A Cappella Jewish Group Six13

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A Cappella Jewish Group Six13 www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 40, No. 2 n October 2017 / 5778 A message from Alan Isaacs and flooding, and left more where you will find a link to make a BRIEFS FROM THE than 10 million people special contribution to the fund for the NETANYAHU TO UN EXECUTIVE without power throughout victims of Hurricane Irma statewide. the state. Though most re- I assure you that any aid that we need SECRETARY-GENERAL: DIRECTOR ports indicate that we may locally will be available through this UN HAS FAILED TO LIVE n Alan Isaacs have dodged a worst-case- fund and is being monitored on an on- UP TO ITS MANDATE WHEN scenario, we are just now – going basis. IT COMES TO ISRAEL irst: The Jewish Federation of with power returning to most locations Regarding the national Federa- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Lee and Charlotte Counties – able to begin to assess the situation. tions’ Hurricane Harvey Relief efforts, told visiting UN Secretary General An- Fboard and staff express our pro- This is a time when our Federa- more than $10 million has been raised tonio Guterres: “The mandate of the found hope that our community – each tion’s Vision is amplified: We aspire to – which is one third of the estimated UN was to advance peace and security one of you – has emerged from the be “A Jewish community that is based $30 million needed to rebuild. These and international cooperation...but... storm with only a memory of the dev- on Jewish values such as Tzedakah funds, from local Federations, founda- the UN has failed when it comes to Is- astation (it is important to draw lessons (benevolence), Tikkun Olam (repairing tions and the Government of Israel, are rael to live up to this mandate. The UN from adversity) and as little pain from the world) and K’lal Yisrael (taking re- already being put to work. is mandated to preserve world heritage, it as possible. sponsibility for one another).” We all hope for a speedy return to but UNESCO, a world body, time and Tragically, our recent hurricane is In this spirit, and with the knowl- normalcy. If we can be of assistance, again makes a mockery of that heri- the second natural disaster to hit the edge that many communities in Florida we will do all we can to help. Please tage most absurdly when it denies the U.S. in short order, this time affecting have been devastated, some much more contact me at [email protected] 3,000-year-old connection of the Jew- the entire State of Florida with Lee and than ours, I urge you to visit the home or 239.481.4449 x7. ish people to our eternal capital, Jeru- Charlotte counties directly in its path. page of the Jewish Federation web- salem. The UN is mandated to pursue The storm caused statewide damage site at www.jewishfederationlcc.org, more briefs on page 15 A CAPPELLA JEWISH GROUP SIX13 A CAPPELLA JEWISH GROUP SIX13 A CAPPELLA JEWISH GROUP SIX13 UnderwriTen by a generous donor UnderwriTen by a generous donor UnderwriTen by a generous donor Performing at a Free Musical Concert Performing at a Free Musical Concert Performing at a Free Musical Concert Sunday, October 22, 2017 Sunday, October 22, 2017 Sunday, October 22, 2017 Co-sponsored by: Co-sponsored by: Co-sponsored by: Everyone Is Invited | Everyone Is Invited | Everyone Is Invited | Refreshments to follow Refreshments to follow Refreshments to follow 12:30PM at TEMPLE BETH EL 12:30PM at TEMPLE BETH EL 12:30PM at TEMPLE BETH EL 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR L'CHAYIM OCTOBER 2017 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes In this issue: am writing this column from a hotel room in San Stephen Tobolowsky – you may not recognize Antonio, Texas. You are probably reading this in his name, but you would certainly recognize his face. 5 Our Community early October, but I am writing this the day af- He is a comedic character actor who has been in nu- 7 Jewish Interest terI Hurricane Irma came through Florida. I’m in San merous TV shows and movies. He recently wrote a Antonio with my family for my mom’s funeral, just book, entitled My Adventures with God, and will be 12 Israel & the Jewish World a few days before the hurricane. Flights back home in Fort Myers the evening of Tuesday, December 5 were canceled, so we waited to talk about his book. Yes, Stephen is Jewish! More 14 Marketplace out the storm in Texas. Marc information about this fun event will appear in next and I hope we can fly back to- month’s issue of L’CHAYIM. 