101 PRIMER losing unwanted pounds,andgetting your glowON! 31-day plantpowered challenge forgainingenergy,



Okay my friends! Game on! Together, we are all going fully whole food, -powered for 31-days. Your decision to commit to this challenge could be one of the most important health & wellness decisions of your life. That might sound dramatic, but I’ve honestly seen firsthand the incredible results of clients and readers who have taken the full-on plunge. The most exciting and promising changes that I have witnessed to date have included:

• Healthy weight-loss of up to 3 pounds a week • Digestive issues relief • Inflammation reduction (less aches and pains) • Dramatic increase in energy • Glowing complexion • Acne and congested skin clearing up • Gorgeous hair, skin and nails • Cholesterol numbers decrease • Blood pressure numbers drop

This is going to be a wonderful journey, and I couldn’t be more excited for you to join our group of wellness warriors.

But, before we begin, I know that you’ve probably got a question or two. So, I created this primer to answers the most frequently asked questions about a whole foods, plant-based diet. This document is designed to get you ready to start the challenge with a BANG on July 1st. If you have any other questions that I haven’t addressed, pop into the private Facebook group and ask away.

Sophie xx IS “PLANT-BASED” THE SAME AS BEING “VEGAN?” No! The v-word, as in “vegan,” is a little overwhelming, if not off-putting for many people. Moreover, vegans can be really unhealthy. is a lifestyle - it’s an ethical choice that many make because they don’t want to take advantage of animals in any way, shape, or form. defines veganism as “a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

“Whole food plant-based” on the other hand, is a term that’s been coined to mean that you eat only whole foods, and that all those foods are plants. ​Whole foods include , , , seeds, nuts, and . I like to think: If it needs sunlight to grow, it’s plant-based.

IS PLANT-BASED THE SAME AS “PLANT-POWERED?” I prefer the term “plant-powered” beca​use “based” implies that plants are just the ​foundation of our diet. However, on this challenge, plants make up your ENTIRE diet. Yes - you will be powering your beautiful body with gorgeous plants for 31 days. And you’re going to LOVE doing it.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A “WHOLE” FOOD? When using the term “whole food, plant-based,” the operative word is “whole.” And I like that we are focusing on whole foods. Although it’s virtually impossible for most people to avoid processed foods in one form or another, my philosophy guides you to eat foods that are as whole and fresh as possible. Let’s talk about a processed food for a moment. Do you think olive oil is a processed food? Many of us think it’s a healthy, whole food, but it is processed! The olive is the whole, unprocessed form, and the reason why is because it contains fiber. If a food has had it’s fiber removed, it’s processed. More on this during the challenge.

HOW WILL I GET ENOUGH PROTEIN? To my knowledge, and the knowledge of every doctor who I trust, no one has ever died or gotten ill from lack of protein. We live in a protein-obsessed society. We think that somehow eating a lot of protein (often animal protein) will help us to lose weight, keep us strong, and give us energy. This is couldn’t be further from the truth. On this challenge, you will learn how much protein you actually need per pound of body weight per day (which is probably way less than you think). And YESSSSS: You can and will get plenty of protein from a plant-based diet. My only caveat here is that if you are over the age of 70, you may need to up your protein. And if this is the case, some of you might want to occasionally add a little low-mercury fish into the mix. But for the purposes of this challenge, we’re just going to do plants.

WHAT ABOUT EGGS? Eggs are obviously not a plant! And thus, they are not part of a plant-powered diet. The egg industry has worked very hard to get us to believe that eggs are good for us, and even that we need cholesterol from our diet. We do not! Our body creates more than enough cholesterol. A large egg contains 200 milligrams of cholesterol. Those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, or diabetes are advised to eat no more than 200 milligrams a day - so that would be 1 egg. And they would be much better off without anyways. Egg consumption has also been linked to both prostate and colon cancer. I know that it’s hard to give up eggs because they are a breakfast staple, and a huge part of our culture. But, you’re honestly better off without. And during this challenge, I will help you to discover some great egg alternatives.

WHAT ABOUT PRODUCTS? Dairy products (milk, cheese, , etc.) are obviously animal products and not part of a plant-powered diet. Giving up dairy products for some is really tough, but it’s SO worth getting over the hurdle because once you’ve developed a taste for non-dairy cheeses and milks, they’ll be no going back. I found that I developed an aversion to cow milk after giving it up for a year or so - it tasted too cow-ey! Giving up dairy is where you’re going to see some pretty dramatic changes especially as far as your skin and your digestive system is concerned. Moreover, dairy products are pretty much all saturated fat. And no matter what anyone tells you, saturated fat will eventually clog up your arteries. Dairy product have also been linked to prostate and ovarian cancer.

