FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens THE COVER CAMPAIGN

he spring issue of Rhodes magazine THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014 Tportrays the many faces of our diverse, engaged, and engaging student body. After printing, the magazines were randomly mailed and the issue you now hold depicts one of five students featured on the cover. Each of them reflects the high caliber of young adults who leave our campus to go out into the world to make their mark. It is FACING THE FUTURE our privilege and pleasure to Transforming Students into World Citizens have them under our wings for four years. It is thrilling to see MAGGIE CUPIT them graduate each spring, but Her poignant thoughts on her time here so very hard to let them go. can be seen at

Maggie Cupit Kondwani Banda Chloe Bryan ’14 says ’14 has been ’14 left Zimbabwe she was a shy student featured in a video and arrived in when she came to produced by St. the United States Rhodes after growing Jude Children’s on a hot August up in Michigan. But Research Hospital about her year day four years ago with little the lure of Memphis drew her in and spent there in treatment—the knowledge of the country, much she immersed herself in its riches. year she was supposed to begin less of Memphis and Rhodes. But Through the Rhodes Institute of a summer research fellowship as a participant in the Bonner Regional Studies, she spent two in a St. Jude lab. Coming to program, he began to learn the weeks with inner-city students Rhodes and having access to St. Rhodes community and its from the Rhodes Learning Corridor Jude when she developed cancer environs while also beginning to to create an audio documentary probably saved Maggie’s life. know himself better. drawn from their conversations. THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014


BANDA THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014 Hear his take on how Rhodes LANDON has prepared him for the WEBBER future at Learn more about Landon’s Kondwani. reflections on Rhodes at Landon. FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens


CHLOE BRYAN THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014 Find out the ways Rhodes BRIAN made Chloe TCHANG blossom at See how his Chloe. travels have impacted his life at Brian. FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens

FACING THE FUTURE Transforming Students into World Citizens

When Landon Brian Tchang ’14 THE NEXT ISSUE Webber ’14 began is a Memphian whose his college search, time at Rhodes has he was looking for a included study- THE SUMMER ISSUE liberal arts college in abroad internships in OF RHODES MAGAZINE an urban environment. Rhodes rose China and South Korea. He was the LOOKS AT TRADITION to the top. In his four years here, he recipient of the William Theodore AND INNOVATION IN has become a campus leader, as was Eckels International Business OUR CLASSROOMS evidenced fall semester when he was Internship, the U.S. Department AND PEDAGOGIES selected by his fellow students as Mr. of State Benjamin A. Gilman Rhodes. Landon’s takeaway from his International Scholarship, and the AS WE CELEBRATE college experience? The importance U.S. Department of State Critical OUR FACULTY. of caring in all aspects of daily life. Language Scholarship. SPRING 2014 VOLUME 21 • NUMBER 1

is published three times a year by Rhodes College 2000 N. Parkway Memphis, TN 38112 as a service to all alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the college. Spring 2014— Volume 21, Number 1

EDITOR Lynn Conlee GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Larry Ahokas Bob Shatzer Tom Martin PRODUCTION EDITORS Jana Files ’78 Carson Irwin ’08 Charlie Kenny Justin McGregor Ken Woodmansee STUDENT EDITOR Caroline Ponseti ’15 COPY EDITOR Anna Acerra 10 CONTRIBUTORS Richard Alley Lindsay Gess ’17 THE MAGAZINE OF RHODES COLLEGE SPRING 2014 Stacey Greenberg ’94 4 A Message from the President Wanda Jones ’04 Michelle Parks Dr. Pedie Pedersen ’70 6 Campus News Jill Johnson Piper ’80 P’17 Lesley Young Briefs on campus happenings Elisha Vego CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Jay Adkins 9 Faculty Focus

FACING THE FUTURE Justin Fox Burks Transforming Students into World Citizens Corey Nolen 29 Student Spotlight EDITOR EMERITUS Martha Shepard ’66 Cover Design by Tom Martin Photos by Jay Adkins 38 Alumni News INFORMATION 901-843-3000 Class Notes, In Memoriam ALUMNI OFFICE 1 (800) 264-LYNX 64 Rhodes & Beyond ADMISSION OFFICE 1 (800) 844-LYNX

2 SPRING 2014 • RHODES 18


10 A Sense of Place Grant Examines Ways to Enhance Gateway Programs

18 Standing on Shoulders Endowed Scholarships Link Generations of Excellence

30 A Rare Collection Proves Illuminating for Scholars SPRING 2014 • RHODES 3 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT

The Campaign for Rhodes

ne of the first named scholarships created O when our college arrived in Memphis was the Israel H. Peres Scholarship for Shelby County students. Peres was the Chancery Court judge from 1917–1925 and the son of the city’s first rabbi. A group of prominent Memphians contributed $25,000

Portrait of to establish two or more four-year Judge Israel H. Peres scholarships in his name. The first recipient was Abe Fortas ’30, who went on to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

4 SPRING 2014 • RHODES his spirit at Rhodes for middle-income students. Our Tof giving to story “Standing on Shoulders” in this issue of enable outstanding Rhodes magazine highlights some of the other students to attend recent scholarships that help Rhodes attract our college can be truly remarkable students. The five students traced back to the featured on our alternate covers for this issue Portrait of U.S. Supreme Court office of President are outstanding examples of scholarship Justice Abe Fortas ’30 Charles Diehl and investments. We could have printed as many his infamous “oil covers as we have students! can,” where donations were placed by those As one of three targeted areas of our visiting our campus. Initially using his own campaign, student aid plays an ever-increasing funds, Dr. Diehl opened a special bank account role in our ability to recruit and retain outstanding for faculty and student emergencies. During students. Opportunities abound to help more the depression, the “oil can fund” ensured that students receive a truly life-changing education. students with financial difficulties remained to My thanks to all of you who have established receive their Southwestern degree. scholarships and supported our students These wonderful stories of our rich heritage through financial aid. have only grown over the past nine decades. Over the last 15 years, it has been inspiring for me to hear so many alumni testimonies about how a scholarship made a difference in their ability to come to Rhodes. In fact, it motivated Carole and me to establish our own endowed scholarship

Contact Vice President of Development Jenna Goodloe Wade at 901-843-3850 for more information. SPRING 2014 • RHODES 5 Campus News

Seeds of Time Documentary Features Fowler

Seeds of Time, a documentary about agriculture pioneer Dr. Cary Fowler ’71, who is on a mission to protect the world’s food crops for future Rhodes Becomes Official generations, had its North American premiere Tree Campus in March at the South-by-Southwest Film Festival in Austin, TX. Its world premiere was in Rhodes Recognized Rhodes College has been November 2013 at the Copenhagen International Nationally designated as a Tree Campus Documentary Film Festival. USA by the Arbor Day Rhodes College is ranked No. Foundation. Rhodes is the “When I met Cary Fowler a whole new world 6 for liberal arts colleges on third campus in opened up to me,” says director Sandy McLeod. Kiplinger Personal Finance’s to receive the national “I realized that, although I thought I knew a “30 Best College Values in designation. thing or two about food, the issues that he was the Southeast/Mid-South, grappling with were entirely new to me. And that 2014.” Rhodes made the Founded in 2008 and those issues, largely concerning food security, are magazine’s top 100 liberal supported by a grant from issues that anyone who likes to eat should not arts colleges nationwide in Toyota, the Tree Campus USA only know about, but have a say in, too.” October 2013. The rankings Program recognizes colleges measure academic quality and and universities that have made Currently serving on the Rhodes College Board of affordability. it a priority to plant, preserve, Trustees, Fowler is the former executive director and protect their precious tree of the Global Crop Diversity Trust and largely In addition, Rhodes resources as well as engage the responsible for making its Svalbard Global Seed College has been included community in environmental Vault in Norway a reality. The vault holds the in’s stewardship. most diverse collection of food crop seeds in the article “100 Best U.S. world. In 2011, Rhodes presented Fowler with College and Universities To achieve this status, a school an honorary doctor of humanities degree, and in by State.” According to the must meet five standards: 2013, the college announced the Cary Fowler ’71 editors, selection was based having a campus tree advisory Environmental Studies International Fellowship in on reputation of the school committee, a tree care plan, collaboration with the Global Crop Diversity Trust. and its faculty, dedication to dedicated annual expenditures a broad liberal arts education, for its program, an Arbor accreditation, and overall Day observance, and service academic caliber compared to learning projects. other institutions of the same type within the same state.

6 SPRING 2014 • RHODES The Amazing Place Campaign Exceeds Expectations

Where fun and work collide is Phi Beta Kappa Honored always a happy place. Perhaps that explains all the cheers that For the second year in a went up on March 6 during The row, the Rhodes chapter of Amazing Place, a 24-hour annual Memorable Season Concludes for Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of fund challenge that raised Women’s B-Ball Tennessee, received the highest $93,637 for the college. possible score for its annual The stands at Mallory Gymnasium were packed evaluation. The Rhodes Bolstered by a phonathon and in early March as the women’s basketball team chapter was one of fewer than email blitz, an energetic social marched into the NCAA tournament. Despite a 20 nationwide to earn this media-based campaign featured home loss to the University of Texas at Tyler in exceptional rating for 2012– a video series starring Corbin the regional final, Rhodes capped a spectacular 13. Having twice been ranked Williams ’14 and Kalen Axam ’14 season that saw Coach Matt Dean named Southern among the top chapters in rushing around campus seeking Athletic Association (SAA) coach of the year, the nation will keep Gamma clues to how the Annual Fund Lauren Avant ’14 tapped as player of the year, and of Tennessee in the running makes a difference at Rhodes. sophomore transfer Symone Daniels selected as for the Exemplary Chapter At the conclusion of the 24- SAA newcomer of the year. Award, to be presented at the hour period, the fund had 2015 Triennial Council in received 702 gifts, enabling it Rhodes played its way into the NCAA regional by Denver, CO. Rhodes’ Phi Beta to collect an additional $50,000 winning both the SAA regular and tournament Kappa chapter was installed in challenge gifts, including the championships. The Lynx defeated Centre 79-60 to on Dec. 5, 1949, and is one $15,000 New York City Chapter’s take the tournament title on their home court. of only 283 chapters in the challenge offered by Marcie United States. Allen Van Mol ’96.

Women’s Swim Team Excels “We’re pleased that our chapter’s “We challenged the Rhodes longstanding efforts to celebrate community to join us on an Rhodes’ women’s swim the liberal arts continue to be adventure and achieve 500 gifts team saw 10 players recognized by the Society,” in a 24-hour period. We are garner Southern Athletic said President-elect Dr. Teresa overwhelmed by the outpouring Association (SAA) all- Beckham Gramm. of support we received—702 in conference honors in one day! This community is truly February. Diver Mary Dr. Susan Satterfield, secretary- AMAZING and we are so grateful Portera ’16 was named treasurer of the chapter, for the incredible demonstration to the first team and was conveyed the chapter’s gratitude of support,” says Kerry Connors, chosen as diver of the for “over three dozen faculty, director of annual giving. year in the SAA. Head staff, alumni, and friends whose Coach Charlie Boehme (right) was named SAA donations recently endowed the women’s swimming and dive coach of the year. Peyton Nalle Rhodes Prize,” the college’s highest academic honor. SPRING 2014 • RHODES 7 CAMPUS NEWS

Dean of the Faculty Steps Down

fter six years of service, in which Rhodes evaluates faculty extraordinary Dean of the Faculty and effectiveness. “This has been a complex opportunity,” says AVice President for Academic undertaking and as such has taken a Drompp, “and Affairs Michael Drompp has decided long time, but I believe it has improved one that I am to step down, effective July 1, to re- many of our processes,” says Drompp. very grateful to focus his energies on two of his favorite Interdisciplinary programs have had.” activities: teaching and research. and the potential for interdisciplinary “Michael has served admirably learning have been another focus of his and capably in this position, and his leadership, as has change in policies and leadership will be greatly missed,” says procedures for lesbian, gay, bisexual, Rhodes College President William E. and transgender (LGBT) students, Troutt. “His gifts for listening carefully faculty, and staff. “The LGBT Working and acting compassionately and Group that Dean Carol Casey and I thoughtfully have served our entire developed has had a signifi cant impact community so well. We are fortunate on our campus, including changes that we will continue to benefi t from in policies and procedures that have his teacher-scholar talents in the years resulted in real benefi ts for students, to come.” faculty, and staff,” Drompp says. Drompp cites his offi ce’s support “I’m very pleased by their work and of faculty as one of the most important the effect it has had.” aspects of his experience as dean. “I Drompp says he has also have always been happiest when I enjoyed his role in the hiring of could provide resources for faculty to new faculty at the college. “We’ve do their work, and then to celebrate had robust hiring seasons every their accomplishments. This is, to my year since I became dean, and it mind, one of the most meaningful is with great satisfaction that I ways in which to maintain a strong and consider the many outstanding dynamic academic program,” he says. members of the faculty who have “When I accepted this post, I wanted joined us during that period. I my title to be dean of the faculty am also pleased that so many of because I believed that I could best our new faculty refl ect diverse serve the college by serving the faculty.” backgrounds and areas of Of particular note in the realm interest. Of course the academic of faculty support are mentorship departments have done the programs in teaching and scholarship ‘heavy lifting’ in this regard; for new faculty and increased resources I have enjoyed working with for faculty professional development. them to hire the best faculty Other initiatives driven by the Offi ce for Rhodes.” of Academic Affairs under Drompp’s “Serving as dean of the leadership include changes in the way faculty has been an


Composer at Heart of Work

not get the rights for all the poetry and could not reprint the song anthology, so his published work languished. With funding from two Rhodes Center for Outreach in the Development of the Arts (CODA) grants, Blankenship and two students, Kenneth Scott ’11 and Tyler Turner ’11, utilized special software over two summers to transcribe around 45 handwritten scores and lyrics, often based on famous poems, to produce publishable scores. Well-known singer of American songs Paul Sperry (center) attended the Paul Bowles concert in Thus far, Blankenship and Brooklyn, NY, that featured Irene Herrmann (left), pianist and executrix of the Paul Bowles music Herrmann have been credited with estate, and vocalist Prof. Carole Blankenship ’85 (right). publishing two groups of songs for the oet, novelist, and composer interest, songs of the Works Progress fi rst time, Three Songs from the Sierras, Paul Bowles might be best Administration,” says Blankenship. followed by four famous Bowles’ works, Pknown for his association In January, Blankenship joined Cuatro Canciones de García Lorca, with the Beat writers of the 1950s, tenor Chad Kranak and pianist Irene written using poems by Spanish poet, or perhaps for his expatriate status, Herrmann, who is also Bowles’ music dramatist, and theatre director Federico earned by moving to Tangiers in executrix, in Brooklyn, NY, to perform del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García 1947. In whatever manner he may be several Bowles songs. The event was Lorca. The poems were translated by familiar, many of his fans agree that sponsored by the String Orchestra modern languages Prof. Donald Tucker. he is underrated as both a writer and of Brooklyn. Additionally, she has It took two years for Blankenship to get a composer. Dr. Carole Blankenship presented a paper at the International publication rights from the Lorca estate. ’85, associate professor of music at Paul Bowles Conference in Lisbon, “What I hope to do going Rhodes, hopes to help remedy at least Portugal, and lectured on his work in forward is to publish some songs with half of that equation this summer Brisbane, Australia. poetry by Bowles and his wife, Jane, when she publishes several previously Bowles wrote orchestrated scores, who also wrote,” says Blankenship. unpublished songs by Bowles, who songs based on poems, works for solo “That’s my next project and that won’t died in 1999. piano, and music for Broadway. “He take long, because I will have the For classical singers like wrote all the incidental music for permissions.” Blankenship, Bowles’ songs are Tennessee Williams’ Broadway shows,” Permission will certainly be critically important. They are she notes. “If you saw The Glass granted by the circle of Bowles considered miniatures and are light Menagerie when it fi rst appeared on supporters, who, like Blankenship, and airy in nature, unlike his literary Broadway, you heard his music during view him as a brilliant talent whose work, which can be dark and deeply scene and set changes.” Williams and recognition is long overdue. psychological. “I come to this from the Bowles were close friends. unpublished side of his work, which I A company published some — Lynn Conlee discovered while researching another of Bowles’ songs in 1984, but did SPRING 2014 • RHODES 9 A SENSE OF PLACE GRANT EXAMINES WAYS TO ENHANCE GATEWAY PROGRAMS By Lynn Conlee and Richard Alley

or Rebekah Barr ’16, of Memphis that she had never before seen the discussion-based while conducting a Crossroads to Freedom classes of the Search project. And it was the skill of synthesizing for Values in Light conflicting perspectives learned in Life: of Western History Then and Now (Life) that helped Mary and Religion program Catherine Cadden ’15 prioritize and (Search) gave her process information during her Summer the skills to more Service Fellowship. diplomatically address A grant-funded study currently under issues of poverty in way on the Rhodes campus aims to shore Memphis public schools. The roots of up these critical links between classroom western civilization studied in Search and experiential learning by taking helped political science major Cecil Brown advantage of Rhodes’ Memphis location to ’14 better understand politics. Sumita enhance the college’s foundational Search Montgomery ’15 made connections with and Life programs. As part of a four- Plato’s famous allegory of the cave, studied college consortium awarded $250,000 by 10 in Search, when she experienced a reality the Teagle Foundation, Rhodes will draw


on its strength of place to ensure that the “Something that is unique to big questions of human existence studied Rhodes College is the experiential learning in Search and Life classes remain part of a component and how Memphis plays a role student’s fabric of learning throughout his in that,” says Dr. Russ Wigginton ’88, or her education—and beyond. vice president for the Office of External Programs and member of Rhodes’ Teagle The Rhodes Twist team. “That’s not a factor at most liberal arts colleges around the country. If you’re asking Learning that takes place in the ‘What’s my purpose in life?’ and you’re classroom informs an equally important reading Plato and Socrates and Martin aspect of a Rhodes education—that Luther King as part of thinking about that of experience gained outside the gates. question, and then you’re volunteering at Whether through internships, fellowships, Cypress Middle School or an impoverished or research projects, the Memphis community or at the Church Health Center, community at large becomes a veritable that’s a unique kind of education. That’s our petri dish of learning opportunities for individualized twist.” Rhodes students. 11 SPRING 2014 • RHODES 11 Previous pages: It was this twist that led to Rhodes’ of their respective gateway programs; each Prof. Tom McGowan collaboration with Lawrence University campus will host subsequent conferences instructs his Community-Integrative in Wisconsin, College of the Holy Cross as the process unfolds. For Rhodes, those Learning class. in Massachusetts, and Ursinus College in gateway programs are Search and Life. Pennsylvania to share the Teagle grant titled The chair of the Life program, Gateways to Liberal Education. The initial Dr. Luther Ivory, associate professor of consortium meeting of the grantees was religious studies, explains the role gateway held in August 2013 at Ursinus to work on courses play in the educational cycle of a plan and establish a mutual understanding a Rhodes student. “The Life program is COREY NOLEN COREY

The Life program, under the direction of Prof. Luther Ivory (left) and the Search program, directed by Prof. Geoff Bakewell (right), constitute the gateway courses at the heart of a Teagle Foundation grant.

12 SPRING 2014 • RHODES If you’re asking “What’s my purpose in life?” and you’re reading Plato and Socrates and Martin Luther King as part of thinking about that question, and then you’re volunteering at Cypress intimately linked to one of Rhodes’ four strategic imperatives, namely, student Middle School or an impoverished community or inspiration. This component of the Rhodes at the Church Health Center, that’s a unique kind Vision emphasizes, among other things, the development of personal integrity, of education. Dr. Russ Wigginton ’88 clarification of values, and the history of a particular tradition of religious thinking,” he says. “As student scholars are exposed to these elements, their scope of understanding research into service learning that brought is broadened and deepened in areas of the focus of integrated learning into the COREY NOLEN COREY critical thinking about seminal moral forefront. values, or how an embraced value system “The main criterion,” McGowan may work to orient, motivate, and guide explains, “is that students combine activities behavior in multivariate settings.” off campus with their classroom learning in Dr. Geoff Bakewell, director of the a way that’s transformative. It’s integrative in Search program and professor of Greek the sense that the experience goes through and Roman studies, explains that Rhodes’ the student and involves them in a holistic gateway courses intend to influence students way, their personal life as well as their far beyond the classroom. “We’re trying to academic life, helping to promote a kind of lay, in some senses, the foundation for, not transformative outcome.” so much a career, but a life,” Bakewell says. “It brings that classical aspect of academic study and makes it relevant and Integration into Action concrete for the students,” notes Dr. Amy Jasperson, associate professor and chair of One model that Rhodes has created political science. Jasperson is part of the for integrating classroom and experiential Rhodes’ Teagle team. learning is known as Community- Students definitely are getting the Integrative Education (CIE). Under the CIE connection between classroom learning and umbrella are student experiential learning participation in the community. Through opportunities through Summer Service RIRS last summer, Brown conducted Fellowships, Crossroads to Freedom, and research on his home county—Tunica the Rhodes Institute for Regional Studies County, —to gain a broader view (RIRS). The concept of such programs of public school segregation in the 1960s. has its earliest beginnings in longstanding Among his findings: an orchestrated plan initiatives such as the Laurence F. Kinney by white residents to place their students Program, designed to promote leadership in church-run schools resulted in the and involvement within the community population of white public school students outside of the Rhodes campus. But it was dropping by 100 percent in one day. Dr. Tom McGowan, associate professor and “Search was definitely my favorite chair of anthropology and sociology, and his class while at Rhodes,” he says. “When I SPRING 2014 • RHODES 13 I feel like Crossroads really helped me get out of the cave and leave Rhodes—my shadow of reality—and experience the true

reality about what is happening in Memphis. Sumita Montgomery ’15

was taking Search and also taking political The project was “reality in its truest philosophy classes, we might be reading form,” she notes, and harkened to her Search Aristotle in both. I began to see the overlap studies. “Plato’s allegory of the cave says that and how they were connected.” people see shadows and they consider that Barr, a political science major/urban reality, but if they would just turn around studies minor from New Hampshire, and leave the cave, they would see true spent summer 2013 working for Memphis’ reality. I feel like Crossroads really helped me Achievement School District as her RIRS get out of the cave and leave Rhodes—my project. Looking at alternative schools, shadow of reality—and experience the true where typically low-performing students reality about what is happening in Memphis.” receive a nontraditional education aimed at Likewise, Cadden immersed herself encouraging them to succeed, she created a in the nonprofit Latino Memphis, through tailored set of accountability measures, the her summer research fellowship. The bulk first of which were implemented in fall 2013. of her job was creating a curriculum for the “Poverty has a huge impact in urban organization’s Abriendo Puertas (Opening schools, and I had to study a lot of what poor Doors) division, which seeks to increase students were bringing into their schools,” she the number of local Latinos who complete says. “I had to approach this topic of poverty high school and secondary education by very diplomatically with a lot of consciousness providing support, knowledge, and guidance of how I talked about the topic. I think that during the transition from high school to one of the purposes of Search is to give a college and up until they successfully obtain strong foundation for a lot of the things that a degree. we understand and see today, and I think in “There was a lot of information that way it’s important.” to sift through, but I was able to either Memphis native Montgomery, a select or eliminate texts quickly and religious studies major, spent summer 2013 in efficiently,” she explains. “I was then South Memphis teaching inner-city children able to combine our needs with these how to conduct interviews in the same successful programs, creating a completely manner that Rhodes’ Crossroads to Freedom new program base that would cater to participants do. “We taught the kids how to Memphis Latino students’ needs. I don’t conduct proper interviews, how to format think my finished product would have been them for online documentation, and then we as well thought-out or polished without presented them to the community,” she says. the valuable reading and writing skills I learned in my Life classes.”


