 acres of Common Land in Shedield. Shedield Parish Council is also the Trustee of two areas of land which were gifted to the Parish for speciic uses – Shedield Recreation Ground and Shirrell Heath Recreation Ground and Allotments. As Registered Charities, in accordance with Charity Commission rules, separate records/accounts are kept. The Parish Council is responsible for maintaining all of these lands, plus dealing with many other issues throughout the Parish. To achieve this, the Council has several Committees – Open Space, Cemetery & Common, Finance & Administration, Planning and Personnel & Procedures. Each Committee has its own Terms of Reference, with a Chair and Vice Chair. One very time-consuming responsibility is advising the District Council of our opinions on planning issues; all planning applications are passed to us by Winchester City Council for our comments, however decisions are made by WCC. We can also report issues about highway matters, potholes, footpaths, street signs and lighting and also Public Rights of Way, or you can report online at To keep all these things running the Parish Council employs a Parish Clerk, a Responsible Finance Oficer and a Planning & Projects Oficer. Meetings are usually held on Monday evenings and last for about two hours. Both the public and press are welcome to attend any meeting. We have a number of vacancies for Parish Councillors so if you are interested in joining the team, please contact Councillor Margaret Jones, Chair of the Parish Council, for further information (07587 639203). Shedield Parish Council has been working with local residents and two District Councillors to oppose plans for a big quarry and landill in 19 acres of countryside between Shedield and Waltham Chase. T J Transport and the owners of Five Oaks Farm have applied to extract over 200,000 tonnes of sand and to replace it with over 400,000 tonnes of inert waste. The work would last at least six years, with potential for extension. More than 2,000 locals signed a petition organised by residents against the plan, and hundreds of objections have been submitted. Media coverage included all local papers as well as the Hampshire Chronicle, South Today, and Radio Solent. Shedield Parish Council, in its most signiicant action ever on a planning issue, employed a consultant to co-ordinate expert technical assessments of the application, and submitted a detailed 86-page objection. The objection challenges the application on multiple grounds, including wholly inadequate preliminary studies of dangerous dust and noise, unacceptable numbers of heavy lorries entering and leaving the Winchester Road on a dangerous 50mph S-bend, potential damage to the landscape and wildlife, and the disruption of the footpath network. The sand is in any case not needed, since Hampshire’s Minerals and Waste Plan lists other existing and planned quarries with plenty of capacity for years to come. Under Town & Country Planning Regulation 25, the applicants will now have time to amend their plans before they are considered in full by Hampshire County Council. A four page summary of the Parish Council’s objection is on the Parish Council’s website / available at; Gary McCulloch is our Community Safety Oficer. Gary works closely with the Police and partner agencies to help make our villages safer places to live and work. But it's not all about anti-social behaviour and crime prevention. Gary is also on hand to share information, educate and sign-post residents and visitors on all things to do with community safety. Gary joined the Royal Navy in 1988 and progressed through the ranks before retiring in 2010. When he left he took up a position with working in the main control room as a Forensic Controller. As well as working in Shed- ield parish, Gary is the Community Safety Oficer for the parishes of Swanmore and Owslebury. Contacting Gary Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0744 2156124 Facebook: ield-CSO-101237621412458 ...or better still, catch up with him when you see him out and about – he is in the red uniform The Community Speed Watch Scheme is taking shape and training is starting this week. We would be delighted for more volunteers to join our teams. For further information please contact Friends of Shedield Common We meet on the third Sunday of each month, at 10am -2pm, at the B2177 lay-by. (next session 20 September 2020) We will be following strict rules to prevent spread of coronavirus. Everyone needs to wear gloves and appropriate clothing and maintain social distancing. In November we will be planting 420 trees granted to us by the Woodland Trust, so we will need help to prepare the ground, plant the trees, and later water and mulch them. We would welcome volunteers so please contact or ring 01329 830060 and one of the councillors will get back to you Shedield Parish Council are delighted to welcome their new Clerk, Jo Fox from 1 September. Jo grew up in Shirrell Heath and has been active in local community events all her life. She has been involved in Scouting in both Shedield and Swanmore for more than 30 years and is looking forward to getting to know residents and helping where she can. Jo can be contacted on email Tel 01329830060 mobile 07918623009. Margaret Jones, Chair of Shedield Parish Council. COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORT

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Keeping Hampshire Safe The County Council’s Covid-19 data for 14th September, the irst day of operation of the “Rule of Six” has published the latest weekly data dashboard. The data showed a total number of cases in Hampshire of 5,615, the equivalent of 399.5 cases per 100,000 population. There were 159 cases in the last seven days. The county’s current weekly rate stands at 8.4 cases per 100,000 population, compared to the England weekly rate of 19.7. Nonetheless, the overall trend in the infection rate is increasing across Hampshire. There have been 1,063 Covid-19 associated deaths in Hampshire since March, and no deaths in the last seven days – thankfully, the trend in the number of deaths continues to decline. Now is not the time to relax. Plans will be reined to relect best practice and the latest Government advice so that we can continue to deal effectively with any further outbreaks. Together, we can protect one another and keep our county safe. Please continue to play your part. To ensure the public can keep up-to-date with what is happening across the county, see Employment and Skills The County Council is ensuring support is in place to help residents secure employment if they have become unem- ployed, or had dificulty inding work after leaving education or training, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Councillor Roz Chadd, the Executive Member for Education and Skills, said “In the coming months, the Employment and Skills strategy and plan will put in place a range of measures to boost employment and apprenticeships in Hampshire… it will help to get the county’s economy back on its feet by building on, and complementing, national initiatives to promote employ- ment and reduce the number of people who are out of work, such as the national ‘Kickstart’ scheme.” At the centre of the strategy are three core principles: • Skills to meet local need and increase productivity for a prosperous and resilient local economy; • A local labour market that cultivates talent and creates employment opportunities for all in Hampshire’s communities; • High-quality skills training infrastructure and facilities to create industry-standard training in young people aged 16 – 24, which raises their aspirations and achievements, as well as meeting employer demand. Five Oaks Farm Planning Application Some 2 days before the oficial closing date for submitting representations, there were already 280. A very good meas- ure of the strength of opposition to this unwanted scheme. Your councillors have made it clear that they oppose the application and Cllr Roger Huxstep, in his capacity as a county councillor, is set to speak at the Regulatory Committee meeting when it will be determined. The parish council is compiling a dossier of evidence at great expense and volun- teer time to counter the proposal. If we all work together it can be defeated. Planning Enforcement At last we are seeing some movement on sites that have had Enforcement Notices served in our ward but not in the parish. Notably, they are in Long Road in Soberton and Dradield Lane in Newtown. It may feel like turning a tanker but eventually they do get on course. We need more of the same in parts where enforcement hasn’t reached. Re-opened Leisure Centres Winchester has re-opened both River Park, in Winchester, and Meadowside in Whiteley. To use the leisure centres people will now need to book activities in advance, either online or by using the Everyone Active app before visiting the centres. Users must make sure they are already in their sports kit before attending. Winchester Market It has been trialling the move from the High Street to the Broadway on Sundays to help facilitate social distancing. To accommodate the stalls, The Broadway has been closed from the bus station entrance to the junction of Market Street and Colebrook Street, with access to the Mercure Wessex Hotel and Market Street routed via Colebrook Street. Great Minster Street and the Square remain closed to through trafic. Hedgehogs ‘vulnerable to extinction’ It was reported last week by WWF that globally two thirds of wildlife have disappeared from the planet over the past 50 years! Here in the UK a red list of UK mammals was published, classifying hedgehogs as ‘vulnerable to extinction’. While this is not a surprise as we’ve long been aware of the dramatic hedgehog declines of recent years, it’s nonetheless sad. The silver lining is that this new classiication is an opportunity for us to further ensure that measures are taken at a local and national level to protect these important creatures. Please report any sightings on the big hedgehog map Contacts: Roger Huxstep, 01329 833884 or 07736 496184 or [email protected] Linda Gemmell, 01489 895023 or [email protected]. Frank Pearson, 01489 892822 or [email protected]. Vicki Weston, 01329 835161 or [email protected]. Please phone or e-mail for the time and location of the next surgery. REPORT TO SHEDFIELD RESIDENTS FROM WINCHESTER CITY COUNCILLORS.