I’M ADDICTED TO CHEESE! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO ABOUT PIZZA AND PASTA WHERE CHEESE IS A REQUIREMENT? I’m not going to lie, cheese is the biggest hurdle for many. We crave the fatty, salty taste that is cheese. And, so you have to be a bit strong-willed about this. I’ve found that people with one foot in and one foot out always have a harder time with giving up cheese. Whereas those who just decide to jump in and give up those chunks of saturated fat have an easier time. I think this is because cheese is very addictive. Like they say in any 12-step program, it’s the first drink that does the damage - meaning that once you nibble a piece of cheese pizza, you’re kind of done. The great news is that you are going to be introduced to a plethora of vegan cheeses. Some of them are so delicious that you can barely tell the difference between it’s dairy counterpart.

WHAT ABOUT GOAT AND SHEEP MILKS AND CHEESES? I HAVE HEARD THEY ARE HEALTHIER. While it’s true that goat and sheep products are easier for humans to digest (and they may be less contaminated with antibiotics and hormones), they are obviously still “dairy” products - so not to be consumed on this challenge! Remember, if you want a full-on result, you need to go all in!

WHERE WILL I GET MY CALCIUM FROM? We need to consider the healthiest way to get our calcium. A moderate amount can be obtained from a variety of plant sources. There’s plenty of easily absorbed calcium in dark leafy greens, such as bok choy, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens, as well as broccoli, dried beans, figs, almonds, calcium-fortified juices, and soymilk and other non-dairy milks. Plus, these foods contain other cancer-fighting nutrients that aren’t present in dairy products. I’M WORRIED I WON’T GET ENOUGH IRON - MIGHT THIS BE A PROBLEM IF I DON’T EAT MEAT? Iron is generally not a problem on a plant-based diet. However, pre-menopausal woman may need to focus on eating specific plants in order to meet their iron needs. And in some cases, you may need a supplement. We will dive into this on the challenge. It’s also important to make sure you eat Vitamin C with every meal, as this helps the absorption of iron.

I AM ALLERGIC TO SOY PRODUCTS. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM? No! Although organic soy is a wonderful source of plant-based protein, and contains isoflavones, which may protect against breast cancer, there are plenty of delicious alternatives.

BEANS TEND TO GIVE ME GAS, WHAT’S A SHY GIRL TO DO? Although gas can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. When we introduce a lot more soluble and insoluble fiber into our diet, it makes our belly very happy because you are both cleaning things out, and feeding the good bacteria. A side effect of this may be gas, but the good news is that it passes (excuse the pun!). Your gut needs to slowly get used to all this new fiber that your gifting it with. Start slow with 1⁄4 cup of beans a day (can be hummus), and slowly build. I’m not going to say not to eat beans because they are one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

WILL MY POOP CHANGE? Yes, we do have to talk about your BM’s because they may get larger (ewwwwww) and more frequent. But this is how it should be! Ideally you want to be having 2 - 3 BM’s a day. And ideally, each poop should be larger than when you were eating meat. This is because the plant fiber acts as a cleansing agent.

ARE THERE ANY “DEFICIENCIES” I CAN DEVELOP ON A PLANT-BASED DIET, AND HOW CAN I AVOID THEM? You’re not going to be deficient in almost every nutrient on a plant-based diet. The only exception is Vitamin B12. You need to take a supplement of 2,500 IU per day. However, there is not a one-size-fits-all, so I will be covering extra supplements, which some of you may need, over the course of the challenge.

IS PLANT-POWERED HEALTHIER THAN PALEO? The paleo diet is not founded in evidence-based science. The paleo recommends that you eschew grains, which are extremely healthy, and necessary for good gut health. The paleo diet also recommends that you up your saturated fat by way of meat and dairy. There are many respected physicians who find this advice to be misguided, and in many cases downright irresponsible. A whole food plant-based diet protects you from, and even reverses the top 3 killer diseases that we face in the West today. The same cannot be said for a paleo/Keto diet. WILL I LOSE WEIGHT ON A PLANT-BASED DIET? Most people lose unwanted pounds on a whole-food plant-based diet. But keep in mind that it has to be a healthy plant-based diet, where you are minimizing processed foods, processed oils, and sugar. Also, keep in mind that portions have to be moderate and sensible. If you eat a massive bowl of pasta and half a loaf of bread for dinner, the pounds may not shift as you would have hoped. Being whole food plant-based doesn’t give you carte blanche to eat mega portions of whatever you fancy, but most people don’t want to! Have you ever tried eating anything after a huge smoothie? When you increase your fiber (which you will on this challenge), it’s unlikely that you will overeat. Oh - and you’ve gotta exercise dairy too! When you’re powered by plants, you’ll have more energy to do this.