Clockwise from top left: Sumita Montgomery ’15 of Memphis saw a different side to her city during a summer Crossroads to Freedom internship.

Dr. Scott Garner, director of fellowships, (left) and Sandi George Tracy (center), director of career services, head the Summer Service Fellowship Program, which provides experiential learning opportunities to students such as Mary Catherine Cadden ’15 (right).

Rebekah Barr ’16 created accountability measures for Memphis’ Achievement School District that were enacted in fall 2013 during her Rhodes Institute of Regional Studies project.

The Teagle Incentive

Montgomery says that the philosophical concepts learned in Search made more sense when coupled with a physical experience. Flipping that idea a bit on its head, the Teagle grant will look at ways to generate that level of SPRING 2014 • RHODES 15 I knew I was a part of Rhodes, and I was very involved on campus,

but my work with VECA integrated me into Memphis. Chelsea Peters ’12

COREY NOLEN COREY connection and understanding even earlier in a student’s academic career by adding a measure of physical experience to the Search and Life curriculums. “One of the possibilities and potentials that’s coming out of this Teagle grant is combining those two strengths, our really strong core courses, and just continuing to think about ways that those courses can be increasingly relevant to the lives the students have outside of the classroom,” says Dr. Milton Moreland, chair of archaeology, associate professor of religious studies, and a member of the Rhodes Teagle team. At the heart of the Teagle grant lies a core question permeating today’s educational conversations: the value of a liberal arts education. While critics might contend that direct job training forms the best pathway for a college student, liberal arts supporters assert that their graduates are, in fact, even better employees due to the critical thinking skills such an education affords. Experiential learning takes those skills out of the classroom and into the work place. Chelsea Peters ’12, of Oxford, MS, majored in environmental science and chemistry and, in her senior year, worked with the Vollintine-Evergreen Community Association (VECA) in its community gardens and on environmental initiatives Examining public school desegregation in his home within the neighborhood. In the beginning, county of Tunica in Mississippi allowed Cecil Brown ’14 she had a hard time understanding how to put his political science major into action. the community work might fit in with her science-oriented classes and goals.

16 SPRING 2014 • RHODES “That job really changed my whole career goal. It was wonderful to see how it all related to people and how it related to the community and what a community is,” Peters says. “I knew I was a part of Rhodes, and I was very involved on campus, but my work with VECA integrated me into Memphis.” Peters graduated and worked with AmeriCorps in Knoxville for a year teaching middle and high school students about water quality and environmental awareness. Her work with VECA while at Rhodes, she says, helped her become a more well- rounded student, and the outreach aspect of her liberal arts education helped her when it came time to meet students for the fi rst time as a teacher. She is now at on a graduate/PhD track in environmental engineering. “I say that I fell in love with Memphis,” Peters says, “but the experience While at Rhodes, Chelsea Peters ’12 had various also really helped on campus in my classes. internships, but her job at the Vollintine-Evergreen Community Association placed her squarely in the I was able to relate things to real-world center of the city’s environmental activities. situations I experienced in the Vollintine- Evergreen community.” In January, The Princeton Review publication The Best Value Colleges: The 150 “The idea of integrative education is Best-Buy Schools and What It Takes to Get to truly break down the barriers between In deemed Rhodes one of the Best Value the student’s role and the student’s life, so Colleges for 2014. The list was based on that they come to embody their experience surveys of 2,000 undergraduate institutions at Rhodes,” McGowan says. “And it’s not in 2012-13 concerning their academics, cost, even that they then have to carry what they and fi nancial aid awards. Remarks made learn into the future . . . it’s inside them, clear that Rhodes “. . . encourages students to it’s become part of them, and the student is study as many different disciplines as possible the outcome.” in order to gain a broader understanding of the world . . . Students who put in the WEB EXTRAS work can expect to succeed.” Also noted was Learn more about CIE constituent its location in a city with opportunities for programs at recreation and community involvement. SPRING 2014 • RHODES 17 18

18 SPRING 2014 • RHODES standing on shoulders endowed scholarships link generations of excellence

By Jill Johnson Piper ’80 P’17

ehind every scholarship at Rhodes College lies a story. With more than 300 named gifts awarded to students every year, the list of donors or their namesake bfoundations reads like a Who’s Who of the American twentieth century: publisher William Randolph Hearst, U.S. Senator Estes Kefauver, hotel pioneer Kemmons Wilson, philanthropist Margaret Hyde, arts patron Hugo Dixon, and life trustee Paul Tudor Jones IV. Other gifts capture colorful nicknames: Harold “Chicken” High ’33, J. Thayer “Toto” Houts ’37, William “Razz” Rasberry ’30. The origins of others are more mysterious: an anonymous alumna created the Red Shoes Service Scholarship in 2006 for students committed to community leadership. 19 SPRING 2014 • RHODES 19 iving a scholarship a name With more than 500 in their number, the solidifi es the bond between class of 2017 shares almost $11 million in generations at Rhodes. “I institutional grants. think it’s important that the “Rhodes awards scholarships to grecipient have a sense of standing on the attract talented students who bring any shoulders of those who came before him number of qualities and characteristics or her,” says J. Carey Thompson, dean of that we think are important to have in admission and vice president for enrollment the student body. We offer scholarships to and communications. In the highly talented, bright students from all walks of competitive world of college admissions, life and different backgrounds,” Thompson the offer of scholarship funding is crucial. says. “It is incumbent upon us to offset the


Alec Lindman ’14 is a recipient of the Jack H. Taylor Scholarship in Physics.

cost so outstanding students can fi nd ways to pursue this kind of education.” Making a Difference Named endowments come in many Each year dozens of highly talented forms. Donors may establish a scholarship students have their hearts set on attending in memory of beloved classmates; others Rhodes, but their families cannot afford may honor faculty whose infl uence shaped tuition. When we are unable to provide the donor’s life or career; still other alumni adequate scholarships and fi nancial and parents endow as a way of “paying it aid to support their matriculation, our forward.” While different qualifi ers earmark most of the named scholarships—hailing campus community is diminished by from Scotland or being a Presbyterian their absence. from Alabama or achieving profi ciency in The college community is united classical piano performance—behind all in its desire to make a Rhodes education the scholarships resides a spirit of giving in accessible to all worthy students. Our perpetuity. goal is to enroll and graduate the students most likely to benefi t from and contribute Classmates Celebrated to the Rhodes learning community, regardless of their ability to pay. The Few honors mean as much as a Campaign for Rhodes has bolstered scholarship established in memory of a our resources for students, but it is not classmate. The Serena Crawford Scholarship for Women honors a class of ’75 alumna enough to meet demand. Each year $5.6 who broke new ground at Southwestern in million is provided by named endowed the shifting social milieu of the early 1970s. funds in the form of student scholarships, Under Serena Crawford’s presidency in fellowships, and study abroad awards— 1975, Alpha Omicron Pi became the fi rst yet this only represents 16% of the need. sorority chapter on campus to integrate, says Increasing support for students is crucial. Dr. Sallie Clark ’76 of Denver. There are several opportunities A Phi Beta Kappa designate and for helping meet this need through Rhodes Hall of Fame inductee, Crawford went on to law school annual, endowed, or deferred support for at Duke. She and her husband were living in Atlanta and had two scholarships, fellowships, and study abroad small children when a car crash took both of their lives in June awards. Student aid endowments offer a 1990. Crawford’s friends, including Clark, Donna Kay Fisher ’71, Katherine Maddox McElroy ’77, Carol Ellis Morgan ’76, and lasting and meaningful way to honor a Sara Jeannette Sims ’76, initiated the scholarship to assist women family member, beloved professor, loved students with fi nancial need. one, or graduate. If you are interested For Shelby Monning Patterson ’06, the Serena Crawford in helping us meet the great need please Scholarship was the deciding factor in choosing Rhodes over other contact Mike Palazzolo ’86 in the Offi ce schools. Equipped with a major in English literature and a minor of Development at 901-843-3850 or in anthropology and sociology, Patterson is putting in long 1-800-264-LYNX. SPRING 2014 • RHODES 21 JUSTIN FOX BURKS FOX JUSTIN

In memory of their classmate Dr. Brian Sudderth ’77, multiple donors established the Dr. Brian F. Sudderth Memorial Scholarship within a year of his untimely death in April 2012. Sudderth distinguished himself in the late ’70s as president of the Social Regulations Council, codirector of the Kinney Program, varsity athlete, Sigma Alpha Epsilon president, Mr. Southwestern, and member of the Rhodes Hall of Fame. In Little Rock, he practiced medicine as a “people’s doctor,” serving both an active family practice and low-income, elderly, and disabled patients as a volunteer physician at a church-based clinic. Bill Hulsey ’77, principal partner in an

Dr. Harry Swinney ’61, with days as a sixth-grade teacher in a Jubilee intellectual property law fi rm in Austin, TX, wife Lizbeth Kelley, received Catholic School in one of Memphis’ most spearheaded the effort to found the Sudderth the Distinguished Alumni Award at Rhodes’ 2013 economically challenged neighborhoods. award. He says, “During our years at Rhodes, Homecoming/Reunion “I am now a proud alum,” Patterson Brian Sudderth was not only the best of us Weekend. says, “and this spring I plan to take my but brought out the best in all of us. Like few class to visit the Rhodes campus. All of my people we encounter in life, being with Brian students come from low-income families just made you feel good in your own skin and qualify for free and reduced-price lunch because you knew that he was comfortable in programs. One of my goals as their teacher his. His leadership, compassion and giving, is to communicate to them that, with hard achievement, and fun-loving nature tell a life work and dedication on their part, their story that all Rhodes students should know and college dreams can be within their academic seek to emulate.” reach. Because of the scholarship I had, I feel Another alum who has been comfortable telling them that their choice memorialized just this academic year with a of college can be fi nancially attainable to named scholarship is Virgil Starks III ’85. Read them as well, thanks to the generosity of about Virgil’s story in Alumni Director Tracy benefactors like mine.” Vezina Patterson’s column on pages 39-40. Married to alumnus Nick Patterson ’04 and still “best friends with my randomly Focused on Faculty assigned college roommate,” Patterson is already thinking about the next generation. Rhodes students graduate with strong, “My husband and I always joke that if we often lifelong bonds with their professors. win the lottery, the order would be, fi rst, pay The scholar-mentor relationships developed off the house. Second, endow a scholarship in the classroom often inspire alums to honor at Rhodes.” professors continued on page 24

22 SPRING 2014 • RHODES RHODES ARCHIVE RHODES Honoring a Mentor | By Pedie Pedersen, PhD ’70 Ed. note: What motivates someone to endow a scholarship in honor of a friend or mentor? While the reasons are many, for Pedie Pedersen ’70, a new scholarship honoring former English professor Tara Burkhart came about as thanks for a lesson learned—and a lifetime friendship. At the beginning of my sophomore year, I learned that my English class would involve a lot of writing. “Piece of cake,” I thought, since writing had always been my forte, and practically everything I had ever written before had always come back with that wonderful A on the top of the page. And then I met Mrs. Burkhart. Suddenly, my As turned into Cs! Eventually, I got smart, and went to talk with her. Mrs. Burkhart told me that I wrote better than most, just needed to do a few things to make my writings excellent. Being a sophomore, and still thinking that I knew it all (or most of it), I resisted her recommendations. Naturally, I continued to receive a big fat C on my papers. had been trying to What Mrs. Burkhart asked wasn’t diffi cult: just Prof. Tara Burkhart, Professor teach me all those Emerita of English since 1982 write my paper a couple of days before, then re-read, years ago. It was so and make the corrections I already knew would make it simple—always do your best. Neither accepted anything better. Easy enough, you would say. But remember that less from me, and both always showed me a better way to we weren’t as smart as we thought we were at that age! So do things. Although I had never put it into words before, I fought Mrs. Burkhart most of the semester. Sometimes I wrote my papers her way, sometimes I didn’t. And she I also realized that I had been doing what they had always knew! I even went so far one time as to re-type a taught me, and that I had also tried to teach the same paper I had submitted to a biology class. Yes, I re-typed thing to my students. it exactly the way it had been originally, the way that had After my great epiphany, I called Mrs. Burkhart, earned me an A. You already know what it earned from and we had numerous opportunities to visit and to talk Mrs. Burkhart. Eventually, I came around, did what she on the phone. And, yes, I did tell her about the biology asked, worked my buns off, and made a fi nal grade of B paper. She just smiled, as if she already knew. So much in her class. I can’t tell you how relieved I was about that, for my great plan to fool her! because my mother (also a college professor) would have Mrs. Burkhart touched my heart, my mind, and killed me if I had made a C in English! my soul. She did what every teacher hopes to do—she Twenty years later, I was the college professor. One touched lives. You see, the lesson was never just about day the words came out of nowhere, and I consciously writing—it was about life, and what kind of person I understood what both my mother and Mrs. Burkhart would become. SPRING 2014 • RHODES 23 JUSTIN FOX BURKS FOX JUSTIN

in the physical and biological sciences. Swinney himself received an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Rhodes in 2002 and the Distinguished Alumni Award during convocation at Rhodes Homecoming/Reunion Weekend in October 2013. At convocation, he succinctly credited Rhodes with teaching him three enduring skills that have served him throughout his university career. “First, under the guidance of Prof. Jack Taylor, I learned how to do physics— from his classes and especially from research projects conducted under his direction,” Swinney said. “Second, I learned how to

Charles W. Robertson, Jr. ’65 through scholarships. Such was the case for write essays in courses I took on literature, (left) received Rhodes’ two physics majors from the 1960s, both history, and philosophy. In my teaching I Distinguished Service Medal in 2008, from Board of whom have gone on to make notable have found that students may learn physics of Trustees Chairman Bill contributions to their fi eld. theory very well but, lacking a broad Michaelcheck ’69. From the post-war era on into the education like that provided at Rhodes, 1990s, Professor Jack Taylor ’44 steered the they often don’t learn to write well. physics department toward an emphasis on “Finally, at Southwestern I fi rst optical physics, and his research program became involved in community service, and in infrared spectroscopy of the sun that has subsequently become an important allowed students unprecedented access to and rewarding part of my life.” Every year experimentation and laboratory experience. Swinney codirects the UNESCO-sponsored One of those students was native Hands-On Research Schools in which Dr. Harry Swinney ’61, who came to Rhodes students from more than 30 developing at the suggestion of his family doctor, Dr. countries perform scientifi c experiments and John Gladney ’38, who was one of the fi rst develop their writing and public speaking recipients of the college’s Distinguished skills with the coaching of volunteer faculty. Alumni Award. Mesmerized by Taylor’s Although Alec Lindman ’14 of classroom experiments, Swinney soon turned Niskayuna, NY, never worked with Prof. from engineering to physics. Taylor, he will graduate this spring with “It was Jack Taylor’s guidance a bachelor of science degree in physics that turned me on to the idea of a life in as the recipient of the Jack H. Taylor research,” says Swinney, professor of physics Scholarship in Physics, the second award at the University of Texas at Austin. In 2000, to honor Taylor. Charles W. Robertson, Jr. he established the Jack H. Taylor Scholarship ’65, and his wife, Patricia, established the in honor of his mentor for students majoring scholarship in 2005 for a student majoring


in physics. Robertson was the recipient of the college’s Distinguished Service Medal in 2008, and is the founder of NanoDrop Technologies, which pioneered microvolume instrumentation techniques that allow scientists to quickly and easily quantify and assess purity of small-volume liquid samples such as solutions of proteins and nucleic acids. In addition to the Taylor scholarship, Robertson endowed the Dr. Charles W. Robertson, Jr. Endowment for Student Research and Engagement in Physics at Rhodes. Lindman is now on the “other side” of the recipient screening process, interviewing prospective incoming students as potential consultant to businesses in Tanzania. A Jack and Anna Farris candidates for the Taylor scholarship. “It history major, Mark was editor of The “captured the best of Southwestern in all gives you an interesting perspective on where Sou’wester. Elizabeth is vice president of respects.” you were at that point,” Lindman says. development and public affairs at the Rhodes came to Lindman’s attention Juilliard School of Music. as a school with a strong physics program In his trademark cowboy boots, the and comprehensive liberal arts tradition. lanky, pipe-smoking Farris, a novelist, poet, “The strength of Rhodes’ physics program and playwright, was a professor of English and liberal arts is kind of a rarity,” he says. from 1961 to 1984. He was equally at home Lindman’s latest accomplishment continues with the Romantic English poets or his own the legacy of scientifi c achievement in the Western-style prose, as in his 1987 novel study of light. He earned a coveted summer The Abiding Gospel of Claude Dee Moran, research position at NASA’s Goddard Space Jr. Mark recalls: “We loved his courses, but Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, last year. we were all captivated by Jack himself—the “The project involves measuring cosmic gruff demeanor, dry sense of humor, the hint microwave background radiation, which is of menace that masked a sincere interest in the earliest light we can see in the universe,” his students.” he explains. Anna understood young people and The Anna and Jack D. Farris brought fairness, humor, and good judgment Scholarship honors a beloved faculty couple to her posts in the Dean of Students offi ce and was established by an alumni couple, and British Studies at Oxford programs, he Mark ’82 and Elizabeth Sheppard ’84 says. “Together they captured the best of Hurley. “Jack and Anna were important to Southwestern in all respects,” Mark recalls. both of us in college,” says Mark Hurley “Jack, as an accomplished writer and great of and New York, now a fi nancial professor, represented the best of the SPRING 2014 • RHODES 25 faculty, and Anna the best of the staff. Both of them connected with students in a way that made us feel they were personally invested in our success and growth as individuals.” Jack died in 1998 and Anna retired to Arkadelphia, AR, but the impression the couple made on Rhodes students continues to thrive through the Hurleys’ scholarship, awarded each year to an English major. See Pedie Pederson’s ’70 touching personal remembrance of her scholarship’s namesake, English Professor Tara Burkhart, on page 23. In the Spirit of Giving