I am writing this article on 11th September, the deadline date for objections to be sent to Hampshire County Council about the quarrying at Five Oaks Farm. This has been a great effort by several villagers to raise awareness and research many issues that are potentially harmful to Shedield Parish. Those most affected are residents of houses on Winchester Road and St Anne’s Lane, adjacent to the site but it would have a major impact on Waltham Chase too. The extra heavy trafic will also affect Wickham and Bishops Waltham. It has been an excellent team effort but I am sure that all of the campaign group would like to say a special thank you to Francesca Byrne, who worked tirelessly every day to make useful contacts, gain TV radio and written publicity and keep everyone doing their bit. A second blight, but one which is already happening, is the noise, dirt, smell and excess heavy trafic operating in parts of Shedield Equestrian Centre. Winchester City Council Enforcement Oficers visited the site and immediately issued Temporary Stop Notices on many activities on the site. That the physical notices were immediately removed, and activi- ty continued says a lot about the total disregard for the law and responsibility to the wider community of the site owner. At the time of writing WCC HCC and the Environment Agency are in discussion about the way forward. If you see or hear any activity, particularly ires please note time and report to one of us. The pandemic has had a signiicant impact on council inances, with additional costs incurred in supporting vulnerable residents and businesses. In addition, revenue has been lost from reduction in demand for parking, Guildhall activity and a reduction in commercial rent. A year-end deicit of £10.7m is forecast but this will be offset once a projected £5.6m has been received from government. Essential services will be maintained. On our travels around the ward we do report to WCC or HCC lytipping, blocked drains, poorly maintained footways etc but you can help maintain our villages by reporting too. An easy way is to use ‘Your Winchester App’ as an alternative to online. We are always pleased to hear from you Roger Bentote

Vivian Achwal [email protected] 07954133386 Roger Bentote [email protected] 07713736064 Jonathan Fern [email protected] 07976432981


Lesley Rose, Advice Services Manager for Citizens Advice Winchester District, shares her advice on redundancy. Q. I’ve worked at the same company for many years but I’ve been told I’m being made redundant. What redundancy pay am I entitled to? A. If you’re being made redundant, there are two types of redundancy pay you could get. ‘Statu- tory’ redundancy pay is the minimum that the law says you’re entitled to, or ‘contractual’ redundancy pay, which is extra money your contract says you can get on top of the statutory amount. You’re usually only entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you’ve been an employee for at least two years. It’s worth asking your employer or checking your contract to see if you’re entitled to more than the statutory redundancy rules allow. Statutory redundancy pay is based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job, up to a max of £538 a week. The Citizens Advice and websites have calculators to help work out how much you’ll get. For example, if you’re aged 41 and over, you’ll get 1.5 week’s statutory redundancy pay for each full year you’ve worked, up to a maximum of 20 years’ service. If your employer offers a suitable alternative job, but you refuse to take it without good reasons, they can refuse to pay your redundancy. You won’t get statutory redundancy pay if you’ve been employed for less than two years, are self-em- ployed or are in certain jobs like the armed forces or police (though you may be entitled to contractual pay). If you’ve been furloughed, the law now says that your redundancy pay should be worked out using your usual wages, even if you were paid 80% while you were furloughed. However, statutory redundancy pay still limits a weeks’ pay to £538. If your employer has told you that your redundancy pay will be based on your furlough rate of pay, you could explain to the employer that isn’t what the website says about redundancy pay, or contact your local Citizens Advice. To contact Citizens Advice Winchester District call us on 0300 330 2183 or email [email protected] MHA COMMUNITIES WINCHESTER

