SUBJECT INDEX Al Page Page Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 : 2106 "A Tribute to Mickey Leland", film Agent Orange, settlement payments, distribution 1794 exclusion from Federal means- Abortion: tested programs.. 1795 Departments of Commerce, Justice, Agricultural Act of 1949, and State, the Judiciary, and amendments...563, 579, 581, 587, 1876, Related Agencies Appropriations 1882, 2106-2108, 2110 Act, 1990 988 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, amendments 1878 and Related Agencies Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, Appropriations Act, 1990 1159 amendments 586, 781 District of Columbia Appropriations Agricultural Credit Act of 1978, Act, 1990 1267 amendments 586 Foreign Operations, Export Agricultural Reconciliation Act of Financing, and Related Programs 1989 2106 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Agriculture and Agricultural Support for East European Democracy Commodities: (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 See also Animals. Treasury, Postal Service and General Crops— Government Appropriations Act, Feed Grains 2106 1990 783 Oats 563,1876 Act to Prevent Pollution from , Orchards 564,1876 amendments 1910 Payments 564,780,1857,2106 Adoption, National Defense Peanuts 564,1876 Authorization Act for Fiscal Years Planting and acreage base 563,564 1990 and 1991 1352 Safflower 2106 Adult Care. See Health and Medical Soybeans 564,2106 Care. 564 Adult Education Act, amendments 55 Sunflower 2106 Advisory Council on Historic Dairy products, price supports, Preservation, reauthorization 180 adjustments 9,2106 Afghanistan: Department of Defense Foreign Operations, Export Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Financing, and Related Programs Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 564 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Everglades National Park Protection National Defense Authorization Act and Expansion Act of 1989 1946 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Foreign Operations, Export Africa: Financing, and Related Programs Foreign Operations, Export Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 International Development and International Development and Finance Act of 1989 2492 Finance Act of 1989 2492 International Narcotics Control Act of African Development Bank Act, 1989 1954 amendments 2519 Support for East European Democracy African Development Foundation Act, (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 amendments 1209 AIDS: African Development Fund Act, Departments of Labor, Health and amendments 2519 Human Services, and Education, Age Discrimination in Employment and Related Agencies Act of 1967, amendments 2233 Appropriations Act, 1990 1159 Aged Persons: Domestic Volunteer Service Act Department of Housing and Urban Amendments of 1989 1806 Development Reform Act of Drug Abuse Treatment Technical 1989 1987 Corrections Act of 1989 603 Domestic Volunteer Service Act Aircraft and Air Carriers: Amendments of 1989 1806 Collision avoidance systems, Medicare Catastrophic Coverage installation and evaluation 2060 Repeal Act of 1989 1979 Department of Transportation and Family Investment Plan, Related Agencies Appropriations food stamp authorization 1796 Act, 1990 1069 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 3-1040; Part 2 contains pages 1041-2098; Part 3 contains pages 2099-3170. Each part contains entire Subject and Individual Indexes. A2 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page Aircraft and Air Carriers—Continued International Development and Dire Emergency Supplemental Finance Act of 1989 2492 Appropriations and Transfers, Animals: Urgent Supplemental, and Department of Defense Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 of 1989 97 Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 564 Airport and Airway Improvement Act Wilderness Protection Act of of 1982, amendments 181, 2061 1989 1784 Airports: Rural Development, Agriculture, and Noise Reduction Reimbursement Act Related Agencies Appropriations of 1989 181 Act, 1990 951 Virginia, land conveyance and disposal 2060 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, , land conveyance 81 amendments...603, 606, 608, 609, 611, 612, Alaska: 998, 1005, 1006, 1029, 1826, 1827 Department of Transportation and Anti-Terrorism and Arms Export Related Agencies Appropriations Amendments Act of 1989 1892 Act, 1990 1069 Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer Ethics Reform Act of 1989 1716 and Authorization Act of 1989 168 Interior and related agencies Appropriation Acts: appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 [Note: For amendments to previously Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages: enacted appropriations acts, see Department of Defense specific titles.] Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Commerce Department, 1990 988 Dire Emergency Supplemental Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations and Transfers, Departments, the Judiciary, and Urgent Supplementals, and related agencies, 1990 988 Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Congressional operations, 1990 1041 of 1989 97 Continuing, 1990 638,775,934 Drug Abuse Treatment Technical Defense Department, 1990 1112 Corrections Act of 1989 603 District of Columbia, 1990 1267 Steel Trade Liberalization Program Education Department, 1990 1179 Implementation Act 1886 Aliens: Energy and water development, Department of Defense 1990 641 Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Executive Office, 1990 790 Departments of Commerce, Justice, Foreign operations, export financing, and State, the Judiciary, and and related programs, 1990 1195 Related Agencies Appropriations Health and Human Services Act, 1990 988 Department, 1990 1166 Foreign Operations, Export Independent agencies, 1990 794,839 Financing, and Related Programs Interior and related agencies, 1990 701 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Judiciary, 1990 1010 Immigration Nursing Relief Act of Justice Department, 1990 995 1989 2099 Labor Department, 1990 1159 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Labor, Health and Human Services, 1989 2106 and Education Departments, and Alternative Mortgage Transactions related agencies, 1990 1159 Parity Act of 1982, amendments 438 Legislative branch, 1990 1041 American Folklife Center, Military construction, 1990 920 appropriation authorization 637 Postal Service, 1990 790 American Folklife Preservation Act, Rural development, agriculture, and amendments 637 American Samoa, Fair Labor related agencies, 1990 951 Standards Amendments of 1989 938 State Department, 1990 1006 Angola: Supplemental, 1990 97,1792 Dire Emergency Supplemental Transportation and related agencies, Appropriations and Transfers, 1990 1069 Urgent Supplementals, and Treasury Department, 1990 783 Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Treasury Department, Postal Service ^i of 1989 97 and general Government, 1990 783 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions l^ing established which cite to pages where they actually appear. SUBJECT INDEX A3 Page Page Veterans Affairs and Housing and International Narcotics Control Act of Urban Development 1989 1954 Departments, £ind independent National Defense Authorization Act agencies, 1990 839 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 , Interior and related agencies Arts and Humanities, Interior and appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 related agencies appropriations, Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act of fiscal year 1990 701 1988, amendments 82 Asian Development Bank Act, : amendments 2518,2519 Emmett Sanders Lock and Dam, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, designation 1953 amendments , 1684 Treasury, Postal Service and Genered Aviation: Government Appropriations Act, See also Aircraft and Air Carriers. 1990 783 Civil penalty assessment Armed Forces: demonstration program, Coast Guard Authorization Act of extension 2060 1989 1908 Department of Defense Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Awards. See Decorations, Medals, Ethics Reform Act of 1989 1716 Awards. Former uniformed service members, temporary census positions, pay B and benefits exemption 593 Intelligence Authorization Act, Fiscal Bahrain, Foreign Operations, Export Year 1990 1701 Financing, and Related Programs International Narcotics Control Act of Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 1989 1954 Balanced Budget and Emergency Maritime Administration, Deficit Control Act of 1985, appropriation authorization 691 amendments 437,1881 MUitary construction 920 Bank Conservation Act, amendments...441- National Defense Authorization Act 443, 445, 446 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, National Defense Reserve Fleet 693 amendments.... 408-411, 461, 475, 481, 546 Navy— Bank Holding Company Act USSEdson, Intrepid -Air-Space Amendments of 1970, Museum, NY, transfer 138 amendments 461, 473 Drydock, FL, transfer 45 Bank Protection Act of 1968, Landing dock, lease authority 1291 amendments 439, 478 Support for East European Democracy Banks and Banking: (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 Financial Institutions Reform, Veterans' Benefits Amendments of Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 2062 1989 183 Vietnam women's memorial, DC, Foreign Operations, Export location 1350 Financing, and Related Programs Arms Control and Disarmament Act, Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 amendments 1853-1855 International Development and Arms Control and Disarmament Finance Act of 1989 2492 Amendments Act of 1989 1853 National Consumer Cooperative Bank Arms Export Control Act, Amendments of 1989 1832 amendments...ll50, 1152, 1235, 1892, Support for East European Democracy 1896, 1899, 1957 (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 Arms and Munitions: Biomedical Research Facilities, Anti-Terrorism and Arms Export construction 1691 Amendments Act of 1989 1892 Birds: Department of Defense Interior and related agencies Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 Dire Emergency Supplemental North American Wetlands Appropriations and Transfers, Conservation Act 1968 Urgent Supplemental, and Northern spotted owls, protection 701 Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Blind Persons. See Handicapped of 1989 97 Persons.

NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established which cite to pages where they actually appear. A4 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page : : Foreign Operations, Export Department of Defense Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Department of Transportation and International Narcotics Control Act of Related Agencies Appropriations 1989 1954 Act, 1990 1069 Bonds. See Securities. Dire Emergency Supplemental , naval landing ship dock, lease Appropriations and Transfers, authority 1291 Urgent Supplemental, and Bretton Woods Agreements Act, Correcting Enrollment Errors Act amendments 2500, 2518, 2519 of 1989 97 Bridges: Fiscal Year 1990 Dire Emergency Dire Emergency Supplemental Supplemental to Meet the Needs Appropriations and Transfers, of Natural Disasters of National Urgent Supplemental, and Significance 775 Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Immigration Nursing Relief Act of of 1989 97 1989 2099 Energy and Water Development National Defense Authorization Act Appropriations Act, 1990 641 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Buildings and Grounds. See Public Treasury, Postal Service and General Buildings and Grounds. Government Appropriations Act, Business and Industry: 1990 783 See also Commerce and Trade; Small Cambodia: Business. Foreign Operations, Export Department of Defense Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Department of Housing and Urban National Defense Authorization Act Development Reform Act of for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 1989 1987 Canada: Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 564 Coast Guard Authorization Act of Discriminatory employee benefit 1989 1908 plans, reinstatement of North American Wetlands nondiscrimination rules 830 Conservation Act 1968 Executive exchange program, Cattle. See Animals. extension 595 Cemeteries, Veterans' Benefits Fair Labor Standards Amendments of Amendments of 1989 2062 1989 938 Census, Federal annuitants and former International Development and uniformed service members, pay Finance Act of 1989 2492 and benefit exemptions 593 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of : 1989 2106 See also specific countries; Renewable Energy and Energy America. Efficiency Technology Bipartisan accord, implementation 37 Competitiveness Act of 1989 1859 Civil assistance 1852 Steel Trade Liberalization Program Foreign Operations, Export Implementation Act 1886 Financing, and Related Programs Support for East European Democracy Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 Central Intelligence Agency Act of Business Opportunity Development 1949, amendments 1704, 1705, 1711 Reform Act of 1988, amendments...70, Central Intelligence Agency 73-76 Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Business Opportunity Development Employees, amendments...l703, 1707, Reform Act Technical Corrections Act 70 1711 Butter. See Dairy Products. Charities, meat and poultry products, distribution 1829 Chemicals: Interior and related agencies Cabras Island, Compact of Free appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 Association with , National Defense Authorization Act ' implementation 1870 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established which cite to pages where they actually appear. SUBJECT INDEX A5 Page Page Child Abuse Prevention Challenge Foreign Operations, Export Grants Reauthorization Act of Financing, and Related Programs 1989 764 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Child Abuse Prevention and International Development and Treatment Act, amendments...764-768, Finance Act of 1989 2492 1937 Child Care. See Day Care. Jubilee Activities, pledge of Child Nutrition Act of 1966, allegiance, centennial observance 598 amendments...891, 893, 894, 905, 911-913, Civic Achievement Award Program, 916-918 Office of Speaker of the House of Child Nutrition and WIC Representatives, appropriation Reauthorization Act of 1989 877 authorization 698 Child Support Enforcement Civil Liberties Act of 1988, Amendments of 1984, amendments 1005 amendments 2453 Civil Rights Commission Children With