A trademark quality of the Rhodes education is engaging the student body in community, whether those bonds take place among campus groups or out in the greater Memphis area where students develop lifelong connections. The ties that bind often inspire alums to give back to the place where their community-mindedness matured. Other supporters endow scholarships designed to allow Rhodes to continue attracting the best and the brightest. Trustee Susan Brown, P’10, P’16, created the Brown Scholarship in 2006. The have endowed three separate scholarships: scholarship is awarded to Shelby County two in memory of friends and family, and residents with a willingness to be engaged a third to further the couple’s “passion for in activities at Rhodes and who demonstrate making ministers,” Barry Johnson explains. high academic standards. More recently, First was the Johnson Family Scholarship, William and Tricia Shiland, P’15, created earmarked for students majoring in religious the Shiland/Park Scholarship to benefi t studies or entering full-time Christian middle-income students who show an ministry upon graduation. Next came the entrepreneurial spirit. George R. Johnson Scholarship in memory Since 2004, Barry ’83, P’17 and of Barry’s father, established in 2004 as a Susanna Johnson P’17 of Arlington, TX, Christmas gift to Barry from Susanna, now


a P’17 with daughter Allie Johnson ’17 a in as many as 280 hours of service work per Brian Tchang ’14, a recipient fi rst-year student. academic year. “That’s 10 hours a week each of the John Colby Service Scholarship, volunteers many In 2007, the Johnsons dedicated semester and then eight hours a day during hours of service work each the John Colby Service Scholarship in the the summers for about seven weeks,” Tchang academic year. memory of the Memphian with whom the says. A commerce and business major with a Johnsons traveled and studied theology. The focus in accounting, he believes in blending couple endowed the award following Colby’s academic work and professional opportunity. sudden death. At Rhodes, Tchang has raised money As recipient of the John Colby Service for GlobeMed, which installs clean water Scholarship, Brian Tchang ’14 of Memphis, fi ltration systems in remote villages in who is also part of the Bonner program, puts Nicaragua. He has taught English to SPRING 2014 • RHODES 27 the children of migrant workers through from the gift that year. I make it a point to the Amity Foundation in Nanjing, China; sit down and visit with each of the kids and volunteered at an orphanage for mentally let them know they have a friend in Dallas.” disabled children in Woju, South Korea; Barry thinks often of his father’s and rebuilt homes in New Orleans with a deferred college dream. George Johnson student group called Rhodes Rebuilds. His completed his first year at Texas Christian recent project is the sale of a bumper sticker University in Fort Worth, then had to go that supports struggling nonprofits in the city to work full time. “The scholarship that of Memphis; it reads “I AM A MEMPHIAN,” honestly means the most to me is the one echoing the powerful “I AM A MAN” slogan of Susanna set up for my dad, who was unable the Civil Rights Era. to go to college. As my brother and I got Tchang might be said to view his towards college age, what my dad told us 10 volunteer hours a week as an asset was ‘I don’t care where you want to go, I allocation portfolio: “I’ve been given 10 will find a way to pay for it. I want you to hours a week to make a difference, and it go to college and not have to worry about makes sense to give them to places that money.’ I have come to understand what an are struggling. I like to look for places that incredible blessing it was for me to attend have a tremendous amount of brokenness college and not have to worry about whether to them because I’m given an opportunity I could make my September tuition.” to make more substantial changes there.” “What makes it special to me is that it Occasionally he encounters cynics. “If was my father’s dream for me, and now I can someone tells me ‘you’re really young,’ or offer my child the same thing. The idea that, ‘it’s probably pointless’ to try to change for Allie and everyone else who has these this place, that’s okay. If I fail, I’ve learned scholarships, that now that dream is coming something from it.” true because of my dad, is the most touching In the 10 years since the inception part of it.” of the Johnson Family Scholarships, Barry It is said that giving is its own reward. and Susanna have shepherded eight students In its 166-year history, the place known now through Rhodes College. Personal contact as Rhodes College has given many students with students is one of the most gratifying more than just an education. As the aspects of the giving experience, Barry scholastic fruits of the college’s endowed Johnson says. awards reflect, its supporters—whether “Benefactors are kept in the loop in alumni or parents, faculty or staff, a personal, vibrant way,” he explains. “The classmates or trustees, foundations or person who gives a named scholarship individuals—recognize the student experience to Rhodes College will receive a letter as life-changing, and they want to make that announcing the recipient of the award, experience accessible to any qualified student and then you get a letter in February or willing to tackle the challenges and March from the student, which is extremely opportunities available here. wonderful. You know someone is benefiting


Setting the Bar as Student Editor

unior political science major upcoming speaking engagement. opportunity to be Caroline Ponseti ’15 began The next hour I was meeting Bill herself. “I really Jworking this spring as the Clinton after driving the couple wanted a school fi rst ever student editor of Rhodes to their spontaneous dinner where I could magazine. The position was created date with the former president. feel safe and to give students a voice in the Working with Mary and James, comfortable,” magazine, and Ponseti is sure to set who are two of my biggest career she says. “I the bar high. idols, strengthened my aspiration found that As student editor through to enter the fi eld of political place at the Rhodes Student Associate communications after graduation.” Rhodes.” Program, Ponseti writes articles, She spent last semester helps to proof layouts before the abroad in the European Studies — Stacey magazine goes to press, and shares program and describes herself as Greenberg ’94 ideas about campus activities a very serious student. When not from a student’s viewpoint. The studying, Ponseti stays busy giving position fi ts in nicely with her campus tours as a Rhodes diplomat, interest working in political recruiting others to serve as communications. diplomats, presiding over the mock “I’m really interested in the government team, and serving relationship between media and the as director of communications government,” she explains. She’s and development of her own already got a trio of nice political nonprofi t. internships under her belt—one Yes, her own nonprofi t. with notable political couple Mary Rather than hitting Matalin and James Carville (who the beach for spring break worked on George Bush’s and Bill in March 2013, Ponseti Clinton’s campaigns, respectively, in and two fellow students she 1992), another with a federal judge met her fi rst year as a resident in her home state of Louisiana, and in Glassell Hall, launched The yet another with Louisiana’s U.S. Bridge, a street paper. The Bridge Senator David Vitter. gives the homeless a forum to tell “I interned for the offi ce their stories as well as a source of of Mary Matalin as the on-the- income. The Bridge is the only ground point person for New 100% student-run street paper in Orleans. The offi ce is based out the world. The paper currently has of Alexandria, VA, but the couple a staff of 60 Rhodes students and a now lives in New Orleans,” Ponseti circulation of 5,000. says. “There was absolutely never a Ponseti loves being a student dull moment. One afternoon I was at Rhodes and credits the tight-knit compiling an event profi le for an community with giving her the SPRINGSPRING 20142014 •• RHODES RHODES 2929 A RARE COLLECTION PROVES ILLUMINATING FOR SCHOLARS

By Lesley Young



hile Rhodes sophomore Doug WFetterman ’16 stays busy at college studying cell structure and human anatomy to prepare for his

career as a physician, he also manages to put in

time to smooth the way for his retirement.

Bill Short ’71, associate director of Barret Library and head of special collections, and Doug Fetterman ’16 take a close look at an illuminated manuscript page. 31 SPRING 2014 • RHODES 31 “I hope to collect rare books or curate a museum or be on a museum board,” says Fetterman, 20, a biology major from Hudson, OH. “My job as a Rhodes Student Associate offers me tools I can use later in life.” As one of more than 100 students participating in the Rhodes Student Associate Program (RSAP), Fetterman

Ege’s aim was to distribute the portfolios to various locations so that as many people as possible could study these ancient manuscripts and the creative art of bookmaking.

works in the Archives and Special Collections housed in the Paul Barret, Jr. Library. The position is one he says he had designs on from the beginning. “I truly love books. I could have worked anywhere, but I wanted to be in the library.” Fetterman’s current project is the scanning of select items from a collection of rare documents that share a narrative with similar pieces found in the libraries of Columbia, Harvard, and Yale, as well as other universities. “It’s a good feeling to see Rhodes’ name next to Yale’s and Harvard’s. I’m pretty proud of it,” Fetterman says.

Late medieval psalter leaf from Germany

32 SPRING 2014 • RHODES JAY ADKINS SPRING 2014 • RHODES 33 Reuniting the Collection We had lost the original purposes s one of the institutions owning part of the Ege of the texts by cutting them apart, portfolios, Rhodes has been asked to help a University both as literature and as works of of South Carolina (USC) Aprofessor and expert on Ege reassemble the art. By reassembling them virtually, we widespread collection digitally. Much of can still use them to teach basic skills Fetterman’s RSAP time is spent scanning in paleography as well as recognize the Ege manuscripts on a specialized scanner that copies the documents at their original composition. Dr. David Sick 1,200 dots per inch (dpi), a high-resolution measurement important for ancient documents, which have such features as gilded lettering, elegant calligraphy, and Known as the Otto F. Ege Portfolios, multihued illumination. the rare collection consists of single-page “They are beautiful. Using a scanner illuminated manuscript leaves, some dating with the capability of 1,200 dpi, you really back to the twelfth century. The leaves were bring out the beauty and can see all the disassembled from their original bindings, illuminations and hard work that went into divided into 40 portfolios of around 50 creating these manuscripts,” Fetterman says. pages each, and sold throughout the United He then stores the images in the States in the mid-twentieth century by the Rhodes College Archives Digital Collection, estate of Cleveland, OH, biblioclast and called DLynx, where they have found a book collector Otto Ege. permanent home while they await a chance Ege’s aim was to distribute the to be digitally reunited with leaves from portfolios to various locations so that as other sources by virtue of the USC’s Center many people as possible could study these for Digital Humanities. Thanks to USC’s ancient manuscripts and the creative art of professor of English and comparative bookmaking. The portfolios made their way literature Dr. Scott Gwara, the diaspora to numerous universities, including those of what is projected to be 20,000 pages of in the Ivy Leagues, and public libraries. historical manuscripts can now be reconciled Approximately 120 pages belong to Rhodes through his digitization project, a project at as part of the Jessie L. Clough Art Memorial which he’s been hammering away for more for Teaching. The Rhodes portion of than four years. the collection comprises two complete “It’s an amazing thing. It’s like an portfolios—one of which contains Bible invisible archive, and it will be as big a pages, many from the Vulgate Bible—and medieval library as any institution in the U.S.,” one partial portfolio. Gwara says. Gwara published a book about the collector, Otto Ege’s Manuscripts, last year and


came up with the digitization project while simply looking for something to do. “Five years ago I had just finished a book on Beowulf, and I wanted to do something else. I thought, ‘Why not catalogue all the manuscripts at University of South Carolina?’ We had a big exhibition. Then I thought, ‘Why not go to other states?’ ” Eventually Gwara and his project partner, Eric Johnson, USC’s curator of early medieval manuscripts, decided to invite 50 founding partners to participate in the digitization of the Ege manuscripts.

Enter Rhodes had been to Rhodes when I was doing a survey of manuscripts in the American South, so I was familiar with the manuscripts The Otto Ege collection there. In fact, I was so impressed pieces.” Included in the 2,000 objects of the consists of three with the campus, I told my son about it, Clough Collection are the three portfolios portfolios containing around 120 illuminated and he applied there,” Gwara says. “It has a of Ege manuscript leaves the Hanson sisters manuscript pages. gorgeous library.” somehow procured in the 1950s and then How the manuscripts came to Rhodes dedicated to Clough. is its own saga. Due to the generosity of A history of Ege on the Denison sisters Floy K. and Etta Hanson, Rhodes University website indicates that he died in owns a collection of Asian woodcut prints, 1951, having never sold one of the portfolios. porcelains, fabrics, and other objects that His wife, however, took up the mantle and the sisters obtained and donated to the began selling the portfolios. Now, just as Ege college in honor of Floy Hanson’s teacher, wished, students, teachers, and scholars at mentor, and colleague Jessie L. Clough. Rhodes can study and admire Psalms from “When they were teachers in the late the Vulgate Bible, which dates back to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, late fourth century; gilded lettering on a there was an experimental teaching medieval manuscript; or a page from a 1240 movement where you didn’t observe arts A.D. document of Roman historian Livy. and crafts, but you created them,” explains Classics professors, English professors, Bill Short ’71, associate director of Barret history professors, and others have used the Library and head of special collections. Ege manuscripts over the years, offering “Floy Hanson and Miss Clough would students insights into book culture, religious take students on trips and acquire these culture, historical systems of writing, and SPRING 2014 • RHODES 35 COREY NOLEN COREY

difficulties of producing a modern edition of an ancient text. When an intermediate Latin student encounters a page of a manuscript from the Medieval period or the Renaissance, he/she can barely decipher one word, let alone translate a longer passage.” While critics question Ege’s methods—ripping apart rare and

Dr. David Sick, associate professor in Greek and Roman Studies, historic books—the incorporates the Ege manuscripts in his Latin class syllabus. evidence speaks for itself. “It’s not common for a liberal arts college of this size to have such valuable artisanship from the fourth century to the manuscripts in its archives,” Short says. fifteenth. “You can talk about the features That was Ege’s intention all along. of early manuscripts and printed books, and “He was an interesting person. He people will get a dim idea, but when they believed in what he was doing and didn’t actually get to touch one, a manuscript on have any problem cutting up these books. vellum, which is animal skin, they realize A lot of people find it repulsive, but he the extraordinary care with which they wanted to sell to middle-class Americans. were made,” Dr. Michael Leslie, professor of Manuscripts were expensive. He wanted English and dean of British Studies, says. “It people to be able to appreciate the script, brings to life how many decisions were being the handling of the manuscripts, the made, how many people were involved, and artistry, decoration, and illumination,” by how many hands they were produced.” says Gwara. “He helped popularize a form “Some of them have marginalia— of connoisseurship called middle-class erratum notes to indicate that there was a connoisseurship.” mistake and this is the correction,” Short “As a classicist,” Sick notes, “I’m adds. “They couldn’t correct mistakes in happy to see the manuscripts put back their calligraphy. A sheep or a goat gave up together even in a virtual state. We had lost its belly to make the vellum, so they would the original purposes of the texts by cutting have to make a concession for the mistake.” them apart, both as literature and as works Dr. David Sick, associate professor of art. By reassembling them virtually, in Greek and Roman studies, incorporates we can still use them to teach basic skills the manuscripts into his classroom. “Latin in paleography as well as recognize their paleography, or the study of handwriting original composition.” styles and manuscripts, is a highly So far Gwara is waiting on close specialized and technical field. Having the to 3,000 digitized pages from his 50 manuscript leaves in the library’s collection partners, including Rhodes. Fetterman allows students a small glimpse into the says he’s barely scratched the surface with

36 SPRING 2014 • RHODES N ju s t i F o x B u r k The Rhodes Student s Associate Program Celebrates a Decade By Wanda Jones ’04 his scanning duties. “I’ve been working on it since December. Scanning is just in the Ed. note: Originally funded as a pilot project by an Andrew W. Mellon early stages. Mostly I’ve been working on Foundation grant and a Lumina Foundation grant, the Rhodes Student figuring out what they are, whether they are Associate Program (RSAP) grew out of an initiative to ensure a from a book of hours, breviaries, or stories viable college funding option for students that also gave them career from the Bible.” experience suitable for inclusion on a résumé. As a member of the Gwara is in no hurry. If he has his RSAP committee, Wanda Jones ’04, director of payroll & accounting way, the end result will be far-reaching and and associate comptroller, has become one of the program’s most considerable. The project’s programmer enthusiastic cheerleaders. is still developing the interface so that A few weeks ago I was asked offering experience comparable viewers, who will be anyone with an interest to speak to a small group of to on-the-job training in a vast in viewing the manuscripts online, may seniors who would soon gradu- range of fields. Today we have juxtapose and compare pages and flip them ate. The focus of the conver- more than 100 RSAPs working on as a real book. “It’s incredibly complicated, sation was to address some campus in areas such as busi- with lots of functionalities, and I want it to general questions about how to ness, technology, leadership be simple but robust,” Gwara notes. transition into the financially programming, academic field “Something very important was lost independent world after college. research, governmental initia- by the breaking up of these books,” says Creating a household budget tives, and community service Leslie. “Cultural products like that speak and establishing credit are easy outreach—just to name a few. As volumes, so to speak. The fact that we can enough, but the hardest ques- a member of the RSAP adminis- have them back in a book form by being tion to answer sounds like the trative committee, it is exciting digitally reassembled means they can speak old egg and chicken dilemma: “I to hear from former student as- to us in a different way.” have the required degree but all sociates who attribute their easy Gwara hopes to have the USC the jobs want experience, too. transition into the job market to manuscripts completely digitized by March How can I get job experience if the rich experience they gained and will insert those from other institutions employers won’t hire me without from being an RSAP. Since the as they come in. “Hopefully I can undo some job experience?” Ten years ago inception of the program Rhodes of the damage done by Otto Ege,” he says. Rhodes began a program to help has employed more than 430 stu- By studying the collected manuscripts, a few motivated students avoid dent associates, each receiving maybe other bibliophiles such as Fetterman this frustrating trap. A pilot one to three years of experience. will find their calling. “This has given me a group of 10 students kicked off This year we are celebrating our great appreciation of what rare books mean. our Rhodes Student Associates 10th anniversary by highlight- This is something I truly love, and I hope to Program or RSAPs, as we call ing 10 outstanding RSAPs, “10 them. Considering labor needs for 10,” and by evaluating the someday come back to it.” of the college as well as aca- program’s history, progress, and demic support opportunities, this future evolution to ensure that initiative created unique em- it is not just good but always at ployment positions for students its best. Web Extras See more manuscripts at  SPRING 2014 • RHODES 37 ALUMNI NEWS




n Memory of Virgil Starks III ’85.” These words are engraved on the brass plaque Iattached to the gavel used to open Alumni Convocation at Homecoming and to call to order every meeting of the Alumni Associa- tion Executive Board. When not in use, the gavel sits on my desk and is a daily reminder of my dear friend and one of the most coura- geous men I’ve ever known. For those of us who knew him, Virgil will always be indelibly linked to our Rhodes experience. Bill Hulsey’s description of Brian Sudderth (page 22) echoes the thoughts of many alumni who have contributed in some way to scholarships memorializing their be- loved friends, classmates, or professors. These are the people who made us want to be the best we could be, served as our mentors and Tracy Vezina Patterson ’84, P’17 role models, and helped define our Rhodes experience. Virgil Starks was one of these people and approximately 30 friends, class- mates, teammates, and fraternity brothers as captain of the football team. Virgil’s high have already supported the new Virgil Starks school success came despite his mother’s fre- III ’85 Memorial Scholarship. quent hospitalization for grand mal seizures But Virgil’s road to Rhodes was not an she suffered due to epilepsy. easy one. Virgil received a scholarship to attend As a boy, Virgil’s family was trans- Rhodes, and his impact on campus was im- ferred from Ohio to Hartselle, AL. As mediate. He became the first black member the only African American family in their of Sigma Nu fraternity. He played nose neighborhood, the Starks were not warmly guard on the football team and was a mem- received by their neighbors; quite the op- ber of the ’85 defensive squad, ranked 10th posite. However, new families moving into in the nation. According to his coach, Mike the neighborhood were always greeted by Clary ’77, “Virgil was the soul of the team.” Virgil’s mom with a Jell-O mold or other When not on the field, he was rooting for his homemade treat. At age 13, Virgil’s father friends in Mallory Gymnasium as a member was killed in an automobile crash and Virgil of the basketball cheerleading squad. became the “man of the house” for his As the first person in his family to mother and two sisters. finish college, Virgil’s graduation was a big In high school, Virgil was elected to deal. His mother drove through the night the student council, was president of the Key from Alabama with his two sisters and an Club, and was the first black player selected uncle to get to Memphis for the commence- SPRING 2014 • RHODES 39 ment ceremony. At the graduation rehearsal, Virgil was pulled aside by Dean of Students Bo Scarborough ’67, who had to deliver tragic news—Virgil’s mother had fallen asleep at the wheel, the car ran off the road, and slammed into a tree. She was killed on impact. His two sisters and uncle were in the hospital in serious condition. Members of the class of ’85 were stunned as they watched Virgil fall to his knees and cry out in agony. But the following morning, Virgil lined up with his classmates to walk from Palmer Hall to Fisher Garden. He received his diploma before a tearful, standing ovation. On Nov. 8, 2008, Virgil died of a mas- sive heart attack while driving home from an Auburn University football game. At Virgil’s visitation, people filled the funeral home, and the line to get in wrapped around the build- ing . . . TWICE. As the senior associate ath- letic director at Auburn, Virgil was charged with guiding the school’s student-athletes to graduation. He served as their role model, mentor, and father figure, and they showed up in force to pay their respects. The Auburn players were joined by countless members of the Rhodes community who had also been touched by Virgil. Virgil Starks had a smile that lit up the room, was fiercely loyal, and handled challenging situations with courage and grace. He truly valued everyone he met, with no regard to their status or material success. He loved Rhodes College and treasured his education. He is sorely missed by all who knew him. I look forward to meeting the inaugu- ral recipients of the scholarship created in Virgil’s honor and letting them know what a Legacy Carolyn Starks ’16 of Auburn, AL, with Tracy Vezina Patterson ’84 P’17. privilege it is to be named a Virgil Starks Starks is the daughter of Virgil Starks III ’85. Scholar.

