The Academy of Nursing

Jan 2017 11th Issue

Patron & Advisors Patron Dr. C. H. LEONG Message from President Advisors Dr. Constance H.Y. CHAN Ms. Florence W.L. HAU Dr. Frances HUGHES 3Ps: Positioning, Partnering and Prof. LAU Chak Sing Dr. Anthony K.Y. LEE Prof. Diana T.F. LEE Passing on Prof. Hon. Joseph K.L. LEE Prof. John C.Y. LEONG Dr. Angela B. McBRIDE Dr. Nancy S.Y. TUNG Dear Fellows, Dr. Tanya WHITEHEAD May I first of all wish you a happy, healthy and fruitful year of the rooster to come! Honorary Legal Advisor Mr. Lester G. HUANG At the beginning of a new year, the Council Members and representatives of the Honorary Auditor Academy Colleges spent a productive day on 7 Jan 2017, planning for the future Mr. William W.H. CHAN development of the Academy. The Academy made some breakthroughs in 2016, Honorary Consultant with the facilitation of the (FHB). A Task Force on Mr. Tony Y.H. YEN Specialisation of Nursing Practice was set up by the FHB, facilitating communication among key stakeholders and the Academy. The Academy has HKAN Council begun to engage in dialogue with the Hospital Authority to work on possible President Prof. Frances K.Y. WONG alignment of the College clinical logbook and the competence expected of nurses Immediate Past President working in the respective areas as they advance. The Specialty Advisory Groups Dr. Susie S.S. LUM of Pediatrics, Intensive Care, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Medical Nursing have Vice President all proposed clinical sites to undertake pilot training of Members/Fellows of the Ms. Susanna W.Y. LEE respective Colleges. The HKAN has also met with the director and senior nurses at Ms. Civy S.K. LEUNG Ms. Alice S.Y. SHAM the Department of Health to explore possible directions of developing advanced practicing nurses in the health sector. Honorary Secretary Ms. Susan S.M. LAW The HKAN still has a long way to go to establish the foundation and infrastructure Honorary Treasurer in preparation for the regulatory status of advanced practicing nurses in Hong Kong. Dr. Esther Y.H. WONG At our retreat, we identified 3Ps to drive our direction. Briefly, they are:

Council Members • Positioning – nurses need to position ourselves in the healthcare system to Ms. Becky S.K. CHAN highlight the unique contribution and our value in enhancing client outcomes Mr. Alick H.F. CHIU Ms. Samantha Y.C. CHONG • Partnering – nurses working in teams need to identify with strategic partners so Ms. Y.M. LAM Ms. Helena Y.L. LI that the strengths of nursing can be optimized and impacts can be made locally Ms. Serena P. LI and internationally Ms. Elaine Y.L. LIU Prof. Alice J.T. YUEN LOKE • Passing on – Florence Nightingale died in 1910, just over a hundred years ago. Prof. Janet W.H. SIT Mr. W.W. TSANG We need to maintain our century-old (百年老店) profession by preparing Dr. Alice S.Y. TSO advanced level nurses who can lead and strive for the best of the profession and Prof. Martin C.S. WONG Mr. Frederick K. K. YEUNG the people we serve. Charles Dickens once said, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’. We HKAN Committees Accreditation Committee face many challenges, but things are slowly moving forward in a direction which Chair, Ms. Alice S.Y. SHAM we believe will be good for nursing and the public. As a team, with all Fellows and Community & Fund Raising Committee the aspiring nurses of the younger generation, we will make it! Chair, Dr. Alice S.Y. TSO Happy nursing! Education Committee Chair, Ms. Alice S.Y. SHAM Professional Development Committee Chair, Ms. Serena P. LI Promotion & Public Relations Committee Frances Kam Yuet Wong RN PhD FAAN FHKAN (Education & Research) Chair, Dr. Esther Y.H. WONG President, The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Registration & Membership Committee Chair, Mr. Alick H.F. CHIU 1 5th Anniversary Celebration Professional Seminar Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony cum Celebration Dinner

On 19 November 2016 at Diamond Ballroom, The Eaton Hotel, Kowloon

Professional Seminar

Topic: Function of an Academy: Impacts on the Profession and Public Speaker: Dr. LI Kwok Tung, Donald, SBS, OStJ, JP,Hon FHKAN President, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing

2 Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony

To thank our Fellows for their selfless contributions to the profession and the community, the 2nd Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony was organized. Awardees were honored to receive their award from the highest officials of the Food and Health Bureau. Good Work!! Add Oil!