WILL A HEALTHY, PLANT-BASED DIET BE MORE EXPENSIVE THAN MY REGULAR GROCERIES? It will actually be​ less expensive. “Quality” animal products are extremely expensive, so you will probably notice big savings. However, you bill can go up with speciality vegan items, especially things like handcrafted vegan cheeses and chocolates. I save these items for treats, and enjoy my newfound frugality for the remainder of the time.

DO I NEED TO BUY EVERYTHING ORGANIC? Not necessarily. I would make sure you buy items on the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list organic​ but don’t think you have to buy everything organic, especially if you are on a tight budget.

I’M SO EXCITED TO GO PLANT-BASED, BUT MY FAMILY WILL SCREAM MUTINY. ANY TIPS FOR FEEDING THE WHOLE FAMILY? I so hear you on this one. My family’s transition has been slow, and often rocky! But as they’ve experienced the benefits, they start to lean more in MY direction! During the challenge, I’ll be giving you tips to help you help them - and how to avoid total revolt!

IS THERE ANYONE WHO SHOULD NOT EAT A PLANT-BASED DIET? Everyone can do well on a plant-based diet, and I mean everyone.

WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US WITH IBS/LEAKY GUT/ETC. WILL THIS DIET WORK? Yes - I have seen many a gut heal by way of a plant-powered diet.

DOESN’T A PLANT-POWERED DIET REQUIRE AN INSANE AMOUNT OF PREPARATION AND PLANNING? Not an insane amount, but it does require a little thought and planning, especially if you are new to cooking this way. I will be giving you tons of tips and pointers along the way. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is: get your apron on, create an awesome playlist, and get ready to dust off your pots and pans - you’re going to be cooking up a storm. Most everyone can follow a simple recipe, and that’s what you’re going to be doing.

BUUUUUUT - I DO LIKE THE TASTE OF MEAT - JUST BEING HONEST!!! This is normal and natural. We have evolved to enjoy the fatty taste. Way back when we were running around in fur outfits, we needed to hunt a piece of meat for energy. But fast-forward thousands of years, and our bodies have evolved to be able to subsist beautifully on plants, however our taste buds haven’t caught up. It takes a while for your taste buds to change. Much like weaning yourself off sugar, it takes about 2-3 weeks for your taste buds to adjust to the more subtle tastes that nature offers us.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RECOMMENDED READING OR WATCHING BEFORE THE CHALLENGE STARTS? Where do I start? For documentaries, I recommend: , Food, Inc., , Food Matters, Super Size Me, , Eating You Alive, , and HOPE What You Eat Matters.

Check out my fav vegan cookery books here.

Check out some really great vegan podcasts such as Rich Roll, Main Street Vegan, Plant Me, and Plant Pure Radio.

I love the following magazines: VegNews, , The Vegan Magazine and Mantra.

WHAT ARE HIDDEN ANIMAL INGREDIENTS WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF WHEN WE’RE SHOPPING? • Albumin: Used to thicken or bind baked goods, soups, , puddings, and other products, albumin is a protein found in eggs, milk, and blood. • Carmine, cochineal, or carminic acid: A common red food dye made from ground beetles, it is used to color juices, baked goods, candies, and other processed foods. • Casein: This protein derived from animal milk is used in dairy products such as sour cream and cream cheese. It is also added to non-dairy cheese to improve the texture. • Gelatin: This thickener is made by boiling the bones, skin, and other parts of cows and other animals. It is found in gelatin desserts, marshmallows, candies, puddings, and other products. • Lactose: Also called milk sugar, it is derived from cow’s milk and is found in baked goods and processed foods. • Lard: This fat taken from hogs is an ingredient in crackers, pie crusts, and baked goods, as well as refried beans and other fried or processed foods. • Suet: This hard, white fat from cattle and sheep is sometimes found in and baked goods. • Whey: Derived from milk as it is processed into cheese, whey is found in commercial food products such as crackers and breads​. ​It’s also found in many protein powders and bars.