— Tracy Vezina Patterson ’84 P’17


Rhodes College Alumni Association President 1954 The Kelly Ensor ’99 60th Reunion Memphis, TN Homecoming/Reunion Charitable Weekend: Oct. 10-11 Save the date for our 60th Annuity: reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. 1945 The Gift Ruth A. Bryant was recently That Keeps invested as a Chevalier dans 1955 l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques Giving by the French government in Mary Rodriguez Wardrop recognition of her promotion received a Silver Presidential of the French language Award for Volunteer Service and French culture. The for 500 hours of volunteering presentation was made by activities in 2012 in Pinehurst, Jean-François Rochard, NC, at the Community cultural attaché, Consulate Presbyterian Church, the The charitable gift annuity is an increasingly popular way General of France in Chicago, Given Memorial Library to make a planned gift to Rhodes while enjoying fixed at a gala dinner hosted by the Book Shop, and the police income for life and possible tax benefits. In exchange for St. Louis Mercantile Library department. a contribution of $10,000 or more, in cash or appreciated in her honor. stock, Rhodes can offer you a fixed annual payment for life based on your contribution, your age, and the current annuity rates established by the American Council on 1952 1957 Gift Annuities. Reporter: Mary Frances Files The amount of your lifetime annual payment is Reporter: Ann Rollow Ross Silitch determined at the time the charitable gift annuity is [email protected] [email protected] funded. Your annual payment will never change and will Marzette Smith Stallings Eric Mount and George continue regardless of how long you live. writes: “My husband, Morris have done an Herman, and I have retired outstanding job reporting Age Annuity Rate from his dental practice after our class news, but they’re 70...... 5.1% 56 years on Main Street in turning the project over to 75...... 5.8% Humboldt, TN. Our son, Mary Frances Files Silitch, 80...... 6.8% Ben, is the third generation [email protected], so be sure 85...... 7.8 % to continue practice there. to let her know of your news. 90 & over...... 9.0% We have nine grandchildren: Meg, a second-year med You may establish a charitable gift annuity for you and student at UTHSC in your spouse or any other loved one, but the annuity Memphis; Sarah, a junior 1958 rates will be slightly lower for two people. For additional at Dartmouth (track team); information, please contact: Jan, a sophomore at Sewanee; Reporter: Lorraine Rayburn Caroline, a freshman at Ole Abernathy The Rhodes College Office of Development Miss; Will, a senior at Ole [email protected] Nicki Soulé ‘93, Director of Golden Lynx Programs Miss; and John Michael, a The Class of ’58 did not 901-843-3740 [email protected] recent graduate of Ole Miss. have a reunion celebration Others are at USJ in Jackson, at Homecoming, but John TN; MUS; and Hutchison.” Quinn reports on the hardy souls who did come. “I saw Denton and Mary Allie (McColgan) ’61 McLellan, Beth LeMaster Simpson, Betty Chalmers Peyton, and John and Smoky Maxwell at the reception on Friday night, and Betty SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 41 } CLASS NOTES proudly carried our banner wife, Joan, took an October America TV program. I was radio station, a judge for the in the procession at the cruise from Los Angeles to referred to Vanderbilt and Memphis Theatre Awards, convocation on Saturday Mexico to celebrate their then to Johns Hopkins in and a board member at morning.” Let’s aim for a big 51st anniversary. The Joneses Baltimore. My only hope was Theatre Memphis and crowd for our 60th! spent Thanksgiving with a bone marrow transplant, TheatreWorks. Mike and From Denver, Bob their daughter and her family, but I was well beyond the Shirley enjoyed a Christmas Booth writes, “Living in then the next day they loaded age that such transplants visit from son Eric and his Denver and enjoying the up two cars and drove over to are generally administered. wife, both of whom are winter season is always fun. I Dickie’s hometown of Amory, The Johns Hopkins doctors employed in Austin, TX— go with my Colorado family MS, for a three-day visit. He were convinced to make Eric with the Texas office of to watch them ski and to has two brothers and a sister an exception and, on July the National Endowment for remember my younger days still in Amory, so the family 30, I was administered a the Humanities and Victoria when I could join in. We got to meet aunts and uncles transplant, with my son, with the University of Texas celebrate the end of ski and cousins they had heard David, being my donor. I Press. season by spending a week in about. They also enjoyed am delighted to report that I close this column written Destin. I caught the Destin good Mississippi catfish and I returned home from Johns in December ’13 as Mike habit from Mike Cody and hushpuppies! Hopkins in October with closed his to me, hoping that Lucius Burch some 50 years It is always good to hear the MDS in remission. I am all are safe and prospering. ago.” from you folks. We also thankful for the progress to Amen. It was with sadness that we thank the college for keeping date and expect to be back on learned of the deaths of two us informed about news of the trails soon with the bone classmates: Dan Bryan (who our classmates. marrow of a 45-year-old.” started out with us then Kudos, Richard! transferred to University of Ed Stock writes that he and 1963 Texas) in Tucson, AZ. His Anne Munch Tomas were Reporter: Charlie Rich wife, Linda, died in August married on Aug. 30, 2013 1959 [email protected] prior to Dan’s Nov. 28 after having renewed their Harry “Hal” Moffett III death. Also Mark Robert friendship at a high school 55th Reunion traveled to Dallas, TX, in Coleman, Jr. died in Memphis Homecoming/Reunion class reunion several years November to participate on Nov. 16. Mark was Weekend: Oct. 10-11 ago. Both were widowed after in the 50th anniversary married to classmate Claire Reporter: Sara Jean “Shiney” being longtime caregivers remembrance of President Tansey Coleman. Jackson for their spouses. They John F. Kennedy’s Tom Reed, professor [email protected] are starting their new lives assassination. Hal was a emeritus of justice studies at 4000 Purdue St., #149 together by spending equal Eastern Kentucky University, Houston, TX 77005 time in Ed’s home in Cary, member of the elite Marines doesn’t seem to have slowed 713-748-4025 NC, and Anne’s home in Color Guard that often down in retirement. He is Save the date for our 55th Poulsbo, WA. And, kudos, traveled with the president teaching a war crimes course reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. Ed! (although not to Dallas on and often discusses the Richard Park has obliged Mike and Shirley Lupfer that fateful day in 1963). course with his colleague Dr. me by providing a summary have traveled. A lot! In The guard, with Hal as the Bankole Thompson, who of his challenge this year with February they were in that right rifleman pictured in was trial judge of UN Special an unexpected diagnosis last place “largely off-limits to numerous historical photos of Court for Sierra Leone and February. Here is Richard’s Americans”—Cuba. Mike Kennedy’s funeral, watched signed the indictment of story, with some editing: said that it’s not hard to over and marched with the Charles Taylor. Tom has “Pam and I began 2013 with have a good time there, and president’s casket throughout written papers on human a delightful four-day hike they did! Later in the year the entire ceremonial event. rights dignity and egalitarian into the Grand Canyon. Five they traveled in Brazil, their contract ethics. He continues days after our 5,000-foot itinerary including Sao Paulo, to write a book on human vertical ascent out of the El Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, rights and justice. He also canyon, I flunked a blood and a three-day boat trip 1964 is a fig grower who “had the test administered as part of a into the Amazon. Travels at best yet harvest of figs here routine physical exam. After home were governed by the 50th Reunion in Richmond, KY, which I several procedures, including failing health and then death Homecoming/Reunion attribute to better pruning two bone marrow biopsies, of Shirley’s older sister in Weekend: Oct. 10-11 and care.” I was diagnosed with MDS South Carolina. Mike and Reporter: Mary Lou Quinn Dickie Jones, who raises (myelodysplastic syndromes), Shirley stay active—Shirley McMillin orchids strictly as a hobby in which is a form of blood with volunteer work at the [email protected] San Diego, says the orchids cancer, the same disease that Memphis Brooks Museum Save the date for our 50th bloom twice a year, in spring impacted Robin Roberts, co- of Art and Mike as a news reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. and fall. Dickie and his host of ABC’s Good Morning reader at the public library’s

{ 42 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES to backpack the Wind River inkling of his involvement wilderness or the Grand in the music and film 1965 1966 Canyon annually. Happily communities in Memphis. married now! I recently On April 23, 2013, Knox Reporter: Virginia Lowry Ives Reporter: Sammy Primm finished construction of a was recognized at a private [email protected] Marshall green solar home for which I ceremony in the governor’s Carl Fisher reports: “Lois [email protected] was the contractor.” He adds, mansion in Nashville. and I retired to our coastal Richard Jennings “The reason that I went to Governor and Mrs. Haslam home in DeBordieu, located writes that, although he is Rhodes was that I wanted presented the Governor’s Arts near Georgetown, SC. I am housebound and disabled to play small Award to Knox commending still enjoying a few days of from an electric scooter for the coach, my uncle, him for “. . . playing a major golf each week. My primary accident, he continues to Richard Christian Mays. He role in establishing Memphis volunteer job is serving as write books for middle-school drowned in a fishing accident as a national and worldwide the medical director for the readers and is “currently at the spring of 1962. He is center of creative influence Smith Medical Clinic, a work on a three-book diary, memorialized on the campus and impact. . . . Knox is a The Diary Of Winston Charles gate leading to the old gym. I music producer . . . [who] free clinic in nearby Pawleys Findlay, Jr. Age, 12, followed, did not play football. I thank has added to the legacy of Island. We traveled to of course, by Age 13 and Age Rhodes for a richness of life his father Sam Phillips.” Also Kauai, HI, for two weeks 14.” that I would not have had in August 2013 Knox was in October to celebrate our Rick Thomas facilitated otherwise.” inducted into the Beale Street 25th anniversary. We found a course at the Meeman Lee Pevsner was in Brass Note Walk of Fame the exact spot chosen for our Center at Rhodes fall Arkansas and Memphis in Memphis. Knox wrote in marriage ceremony 25 years semester titled “The Search attending a wedding and his e-mail “I guess I’m just ago. No renewal of vows, for Better Living and Less visiting with family and a lucky Rhodes ’67 alum.” just a wonderful visit on a Dying.” This continuing friends. Sammy Ann Marshall More than luck, SR. beautiful island. It was even education course examined and husband Mike had a I only received two more special the week that health and health care in chance to visit with him responses to the e-mails I my sons, Carl, Jr. ’92 and Memphis and considered while he was in Memphis, sent in December requesting Patrick ’96, and their wives what a contradiction the city and Lee and Bill Cobb had information. That is unusual. joined us for the fun.” is. It attempted to explain lunch while Lee was in Little I hope there is not a problem Lou Ellyn Hindman Griffin how some of the worst health Rock. He then traveled with my address book. writes: “In October Gerry conditions in the nation can to Ohio, where he spent Happy days, all. and I traveled to Arlington exist in the shadow of world- Thanksgiving with his sister, National Cemetery for the class health facilities. Beth Polanka ’67. rendering of honors and Bruce Bourland still inurnment ceremony of the enjoys the outdoors. He 1968 ashes of Gerry’s brother who writes that after Rhodes he had served in the Army. We went to Memphis State and 1967 Reporters: Bob Morris then took the Amtrak from picked up a biology major [email protected] DC up to Newport, RI, for a and a chemistry minor. He Reporter: Sam Highsmith Drue Thom White six-day RoadScholar food and then went to the Southern [email protected] [email protected] wine tour of New England. College of Optometry. He Jeanne Hope Buckner Drue writes: “Mackie Gober It was great: two days in lived in Albuquerque, NM, and K.E. Field attended the wanted me to point out that Newport, RI; two days near for 17 years but now lives three-class reunion party there were eight SAEs at our in Evanston, WY, and is a held during Homecoming 45th reunion. (There were Kennebunkport, ME; and semi-retired optometrist. He 2013. Drue Thom White ’68 also eight KDs, however, two days at the Brandon Inn has four children. When not extended an invitation to two were from the class of at Brandon, VT. Highlights working he enjoys downhill those in the classes of ’67 and ’67). There were zero DDDs were making maple candy in skiing along the Wasatch ’69 to join in the festivities. It from our class, so I hope this Vermont, sampling wines in front, cross-country skiing in was a long drive from Maine, group will correct this at the Newport (who would have the Uinta mountains south back to Texas, via Memphis, 50th! All other groups were guessed?), and a trip to the of town, and whitewater but well worth it. represented. It was a very pots with the lobstermen rafting in Idaho, Utah, and Knox Phillips sent your congenial group, I might on their boat. As much as Colorado. He writes, “I am reporter some fascinating info add.” pumpkins and corn stalks, fall lucky to have rowed the in August 2013, by his own William Jackson reports: decorations included stuffed Colorado through the Grand admission too late for the fall “I have been practicing in the ‘leaf people.’ Best of all were Canyon three of the last four issue. He ok’d my sharing counseling psych world now the local people we met.” years, and I usually get at some of it with you in this for about 45 years, most while least one Middle Fork of the issue. Anyone who has kept employed as director of special Salmon trip each year. I try up with “Sunrooster” has an programs at Girls Inc. of SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 43 } CLASS NOTES

Real friendships span time century Constantinople, is and stay current even in long posted on the book’s website absences. Thanks to those at who came, and to those who Carol’s motive in writing the didn’t—we missed you!” book was to give voice to an From David Lehmann: overlooked (and maligned) “Each year, a group of friends figure from the late Roman from Rhodes picks a city Empire, Empress Theodora. that one or more of us has connections to—Nashville, Atlanta, Richmond, New York City, etc. This year we 1969 spent three nights in Natchez, MS, where both Jim Stewart 45th Reunion and I have connections. Jim’s Homecoming/Reunion father was the Presbyterian Weekend: Oct. 10-11 minister there in the 1950s. I Save the date for our 45th (Third from left) Herman Morris, ’73, receives the Joseph I. grew up 20 miles up the reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. Mulligan, Jr., Distinguished Public Service Award. road (Highway 61), had family and friends there, and spent lots of time there as a Memphis. I have received in really missed Pris at the teenager. As Steve Cole said, 1971 the last few years the lifetime reunion this year and extend we had a great time touring memberships and Honors our condolences to her in her Natchez and reliving times Reporter: Betha Hubbard Gill of the Associations from loss. at Rhodes. A surprise came [email protected] the Tennessee Counsel-ing Bruce Cook notes: At when we went upstairs for 1365 Yorkshire Dr. Association and the Southern the reunion of the class predinner drinks in the Memphis, TN 38119 Educational Opportunity of 1968 in October 2013, the B&B where we were staying. 901-685-6712 Association. Since founding names of our deceased The hostess mentioned that Karen Francis reports: “A the national training center classmates were read: a good friend of hers from film I wrote the screenplay for educational opportunity in David Adcock, Mary high school in Natchez for, Christmas Ride, 1985, I have been consultant Morris Berryhill, RM would be joining us for premiered in Memphis Oct. and trainer to hundreds of Dickson, Doug Fleeman, drinks. Turns out it was Pam 29, 2013. Working on finding higher education institutions Dickie Fletcher, Mike Ivins Maher from Natchez, theatrical distribution for it throughout the country. Most Galloway, Larry Inlow, who attended Rhodes for two now. May be offered soon on recently the professional Vern McCullough, David years and roomed with Beth Vimeo On Demand. More community has established McGuire, Brad McMillan, MacKenzie Stewart ‘69, wife info on” the Dr. William Matthew John McMinn, Ming Morgan, of our classmate, Jim. It was Jackson Scholarship for the Verdelle Norcross, Julie a wonderful reunion with professional of the year to Bingham Posey, Walter Pam. She put us in touch attend the International Roberts, Nancy Lord Ross, with another Rhodes grad, 1973 Congress on Educational Daudet Johnston Schreurs, Mary McLaurin Arnold ’69, Opportunity in Europe Bill Smith, Dale Steinmeyer, who now lives outside Paris, Reporter: Margaret Lawson next year. I shall accompany Jack Taylor, Rut Tufts, France, with her husband, Headrick the first recipient to the Harmon Wray, and Waldemar Michael. I have since been [email protected] conference. From January Zschach. In addition, the in touch with Mary and City Attorney Herman until July of this past year, I Southwestern Prayer by Paul hope to see her in France or Morris, Jr., is the 2013 served as interim president of Tudor Jones ’32, was read. NYC in 2014. It’s always the recipient of the Joseph I. Girls Inc. of Memphis until “Our class reunion was really best to be with old friends Mulligan, Jr., Distinguished the national search named the great and I enjoyed seeing from Rhodes. I am looking Public Service Award, new president.” everyone,” Bruce says. “We forward to our 50th in 2018.” honoring a local government Priscilla Hinkle Ennis lost had great BBQ, a great time Carol Strickland’s eBook attorney for significant and her husband Oct. 2, 2013, to at Jennifer Edmund’s home, The Eagle and the Swan surpassing achievements in cancer. But before he died, and we won the football is available on Amazon’s the field of local government they were blessed with a new game. Thanks to Drue and Kindle site for the Kindle law occurring or culminating grandson, Andrew George the reunion committee reader and (with an app) in the previous year. The Ennis, born Aug. 13, 2013. and the staff at Rhodes for for iPad at award was presented on Oct. She was so grateful that Bob organizing everything. The dp/B00GIR54MI. More 1, 2013, by the International was able to hold the baby Rhodes football team shared information about the Municipal Lawyers before he passed away. We the conference championship! historical novel, set in sixth- Association (IMLA), an

{ 44 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES association of city attorneys, at the 78th annual conference in San Francisco, CA. “It 1974 is always an honor to be recognized by your peers,” 40th Reunion says Morris. “I am humbled Homecoming/Reunion but know this award was Weekend: Oct. 10-11 due to the hard work of our Save the date for our 40th fine City of Memphis legal reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. department.” Morris, who is the first from Memphis to receive this award, garnered a full year of accomplishments 1975 that impressed the selection committee. Among these Congrats to Neil C. achievements: a $7.5 million Johnston for his selection dollar settlement of a lawsuit as a fellow of the American against Wells Fargo Bank College of Real Estate To welcome some of the newest members of the Rhodes family to campus, the Alumni Relations Office staff hosted a Legacy Cupcake for discriminatory lending Lawyers (ACREL). Neil Social during New Student Move-In Day on Aug. 15, 2013. Legacies and practices; a challenge to practices in the Mobile, AL, their families joined alumni faculty and staff members for red and black the State of Tennessee offices of Hand Arendall frosted cupcakes and petit fours in the Middle Ground of Paul Barret, voter ID law that won LLC. ACREL is the premier Jr. Library. From left to right, Bailey Kramer ’17, sister of Shelby Kramer the right for Memphis organization of U.S. real Helbling ’11; Josh Patterson ’17, son of Scott ’85 and Tracy Vezina citizens to use library cards estate lawyers, and admission Patterson ’84; Weston Breay ’17, son of Audrey Weston Breay ’86; and for identification; a voter is by invitation only after a Jefferson Crabtree ’17, son of Steve Crabtree ’81. integrity project during the rigorous screening process. 2012 elections; an end to Anna Olswanger in an and living in the beautiful the 20-year-old Beale Street author and literary agent with wine country in Sonoma lawsuits; and a major effort Liza Dawson Associates in 1983 County. I thank Dr. Llewelyn to sue the owners of blighted, New York. Her newest Queener and the psychology neglected, and abandoned book is Greenhorn, an Reporter: Margot Emery department at Rhodes property. Most recently, illustrated middle-grade [email protected] College for my inspiration Morris joined the district novel based on a true story. Cindy Sue Brown Bair and for my career. A big hello to attorney in filing injunction In Greenhorn, a young her family have moved to all of the old Southwestern lawsuits against street gangs. Holocaust survivor comes the Boston area. She says friends!” After Doug Bibee and to a Brooklyn yeshiva in the that the move is a bigger Richard Bird reports that he Mary Maude Miller married 1940s, where his obsessive adjustment than moving to is now working at Franklin in Fisher Gardens at attachment to a mysterious Colorado was. Once she gets Financial Network. Southwestern (now Rhodes box excites the curiosity the household whipped into College) on June 2, 1974, and unkind attention of the shape, Cindy plans to write they lived in Lake Jackson, other boys. The publisher and teach art classes. TX, for 15 years. In 1989, has made a discussion Rhonda Lindsey writes: “I 1984 they moved to Granville, guide for the book available am living in Santa Rosa, CA, OH, where they have lived at and working as a psychologist 30th Reunion for 24 years. Mary Maude greenhorn. and chief of child and Homecoming/Reunion retired in 2007, and Doug family services at Kaiser Weekend: Oct. 10-11 retired in 2011. Their Permanente’s Department Reporter: Linda Odom frequent travels include of Psychiatry. Our Child [email protected] visits to their three sons and 1979 Team has grown recently, [email protected] two grandsons: Jonathan and we are expanding our Save the date for our 30th (age 35), now in Trento, 35th Reunion services for child and family reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. Italy, following nine years Homecoming/Reunion psychotherapy. I am in the in Paraguay; Benjamin (age Weekend: Oct. 10-11 throes of health care reform 33) and his 7-year-old son, in Save the date for our 35th in the HMO sector and feel Athens, OH; and Winston reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. hopeful that the growing 1985 (age 30), his wife, and their pains will eventually land 4-month old son, in Virginia us in a better medical Reporter: Jim Golden Beach, VA. care environment in the [email protected] end. I’ve learned to snow ski Frank Baker and his life and enjoy bike riding, hiking, partner, Andrew O’Mary, SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 45 } CLASS NOTES

Ted Davis ’89 (foreground) slices andouille to be used in one of the many delicious, authentic Cajun dishes served during the 9th Annual Cajunfest held on the Rhodes campus on Nov. 16, 2013, to celebrate the last home football game of the season. Joby Dion ’99 (background), who delivered 100 pounds of fresh shrimp from the Gulf Coast for the event, oversees the preparation of a large pot of jambalaya. In addition to the shrimp, red beans, white beans, sausage and spices were transported from Louisiana for the volunteer chefs, many of whom are also originally from Louisiana. More than 800 alumni, faculty, staff, and prospective students and their families enjoyed the feast prepared by a team of Rhodes alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. In addition to the great food, the Lynx defeated the Millsaps Majors to win a share of the conference title. The 10th Annual Cajunfest will take place on Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014. are making plans to move corporate administration, legends and to see the history Jody Casella reports to Boulder, CO, within the facilities, and procurement of what it is they’ve chosen that her debut novel for next year. Andrew’s goal is management. Hood joined to pursue as a vocation,” young adults, Thin Space, to attend law school at either Sedgwick in February 2010 Anderson said. The inaugural was published by Beyond the University of Colorado at after serving as vice president, issue featured an interview Words/Simon & Schuster Denver or at the University general counsel, and secretary with National Book Award on Sept. 10, 2013. She of Denver. Frank’s goal is to for Wright Medical Group, winner Ellen Gilchrist, along was in Memphis signing work on a master’s degree Inc., a publicly traded, global with a new short story from books at the Booksellers at in school counseling at the manufacturer of medical her latest book Acts of God. Laurelwood book store on University of Colorado at devices. Prior to his 12 years Ahad Mahootchi and his Oct. 26, 2013. Boulder. Both look forward with Wright, Hood served wife, Carole, welcomed baby to seeing everyone in the as an employee benefits boy, Avi, in April. class of ’85 at the 30th Class attorney for Sedgwick Noble Reunion in fall 2015. Lowndes. He started his 1994 career in strategic planning and human resources 1989 20th Reunion development before Homecoming/Reunion 1987 becoming an attorney. 25th Reunion Weekend: Oct. 10-11 Homecoming/Reunion Reporter: Judy Brown Reporter: Mimi Swords Fondren Weekend: Oct. 10-11 [email protected] [email protected] Save the date for our 25th Save the date for our 20th Jason P. Hood, chief legal 1988 reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. officer of Sedgwick Claims A photo exhibit last Management Services, has Reporter: Brooke Glover Emery summer at San Francisco’s de also been named the firm’s [email protected] Young Museum by Thorne chief administrative officer. Luke Lampton, who was Anderson and Kael Alford 1997 As executive vice president, featured in the fall issue’s documented the aftermath of chief legal officer, and Rhodes & Beyond column, the U.S. invasion of Iraq in Jimmie F. Glorioso, Jr. chief administrative officer, has joined forces with fellow 2003. The show also garnered reports: “I recently published Hood serves on Sedgwick’s Mississippi doctor R. Scott coverage on PBS television a book titled Getting Better executive council; oversees Anderson to launch a new and on the PBS website. For Grades: A Strategic Approach the legal, compliance, and literary journal, China Grove, more about Thorne’s work, for Inside and Outside the corporate administration which debuted in August visit Classroom aimed at helping groups at Sedgwick; and has 2013. “Our goal is to give rundown/2013/03/eye-level- students from middle school overall responsibility for all talented newcomers a chance in-iraq.html. through graduate school.” legal matters, compliance, to be published next to