Award of Certificate of Gold Merit

College Awardees College Awardees HKCCN CHAIR Sek Ying CHAN Yim Fan LAM Yin Ming LEE Lai Tong Regina HKCPN HKCCPHN CHAN Siu Yin LEE Wai Yee Susanna YEUNG Sau Ping Grace MA Po King CHENG Mei Wan Winnie HKCSN TO Hoi Chu HKCMN MAK So Shan

3 Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony Award of Certificate of Merit

College Awardees College Awardees LI Man Pan Stephen HKCGN WOO Chui Ping HKCCN YEUNG Wai Kit Wilfred KWOK Mei Ling Angela HKCMN CHEUNG Yuk Hung Kathy TAM Mee Ling Bonnie CHUI See Man Elizabeth LAI Chit Ying CHIM Chun King HKCMW CHAU Mo Ching Macy FONG Ka Yin Salina SIU Sau Mei Esther KAM Chun Kong Geoffrey HKCNHCM POON Wai Kwong HKCCPHN LAI Kin Bun Godfrey CHEUNG Sui Sum Jeanny LAI Yuk Wah CHIM Ki Man PANG Shuk Han LEE Suk Yin HKCPN WONG Siu Lun LIN Kwok Yin WONG Kin Wing Jimmy TANG Sze Kit LO Cho Kin Joe NG Sze Ka LO Shuk Man HKCPON CHIU Hak Fai Alick HKCEN YEUNG Kwai Lin CHUN Oi Kwan TANG Choi Tak Heyman HKCSN OR Yuen Mai Amy HKCGN LOW Pau Le Lisa YEUNG Ka Wai Winnie 4 Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony Award of Certificate of Recognition

College Awardees College Awardees YIP Lai Ming CHAN Hei Kiu YIP Chun Fan Marianna HKCMW CHEUNG Mei Yee Daisy CHU Chuk Kie MAU Lai Fan Elaine KWONG Suk Chun Victoria CHAN Po Fun Constance TAM Yiu Nang John HKCPN LO Chui Ying WONG Yat Cheung Maggie MA Tsui Mai Ella HKCCPHN LAM Choi Hing Margaret YIP Sau Ping Cindy LEE Lai Ling CHAN Yuk Ling LI Chu Chu Dabby SO Mei Chun LEE Ka Yee Carmen LAI Kai Cheong LEUNG Mui Ying Rita CHEONG Kuan Iao LEUNG Wai Fong Janet CHIN Choi Fu POON Wai Kwong CHENG Lai Chi HKCPON HKCERN CHAN YIP Wing Han Carmen FONG So Yin Denny NG Lai Man LEUNG Po Chun Clara HKCGN PANG Chui Ping Phyllis WONG Ying Hon HUI Yin Hing Erika LI Sui Che Betty LEUNG Tai Wai David YIP Chi Fu Eric KAN Ching Yee Eva LAM Suk Mei Heidi HKCMN NG CHI Wah Fanny CHAN Sui Han CHAN Ming Fung Maggie FONG Hon Ying Rebecca HKCSN HO Hau Sim YIP Ka Huen CHENG Lai Ping 5 Celebration Dinner

We had an enjoyable and memorable evening celebrating Academy’s 5th Anniversary this year following the Professional Seminar and Fellow Recognition Award Ceremony on 19 November 2016. There were over 250 guests attending the dinner, including Dr. KO wing Man, Mr. , Prof. Sophia CHAN, Heads of Universities Nursing Schools, HKAN Honorary Advisors, Friends, Patron Dr. LEONG Che Hung and Members of the Academy.

Thank you all for your valuable support and let us continue to strive for advancing our nursing profession.

Sumptuous food, cheerful company, cozy atmosphere….. a memorable gathering!

6 Celebration Dinner

7 Strategic Planning Workshop 2017 “Building the New Milestones of Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Together” Date: 7 January 2017 (Sat) Time: 09:30 am – 5:00 pm Venue: P.I.M.E. Home at Clearwater Bay Road, Lot 333, No. 843, Sai Kung

The Workshop with the Theme “Building the New Milestones of Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (HKAN) Together” was held on 7 January 2017 at P.I.M.E (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions) House at Clearwater Bay Road, Sai Kung. The atmosphere was tranquilizing and relaxing. A total of 50 representatives from different Academy Colleges participated. Prof. Frances Wong, President, HKAN delivered the opening speech with keywords “3 P” i.e. “Positioning, Partnering and Passing On” to steer our direction. The group discussion in the morning session focused on 4 strategic areas namely: 1) Local Branding and International Benchmarking, 2) Social and Political Engagement, 3) Speak Up and Speak Out with Evidence and 4) Grooming and Building Clinical Competences. The progress of the initiatives from Strategic Planning Workshop 2015/2016 including Publicity and Network, Nurse and Service Impact, Position Statement, Publication, HKAN Development and Succession Planning were also reported. Prof. Sophia CHAN, Under Secretary of Food and Health, HKSAR Govt., attended our workshop and gave us words of encouragement despite of her busy schedule. In the afternoon, group sharing focused on Educating and Certifying Advanced Nursing Practice in Academy College. Representatives from individual Colleges actively took part in the discussion, shared their experiences and learnt from each other on the topic. All of them set up the action plans and proposed timelines towards the strategic goals.

