Article 98

Agreement between the OF AMERICA and ARMENIA

Signed at Yerevan October 16, 2004


Pursuant to 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)—

“. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”


International Criminal Court: Article 98

Agreement signed at Yerevan October 16, 2004; Entered into force March 17, 2005.

Agreement Between the Unitea States of ~arica and the Republic of Armenia Regarding the Surrender of Persons to International ·Tribunals

The United of America and the R.spublic of Armenia, he~einafter "the Pareies."

Reaffirrning the importance of bringing to justice those who corrunic genocide, against ~umanity and war crimes;

Considering chat che Parties ~ave each expressed their int:eneion to evaluat.e or investigate available informaL.ion regarding the facts and where appropriate prosecute war crimes, crimes againsc humanity and genocide alleged to have been ·committed by their officials, employees, rnilicary personnel or other nationals;

Bea.ring in mind Article II·· of·· the Agreement between t.he of the United States of America and the Governmenc of the Republic of Armenia Regarding Cooperation .to Facillcate the Provision of Humanitariun and Technicui .. Economic Assistance of December 1·s, 1992, and Article 8 of the Agreement between the Government of the United St.aces of All\eric~ and t.lie Goye:rrunent of the Republic of· Arn\enia Concerning Cooperaeion in che Area of Cminterproliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction of July 24, 2000, as well ·as other agreements ("the Agreements-) currently in force between the Parties tha~ establish privileges, and the norms of applicable in this matter;

No~ing .tha~ in conformity with the Agreements the persons covered thereunder: including military and civilian personnel, are accorded status equivalent co that accorded to administrative and technical personnel ~nder Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relatjons of April 18, 1961 and enjoy irornunity from Armenian criminal jurisdiction, as a result of which their surrender. by any means, to an inte~na~ional tribunal not estQ.blished or authorized by the Unit;;ed Security Council, requires the express .. c~nsent of the United States of America:

Noting that under international law, ~ersons of che United State·s· of America who enjoy imm\.),n·i ty from Armenian criminal jurisdiction, including functional immunity, ar~ not subject:, within the terms of that immunity, to Armenian jurisdiction. as a result of which their ~~rrender,· by any means, ~a an international tribunal not established or authorized by the - 2 ;_ United Nations Security Council, requires t.he express consent of the Unit~d Stat€s of Ame~ica;

Noting that the term "Sending" ~as been used in treaties such as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 and in international law to distinguish.among state~ referenced;

Have herein agreed as follows, wi~h .the purpose bot:.h to restate ~xisting obligations in this matte~ and to r~ach agreement. in new areas;

At'ticle 1

ror purposes of this Agreement, cne c:.erm "person" means the na~ionals of one Parcy, any current or former government official. employee (including any con~raccor}, or member of the military of one Party, or any person of one Party w~o enjoys immunity from criminal jurisdiction under internacional law or who is subjec~ in any manner to the jurisdiction of the Sending State (either the united Scates of Al'l'lerica or the Republic of Armenia) .

Artic:le 2

A person of one Party. the Sending S~ate. shall not, absent the express consent of that Party:

a) be surrendered or transferred by any means to any incernacional tribunal for.any pu~pose 1 unless such tribunal has been established or authorized by the-united Nations Secu~ity Council, or

b) be surr~ndered or transfen;:~d ~y any means co any encicy or c:.hird country, or expelled to a third country, for the purpose of surrender to. or tra:nsfer. to any inc:.ernat.ional tribunal, unless such tribunal has been established or aut:hori:zed by the united Nations Security Council.

Article 3

When the Republic of Armenia extradites, surrenders, or otherwise transfers a person of the Uni te.d States of America to a third country, the Republic of Armenia will not agree co tho surrender or transfer of that person by the ~hi~d councry to any in~ernational tribunal, unl~S$ such ~ribunal has been established or au~horizcd by- the United Nations Security - 3 ­ council, absent the express consent. of the United States of A.meri ca . ·

Article 4

When the United States of America. extradites, surrenders, or o~herwise transfei;s a person of the Republic of Armenia to a t:hird country, the united States of America will not ag·ree to the surrender or transfer of that person by the third country to any internat:ional tribunal, unless such tribunal has been established or authorized by the United Nations Security Council, absent the express consent of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 5

This shall enter in!::o force up

DONE at Yerevan this sixteenth day of Oct:.ober, 2004, in 'duplica~e, in ~he English and Armenian languages, both texcs being equally authent.ic.


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