{ 46 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES about his new sister. Robert and Halle Mitchell 1998 Walker report that life is great in Germantown, TN. Halle Reporter: Amanda Grebe is “CEO of the house” and Tamburrino its inhabitants: Alexander, 8; [email protected] Olivia, 5; and Madeleine, 2. Amy Lawrence and her Halle also serves as clerk of husband, Justin Fox Burks, the session at Germantown whose photos often appear Presbyterian Church. Robert in Rhodes magazine, had is a partner at Chickasaw The Southern Vegetarian Capital Management and cookbook published in May recently joined Vanderbilt’s by Thomas Nelson. The Owen Graduate School duo also filmed two cooking of Management Board of segments at their house in Directors. the summer for P. Allen Cadien Clark recently Smith’s PBS show Garden to published an article in the Table. “We’re also excited to blog Madesmith about fellow have been invited to speak alumna Mary Allison Beasley about our cooking and how Cates. Cadien’s article it fits into the modern South featured Mary Allison’s fabric at The James Beard House in shop and sewing classroom, NYC this December as a part Sew Memphis. Alison Grimes ’01 is challenging Sen. Mitch McConnell of their Enlightened Eaters C. Alison Barnwell writes: (R-Kentucky). series,” Amy adds. “After 14 years at CBRE, I decided to join Live Oak Gottesman, a local Austin, this year. Edward Franklin U.S. Senate against incumbent TX, firm, as vice president, Lindey V “Quint” was born senator Mitch McConnell. 1999 retail brokerage services. I’m on Sept. 20, 2013, weighing She formally filed her papers very excited about this new 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was Jan. 9, 2014. The kickoff 15th Reunion chapter in my career!” 21.75 inches long. The family event in Lexington drew Homecoming/Reunion moved from their home in nearly 2,000 supporters—a Weekend: Oct. 10-11 Mobile, AL, to Fort Lewis, number previously unheard Reporter: Leigh Powell WA, in January 2014. of for a Senate race in Mayfield 2000 Rachel Bozynski Richey Kentucky. If elected, Alison’s [email protected] and her husband welcomed top priorities are working Save the date for our 15th Reporter: Nicki North Baxley their third girl, Catherine to create good-paying jobs, reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. [email protected] Jane Richey, on March 25, fighting to close the gender Are you interested in helping Fiona McCaul Bell and 2013. Big sisters Mary Ellen wage gap, and raising the plan our 15th class reunion her husband, Scott, were and Charlotte love her very minimum wage to ensure in 2014? Contact the Alumni delighted to welcome Celia much! middle-class security for Office for more information Josephine Bell into the world Pat Williams and his Kentucky families. To learn about how you can be on Sept. 18, 2013. Big sister wife, Ann, welcomed more about the campaign, involved! Catherine is enjoying her new their first baby on Dec. 2, Mary Reid Colter Tevis role. 2013. Brennan Virginia Amy Tidwell Andrews has shares that son Andrew Reid James Underwood and his Williams and mom are both joined Baker Donelson’s joined the Tevis family on wife Anna Fraser Underwood doing great. Corporate/Mergers & Oct. 5, 2012, weighing in at ’03 welcomed a baby boy, Acquisitions Group as an 7 pounds and 3 ounces. Walter James Underwood. associate in the firm’s Atlanta “Alexander Dudley Baker George and Lucy love their office. was born on Aug. 1, 2013, little brother. 2001 Heather Putman Ball and joins his older brother, John Marshall will receive and Ben Ball ’99 welcomed McLean, who just turned 3,” an MBA in March 2013 from Reporter: Elisabeth Meyers daughter Caroline Kennamer writes Dudley Baker. the University of Chicago Yoder Ball on Dec. 11, 2013. The Kelly Ensor and his wife, Booth School of Business. [email protected] family lives in Nashville, where Emily, welcomed their Stephanie White Lindey, In July 2013, current Heather works in marketing daughter, Eleanor Clare, on husband Edward, and big Kentucky Secretary of State and Ben serves as senior Aug. 16, 2013. Kelly says big sister Lilly welcomed a Alison Lundergan Grimes counsel for the Tennessee brother Graham, 3, is excited new addition to the family launched her campaign for Attorney General’s office. SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 47 } CLASS NOTES

Sue Cook opened her Amanda Godbold Payne (crawled) across the field, and Atlanta, GA. Her father own acupuncture practice, and Will Payne welcomed the little Igoe came in second performed the ceremony, Practical Magic, in Chicago’s their daughter, Harper out of 80 babies. and Bridgette Lacher Mont, Wicker Park neighborhood in Godbold Payne, on Feb. 23, John Gordon writes that Shelley Spring Williams, and December. 2013. Amanda and family the accounting business was Pete Goodrich ’07 were in the Neel Gupta and Ivy Doster are living in Richmond, no longer for him (I don’t wedding party. Veena Ran- Gupta welcomed Ravi Nath VA, where she works as the blame him). But, as fortune gaswami was in attendance. Gupta to the world on Nov. business manager of Blue Sky has it, Gordo had saved up Before returning to real life, 4, 2013, in Atlanta. Ravi Fund, a nonprofit providing enough money to pursue his the couple honeymooned weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces transformational experiences real passion—cooking. John in Mexico for 10 luxurious and was 19.75 inches long. for urban youth through spent six months in France days. Caitlin and Wes live in In July 2013, Jennifer outdoor education. training at the Cordon Blue Atlanta, where Caitlin is di- Durovchic moved to Allison Prickett Pack and Academy and has perfected a rector of communications at Houston after eight years Shaun Pack were married number of dishes, including Pace Academy, and Wes owns in Atlanta. She is with the in July at the Fearrington my favorite Rat meal, chicken Honeysuckle Gelato. same company and is now House, near their home tetrazzini. Speaking of Veena Ran- the campus director at the in Durham, NC. After a Gordo’s best friend from gaswami, she graduated in North Houston branch wonderful wedding weekend, the good ole’ Glassell days, July 2013 with a master’s of Interactive College of the couple enjoyed a short Palmer Snodgrass, has some degree in public service from Technology. So far, she honeymoon in St. Lucia. great news to report as well. the Clinton School of Public is really enjoying Texas They are now back at work— Palmer and his wife recent- Service in Little Rock, AR. but misses Carolina-style Allison in HIV prevention ly welcomed a son into the She is currently looking for barbecue. research and Shaun in world. Parker Snodgrass gainful employment and Susan Hodges Powell and software development. was born on Oct. 10, 2013, hopes to move back to India husband, John, welcomed a Lauren Sefton writes: and like his father, likes to in the near future. Veena also son, Henry Foster Powell, on “I have been traveling for party all night and sleep all ran her first half-marathon Dec. 4, 2012. Henry joins Rhodes admissions and spent day. Needless to say, Palm- in San Francisco in October big sister, Gray, who is 3 almost five weeks in India, er has had lots of sleepless and got to hang out with the years old. They still reside in Hong Kong, Singapore, and nights over the last couple of fabulous Miriam Dolin and Columbia, SC. China this fall. It was a great months. In terms of employ- Cheryl Finster. David Wishnew and experience and I am excited ment, Palmer is in Expedi- Also in Atlanta, Emily Christina Johnson were that some of these students tionary Warfare School in Costarides Maples and Jea- married in Dallas, TX, on may join our alma mater! I Quantico, VA. I don’t really neane Fountain Camp both May 4, 2013. was sorry to miss our class know what that means, but I have great news to share. The reunion but was traveling in hope he’s learning to fly jets ladies, who roomed togeth- New York and New Jersey for so he can “keep up relations” er all four years at Rhodes, Rhodes that weekend.” with the enemy and eventual- have teamed up again to 2003 ly have the opportunity to say raise awareness of rabies the best line from Top Gun, (apparently rabies is a bigger Reporter: Lindsay Levine Rouse “we were inverted.” problem than I thought…). [email protected] 2004 And of course, a Rhodes Both Emily and Jeaneane Joanie ’04 and Patrick 2004 update would not be are intense animal lovers and Browne are proud to 10th Reunion complete without hearing have organized a celebrity announce the birth of Homecoming/Reunion from Palmer’s best fried, Matt tennis tournament to benefit their second son, Stirling Weekend: Oct. 10-11 Hoffberg. Due to a series of ASPCA. Believe it or not, Parkerson Browne, who was Reporter: Kyle Russ events that could only happen Emily and Jeaneane success- born on Aug. 30, 2013. He [email protected] to him, Hoffy and his son fully pitched the stars of The and his big brother, Patrick Save the date for our 10th Hershel moved rather quickly Real Housewives of Atlanta IV, are both growing so fast. reunion, Oct. 10-11, 2014. from Atlanta, GA, to New to play in the tournament. They will be Rhodents before Peter and Alyson Igoe are Mexico. Fortunately, Hoffy Emily is excited because she’s we know it. kicking it in NOLA. Peter is landed softly and is now been paired with the Nene Sarah Clark writes: “I still pulling/cleaning peo- hosting a morning show on a Leaks (tagline, “When I accepted a position at Emory ple’s teeth for a living, and classic rock station. Feel free walk in the room, I own University Career Center in he and Alyson are having a to give a listen: coyote1025. it.”), and Jeaneane is playing Atlanta, GA, as the assistant blast with their two-year-old, com. Great job, Hoff—I’ve with her favorite celeb, the director for prehealth Jonathan. Jonathan recently always said you had a face for one-hit wonder Kim Zolciak advising in July 2012. I’m received a silver medal in a radio! (tagline, “People say I’m a loving working with Emory crawling competition. No joke. Caitlin Goodrich Jones gold digger, but they just undergrads!” Before a recent Saints game writes that she married Wes want what I have.”). Good in the Dome, toddlers raced Jones on Oct. 5, 2013, in luck ladies, and try to not get

{ 48 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES in a fight—those housewives had to salt and shovel the commercial kitchen and work exam to become an LPC. can be vicious. And as Kim sidewalk when it snows? My with people wanting to start or Eric Ridgeway and Joanna says, “Don’t be tardy for the neighbors were none too grow a food business, who can Young Ridgeway are happy to party!” pleased and firmly made rent the kitchen. We also host share that they were married Up in the Big Apple, Emily me aware of my obligations. cooking classes and pop-up in Austin, TX, on Oct. Sottile was promoted and is Whatever. Other than that, restaurant events.” 26, 2013. Jessica Stewart now director of the Sacred I’m still crushing work and Faris was the matron of Space Studio at EverGreene the weekends. As Rhodes honor. Other Rhodes grads Architectural Arts. taught us, “work hard, play in attendance were Hillary Speaking of NYC, Aditya hard.” 2005 Schroeder, Missy Flinn, Laura Bagrodia and his wife, Mona, Write us back and thanks Stanford, Russell Young ’01, are proud parents of a new again for all the updates. Reporters: Brandon Couillard and Dr. Annie Wright ’02. baby boy. They are moving to And from our Home- [email protected] Russell and Annie’s darling NYC this summer where Dit coming/Reunion Weekend Molly Fitzpatrick little girls Zoe, Nora, and Lila starts a Urologic Oncology surveys, we learned: [email protected] served as flower girls. The fellowship at Memorial Sloan Lauren J. Denney: “I Matt and Nancy Elizabeth couple bought a townhome in Kettering. I’ve always said took a promotion to a job ’06 Dement and big sister Dallas this year and enjoyed that raising a child in NYC is specifically created for me Layla, age 3, welcomed a New Year’s trip to Thailand like growing an oak tree in a as a fraud detection and Matthew “Graves” Dement and Tokyo ! thimble. Best of luck to you prevention analyst with First on Oct. 23, 2013. guys and thanks again for Tennessee Bank.” Megan Fuller passed the writing in! Logan K. Williamson: “I South Carolina bar exam. And there’s another doctor have moved to New Orleans, With those pesky bar exams 2006 among us: Laura Borg writes LA, with my wife Amanda. in the rear-view mirror, she that she’s in her second year We just bought our first recently accepted a position Reporter: Caroline King Willson of pediatrics residency at home in May in Metairie. as an assistant solicitor with [email protected] Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. I am currently on staff at the York County Solicitors After nearly four years She and her husband are hav- Loyola University and have Office. with the company, Caroline ing a blast living in Butchers a private practice Uptown. Liz Roads Upchurch and her Ferrari was recently promoted Hill and frequently spot My daughter turned three husband, Thomas, are very to strategic account manager Olympian Michael Phelps, recently. Emma Grace keeps happy to announce the birth at Caroline who also lives the neighbor- our hands full!” of their son Asher Andrew— still resides in Venice Beach, hood. Instagram upon next Kyle J. Gehres: “Family one year ago! Asher was CA, with her two pugs and citing, Laura! medical resident at McLeod born on Nov. 27, 2012, in now fiancé, David Cronin. Down in New Orleans, Regional Medical Center in Memphis and weighed a She continues to perform all Elizabeth Townsend Ecker Florence, SC.” whopping 10 pounds! He around Los Angeles with her and her husband, Brandon, Krysten Ivy Wendell: “ I owes his middle name to two a cappella groups—Voxel welcomed their first child, Jo- am principal of a K-7 Charter his Uncle Andy Roads ’09. Rox and Premiere. seph “Reed” Ecker, on July 6, School.” Asher is being recruited by Marie Francis’ passport 2013. “He is doing well and Carl W. Carlson: “I am his daddy to attend Sewanee, is getting a lot of use these is a joy every day!” Elizabeth junior high lead teacher but he informed his mother days. She just got back from writes. at Southside Community that the lynx is his favorite trekking in the Langtang Last baby announcement School in Tucson, AZ.” animal. region of Nepal where she for this update—Aly Vahle Emily H. McMurray: “First Brynnan Cox Reddy has peaked at a little above Morris and her husband, child, born in August 2013 been living in the DC area 15,000 feet. After the trek, Tony, had another baby this —Eloise Ann McMurray.” since graduation (currently Marie spent some time in past October. They have Erin A. Johnston: “Got in Alexandria, VA). In 2010 Kathmandu, which is an named him Evan and with divorced and switched from she received a masters in exciting place. Nepal is their other two-year old, language arts to math . . . counseling at Marymount a beautiful country and Taylor, I’m sure Aly has her happier than ever.” University. Also that year, she can’t wait to go back! hands full! Caroline Underwood: “On she married Jim Reddy. Also, Marie was accepted And for yours truly, C. Oct. 6, 2013, I was ordained They have a son, Sam, born to INSEAD business school Kyle Russ, I’m officially a as a minister of the word and in October 2012, who has in Fontainebleau, France. HO. Yep, I’m a home owner sacrament in the Presbyterian been keeping them busy ever School started in January and bought a place in the Church (U.S.A.).” since his birth! Additionally, 2014. She is sad to leave her Washington, DC, neighbor- Jennifer Vaughn Harrison: Brynnan recently completed friends in DC but is looking hood called Glover Park. I’m “I started a new job in January her residency in counseling forward to more adventures slowly and painfully realizing 2013 with Conexión Américas, for the commonwealth of abroad next year! what a hassle it is having a a nonprofit in Nashville. I Virginia and is in the process Jenny Rogers has been mortgage. Who knew you manage their community of studying for the licensing at her current job, assistant SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 49 } CLASS NOTES managing editor at the high life in Texas. After a ordained to the position she July. In October, she received Washington City Paper, great trip to New York for has held at Nations Ministry the very exciting news that for almost a year now. In a wedding, Rob is looking Center in Nashville for a year she passed the bar! Amanda fun news, Jenny traveled forward to Spurs games this and a half. As job coach and Jane was sworn in before to Africa for two perfect winter and touring as many chaplain for congregational the justices of the Tennessee weeks in September with breweries as possible. relations, she is helping Supreme Court on November her significant other. They An update from Anna Ritz: refugees find sustainable 5. According to Amanda hopped around Kenya— “I ran my first marathon! employment, assisting Jane, she is “thrilled to be a Nairobi, Lake Naivasha, a We won’t talk about the refugees and immigrants with licensed attorney and finished safari in Masai Mara, and time (slooooow), other than vocational training, guiding with school forever.” She Lamu—and made it back in to say I beat my goal by refugee youth in vocational has also completed 14 half- one piece. Regrettably, lynx three minutes. Still living in discernment, and liaising marathons and is currently cats do not live in the African Memphis with my husband the organization with local training for her first full. bush, so she can report no and two rescue dogs, rooting supporting congregations Tobias O’Leary recently sightings. for the Grizzlies, and by preaching and teaching completed work on a Michael Spilman recently traveling whenever/wherever Christian education classes redesign of Museum of the finished his two-year post we can. Life is good!” on themes of welcoming the Shenandoah Valley website doctoral appointment at Meghan Clark and her stranger. In attendance at ( Tobias let and husband, Ben Clark ’05, are the ordination service were me know that the museum took a job with a company excited to announce the Kate Adcock ’07 and Chelsea is a great day trip for DC called Direct Electron arrival of their daughter Ashworth. residents and has amazing in Austin, TX, as an Sloane Samantha Clark. She An update from Laura gardens. applications specialist. was born on Oct. 13, 2013, Dallas McSorley: “My Megan and Dan Lombardo Jake Cremer’s transition and they are all healthy and husband Tom and I traveled welcomed their daughter, to Tampa is going well, as he happy. to see some dear Rhodes Nora Claire Lombardo, was selected by the Tampa Since moving his personal friends this year—Brooke into the world on Aug. 14, Bay Business Journal as a 2013 injury practice to east Texas McClelland ’05, in San 2013, and, according to “Up and Comer.” Jake is last year, Benton Ross has Francisco, Christine Coy Megan, “our lives changed working with other alumni in had a busy 2013. Benton Fohr ’05 and husband Rob forever.” Megan goes on to hopes of starting an alumni has secured more than in Louisville, and Lauren report that since Nora’s birth chapter in the area. $12 million in settlements Bell Beecher ’05 and Jim “we’ve been busy trying Valerie Hartman is living and jury verdicts for his Beecher ’04, stationed with to balance Dan’s hectic in New Orleans, LA, clients this year. He was the Army in Vincenza, Italy. second-year family medicine working as a hydrographer inducted into the Million We enjoyed both seeing their residency schedule at the for NAVOCEANO and will Dollar Advocates Forum—a home and life in Italy, but University of Colorado; my be going overseas to survey in nationwide organization for traveling with the adorable administrative work with the Philippines for two-and- lawyers who have achieved daughter Lydia was the Tickled Ivories, a piano a-half months in 2014. settlements or verdicts of absolute highlight of the trip! program bringing piano Brian Steinert and his wife, over $1 million dollars on a Otherwise, I’m still loving lessons into area schools as Ashley, recently had their single case. Benton was also my work to grow Teach For well as my private piano second child, a boy. Avery selected as a Rising Star in America’s early childhood instruction; and taking care William Steinert was born on the Texas legal community education and living in DC. of our growing daughter! We Oct. 3, 2013, in Huntsville, for 2014. An honor given It’s true that meeting TFA wouldn’t have it any other AL. He was about six weeks to fewer than 2.5% of all Memphis pre-K teacher and way.” early but still a relatively attorneys in Texas, the Rising Rhodes grad Megan Fowler Exciting news from Anne hefty 6 pounds, 9 ounces and Star designation is awarded ’13 recently made me feel my May. She recently bought a 18.5 inches long. by Thompson-Reuters to age—but also excited about house in the neighborhood Tyler Gamble and his qualifying Texas attorneys the future. she grew up in. She hopes to wife, Emily, had their first that are under 40 or have be settled in before the new beautiful baby girl, Emerson been practicing fewer than 10 year. West Gamble, on March years. The selection process Sarabeth Menz married 30, 2013. Tyler was recently uses both peer reviews 2007 Dave Radmore on Sept. 1, approved as a McDonald’s and independent research 2013, in Malibu, CA. Rhodes Owner/Operator Franchisee to determine Rising Star Reporter: Mollie Briskman graduates in attendance and has opened two new selections. Montelaro included Amanda Jane Lloyd, restaurants in the last year. Leigh Bonner was ordained [email protected] Caitlin Ulmer-Long, Rachel The Gamble family operates as a teaching elder (minister Amanda Jane Lloyd Stuart Raggihanti, Lauren three McDonald’s restaurants of word and sacrament) in the graduated from Nashville Bartling, Hallie Graves, Anna in west Tennessee. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) School of Law in May and sat Stagg, Ashley George, Katina Rob Gunn is living the on Oct. 26, 2013. She was for the Tennessee bar exam in Papathopoulos Gifford, and