MHA Winchester Live at Home was established in Summer 2000 by a local steering commit- tee who had felt there was a need for additional support for older people in Winchester and contacted MHA (Methodist Homes for the Aged) about starting up a Live at Home branch. The United Church (Jewry Street) provided an ofice space and at the end of the irst year the scheme had just under 20 members, ran one weekly club, had a handful of volunteers and a scheme manager. 20 years later and the scheme currently supports 380 older people, employs nine staff and have support 130 volunteers. In usual times the scheme runs over 20 weekly clubs and classes as well as supporting members with one to one befriending, transport, outings and an annual holiday. On 7th September the scheme has been renamed as MHA Communities – Winchester. Manager, Anna Miles said ‘Over the last twenty years we have supported so many older people and enabled them to live more independent lives within the community and so we feel this name change encapsulates what we do so much more concisely and accurately. I have been part of the staff team for the past 12 years and it’s been a privilege to work alongside such dedicated people and witness the real difference the services we provide make to those living in our local community. I am very grateful to our fantastic team of staff and volunteers who have worked so hard to adapt and deliver ongoing services to our mem- bers at this dificult time. We are excited to mark our 20th year with a new name and know we will continue to be here to support people to live later life well for many years to come!’ MHA Communities – Winchester provides support and friendship to older people, living in their own homes across the Winchester District, to help maintain independence, improve well-being, encourage inclusion and reduce isolation. Our primary aim is to help local older people to live later life well. They aim to provide that ‘little bit of help at the right time’ to prevent issues such as loneliness, isolation and increasing frailty becoming triggers for depression and lack of coni- dence, leading to illness and earlier than necessary admission to hospital and residential care. The scheme is designed to be community-based, community-led, and for the beneit of older people, involving older people at all levels of the Scheme. The only criteria for membership is a person must be over the age of 60 and living independently, this can be in their own home, with family or in sheltered housing but not residential care. In the last twenty years MHA Communities - Winchester have supported over 3000 older people to live independent lives in the Winchester District. This is no small part to the generosity of the public who have donated and supported fundraising events as well as continued support from both Winchester City and Hampshire County Councils. We have been delighted that since 2017 HCC has recognised the value of the services and support we provide, by funding MHA to develop a network of schemes across the county. As a result of this there are now nine other MHA Communities enabling over 2100 older people in Hampshire to live later life well and this number continues to expand daily. Due to Covid-19 they had to suspend all regular services in mid-March and since then, with the support of their volun- teers, have delivered 200 prescriptions, provided 800 lots of shopping, delivered 3,500 hot meals made over 4,000 telephone befriending and welfare calls. They currently support 380 older people across the Winchester District and have put in place a programme of remote and online activities, such as exercise, Tai Chi, Cheerleading and singing sessions as well as delivering art and activity packs, to keep their members engaged and entertained at this challenging time. They have distributed ‘Well-being Bags’ to all of their members during May, containing sweets, puzzles, plants and lots more, which have been very well received. MHA Communities - Winchester member Sylvia said “No matter how many things you ill your time with, you need friends, and that’s what I found at MHA. The singing is the highlight of my week. It’s such a friendly group and makes me feel so joyful. It’s really nice to meet so many people in my age group. We can chat about things and everyone under- stands because they’ve experienced something similar. The friends I’ve met mean an awful lot to me and although I’m missing them all currently but at least I have lots of people to chat to on the phone!’ MHA Communities - Winchester member Marilyn said “You have been, and continue to be, very busy on our behalf! How fortunate we are to have such a marvellous service available to us. You have so many services happening normally and even when there is a pandemic you do not let that hold you back, you just ind different ways of working or different services to offer, you are always so thoughtful, thank you for caring so much.” If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer or want to ind out more about the scheme please call 01962 890995, email [email protected] or ind them on Facebook @MHAWinchester

For further information contact: Anna Miles, Scheme Manager 01962 890995 / 07709498050 [email protected] MHA web site Dynamo School of Gymnastics presents Gymtots at Mondays Shedfield Study Centre (behind the church) 12:15 - 13:15 Thursday Mornings Starting 13:30 - 14:30 8th October 2020 Senior level instructor with ten years experience

Small class size to allow for technique checking and personal attention.

Suitable for all levels

Hatha Yoga

£8 per class paid as a 6 week block (£48)

Shedfield Study Centre , St Johns Lane, Shedfield, SO32 2HY (Behind the Church)

For more information contact Natalie 07968 504057 [email protected] Venues: Study Centre Lynn Hayward [email protected] 07789 391530 01329 835134 Reading Room Caroline Ford Windmill House St. John's Lane Shedfield 01329 832 107

