President Weigner called the meeting to order. All schools were represented excepting Immaculata and North Hunterdon. Also, in attendance was football, baseball, softball assignor Joe Shaw. Mr. Hopek was not in attendance due to an emergent situation at home.

Mrs. Abbott reviewed the 2017 sportsmanship award winners as Ridge, Warren Hills, and Pingry.

The June meeting minutes were approved unanimously following a motion by Mr. Venuto and a second by Mr. Maggio

Mr. Fanizzi presented the Treasurer’s Report. There was little activity since the August meeting although Mr. Fanizzi expressed concern of the present balance of $92,479.86. Approximately $20,000 is outstanding from dues and entry fees. Insurance costs from Stuber Insurance will be less this year due to not using the Jersey City Armory for the indoor track championships.

Mr. Gordon motioned to approve and was seconded by Mr. Maggio. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Franey spoke on the development of a Conference website in working with Digital Sports, who does the same for the . The focus of the project is to post event results, divisional standings, etc… The challenge is to retain an individual to update information accurately and promptly. In addition, a password-protected section is to remain available for Athletic Directors. Mr. Raymond encouraged the membership to support the website development as a way to recognize and promote the achievements of the student-athletes. Mr. Maselli echoed Mr. Raymond’s sentiments. Mr. Maggio discussed having Harry Frezza serve in this capacity. Mr. Franey discussed the possibility of a per school fee of $100 per season for compensation to an individual for maintaining the information. Mr. Miller also noted the website is a great way to have a central location for results, All Conference Selections, and standings. Mr. Weigner asked for a motion to move forward and bring concrete costs to the October meeting.

Mr. Franey motioned and Mr. Miller seconded a motion to pursue Digital Sports and Harry Frezza along with related costs to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Raymond presented information relative to the Athletic Trainers’ meeting. He noted that revisions regulating CEU’s makes it difficult to provide them to participants. He asked if it is significant to offer CEU’s or promote dialogue among the ATC’s. He will arrange a forum to be led by Dr. Kripsak. In the past the attendance has not been great and asked the membership to encourage ATC’s to attend. Mr. Weigner commented that it is important for ATC’s to know one another as there have been changes in personnel at many Conference schools.

Mr. Maselli presented a report of the Re-alignment Committee who were also to meet following the conference meeting. The Committee last met for 5 hours after receiving feedback from the membership. The plan is to send out a draft by the end of the current week to be voted on in October. The guiding philosophy used was school population. Adjustments were then to be made when a program was grossly misplaced due to the strength of the program. Some changes have been made from the present alignment. In addition, boys and girls teams of same sports may be placed in different divisions. The Committee will also recommend a point system to determine standings with results from divisional and cross over games counting toward a championship. Mr. Maggio noted that schools with boys’ lacrosse teams that play in the NJILL should request to be in the same division of that conference or withdraw from it. Mr. Weigner noted it is hard to schedule all of the necessary games necessary for each conference. Mr. Hoppe indicated that it can be done and schools should be allowed to remain in both conferences. Mr. Franey and Mrs. Klinger noted that their schools had previously withdrawn as per direction from the Skyland Conference. Mr. Maselli noted that some schools have been unable to meet the obligations of both conferences. He supported Mr. Maggio’s statement to either be in one NJILL division or withdraw. Mr. Deniz asked if the involved schools are able to meet separately to try and resolve the situation. Further discussion ensued. It was noted that the Re-alignment Committee recommendation will dictate home and away scheduling in the small school division. Mr. Shello asked if the structure of the number of divisions in each sport was similar to the past. Mr. Maselli noted that there were minimal changes. Mr. Shello inquired about the point system and why cross over wins were worth less points than divisional wins. Discussion on this point ensued. Mr. Maggio noted that baseball coaches wanted cross overs to count to ensure that make up games are played. Mr. Maselli noted that the Committee felt the divisional games should be weighted more. He also noted that going forward the Committee will need to look at placement of choice schools. Mr. Franey suggested that the number of varsity participants in each sport of a choice school from another district should be obtained.

Mr. Weigner opened a discussion of cross country batch races. He asked that the term Divisional Championship Meet replace batch race. Brian Baumann noted that one team had purposely been non- competitive in a meet by not having team members run their best. Mr. Fanizzi stated that perhaps the cross country schedule should be done in one day using a FAT system to sort out divisional champions. Mr. Baumann noted that is a possibility. Mr. Maggio asked if the divisional championship meets could be done in one day at one location. Mr. Baumann responded that it would need to be on a Saturday as it would consist of 8 separate races. Mr. Bauman also reminded schools to request a certificate of insurance for the Conference Championship meet.

Mr. Maggio inquired if schools were receiving notification of changes in the assignment of officials from the Arbiter. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Shello said they would call the company to investigate if this is possible.

Mr. Shello reported that the 2nd draft of the Mid State 37 Football Conference – Greater Middlesex Conference cooperative schedule had been sent out by Scott Miller of David Brearley High School. Schools with concerns in the cooperative schedule are to report them to Mr. Miller ASAP. Mr. Margolin expressed his concern respective to Franklin High School as it is felt that the schedule is too difficult. Mr. Fanizzi expressed concern in having the full schedule overhauled as opposed to addressing the small schools that are in need of games. He also stated his concern in the cooperative committee never having reported to the MS 37 Executive Committee. Mr. Maggio reported that in the scheduling process there were changes in the GMC alignments and also New Providence changed group size all of which created further challenges in scheduling. He explained that the cooperative schedule was approved to move forward in February, 2017 with Mr. Miller as the chair of the committee. A first draft was submitted in June, 2017. All procedures were followed by the committee as per the February meeting of the Mid State 37.

Mr. Shello reported on the most recent NJSIAA Leagues and Conferences meeting. Jamie Lovejoy, Head Boys Lacrosse Coach at Watchung Hills and President of the NJILCA had presented a proposal to re-format the state tournament seeding. Mr. Maggio noted that the proposal could have an impact for other sports. Schools are to report to Mr. Shello electronically by September 30 whether to approve or disprove the proposal. Other issues included the 365 day coaching rule, the use of a scoreboard in soccer, and steroid testing. One student-athlete in tested positively in 2016-17.

Mr. Shaw reminded football playing schools that coaches must remain along the sideline coaching area and press box. They cannot be behind the end line where end zone cameras are place. He also requested schools to avoid scheduling freshmen games on Friday afternoons due to conflicts with night Varsity games.

Items for the Good of the Conference: 1. Mr. Venuto provided updated information of the Conference cheerleader competition. 2. Mr. Maggio expressed his concern in the # of participants in athletics declining. He also noted that Rutgers football staff member Rick Mantz is willing to offer presentation with high school guidance personnel. He also professed his surprise in having a boy’s soccer player at Bridgewater-Raritan gaining approval of an eligibility waiver for age. 3. Mr. Raymond asked if anyone was using on-line ticketing. 4. Mr. Franey thanked Mr. Maselli for his tireless work with the Re-alignment Committee. 5. Mr. Shello shared the NJSIAA football play-off proposal. 6. Next meeting is Oct. 18 at Hunterdon Poly Tech.

On a motion by Mary Klinger and second by Geri McKelvey the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Rich Shello