Householder Mar 21 E-mail: Phone: Address: Name: Return Address: Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage GET IN TOUCH

There is more than one way to take full advantage of ’s COMMUNITY OFFICE massive oil and gas resource. Opportunities exist in related, en- Unit 445, 1414 – 8 Street SW vironmentally-responsible industries such as hydrogen and recy- , Alberta T2R 1J6 clable plastics. A huge opportunity is offered by technology that @GregMcLeanYYC Tel. 403 244-1880 allows carbon to be captured and turned into useful products. Fax 403 245-3468 Carbon dioxide is a compound. Several Alberta companies are OTTAWA OFFICE 2 researching how CO can be repurposed as a component of fuels, House of Commons industrial gases, soap, alternative building products, bioplastics, carbon Ottawa ON K1A 0A6 nanofibres (which can displace metals) and other new chemicals and GregMcLean Tel. 613 995-1561 materials used to manufacture industrial and consumer goods. Fax 613 995-1862 No postage required The Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre near Calgary, supported by government investment, was built to demonstrate 2 CO capture and conversion technologies that contribute to GHG E-MAIL reductions by converting CO2 into commercially viable products. [email protected]

I introduced a Private Member’s Bill (C-262) on December 11, which WEBSITE would use the Income Tax Act to incentivize carbon capture, utilization,

and storage (CCUS). The US Tax Code currently offers this type of tax

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 K1A ON Ottawa, House of House Commons Greg McLean, MP McLean, Greg credit (Section 45Q) which has led Canada to lose out on potential investments. This bill would make Canada more competitive to In Calgary I am develop greenhouse gas mitigation technologies. represented by: Shaney Pap The environment and the petroleum industry can Constituency and Casework work hand in hand, and can continue to provide Manager skilled, well paid employment for thousands of Albertans. The answer is to think 21st century, In Ottawa I am anticipate what the market and consumers will Patrick et Shaney parlent represented by: need, and use our ingenuity français si vous choisissez Patrick Cousineau to provide it using de communiquer avec mon Director of Operations and our ample human bureau en français. Parliamentary Affairs and physical resources. Required Postage No Greg McLean, MP Photo: ACCTC can alwaysbeawareofwhat mattersmosttoyou. industries likecapturing carbon tomakeusefulproducts. but spinoffindustrieslikehydrogenandplastics, andnew focused onthoseindustries-andnotjustoil gas, more. We mustrevitalizeAlberta’sindustriesandjobs. unusually harsheconomicblows.Thepandemic was one Canada. TherearemanyworkingAlbertanswho have faced stimulate recoveryinCanada. higher thanglobaleconomicexpertsbelieveisnecessaryto up theirbigspending,debtagendawithspendinglevels insiders andvanityprojects.Theyhavesaidtheyplantokeep - withinterest.Theywastedyourhard-earnedmoneyon up debtourchildrenandgrandchildrenwillhavetopayback showed astrongpreferenceforrecklessspending,racking while necessaryrightnow—can’tgoonindefinitely. have arighttoknowwhatcomesnext.Emergencyaid— be focusedonwhathappensafterthepandemic.Canadians to helpstrugglingCanadians.Atthesametime,wehave colleagues andIsupportedshort-termspendingincreases requiring anextraordinaryresponse.MyConservative every partofCanada,insector,asquicklypossible. number oneisjobs:gettingasmanypeoplebacktowork,in recovery. FormyConservativecolleaguesandme,job but itisnonethelesstimetoalsolookaheadeconomic Please takeamomentto respondtomysurveysothatI As theShadowMinisterforNaturalResources, Iam Securing ourfuturecan’tjustmeanarecoveryin eastern Even beforethepandemic,JustinTrudeau andtheLiberals The viralpandemichasbeenanextraordinarythreat As Iwritethis,vaccineprocurementhasbeenafiasco, Message fromGreg (Jan 25) Emergency Debate onKeystone (Jan 26) strategy forPresident JoeBiden Keystone cancellationanda Asking theLiberalsabout the protecting Line5 Asking thePrimeMinister about (Feb 1) and Indigenousreconciliation Energy workers, environment (Feb 4) between CanadaandtheUS Vital economicrelationship sample from sessionincludes: thecurrent Parliamentary ca, “News”tab remarks areParliamentary onmywebsite (GregMcLeanMP. Resources Party’sAs theConservative ShadowMinister forNatural , Ifrequently speakinParliament. Allof my ) andmyYouTube channel( (Jan27) In Parliament

dustry andworkers (Oct29) dustry of oilandgasin - In support dian Tanker Ban Repealing theBCcoast Cana programs (Nov6) ness support on theimplicationsof busi- Grilling DeputyPMFreeland Digital Privacy Act (Nov 26) The NetZero EmissionsBill storage (Dec11) carbon capture, utilizationand Using thetaxactto incentivize Greg McLean (Nov 2) (Nov 25) ). A - Around Calgary Centre Around Calgary natown forLunar NewYears. theicevisited sculptures inChi sitinaCF-104 and gotto board of theAirForce Museum had abusinessmeetingwiththe Bowness Park Day onFamily  Ruth skating andIwent at meeting atIsomass Scientific physically distanced business MP andIhada tines weekend. re-openedonValenpartially - downtown restaurant whenit Ruth a Pogue andIsuipported Mywife Clockwise from left:  Mycolleague  I  I -  What issues are most important to you and your family (choose as many as needed):  Creating Jobs  Immigration/Refugees  Economic Recovery/Tax/Spending  Environment  Obtaining a Vaccine  Veterans’ Affairs  Natural Resource Industries/Jobs  National Security/Defense  Seniors & Long-Term Care  Foreign Issues (e.g. Uyghurs, War in Syria)  International Trade/US Relations  Other: ______ Social Services/Safety Net/Health To receive Greg’s e-newsletter, provide your email: