1918 (June). Solidaridad Obrera 1917 (April). Alfonso XIII, opposed 1914 (July). The Austro-Hungarian 1917 In Russia, the provisional publishes proof of the relations to breaking off diplomatic Empire mobilises and invades government creates a force between the Barcelona police relations with Germany, obliges Serbia at the end of the month. of fifteen battalions made up commissioner, Manuel Bravo Romanones to resign and only of women. Outstanding 1914 (July). The socialist and Portillo, and the broad web of replaces him with the Marquès among them is the Death pacifist leader Jean Jaurès German espionage. de Alhucemas. Battalion commanded by Maria is assassinated in by Botchkareva. 1918 (January). Women kick up a fuss 1917 (May). At a pro-Ally event with a French nationalist. about the price of bread and the participation of reformists, 1917 (November). In Russia, the 1914 (August). Germany declares there is general social protest socialists and republicans in provisional government is war on France. about the increase in the price , the king is warned that defeated by the Bolsheviks. of basic goods, which had risen his pro-German position will 1914 (August). United Kingdom The new government calls for over the years of the Great War. lead to his overthrow. declares war on Germany. an end to the war. 1918 (November). Start of the 1917 (June). The Defence Boards 1914 Outbreak of war in Europe. 1917 (November). Italy is defeated at CATALONIA attempts at internationalisation precipitate the fall of the Mobilisations in many countries: the Battle of Caporetto, on the of the conflict between Alhucemas government. France, England, Germany, Italo-Austrian frontier (today Catalonia and by the Austria. in Slovenia), by the Central 1901 Foundation of the Lliga 1917 (August). Revolutionary general Catalan nationalists. Powers. Regionalista. strike led by the CNT and the 1914 (September). France halts the 1919 Growing social tension with UGT. After harsh repression, the German offensive on the Marne. 1918 (January). American president 1909 Tragic Week. outbreaks of violence (hired Spanish government accuses The war of attrition begins on Woodrow Wilson announces his 1914 (April). Establishment of the gunmen). the Allies of supporting the the Western Front. Fourteen Points, which stress Mancomunitat de Catalunya. insurrection. the freedom of the seas and the 1919 Strike at La Canadenca. 1914 (November). The Ottoman self-determination of nations. 1914 (June). The Barcelona stock 1917 (November). After a crisis Empire enters the war on the 1919 Autonomy campaign. exchange closes owing to the that leaves Spain without a side of the Central Powers. 1918 (March). Signing of the Treaty economic impact of the political 1920 Barcelona. Visit of Marshal Joffre. government, a new cabinet, 1915 The International Congress of Brest-Litovsk, through which instability. 1922 Foundation of Acció Catalana presided once again by the of Women for Peace is held, Russia abandons the war. 1914 The political groups and the and Estat Català. Marquès de Alhucemas, bringing together 1,136 Outbreak of civil war in Russia. includes two Catalan ministers, intellectuals begin to take sides delegates in The Hague. 1918 (May). Romania demands peace. according to their ideological Joan Ventosa i Calvell and Felip They lay the foundations for a 1918 (August). The start of the Allied positions. They are structured in Rodés i Baldrich. peace agreement and found counteroffensive on the Western three fields: supporters of the 1918 (March). Coalition government the International Committee Front, which ends in victory. Allies, supporters of Germany in Spain led by Antonio of Women for a Permanent and neutralists. Maura, with the presence of Peace. 1918 (October). Mutinies of soldiers and uprisings in the Central 1914 (September). La Vanguardia Francesc Cambó as minister. 1915 (April). Germany invades Poland. Powers. publishes Gaziel’s series Diario Insurrections in the countryside. Many casualties at the Second de un estudiante en París, 1918 (May). A flu epidemic breaks Battle of Ypres, where Germany 1918 (November). Signing of the with his testimony about the out, affecting a large part of the uses gas for the first time. armistice in Compiègne, which beginning of the conflict. population. puts an end to the war in 1915 (May). Italy enters the war Europe. Revolution spreads 1914 (autumn). A typhus epidemic 1918 (November). The Maura on the side of the Allies after across the continent and new caused by contaminated water government falls. The crisis receiving promises of territory republican and democratic affects a large part of the of the regime belonging to the Austro- regimes emerge. population. deepens. Hungarian Empire. 1919 Paris Conference to agree 1915 (January). Negotiations to obtain SPAIN 1921 Assassination of Eduardo Dato. 1915 (October). Bulgaria joins the on peace conditions with the the concession of the duty-free 1921 Annual disaster. Central Powers. Central Powers. Creation of the port of Barcelona, which would 1898 Defeat of Spain in the war 1916 (June). In France, women League of Nations. bring positive economic results. with the United States. Loss 1922 Crisis of the government. working in the munitions 1919 The Congress of the 1915 (October). In Barcelona, Carme of the colonies of Cuba and factories, known popularly as International Committee of Karr founds the Women’s Philippines. 1923 Coup d’état by Primo de Rivera. les munitionettes, go on strike Women for a Permanent Peace Pacifist Committee of Catalonia 1911 Outbreak of the Rif War in for the first time to demand held in Zurich denounces the (CFPC). Famous people and Morocco. decent working conditions. final terms of the peace treaty entities join and its example that put an end to the Great War, spreads to other cities in 1914 (August). The Spanish 1916 (February). Beginning of since it sees them as revenge Catalonia, where other women’s government presided by the Battle of Verdun, which by the winners. From that year pacifist committees are created. Eduardo Dato declares strict becomes the symbol of French neutrality resistance and humanitarian the committee becomes the 1915 (December). Fall of Eduardo disaster. International League of Women 1914 In Madrid a pacifist committee Dato’s government owing for Peace and Freedom. to its incapacity to deal with presided by Rafael María de 1916 (March). joins the 1922 Birth of the Union of Socialist inflation and the scarcity of Labra, president of the Madrid Allies. Ateneo, is created. Soviet Republics. basic foodstuffs. The Conde de 1916 (April). The British army puts Romanones, of liberal ideology, 1915 (January). Germany deploys a down the Easter Rising in Dublin 1922 Benito Mussolini comes to comes to power. policy of subsidy and purchase by Irish home rule republicans. power. of newspapers to guarantee 1916 (February). Creation of the 1916 (May). Failure of the Brusilov Spanish neutrality. Brotherhood with the Catalan offensive on the Eastern Front. Volunteers Committee, under 1915 (September). An anti-war the auspices of Doctor Joan manifesto is published with 1916 (July). Battle of the Somme, with Solé i Pla. the title “The European war, which the Allies try to relieve manifesto of some Spanish pressure on the Marne. The 1917 (January). Rapid spread of the EUROPE battle lasts until November and military trade union movement people”, supported by figures from culture and intellectuals causes hundreds of thousands represented on the Defence of casualties. It is the first time Boards. of the day, such as Carme Karr, 1870 Franco-Prussian War. Manuel Azaña, Salvador Dalí, tanks are used. 1870 Unification of Italy. 1917 (April). Inauguration in Manuel de Falla, José Martínez 1916 (August). Romania enters the Barcelona of the Exhibition Ruiz (Azorín), Gregorio Marañón 1871 Unification of Germany. war on the side of the Allies. of French Art at the Palau de and the Machado brothers. 1871 Proclamation of the French Belles Arts, an activity to ratify 1916 (December). Death of Emperor Third Republic. the commitment to the Allies. 1916 (June). The question of the Franz Joseph. His great nephew self-determination of Catalonia 1884 Berlin Conference. France, Great Charles comes to the throne. USA 1917 (July). The Parliamentary is put before the Spanish Britain and Germany agree to Assembly meets in Barcelona 1917 (January). Germany announces Parliament. share out the African colonies. to promote a reform of the the beginning of a global 1916 Failure of the peace initiatives Constitution and put an end 1916 (July). Trade union pact between 1904 Signing of the Entente Cordiale, submarine offensive. launched by the president of the the UGT and the CNT. Victory of to centralism. a non- aggression pact between 1917 (March). In Russia, Tsar Nicholas United States, Woodrow Wilson, the railway workers in a major France and the United Kingdom, and the Central Powers. 1917 (August). Death of Enric Prat de II is overthrown. A provisional transport strike. and outbreak of the Russo- la Riba. Josep Puig i Cadafalch government is established in 1917 (February). The United States Japanese War. is appointed new president of 1916 (September). Subsidies and Russia and is recognised by breaks off diplomatic relations the Mancomunitat de Catalunya. mass purchases of newspapers 1912 Wars in the Balkans. the Allies. with Germany. by the opposing sides. Despite 1917 (November). A group of Catalan the neutrality, the activity of 1914 (June). Assassination of 1917 (June). The Greek government 1917 (April). The United States, and Spanish journalists and German submarines begins to Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presided by Venizelos decrees together with some Latin politicians travel to the front at ravage the Spanish merchant to the Austrian throne, and his entry into the war on the side American republics, declares Verdun and Rheims. fleet. wife in Sarajevo. of the Allies. war on Germany.