In conclusion, the workshop was very successful and productive. Participants extended great thanks to Prof. Sophia CHAN for her unfailing support, the Reverend for providing us such an excellent venue, and the organizing team as well as the facilitators for the wonderful preparatory work. 8 Strategic Planning Workshop 2017

Opening address by Prof. Frances WONG, President of HKAN

Dr. Susie LUM, Immediate Past President of HKAN led the warm up exercise

Responsive group discussion with constructive feedback

9 Strategic Planning Workshop 2017

Great thanks to Prof. Sophia CHAN for her support

Group discussion

10 Workshop and Community Network 8 September 2016 Prof. Frances WONG (President), Ms. Civy LEUNG (VP/External), Ms. Alice SHAM (VP/Education) and Ms. Gloria LUK (Honorary Executive Consultant) Meeting with FHB

25 September 2016 Prof. Frances WONG, Dr. Susie LUM representing HKAN to attend 35th anniversary faculty gala dinner CUHK, Faculty of Medicine

26 - 28 September 2016 HKAN Fellows and office colleagues attended the TTT Workshop on Organ Donation. "Organ Donation 3S"

2 October 2016 International NO Alcohol Day 2016 The HK Academy of Nursing, HK College of Family Medicine and HK College of Community Medicine jointly organized a press conference to alert the public on the harmful use of alcohol, particularly on the rising trend for adolescents. We call for advocacy to: • To be aware and has political commitment to address this health risk behavior • Develop evidence-based policies to reduce alcohol related harm • Start early, target at young generation The position statement was broadly publicized on the newspapers/electronic media 11 Workshop and Community Network

2 November 2016 Mr. Patrick Nip, PSFHB(Health) in the company of CCE, HCEs and Senior Administration Management of KWC visited HKAN.

5 January 2017 Prof. Frances WONG, President and Ms Susanna LEE, Vice President (internal), HKAN met the senior nurses at the Department of Health (DH) at Wu Chung House, Wan Chai on 5 Jan 2017. They were warmly received by Ms Mary FOONG, Principal Nursing Officer, DH and Dr. Ronald Lam, Assistant Director (Health Administration and Planning), DH. Through this meeting, HKAN was well introduced and possible directions of developing advanced practicing nurses in the health sector were explored.

19 January 2017 Dr. Esther WONG representing HKAN to attend 中聯辦新春酒會

12 Accreditation Committee

6 Academy Colleges are due for re-accreditation in 2017. The vetting exercise was on 21 January 2017 (Sat).

The Accreditation Committee had discussion on the alignment with Education Committee on the accreditation of Colleges. Accreditation Committee accepts the result of the programme assessment conducted by Education Committee in the following accreditation criteria.

for Criteria 3 - 7 Accreditation Committee Accreditation Criteria listed in the Application Form for accepts the result of the Accreditation / Re-accreditation programme assessment by Education Committee 1. Governance and Administration 2. Organizational Structure and Decision Making 3. Program Planning, Development and Design v 4. College Examination and Certification Policy v 5. Recognized Education Program and Teaching Faculties v 6. Accreditation of Training Sites and Clinical Teachers v 7. Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance v 8. College Management Report (after initial year of operation)

Education Committee

The Academy had meetings with HA on the feasibility to establish pilot training sites in hospitals. The pilot program will start in 2017 with 4 clinical specialties, namely: critical care, medical (advanced medicine, neurology, infections diseases, palliative), midwifery, paediatric. A study tour to the University of Newcastle, School of Nursing and Midwifery is planned from 26 February to 4 March 2017. The tour includes a visit to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council. Main objectives of the study tour is to broaden our views on postgraduate specialty nursing education programme, and to learn about the registration and certification mechanism of advanced nursing practice in Australia.

13 Promotion and Public Relations Committee

CIBS Program – sharing sessions by Angela and Janet on 9 June and 22 November 2016 respectively

Follow-up For Fellowship (3F) Issues - Networking on 29 October 2016.