HOW DO I EAT IN A RESTAURANT AS A PLANT-POWERED EATER? I’M WORRIED THIS WILL IMPACT MY SOCIAL LIFE! It’s usually way easier to eat plant-powered nowadays than you might imagine. Even fast food restaurants such as Chipotle and SweetFin Poke Bowls have fantastic vegan options. I recommend looking at the menu online ahead of time and checking out what there is for you before you make a reservation. And most fancy restaurants will go out of their way to accommodate you.

WHAT ABOUT ALCOHOL ON A PLANT-POWERED DIET? GRAPES ARE HEALTHY, RIGHT? Red wine in moderation is fine. 2 or 3 glasses a week won’t hurt.

ISN’T A PLANT-BASED DIET A BIT EXTREME? It is for many because meat-eating is so embedded in our culture. But the diseases that eating a diet which is based in animal products are even more extreme. Anyone who’s had a triple bypass will tell you that the surgery was pretty extreme.

Once you get into the plant-based community, find your people, find your restaurants, find the things you love - you’ll realize that there’s a whole world out there for which eating plant-based is totally normal. A BIT ABOUT Me

I have only been plant-based for about 4 years. I have eaten a “clean” diet I understand that for many, it’s a journey. I usually have my clients and (although that term is very open to interpretation) for 20 years. I knew, community take small steps toward health. I don’t want to overwhelm as an environmentalist, that eating meat probably wasn’t the best thing anyone. However, I’ve also learned that if you want to see and feel results, for the environment, but I chose to stick the organic cotton in my ears, you need to go all in. Going completely plant-based isn’t a restrictive diet, and get on with eating the meat that I thought my family and I needed. it’s not fasting, it’s not about having to white-knuckle it. On the contrary, Yes, it was “humanely-raised,” “grass-fed,” and “organic,” and it cost me eating a fully whole food plant-based can be absolutely delicious, and a small fortune because of this, but I trudged on. Then the voice of truth pretty easy. began to get a little louder, and then a little louder again, until it became a scream. I could no longer block it out. Meat production is horrible for the So, if you want to lose a few unwanted pounds, lower hypertension/bad environment. In actuality, it’s even worse than the pollution we spew out cholesterol, reduce inflammation, clear up your skin, and renew your through driving. It’s bad! energy - going whole food plant-based may well deliver these promises and more. So, I decided to study nutrition. I was so knee deep in food and dietary myths that I needed to get to the bottom of it. And as I studied and This is an all-in challenge. A challenge should CHALLENGE you! It’s researched, I realized that I could no longer see meat as a healthy option should push you to learn how to do something that you couldn’t do anymore. The second chunk of truth that I needed to swallow was that yesterday, last week, or last year. A challenge requires guidance, eating meat conferred absolutely zero health benefits, and in many cases teaching, hand-holding, and cheerleading- all of which you’ll get over the led to the diseases that are number one killers in the U.S - the diseases 31 days. that we see our loved ones taken down by. The diseases that we dread. You are going to get a personal video from me in your inbox for everyday A few years later down the nutrition path, I began to embrace of the challenge. I want to give you all the info I’ve got, plus motivate you evidence-based science as never before. I was tired of bouncing from to stay on track. one person’s opinion to another. I was tired of listening to doctors who got less than 20 hours nutritional study in medical school. And I hate to I recommend getting prepared. Read cookbooks, visit plant-based blogs, say it, but I was tired of listening to my family who, as much as I adore subscribe to vegan YouTubers - there is SO much good stuff out there. them, like to make fun of those who are “health nuts.” The “health nuts” But ultimately, stay really close to me because I am voting myself in that I began to hang out with were actually looking pretty good. Like me, as your main cheerleader. Whether you are the other side of the fence, they had tons of energy. They had strong, ripped bodies, and glowing on the fence, or have dipped a toe in, I have been where you are. I skin. That’s what I wanted for myself as I got older, not the opposite - understand that for some people it’s not an easy transition, but by golly, which is typically the case as we age. we’re going to make it fun. And, if you’re already plant-based, come along for the ride. Take it to the next level. And while you’re at it, you can inspire Simultaneously, I was led to watch a number of very disturbing the newbies in the group. documentaries about animal production. This led me to digging deeper, visiting factory farms, connecting with activists. And, that finally did it for Speaking of which, I look forward to welcoming you into a private me. The game was up. I could no longer stomach a hunk of misery in my Facebook group for this challenge. Your questions will be answered, and frying pan. you will receive continual support. I will also be coming on once a week for "group therapy". I can't wait! sophieuliano.com