{ 50 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES Dusty Long ’08. In October Yerkovich, Betsy Duckett Amy DeLong has been companion, Newman was Sarabeth began her career Harris, Claire Patrick Strange, accepted into Georgetown’s found aboard the deck of their as a deputy district attorney and Sarah Galpern served as master’s in journalism rival cat-fishing vessel, the with the Los Angeles County bridesmaids, and Hallye Hall program in Washington, DC. SS Cary Elwes, eating caviar, District Attorney’s Office. Perkins and Eliza Hanson She plans to begin classes in drinking champagne, and Jason Jordan is in the were members of Colly’s January. wearing a shirt. Inconsolable, final stages of completing house party. Other Rhodes After eight years together Zack has been plotting his PhD in history at the alumni in attendance were (since fall of their sophomore his revenge while dodging University of Illinois. He Cassie Ortiz, Paige Thomas, year), Joey Miller and Lauren Missouri State Highway and has received a dissertation- Rachel Frantz, Lora Terry, Dill married on Dec. 14, Port Authorities, and lifting writing fellowship for the Meredith Allison, Brittany 2013, in Austin, TX. Meg some weights. If any of you spring semester and plans on Melvin, Lauren Neupert, Sizemore Clark and Lauren’s who have graduated law defending his dissertation, Scott Bayer, and Tyler Smith. sister, Ashley Dill ’17, were school can help Zack, please titled Between North and Colly and Arthur live in bridesmaids. Brent Stool let him know. South: The Politics of Race in Dallas where Arthur is a ’07 was Joey’s best man, Jim Crow Memphis, by May petroleum engineer and Colly and Megan Colnar was a 2014.” is an occupational therapist groomswoman for Joey. Erin King Moore and her working for Baylor Hospital. Thomas Cole read for the 2009 husband, Matt, welcomed ceremony, and Dustin Sump Henry David Moore on Nov. ’09 was in attendance. “We Fifth Reunion 19, 2013, at 2:06 a.m. He took our honeymoon to New Homecoming/Reunion weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 2008 Orleans to enjoy two of our Weekend: Oct. 10-11 ounces. Big sisters Delaney favorite things: good food Reporter: Kelsey Griffith and Darcy are very excited Reporter: Madoline Markham and good music!” Lauren [email protected] about their baby brother. [email protected] writes. Lauren is still teaching The class of 2009 will Amy Moore recently took Katie Slimp married fifth and sixth graders Latin have our fifth-year reunion a girls’ trip to Napa, CA, Greg Brunin on Nov. 9, at St. Andrew’s Episcopal this year at Homecoming/ along with fellow Rhodes 2013, in Houston, TX. The School in Austin, and Joey Reunion Weekend. Stay alumnae Karolina Grabowicz couple met while attending continues to practice law. tuned for updates from the ’09, Nicole Goette ’08, and Baylor College of Medicine. Caleb Standafer and his reunion committee and save Natasha Jain ’08. While Following a honeymoon wife, Chantal, welcomed the date for Oct. 10-11, 2014. there, they were hosted in Costa Rica, they live in their daughter, Gabrielle Ian Todd, who is volunteer by Mike Drash ’91, owner Houston, where Katie works Charlotte, into the world coordinator at BARC Animal of Tallulah Wines, for a in the emergency room at on Sept. 12, 2013, in Los Shelter and Adoptions in personal wine tasting in his the Methodist Hospital and Angeles. Gaby enjoyed seeing Houston, TX, recently historic 1800s home. What Memorial Hermann Hospital the Rhodes campus for the received the 2013 Joan an experience! in Houston Medical Center, first time at Homecoming Waite Hanlon Memorial Katy Buckner Kelly and and Greg is finishing his and is keeping her parents Award for Outstanding Tim Kelly currently live in residency program. quite busy while keeping Professionalism in the Field Charlotte, NC, where Katy Elizabeth Campbell married them smiling! of Volunteer Management. is a senior tax professional Kennedy Griffin on Nov. 2, Kelsey Jarrett recently The award is presented by for Bank of America and 2013, in Chattanooga, TN. started a new position as an the Houston Association of Tim is the assistant athletic Bridesmaids included Maddie associate attorney at Porteous, Volunteer Administrators. director/head athletic George, Lucy King, Jennifer Hainkel & Johnson LLP in In addition, Houston Mayor trainer at Charlotte Latin Stanley Gladstone, Jessica New Orleans. Annise Parker proclaimed School. The two are happy Harris ’09 and Anna Moak Zack Stovall is still living in Dec. 11, 2013, “Ian Todd to announce the birth of ’10. Also in attendance were the Mississippi River in the Day” and commended his Charles Connor Kelly on Katherine Stewart ’07, Lora battered shell of what used to accomplishments at BARC, June 28, 2013. Connor is a Terry ’07, Justin Foreman, be a noodling (barehanded which include building a happy baby who is full of Rob and Katie Mirseyedi cat-fishing) vessel he strong and collaborative team smiles and giggles. Wiles, and Erin Foster ’10. captained for a few months, of staff members, supporters, Colly Scott Beecherl Haynes Halbrooks called Heartbreaks and Hand and volunteers. graduated from University graduated from Emory Grenades. He has given up Elizabeth Sharpe and of Texas Medical Branch in University Physician Assistant on that and every financial Peter Zanca ’10 married Galveston with a master’s Program in December and endeavor since learning the June 1, 2013, in Memphis. degree in occupational will be starting a new job as whereabouts of his former Members of the wedding therapy in August 2013. On a physician’s assistant with first mate/goldendoodle/best party included Haley Law September 28th, Colly and Pinnacle Orthopaedics in friend, Newman. After Zack Trusler, Amanda Law ’10, Paul Arthur Beecherl married Marietta, GA. spent 19 days and well over Yacoubian, Eric Hagemeyer in Austin. Margaret Works $120 looking for his erstwhile ’10, Alex Kiester ’10, Kevin SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 51 } CLASS NOTES

Kifer ’10, Ben Waller ’11, Chinese and taught English 2017 at the Cummings Environmental Affairs at and Natalie Mayo ’10. Anne part time in Beijing. In School of Veterinary Indiana University. She H.K. Apple ’88 officiated the 2011 Matt accepted a job Medicine at Tufts University expects to graduate in ceremony. The couple resides as a business analyst with in North Grafton, MA. December 2014. in Washington, DC. Caterpillar’s Growth Markets Whitney Duval and Matt Albernie Ferguson Strategy Integration team Kernodle got married in graduated with a master’s in Beijing. Earlier this year August 2012 in Memphis, degree in human resource he was promoted to an Asia where Catherine Lawson, 2010 management from Kaplan Pacific revenue analyst in Kathleen Fox, and John Lentz University and became Caterpillar’s Global Revenue ’08 served in the wedding Reporter: Emily Jenkins certified as a Professional in Management Group. During party, and Rachel Trout ’10, [email protected] Human Resources (PHR) his time in China, he has Alison Morrell Zikmund ’10, Rebecca Rieger married from the HR Certification taken the opportunity and Kelsey Dean Griffith Andy Greer ’07 on Oct. Institute in 2012. Just over to travel throughout the celebrated with the new 12, 2013, in Memphis. a month later, she was country and other parts couple! Whitney is a data Dr. Carole Blankenship contacted by a recruiter of Asia including South analyst with KIPP Memphis ’85, associate professor of and subsequently became Korea, the Philippines, Collegiate Schools. Matt music, and Brigid Douglass Regional HR Manager for Malaysia, and Thailand. graduated from law school at ’10 sang at the ceremony. Regis Corporation after Matt says, “Between studying the University of Memphis in Maid of honor was Amy just three years of extensive Mandarin, working for 2012 and is now working as a Moore ’07; Shawn Paterakis HR generalist experience at Caterpillar in Asia, and judicial clerk for Chancellor ’07 presented a reading. In Target Corporation. traveling extensively, it has Arnold B. Goldin. They attendance were Josh Davis After teaching with really been quite an awarding bought their first house in the ’07, Jeremy Sadkin ’06, Teach for America (TFA) and educational experience.” High Point area of Memphis, Doug Lensing ’08, Melanie and receiving her MA Sarah Osmer graduated in where they live with their two McCune, Laura McLain, in teaching from Johns May 2012 with a master’s boxers, Bosco and Holly. Priyanka Chatterjee, and Hopkins University, Kait of education degree in Kelsey Dean Griffith Allison Andrews. Fleck Shinaberry is now at counseling from the married Launey Patton Morgan Pittman and Evan the University of Arizona, University of Houston. After Griffith (Louisiana State Hagemeyer married on where she received a master’s graduation, Sarah moved University ’06) on April Sept. 7, 2013, in Nashville, degree in political science to Austin, TX, and recently 13, 2013, in Darrow, TN. The best man was and is currently pursuing a began a new counseling LA. Catherine Lawson Eric Hagemyer. Alumnae in doctorate in public health. position at a methadone served as a bridesmaid, attendance included Lauren She also recently married management facility. She has and Whitney Duval, Matt Lieb, Laura Johnson, and Keith Shinaberry (University also been building a small Kernodle, Kathleen Fox, Haley Smoot. The couple of Texas ’09), whom she private practice on the side, Rachel Trout ’10, and resides in Nashville. met during their time as well as working with a Alison Morrell Zikmund Julia Goss received a as TFA corps members! Buddhist treatment modality ’10 attended the happy Fulbright scholarship to go to Jessica Harris, Caroline called Windhorse. nuptials. Kelsey graduated Cambodia this fall to study Cook, Jasmine Medley, Suzi Haley Law Trusler married from Tulane University an endangered population of VanSickle, Kristine Overacre Garth Trusler on March 15, in August 2013 with a river dolphins in conjunction Page, and Jennifer Gladstone 2013. master’s degree in public with the World Wildlife ’08 served in the wedding, Will Bubeck has been health and is now working Fund. She received a and Julie Carter, Lori working as a New York City as a health, safety, and master’s degree in coastal Culberson ’08, Matt Bergin police officer for the past environmental representative environmental management ’11, Grant Page, and Colin four years and is assigned while her husband earns a from Duke in the spring and Fleck ’12 attended the happy to special operations for the master’s degree in business interned at the Center for nuptials. The newlyweds are Midtown South Precinct. In administration at LSU and Ocean Solutions in Monterey, enjoying the change of pace September, Will was awarded works as an adjunct professor CA, during summer. Julia associated with life in the Cop of the Month for a at LSU at Eunice. The couple was a biology major while at desert, but they cannot wait few felony arrests he made, bought their first house in Rhodes. to return to the southeast! including a foot pursuit Eunice, LA, and is excited for Matt Becker moved to robbery arrest, a gun arrest, what 2014 will bring! China after graduating and a grand larceny arrest. Alyssa Blades is currently from Rhodes to study at He received recognition from surviving her first Midwest 2011 Beijing Language and his precinct and the chief of winter in Bloomington, Culture University on a patrol’s office for his diligence IN, where she is working Reporter: Grace Weil scholarship from the Chinese and excellence in police work. on a master’s degree in [email protected] government. From 2009 to Heather Houser has been arts administration from Trent Schill and Noah 2011 he studied Mandarin accepted into the class of the School of Public and Schill were each promoted

{ 52 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES to first lieutenant in the Air Force in September. Both are stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH, where they work at the Air Force Research Labs. Carly Agre returned from a year of teaching and traveling in South America in June 2013, and in October started a new position doing bilingual counseling and education work at a reproductive health organization in Philadelphia. Heather Bishop is happily married to Chris Troupe, living in Chicago, and preparing to go back to school. They tied the knot on Oct. 19, 2013, and have expanded their family to include a sweet Shepard mix they adopted from a shelter and named Porkchop. Heather planned to head back to school in January to begin pursuing a degree in Dental Hygiene.

2012 Marine Captains Michael Perrottet ‘00 (left) and Rob Beatty ‘07 (right) raise the Rhodes banner in front of their UH-1Y (“Yankee”) helicopter. The alums are helicopter pilots with HMLA-167, based Reporter: Kelly Parry out of North Carolina. Both recently returned home from a tour in Afganistan. rhodesclassnews2012@gmail. com The class of 2012 has looking for a masters rowing Center in Memphis. In her opportunity to fly in the 3M been busy taking on the program in Atlanta and sends free time, Sharwil takes road corporate jet! Though the world in our two short her best wishes to the Rhodes trips and keeps up with the experience was undoubtedly years since graduation. Crew Team! Lindsey recently hit TV series Scandal. awesome, it has ruined the Class Editor Kelly Parry won a cruise and is looking Jonathan Berube lives in used-to-be small pleasures of proudly reports the following forward to her first vacation Houston, TX, and works commercial flights. accomplishments, fun pets, in quite some time. for Alex and Red, sister firm Ansley Blalock is in her Rhodes love, and much more Ariel Anthony is in her to The Alexander Group, second year at Durham from fellow alums. second year of law school founded by Jane Howze ’73. University in England. While Lindsey Akers is living at the Cecil C. Humphreys Jane and Jonathan met at working on a master’s degree in Atlanta, GA, and began School of Law at the the Pi Kappa Alpha house at in Arab world studies, Ansley working as an intraoperative University of Memphis. Rhodes’ Homecoming 2012. is also studying Arabic. She neurophysiologist in During the summer, Ariel Lindsey Beste is living in has been traveling, hiking, several hospitals after will be clerking at law Minneapolis, MN, where and meeting people from all completing her certification firms in Memphis and she works as a project over the world, and she says in neurophysiological Chattanooga. This year, management consultant she has Rhodes to thank for intraoperative monitoring last Ariel’s daughter started for Boom Lab. Lindsey’s providing her with the skills June. Lindsey says she most kindergarten at Germantown latest project for 3M and tools she has needed to enjoys pediatric work and Elementary! required weekly travel to succeed. seeing the bravery of children Sharwil Bell is working Toronto to assist with SAP Mary Catherine Bowden who are able to face major toward a doctorate in physical implementation in 3M’s main is living in Nashville and is spine or neurosurgery with a therapy at the University of Canadian warehouse. On one working as a fund-raising smile on their face. Lindsey is Tennessee Health Science trip, Lindsey was offered the coordinator at the Saint SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 53 } CLASS NOTES

Thomas Health Foundation. George’s Independent School. at Rhodes. Last spring, Colin Ruemmele and She continues to put her Marissa Clark is living in Caitlin traveled to rendezvous is living in Midtown political science degree to use Seoul, South Korea, teaching with Julie Doub, Kelly Parry, Memphis. With the aid of through active membership English to kindergarteners. and Carson Duffy in both the wonderful Internet, they in the Women’s Political She recently directed the Copenhagen and Istanbul. have been repairing their Collaborative of Tennessee, school’s production of “The Caitlin reports that her house themselves and greatly whose primary goal is the Little Mermaid.” After favorite part of the trip (after enjoying it, along with new- full and equal participation completing her contract in the glorious ferry rides in found crafting and sewing of women in government and Korea, Marissa will move to Istanbul) was making new hobbies! Katherine plans the political process at all Venice to continue teaching Danish friends! to attend graduate school levels. She is also a member kindergarten English. She Erin Dressel is a second in Memphis for speech and of the Chi Omega alumni would love for anyone to year MD/MPH student at language pathology in the chapter of Nashville. Last visit! the University of Texas future. year, Mary Catherine Laurie Clotworthy was in Houston. She will take Lindsey Graeber is living in experienced her first New hired last July to help open her first board exam in Memphis with her Cavalier Orleans Mardi Gras with Red Truck Gallery, an June! She is currently King Charles, Sydney. In fellow alum Allison Fish. eclectic art gallery in New working on submitting June she decided to leave the Cole Bradley is living in St. Orleans where she currently public health research on marketing world to pursue Louis. He is pursuing a BS works as gallery director. HPV to the International a health and fitness career. in information management Catherine Coker is living Papillomavirus Conference After receiving her Pilates as well as working an IT with fellow Rhodes graduate and looks forward to soon Mat teacher certification, she support job at Paulo, a metal Jess Newman ’13 and her dog being in hospitals for clinical has been teaching classes at treatment plant. Macy in Memphis. Catherine rotations. Rhodes and at The Pilates Rush Brady and Kate is currently working as the After returning from her Place in East Memphis. Zerfross got engaged on Nov. youth educator at Planned Watson Fellowship, Carson Lindsey plans to complete 22, 2013, exactly 10 years Parenthood Greater Memphis Duffy started jobs with a comprehensive training from the day they met in Region and plans to just about every neighbor program (600 hours) to 2003. They are planning on a eventually pursue a master’s who lives on her street in become certified to teach fall wedding! degree in public health. As Charlotte, NC. She has all styles of Pilates and is Kyle Capstick is living the youth educator, Catherine enjoyed dabbling in the also studying to become a in Memphis and seeking works on a peer education worlds of interior design, personal trainer through a master’s degree at the program for teenagers called social marketing for a growing National Strength and University of Memphis in JustUs. She created and makeup company and salon, Conditioning Association. the counseling program, continues to update the and coaching soccer. Brittany Gray is currently a which she will finish in curriculum, which ensures Martha Falls returned from second lieutenant serving as 2014. Kyle works as the access to relevant information her au pair life in Paris to an Army Reserve soldier with graduate assistant for the about sexual health for pursue a master’s degree in the 406th Human Resources vice president for student Memphis teens. foreign language education at Company in Kaiserslautern, affairs at the university. Lauren Cook married Chase Florida State University. Germany. Additionally, she works with Moore ’11 in June 2012. Leanne Farha is living in Jake Groves is living in People to People Student They live in Rossville, TN, Nashville and working on the Louisville, KY, deciding on Ambassador programs as a where Lauren teaches middle set of the ABC television show his next step post-Fulbright delegation leader for high and high school English at Nashville. She is also studying adventures. To pay the bills, school students. This past Rossville Christian Academy. for the LSAT and plans to he works as a waiter and summer, she traveled to Tiffany Cossich is living in attend law school in the fall. a barista and is planning France, Italy, and Greece New York City and working Allison Fish is in her on completing bartending with 40 high school students as the communications and second year of law school school. Jake reports that more and will be going to Ireland, development associate at at Tulane University. She time spent teaching abroad is England, Wales, and France Stephen Gaynor School, is a member of the Tulane on the horizon. this coming summer as the an independent, nonprofit Maritime Law Journal and Jordan Harms is studying primary leader for 50 high elementary and middle school plans to work for a labor and with Georgetown University’s school students. Alongside for children with learning employment firm in New School of Foreign Service her work with People to differences. She develops Orleans next summer. graduate program in Russian, People, Kyle has continued school publications while also Laura Flink is currently Eurasian, and East European to be involved in youth fund-raising through appeals, working on a master’s degree Studies. ministry through Young Life school events, and their in occupational therapy at Zach Harpole recently and Young Life Capernaum annual gala. Texas Tech University of completed an internship (Young Life for individuals Caitlin Dempsey is living Health Sciences, graduating at the Oxford American with special needs). Kyle also in Memphis and working as in May 2015. magazine in Arkansas. He coaches varsity softball at St. alumni services coordinator Katherine Gaker married now works at Jehl Law