29 October 2016 HKAN FELLOWSHIP NETWORK 2016

Objectives : • To Create a platform for sharing among HKAN Fellows • To establish a source of information to the bettement of the Academy’s Development • To Enrich self enhancement for the professional career path

14 Professional Development Committee

Multiple-choice Questions Writing Workshop Speaker: Dr. Marie TARRANT PhD (Edith Cowan); MPH (Johns Hopkins); MN (Manitoba); BN (Lethbridge); RN Course Date : 20 August 2016, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Venue: PMH School of Nursing CNE: 3.5 points

Advanced Practice Nursing Outcomes and Evaluation Speaker : Dr Denise BRYANT-LUKOSIUS Co-Director, Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing School of Nursing, McMaster University Course Date : 24 August 2016, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University CNE: 1.5 points

How Advanced Practicing Nurses can contribute for improving health outcomes in local health care system Speaker: Dr. Alexander CHIU, MB ChB (CUHK), FRCP (Edin), FHKAM (Medicine) Course Date : 3 November 2016, 6:30 pm–8:00 pm Venue: PMH School of Nursing CNE: 1.5 points

Sharing on experience in the preparation for the membership and fellowship program assessment Speaker: Speakers from 4 Academy Colleges Course Date: 12 November 2016, 2pm – 5pm Venue: PMH School of Nursing CNE : 2.5 points

15 Professional Development Committee

Function of an Academy: Impacts on the Profession and Public Speaker : Dr. Donald LI, MBBS (HK), FHKCFP, FHKAM (Family Medicine) President of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Course Date: 19 November 2016, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Venue: The Eaton Hong Kong CNE: 1 point

Why Clinicians need to publish? Speaker : Prof. Graeme Smith, RN BA FEANS PhD Prof of Nursing, Edinburgh Napier University, Editor, Journal of Clinical Nursing Course Date: 6 January 2017, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University CNE: 1.5 points

Friendly reminder from PDC: The first CNE cycle (1-4-2014 to 31-3-2017) for Member will be completed on 31-3-2017 Academy Colleges are reminded to submit a summary of their Members CNE record to Academy R&MC upon the completion of the 3-year cycle, i.e. before 30-6-2017.

16 Registration & Membership Committee

1. Fellow renewal status – 2920 Fellows renewed as at 31 October 2016 Breakdown as follows: Renewal of Fellow Membership for 2016-2017 College 2016 College 2016 HKCCN 138 HKMHN 111 HKCCPHN 285 HKCM 185 HKCCCN 188 HKCNHCM 129 HKCERN 125 HKCON 150 HKCEN 185 HKCPN 308 HKCGN 90 HKCPON 244 HKCMN 485 HKCSN 297 The total renewal of all 14 Colleges is 2920 (updated on 31 Oct 16)

2. HKAN welcomed the following batch of Ordinary Member (16/17) from 4 Academy Colleges.

No. College Name in English Name in Chinese 1 CHAN Shan 陳姍 2 CHAN Sze Nga 陳詩雅 3 CHENG Wai Yan 鄭慧恩 4 IP Nga Lai 葉雅麗 5 HKCMN LAU Mei Ying 劉美英 6 MAK Ho Lam 麥浩琳 7 NG Hiu Yim Nancy 吳曉艷 8 NG Mei Po 伍美寶 9 YU Chung Tsang, Mick 余忠諍 10 LEE PANDORA 李皓嵐 HKCMW 11 LI Chui Yan 李翠欣 12 CHENG Yuk Yu Alice 鄭玉如 13 HKCNHCM KWOK Wai Man, Mandy 郭慧敏 14 YEUNG Nga Man 楊雅雯 15 LAW Sin Ping Susan 羅倩萍 16 LEE Wing Ki 李詠琦 HKCPN 17 TSANG Sau Fun 曾秀芬 18 YAU Ching Man 邱靜雯

17 Upcoming Events and Activities

護專粵韻傳萬家 體檢及健康諮詢暨粵曲欣賞會

日期: 2017年2月19日(星期日) 時間: 中午12時至5時半 地點: 國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學 以勒音樂廳 鑽石山蒲岡村道182號 (鑽石山地鐵站C2出口) 詳程 :

Health Carnival Day 2017 Date : 8 April 2017 (Sat) Time : 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Venue : Tuen Mun Civic Square (屯門文娛廣場) Co-organizer : Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Health & Social Science (FHSS); Supporting Organizations : DH, HA Theme : Depression : Let’s talk

Leadership Workshop Speaker : Dr Angela McBride, Honorary Advisor of HKAN Date : 13 May 2017 (Sat) Time : To be advised Venue : To be advised

Fellowship Conferment 2017 Date : 13 May 2017 (Sat) Time : To be advised Venue : Chiang Chen Studio Theatre (蔣震劇院), at HK PolyU

2017 International Nurses Day (IND) Celebration Dinner Date : 13 May 2017 (Sat) Time : 6:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Venue : Rotunda 2, 3/F, Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Center

Editorial : V.P. (Internal), Hon. Secretary and the Secretariat Office LG1, School of Nursing, Princess Margaret Hospital, 232 Lai King Hill Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Email: [email protected] Telephone: 2370 0335 Fax: 2370 0216 Website: Incorporated as The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Limited