Disabilities Temporary Reauthorization Act of 1989 1325 Care Reauthorization Act of Claims: 1989 770 [See also Individual Index for specific Children and Youth: names.] Child Abuse Prevention Challenge Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer Grants Reauthorization Act of and Authorization Act of 1989 168 1989 764 Attorney General, settlement Department of Defense authority, increase 1805 Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Coast Guard Authorization Act of Departments of Labor, Health and 1989 1908 Human Services, and Education, Duty drawbacks, prohibition 1876 and Related Agencies Ethics Reform Act of 1989 1716 Appropriations Act, 1990 1159 Financial Institutions Reform, District of Columbia Appropriations Recovery, and Enforcement Act of Act, 1990 1267 1989 183 District of Columbia Civil Contempt Foreign Operations, Export Imprisonment Limitation Act of Financing, and Related Programs 1989 633 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Domestic Volunteer Service Act Amendments of 1989 1806 Interior and related agencies Drug Abuse Treatment Technical appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 Corrections Act of 1989 603 Nevada Wilderness Protection Act of Drug-Free Schools and Communities 1989 1784 Act Amendments of 1989 1928 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Financial Institutions Reform, 1989 2106 Recovery, and Enforcement Act of Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement 1989 183 Act of 1989 83 Foreign Operations, Export Support for East European Democracy Financing, and Related Programs (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Clara Barton Parkway, MD and DC, Head Start Supplemental designation 1296 Authorization Act of 1989 700 ClassiHed Information: Minnesota Family Investment Plan, Computer Matching and Privacy food stamp authorization 1796 Protection Act Amendments of National Defense Authorization Act 1989 149 for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Ethics Reform Act of 1989 1716 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Financial Institutions Reform, 1989 2106 Recovery, and Enforcement Act of , Foreign Operations, Export 1989 183 Financing, and Related Programs Foreign Operations, Export Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Financing, and Related Programs : Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Departments of Commerce, Justice, Intelligence Authorization Act, Fiscal and State, the Judiciary, and Year 1990 1701 Related Agencies Appropriations Interior and related agencies Act, 1990 988 appropriations, fiscal year 1990 701 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed suid boards or commissions being established which cite to pages where they actually appear. A6 SUBJECT INDEX Page Page ClassiHed Information—Continued Departments of Commerce, Justice, National Defense Authorization Act and State, the Judiciary, and for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Related Agencies Appropriations Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Act, 1990 988 1989 2106 Departments of Labor, Health and Treasury, Postal Service and General Human Services, and Education, Government Appropriations Act, and Related Agencies 1990 783 Appropriations Act, 1990 1159 Whistleblower Protection Act of Dire Emergency Supplemental 1989 16 Appropriations and Transfers, Clayton Act, amendments 529 Urgent Supplementals, and Clothing. See Commerce and Trade. Correcting Enrollment Errors Act Coast Guard. See Uniformed Services. of 1989 97 Coast Guard Authorization Act of District of Columbia Appropriations 1989 1908 Act, 1990 1267 Coins, bicentennial of the Congress Legislative Branch Appropriations commemorative coin, first strike Act, 1990 1041 ceremony 69 : Minnesota Family Investment Plan, Foreign Operations, Export food stamp authorization 1796 Financing, and Related Programs Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 1989 2106 International Narcotics Control Act of Renewable Energy and Energy 1989 1954 Efficiency Technology Colorado: Competitiveness Act of 1989 1859 National Defense Authorization Act Community Development: for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 1352 Department of Housing and Urban Rocky Mountain National Park, Development Reform Act of boundary revision 1700 1989 1987 Treasury, Postal Service and General Domestic Volunteer Service Act Government Appropriations Act, Amendments of 1989 1806 1990 783 Rural development loans, extension 1876 Commerce and Trade: Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, See also Business and Industry. amendments 440, 526, 527 Business Opportunity Development Compact of Free Association with Reform Act Technical Corrections Palau, implementation 1870 Act 70 Compacts Between States: Coast Guard Authorization Act of - Boundary 1989 1908 