{ 54 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES Group in Memphis as a legal assistant. Alice Havner is in her second year at the University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville, AR. As well as receiving third place in the Bailey & Oliver Closing Argument Competition, Alice was chosen to represent her program in the Texas Young Lawyers Association Trial Competition in February. This summer, she will be interning at Quality Trust for Individuals for Disabilities in Washington, DC, where she will perform legal research, write memos, and advocate for clients. Alice also volunteers in Fayetteville at Lifestyles, Inc., an organization for individuals with disabilities similar to On Nov. 7, 2013, the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation hosted a wine and cheese reception on the Rhodes the Exceptional Foundation campus for past recipients of the prestigious award, bestowed each year during graduation to two seniors (one of West Tennessee, where she male and one female) and one non-student, all of whom have given selflessly to others and to the college. volunteered while at Rhodes. Attending along with Dorothy Brownyard (center), Admission director of guest services and Rhodes Express, Emily Hays returned to were former recipients (from left) Ian Engdahl ’13, Salar Rafieetary ’12, Kelly Parry ’12. and John Pevy ’11. Birmingham, AL, from Chile last spring to work as a University, where she also interviews for a documentary. Congo in Washington, DC. bilingual executive assistant works as a research assistant. Manali ran her first half- Sarah Mason is living at the BBVA Compass Madeline Jeansonne marathon in December in outside Washington, DC, in headquarters. Through is living in Austin, TX, Goa! Reston, VA. She is a project working for BBVA Compass while completing a master’s Marie Kyle is living coordinator for LongView (a Spanish-owned bank degree in public health in in Nashville working at International Technology out of Madrid), Emily has epidemiology. She is currently Vanderbilt University Solutions. Before living in had the opportunity to be working on a project Medical Center as a research Virginia, Sarah was living in immersed in a global banking examining the relationship assistant in the child and Scotland while completing environment and put her between physical activity, adolescent psychiatry a master’s degree at the Rhodes Spanish degree to sleep, sedentary behavior, and department coordinating University of Edinburgh. work on a daily basis! cardiometabolic outcomes in pediatric autism clinical While there, she traveled to Brad Hensley is living in women at the Cooper Clinic trials. She is currently Italy, Greece, and Kenya. Boulder, CO, and will be in Dallas. applying to the master’s When not hanging out with starting a master’s degree in Last winter, Graham Karlan programs in speech-language other DC-area Rhodes grads, aerospace engineering science lost the annual Karlan- pathology and hopes to start Sarah practices her guitar- with a concentration in Williams Open for the fifth in fall 2014. playing and cross-stitching structures and materials this consecutive year to opponent Natalie Malouf lives skills. spring. Elliot Williams. Despite in Dallas and works in Andy McGeoch is enjoying Barrett Huggins is in his the loss, Graham reported administration for Malouf life in Washington, DC, and second year of veterinary being excited to ring in the & Nockels, LLP. In the past keeping busy while working school at the University of New Year and start his 283- year, Natalie has had the in the immigration and Tennessee in Knoxville. He day countdown to Rhodes opportunity to travel rather health care policy areas at the was commissioned into the Homecoming 2014. extensively. Last December U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Army last spring as a 2nd Manali Kulkarni is living she took a three-week trip Komal Mehra is a second- Lieutenant and will serve in Pune, India, researching to Vietnam and Thailand. year student at the College of active duty in the Veterinary sports and society. She is Natalie has completed two Dentistry at UTHSC. She will Corps upon graduation. currently exploring the memorable internships, one become an aunt in March! Regan Humphrey is a societal influence on gender in Mauritius and another Last May, Stephanie graduate student in special divisions in sports and is with the embassy of the Milazzo completed the education at Vanderbilt conducting eye-opening Democratic Republic of the Memphis Teacher Residency’s SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 55 } CLASS NOTES teacher training and received She is currently researching Russell, PLC (alumni firm). news or follow along on a master’s degree in urban anthropogenic changes This spring, Evan will Twitter via @RhodesAthletics. education. She is currently to surface-groundwater begin a master’s program Shout out from Tyler to all the teaching physical science at interactions in Bangladesh. in bioinformatics at the incredible people from 2012: Kingsbury High School in Chelsea is enjoying life University of Memphis and “wherever you may be, be Memphis. In her free time, in Nashville with her will continue living the good to yourself and to others Stephanie swing dances and rambunctious kitten, Abigail. dream with fellow brothers in the New Year!” sings in a few choirs. In June, Caroline Philhower of the 2013 Pi Kappa Alpha Ethan Stegich is living in Leanne Naramore is living will complete her second graduating class who are still Dallas, TX, and working in in Montgomery, AL. As year as an English language around the Memphis area. residential real estate with the digital media associate instructor in Istanbul, Lauren Schully and Rachel Keller Williams. for the Southern Poverty Turkey. Though her Stowe are living together Taylor Stephens is in her Law Center, Leanne builds rambunctious five- and six- in Nashville, TN, and second year of studying online presence across year old students keep her both attending Vanderbilt interior design at Savannah multiple digital platforms busy, Caroline still finds time University in the Masters of College of Art and Design to advance the center’s work to attend local universities’ Science in Nursing program. and is the assistant coach for around LGBT and immigrant American football games and Upon graduation in August, the school’s cross country rights, juvenile justice, work toward her goal of taste Lauren will be a pediatric and track and field teams. domestic extremist groups, testing every döner the city nurse practitioner and Rachel This past March, she ran and more. Leanne says that has to offer. will be an adult and geriatric and won her first marathon she surprised herself with a Bailey Ramano is living in nurse practitioner. They have with a time of 2:58:14. She is move back to Alabama after Cincinnati, OH, and will two very Instagrammable now training for the Boston a year in Washington, DC, be graduating from Hebrew cats named Nala and Marathon as well as a repeat but she loves her work and Union College-Jewish Marshmallow. title at the Albany Marathon, is discovering that her home Institute of Religion with a Morgan Slevin is living in all first steps on the way state is far more poppin’ master’s degree in American his home of Sarasota, FL. to qualifying for Olympic than her high-school self was Jewish History this May. He is volunteering with local Trials. previously aware. Plus, she’s Carolina Sanchez is living animal rescue organizations Kevin Stechler is living in close to Memphis, which will in New York City with and working at a restaurant Memphis and working in forever feel like home. her husband. The couple while applying to a master’s software engineering for Argo Evan Nelson is living in met at a tennis academy in in biology program. Morgan Data Resources. Chapel Hill, NC, pursuing Spain many years ago and hopes to attend Arkansas Kristin Wilkinson started a PhD with the University was married on Nov. 25, State University and be closer her second year as assistant of North Carolina’s Physics 2013. Carolina is working to Memphis. He reports that director of admission at Graduate School while with SportCampTravel all is well, though he misses Rhodes this fall. While also working as a teaching (founded by her husband his fellow alums! also balancing her domestic assistant. Last summer, he and sister-in-law in 2005) Tyler Springs is living in territory in Tennessee and spent two months fixing as their USA agent, doing Memphis. He spends his Alabama, Kristin recruits medical equipment in client and academy days in the wine business students internationally. Last Nicaragua with Engineering management domestically. and his nights and weekends year, she traveled throughout World Health. In May, Carolina will producing radio programs for Asia and South America. Megan O’Brien is in her complete a master’s degree Sports56 WHBQ (560 AM). Jonas Williams is living first year of medical school in food studies from New This fall, he was the primary in Birmingham, AL. at Kirksville College of York University. She is play-by-play announcer for the Jonas works as an account Osteopathic Medicine in also signed to Elite Model Internet broadcasts of Rhodes executive for a commercial Northeast Missouri. Management and works football games, including the insurance company called Otisha Page is living in part time in the modeling season-ending upset of No. Molton, Allen & Williams Baton Rouge, LA, and will world. She continues to be 19 Millsaps that secured a and coaches a middle school receive a master’s degree in passionate about plant-based share of our first conference boys soccer team for The mass communication from lifestyles and keeps a blog title since 1995! This winter, Altamont School. Louisiana State University in with articles and recipes he’ll have the chance to call Katherine Williford is May. at Rhodes men’s and women’s living in Kansas City, MO. Chelsea Peters completed Having mastered Spanish, basketball webcasts as both Katherine is the SNAP a year in Knoxville, TN, Portuguese, and Italian, teams try to defend their 2013 coordinator for Harvesters, a working on a Water Quality Carolina is currently learning Southern Athletic Association certified member of Feeding AmeriCorps team and is Russian, her husband’s championships. It’s a great America. Katherine has been now pursuing a PhD in mother tongue. time to be a fan of the enjoying getting to know life environmental engineering Evan Savage lives in Lynx—be sure to check out in the Midwest and continues with a focus on water quality Memphis and works as a the revamped RhodesLynx. to search for an adult choir at Vanderbilt University. paralegal at Lawrence & com site for all Lynx athletics that takes singing seriously

{ 56 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES enough for her to call herself University. She is teaching to come, visit, and get free no. However, the people and a member. first grade at Kingsbury drinks, just drop the Rhodes the afterglow are both still Owen Worley lives in Elementary in Memphis card. I’m working on my beautiful, so the act persists.” Houston, TX, and works through the Memphis personal fitness certification for Deloitte. Last year, Teacher Residency. and becoming a fireman so, Owen obtained both his And the award for the foregoing catastrophe, I will CPA License and a first-place most deserving-of-being- be helping people instead trophy for his recreational printed-verbatim update of feeding them poison by volleyball team. from the class of 2012 for next update. I am currently Kelli Zomer is living in this issue goes to: Ryley obsessing over gymnastics Memphis and working Erhardt. Ryley writes: “I’m and hot yoga. I thought after toward a master’s degree in currently bartending at the doing it a ton, I would start urban education from Union Austin airport, so if you want to hate hot yoga less. Alas,


’35 Marie Louise Trigg 1963. She was valedictorian Presbyterian and a popular Ginger was active as a board Crump of Memphis, Jan. 4, of her class at State College member of her Sunday school member of the Speech and 2013. A lifelong Memphian, High School in Pennsylvania class. She is survived by two Hearing Center, Memphis Marie Louise graduated and went to Southwestern at daughters, a son, and five Health and Welfare Planning from the Hutchison School Memphis (Rhodes College). grandchildren. Agency, and Visiting Nurse and attended Southwestern When her father was ’43 Mary Lorraine McMinn Association, and was the at Memphis (Rhodes stationed in the Philippines, Bartlett of Clarksville, TN, first chairman of the Youth College). Marie Louise’s she moved there and taught Feb. 16, 2013. She was born Museum Rooms at Memphis positive attitude was kindergarten at Corregidor, in Memphis, the daughter of Pink Palace Museum in 1958. contagious. Affectionately the army installation on John and Ada McMinn. She She was the first president known as “Baba” to family Manila Bay, where her father is survived by two children, a of the Friends of the Pink and friends, she loved the was chief engineer. As the sister, five grandchildren, and Palace Museum in 1968. outdoors and found great Japanese threat grew in the four great-grandchildren. She She was a member of Junior peace and pleasure in her weeks before Pearl Harbor, was preceded in death by her League of Memphis, the long walks in the country she and her family moved to husband, James H. Bartlett, Little Garden Club, the Arts and tending to her zinnia Macon, GA, while her father Sr. ’51. and Garden Club, and the and vegetable gardens. She remained at his post. During ’43 Virginia “Ginger” Tuesday Study Club. Ginger was an avid tennis player the war, Penny did clerical Knowlton McClure of and Don were members of and an accomplished artist. work at Cochran Field in Memphis, Nov. 3, 2013. Idlewild Presbyterian Church Marie Louise was a member Macon, was transferred to She was born in Memphis and The Memphis Country of Second Presbyterian the Pentagon, and then to to Paul Sale Knowlton and Club. She leaves two sons, Church, Memphis Garden the Panama Canal Zone. Lucille Terrell Knowlton. four grandchildren, two Club, Memphis Country After the war, her father was Ginger was preceded in great-grandchildren, two step Club, and the Junior League transferred to Fort Meade, death by her husband, grandchildren, and four step of Memphis. A devoted MD. One of Col. Mielenz’s Donald Crenshaw McClure, great-grandchildren. mother and grandmother, junior officers there was in 2012 after 68 years of ’46 Kitty Grey Pharr Marie Louise is survived by Harold Edwin “Biz” Bisbort, marriage. She graduated from Long of Connecticut, her son, three daughters, 13 a civil engineer and war Stuart Hall in Staunton, September 22, 2013. Kitty grandchildren, and 19 great- veteran from Philadelphia, VA; attended Southwestern Grey graduated from grandchildren. whom Peggy married on (Rhodes College); and Miss Hutchison’s School ’41 Penelope “Penny” Aug. 23, 1947. Taking obtained her secretarial in Memphis in 1942. She Anne Mielenz Bisbort of advantage of her own travel degree from Miss Wylies’ attended the University Decatur, GA, Sept. 28, 2013. experiences, Penny worked as Office Training School in of Alabama during her She was born to Lt. Lloyd a travel agent for Vacations Memphis. Married in 1943, freshman year in college Ernst Mielenz (later colonel) International in Atlanta for Ginger and Don immediately and graduated Phi Beta and Penelope Sunbeam many years, often leading moved to California while Kappa from Southwestern at Pendergrass at Fort Belvoir, tour groups to far-flung Don was in the U.S. Army Memphis (Rhodes College) VA (then known as Camp destinations, including Air Corps during World in 1946. During college Humphries). She lived and China, South Africa, the War II and Ginger worked she became a member of traveled extensively before Middle East, Europe, and for the American Red Cross. Chi Omega Sorority. On settling with her husband and Canada. She was a devoted After the war and back in Oct. 19, 1946, she married four children in Atlanta in member of Clairmont Memphis raising a family, Thomas Ralston Long in SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 57 } IN MEMORIAM

Our summer 2013 Class Notes section included an item on Mary Eloise Brett Tate ’33, who was winner of a contest during her time at Rhodes that resulted in the naming of the Lynx Lair. Sadly, Mrs. Tate passed away Jan. 5, 2014. Her son Steve reports that “She appreciated the article in the Rhodes magazine about her naming the Lynx Lair. She kept the copy by her reading chair and would often show it to visitors and family and tell them stories about Southwestern at Memphis.” Needless to say, that news warmed our hearts.

Mrs. Tate was born April 30, 1911, in Trenton, TN, daughter of the late William Patrick Brett and Eloise Fern Banks Brett. She was an elementary teacher with Fairfax County Public Schools for 15 years. She was a member of Daughters of the American Revolution and First Presbyterian Church of Winchester and was a 1933 graduate of Rhodes College, where she was the president of Chi Omega Sorority. She married Edward Oscar Tate, Sr. on Dec. 21, 1935, in Washington, DC. Mr. Tate died in July 1985. She leaves a daughter and two sons, six grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. Mary Eloise Brett Tate ’33

Uniontown, AL. They grandchildren, and seven ’49 Stanley Eleanor Clarksdale area over the resided in Uniontown where great-grandchildren. Williamson Mosby of years. She is survived by a he was mayor for 18 years ’49 Sidney Frederick Kahn Clarksdale, MS, Aug. 11, son, two daughters, a sister, and served as a member of of LaMirada, CA, Nov. 4, 2013. She was born at Minot and four grandchildren. the Alabama legislature. She 2013. Born and educated Plantation to the late George ’50 John S. Pyles of was active in the Presbyterian in Memphis, Dr. Kahn, a Marvin Williamson and Tullahoma, TN, Aug. 10, Church throughout prominent general surgeon, Margaret Starling Byrd 2013. A native of North life, including Idlewild grew up in Friar’s Point, Williamson. She resided Little Rock, AR, he was Presbyterian in Memphis, MS. After graduating from much of her early life with the son of the late Noah T. First Presbyterian Church Southwestern (Rhodes her maternal grandparents, and Martha Phoebe Sharp in Uniontown, and First College), he attended Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Pyles. He was a World War Presbyterian Church in New Washington University Byrd of Tutwiler, MS. II veteran of the U.S. Navy Canaan, CT. Organizations Medical School in St. Louis, She was graduated from and was a Presbyterian in which she participated MO, on a full scholarship Tutwiler High School and minister. He attended include the Colonial Dames and graduated in 1951. He Southwestern (Rhodes the Austin Theological of America, Daughters of was drafted into the Army College) with a degree in Seminary and the Dallas the American Revolution, Medical Corps but then religion and philosophy. In Theological Seminary. He United Daughters of the transferred to the Navy to 1949, she married Harold started his ministry as an Confederacy, the Uniontown satisfy the need for medical Ray Mosby of Coahoma, associate minister at Casa Harmony Club, the Crescent personnel, where he served MS, who preceded her in Linda Presbyterian Church Club, and the Uniontown two years as lieutenant. He death by just under six in Dallas, TX. He then Garden Club. She was interned at Cornell University months. The prototypical served the Wake Village preceded in death by her at New York and served his American English teacher, Presbyterian Church in husband, Ralston. She is fi ve-year residency in general she drilled grammar into Wake Village, TX, and the survived by fi ve children, surgery at the VA Hospital students at both Lula- Lakewood Presbyterian seven grandchildren, and one at Memphis. Dr. Kahn Rich School and Riverside Church in Dallas. He was great-grandchild. established his private practice Baptist School. An avid also employed by the Dallas ’47 Dorothy “Dot” Hogan in Norwalk, CA, and served and regionally recognized County District Court. After Cottam of Memphis, Aug. as chief of staff and chairman genealogist, she was a retirement, he and his wife 21, 2013. She was born in of surgery at Norwalk member of the Coahoma relocated to Tullahoma. Mr. Mason, TN, and later moved Community Hospital and County Retired Teachers Pyles was an avid reader and to Memphis, where she later as chairman of surgery Association, the Huguenot enjoyed studying the Bible. graduated from Southwestern at Tri-City Regional Medical Society, the Daughters of the He was also an author and (Rhodes College). She Center, Hawaiian Gardens, American Revolution, and wrote a book titled The Grace was president of Zeta Tau CA. He was the recipient of the Coahoma Woman’s Club. of God. He is survived by his Alpha sorority and was a numerous honors and awards A member of both the former wife of 63 years, Ardys Marie member of St. Louis Catholic during his distinguished Coahoma United Methodist Marlin Pyles, two daughters, Church. “Miss Dot,” as career. He possessed a Church and the Lula United four grandchildren, and one she was known, managed wide range of skills and Methodist Church, she great-granddaughter. Bozo’s Hot Pit Bar-B-Q, a was a pioneer in bariatric was a church pianist and ’51 The Reverend Albert family-owned business, for surgery. Survivors include Sunday School teacher and Arnold Nelius of Durham, many years. She leaves fi ve his wife, two sons, and three also taught numerous bible NC, Jan. 1, 2014. He was sons, three daughters, 13 grandchildren. study classes in the greater born in Memphis to Eva and

