LAS VEGAS TEMPERATUHES COURT HOUSE pH|_ BT CHfRLES P. SQUIRES LAS VE©** tttVAQA J pledge allegiance to the |||i^.6oQporative Observe

Volume XXXVIII, Number 33 LAS VEGAS. , FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 . 1942 FIVE CENTS PER COPT Scrugham Reports AFTER EXECUTION Midway CaSino CARVILLE UUDS BASIC MAGNESIUM On (jwdsprings I FOLLOWIrT^SIXTiyySIT m^fLAr# 48.000 Tons of Zinc __w"" Year Issues Statement At Variance With Cam­ DELAMETER ||p|§p0^ - To Be Recovered from Ores Not many Las Vegans are aware of Yellow Pine District Employm |*esday paign Statenients of Senator Bunker-Who that scam of the cement sidewalks Of vital, importance to the Celebrating the coming of elec­ Bases His Campaign on Bitter Attacks -^jS on Fourth, Fifth and Fremont Goodsprings District in this coun­ tricity to Pittman, the Midway streets were ty, is tiie following announcement Casino entertained 30 employees What tho Governor Says: ° What Senator Bunker Says: built more by Congressman James G. Scrug­ of .the Southern Nevada Power There seems tob e .violent dis­ At Reno, Nevada, last March, than twenty- ham printed in the Mining Press, Company at a dinner party last agreement between two of the following fie _&e which destroyed fivfe years ago for August: n ,t : most important Democratic .of­ tiie Basic adminiatration building, by a. has •Ve*-' **-^ ' Bii i_P' _£____*i* ficials and candidates of tite state gas contrac- "Arriving at his Reno office cm Senator Bunker was quoted in the a week-end air trip from Wash­ Headed by genial Ed Clark, Em­ of Nevada.' • - ._! _f_-^3> press as saying, among other t.o fisjj. A bree Wilson and Sam Cole, the De la meter. ington, CoL James G. Scrugham, The subject of the difference of things: l|p|f five-term Nevada representative husky linemen enjoyed a sou­ opinion is Basic Magnesium, Inc.-,- - "When I asked for an investiga­ Those side­ thern style chicken dinner with walks for theto congress and currently a can­ upon bitter criticism- of which tion of tbe Basic Magnesium didate for U. S. senator, brought all the trimmings. • ! -.4p_*_| ^. Senator Berkeley Bunker is bas-. plant, Howard Ells, company most part are - Jess Meyers was host and mas­ •tUi in good news that the Defense Plant Cor­ ing his campaign forth e Demo­ president, said his .books and poration, after investigation bf ter of ceremonies. He expressedcrati c nomination torth e office of records were open tor* investiga­ condition, a the appreciation ot the entire city fine recom­ its technical stop at Rep. Scnig- - Senator, to which tion. How can they be when they ham's instance, haa allocated of Pittman~to the linemen for he was appointed to November, were conveniently burned?" • mendation of their diligent work on tiie power the conscien­ 1341,000 for construction at Jean, 1940, by Governor E> P. Carville. "Ells 'has attempted to ' make Clark county, of a plant torecove r ltoes and predicted that Pittman tious work of'this colorful, desert will develop so fast that a small Governor Carville, now also en­ the public believe .fiat' tha the character who was the firstt ozin c from carbonate ores of the gaged in a primary campaign for was caused by sabotagfe. This, in near-by Goodsprings district army - ot electricians wi|l be build cement sidewalks in this WASHINGTON. 'fit. C—Soundphoto—Two Army Medical Corps amhUlaneaa egflltownleaving tha needed to keep pace with its the Democratic nomination 'for my opinion, war not the case." ddy. 18pl • ' ill Operating on a custom basis, district jail hare, after six men were electrocuted as saboteur-spies against the United States. Thay •b^bBass.' ^^^ ^1^-" -- \__^^_SMS Governor, has until this time been In the , the mill as now planned will have war© put to death after being found guilty by a military commission appointed by tha President. The huge fish bowl beer mugs non-commital ort tiie issues raised April 30, lfi_|ipj; f_vff^P During the quarter century a capacity of approximately 48,- by Senator Bunker in his attacks since Mr. Delameter left Las Ve­ 000 tons per year and will be made a hit with the boys and on Basic Magnesium. However, "I rise to reiterate my statement gas he has continued to live an designed and operated by the B, of L.F. & E. President Losee Appointed "' even the bte boss,—Ed Clark— after his sixth visit to the great of April 9, that the Defense Plant active life, part of the time ta the Western Metals Co., reported to Endorses Scrugham Governor Carville | Recreation Director couldn't resist a* few dunks into defease plant, Governor Carville Corporation haa entered into en mountains and deserts- of New be a subsidiary of the Menardi the foam.' ______1P issued the following statement toagreemen t with Baste Megnesium Mexico. He now Eves at the age Metals Division of the Harshaw For U. S. Senator For Clark County Mrs. Jess Meyers toot her charm the press:: =l||lfi file, of Cleveland, , that, is to of 87 years at 2416 Stockwell Chemical Co., principal plants of to the occasion and reporters from sinister as to indicate that aome Avenue, Compton, Cal., and would Endorsement *^^-*|_l_____^_|.- Opens Campaign Ferron C. Lowe, former Uni- the Pittman Key were on hand "I have just visited tiw Basic officials in our government are which are In Ohto.~f|ill Scrugham for the United States Magnesium, Incorporated, project be glad to hear from any of his Speaking at Reno, Governor I versity of Southern Californai for tiie festive x-ccasion. W& guilty of malfeasance in the per­ old friends, j*^®! "With a* plant at El Segundo, Senate has been made by the for the sixth time, and I airi formance of their duty, __W^7_f- ** near Los Angeles, the Menardi Reytows Achievements of H_**_!___P^ __•?••• <___*_* *!_ amazed and exceedingly well Especially ia Mr. Delameter de­ Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- "And I now state that Jones, Metals Co., which hi late yean has men and Enginemen according Adminiatration Since 1939t_T,^California" ^ . SFo"**r sever- = , {&.. Mahlon Brown, to-bis happiest- - • carried the first mail there. or more Goodsprings mines are RSfw"Aa . your feverno-^Setete-__. •:* i _Jyri_ tvear8i ___>_. P_r^«_lif__n{ she hMa ?>eenar_*_****?%,s acsxtcav-.* ^*3P|te-_»_vy Relief "Society has manner Thursday morning, Aug- cited that have produced zinc or Negotiating Basic "I em t_*«tempting to lake [fBitot bmB^ auuiager. of tha formally closed , Its drive. The Mr. Delameter lives at 2418 A he Cafe quota assigned to tiieStat e of Ne­ Alan Bible Here^ '•to*'*-. _PSiP ^P; Stockwell street and often lectures lead-zinc ore of highly profitable credit ft»th e remarkable show- ttf ? "^ ,«**?__ grade, but activity in the HWhiii' ing. It is you, the people, who L*he grooai fomwrijjSB^sdht vada was $7,550 against which Mr. and Mrs. Adams left toth e to groups of tiie vivid colorful have rallied to the cai_M.?nd have Missouri Valley^wa and forjwv. $8,651.77 was collected. Aa un­ j afternoon for the mountain lakes of base and rare metals has been Operating Wages eral days when tile west was young, led the way for our -_te7_tofea.*» I -**«»" -*»•*«._ member of usually small expense of $64.08 On Campaign Trip (above Bishop, CaL, wbere they „ raw, and wild. His wealth of sporadic and largely confined to Howard C. Mann, Project Man­ periods when metal prices were at The chief executive commented tiie United States FBI. having was incurred as tiie statewide cost | plan to spend a few days of their memories finds expression in ager, Basic Magnesium, Incorpor­ been stationed tot a time toLa s of conducting this drive. honeymoon,- fishing and tramp- '* poems, which he delights to write high level. A^v$H| _____ ated, announced today that nego­ on the governor's conference he "Construction of the plant at called in Reno in 1939, a meeting Vegas. f£**_?&-'' f__f_ Since tiie' people ' of Clark" tog. Following ibis they will be I ana recite. tiations were in progress between Mr. and Mrs. Coulthardt will at home to their friends in their Jean wes expected to start shortly, Basic. -Magnesium, Incorporated which was instrumental in effect-' County ao generously supported since its' products are urgently iftg subsequent stabilization of the make their home in Omaha, Ne- this endeavor, I thought it migbt ihome in Ventura. aad the American Federation of I braska, it is announced. r "mi needed in the war program, and Labor for an agreement covering {nice of . silver at* 71 x be of public interest for you to —. . •• v**--*--~ 'mm FISH IN PANTS' ore containing more than 20 perplan t operations; -.->--- -r— -,v~"-'-'-.] paper not only cent zihe, or combined lead and the statewide results, but particu­ i CARSONTTE COMING TO VISIT H. A. Sargent, Assistant Project He also reviewed, tite results ot (nmt\\l__\r*%t\r Elr___4_____if 4 Bford -ham been received that zinc, will be accepted from Good- Manager, for Basic Magnesium, the statewide economic conference _f U ffV11 1 111 I llvIO I I *** larly that the quota of $1,500 set sprirlgs claim owners." far -(.arif'Coiirity. has befen. •Jj_rs. C. C. lioyar, accompanied by* to charge of Induatrial he ca_le_l garly_ this year __S a. t her son John Doherty of Salt'Lak? Mann stated, has teft for Wash subscribed, total funds of $1,987.50 ' :—v—-— means of discussing present-day having been remitted by Don | Ctty, his wife and baby .Catherine, ington to center with American {problemties. s and poat-war perplexi Scrap Harvest Time Borax, County Chairman. ^__j" and her daughter Alice. Mys. ClisB- Federation of Labor officers. Pointing to the substantial sur­ | ton Campbell of Reno, will arrive Negotiations were opened in­ Governor E. P. Carvifte has is- "I should like to express the j to a few days for a visit with Mr. Vail Pittman Carved itially by Howard P. Bells, Jr., plus in tbe. state treasury, the gov- 6 1 his high appreciation of the National ernor "asserted" that a reduction If" * !«-»*«. atioo proclrfm- Citizens' Committee on behalf of land Mrs. C. P. Squires in Deer' President of Basic Megnesium, In­ th u , 7 Creek and Las Vegas. corporated, and William Green, wiU be made in the 1949 tea rate. H?* _ _ 9*$** °* _: « _! A _ the Navy Relief- Society, embrac­ The labor situation in Nevadaj September.? -for the National ing the Marine Corps and the! Individual Career President ot the American Feder­ St I "BAMB." GETS ation of Labor, Washington, D. C. was described by Governor On* ™P Harvest He says: ^ Coast* Guard, for the splendid con­ Vail M. Pittman, tor pearly a villa w being "A fine commentary ^Whereas^at the r-sqwest. of tiie tribution made by the citizens of CANDY BARS; TOO quarter ef a century editor of the Frank Fentoi.-Director of Or­ on the Judgment and cooperation w*-" rf°_iu_;tl?n B^5pd,''*2_ t Clark County." | f|| Ely Daily Times, carved his own ganization for. the American Fed­ of labor and management." He vada State Salvage Ca^tfeeto distinguished career of service te eration of Labor, visited Las Va­ declared that the best descriptiw *_>*'*•'_**_* ^ H*___?D«_War his community and his state, quite gas in June tomak e a first-hand Bfunm ai_-q,._ I_K_. ati).,-__- ^n BoMti. laijn faiplement Manu- separate' and apart from that of study at um 'liww _ IUMIHW In be touhd in the tott that there haslBcto_^^l*~4i!^^ his brplher, the late Senator Key connection with the operation of been but one strike of major im- |Foundatiqn, and olitormterested former Us VegaL Pittman. .'3S_I -SIP the plant. Fenton, impressed by portance te tite past four years, j organreations have designed the Having qualities which entitled] the magnitude of the project,. tts Speaking on' federal-state re- P«*tod from August l.;titrough §#§:" * Alan BmgB^^m^ him to political preferment to his importance! to the war effort, and lationship, tiie .governor! termed ^Ptotober 7, _ mculsive, te toe Pioneer Is Dead fi Alan Bible, candidate fox fie own right. Vail Pittman, never­ the fact that many new occupa­ l tl n J SCT*P J t , N them aa being "» the diain, plea*- f_f< « th_e» ^^ _ _ !T__. Democratic ri&mination for attor- theless, preferred toremai n in the tions previously unknafam in. ant."; Continuing,, he 'said: 'There * Purpose of an Intensified Mrs.' Peter Mauerer, a resident background of state polities rath­ America were involved, will per­ have been times, however, when I salvage collection campaign, and ot Las Vegas more than thirty ney-geperal spent tbe past week er than seem toshin e frith tbe re­sonally handle the matter m years ago, died in Los Angeles end to Las Vagas and vicinity. He flected light of Senator Pittman. bureaucratic encroachment had to '•WHEREAS, there te an ex­Tuesday, August 11,1S4. accord­ President Grfeen, who has agreed be met and wa met it vigorously treme shortage of all metals and haa beeh making the acquaintance Had it not been for this Vail Pitt­ to assign to the problem ttje best ing to wtir_ received by. her sister, man would long ago have become and properly. I believe in close. rubber and other .critical Items Mrs*. EdVonTobel. of many new people toBoulde r talent in his organization" |||g teamwork between the states and for War purposes, and ____|_1 prominent to the political arena - Preliminary-discussions are now In the early days ot Las Vegas lcity,,_?itt_ian, Las Vegas and •oth­ of the state of Nevada; t§_p. tite federal government; but I am •'.WHEREAS,' the . ranchers, er' places, to.ClarkjCquhty . ..-^^^ in progress' in Waghu^gton be­ unequivocally and unalterably op­ formers, miners, and other e_fet_- Mr. Mauerer, was employed in the He. hag. not been shrinking from Las Vegas raidroad shops and responsibility to his own city, and tween John J*. Fray, President of posed to federal dominion of zens of tins Stat- can greatly aid Bible is a native Kevadan, a the Metal Trades Department, policies we can best administer to the prosecution .of this War bythe y -stifl own. theiirT home-plaeej graduate of tha University of N_- 'coinS_f"ho#evei. having served FranfaFenton> Director of Organt* air Third street tathis~c_ty . - - H White Pine eounty as state sena­ at-heme.."^"**'"''". .lip* hiakihg a strenuous effort in the vada and attended* the George?, [CHICAGO, __L-*-_tomM", lour FOONTAIN CITY. TENN.' — tor ih th,. legislatures of 1925 and zBtioa^'jit I". of L„ and officials __« ^V— ^~ collection of ali^salvageable Scrap] Mrs. Mauerer in addition to h<_" ot Baric, and it is anticipated that town Law School. Hewaatititrtet y*m old opaag-uVonTob8-. tesur ­ coto Paric'Zoo, got har share of Age from "Bob" Poulson. Photo ahd agricultural legislation and a formal agreement will ba nego­ MONDAY FOR ADDRESS vived by her husband;" otto son, attorney of Storey; muj&tytor tare - shows 10-year aid DUlard *<__** tiated in the near future, Mann "NOW TtjBBMSOBB,mB P. and one half yeatoland tor the Baby Ruth candy bar* too, whan receiving the commendation of the Senator 'Berkeley. LI Bunker ^a__ville, •• Governor of tiie- State F_ J/-Mauerer of Oakland, CaL; with Bailor Frank Slo we of Chi- a***, .who, whan fishing,. apiad state federation of labor ^_J_ds gtatod. _ _ ._.. __ _..;| BBJsisy)tmw*m***rn*,--- MrS»-''"'3_!^-OUUM - past tour ajtp^islte half y#a_a has : wiU arrive to Lai Vegas Monday. -ffjevada«dohar_lffl|-W-to_t#ie ca«o and toldiar tmbh Wood­ ^vpai* of trousers Heating support of vital labor, legislation. p-'-^-' . ~.. • .VT-r-v-- — Wednesday night he will speak period "lSpm August 17 thi-fsgh sidOf hHollywood ; also one ______York ^ ! j be-to J^tfiy attorhey-general. He ward oi Fort Lauderdale, Flori­ around on top of the water fee Pittman's"' entry Into the race COLIER'S COMPLIMENTS }£gm over JCENO, discussing fully the September 7, inclusive, as a per­ da, she allemdad the "Money large circles. Curiously, he cast for the Democratic nomination to iod for the official Scrap Harvest three brothers and two sisters in te,marrie_ and has two-^Sfldren. Bag* fbabf" __to' show and -eoa* hta hook Into the lake and the office of Lieutenant-Governor, Collier's Magarine of date Aug­ Issues of his campaign as.-tito. re­ ust 22, carries a two-page, aptiete late particularly to Clark county, in Nevada and urge all rahchesj. Bavaria Germany. _..-r^Mosl if the BoulderDam legfs- test when i_ was broadcasi: pulled in tit* perfectly good pair is the fifth, others being George Mrs. VonTobel and her so^Ske tion' material bm ttttm handh*d from th* tt*w Summer Itecraa-' of trousers he found he had Parker of. YeringtorffPaul Ralli of pn L^s-Vegas, mostly to color it is announced by Bunker's head­ tofd farmers of this Stole to par­ j pictures, imdev~the heading "the quarters The time of the broad­ ticipate tothei r fullest ability to Von Tobel are 4j. LoaAngles •• tob y him totely and heltes bean to*tint Casta, tor se«*ri«». man. to also hooked two fish—on* ta Las Vegaa, Julian Thruston of attend the funeral seryices. I terested in this part _rf, the state. «aoh-pocket. •Ploche and J. E. Sweatt of Reno. Boom Came Back," cast will be announced, lateiv this Harvest." Lincoln Parkv *' y___ Two LAS V__ GAS AGE Fridgy. J-___-i 1 <. 1942

IB.ICHELE illORGAN lbs "JOAN OF PARIS" Sunday — Monda^Tuesday

flower Hotel in Washington and! 5h-l_srV-l_l*l-*l_ft**l*-*W^ MOTHER GETS KISS El Rancho Vegtiif . Foremaster Is Out chatted for i few minutes with a' FROM "VETERAN Manager C«lle4^^^J Of Justice Race bellboy. A littte later an assist­ ant manager asked the boy: "What OF 1«_&_ To U. S. Service La Mar Foremaster, one of" the did the ambassador want?** B_JB1 eoifomTHEiitfsr seven candidates to announce his "I don't know," replied the bell­ SOCIETY Robert O. Cannon, recently ap­ candidacy tor the office of Justice FOLLOWIHE RACES AT THE iff hop. "He couldn't speak English." pointed as manager of Hotel El of the Peace, has announced his Rancho Vegas, has been forced to Someone repeated the yarn to She was attended by lira. Wil­ desire to withdraw from the race. Sir Esme and he frequently re­ nNM_rY-wi__B_i.._^i_. ...._.,.%___ relinquish his post due to receiv­ This leaves six in tiro runntog, - liam Wallace, who wore white ing* orders from Washington to lated it with great gusto^v* • WEDDING rtowvirr ™*^^ organdy, and carried pink rose­ report at once to toe Officers Ttan Adams, Gus Blad, Mahlon LASV£GMUVB A wedding of interest because buds. ! : l *Sp_| Training School at Miami Beach, Brown, * Paul 0'Malle$|_ ' Dick —__^|y__ ||g of the porminence of the contract- The bridegroom was attended Florida, and left by plane for Swartz and Eugene Ward. *il|| Whatever there I* Of greatness . Complete Race Book WW^s tog parties Was solemnized at tite by Harvey Dondero while Louis Miami Beach on Sunday. Can­ ———-w—3_m*i&m in the United States, or indeed to Methodist church Thursday, even­ Wiener Jr. and John Selvala non's appointment as manager of any other country, Is due to labor. 23 FREMONT HN^ "COULDNT SPEAK ENGLISH" —General B. S. Grant.' „Sp. Also All Other ing, AugailHISth* .||f5^|| as ushers. The ritea were witnes­ Hotel El Rancho Vegas followed The late Sir Esme Howard was The altar was beautiful with sed by relatives of the contract- his year-and-a-half association one of .the most popular ambassa- yyfc..- *. i •• _# .f-' '"ate Games ferns and baskets of white iris tog parties and many friends. with El Rancho as head auditor jcTofs Brlfain. ever sen-To.-fii. and was lighted with tall white After the ceremony a- wedding since its opening in April* 1941, Nothing is so easy as to deceive Halted States. Naturally, he had one's self, for what we wish Wc KENO tapers. The ceremony which dinner was served at El Rancho ahd previous connection with the what Yankees are fond of "calling united Irene Finney, Vegas at a beautifully appointed various Hull Hotels over a si- Me readily beheve.—-Demosthenes... K, CRA___P^ year period, including the Cali- "an English erf*_'Sga^il winsome dau^S_sForiira.*J. t-T tame and covers were laid tor the One day he entered the May- mm 9AM-• - Finney,... and Stanley Vernon bride and groom, Mr. and- Mrs. fornian and EI Rancho at Fresno, Wines of Boulder City, was read William Wallace*, Mr. and Mrs. S. the El Rancho at Sacramento and POKH. by Rev. E. Clayton -Burgess> of L. Wines, Reno,, Mrs. J. L. Finney, toe Hollywood Roosevelt. Pasadena. Before the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rau, Mr. and *ABQ "^ the sole "O Promise Me" was sung Mrs. Maurice Rau, Mr. and Mrs. by Wendell Bunker with Mrs. M. E Ward.—Harvey Dohde_. ^|_»ACE- •ai : Fred Wilson at the organ. The Louis Wiener Jr. and John Sel­ * We Bg-**jf||p, mm HORSE bridal party approached the alter vala. ' :i____® _____ mum T ^ BREAKFAST - LUNCHES KINO to tile strains of the bridal chorus For the wedding, Mrs. J. L. j*'Dear Uwemf' __s__S_il from Lohengrin and during the LOS ANGELES. C_*_-_F.—Mo- Hot and Cold * Finney, the bride's mother, chose If you are alone when you rfe- Sy_-_*young couple are honey­ bringing down a Jap plane. He j I said it aloud, I stopped and said veil wat held in place by a spray mooning at Lake Tahoe and will 'waa knocked 32 Mat by the ex­ lit under my "breath, I had to get of orange blossoms- She carried he at home to their friends at 522 plosion of a bomb, and received jused to the idea of it. I could Gt-.ND__lt.A-f ALiHER 0WtSCLOTHES - -! a shower bouquet of white orchids South Seventh after August 15. - a slight shrapnel wound. Efcrl" ! hardly believe, we had reached our ' and gardenias from which fell Tho bride, the daughter of Mrs. was honorably discharged from ! first goal—but it's trite. I can white ribbon streamera -with j. L. Finney and the late J. L- tha Army to Sea ttto. He will be j look out tiie window as I type this A "store bought" dress was a seldom-at­ sprays of bouvardia. jfe_§ JpPfl 17 this fall and says ha will then | and see it, alt-nice and shiny sit­ tained luxury for Gran'ma. Today, thanks join the Navy, as the Navy ting outside. There it is—ours, takes them younger. land it's all paid for, which is to modern scientific production methods, I something we are may proud of most women buy smart fashions from Jocol MACK ROSSB I right fibw. Lieutenant Guffey shops at prices home sewing could hardly Finney has grown to young Wo­ ] made a trip to the Handley Hos- RE.UBLICA H. "-jpA N D I DAII;^ manhood here. She is a musician jpital at'Fallon, Nevada to inspect duplicate. sllilWti ^ _|*^__|__i of rare ability and for a time lead Inquire about toe purchase CRAN'MA took a day a wee. but of her served as secretary of the Boulder (of it, and the deal eras so good City school board but is now a life doing the washing, too. Today, home j tiiesimpl y drove it back, and here laundering can't come- close to the scien­ ATTORNEYIGENERAI. deputy ih the office of the county it ia. W$S" ___ DEMOCRAT recorder.. Jfjfjpfp tific modern lourdty-^|yr .efficiency or p|g . In Active Practice Slice 1926 I One-by one the various troupers actual cleanliness . .^' "ond we The Tjridegropm came from ! cqme to tiie office to look it over. "There's No Substitute For Experience' Reno wbere he attended the Uni- [B*__i should see their faces! Pride have a service te fit every puns Tiaaiiji iffTTi i nilii mid iran amurn j —Happiness and contentment all Lieut. Gavernor and need. ^B511_l PS?w ___!_ (Paid political advertisement)".-^'_?a_^^_^^ ber of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. | at toe same time. They just radi- Be is employed by the bureau of jate with it. And when they sit Experienced Legislator. mines in Boulder City. . KafH | behind the wheel-—well, I can't Business throughout Neva­ ftod words to tell you how I fait, da past 20 years. and I'm sure they all had the same SVOTE FOR feeling. But most-of all .we are Watt acquainted with our TROYHSTEAM LAUNDRY thankful I say it humbly for all state and its problems.' RONZONE'S of us because it haa been the sin­ 119 North Main Street Telephone .9 cere hope of every trooper to ba £1^ ARCHIE Cf GRANT able to give to the citizens of tills community a service that will be Democrat tar ill fire (i • • .'"': * ' ' " '.," *. .j beneficial to all. That has been ; ; our aim since We put the first five *^'-.^^S • *** **;?^^^^S^ ^Sr'• ^sSy* *^_SE __H___P l^i^^ - \Wfp¥0# P^___2___i ^SM dollars in the bank. As a matter A • . - ~''______r _ i___!;'______* ^.i^ §____!_. __^a*?^_i^:;*^"- wF§*^[ *^*__*^_l ll?--f_i^---*v' ' _»_j *W_1_«. t JCONGRESS OKiTHE m of fact wben we wrote the check DAILY NEWS--9-.3Q AM. tor tiie ambulance we taft that III- 'Primary September 1. 1942 five dollars to the bank. Good ON K-E-N-O *- 1406 ke. luck? I hope so. v'gg Paid political ad*. __*£*-'. *_£____ ;i-l_f_|K: Before I bid you adieu today I ift; •' You Have|a Fai-Sfchance'-to .-fWin ff want you to be sure that all of the people know how thankful we are that w. were able to reach : ^_fp§ •' "^_^____L-*t>• ^R- <$j^m^" ' ^^!i*_i_i^ "•','"'•" our ambulance goal, and so to all " |S S81 Wh«n Yeu Play of thi |§| of tham who helped, WhgttiCT it was try donating magarinaa, news* papers, scrap iron or silver dol­ lars, we, each mna Oft*, thank you pom .the bottom of our hearts. I. .... Sincerely' Your Nieces, W. A, D. C. A. MINI-NIG By SjSgt 'Alice M. Allen.

Stiff** BUttBB 0BaBm*tB : 1-H.i ££»S£ «»«MBi*r_B on mmaa nam MINIM* Realty Bargains . ' -v' . : _. . ' X^Bm> • tfp.r** _a_l___ • i ;M aB your favorite, games ;-"_ :S m Jlfc -'.' ". \_M *>** BT* -948 •' '"w^ ' *_«-<____I-*_, s ^^* »^^! -' _f^*_s'^P §»•*__! _ _fe'. -^i^^^^i ______"•___5_^___|_| __l_l _l___l MOTEL — Netting approx.- • sy* msBAAmmm et the coiMittee. on Minss and Kin- .. mately ll^lfltmonth_n Fine wHt pf: t TuNE RAcE HORSE ibB' e£4i* ___ied States Senate X aa bappr te maks this Highway location. _. Terms. atmAmmeuX rftsardins aaa ot tha outstanding sod Boat ^^ jii ^ ^feif iijiit"" bard-workiiia •wmBAatB 'at Ahmt Coeaittaa/p^^^ Senator Bunko, has bean a mmmthmr of tha Minos aad TRAILER CAMP — Netting -.etn» CoBBBitte* sinoe becoming a sie-iber at the Sonata. better than $2,000 per mo. I -^P^ift- •'.• PAH6IMG0_'S -'• tta haa attended regularly all nestings oi tha Coonittoo aad an nuaorous occasions, haa aetad as a member at This hi an outstanding buy. aub-oosnitteos to whioh various Mines aad Mining Termsi • 1 1 bills introduced ia tho -Senate have been referred for • consideration. ||11| ggp 1 1' ;'' * |AR0-AHK''^ 1 ""^ ^ "^•gpsaada ia a greet atniag state aad.ita- Mine own­ FINE FRONTAGE on L. A. ; ers end minors aro fortunate in having ia the United Highway —• 200 feet In States Senate a man oho is ae weU qualified to aet heart of big hotel develop­ & IROUI-TTA #0KER ^ M^JCBIO "^__Af_i- , '1 Intel 1-gently on all activities pertaining to Mining. ment. A snap... «- Tais lartssil glad to havs tsaatar Iwflisr as a mmammr at— this Committee and to havf available his advioo and ' ability when determining Mast action should bo taken on bills having to do "with thia important industryoHlff BOULDER HIGHWAY FRONTAGE — Highly suit­ Sincerelyyourt, able for business or realty development. Offered at bargain price,' "$j$Sml •1 -' 8 • W • N^f \ M ^ JO_O_ r, Qinrm : vl K CA l Yauiils : Chairman. ~ -^&t- -^^ ^ ¥!f* ^ i^-^fM^ W - SEVERAL FINE HOMES AND EXCEPTIONAL RES­ FOR V. e. SENATOR IDENTIAL -PROPERTIES. ALSO TWO '. BER K E L E-Yfl^iM WONDERFOL RANCHES BOt&-M§. <|_|LfB '''

; : B U N|K EM TRUSl^CO. ' ; ', v iM_ W^I^L. ?' - ^ Mm Member of the Committee on Mines _md Mining of ti^ United States Senate 334 FREMONT ST "[^Mr^B^S2______y__ DPMf_-C_l_AT TM-ttiaf Friowls of SMISMII HnaVw) mm PHONE-tm'-w-.- 11 '—~r i mil mi 39: » jgj 1 *; /,; '"yi Jj'ff '7* "ff mm»m .• •;' gjg =pa__ 3ES _tv Friday. August 14,1912 _&. t VEQil:lSE Page Threo improvfement embodied the s <* GANDHV UNDER ARREST recommendations of a J minority N EVA DA CON SOLI DATED FAST report submitted by East in 1924 when he served on a committee FREIGHfl Jfrjfclhompson Bttmtmmy-o$JLow appointed tby the Governor to $18South Main Street .J|| | phona 460 EvaoiN^fiBif make recommendations on financ­ Ros____* /Wsk eer of the Automobile Club of officials, he headed a Club expe­ Suite 1-2, Clark Building Southern California, when he was dition to explore projected routes El Portal Bldg. % Las Vegas appointed a member of the execu­ of tiie highway down the west S>#hoiial64 tive staff, Office of Civilian De­ coast of .Mexico. The first ex­ fense, 9th Civilian -Defense Bag- pedition readied Mexico City and ion, Southern Sector Office, as the following year it pushed on BOMfLiNO I E. H. HAWKINS, M. D. transportation and evacuation of- MORSE AMD GRAVES to San Salvadof. The entire dis­ CENEBAL PRACTICE _cer._Sf_f m§S9S&' • tance of 2,800 miles was covered Get up a party and eome" in for fun: and IJIW OFFICES The appointment was made Spociol JUtO-titon te Confinaman. hy automobile through many sec­ healthful exercise. Our alleys are in perfect 121 Fremont Casss _s_i jointly by the 9th Regional Of­ tions thaf had never before been fice, OCD, under.Henry E. Duque, condition. Ten of _S__^psurjjl.^_*u of no Las Vagas. Nov. Phono 1414 Cotam So. Sth awl »HdSBlfvJ: _ crossed by a wheeled vehicle. Be­ Phona UTO X_u Vsoas, Na _4a ;-____rtHrt^-l _jpi. ||§|| IPffc.' charge of civilian evacuation and - BOMBAY. _N_>IA*---- few hours after sxcilod mobs had burned ganized flip International Pacific Play on the Finest Allays in Amer­ transportation for the eight west­ Highway Association which has buses, battled polices, and looted shops, Sunday, August 9, the ern states, and Willard W. Keith, since promoted tbe development ica • - - ai the Air Conditioned British government of India arrested Mohandas K. Gandhi (cen­ Director of tiie Southern Sector of the Mexican section of the ter) along with other Indian Nationalist Loaders. Light bamboo ' Office, OCD. highway, j J|^^|p|p| ,f§|_ At. the same time, it was made BI--_-Mg-Mffl^_-S slaves firs . then tear gas. and finally guns were used to. stop the Prior to. his' appointment as RECREATION CENTER violent rioters. The nuinber of arrests so far reported is dose to known that an Army-approved 128 S. Second Phona 606 ^^^ ATTORNlY-AT-l_^l& ^§8 manual, for theevacuation of^^civ­ chief engineer of the. Automobile Phone 8 Room 1—Western Union Bldg.*—107 Fremont St. 200. . :.>*^l-______iniii HHH ilians in the Ninth Civilian De­ Club of Southern California, East fense Region Is now in the hands served eight years with the Cali­ of all. State and local .defense fornia Highway Cammissiop. and councils. The manual is the work supervised the construction of CAPABLE + COURAGEOUS Of Henry E. Duque and has the such highway projects as the approval of Lt.-Gen. J. L. DeWitt Rincon section of tiie Coast High­ of the Western Defense Command. way, the plank road over tha Col­ East/s duty will be to apply this orado Desert sand dunes, and tbe over-all plan to the Southern Sec­ Ridge Road in Los Angeles coun­ tor, which comprises* Southern ty. • ^|lipiill Caltfonjia. _ie southern tlp.of -Iff•**. "T-ufing Wwig^j. ar' I East was vada and all of Arizona. He also a. captain assigned to* the 403rd will stimulate and coordinate engineers. "_$§?. lfpS^:_S_P transportation and evacuation ef­ forts of local defense organiza­ Pittman Is Strong tions, working in close coopera­ tion with tile Army and tha Of­ Says Fallen Paper fice of Def ense Transportation. The initial step in the develop­ Vaffl M. _*h*m_r__riMSIy, leeent- PIONEER CLUB ment of this pttggtam wte taken ly announced as nominee on tbe fffU when Hot conferred with the ex­ democratic ticket • I ecutive staff of tiie OCD and with for .lieutenant Army -officers of the Southern governor of Neva­ |j||. Las Vegas' Newest Club Invites You to Spend an; J|tJ^ Sector. __^__j lil_ da, is said to bit The services of Mr. East are generally rated being contributed to the OCD for around the state the duration by tiie Automobile as tiie strongest Club of .Southern California. candidate among As chief engineer of the Auto­ the five to appear j mobile Club at Southern Califor­ for t h 18 post, nia since 1920, Mr. East has had states tiw FAL­ a wide and varied experience in LON STAND- tiie field of highway aad street developm^it. traffic control and. JPIttman is a highway transportation. brother o f the | He is credited with originating tats Senator , with and developing the idea ot bind­ whom he was associated in mining DEMOCRAT FOR CONCSRESS ing gravel roads with fuel oil In Round Mountain and Tonopah when he prepared specifications in in the boom days. He later was in PAN IH POKER| UMm j^p'-MG-SIX S WHAT I STAND POtt 1922 for an experimental section charge of the Goldfield Lumber of highway in TTiiinH|fc The suc­ Company, following, which he • __•% fas Ost Goaasty-~'m Victory-ifS- cess of this initial test section re­ worked for the First National Bank • _«% For a Stronger America After Victory. sulted ia the construction ot more of Tonopah. He became manager of ^#ANK^fe £Mk #A™I f"': • than 10,000 miles of this type of til* Tonopah Miner, then one of the • 10*% For Completely Byipjptag aad Training Oat highway in the West, at a cost of leading mining publications of ttw Soldiers. - ' __• about one-sixth of that W stand­ West. This poat he retained until ard pavement !____• ' « he went'to Ely In 1019 to found RC_tEnE# ___!-# ilWENTYl>IIE V The California Highway act _f the Ely Daily Times, started ia 1 PROGRESSIVE 1987 classifying state roads and 1920 and sow developed into one S^^if! j {Political Advertisement) .._i§ _-_____. setting Up a method of allocating of the leading dallies of the state funds for their construction and published la Nevada's best equipped plants. g_§__SllP p&l.. Prior b* that time Vail Pittman took charge of a plantation of 1600 acres in tbe south. This farming Visit Our Cocktail Lounge KEEP NEVADA ON A SOUND BASIS background was an asset to him whan ho served in the Nevada senate during the sessions of 1825 _f_HE BRIGHTEST SPO-JWDEaJtaE SU_«» .' Hffl witth iHSlI ______and IB" aad two special am*AmABL at which numerous farming and ranching questions were brought ap in the legislature. Pio npc(E| Club mmr- Fremont Avenue ot First Street ffl CHUCK ADDISON and TUTOR SCHERER, Owners

meas*' J


MR of our enemy in using these tactics by creating '0w Would it be wise for the people of this JSS * WNKER? .why is it .Toysan .s of oil this stir? . .. Jpf§| vicinity to send a representative to Washing­ worker* at the magnesium plant hovt feeei* ton to serve in the Senate of the United States b forced to live through the heat of the summer !"' . DIDN'T you "realize you were serving the who would obstruct the industrial program of in the worst possible conditions?^ cause of th€^e-^redatety-4nterasts--w(i_-_^ "this areawhich the "citizenshavesf rived to get" like to keep the plant -from* getting started, for years?'"v«gi _____ Why have patriotic Americans, determ­ who place control of .the industry ahead of Na- WAS YOUR COURSE DICTATED SY Of. ined to help get this vital material in produc­ tiortal defense*** - PP|fl^ tion, been forced to endure tenfold .wt-tfship-"^ SIRE POR REELECTION? WAS IT JUST A their farollies as well—because of lack;of. a^^ftiff^f-T you^U-new you were playing the MISTAKE O. YOUTH AND INtXHRIEJ4C-f Ihousing? game of the enemies of this country and the OR WIRE YOU DOING SOMEBODY HITS enemies of this industry in carrying x>n your DIRTY WORK. ... WHAT IS THE ANSWER, Bas|c Magnesium, inc.. realteing the attack? . S E N ATOR ? j&Jg lp|| j|^ ^pi probable situation, had plans f»r building plenty of housing near the plant tptoke care IF you were seriously concerned about ' .-ll MR. BUNKER WITH YEARS TO CO AND of all of the workers who would be employed. problems of mismahagement etc., and solely ACTION TOCOME, YOU hove been Irt-lNBlL E|P. f Ted-)|CARVI LLE That town would haw been finished beroie interested in seeing them cleared up, wouldn't S. Senate two years. M^^l. khrhot weathd. hadirn-T-Seer^ferr inrerfef- the best opproach have bat ft to consult with * ISK^pllr true, that-'—- enc officials of Defense Plants Corporation first *' Hif• — " __»_! (which you never did) and then, if they refused YOU have mode speeches on but two sub­ \~^-VftfA1t-is^<^ to cooperate, blasted them? Defense Plant jects during that time and these two speeches workers? Their wives and chilcfiw^ but for Corporation is. parf of the National .Govern­ "- were "," " •' ment, ^oUfGovemirieht Snd mine --they're m- your interference, would now be liVirig in ccm** r . GOVERNOR fortable home. OTFcaoted, with al. sanitary I teres ted onW tn producing magnesium, and FIRST*--->rA0AtNST levying a sizeable tax facilities necessary to their heglfh, ali-Conye- -would un&tft>ted{.^have you j on sfofrmao .}»eSr_a realize revenue.for N_ffdh-1 * • .. -- -*• _. _• al Defense*-* $$m niences oi-mpderrt homes. ^_J That cdursas '-night not have gotten you 11M prohleftu of state government in these arttfca- time* cell for constructive ... SECOND—AGAINST Basic MagDesium .4____*S__^.' . ._-_-.-_- ^-- ,M ; .. ^^ YOtiUr-tOMISED THfiY'D HAVI HOMfS any votes Mr. Bunker, but it woufdhaye been BY NOW. WHERt AM THfY? TIN THOUS- the patriotic- way——dissension and turmoil are Inc., the only sj.?eab.e industry "to ever'locdte 1 . in this State, ond the c<^e®_resi^ Nevada's governor, E. P. Carville, has .sa_o«slw>lsi Mu ^^.;_<^iiriyatwAlt. AND WORKIRS WOULD LlKt fHI AN­ • the two things we're CQ.§^ ; —-ore constantly told- are .fflTl_IR?S '^papons. ,:the" growth and develoomer^tw your rt_frie tbw duties of this high of fke. IBfc * B_SF" ' ' SWER TO THIS'. QUESTION. ^^ ^K county, and your home State? ||p> A native Nevedan, he has kept faith with the people of lis state. , Um tenure - IN your attack on the mogheslurr. plant, bAf-.•-ki_k#r^__%p*_B_BM^if yfet___angfe ditfeft you realize you were stirring up dissen- tions were reaiizgd you-V?c_Uld have |eopardii:ed WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU DONE TO JUS- of office, devoid of fanfare and ballyhoo, bespeaks the-eentiments of .a people Zjg&rV YOUlf^PEAl' FOR REELECTION? who favor progressive conservatism in their state government. akyn, casting discredit en the onlybigf industry the future;©f this q.reij/_§"arr industrfol center? 'in Southern Nevada, jjei.^diziiiiB. the very Would"Irfwstriolfsts have faith in,a person' , whonifhey could not Jrust after su rVe y ing. you. .*^r_»t»iictrdii'-- ond operation.:.o~_ibe _pl*.rrt.J ; , \ pytnft you reall-ze >?o wef« keying the cause | record of the p4i|£Mpiiii|ij||l»' . . COMMITTEE ON IABOR. Muncu aevsaTisaiKXNx s?m__m Tatar. LAS VEGAS J-fiE Friday, Augttst 14 ISC

atta. Myrtle Tate, care of Juv. - _.00|Ze__a -mllaniek. salary ______82.30 John Balance, services "ii:__i ipjjFanchon Adcock, salary _™3_ 62.50 'Caiypptaie A. B. Bobbina, indigent rent .. l»!oo wlmiSnd^rm^muSir^^t .___'__. f Mr. a Boschl. Indigent ___«___ tM _S_^_^^____S^U^l^^r 'SS'SS Pegged Mrs. Georgian Brelrtey fS^Tice ^SSo m_l__*a^--!i-__?- S» Hc_>_ltis, titdteerf «St ._^£-_ SSM F~S_|iS£nrM__i?v ______.* iS__ T Wl W«fs-^nd* Cte*STLaVerne. shoSiTimaaatBishop, indigen temWSZt rent—.—____ «.ooL k%™__5fe^___.*™*^Oglesby,-salary gfo'Sga-* s' *. 100.0.no__0 Una. V. Hughes, salary 22.50 Fnnn wui II nilli iBliiy Wl IM) .__*_»THBBkH iNGtADAV n_|DlN« **M_W-t»A»*"-B>" There is nothing basically new James McLean, "i"y T'jfe". 81.00 Frances Malone. salary ______75.00 Stella Fleming, aalary ' afe . XIAO Helen Craner, salary _... t.t :.,-,-,. g7_jo te the idea of using cargo air­ Thelma Goldsborough, satery 42.50 Violet Johnson, salary • _. ,;•'. .."_" '. gs.00 EsfrhHshfl fee 1905 planes to supplant water-borne Harry A. Ste*. tUtx and game 250 Frances ullom, salary i_L_. 8800 Cornelia Hardy, __th and game 1100 •Alice Davis, salary 65 oo transport. It has long been urged Max Hafen, services —... 50.00 Chloe Van Buna, tatetj .- '.', ggm Editor by such authorities on ttte Wm. Harper, services .-__, 7.80 Caroline Reber, salary 82 50' CHARLES P. {TOM**.--- i • Southern Nevada Pen. Oa., _owery, salary -____.. 62 so strength and tiie adaptability of services ... _-_.__ _.. 5.1R Jeanne Smith, salary ..,-_...... „• SuS DOROTHY D. BRIMACOMBE r'JBgS. ... Business Manager airpower as Major de Seversky. American Bed Cross, ebarity a£_. sAt John Beville, satery ...,-, ,,„,„ IOOOQ Smart St Final, supplies ,'yS$f SS46 |_e-oa Singleton, salary ______87_so E. H. JOHNSON -|p-' Iff*- • ..Plant Superihfeident And Hitler himself has made ex­ JbUair%^__ii_ __ i» _ proved to be of almost ho im­ William J. Hatton, salary ...... 100.00 ? portance. The British men-of- Phyllis Carlson, salary _5s«£#__- S7J0 Tide Water A_oc__te_f_*»!^_Bi Eileen Asnante, 8aluT-§___. 87.50 <0B Co., supplies .___, I is 48 war dominated the sea lanes-shut Florence Knox, salary 87.50 ChHtk County Wholesale ^^ ^^ they could* do nothing to tiie Nasi TiUa Ferguson, salary 87.80 Merc. Co., supplies „._ 222 60 COMPLICATED POLITICS^ - jS Audrey Pearson, salary .„. 65.00 Landes Tractor it Equip. Co, ~"**~ air transports which flew safely Sybil itonnow, salary _ 62.50 monthly payment ._„___..._ - -to _*, |||f|' Politics,: always a rather complicated and uncer tairi by overhead. v^_fif. 1*I_. Jewell Bigelow, aatery ...... S-E Jessie Coops^l^ and|^ae___ __. Millie Huntsman, salary __ 62.8"••Foo0 d Center, BUHJ_W2_T^ sa?. pursuit, seems to be reaching its extreme of complicity as be. What is new Is the magnitude of Ann Bengan*. salary ___Z^._; 6S.S0 L. V. Baking Co., supplies ~___ _ "•*•_____. the plan recently proposed by Sadie Blu—hard. salary 62JS0 Market Bpe«, sunpliea • ZT~y~y_ __»« ing carried on in the Democratic primary campaign just now, Henry J.. Kaiser, and supported Zeima-Smllanick, aatery ... 62.50 ««mtod Brands, suppUes ____ 25!os Fanchon T. Adcock, salary'... '. 15.69 Ci^r Ice Company, suppUes ___ 18,00 For example, Congressman James G. Scrugham, one of by a number of the principal Harold Miller, satery .' . ... 26.00 Sears Roebuck St CaZaapphmZ"•: 4jJ builders ot aircraft.. The German Eddie Buxton, satery 32.00 __.*a*f**. "»t. Co_. services __T Neptune Meter Co., suppUes 913 th^ most dependable, faithful and efficient members of tiie planes so for used have been rela­ Jack Moore, salary Ge-v Auto Parts Co., supplies _! 440 Leona Bothw.ll, salary _.•._ 100.08 McQuar-hu-p^p OB. supplies 135.60 tively small—-Mr. Kaiser envis­ v._0. Lawrence, salary.-_."_ Democratic machine for almost thirty years past, who has Isabel Hislop, salary , u __ 20.00 1 155.00 ages air freighters of 200 to 500 Oscar Abbott, salary _____ C. _fc Bell, Bala r___.aui-_.5-,'} TAB J^C.NS. f-Sff.*--!!"Jenkins, in in lin^"**^^g ... : JIS-14.8S6 never been known to desert or betj?ay a friend, is now being tons. The German planes, due Harry Howell, salary _SS; 91.00 Palm Funeral Home, services" 88.00 i_ *•*••_ BVPt, .OB, j_rv ices __. 1004t£ 0 to the Reich's geographical posi­ BRIM Sandquist, salary 91.00 sneered at by a would-be important element of the Nevada Harry Wilder, aatery , Eileei n mAmanteJ , salary 67.50 tion, have not had to have any Neal Miles, services • ____:. 91.00 Ph*__LT _ 11_™1 __ _m-. o f gsbon,-•*___ sater*•* . y -__Z lSoii Democracy. Partly, perhaps, because he would not join in great range—Mr. Kaiser envisages L. V. Elec. Molar, Co.. services ai.oo Phyllis Carlson, salary - 37.50 At. Nelson, services Ettut Wooten, aalary -^______freighters which can cross the . 18.80 L R. Crandall salary and ex. __! i25!o52.04o . Esther Godinez, services ...... UAb the effort being made by other'politicians to build their own teas and still have capacity for Ernest Sandquist, services Helen Marie S-35. aalary C 62 _ 20.50 B. Mahlon Brown, services te 10 tremendous amounts of cargo. Cal. Pac. Utilities, services ....-.:. 2.10 Cardinal St Piesefta, suppUes " M aa political future on petty attacks on America's No. 1 Defense Emil Erickson, services _._-. 15.00 The German planes, jt is believed, William Kelsey, services ...... 8 Co 74_5 Bl*. 1.-?"^-,? White," suppUe- $ s*=»Tsupplie . ' s 2224it n8n JVOjMft. Ifll ^ll____P^ __l^___ IBl were and are being _ produced L. V. Review Journal, services 6.75 Bernice M. Fenlon, salary ...,__._ 60.0it.108 mwa, ou Co.obe,; s™piie-T____J ? c ; la SS (WNU Service) slowly and in relatively. small Ben L. Peters, aatery ,,,.,..,, „ 14.050.00 rV S_iT i *' o*^r«wSa_ !1S W&k-' Then there is another element equally intent in justi­ SjjB. Bell, services ______16.00 numbers—Mr. Kaiser talks'. Of Mrs. Jessie Christiott services .... 625.20 Jteok Moore, satery _,__ recently stated categorically that building planes of vast size under' Jack Cross, Bervlate-^-—. __ 12.00 10848 fying their own political mistakes by continued attacks upon control was necessary in order to Wayne McCarl, services ._ 102.50 Isabel Hislop, satery 32.50 close the cell doors were among It "support* and will fight for just a mass-production system which B. C. Campbell, services 2.00 Oacar Abbott, salary 98.00 tins, same enterprise in creation of which Scrugham played Prison Provides one program for the production WiH foni them out almost as L. V. Review Journal, services 846.70 SJ_ BeU, salary _*"" 82.00 the other materials loaded.. This A. P. Rubidoux, material v- Harry HoweU, salary ____"!__. ___i was the contribution that R. H. of synthetic rubber, lhat is, quickly as Detroit assembly Uses and labor _...,.. . __j__-*_ 120.00 Harold JCBar, salary 3~_~__: __R an important part at the time when Nevada's interests were whatever program the govern­ used to torn out motor cars. David Mendelsohn, services .._._ 2.00 Ernest Sandquist. ™fi_*t__I_Z 98 00 Sheehy, Warden of the Nevada Joe Dayton, Juror „.._ __, g| gjm Eddie Buxtral, sak _r-_.-_Z__r'"'ffl7_ trembling in the balance because of persistant efforts on tile Big Metal Salvage State Prison, gave to our war pro­ ment adopts to give our nation No one can deny that tiie cargo Geo. P. Blxon, luror ._;_____.. 2,00 Hany Wilder, aatery _____Z_Z IM 00 James H. Down, Jr., services ;. 18,00 _^5^TS__^-_J«______- 187:_5 duction machine. Most of this tite most rubber in the shortest idea, if it is workable, will prove 5 t l i part of powerful political elements to locate the industry in CARSON CITY, August 11.— John A. Egger. juror ____„_.. 4.00 Albright's Bus. Mach-ies :* * *' * scrap metal reached the Pacific time, from any raw material what­ at least a partial solution to the Charles Greenfield. _t»8fI__Z_IZ - 2.00 i__» suppUes 41 as Fifty tons ol metal, over half of it Coast a week or so ago and has, soever, and with the least pos­ most difficult problem tiie United Y- at, AdcocE, jwSS __..„__i_. 2.00 Bartlett ____ Hardware S_fP California instead of in Nevada and still more powerful fin­ select cast iron, has been moved Apache Cafe, meals for Jury 1 .35 Cs, suppUes !••!«..',.„',, gas undoubtedly, found its way to tiwsibl e drain on vital {Construction Nations face. So far as produc­ B. H. Bishop, luror *. 2.00 ancial interests intent.upon eliminating possible competition out of "*'Nevada' State Prison into material-." That Is the policy B. H. Bishop, juror ^_S-i— fire boxes or furnaces. ____sv^ tion for war is concerned, this 2.00 __.___. suppBss^_S^__:^__. war industries. When this ma­ -—All, over the State of Nevada of the industry generally. -3|&fc. P. S- McCtenahan, JUror ._. 4.00 ••1* by killing it entirely.—.|||||l||| __K^^li! country has generally realized the Dave- Holland..Juror ___.____. 2.00 "e^__^.__^~ 12.45 terial was being loaded on the salvage" committees are looking "arsenal xst demacracy" goal laid Dan JohndShI, <_«_*--._• ..,,„,., 2.06 25-ton capacity truck and trailer for just such "scrap mines", as ex­ What has delayed the synthetic Mike Rowan, Juror __C • 2.00 and materinl ______as so Many Democrats have expressed curiosity at just what rubber program is inexcusable down by the President. But get *, H. Wadswortlx, juror ._<_^.„__ 2.00 James H. Down, Jr.. services ^__„ 2340 it was interesting to note me dif­ isted .at tiie prison ' ._M3l ting that production te the far Dave Holland, Juror 2.00 political manhandling. Bureau t 1 ! Senator Bunker hopes to accomplish by his practically base­ ferent types of items, long se­ In tiie words of A. J. Caton, flung battlefronts. of this global Lundy's Machine Shop, services 6.60 Fi___ -_F*li- * " «-PPlies .__ 30,00 after bureau has stuck ito figner Shell OU Co., gasoUne __2 . . 4.50Uoy d S. Payne, stamps .. iuu» less attacks upon Basic Magnesium and high officials of the cluded in the prison yards, that State Chairman, "This type of war is'a very different matter. D. G. Lawrence, aery lees 25 SO Clarence A. Lewis, services __ 11040 iilto tile pie.. The public has been D. G. Lawrence, 1111 sEiaa James Cashman, suppUes __I ISTO would eventually be made into scrap collection.will help te place The hard truth is that, the Axis 14.30 McDaniel Goodwin _i^_-p " w v United States Government charged- with the important dnty ship plate, fjuns, and tanks. On Nevada as No. 1 in the nation conflicting opinion after Mrs. Jimmie Bell, juror .. 3.00 another, Only recently has any is sinking mosd ships than the B. J. Curto, Juror __..: 3.00 i«SS_a o^-c^-„S_ii_r-- _ll of providing the United States with the means of defense in the first load went an old crusher from tiie standpoint of salvage order come out of the chaos—and United Nations can replace—and Bernard Garron, juror ._. 3.00 , of the vintage 1870 or earlier. It volume." it is sinking with them an enor­ Oran K. Gragson, juror ...... 3.00 s_____j*_s^-' wS-^^ m only recently has any real .Start Mrs. Gwen Farrell, juror y .; - 3.00 Richfield Oil Corp, suppUes 88 oa the shortest possible time. |||| < ' ^_'*' had been previously used in pre­ mous amount of vital supplies. W. C. Olive, Jr., sal. and services 5046 toward solVing the problem been Geo. Burgess, services _-______. SAP) n'w D__^»*™«J«-^Oil_r~- "* ISf-" ***-¥ ' f||l Tha Navy has not been able to R 1 l _ Then there is Governor Carville who appointed Senator paring building materials at the made. Standard Oil Co.-of ____ **__,'* __ *» ******* . .._ SMS prison and elsewhere In tiie state. solve the problem. And some Call*., gasoline i______7660 Service Printers-Las Vegas Bunker to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Key Pitt­ On this ancient piece of equip­ Whether synthetic raifrer can authorities are convinced that it Frank wait, salary _. . lOSTKTflrAge , services ____=SB_X___ ills Automobile Tires Smart St Final, supplies 28 28 McQuay Supply Co. _uppU____~ nM ment, the fly wheels had been re-, best be made from petroleum, is basically insoluble--that• ter­ Clark County ReUef Adm., '?2*5i man. who after visiting the Basic Magnesium plant six times (Fain alcohol or anything else ht rible losses will continue ahd per­ food stamps . 96.00 v.*. i_tehwor-t, aatery placed with ordinary railroad car So. Nev. Tel. Co, seivtoaa 7^5 and suppUes .-_.r_.-.',- ,_:_., 71 in 'a chemical problem, not a political haps mount, unless and until the Note Rushton, servicea _=^-?y.--... 12 00 with every opportunity for complete observation, gives to the wheels. Evidently, tiie repair job America Wan^S problem. The oil industry, like B. Mahlon Brown, ativteaa ___._ IMS Nevada todu-trial _g__i_ar_ ****** had been a success because the The charge that oil contpaiUes freighters leave tiie water and D. G. Lawrence, services ....._ ... 14.70 insurance ______" 814B tiie rest of the country, wants re­ Guy H. Miller, gator _X__._—... 3.00 rn a press a statement moat laudatory of Basic Magnesium and its crusher was hi active use until as have deliberately blocked tite pro­ take to tiie skies. m$^ Ed Pizinger, Juror ,7'j. SM ^ ^LPmS^*3 ^ mrrbem 8.44 sults,. It's interest, like tiie inter­ Lovina Garrison, game ...... 2.00 S* 55.' !_!-*• Co- -wvicea ___ 440 accomplishments, completely refuting the attacks of Senatpr late as 1925. Iron ban from the duction ef artificial rubber for est of all of us, Use-in getting tins Even tiie biggasl cargo planes D. G. Lawrence, services _...... 14.70T ^& fl.-__*yS_.**St. lervlo*" -~ S.84 cell blocks, old discarded mangles, mercenary reasons is an example so for built cannot carry a great L. V. Land Ss Water Co. services 28.00 MT 'R-t-'-tonworth. salary .,.., , ,._. w.00 in the fbortest possible thm. ir­ Mr. A. E. King-Ellison, Juror 3.00 Mr^MUdr_NoaW.aeri-ioM^_~ 12.00 Bunker. • * __*„ • __3ll and a tremendous cast irbn wheel of political basic-passing of the. deal in one trip. But, over a per­ C. W. Rasmussen, services ._..... _3_» respective of the process used to E. J. Harts, furor ______!—. 3.00 «_*•'_- lp*l,»-*_L__V**rviesB_21. 180.10 Which leads one to wonder' if our state democracy is used at the. time -when manual worst t_)N_^^|l_^S manufacture them. ____ iod of time, their speed will make Donat Zuk, Juror'."I^SSSS 3.00 JWbjhtUndersigned, m. F. Davison Jack Spence, Juror •__„___ 3.00 -SS? CoLg^Nt. .i°___"_£^ f One of the largest oil companies up for that lafck." It is said, tor_ Mrs. Veda Simpson, juror __- 3.00 not riding on a mery-go-round trying to go three different instance, that 40 flying boats of M. E. O'Connor, Juror SM ^^•CoSWcie,?__S «__?_?«& tiie 70-ton size are equal to a 10,- D. G. Lawrence, services - __. 1440 __?"?• SLSSa-y Ctnnmlssioners, do ways at one time. ^-j__ i-^^^___^*_i_l Boulder City News, services ... 13.80 hereby CERTIFY, that the foregolAg ia 800-ton Liberty ship in carrying Gay lor Bros, Jne„ tnppUes ... 58.47 ______Sr Jj™-* an« eortm list of aS FoBett Book Co, suppUes .. 98.79 cleams allowed against the said County One thing is obvious, very obvious—that Nevada Demo­ capacity. An ordinary freighter The Macmtlten Co, suppUes 12.54 _*__pe regular meeting of said Board can make only threefound trips to L. V. Review Journal, services 19.95 m 8 , A cratic factions are each frantically seeking somehobby horse and from Australia in tiie course Albright's Bus. Machines. "H* •* E«*|. g A^(^ --MriP. w« of a year—and a cargo plane can •t©rvic©_i _. _?__M_^. LIS RODNEY COLTON NEVADA Will Be Proud Albright's Bus. Machines 1 IRA J. EARL. Chairman ot tha on which to ride to victory. Some, it is. obvious, Would prefer make 26. A cargo plane might supplies , _ 2.03 Ii ** _S™S. °_ £-****#'Po«MnlBBlon- L. E. Tay lor, Juror jA.:'f.' ' 2.00 ers, Clark County, Nevada. to ride the hobby horse of reasonable sanity and eohspvatism make 70 or more round trips car­ 26.40 Imperial Mar. Co, supplies ... EIGHTH JUDICLU. DISTHICT rying freight and troops to Eng­ Armanko OHice Supply m• -9.00 ______i_, fish.and game - S.78 Dated* thto 41st -ttay of July, A. D. IMS. tion in Nevada. :.i_l _^_|-S-_S^S_^ &__•*#,.; One half of one per cent of all El Portal Electric Co, services 440 -Kf*. __?__ aVPAYNE, Clerk of the __*OTI3\_£» ^*__*______couples "who obtained marriage Bartlett Bros. Hardware {So* Elahth Judicial District, Court ' fish and game , .-*, •'... . 1448 of the State of Nevada, In and Whether this is really any advantage is beginning to be licenses in Washoe county in 1041 Frad Tisdial. services .>-....."...„...." 1840 for Clark County, Nevada. either got "cold feet" and didn't Albright's Busmess Machines _.._. ..Ja**.5?***vel Bigefcte. Deputy. " a question in the minds of some of us. Perhaps our community —Co, suppUes. .; ._•.•_—_,_.._.] —••_-tmM' .W>LA|B>_.H,..wniEY, :...„•_ . . ir-.yg get married, or else failed to have Boulder City News, services - Court House Building, v- _ - their marriage i certificate re­ JL. V. Nevada Chamber of " Las Vegas. Nevada would be more tolorful and hospitable if therewere fewer corded. Last year according to Commerce, expenses":___., •*j 100.00 Attorney tor Plaintiff. --•._____. Helen J. Redford, services :.._40 Publish July 30, Aug. 7, 14 and 21, 1942. strangers here. T. L. Taylor, deputy ia the Washoe Helen J. Bedford, services ___• county clerk's office, 119 marriage Helen J. Redford. • services _. 16.80 -*____!|__F __P-14CAT10W FOB PEH- Nevertheless, it is a matter of some pride to be sure, that Helen J. Bedford, services ... 25.20 certificates of the 22,938 issued Glen Waite, services ___,... 10.00 wnseioN TO APPROPRIATE THE der predictions of many years gone by are beginning to t. were not recorded. Parley S. Hunt, service- UUS PDBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE Hugh Bunker, services .._____ ttjf OF NEVADA. fe'ft realized. LaMar Hardy, seryifies _____ 440 Apphcatlao No. 10847 To Be Represented ly TURN IN 337 LBS, GREASE D. Holland, -Juror' 240 Dan Jondabl, juror .•- . . 240 so-Nottet * te hereby given that on toe Winnemucca housewives turned So . Nev. Pwr. Co... services 845 _ day of July, 18-2, in accordance City Iron Works, services .-__... 33.00 with Section 59, Chapter 59. of the in 337 pounds of grease in the first «• Von Tobel Lbr. Co. Statuteo of 1918, MatilSa R. Russell of h/m Vegas. County of Cterk, State of THtftt OlfTTirOFFEIISIVf &$*-* James G. weeks of the drive for kitchen monthb* payment .L.*. 8040 Nevada. Made application to tbe State fats ft is reported. The govern­ Lucille C. Brown, services 2.10 Engineer ot Nevada for permission to H. J. Smith, juror .-. :.,., 2.00 appropriate 4 of a second foot of the ment's goal is two million pounds. Maydelle Norman, salary p.'Vf. ;Hi__ 87.50 public waters of tba State of Nevada. C. G. FaUwell..suppUes •_ .'.„....'.„.; _*.,47 Divgjfjon ia to be made from an under- Gen. Auto Parts Co.. supplies .... 748 gro-na source at a point in the SK_. American Bed Cross, charity ...... 24.10 SEttSec. 32, T. SO S, R. SI E„ M. D. B. Nev.-Auto Farts, suppUes IAS SSjfm at a point frorm which the E- Nev. Auto Service, service j •. ut «W*_ at __i_ see, _». ____» Nr.!*- Raymond GriaitH salary .jf^ m-vv ___• ____? LEGAL 20* E, 1.990.1 feet. W**9L *MB be Perle S. Brown, salary ret874 e0n ** SCRUGHAM Bernice Schlapp, salary ... 62.50 eonv«»ed by pipe Unes and ditches to F. A. Gibson, salary ..._._,.] 100.00 S»_F_» fEii Sitt Sec. SS. T. SO s, U1 tM. C. Oglesby, salary M__M 108.08 R. 61 ET. M.D. M, and there used for * *iI_!_2___ _****IM» AttOWEP irrigation and domestic purposes front in the AOAjwrr GLARE COUNTY, avo- Edna Wadsworth, satery 8740 January lot to DecendMt Sfst of each Frances TTUom, salary j 65.00 gear." •_•• esT t, ita. ron MONTH or nnvt. Helen Craner, salary.; __triiffii 87.50 Jrajr.-BaH- salary ...:.'... jjj* _££_;_B0O.fO 75.00 Date of first publication July 84,1942. B: T. Davison, aalary ..JE___8____._ 50.80 Frances Malone, satey;-:,™., Date of test puijlication Aug. SI, 1842. Violet Johnson, salasy ...J 65.00) Signed: Rodney A. Colton, aalary 100.10 AHc. Davis, salary . ^ 63.50 B. Mahlon Brown, salary ; 2340 Chloe Van Huron, salary .*" 6240 ALFRED MERRITT MTTH Peter M. Borsentower, salary ....'11140 62.50 tee M. Hardy, salary %, 20.00 Caroline Reber, salary •'___• State Etigineer. Mellonee Lowery, satery 62.50 WOTICB^OF APP^CATIQlj John E. Whipple, salary -_•__,* 18.00 jteiw-BevHle, salary 100,00 Ui S. SSENATE Warren »«**__ "mtg «ce vim Section 59, ___apter SsTof to* Wn_ "SHI" Getta, nmU^f-~r-lS,.lt- ajM Note Rusiiton. pttamc«a\.|iaa_iii__:'' ••** i**?*• i Eftltance, __J__Tr ..._£__— 12.50 Sloan Service, services . .nai»-i?i'' 8.00 his boundless energy, will assure Nevada of sound John O. Sllvera, Mlsr* _|£3ig_ 28.00 Wilma Bums, senricoa' W~Ki,' '84 S**«. Counfar of C3*rk, State Of Nevada, Bernard Burger, tahqpSII ISA* Stella Fleming, salo^ ____£- 37.50 made aimlfcation to &e State Engineer Dr. R. L. Fenlon, **U*rm^S3iZ 18** or Nevada for permis«le« «> aBnroprtete Thelma Oolttfborough. salaq_~~ «.50 11 rtpM^ntatioirin the United States Senate during Sf* -_-*vJ. Wtttina, talary ..„„,.„. 40.00 Wm- F. HugSss, salary _T__KJ—- 2240 &____*iK?-* .%!°* _awn»ri|__ waters ______B»t___'___fc-«->'-__tet''• '•• t°tto American Red Cross, charity „. 7.6S 8* _*_»*•_» •* we****,- Diversion islo Parte* ISuarttt. iatery ZSuIw • 20.00 Jean Hardy, services ,.____3_3_p_, 10.JJ ^'^t^F^ALam *_|*4erBr-i0Bd _ouxv_ the most critical period in histor^^ ... Mrs- Minnie imaaim, oalariir__S 1A0 Bert Guisness, services lij-MYiM',* SM jlxs. John Pulsipher, salary ei-.• 2500 Mayttene Narn»a«;T__at3r_aas_--8740 lI 1 rf Wilma Burns, aatery •,,*»__.,. WM ?___ -^_ * '«_r__« B C corner of Mrs. Joe May, sah>.y . _.__^_ _MP *___! **-&g*>efc"S 70« 4S> 15* E, 14*84 TO8- CeiVfHjt^z-^t-lHr-.' ;.;,,.;..";.,„'.,; ffil.00 John Dunbar, salary .____'&„_•- _f_f Waa, water wiU be conveyed by pine ' Helen- titmm~mary _...... „.' 16.00 Booker.X. Mayfield, .alary". 6040 he *' __£ mt % "' 'M. _38ora Hancock,, safiuy S2SC-. SSM Howard Wathlngton, salary £__ S0.06 _K- *^*__JS- » J° »«^«^*_.»he m_ : Bum Wright, Satery- p_S_2SP __|: FJwenee Knoac, salary ...... :_.... --' 8740' __*••.. *-*f J*AB. aectian *, and tt>«a uaed yemna' wrist;,..-satoy ____*__;_. tm ffilte Ferguson, satery- i£S£j__'• -' 6740 tor trrigattca aad aome-tlc purpose* SACCOMPLISHME_#S-N*^ ADJECTIVES!! mt*. Myrtle Stephens, satet-y __..' 1S.W Audrey Vparsoia, *'***°'T'M::r'jj_lf -' **_ _ StoW January lot to December SiWot tttpdua Tractor & Equipment - '- lybil Bc^now, satery MMflji/. < 62.9© ttan yewr.-.;'__S .i&MMfcty payment .. ;,;,,-4 .'- S00.00 • Jmmel Blde&em, salary .... ,- .aSi• KI40 % tBBa AAV. pM lte by FWends of Bm .Scntf-ftm. i*©U-ie*l -oviatisEnnw* Southern N*v. T«. Co., services SAB FMte Kimtsnwn, sala _^ __I_^_Z 62.80 __!* *-!}WL mvmBKXUm. July a*. MMS.P. Oener/.l Pet Cwwt., (DAB •.•• ' WJt Ank Bengan, satery -„.__„.;A»- 6240 Bll"• *** ___-_»*-*-*1-*«» ***- tt tm. i Me _u«y Supply &.. imNmu .-,- SMJ_ _-di« BlucBhrd, salary. ..-L, .>... •....•,-!. 62.50 Haytnond OrMth, 2sr_ees- ...... _=_ 4AM ALFRED MEiOtlTT iSMITjt -- ; o««__s" - •' -State Engineer. *. FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 1942 LAS VEGAS ACE PAGES: CAftGO PLANTS: HereVWhy U. S. Navy Is Proud of Its Chow WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS ._?__-______L^_^_L-C^_*' J , A^ _*"go-ahead green li^ht" . tot th* construction of vast cargo planes ta Soviet Armies Endangered as Germans months to come was given by both History's Biggest Tax the army, aad na _Fjjpyf. Press Pincer Tongs on Timoshenko; Speaking for the army, Lieut. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, commander AFL-QO Parleys Try for Labor Unity; ot toa army air forces, told a senate Can't Meet War Demands military affairs committee toat 21 Probe Charges of Steel 'Black Market' per cent of all multiple-engine bomber planes to be • produced for Required Savings, Smaller Tax Exemptions the remainder of 1942 will be cargo s (EDITOR'S NOTExWh.n opinions are aaftaoasS As thaaa sslaasas, t_a_r ar* tk*** at Western Newspaper m_»a's -awe saatials asul IW8,a*imssrll_ *( thia n«wsp»p. r.) ar transport* carriers- Including aU K Se*^ - Partial Solution to. MJj'i.j.' ''i__.---_'h»w.i„siMi .««-._____ Union. - i| n » planes of comparable flying range, he added, 30 per cent of tta total ^inflation Threat " RUSSIA: '';,£ Another Crossroads Crisis MouBj^t^^^^M __^-.By BAUKHAGE—— i As "peace** committees of both Not only toe oS resources of the News Analyst and Commentator. AFL aad CIO begin preparations for Caucasus, but tbe""fate~er Marshal —"Why—dfln,'t -you commentators their meeting to bring about labor ttaifapartfnanl _Mtnswe_^-,lt8^|pte. Tlmoshenko's .southern armies as quit trying to wake the people up toau toen iald be would stand be­ ' peace both Philip Murray, CIO pres­ well were at stake in battles in to the war and try to wake Wash­ hind Bell's _na_teff«i. ident, and William Green, head of which liSis Buss forces attempted te ington upff_.|4Msi^^^^^&i INS It te true toat the house cut the AFL, issued public statements indi- •ton .toe Nazis' relentless pincer That's a question wfiteh repeats tt* i eating that, they 'favored the- objec- tax bill as submitted by toe treas­ movements. The loss of the oil self in my listener mail day.after ury. The treasury asked for t*,700,* " "iffl*. ^^*P^5« i-'' ""v^f?^ would be a CT__tB_rb-t not neces­ day. So help mfe, I know* the, people 000,000 and got' $6.200,000,000 ttem $•'-• _f-There were definite signs, howev-sarily fatal stab at toe Soviets. But don't need waking up. And who am the house. The senate te being urged toe loss of Timoshenlfco's armies lK" er, that But method of reaching ttto I to decide whether Washington is to restore the 'cuts. But toa treas­ objective might encounter, some dif­ might well be a mortal blow e snoring or Just breathing, deeply? ury program itself was far toa ficulty along the Way. } Tor in one Russians' future war effort. __i Let me say, first at aB, toat I small, tta experts say. At present of his statements on the subject The critical nature of the situa­ know ttat a large {tart of "Wash­ calculations, the government's -te President Green urged that CIO: tion was underscored by toe arrival ington" is awake and burning ttw come for the fiscal year 1942-43 "eome back to the AFL, tiie Rouse in Moscow of Gen. Follett Bradley midnight oil. "And remember toat wiB ba around 24 billion dollars, of the United States army air forces, of Labor.** ISll Pictured at the left, officers ef tbe V. fl.aav y make sure toat tta' rigid standards sat tsr navy food are aet means 2,000 business men drafted whereas its outgo wiH ba in the Later In a speech to the impor- with a personal message.from* _-*-£• into service as well as toa govern­ neighborhood at Tt billions. . idem Roosevelt to Premier Stalin. towered. Here they sample corned beef te determine content ef tab, gristle mBA lean meat. Thia year's navy _i!t£«Bt CIO. United Automobile, Air­ order fee fresh, beef anr^aaisa te approximately 60,000,000 pounds. Right: ttis navy coek is ladling fresh peas, ment officials toe MAJORITY ef If after Pearl Harbor toa govern­ craft aad Agricultural Implement Thf American air chief who flew to whom are' non-partisan men who ment had asked for toe maximum the Russian capital pa his emer- aa Important part of navy chow. During toe year ended July t, torn aavy consumed abeat 182^74,500 poand-- have worked through both Republi­ Workers of America, meeting in of fresh vegetables. ' \^^^^,W§f- . *•___ ^Si * ^ffi tt needed tha country would have their convention in Chicago, Philip gency mission made .po effort to can and Democratic regimes. been only too glad to' submit Aa hide tois nation's anxiety when he i Murray avoided all reference to Oils _>T. GEN. HENRI H. ARNOLD VydgSjMsr. -'-'_lSS___ - -" '*. "- .-"-".• '_" . 4**. •*** - . But let me go on from toere and my correspondents say, the coun­ ttii*i iipitrt Tfnt ht __jl ts. • ". . . I said: "America is gravely con­ try didn't aaad to lte waked up, cerned wito the situation in this "Move paratroops; tow glider*.** . talk about soma of toe slumberers hope, I pray, that their (the AFL's) As Sabot_nirs Getyad l%ws Frc.m;|High Gmrl whom you aar. I nor Rig Ben nor Washington does. attitude will have changed, that ex­ country, which is regarded as the Output will he essentially for cargo v an air-raid alarm could wake up if Critics of Mr. Morgenthau and hte perience has taught the need fur giv­ focal point af toa war." purposes. •~ *'_g_l they had gone to bad after six cups program say, "too little aad too ing- recognition to the aspirations Meanwhile one section of the Nasi General Arnold revealed that car­ of coffee and the radio on. late." | WiS. -¥-f_ffl juggernaut had swept on toward toe and objectives of those organizations go and transport carriers now being I am tal-tog (agata> about vt*vtt They say "too little" because tta Caspian sea while another pushed produced are used to move para­ difference between outgo and In­ steadily Into-toe northwestern Cau­ Washington is talking about today— troops and airborne infantry, to tow specifically toe tax bill now ta con­ come for toe fiscal year ending to casus below Rostov. ?.":.*. gliders and to carry supplies to com­ gress, and inflation, in general. 1943 will be at least S3 billion dollars. bat zones. Planes are moving about HOtSISWIVES: 2,500,000 tons of material a week, he The biggest tax bill ta our history Non-Negotiable Bonds said say calm, cool, instructed thinker They say "too late" because in­ Face Job *sOraft' - - _!_£ __1 "i>C;j| *_fB thinks isn't nearly big enough. Why? Spokesmen tsr the manpower Speaking tor toe navy, Rear Ad­ sufficient measures have been taken. miral John H. Towers, chief of the Well, some say because toe fiscal te check inflation aad one Way tafia* commission intimated that one out policy makers of the nation don't of every four American housewives Bureau of Aeronautics,, disclosed tton eaa te chected te to gm right toat the navy te speeding a. huge pro­ -_«ffl~"tir~bff~_SS_B~more war 33. after toe spending money and make between toe ages of 18 and 44 may gram for building cargo planes. •clous than the home guard before be needed in munitions jobs for tois it saving money by forcing lte peo­ Pearl Harbor. ple to invert in non-negotiable bonds country to attain full war produc­ __NDIA: . §|l| Now lef s get a tew tacts straight that can't be cashed In until setter tion. S___l_: • There are men ta toa treasury 4a* tte war. A lot of people are going It was indicated that a nationwide Saint or Sinner? ^A partment and sitting on congression­ fo need spending money again when occupational registration ot women Mohandas K. Gandhi, saint or sab­ al committees dealing with fiscal peace comes until industry te con­ Blight be undertaken as a means of otaging politician? natters Who* know toeir iniiilately verted bade from war production to Jp>l>Tiniilii|[ toa country's total fem- That was the enigma most Ameri- onions as well as a farther knows civilian production. gp j-dn-L-adUlt, resource*,—_„ . «M confronted jfe attempting to as­ toe rows he „_>_*__£!.._ 3|jrejJ|Egg| - Paul V. McNutt, manpower chief, say ttte Character of the benign- Aa one man connected wito ttte has estimated that about 5,000,000 looking Indian leader. For when But let us proceed from toere. Federal Reserve board said to mt* more women must be placed in war Gandhi's AH-India Congress- s About a year aad a half ago, Leon "There ta one thing ttat very few jobs by the.end of 1943. .y^mM pat on its determination to carry Henderson who, no matter what you people* realize. When toe govern-, may, think of his neckties, his man­ ment or anyone else borrows firom out a civil disobedience iiiiiw8i'll|lj. ncw if independence were denied, the ners or his tactfulness, is pretty good h*t ____!_ money te created; - PHILIP MURRAY STEEL: iSlB at foresight, echoed toe thoughts of ttat' mates tnfiatteta. Ttere is plen­ 9 British government made public a • * **. . . hoped end'prayed." Probe 'Black Market collection c. confiscated documents perhaps a hundred other men to ty of money in existence now topa y which make tip ttte Congress of In* which it said indicated that Gandhi Washington wien he warned against war expenditures and avoid toa total In answer to charges that a Inflation. 1 jdmtrlal Organizations." "bla^k market" ta steel existed, advocated a deal with" Japan for error of borrowing from toe banks. • "_ Biggest stumbling blocks in labor where "immediate delivery waa fodiSfr _H_1_"*_5__*flft__, . One of toe many brakes on infte, "The difficulty now te ttet tta dol­ peace talks for the seven years that matte from bulging warehouses scat­ Answering charges of "appease tton is taxation. Taxation, of course. lars which are the most dangerous Shown at left ara five army prosecuting attorneys arriving at tta Supreme court building la Washington, Is "an ancient process. Another meth­ ta bidding up prices and causing in­ ' * ttw two groups had gone their own tered over toe nation," two govern­ ment" Gandhi Mid: wbere ttey saw tte seven Nasi saboteurs lose ta their attempt te escape Jurisdiction ef President Roosevelt's 9 way had been personalities and the ment Investigations were immedi­ "I purposely incorporated the sen­ od, not so ancient, is compulsory flation are the dollars in toe pay, en­ military,commission. Left te right: Maj. Oea, Myron Cramer, CaL F. G. Munson, CaL S. at. Weir, CaL E. M. velopes ot the workers of industry. refusal or inability of AFL to recog­ ately, begun. >'^__i_| tence aboat negotiations wito Japan Tieiul-, Maj. WHItam Thurmaa. Inset, right: Soldiers arriving witt evidence used ta tte .Barfs ruling. savings.. __fll_____&____ nise CIO's organization of unions by First probe was undertaken by and if ultimately it was dropped and Henderson favored compulsory And these dollars ara not, as tar as " • grouping all workers ia an industry Price Administrator Leon Henderson I associated myself with its dele­ savings. So did a lot of others. He wa can estimate, tte dollars that ara into one union. AFL continued with after charges made by Frank Hig- tion, I did so out of regard for my said so. He triad to convince Mr. buying tends. I _f_|__i "!___?•' some modifications to organize their gins, associated with bis father te a co-workers~-not because I was un­ Reds Defend Vital Rail Line Hdpful Fan Morgenthau but Mr. Morgenthau "And another thing. The taxes •-" unions through the craft system. Just New Orleans shipbuilding yard, toat certain as^to what I meant to do." shuddered. That-'was totalitarian. don't reach these dollars, either. how these two systems could be What Gandhi say was Regulate prices (what yoa pay outl "What; we may aa orell realise ta dovetailed where there is over-lap- toat he was using such a threat as all right, but don't tell a tree Ameri­ Taming though not coming as soon '] . pJbg jurisdiction is What a peace means of bargaining with tbe Brit­ can citizen what he has to put in ag It should, te: One, compulsory committee had facing it.. "' ish. _5S& ___EpV~ «&$il_r_S*3 his rack. Thaf s totalitarian. Hen­ savings although we won't use toat ry Morgenthau never said those unpleasant word compulsory. It wiB |^'-^ARK,ClA_)UpSf jj|p| words to me. but aae of _ tr tteae probably te a i__ui*_jma*n8 te buy Heeds Pope's Plea 4^^ associates did. teJ^.terFad^mableuntil after the lW^5W«*3r_9k«rfi7 WeU, Henderson ta one of his tact­ tear and aa staggofjd that toey Thm nation's first important sedi- Thm voice of Pope Pius was raised less moments a y*ar and a half won't aB hit the treasury at once. 4*0 tion Mai since Am outbreak of the ta a protest I to the Vichy govern-' ago, commented on Mr. Morgen­ "Two, a smaller tax exemption so war came to • dose when a fed­ ment of their trea_nent of Jewish thau's opinions cm Compulsory sav­ ttat wa wUI gat tte loose dollara eral court jury in Indianapolis found refugees ta France. '•Speaking ings (not tot tha record). Ss said. trom toe tower income brackets. ib) _WilUa__ Dudley Pelley, founder of through the papal nuncio at the tem­ lifi effect: ''Henry te perfectly wip­ Ttere ara mesa of those dollars te the Fascist Silver Shirts, guilty ef porary French capital, toe pontiff ing to bave me put • gestapo ta said lie "neither understands nor a***' '- .-^llpSlra criminal sedition. every grocery store bait ha thinks "Three, there will have to be V PeUey"*. co-defendants, Agnes Mar­ approves" treatment given, Jaws It's Hitlerfsm to force people to mm* aad asked tlM' Vichy government to some leniency for tta fixed nlary ion Henderson, his> secretary, and er boy- bpnds." '. 8___P man who te already saving; the aa* Lawrence Brown, were found guilty stop "those inhuman arrests of de­ fenseless people.** ;-''_*__&__ Those weren't hta exact wards but erage middle class that puts money ; mi' only of conspiracy. The three were toto savings regularly to the form indicted originally on 12 counts, but those ward hte sentiments. I quote Jn consequence of toe pope's pro­ toem,. not bee suae Mr. Henderson of mortgages en homes er. terms or the government counsel dropped one test. Marshal Henri Philippe Peteta,' plants, money toto lite insurance pol­ ; A .charge because Be* army and navy, knows everything, but because he chief at state, asked the German oc­ talks with a punch. ' I might also icies, money toto pension plans. That acting under wartime secrecy, de* cupation authorities to limit lite ar­ is savings, it Is aat creating infla­ wMp*^*JS»ed to provide official figures in add toat there appeared a year ago rests of Paris Jews to those of non- an article trom toa pen of Reserve tion. But ttat man with tta high u, answer to false statements made by French origin, to cease deporting taxation those in hte income brack­ ff^'_ Pelley regarding losses at Pearl Board Chairman Eccles entitled, French Jews to Silesia and to stop *___S-Ceilings Are Not Enough," ets have te pay' tes to go to toa Har*^"'- -Sfyf'-'t breakiag up French-Jewish families. bank and take ttw money from tte •. Pelley wm found.guilty on every Is which he expounded tbe thesis It bad bean reported earlier that toat money must be taken eat Of savings which te has there to turn I *•' count in the indictment, 10 of them SENATOR HARRY «. TRUMAN German and central 'European Jew­ toe easy spenders' pockets or infla­ it over to the government 'charging him with mating false ***... negligence ar willful misconduct," ish refugees, including those ta con­ tion would result. centration camps, had bean marked "Canada tes faced tote problem. statements with the intent to cause, Tte United Kates wiB have to. War •* .jt, or attempt to cause, insubordination, his .company had bought steel from leer arrest- P'^_|*_____i One-Third ot thm Way such markets at higher premiums. production te ahead ot schedule, te* ' —.UMU_____•.» SUAmint. _3_l_-_>__^i_ ——,.__ -Y> __*«_**J....., **0aB•" O__H, -Tba Pope's message to Marshal Today aa teaa a tax bill which The second investigation was un­ Petain Was delivered by Mgr. Va- cal thinking to tagging behind.** armed forces. The 11th charge ac- stands, seven months after Pearl We aaa see. a year after Mr. Be­ i* cused Pelley aad bis co-defendants dertaken by Congressman Carl Par lerio Valeri when toa Nuncio waa terson, chairman of toe house sub­ Harbor, as taespahls at meeting toe lles said so, ttat "price ceilings ara of conspiring to do these things. seated beside the aged soldier* exigencies of war as Manila or committee investigating, the; mari­ statesman at an official luncheon at not enough.** Increased costs ara The three were associated la toe Singapore were. such ttat toe packers, as tte can­ ,"** Fellowship Press to Noblesville, time comn___k_!'s cancellation last toe Vichy government headquarters. month af toe Kiggins' company's It te true toat uurp ansae have stet ners before them, have announced Ind., where they published the Ga­ up mora rapidly than was expected ttat ttay just won't stay la business lilean magazine. contract to build 200 liberty ships SUBMARINESJ^^^^ because of an alleged steel shortage. (although many aay tois should have if toey have to operate at a toss. "^ Stern Justice Meanwhile, Chairman Harry' S, Lull Near U.S. ' bean foreseen). And now via sea Tte price at the finished product Evan as toe erstwhile dictator of Truman of toa senate committee in­ That American coastal waters are lucky if we can pay one-third of has a ceiling bud tta raw materials t__»___he Silver Shirts braced himself tor vestigating national defense charged no longer a soft spot for German aar way. Dental Bell, undersecre­ aad, urates have aa caBtoge. «____' tr1;. -toe penalties ahead, the .tawican _uil_ __-«. _-i—. —— —'— -ma _*>___> *-T.-_... __._»___»_» _)_._»__ tary of toe treasury, said that 14 bil­ body tea te corral those dollars. toe navy department's bureau ot VtfK/jrtlul IIRVTD WttB UIC irtK W . CaiirC-SvU lion dollars of tte national expendi­ public demonstrated again Its stern ships wito "negligence or willful by Britiish officials ta a communi­ temper when Federal Judge Arthur ture would ba handled with txxruw- Urban riaJdeats rank highest la misconduct" is .onnnettou wito toe que from London. Consequently it ing (not,all trom toe banks) thia l*P._'-.- -Uttle pronounced, a death sen- construction of .tank-landing boats. was believed that Axis U-boats bad tte proportion of college graduates year. Secretary Morgenthau had re­ in the population with 5,7 per cent * toWS tor treason upon Max Stephen, Senator Truman's charges contained been forced to seek otoer waters ta fused to SIISWSI a question ea ttat Detroit restaurant owner, for be» which te prey on -United Nations' as co-ipared wttt 4.2 per cent for taa letter to Navy Secretary Frank : point la tta senate committee hear- U i • ,- _ g—_,___ i — —•„,_ I, _. iii——' .. -— s._ Knox referred to toe navy's insist­ commerce.. fe|i_j_^|P rural-non-farm aad 1.1 per cent tor B'pts _?•--_»,a_r .*»a ^OM. wv|fw« vwuuu y try ue- ence on substituting Its own models . Adoption of the convoy system ta Ul|> www, .»_>••••.*• Warn m%. me «»*ai_-_-u eriiiitea"«i_'«"_5i-_j m;ia* triending an escaped Has! prisoner. toa Panama and Caribbean areas him, but turned it aver to Bell. Taft form-tarn collected by toe depart­ Stephen had previously been con- of tank-landing boats for ships et proved value l^u|lt top bat purpose plus increased air defenses were ciU protested that ha' wanted Mm gaa ment at commerce to the 1MB py* yS-Ctod hy a federal court jury. Bis thau as toe policy-making head ot eenSUi.'^'J."'f "•* ••i?-" -«_ '"»-;:n~v- - Ml flM Hi nl'luam imi. H'8 lur LL.U by the Hlgglfti --tfipwiy ta Maw Or­ It M. eatneidinf with a dcereaaad son under a 152-year-old federal law. leans. __J_ scale of submarine attacks American military authorities commenting on the recent drop in by Baukhtogt submarine sinkings, warned, how­ BRIEFS HIGHLIGHTS lit the week't mews ever, that toe Nazis might now ae preparing to bring the full brunt "Education for Free Man" te toe A groM.of & million bocks donated GENEVA:' Guglielmo Ferrero, WASHINGTON! Manufacture af Of toeir underseas attack against tte general theme chosen fte tta 1942 la five months te the record made American; Education week. - by ttw Vlctoiy Book campaign. * amied-Italian historian aad foe of typewriters, except tor a small heavily convoyed supply lines across : * the Fascists, died here a_.-JHt_.a__i quantity to be produced for toe gov­ 9^li!_p___s _^§_M. F^Br^** * tHli—!_^p_^_ tba North Atlantic. ll$lil. : of 7_. Seven' years ago bis books ernment bygone factory, will end Increasing Allied effectiveness A bombardier can expect to spend • EducaUoo ia one of toe five larg­ £1 wer& seized by the Mussolini govern­ October 31, it was announced by the against submarines was'said to.tte about 36 Baoonite over an enemy est "business firms" to Indians, ae- ment and he was foEced to flee Italy,, War Production board in aa order due to' toefac t tost toe "bottleneck target During ttat brief tbn* te cordicg to a recent issue


Kathleen NorrwSays: Si-i-^ Wh_# Accents BxiiigS^ ON THE mmmmn*mn*mmmB**m\aeua*m*mmtmumm*mmmaemaaBaa^ |f|: Costumes Up to the Minute Women Fool » Themselves Most mm- $M~ In Love Affairs * BT CHERIE NICHOLAS RUTH WiTOPt-f^Mlf' BoU Stjmdlcato—WHO Fea ture s. MdfHdB &Uam6tt*d\ parto. or make grooves fair a neat­ er Job. As shown in the sketch, the cupboard is trimmed ahd made, rigid with'plywood scallops secured with half-inch screws. --•--_*!SjBp j»ppf| wP^ NOTEi Bare Is news lor the mas with hammer and saw. Whether yam bave a coping saw from toe (tone store or an expensive bant] saw, yarn taay now make cut-out scallops for any purpose desired. Pattern No. An includes scallops from one aad a half inches te nineteen inches; together wte numerous illustrations of Bsatt use hi home decoration. The lady wtth needle ted thread will want pattern l aunt womswa G__mes mAm.iQut No. SOS wifhpten hot iron transfers of the 1 mtttn roa cuaypat* tm* fow*\A Morning Glory designs. Patterns are 18 cants--, each. Order by number and VL/HATEVER thf limitations add.ess: ttiat prioritie s may place on new bathroom fixtures there is no MRS. EUIH WYETB SPEARS Bedford Bins j '"KSS. New _*ork limit to the gay color and gopd Drawer IS cheer that jrjsu may have with • Enclose 10 cents tor each pattern brightly painted cupboards and desired.'.'•JgfS.'E;' S§w|P ••-'•* • towels decorated with pieces frhm Name ,., ...... ^..jj. your scrap bag. In this bathroom a morning glpry applique design Address ______Cheese Trays Help Yon Through Sugar Rationing Period! is used for towels of two sizes (Sea Recipes Below.) and for curtains. P ______Take It Easy old Sugar Tha handy towel and lotion cup­ THIS WEEK'S MENU board is painted white outside aad No sweets with sugar rationed? morning glory blue inside. Tte *T_mon Smothered Chops Why, of course. Wito honey, com sides, top and bottom are screwed Broiled Tomato Slices save and maple syrup, together at the corners. Use half- Wjki Battered. Noodles molasses, and inch metal angles as ahelf sup- Vegetable Salad Bowl prepared pudding shopping trips Date-Nut .-Bread "W: | ' Batter mixtures, yoa aaa Diced Fresh Fruit | learn how to pre­ :}fr-yi 'Apple Sauce Cake pare delightful Beverage - UOUSEHOiO sugar-saving des­ •Recipes Given - .»§_____ /~N_ WifP '<_.:"' X serts, cakes and cookies' that will not only take you gracefully through Prepare butterscotch pudding as Best *f *tt wer* dt*"'mamdngi when LL signs point tt a continu­ the sugar-rationing period tet wfll directed on package. Cool. Fold ta Food bought in season will bate polities with my invalided father; and j A ance through fall and win­ also remain favorites witb you long whipped cream. Line bottom and Id keep that part of the budget for, coffee and toast. !_,"-'' ?_• ter ef tbe high fashion rank ac­ .Sidaa of mold or loaf pan with waxed after these times are past, ... •-'.._§» within reaa«i_.-jS_:' ______Way mar* orangtt tt By KATHLEEN NORRIS corded during > the past few Honey blends with raisins aad paper. Arrange layer of lady fin­ *?*_?_ aae i_-^ months to pretty, flattering and spices la tois deliciqjjs melt-in-your- gers cm bottom and sides of mold. • tint—tkty Iwtp 'HE worid ia full of per- WISHFUL DOERS To protect garden shoes keep "feminizing" white accents on mouto'pie.• ____£•. _____ Turn % of pudding into mold; cover them well greased or oiled with You've heard nf "wishful \ You don't have to cat .sons wli'o fool thenoT-" dark costuntga. *s—a vogue-far " ts^^Tsmtam Crmmh r_bb.~ • IHi laji i 11r lailj fliigaii* Tinn in neat's-foot oil or cod or castor oil, thinking,* but did you know dark dresses aad suits high­ ___a on fresh foods jest selwes; mostly women. 1 agg' yelk' *||| maining pudding into mold and tallow or wool grease, Let dry that there is such a thing an lighted witb lovely, lacy neck­ place another layer of lady fingers because you shop less They think they are deceiv­ H-S". ** teaspoon ginger . j ~J§|p in a, warm place.. M|pt_Jf often these days. Simply wishful doing? • That may not wear and various other frilly, im­ Item that should be included to ev­ on top" Chill 12 to 24 hours fit re­ . Kp* Si cap bread crumbs __!__! * •• • b ay ara ages la la rget -, ing others, hut their families be the noma by which you maculately white touches is particu-' frigerator. Unmold. ery neckwear collection. It will WL£_ J4 cap flour Onion Juice should ba added amonata. They're natur­ and friends see* through them know the dangerous way soma larly apropos at tte immediate mo­ prove a standby when aa extra 1 teaspoon cinnamon ally gttd kttpmtyympz ment to that lt so beautifully solves Bermuda Appetisers. after a mixture is cooked rather as though they were panes of •people have of acting as touch of allure is needed. You will % cap tet water . •%_'* -J that liiiUHjIfg problem ef smart Chop Bermuda onion finely, mari­ than cooked with tiie mixture tf Tbey give yoa protec­ ass f though what they wish for be wearing it with your suit, and it. &£&•• * tablespoons batter tive vitamins and mineral. _-- * \ '- '• * *£* _ .^-S and timely dressing through tte "be­ nate and .drain. Spread on crisp tiie best flavor is desired. -^Ipj were actually true. But yon Will prove definitely "right" with, ' 14 cup ralstos -|S^ l|_fj you need, especially vits- We all scold the small girl twixt and between" season which i crackers and cover wito slice of 'a ,ia_ia7^ know what happen* tm the your one-piece frocks aad your ___^,-.""E;_ M.iM laiiiey ate OThey satisfy your who says glibly. "I didn't teU leads from summer toto fattr^P^ blouses. Liederkrans cheese. Thin slices of Sheets and other linens should sweet tooth-save sugar. father mho insists upon trying For fte touch that is warranted _ teaapeon n«to>_*gf^;_ rye, pumpernickel or whole wheat * you I'd broken your vase be­ As inspiring aad as spirit lifting H cup not meats il-MSg be ironed in different folds each Those stamped Sunkist to make a scientist of a son to teal a aew lease of Hto to sum- bread which - have beea buttered Pi as a good lapaijjee Is the bright- Blend hot water with honey and week so tiie creaseawill not break tte the finest note 14,300 cause I hate to tell people bad who is interested only in mu­ mer-on-the-wane clothes toat you may te used instead. ' __f_| and p"__i_l aet of scalloped organ­ add egg yolk. Mix flour, crumbs through. .____El^__3C-_ aaayetsfing gtoeats. ' news, Mother!" Or, "I took sic; the woUter who makes.a are loath to**give up as. long as dy collar ud cuffs illustrated below You can do all sorts of things wito - - •' ~~i2z.' • e • " _-j^3g5 warmish days persist, regardless of and Spices. Bte in butter. Place . the candy away from Betty- plain-looking, . but brilliant, to lte left- la* toe group. A hand­ a layer of raisins oa unbaked pie cheese as a last course and serve tt To keep bread in the best condi- Lou because I thought it might daughter miserable because what toe calendar has to say about some set like this tea miracle work­ ta place of fruit. tion. s_ojreJ___ tte lower right in toe or until firm. ____^____1P__| accept reaMty, cious fruits or, word "missus" meaning a course those men aa a fishing trip, he'd college girl once collected sweaters. above illustration possesses a fetch­ Magic Cho-*tlate Fte. "^S_S try American- at a meal, comes tiie Army's much rather stay at home and What wito suits registering as ing way all its- own. Spanking white S squares unsweetened chocolate fashion "firsts" on tte fall style pro­ IH cups sweetened* condensed made equivalents of Roquefort and name "mess" for its breakfast, tote bear to visit her mutter. Or night, and. we alwaya teve a plan aad crisp aad immaculate, it will gram, one of toe most-to-be-desired I milk ^^^^i^pt^v^g Blue cheese spread on hot buttered dinner, and supper. Favorite meal toa woman who tells you toat ate for Sunday; we either take a pienic add a lilt to your walk and a gay- items you can pot to your collec­ > Boston brown bread tossed wito aft with the soldier bt chicken dinner would love to do ter own work and lunch somewhere or go to an after- ness to your spirit Tte handsome H eap ***ate* *|w^S; ___. tion of lacy fineries is a dainty dickey er dinner coffee ia place-of dessert. —his favorite' cigarette, CameL help poor George wito tte house­ npon movie and dinner downtown. Venise lace that edges it helps to % teaspoon salt of «a°_*daite_y___broidered organdy Serve a cheeae j tray for refresh­ (Baaed on actual galea records keeping bfij|t tet that be rea By Of late he tes been asking a mar­ make toe vote. unanimous toat it H teaspoon vanilla like toat pictured above fo toe right ments aad spare tte sagar ration. from Post Exchanges.) A carton wants ter toTake it easy and rest ried couple we like very much to is ooa of toe prettiest cellars brought Baked pie shell (8-lnch) er to toa illustration. Note, particu­ of Camels, by the way, tt the gift Sunkist a lot. Nobody but herself, of course, aeekle pie crust',.^^g Thia spicy apple sauce* cake re­ go with us. The man is his assistant; out tois season. *?•• ';*-H5| _!______%__ he prefers Skmt ot all from tha ts tooled. ._____§ !P*li___^5 larly, tte cunning self fabric bow tie Melt chocolate ta top of double quires only _ cup od sugar. the woman I've known for years. Speaking of lacy accents, hare's folks back home. He's said so. Perhaps toe field la which women fastening, a new note in last-word boiler. Add sweetened condensed Best for Juice They usually bring two small chil- news for fall that really Is news. It's .-ii". 'Apple Sauce Cake. '"'_^ Local tobacco dealers ara featur­ deceive themselves mast often is r chic. A d|ckey of tola patrician type dren. -• -.;,;*£* ^3$£%}}'- '/"..*' ' - to regard to toa new velveteen sul|a milk and stir over rapidly boiling toavof tove^aflalrs. -When she loses k.a choice—pasismiiiin toat wffl J.* •. W cap shortening ?**_[? ing Camel cartons to send any­ isia lulni _IIIH.H In Mill . iliiiiiii waterri minutes- until mixture thick* tmrfSJ&iwttwe/ her charm .or the man she adores, *T want to be married," to! prove to be "a thing of beauty and a ~~'~~K~eiaj~bmsAgr" ^T^^yyy^yyyyyyywhere _o me n in the armed forces. fashion... ptmabema.. The all. lace ens. Remove from heat Add wa­ the beloved woman won't admit it ter ends. **_ want a home an< joy forever." Incidentally, we might ^»aggs blouse of Alencon or Chantilly to ter and salt. Stir until thoroughly •**** onspects at beta. Comanche Una. Lowe's meant football. We ed to know what .the motto "Volens you toen sleeping la the bedroom stater, Janet, to staytas wte **» lenl- began practicing et Potens"' .meant _ffi..,.'.. Ht' ex- SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. with that thing aU night?" BMs. Thay ora deeply attached to her, around September plataee^^^Willing and *%!*" :____v.'. 1*9 New Montgomery fittest . "Not bloomin' likely . . . I slept feavtag teat their only child, a boy, when IS, and the season Saa Francisco !^p_p__# Cam. oa fte couch in! tiie drawing- She returned it, pronto .-*%... The Enclose 20 cents to coins for each he was kidnaped many years before. OB came to an abrupt S3rd Armored Regiment at Camp. room!" _» their way eat ta tha ranch after per- finish oa Thanksgiv- pattern desired. SeBStaS Tenison to tlva am. te Job, Polk can their tanks "Hitler Pattern No, ..'_£_,.i.".... Size...... n da Cea and Caramba met Monk Irby, eaa. • «" ___i_ He*rses*_F?f$}- The Yank of 1942 Name ...... o! the Merest-crowd. Megeath and Dud isn't- caJttd a doughboy J_|_*- He's Find the Scrap to . •,' - It's aU different Addreaa _|»«...... 'ri.w...Mi,_\w_Sn»* Paramora, loader of another band ef out­ now. £00 tb all is al­ "Bad te^C§__ • There's a 50-Year- • Eliminate the Jap laws, hate both NeVB Lows aad Iha Bra- Old Cloh]r at Camp Roberts. Tto lte Wheel ootat la the Ma which fol­ ready at full swing lowed their mee_n« with Irby, Con Gran Hand Wte ta many colleges men In It are over 80—aS volun­ h_i>ehaa eat Irby, then ha aad Ca­ and many' camps; teers state Pear! Harbor—-going te ramba tonfht off more of Meiaat-'a men Tale, ter example, tee af the as buck privates, although many ta protect taaat Lowe, whea Mra. Teni­ were former officers and non-coms. son sent Cea ta and oot how tha "Boat most conservative ef aB tta univer­ era," tba Graceya, wara coming along, sities, has gone all oat—not so mach Coa found tew Gracey dead aad Mrs. to develop a single outstanding Soldt^te .purchase toto ef finger­ ©raeoy and tta bay seriously hart. To­ team, tet to have hundreds trained nail polish—but not tor their nails peka sent Cea toto tews for. a'doctor, In tte matter ef condition aad dis­ . . . {tfkeeps their buttonf shiny Witt tnotrnetloBs to tell the constable, and to tilt perfect remedy forjehig- fasten, aad aa eaa else aboat hto sasj_- cipline that football demands. Cer­ Blackboard staggered aad Con rushed ta. tainly to pniversity is doing a finer ger bites . _^^ At the Indio Desert tttta ttat tt was Mete Irby who shot training center the lads are loften a Millions ©f women, Uke fhalr tta Graceys. a^_S. Jab. I also conld mention Maryland rationed only one gallon of water in the back bar, aa if discussing it "Why, maybe I'll be tte last one, and many others. __|p-^ mothers before them, tee Clab­ .§_*_• :c*-____ wtth the story. ' $ .i "Yen , aad ttat redhead partner tten. If that nephew of hia hadn't daily tot, aU purposes, including sura played hell ta High Z with hit me from behind, today, tte Lat­ The Change. \ |pdrinkingr , washing, bathing. To con­ ber Girl Baking Powder ...$m them lady-wranglers of Gloomy's,"! imers would have bate holding lil­ dition tfadm for tte real thing. sura ef results.,« be proud ef CHAPTER XV These teams want and WiB work he said in a taw' voice. "They ies, .not guns." ...*Sp? jr__ for winners. But beyond that more results, with Clabber Girl Baking bulged into town a-licking tteir sores The doctor looked very tolerantly attention will Jie paid to mass than Contrary te popular legend, it is -he constable eras to a poker hte a bunch at scalded hounds. No­ at him and shook his gray head. against Army regulations to give a Powder ... Every grocer has game in a corner of tta big can­ to class, i . spa] body was killed, but some was shot Ttey tatted Uttle, after that Com Students wte never thought of soldier K. P. duty as punishment Clabber Girl. -||1|§|§ tina. The place was almost desert­ awful bad. They say Gloomy's prom­ was becoming more ted mora con­ §&•&.. At Camp Barketey the chap ed Two or three such games aa football before now will be shewn HOUUH A Ca - TERM HAUTt It®. ised ta wipe out your mark. But scious of his soreness*. -He was glad the feeling ef hard body contact, id wte Instructs in the "art of J iu-J itsu that of tte constable looked to be of from what Mote Irby spewed--out, to swing down ta ttt Broken Wheel ts Harry Morlmoto, an American- Hi ' rounded la U4t tte all-night variety. '^?j__ te ain't going to Walt for Gloomy!" increased speed, of improved stam­ yard add take the doctor's buggy in ina, ef quicker reactions In compe­ Japanese .,-.;_; In the Army nurses Con went back to straddle a chair Con asked tte bartender where charge. Dinner had been eaten, are khown as Snow-whites .. . Sol­ opposite Janton, and when a hand but Con got a handout from the cook, tition. Ia tile universities, tte col­ Gloomy and Monk were. leges aad the prep schools there diers insist that uniforms come in was finished, tbe lanky constable "There's a UT bitsy plazita. Just who asked no questions about his only tea sizes—.too large and too looked curiously Sit him. battered face.. • 1 %• ___!_ wfll be at least five, or possibly ten, two-three Mex' houses, on the road ill tite II pl-jEffa ta training against small. ____.' CLABBER GIRL "Don't MI me you already ttat. to Helllgo Canyon. The bunch stops then Perch looked into the kitchen |jrt> Tfhiatt-a *_wt___ ,._'-. ot'.Bim bimhtoats"tag mjttt sight tton e for other seasons. |J;^^Sj ttere lata-at times. I think toaga '"W^r*" TtefieoBe has asked, Personal checks cannot be cashed "Na Hot yet I was seat ta to where they went yesterday. Watch Con" whooped shrilly and whirled in the Airmy without the company • "Baking 7>owcter • bring the doctor gad—to pat a mur­ your stop, young fellowl" ||p about llsfffw "shouldn't these men be in active war service?"' commander's okay . . , When Paul, 8199 der ease ta somebody's lap. Yours, He went up ttw bar to serve cus­ "Gale!" he yelled "Oh, Gale! tta son of the late financier, Andrew maybe." - _i___ tomers and Con lifted his glass and Twenty Johnson Just coma ta, peek­ The main answer is that the war Mellon, went to tta c. 0. at Fort CO, YOU are going to have, a "Thafa the aherifl'a bailiwick." set it down empjy. Then a rasping ing the Latimer trademark. Why'n't department wants it this way. First "*-* baby I Well, the clothes prob­ you ttQ this pilgrim what te might because most of these men also ana Aty to get approval for a $100 Janton said drawlingly. "Hell on voice sounded, almost in bto ear. . teste, the c. o. said: "This is a lem eatt be settled very easily— Let's Get Going—Full Speed Ahead murders, Nevil Lowe is." run into, around Onopa?" |g$&p taking war training. Second, be­ with a frock and jac_et—just the "Ain't you workin for ttat damn' cause tte war department wants Its pretty big check for a private to "Somebody's alwaya getting killed Busted Wheel?" Goree appeared, behind him. Bm type wa offer in this, pattern. before he could speak, Topeka Teni­ coming .replacements and reserves write. How do I know it is good?" la the territory," one of tta players Con turned very carefully. When _PpF "It oughta te," said Paul. '1 Frock has cap sleeves, pleats Show Our Foe Patriotism Isn't Dead! drawled. "But, go ahead I Who was son looked aver Perth's shoulder. to be tte beat HjUMtra, ta the wprld, down the front provide all the ex- be saw the face thrust out toward He shook bis head slightly, frown­ trained and conditioned ttt what ia own the controlling interest ta |be m» $mz*^yy^____\ fspt, hto, he made a ".disgusted grimace ing. Con continued to eat placidly, to come later on. Sags^pj bank." f^SSIIi ___?! "He not only get murdered ta a and drew back. It waa a big man. but he was beginning to feel Irrita­ Indian dark, with shiny stubble of Every university and eeUega ol - The tad-—w have supplied more pretty slinking, bushwhacking way. tion. .A corner of Tenison's mouth tay standing In tte country Is doing K*. bat Ids wife and little boy gotbear d from eyes to collarbone. One lifted and he turned to Goree. volunteers to tte Army ttan any ASK ME |0 inky eye waa permanently slitted by tta teat to comply with tbe demands **-—*-" •-__!____ otter racial group •____.When they an old weal that slanted across eye-' "We won't wait tor the horses or requests that coma tram the top. "Gracey 1" Janton said quickly, al­ from Red Mesa." be said. "I won't first learned of selective aervice ANOTHEX J most mechanically. ^$£« brow and cheekbone and notched FootbaU ta already Under toll they came to register witt their own hold tta wagon, 1 mean. You take i I A General Quiz ¥ "Ohl Yea already knew about it, thf b§gl\ noaa hriiign—Thick, loose swing at the Naval Cadet camps weapons .' _^' Tte averdge soldier mouth shone bluish-red against tte tte - boyt ttat are ready-tad - -pull- oUraBV' ||g* out When Johnny Dutch ate-teats located at toe~-ttftersitMf.«t_ ueor- drinks four cups os conee a aay .. . a_<_,_Csi-ft.».^._ . gi.A.ffS his feet and twisted savagely with all tte footbaU is a big part house M'f • Tto name for woolen strength of powerful shoulders and boy wss ted enough, but to te left **I believe I'll get a drink and call because Tenison weighed bim 6*f their . training, underwear Is "superman drawers." The Answers why arms. }•_%& ^__E- against other men, and classed him and this happens to it a day." ;JI||S? 2|_f^- __!1H1 Con feH Ihto him and clung, lifting He ato breakfast ta Carmelita's. aa a weakling by Wheel standards, be the mala Idea. When a private at Xandolph Field 1. Tes. It will again have five la his. teat off fte floor and kicking was far worse. He went toward the These four Naval Jim Crowley comea to a non-com with a conv among other e___y risers, cowboys viciously backward, i He felt a teat 1948 and 1976. and freighters aad prospectors and cnr'r'als, eyes moodily. Upon tte* "Cadet'xamps bave platat*te is handed a mourning-bor­ 2. The Federalist-party. strike something soft and beard a ground. Then from the house'Mrs., over M games scheduled witt the dered card which says: "Your trials those mea of Onopa who had stores groan. Then hto toes touched, die 3. They travel at the same or other businesses to open. Janton Tenison called him. tpi?| ! _£& afrongei ualvBtsHf teams, facing aad tribulations have broken my speed. ,-,' liijp floor again aad he kicked tte big ate of the toughest schedules tf heart. The_* are unique. I teve nev* came In, alone. When he saw Con man on his shin. The grip on his "I'm glad you're going to stay with 4. Curiosity about forbidden mat­ at a vacant table, te slouched over Itt," she said, smiling at him. "1 lte-year. P?§| ar. heard al anything lite them be­ ters led to disastrous conse­ arm relaxed slightly aad < te fore. As proof of my deepest sym­ to alt down and grin. sS^ snatched free, to lise on tiptoe and asked for you,, but it didn't seem ttat Other Games . IpS quences. t%__ll_j _3$t! **_ don't want god should think 1 I waa going to get you. Gale thinks pathy, 1 give yoa this card which | 5. One hundred two. -. swing a tong right to tte cheek. ta tte meanwhile the pros and tha entities yaa to one hour of condo­ don't give a hoot about 'murder." Blackbeard staggered and Coa a. tot of your roping. But you're 6. St Petersburg, Petrograd te said genially, "just because 1 staying and ttat pleases me, son. army squad ara both on their way lence." '•-__. rusted in. Ba slid teek as the big to camp, to many camps, tar tht and Leningrad, ia Russia. never got worked itt Steal Gracey. figure crumpled, began to turn to For, with all tte trouble we've been Us that's been around hare a .tong having—You know, of course, that eight games scheduled thia month Fort RUey's newspaper, .The get at the second man, and felt tte and through early^ September. time naturally, taa know things you impact of an almost knockout blow Megeath intended to carry off Janet- Guidon,' has an advice-to-the-love- don't Now, Gracey, he was al­ the other night. I'm glad you're go* This army division, under Bofc lorn column. "Betty Lou" signs it ways Just begging "tor a killing. Ott hte ^^tmr^^&W^JW^^i ing'to" be around, son,.** Neylahd and WaUace. Wade, wffl sal Betty Lou is tile nom de plume for *4Y 7H£*4fR OR OM7HE Gi*Q£tiVi>: He drank coffee noisily, squinting, "He sure does set 19 nights bt "I'll play bulldog," Con assured at least one football record. .They a pair ef privates . . . For every OFDoueut shaking hit head. hate a Busted Wheeler, l.atlmer her evenly. "HoWs the hospital, by win finish up their schedule by Sep­ fighting man in tto Army there muat ALTITUDE ENGINEER TOM EtOYD AltCtAtt co. "You know—nothing personall but does," oaa ot tte voices said mar* the way?, That boy all right?" tember 20, Just about the spot when be five other soldiers to feed, elotto says •cant folks might say you coming velingly. "But if tt hadn't been for "I'm going to keep him ta bad for most of the otters are swinging tate and supply, him . $& Unless a ttat nephew of bis helping him. rookie is smart, te can te trapped A la with ttto tale about Monk Irby a while yet He developed more fe- action. *fi**« _____ CAMELS ARE: _H murdering Gracey was all part of a there's aaa Wheeler would bave ve*A Tht only way wa could talkhi m Coaches Neyland aad Wade have into volunteering tor unpopular scheme to te* Monk out of the way. killed him test crack out of the boat. Into lying quiet aaaa to tell him you'd tte "rash thi** to handle. They teve chores. Tbe big gag in the Army STANDARD CautP/WtNT Because Monk and Slash was awful He teat Latimer to it, only that ordered it" concerns the sgt. who approached boy knocked hto arm down. Lati­ tte material—many ef tta greal a bunch of men at play and asked good friends and Monk's a danger­ "Bte minds what 1 say because ha footbaU players of recent years—tel WITH ME. THey'Re EXTRA MILD ous man. aay way you tate him." mer ted his tend on the cutter, thinks I'm your mother," Mrs^Teni* them if any were good at shorthand teal**' the Job ef whipping these men lata "No. No,. you're wrong about son said, with a soft" strangeTittle a footbaU machine ta a abort while . .A dozen newcomers, angling WITH A FLAVOR THAT C-UCKS Coa sat up so abruptly ttat man laugh, "dad he looked at Janet to soft snaps, eagerly stepped for­ ttet" Con disagreed placidly, "fm bent over him Jerked teek ett af is no simple Job. not a alt mora afraid el Monk ttte and called her "Mis' Twenty" and ward .<_£}.. "Fine," said tta sarge, eveRy Ti/vie tte way. Automatically,she put hto said all right; If you had told us to You eaa gamble ttat tte Washing "report to the kitchen, we're stoat I am tt*—of you, Janton, aad yoa hand inside his ahlrt and groped ton Redskins, lte Hem York Giants, need your two barrels of bote to tell him to te quiet te would!" of K.P.s!" . . . Tto phone number iaf Ids Colt tte Green Bay Packera, the Brook of the Negro Enlisted Men's Service mate me nervous. Well, rve got 'Tm certainly getting fixed up lyn Dodgers and others wiU be some to take tto doctw. Out ted reportSo i—T. anils ttjBpl lilm Tit peered with a family, nowl" Con cried—and Club at Camb Bar*** to. oddly around aad tte bartender pushed thing to _hove~ around, despite the enoughs*TIL - i*__g*8=' ^1P Topeka Tenison about what you said •felt ttat, te was flushing and won­ fact ttw have tost close to a hun­ ^^^^^BTemoBmg aad did." ^fp. over his pistol. He spun the cylin­ dered why te should be. der to ate ttet the -loads were in­ dred Star men to tte services. Th* constable moved uneasily, but "She's a tee girt Janet" Mrs. Messrs. Steve Owen, _ Curly Lam- Army men always Utter dertairely tact tot down the hammer i_>on an* Tenison sighed, as tt speaking aloud. wben hi the movies a sentry Bays: taid nothing. Con paid for teabreak - empty chamber, and ahoved tte gun beau, George Halas and others stiE teat and waat out Be walked slow­ "Iter mother was tta test friend I bate enough good material teft tt "Halt! Who Goes There?" . , , into bis waistband. He stood sulkily had aad Janet was bora right bam. Th* correct rhtHangt uu%} ""Haiti ly toward tte doctor's houae, puz- tor a moment tet tte' doctor took keep an? team busy, no matter'how sltag Janton's manner. She's a pretty girl aad a ate fill many stars may to working againsi Who's There?" '&'7 A latter from him by tta arm and moved him tay way yoa think of her." a girl ia called "a sugar report" ^|g|p Ha met tte doctor, hurrying along toward tta door. |pil|j_f ttem. They. also, ara out towin . • With mea In the Army, C4Af££S "Yes.** Con admitted, "ste cer­ There's no lavoritism ia tbe Army tta street with hto bag. -j|||s Riding beside tta doctor's buggy, tainly seems to te that 1 never And these games wttl play m bit Even chaplains must undergo Navy, BCarints, and Coast __ an hour « tBB before I'm . ** * going out of Onopa, Cuu asked about saw i girl 16 i Fort Baa <;««•*_, thm tkwtmrltm dgaretm Aam th*t at the. ready," tte gray ttte man tmtlttil the Latimers and was taid that ttey big part af the bigger game, tet! broiher—•**M|R Wjsz ttey wttl be something to see. Jamin Harrison, Indiana, Is CameL (Based on actual "Been Itt' aince tour." . [fspj had beta ta the country less ttan a He stopped short wondering how «_ think," Con told himself with yeajr. Latimer had a amall outfit much he was" supposed to know Stout Combination gtidltra ' da aad - rata* preferred asles records ia Post Bx- some pleasure, "ttat' now rve got between the Broken Wheel and Hel­ about the Territory. Mrs. Tenison treatment over eivUiana. They eaa* dianges sad Cant-ens.^ ^f^y time to- took * around ttt Mr. M.llgo Canyon. only nodded. The Big Nina, phis Notre Dame, not pup shaving cr«am or toothpaste frtojr. Aad If te should waat to re­ "Ahi"Con said softly. "Between I "Nevil hi a fine toy. , Mute of a may easily te tootbaH's strongholc St their post exchanges without turn­ member me, goodness forbid ttet I the Wheal ate the Canyon.*' man. 1 could wish Bwt to wasa't tor tiie new campaign. And thit ing in a used tube ...A. At Camp pot anything at all in his wayf^. "That's what Topeka thought! The atoriB .|sjy.: tan't overlooking Iowa, which Wouli t>»vis tot mimeographed directive But nowhere ta Onopa could he first time te found Latimer wander­ Cm thought that te ted talked as be a serious mlatake. given to man in the 9_th Coast Artil­ flnd Monk Irby. He asked no _ue«- ing around die Wheel aide of the much as was sate. 8e te agreed •ttere are linemen aa tend t» lery (for handling of the wire cable ttoos. merely tooted. ttS8__.-ttr__t____L._-______.' accf-thal t a good man bad htnm needed match the backs, especially at Min winch on army trucks) warns that tn.. lte big cantina te found ttat dent ' But tta .second time it hap­ sad "thought" Ant te was wanted iMiiiiiln. rrtiTT. *Ti)TaT ?»tu,m3* gsa the apparatus is -pa temperamental nervous bartender who ted served pened, he and ttt boys with him at tte corrals, where t^orte and ott­ afMf have tte calL Minnesota's bit as Greta Charbo, and treating It cart* THE ADVERTISERS IM THIS WWSPAPEK SHIEM TMT him and Caramba. Cod waat ter escorted Latimer across 'the Uae ers were. ... __lp line ivttl te tod by Dick Wildung Itssly to like asking Lena Turner, to down tta bar aad stood by himselt snd- invited him to stay there, Lati­ Goree put htm to watt, helping etaa ef tte greatest forwards to.1M 1 scrub toe Mtchen floor" mM_> Tht Wttm. tte bartender brought him mer tes hammered every Broken to load the wagon witt supplies aad —a sure bulwark ti lte aeatoa tte' 8MB treat it with great affection and tW Um BENEFIT IN OmR MT THEY MAY BENEFIT bottle and glaas, te stopped ate to aet toe fir awsys and which tta Wheel cowboy, he could ond. since equipment. ps§£'^ . tare. __g-5Sgg»iB_aaira looked at the labeled array of liquor thm. you're tea seventh ar eighth." tro BM carrrmvmi teat mt* tooktag forward to FRIDAY, AUGUSW>T 14, 1»42 LAS VEGAS AGE Page Ten