Compact, congressional consent 1328 Foreign Operations, Export Southeast Interstate Low-Level Financing, and Related Programs Radioactive Waste Compact Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 Amendments Consent Act of Local Rail Service Reauthorizing 1989 1289 Act 1843 Computer Matching and Privacy Plants, commercial products, Protection Act of 1988, fundamental and applied amendments 149, 150 research 1876 Quarterly financial report program, Computer Matching and Privacy extension 1943 Protection Act Amendments of Rural Development, Agriculture, and 1989 149 Related Agencies Appropriations Computers, Department of Defense Act, 1990 951 Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Steel Trade Liberalization Program Concurrent Resolutions: Implementation Act 1886 Association of Southeast Asian Support for East European Democracy Nations, Vietnamese refugees 2556 (SEED) Act of 1989 1298 Burma, democratic reforms 2563 Communications Act of 1934, Canadian Parliament, U.S. Capitol amendments 1192, 1193, 2124, 2131 visit 2563 Communications and Central America, abrogation of Telecommunications: Nicaraguan ceasefire 2566 Department of Defense . •'»! ; Chaney, Goodman, and Schwemer Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 Day, designation 2559 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established which cite to pages where they actually appear. SUBJECT INDEX A7 Page Page Claude Pepper, lying in state in Presidential inauguration, Capitol Capitol rotunda 2555 rotunda ceremonies 2531 Congress— Publications, printing— Adjournment...2532, 2533, 2536, 2537, "Black in Congress" 2578 2554,2560,2561,2580 "Collection of tribute statements to Joint Committee of the Congress on Representative Claude Denson the Library, designation of Pepper 2558 member 2536 "How Our Laws Are Made" 2578 Joint session 2531,2532 "Inaugural addresses of the Constitution, the first Congress, Presidents of the United George Washington's States 2559 inauguration, and the Bill of "Origins of the House of Rights proposal, two-hundredth Representatives: A anniversaries 2537 Documentary Record" 2578 Council of , fortieth "The U.S. Capitol: A Brief anniversary celebration 2538 Architectural History" 2578 Dalai Lama, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize "Women in Congress" 2577 recipient 2562 Sudan, famine relief and peace Days of Remembrance of Victims of activities 2534 the Holocaust, Capitol rotunda Congressional Gift of ceremony 2538 Democracy to Poland Enrolled bills, corrections, etc.— Resolution 2565 Departments of Labor, Health and Universal Postal Union, welcome to Human Services, and the Nation's Capital 2567 Education, and Related Vietnam, release and emigration of Agencies Appropriations Act, political prisoners 2557 1990 (H.R. 3566) 2579 Congress: Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (H.R. See also Concurrent Resolutions. 3660) 2572 Bicentennial of the Congress Fair Labor Standards Amendments commemorative coin, first strike of 1989 (H.R. 2710) 2569 ceremony 69 Harpers Ferry National Historical Civic Achievement Award Program, Park, WV, land conveyance (S. Office of Speaker of the House of 85) 2562 Representatives, appropriation Medicare Catastrophic Coverage authorization 698 Repeal Act of 1989 (H.R. 3607) 2581 Ethics Reform Act of 1989 1716 National Defense Authorization Act Law enforcement personnel, for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 expression of gratitude 51 (H.R. 2461) 2570 Legislative salary increase, Renewable Energy and Energy disapproval 3 Efficiency Technology One Hundred First, convening of Competitiveness Act of 1989 (S. second session 1945 488) 2580 Conservation: Federal budget, fiscal years 1990- See a&o Environmental Protection; 1992 2540 Historic Preservation. Gallaudet University, special Department of Defense Olympics torch relay 2539 Appropriations Act, 1990 1112 International Ladies' Garment Departments of Commerce, Justice, Workers' Union Health Center, and State, the Judiciary, and seventy-fifth anniversary Related Agencies Appropriations commemoration 2579 Act, 1990 988 Malta, twenty-fifth independence Dire Emergency Supplemental anniversary 2568 Appropriations and Transfers, National League of Families POW/ Urgent Supplemental, and MIA flag, Capitol rotunda Correcting Enrollment Errors Act ceremonies 2533 of 1989 97 1993 Summer World University Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 564 Games 2555 Energy policy, extension 132 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, human Foreign Operations, Export rights and humanitarian Financing, and Related Programs contributions 2569 Appropriations Act, 1990 1195 NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law except for acts being amended or repealed and boards or commissions being established which cite to peiges where they actually appear.