17 Commentary morrow. Sunday, December 10 is the Federation’s annu- 18 From the Bimah My mom was just two al Community Breakfast, which will be held at The months shy of her 98th birthday. Landings. Peter Gethers, a screenwriter of TV shows 19 Focus on Youth She had a good life and left two and films, and author of newspaper and magazine children, three grandchildren articles, will be our featured speaker. Peter will talk 20 Organizations and four great grandchildren about his book My Mother’s Kitchen. His mother n Leni Sack who all adored her. It’s been was a talented cook and a mentor to famous chefs 22 Community Directory somewhat of a surreal experi- like Wolfgang Puck, but Peter barely knew how to 23 Temple News ence – time with family remembering “Bubbe” with boil water. When his mother became ill and was no stories of love and strength, while worrying about longer able to cook, Peter decided to make her all of friends in Southwest Florida and if we would have a her favorite foods. His memoir is a funny and moving home to return to. At the time of this writing, I don’t story of a son’s discovery that his mother has a genius know the answer to when we will be able to return or for understanding the intimate conversations between what we may find when we get there. But life goes on cooking, people and love. Peter is a funny and engag- and so, too, must the business of this column. ing speaker that you won’t want to miss. We have some great programming coming up in There is more going on, but as I write this I am the next few months. On Sunday, October 22 an out- without the benefit of my calendar and office resourc- standing a cappella group, Six13, is coming to Fort es to detail it all. Be sure to read my weekly email Myers. It’s not often that the community has the op- newsletters for other upcoming events, and next portunity to hear such talented Jewish performers. month’s L’CHAYIM will have lots more details. This free concert will be held at Temple Beth El at Having gone through the experiences of the past 12:30 p.m., sponsored by the Federation, Temple week, I know that the start of the New Year will have Beth El and Temple Judea, and is underwritten by a new significance for me and my family. Again, I wish generous donor. all of you a very happy and healthy 5778. From the Editor: Because L’CHAYIM is a monthly newspaper, please new, they could do so but with a strict deadline of understand that many of the articles and advertise- Monday, September 18. Many were not able to be- ments in this issue were written, created and sent to cause of power and Internet problems, and I’m sure me on or before September 5, several days before we they will address the hurricane and its aftermath in knew Hurricane Irma would impact the west coast of the November issue. Florida the way it did. I have gone through the ma- In addition to L’CHAYIM, I edit and design the terial to assure there isn’t anything that is insensitive monthly newspapers of the Jewish Federation of Jewish news published monthly by or inappropriate. Collier County (Federation Star) and The Jewish Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 An email was sent to editorial contributors on Federation of Sarasota-Manatee (The Jewish News), (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 Friday, September 15, letting them know that if they and both of those Federations have also published Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org n wanted to adjust their articles or send in something October issues of their newspapers. – Ted Epstein October 2017 • Volume 40, Number 2 n Co-Presidents: Rozzi Osterman • Brian Simon Board: Paul Bartrop • Herb Fried • Carolyn Gora Senior Lunch Bunch update Jerry Greenfield • Keith Grossman • Andi Horowitz By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach Coordinator Charles Idelson • Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler Sara Krivisky • Michele Laboda • JoAnn Lewin ur August lunch was hosted by Temple Ju- The Senior Lunch Bunch is open to Jewish se- Barbara Siegel • Sylvia Simko • Sherri Zucker dea, where Rabbi Marc Sack shared wonder- niors in Lee and Charlotte counties. The purpose of Executive Director: Alan Isaacs ful stories about acts of loving kindness and these lunches is to gather together, make friends, Program Director: Leni Sack O Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos the importance of community.
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