Waltham Chase Village Hall Christine Cunningham [email protected] 07940 704 676

Children’s Centre Merry-Go-Round Buddens Road Wickham 01329 834 874 Children’s Society Anne-Marie Huxstep Cam Cottage, Botley Rd., Shedfield 01329 833884 Orienteering Caroline Ford Windmill House St John’s Lane Shedfield 01329 832 107 Brownies: Waltham Chase Heather Pearce [email protected] 07791 966 432 Shedfield Sarah Moore [email protected] 01489 892 700 Shedfield Guides Helen Dyne [email protected] 01489 892 381 Shedfield Rainbows Hilary Tucker [email protected] 07531 365046 Friends of Guiding Jane Gentry 71 Churchill Ave Bishops Waltham 01489 890 961 Scouts 1stShedfield Sue Ward [email protected] 01329 833 635 Beavers (Mon) Sue Ward ‘’ ‘’ Mowgli Cubs (Tue) Sue Ward ‘’ 01329 833 635 Grey Brother Cubs (Wed) Sue Ward ‘’ ‘’ Scouts (Mon) Sue Ward [email protected] 01329 833 635 Explorers Jenny Bunce [email protected] Shedfield Cricket Club Sec Mark Phillimore The Grange Sandy Lane Shedfield 01329 833 865 Shedfield Horticultural Society Caroline Ford Windmill House St John's Lane Shedfield 01329 832 107 Shedfield Society Caroline Ford Windmill House St John’s Lane Shedfield 01329 832 107 Shedfield Petanque Jed Stone [email protected] 07979 654 934 Waltham Chase Toddler Group Sandra Glover 32 Brooklyn Close Waltham Chase 01489 891 509 Fairlands Toddler Group Jo Skinner Church Road Shedfield SO32 2HY 01329 834 848 Shirrell Heath Methodist Pam Morgan [email protected] 07722 057 772 Waltham Chase Little Fishes Rosie Banks 01489 896 736 Tree Warden Peter Milla Glebe Lodge Church Road Shedfield 01329 833 405 Trust 2000: Secretary Jacky Wood Brooklynn, Winchester Rd., Waltham Chase 01489 893615 Chairman Anne Taylor Rivendell Twynhams Hill Shirrell Heath 01329 834 904 Waltham Chase Caravan Club Chris Bezant 45 Forest Close Waltham Chase 01489 892 043 Waltham Wolves & Mini Soccer Alison Searle 6 Linden Close Waltham Chase 01489 325 234 Waltham Chase Flower Club Jill Sutton Woodbank Chase Grove Waltham Chase 01489 892 824 Waltham Chase History Group Linda Dudley [email protected] 01489 896 690 Meon Valley Lions Club Carole Dash [email protected] 08458 337 812 Women’s Institute: Shedfield Josie Dyson Hill View Mill Lane Brockbridge 01489 877 621 Waltham Chase Julia Hewlins [email protected] 01489 896 837

PARISH COUNCILLORS Jim Coleman Heath Lodge, High Street Shirrell Heath 01329 835 382 Shedfield/Shirrell Heath Ward Stuart Jones Claremont. Solomons Lane Shirrell Heath 01329 833 148 Jane Warwick Mariners Cottage, Turkey Island, Shedfield 01329 833985 Linda Warren Poppy Down Cottage, High Street Shirrell Hth. 01329 833 626 Francesca Byrne Heatherley, Church Road, Shedfield 01329 834007 Waltham Chase Ward Margaret Jones The Firs, Chase Grove Waltham Chase 01489 894 663 Maria Robbie Greenacre, Hospital Road Shirrell Heath ------Arthur Reading 39 The Ridings, Waltham Chase 01489 895 025 Sam Charles 34 Provene Gardens, Waltham Chase 07702 400157 Stuart Dyne Alwoodley, Clubhouse Lane, Waltham Chase 01489 892381 Shedfield Parish Council Clerk Parish Council Office Shedfield Recreation Ground Upper Church Road 01329 830 060 [email protected] 07918 623 009 Gary McCulloch Community Safety Officer 0744 2156124 [email protected] District Councillors Linda Gemmell 1 Highlands Winchester Road Waltham Chase 01489 895 023 Vivian Achwal [email protected] 01489 570 199 Roger Bentote [email protected] 01489 890 698 Frank Pearson [email protected] 01489 892 822 Vicki Weston [email protected] 01329 835 161 Jonathan Fern [email protected] 07713 736 064 County Councillor Roger Huxstep Cam Cottage Botley Road Shedfield 01329 833 884