Orer-Valuation English Tanght Iii _fra_ir If you tell ih Englishman that English -|g- the only language yoa are worth a billion dollars, he taught fa the' schools of Brazil will think yoa aw worth a trillion. apart from Portuguese. H___P Only In the United States and UR good neighbors south of the Franee does a "baHoS** equal M •Shade-Tair |g| O border provide these pictur­ CHE f_1_TO_¥ ___f>I»_WF-_ 000,000,000. Elsewhere it is known The word "squirrel" is derived esque tea towel motifs. So get out ss a "thousand million" or a "mil- firom the Greek "skiouros," mean­ most brilliant floss and do USMI.* ing shade-tail. bits, of embroidery. Fin* ^ii^_ii^_l___^_Mii cheerful r Easy to Pronounce IE,.. Most Densely Populated . f^eSt. CtrtWcsm^itW8l Ariose'S^^M^(ifi (j|tng Ktoe paper Is made from the pith The state with the highest popu­ «f a small tne, knowh botanlcally lation density is not New York, but tiny Rhode Island. . MylM BE IBE as Alalia papyrifera. j_^j§__ waaWdbBAii f f rr «ii»iWairi|Wii«a>i»*»**»>*»r ooopooo-ooo<><>w»o<»»-'io'y*>eo> - LALA PAL0OZA —Submarine Technique By RUBE GOLDBERG ____•- THE __T OF WOOiNS AND CLASSIFIED WINNVH6WOMEN OR THE V*.' TO LOVE tN«X DEPARTMENT EASY LESSONS"