{ 58 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES Engel Nelius and served in the Southern Presbyterian and general council at Dobbs College. She played for the U.S. Navy from 1943- Church, first as a director Houses, Inc. He was a former numerous churches in West 46, after which he graduated of youth ministries and member of the American, Tennessee and was organist from Rhodes College. He later as director of church Tennessee, and Memphis Bar at the Johnson Memorial finished Virginia Theological stewardship. After his Associations. Mr. Rucks was Presbyterian Church for 15 Seminary in 1954 and was retirement in Nashville, Bob an Army infantry veteran years. She was a devoted ordained the following published his autobiography of the Korean War, where wife and mother. Gardening year. Albert began ministry Wrapped in Love: A Lifelong he attained the rank of was her passion, along with in Nashville, soon after Journey. He remained active captain, later transferring to cooking for her family. She meeting his future wife, Dr. in church and community the Marine Corps Reserve, leaves her husband, Rev. Sigrid von Renner, during life, volunteering at the in which he was a major. Charles Robert Kennon ’55; her medical residency at Vanderbilt Cancer Center He was a graduate of Castle a daughter and a son; three Vanderbilt. He served three and the Nashville public Heights Military Academy grandchildren; and three years at St. Barnabas Church library where he joined a and attended Rhodes College great-grandchildren. in Florissant, MO, and while small group of men to initiate and Vanderbilt University ’55 John Clayton Turpin, there, oversaw construction the Veterans History Project. School of Law, graduating Jr. of Fairhope, AL, Nov. 4, of a new church. The family He is survived by his wife, from the University of 2013. A native of Lynchburg, moved to Durham in 1960 Patricia Cooper Richardson Mississippi School of Law. VA, John served as a staff when Albert joined St. ’51; three daughters, Mr. Rucks leaves behind his sergeant in the US Air Force Philip’s Episcopal Church. including Sydney Richardson wife, a son, three daughters, during the Korean War. He In 1970 he became Vicar DeWitt ’81; a sister; a seven grandchildren, and four was a graduate of Rhodes of St. Andrew’s Episcopal brother; six grandchildren; great-grandchildren. College and of George Church in East Durham—a and two great-grandchildren. ’54 Dr. Ethel Ashton for teachers post he held until 1995. ’52 Rosemary Nelms Harrell of Memphis, Dec. 17, in Nashville, TN. He became Albert received a master’s Stinson of Germantown, 2013. She was born in and the registrar at Rhodes and degree in library science TN, Nov. 23, 2013. She lived in Memphis her entire served in that capacity for 30 from the University of was born in Memphis to life, with the exception of years. In addition to being North Carolina in 1969, the Roy L. and Maynard Shea her pediatric residencies at registrar, he was secretary of same year he joined Duke Nelms. She was a 1948 Buffalo Children’s Hospital the Curriculum Committee, University Library. He graduate of the Lausanne and Roanoke Memorial in secretary of the faculty, rose to circulation director School for Girls and was a Virginia. She worked 30-plus and college catalog editor. and retired in 1992. He is member of Alpha Omicron years as a pediatrician and In 1982, he was inducted survived by his wife and a Pi while at Southwestern was recognized for her skill at into Alpha Tau Omega sister. (Rhodes College). She made diagnosing difficult cases. At fraternity as an honorary ’51 Dr. Robert Price friendships at Lausanne Rhodes she was a member of member. An active member Richardson, Jr. of Nashville, and Southwestern that Tri Delta sorority and was an of All Saints Episcopal TN, Dec. 29, 2013. He continued throughout her life active alumni member. Dr. Church in Memphis, he served in the U.S. Army in Memphis. Mrs. Stinson Harrell funded a scholarship served as lay reader, Sunday in Japan and Korea as a married William David and was a member of the School superintendent, vestry military intelligence officer Stinson in 1953 in Memphis Ralph C. Hon Society. She member, and senior warden. until 1948. He graduated and they remained married was a member of Zonta Club After retiring from Rhodes, from Southwestern (Rhodes until his death in 2009. She of Memphis, the Phi Beta he lived in Metairie, LA, College) and Union was a faithful and devout Kappa Society, Memphis for 30 years until his recent Theological Seminary in Christian and an ordained and Shelby County Medical move to Fairhope. He is Richmond, VA. He was elder in the Presbyterian Society, and the American survived by his daughter, called to a life of ministry church. She was a member Academy of Pediatrics. For SueAnne Turpin Davis in the Presbyterian Church of Les Passees and the the past three years, she ’81, two grandsons, and a and after ordination in Daughters of the American lived at Trezevant Manor granddaughter. 1954, served churches in Revolution. Survivors include in Memphis. She was also a ’58 Mark Rogers Coleman, Hazlehurst, MS; Memphis, a daughter, a son, and three long-time member of Trinity Jr. of Memphis, Nov. 16, TN; Richmond, VA; and grandchildren. United Methodist Church. 2013. He was born in Charlotte, NC, and retired ’52 Edward Lindsey Rucks She is survived by a brother. Braddock, PA, to Hazel Hale from his last position as of Memphis, Aug. 18, 2013. ’54 Jane Wood Kennon of Coleman and Mark Rogers associate pastor for pastoral He served as assistant city Jackson, TN, Nov. 22, 2013. Coleman and moved to care at Westminster attorney, assistant county Jane was an accomplished Memphis as an infant. Mark Presbyterian Church attorney, deputy divorce musician, specializing in was an alumnus of Memphis in Nashville. Between proctor, and assistant district pipe organ and piano. She Central High School and his pastorates, Bob also attorney general. He was also had an angelic voice, as well. Southwestern at Memphis served for 12 years on the staff attorney for Holiday She received a bachelor of (Rhodes College), where he administrative board of Inns, Inc., and vice president music degree from Rhodes played baseball before briefly SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 59 } IN MEMORIAM playing professionally. He Church. She held a variety Young Thompson ’61; two School. She graduated from was an avid baseball fan of offices in the Episcopal sons; 18 grandchildren; a Southwestern at Memphis especially of his beloved Church Women, St. Hilda’s brother; and a sister. (Rhodes College) and New York Yankees. After a Guild, served on altar guild, ’61 William “Bill” C. Wilson attended the University of 40-year career as an account and on the board of St. of Memphis, Dec. 1, 2013. Tennessee School of Law, executive for prominent Luke’s Nursing Home. Dolly He was born in Memphis where she was proud to be Memphis commercial printer, is survived by her husband; and graduated from Rhodes the only woman in her class. S.C. Toof & Company, he two brothers, including The College and from Vanderbilt Joanna was a member of founded IHS & Associates, Reverend Chester Allen University with a degree in Idlewild Presbyterian Church a graphic communications Cooke ‘53; three daughters; law. He received a JD from and a dedicated volunteer firm. For the last three and six grandchildren. Northwestern University in with Les Passees, Le Bonheur decades, he was a member ’59 Donna Hudson Buckner Chicago. His philanthropic Club, the Josephine Circle, of Second Presbyterian of Abilene, KS, Sept. 5, 2013. efforts continued throughout and the Grandview Garden Church, where he was an She was born in Sikeston, his life with Rhodes College, Club. She was especially elder emeritus. He also served MO, the daughter of Alpheus where he was a member of proud of her tenure as as chairman of the church’s Shelley and Velma Lorine the Bellingrath Society; at president of the Memphis Home and World Missions (Boston) Hudson. On Aug. Trezevant Manor; and with and Shelby County Medical Committee, president of the 19, 1991, she married Burnice many other groups with Society Auxiliary. She is Jeb Russell Sunday School Eugene Buckner of Marks, which he was involved. survived by her husband, Class, and a member of MS. She is survived by her He was employed by First two daughters, and two the Board of the Christian husband; two sons; a sister, Tennessee Bank in Memphis granddaughters. Psychological Center. Among Sheila Hudson Hurlbut ’62 in the Trust Division until ’66 Kerry Temple Patteson other projects, he helped of Abilene; her step-mother; his retirement. Survivors of Sarasota, FL, Aug. 2, launch the church’s Senior a half-sister; a step-brother; include two brothers. 2013. He was born in Adult Ministries program. nine grandchildren; and two ’61 Betsy Henderson Charlotte, NC, to James Survivors include his wife, great-grandchildren. Graham of Memphis, Dec. Sloane Patteson, Jr. and Claire Tansey Coleman ’58; ’59 Carol Ann Greaves 13, 2013. She was born in Marie Way Rosebrock. Kerry two sons, including John Rockett of Germantown, Memphis and graduated was raised in Memphis and Robert Coleman ’89; four TN, Oct. 15, 2013. She was from Central High School. graduated from Memphis grandchildren; and two great- born in Memphis. She was She attended college at University School, where grandchildren. a graduate of East High Southwestern (Rhodes he was captain of the 1957 ’58 Dorothy “Dolly” Allen School and Southwestern at College), where she was a undefeated football team. He Cooke Green of Lubbock, Memphis (Rhodes College). member of the Tri-Delta received a bachelor of science TX, on Dec. 15, 2013. She She taught mathematics sorority. Betsy used her art degree from Southwestern was born in Memphis, TN. throughout Memphis, history major in the fine (Rhodes College), where Dolly graduated from East including Hutchison School, furniture and interior design he was a member of Kappa High School in Memphis and served many roles at her fields, where she created ads Alpha fraternity. He served and earned a BA in history beloved St. George’s Church. for the Howard Graham in the US Air Force before from Southwestern at She was preceded in death Sleep Shoppe. She then beginning a career with the Memphis (Rhodes College), by her husband, Dr. John F. worked for the Homestead National Bank of Commerce graduating with honors. She Rockett ‘59; son, Douglas House and Haas Furniture in Memphis. He then worked was a member of the Alpha Carson Rockett ‘87; and a Showroom and spent more for the Internal Revenue Omicron Pi sorority and sister. She is survived by a than 20 years at Bradford Service and retired after served as the treasurer. After daughter. Furniture Showroom. Betsy 25 years. Upon retirement, graduating from college and ’61 Jack L. Thompson III loved working with the many he moved to Sarasota. He teaching for three years, of Ashland City, TN, Oct. clients she met and was is survived by one son, Dolly married Bruce Green 4, 2013. He was born in able to serve. She enjoyed two grandsons, and three in 1961. Dolly and Bruce Blytheville, AR, and was a all aspects of the fine arts brothers. lived in Tennessee, Missouri, graduate of Rhodes College and spending time with her ’69 Ronald “Ron” Bevill and Texas, and Dolly and Vanderbilt Law School children, extended family, McCarver of Tuscaloosa, enjoyed her time in each of ’64. He practiced law in and her many friends. She is AL, Oct. 22, 2013. Ron these places. Education was Nashville and surrounding survived by three children was born in Pontotoc, MS, important to Dolly, and she counties for 48 years. He and seven grandchildren. grew up in Memphis, and spent much of her working was a Boy Scout leader and ’66 Joanna Coss Higdon received a BA in psychology life trying to make education an elder in the Presbyterian of Memphis, Jan. 4, 2014. from Southwestern at available to others through Church of America, and Joanna was born in Del Rio, Memphis (Rhodes College). teaching or other support hosted hundreds of outings TX, and moved to Nashville He received an MA and services. Dolly also served her and picnics at the Thompson as an infant. She was a PhD from the University of community through many Farm. He is survived by graduate of Bailey Junior Alabama in 1971, completing ministries of the Episcopal his wife of 52 years, Emma High and Donelson High his doctoral program in

{ 60 } SPRING 2014 • RHODES record time, an achievement USA. An avid golfer who St. John’s College, Oxford, accomplished professional that has not been matched enjoyed traveling, he had England. After graduation photographer with an to this day. He worked at been to every continent Mary worked as a stock uncanny eye for seeing Partlow Developmental except Antarctica and broker, first in Houston, TX, special things through a lens Center in Tuscaloosa as Australia. Davis is survived and then in Minneapolis, and began at an early age program director and then by his wife and two children. MN. In 1996 she moved to capturing beautiful images served at Bryce Hospital in ’76 Mark Daniel Buckman Brownsville, TN, to be closer of the east coastal area. Later many capacities, including of Memphis, Oct. 26, 2013. to her parents. Raising her working at Lake Tahoe Ski assistant clinical director, He was born in Madelia, two children in Minneapolis Resort, he continued his love director of psychology, and MN. He graduated from and Brownsville, she realized of photography by capturing assistant hospital director. Bartlett High School and her passion for teaching and the beauty of the west. His Ron had more than 35 years received a BS in chemical returned to school to get a personal interests led him of experience teaching at engineering from Christian master’s degree in education into a career of making the college and graduate Brothers University and an from Union University. She wonderful pet photos, along school level at the University MBA from the University of taught fourth and fifth grades with jobs for special occasions of Alabama School of Memphis. He worked most in Brownsville, then initiated and catalogs. Lee’s most Psychology, teaching various of his career at Buckman and taught in the gifted significant passions in life courses including History Laboratories, a specialty program. In 2006 she moved were the happiness he had and Systems of Psychology, chemical company. He is to Chico, continued teaching, with his forever love, Leigh for which he wrote his own survived by his wife of 30 and became the director Champion; their treasured textbook. Since retirement years, Gayle Buckman; a son; of SPARK, the after-school dog, Buster; and cats, Muffin from Bryce Hospital, Ron a grandson; a sister; and a programs for Glenn County. and Cheeto. He leaves Ms. was a consultant for Indian brother, Steven Buckman ‘71. This last year she served on Champion; his mother; his Rivers and Taylor Hardin ’80 Dennis Clyde Brown a state committee led by father and stepmother; two Secure Mental Health of Gatlinburg, TN, Nov. Michael Funk, the director brothers; and a sister. Facilities. He had a private 14, 2013. Dennis was born of the After School Division ’94 Laura Pointer practice in psychological in Memphis and attended of the California Department Wilkerson of Austin, TX, consultation and assessment Snowden and Central Public of Education. Her dedication Nov. 10, 2013. Laura began of individuals with serious Schools. He also attended was recognized recently her life odyssey as a small- mental illness and those with the University of Tennessee when she was presented with town girl in Kokomo, intellectual and physical at Martin, University of the Afterschool Visionary IN, and graduated from disabilities. Most recently, Arkansas, and Southwestern Leadership Award. She is Maconaquah High School in Ron served as a forensic (Rhodes College). Dennis survived by her two children, 1990. She attended Rhodes expert witness for capital spent most of his working three brothers, and a sister. College, where she was a trials all over the state of years in the service industry, ’82 Julia “Feetsie” Reilly member of the Gamma Phi Alabama, an endeavor he beginning at T.G.I. Friday’s Fields of Chattanooga, TN, Beta sorority and ultimately felt was his true vocation. in Memphis at Overton Dec. 12, 2013. Feetsie was earned a BA degree in Survivors include his Square, and ended his career born in Chattanooga and international studies and wife, three children, two at Westgate Resorts in was a graduate of Rhodes political science. After brothers, his mother, and two Gatlinburg, TN. He loved College. As a CPA, she graduation, Laura remained granddaughters. football and the Dallas started her career at Price in Memphis and began ’69 Harold Davis Powell, Cowboys and especially his Waterhouse in Atlanta. For her corporate career at Jr. of Houston, TX, July best friend, his dog, Lucky. the past 16 years, she was AutoZone, where she worked 17, 2013. He was born to Survivors include his mother the comptroller for Sherman for five years, earning several the late Harold and Mary and two brothers. and Reilly. Her commitment promotions. She and her Powell in Ft. Worth, TX. ’80 Mary Elizabeth to helping others was most husband moved to Austin, Davis graduated from Anderson Davis of Chico, demonstrated by the years she TX, in 2000. Laura soon Arlington Heights High CA, Nov. 3, 2013. Mary was spent volunteering her time joined Freescale (formerly School in 1965 and received born in St. Louis, MO, and at Saint Peter’s School and Motorola) and began a a bachelor of arts degree grew up in Grosse Pointe Church. She is survived by 13-year period of success, from Southwestern (Rhodes Shores, MI, and Kansas her husband, two children, promotions, and accolades College), where he was a City, KS. She graduated and parents. that is ending only due Pi Kappa Theta. He was from Rhodes with a BA ’89 Leslie “Lee” H. to her passing. Survivors married to Dana Adams in English. She was Miss Schilling, Jr. of Atlanta, GA, include her husband James Powell ’68 for 45 years. Davis Southwestern, a homecoming Sept. 4, 2013. He grew up “Jim” D. Wilkerson II ’94; worked more than four queen, and a member of in Atlanta and graduated two children; her parents; decades in sales of oilfield the Rhodes Hall of Fame. from the Lovett School and and a brother. drilling supplies. Most She spent two summers as Rhodes College, where he recently he was marketing/ a student assistant with the was a member of Sigma sales manager at Jindal Saw British Studies program at Alpha Epsilon. Lee was an SPRING 2014 • RHODES { 61 } IN MEMORIAM

’97 Chris Landis of New York and then the Walter N. Cooper and Allie with the Mississippi firm of Nashville, TN, Dec. 14, Curtis Institute of Music in Brown Cooper. He was Watkins Ludlam Winter & 2013. He graduated from Philadelphia. She studied retired from Rhodes College Stennis, P.A., since 1960 and Rhodes College with a degree with Salzedo for years and and was a long-time member focused his law practice in in psychology and received toured extensively with the of Open Door Bible Church. legislative relations, public his master’s degree from Salzedo Ensemble. She was He is survived by his loving finance, environmental the University of Memphis. a founding member of the wife of 75 years, Tiny Sue matters, and governmental He recently began working Memphis Symphonietta, Joyner Cooper; two sons; five law. While a member of with Foundations Recovery which became the Memphis granddaughters; 13 great- the Mississippi House of Nashville as the director Symphony Orchestra. She grandchildren; and one great- Representatives from 1969 of outpatient services. was principal harpist with great-granddaughter. to 1984, Stennis was chair of He previously was with the Memphis Symphony for Louise “Weetie” Bondurant the Banking Committee and Hermitage Hall in Nashville many years. She held the Phillips of Memphis, Jan. 9, the Judiciary Committee, and Lakeside in Memphis. position of harp chair for 2014. She was the widow of and a member of the Ways He is survived by a daughter, the Memphis Symphony Harry J. Phillips, Sr., who and Means and Water his wife, his parents, a sister, Orchestra. She was a member was a former member of the Resources Committees. and his grandparents. of the Symphony League, the Rhodes Board of Trustees, Stennis was an active director ’02 Lance Oswald Renaissance Music Circle, and was a member of the of the Commercial Bank, Williamson of Louisville, the Beethoven Club, and Benefactor’s Circle. A lifelong served as a member of the KY, Oct. 31, 2013. He was Local 71 of the American Memphian, she graduated National Association of Bond a graduate of Kentucky Federation of Musicians. from the Hutchison School Lawyers, and a fellow of the Country Day, where he was a She founded the Memphis and attended Bennett Mississippi Bar Foundation. member of the golf team, and Chapter of the American College. Known by everyone He also served as a trustee attended Rhodes College and Harp Society and served as “Weetie,” she was active of Rhodes College, as a Bellarmine University. He is on its national board. For in the Memphis community. director of the Mississippi survived by his parents, one many years she taught harp She was the 1995 Sustainer of Water Resources Association, brother, and a grandmother. privately and also at the the Year of the Junior League the Mississippi Humanities P’17 Lillian Annette University of Memphis and of Memphis, as well as a Council, the Mississippi Galindo of Southlake, TX, Rhodes College, where she member of the Little Garden Research and Development Aug. 29, 2013. She was born served as a member of the Club and Tuesday Study Council, the Mississippi to Clarence and Lucinda Board of Trustees and was a Club. She served on the Judicial Council, the Jackson Webster in Odessa, TX. member of the Ralph C. Hon boards of the Public Metropolitan Chamber of She enjoyed raising her kids Society. She was a lifelong Broadcasting System, Church Commerce, the Mississippi and watching them grow. member of Lindenwood Health Center, Memphis Heart Association, and the She was a wonderful wife, Christian Church, where she Arts Council, City Beautiful State Capital Law Firm mother, sister, daughter, and was a deaconess and member Commission, and Christian Group, Inc.; and as an friend. She was a teacher for of the Christian Women’s Brothers University. As an advisory member to the nine years in Fort Worth Fellowship. She frequently avid fan of the St Louis Mississippi Legislature’s Independent School District played the harp during Cardinals, she helped Environmental Protection and then she dedicated her worship services. She was a champion the Memphis Council. Stennis served in life to raising a family. She member of the Junior League, Redbirds Foundation to the Mississippi Air National leaves her husband; two Memphis Woman’s Club, bring Triple A baseball Guard for more than 30 daughters, including Natalie and Memphis Book Club. to Memphis. Weetie was years, retiring in federally Galindo ’17; six sisters; and Ruth enjoyed traveling with preceded in death by her recognized general officer two brothers. her husband and family and husband, two sons, and a grade, and as commodore of was an avid fisherman. She grandson. She is survived the Jackson Yacht Club. He Friends of Rhodes is survived by her daughter, by three sons; a sister; 11 was preceded in death by his Ruth Marie Moore Cobb of Elizabeth C. Houston ’75; grandchildren, including wife, Martha Allred Stennis. Memphis, a former Rhodes two sons, Oliver P. Cobb Price Phillips Massey ‘98; Survivors include a son, a trustee, Nov. 29, 2013. III ’76 and Charles P. and 14 great-grandchildren. daughter, and a sister. Ruth graduated from the “Chuck” Cobb, Jr. ’78; six John Hampton Stennis of Hutchison School in 1943 grandchildren, including Jackson, MS, a former trustee and very shortly thereafter Ruth Houston Link ’06 and at Rhodes, in September went to New York City to Horace King Houston III ’12; 2013. He graduated from study harp and music with and two great-grandchildren. Princeton University (BA, Carlos Salzedo, a world- Howard Harris Cooper of 1957) and the University of renowned harpist and Bartlett, former grounds Virginia School of Law (JD, teacher. A gifted musician foreman for Rhodes, Sept. 1960). He was decisions since childhood, she attended 19, 2013. He was born in editor of the Virginia Law the Dalcroze School in Cordova, TN, the son of Review. Stennis was a partner


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Teaming Up to Help St. Jude

Inclement weather may have forced cancellation of the St. Jude Marathon, but that did not dampen the spirits of Team Rhodes. Nor did it seem to negatively impact the collective efforts of various college groups that, together, raised more than $80,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The college’s would-be marathon runners included (front row, left to right) Admission Counselor Chrystal Russell, Makenzie Martin ’15, Campus Visit Data Coordinator Megan Spangler, Miriam Dillard Stroud ’03, Admission Counselor Megan Andrews Starling ’02, Prof. Francesca Tronchin, Kathleen Cates P’17, Coach Jane Wells ’03; (second row) Marci Hendrix ’07, Chaplain Walt Tennyson, former Residence Life staff member Charles Frame, Director of Fellowships Dr. Scott Garner, Mark Hamilton, Justin Starling ’02, Admission Counselor Dan Schrader ’10, Director of New Student Programs Regina Simmons, Coach Mike Clary ’77, Julie Clary ’04. uantifying the value after attending a Heroes dinner the Andrew Tait ’15 of Charlotte, of St. Jude Children’s night before the St. Jude race in NC, raised $1,933.60 by writing QResearch Hospital to the 2012. Both Wells and Simmons have letters to family members, friends, and Rhodes community would pose an dedicated themselves to volunteering mentors. A competitive runner since the impossible task. So, last year, a group at St. Jude every week and to eighth grade, Tait’s strongest motivation of Rhodes community members set participating in the race every year. was the mantra “Cancer does not quit.” out to do the next-best thing: form But they haven’t stopped there— Rhodes alum Rebekah Mulloy a group to band together during the they plan to keep fi ghting for more ’08, a pediatric nurse, has run in the 2013 St. Jude Memphis Marathon donations. As Wells states, “I can’t marathon for fi ve consecutive years. to raise as much money as possible wait to see what we do next year!” “These kids are my heroes,” she says, so she was driven to do more this for the beloved facility. The goal was Among the contributors, the year. She started writing letters to to get 100 people to participate, and Rhodes women’s fi eld hockey team her family and friends and beat her students, faculty, staff, and alums— raised $17,000 of the grand total original goal of $500 by raising a total both runners and non-runners through the efforts of 13 players, three of $2,380 for St. Jude. alike—rose to the challenge. By the coaches, and three alumni players. Sadly, icy streets forced the time of the marathon in December, “It was an amazing experience and I cancelation of the race in December. Team Rhodes had raised $80,480 think we all learned a lot,” says Wells. But at Rhodes, no matter what the through the St. Jude Heroes program. “I could see this event becoming weather, the support for St. Jude remains Women’s Field Hockey Coach a tradition for our team. It was so exceedingly strong. Jane Wells and Regina Simmons, powerful to see how much money we director of new student programs, could raise for such a great cause.” — Lindsay Gess ’17 were inspired to start Team Rhodes

64 SPRING 2014 • RHODES Chris Cardwell ’94

At RHODES, we prove that a liberal arts education provides powerful tools to excel in the real world.

Chris Cardwell ’94 Attorney, Nashville Tennessee Every Rhodes graduate i know wishes all students who are qualifi ed to attend our college get the opportunity to do so. The Campaign for Rhodes is turning this wish into reality. Please join our efforts so that no qualifi ed students miss out on the life changing experiences we shared.

When we combine the accomplishments of alumni with the dreams and ambitions of our current students we can impact the world. For more information on how to support the Campaign, contact Amanda Grebe Tamburrino ’98. (901) 843-3030 | [email protected] 2000 North Parkway Memphis, TN 38112-1690

4 MAGAZINE IN JULY! TO ARRIVE IN ARRIVETO IN LOOK FOR THE THE FOR LOOK YOUR MAILBOX SUMMER ISSUE OF RHODES Attendees of the women’s and men’s basketball matchups with rival Millsaps College on Feb. 7 wereCollege requested President to don their William best E. Troutt’s bow ties 15th year in celebration at the helm. A student of Rhodes group called The Pack, whose goalorganized is to increase the event, support called for the PTroutt-Outt athletics night. programs, The festive occasion drew dapper students, faculty, staff, and Leroy Lynx together to cheer on the teams.