NEW AND USED Seeks owl chairs. tha, typewriters, adding awh's. safes,. bk-esses. S. U DESK Bit, «• W. Bread*.. S. t_ ft

USED CARS—TRAILERS ^T note to your towel rack and thus to your entire kitchen..' '.___. USED CABS—TBAILEE COACHKS - Pancho's serapes and Ramona's Liberal Credit Terms ffl-r.. White Fawn Flour skirts, the fruits, and toe awning ' JESSE ii. CBABE should all be done in vivid colors. ____• Bar — Sell — Trade Leads Them Alt ; UI So. Main Street Salt Lake City To complete the set, there' la a Ask your Friendly Grocer panholder motif of bright-colored Wholesale — Betall fi^" Mexican pottery. •_S5J_:. • ' _8|§ji_ aotsa, fOOA-MAO, BLAC__OQT IjfB-Ts Other Name Magatts art to-be used in tte Transfer Z847S, 18 cents, brings tin seven motifs for tea towels and the one search fisr thai iron of a meteorite Wheat CHEMICAtested for proteiL ANALYSIn 11.00. ChemicaS l for matching panholder In transfers which RAISING KANE—Not a Brain in His Head By FRANK WEBB analyits at Feeds, Fertilisers and Soils. -tneath a eraser, 220 yards across may be stamped more than once. These and 70 foot deep, at Banbury Sta- extra stampings may be used far luncheon PETEBSON LABORATORIES er breakfast cloths and napkins, curtains, nn 8*** ***^J_- ___%*_ss Cltr; Utah Hon in central Am__s___ \-rf-*' ate. S

desired. Pattern No' . • !»•• ....^...«P. __!_! Auto Mechottlct -BEST Name ••'««...'....., _._S_ _. ___-.S_ _SS'*.>-; and Parts Men YOU EVERTASTED! Tiw Utah Automobile dealers act Every'mother In the land will want to bake these acnimptlous cookies, chil­ helping Uncle Sam recruit aa dren Ml demolish a plate of them In ' m wink. Orown-ups rave about tteir Ordnance Unit of automobile me­ "different" taste and new crunchy tex­ *_1_3. | J Mat ] .j|l|» chanics, welders, parts men, ma- ture. Theylre made, ot course, with the. famous cereal, KoUogg's All-Bran. AGAINST DISEASE BY chinists,painters, tool workers and KEL-OM'S ALL-BRAN FUME SQUARES body man. -;_^ i||_f. *m& Killing Rats. Mice and Roaches 8 squares un- lcupsugar "mtaetened % cup flour Special Training and Extra Pay chocolate '_ cup All-Bran STEARNS' ELECTRIC % cup butter _, cup nutmeats -—•"-'" <__»**-. BAT* ROACH Apply to any automobile dealer or a eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Melt ulniudalt Wta hot water and add •*7rt_PAST\.*tSeenea*mMa*\miE butter. Beat ens well, add sugar, and 33< and ..QO UTAH AUT§t beat unta light and fluffy. Add melted , |»t AU DKUOOIST! chocolate and butter.. BUT In flour. PROTKT HEALTH-SAVE FOODS * AIMPfHt. chopped nutmeats and fla­ DEAUES5 i^'N voring. Pour Into grassed paauWialtl-iff m layer about one-third inch thick- 24 West 5th South St. Bake In moderate oven (S7S*F.) about Grief Remembers =****" _ 20 minutes. Yield: Sixteen 2-inch He who is pleased, forgets his SALT LAKE CITY squares (8 x 8 Inch pan),'_"S83*iS cause of pleasure; he who is grieved remembers his cause ol WJf.U. — Week Ne. U31 — SALT LAKE 1 ^ grief.—Latin Proverb. '•'•J_^_i_i| Only One Coat Needed There Is a fabric covered wall tam CRY, SKTER-VOU_t btmsA ml the market which requiret .. _| o Relieve mmWrnVI \ mwavmAnWMi*Sb%i***r only on* good coat of paint to pro-" .MAMA.NOW THM" VOO HAVE duoe a well-decorated interior walL .THAT SHOT OT CUT If R v3tg FEMALE PAIN Supplies C. S. If you suffer monthly cramps, back­ Chile supplies virtually all of tho ache, nervousness, distress of nitrate of aoda in the United "irregularities"—due to functional monthly disturbances.—try Lydia E. States. __Pi$'___i_ Plnkham's Vegetable Compound at once I Plnkham's Compound la eaa medicine you eaa buy today mads Use a Brush for Ito—ting Ears especially /or women. "]3K Taken regularly thruout the When the housewife is preparing month — Plnkham's Compound helps build up resistance against "roasting ears" for boiling, • email such symptoms. Pollow label dtrec- brush Is a great help in.,removing tlons. Worth, trying / the silks. 'Wmt- LIMA E. PINKNAM'S _SgSS_i£ CUTTER Xoborot-L SALT LAKE-BOISE-POCAT-UO HOTEL BEN LOMOND

Sentinels OQDEN. UTAH WAR SERVICE of Health OPPORTUNITIES Don't Neglect ______I Far yamag tatm tad young women Mature designed taa kidneys to da a marvelous job. Their task Is to keep tha Prepare for service at blood stream boa ol sn excess at trials niuMiillleti TBQ art nt Hi fug tin WiaU Bl BQBsttntly producing waste Westminster •Batter the kidneys must remora fross tha blood if good heath Is to endure. College When the kidneys fsii Be function Bf Nature Intended, there is retention af Salt Uke Cily, Utah waste that may cause body-wide 41*. tram. Ooa any suffer nsaaliil bucltaeha, persistent headache, attacks al dizziness, JUNIOR COUEGE AND SENIOR getting ap nights, swelling, p»fl_sss . HUSH SCHOOL C0URSE1 under tha ayas tool tired, nervous, al worn out. _•'____ frequent, scanty or burning passages Accredited curriculum • aSB sometimes .m.hst evidence of kid* Approved by U. S. Navy far noy or bladder disturbance. Tba recognized snd proper trestment V-1 program, and for de­ is a diuretic medicine te help the kidneys st rid of. excess poisonous body waste. ferred enlistments in U. S. tat Rsaaa "IT Baths • tut ts «.aa 1raa rtonq'a rfl—- Thi j have had more Marines and U. S. Arnw.) fsssBi sssssas Iks t ssrieen • • I44S than forty years of public approval. Ara ' *«-• Caalat IsllBla IIB_ I_H| ,sBj endorsed the country over. Insist' aa Doneiteries—Low expense —'Ma's. Sold at all drug Mores. IHntaaRse-i OnSwttm Ts»»asa_ ,_.. '*£ Selects-) student body a—w*t ______' Rata. -__hrsa_- _:uaa1saa - t-tailsaead faculty aisinsit .llelals "Iff POANSPlLLS SICRETARIAL SCIENCE C-s-Ast el Pioisiim oai At Ch* . For cstslogue write Rata. B. Steele, D.O., Piajaiilfl Hotel Ben Lomond. WNU—W Jt~tt OGDKN. acta Westminster Collage, Salt Lake S$_. Booart K. Vbtek. Max. IN SAN FRANCISCO

It. the Cmd HELP AVENGE PEARL HARBOR AND WIN THE WAR! TM AMERICAN SU.. LY OF VEGETABLE OILS FROM THE PHILIPPINES QUESTION A__t ______MSI INDIES HAS REEN CQMPUTaY Oil QF_~ THIS Hobby SquoH MEANS THAT THIS COUNTRY FACES A SEVERE SHORTAGE-OF FATS P'HEii b¥A OILS-A SHORTAGE WHICH ALSO APFfCTS OUR ALLIES ||| $AVi ALL FATS AND GREASES! SPORTING TTwre is spproximstely 12% ol glycerine axtraeted from all aninial tad »ege- tsbla greases. Thi* glycerine b VBA bt the manufachira of munilions. The War Fra_elioe Board h« therefore asked aa to help hi a *tmgit\p tot .creas­ THING ing Hie production sf fata snd oUs te help offset thia shortage.

9*ip*m accommoda-- SAVE ALL COOKING PATS AND GREASES USUALLY WASTED! YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS THEM M Hilt) tttstin^iveeefviceawQll Housewives, lunch room tptaalBra. teetaafeats, snd hotels, can all do their part by string *M their scrap fats aad cooking grasses. Take same le yoer today's travelers «t market. S^Pf__^_^i___w Meat el the meat mirkets ht Utah and Idaho ara supplied with aoitahte this city's largest, best contaitien for hwHIOag thto grease. The. will weigh it, pay yoa ea * basis of located hotel. 4 cents per. poand clean basis. Use Iha money to bay defease Saving* Stamps and help lick the Axis. __?; ?€___K _^1__. %OBB MOM! a 1000 SATNt Colorado Animal By-Products Company MOM $4 SINOU * ts aovtu OGDEN - SALT LAKE CITY - LOGAJ*_#i ems ^M ' SPANISH FORK - HEBER CITT'--GABtAKDJ£'^; J^e^Jfe, US i^r^^i,l^ *** •WW****'*5' C