and Gardens of southern

Castles and Gardens Your Detailed Itinerary of southern Scotland free!) magnificent views of the towerhouse. View from the outside Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 rolling Borders countryside from the only. Take the B712 south east for restored ramparts of Hume . Dawyck Botanic Garden. From From Prestwick take the coast road, Divert from the A75 for Continue east via , taking Minor roads here also lead on to Dawyck, there is a choice of the A719, A77 by way of Culzean , with the distinctive the coastal B725 to visit Mellerstain, another large crosscountry routes westwards for Castle southwards through Girvan, outline of MacLellan’s Castle on the Castle. This is a countryhouse set in imposing Prestwick, including the A72/A73 then continuing south to discover town skyline. This 16th-century moated medieval fortress of a grounds. via Biggar, then the A70 via some of the fine gardens around work is transitional, showing the unique triangular design. Continue Muirkirk and Cumnock. the ‘hammerhead’ of the Rinns of changing priorities of the time – the coastal route to Gretna, taking Galloway, including Logan Botanic from defensive needs to comfort the A7/B6357/B6399 for Garden. Contrasting with the and prestige. Kirkcudbright has a in its lonely Day 5 grand themes and vistas of Castle fascinating artistic heritage thanks setting in the hills. Then continue Continue to go west, with a Kennedy Gardens, smaller-scale to its connections to the artists’ north for Hawick and Jedburgh, possible diversion north along the planting schemes such as group known as ‘The Glasgow with Monteviot House Gardens A68 for . The Gardens and Glenwhan Gardens Boys’, notably EA Hornel. Visit his nearby. These attractive riverside magnificent castle here has a offer plenty for the enthusiast. They former home, Broughton House, gardens have a terrace, rose history going back to the 13th are also reminders of the gentle which also features a garden with garden, herbaceous garden, century, with extensive climate and mild airs enjoyed by some Japanese elements. From pinetum and water garden. re-modelling and extensions taking the area, especially appreciated by Kirkcudbright, go north-east for place over the centuries. a range of southern hemisphere and , Alternatively, head for Melrose with plants to be seen in gardens here, on an island in the river. (Ring the Day 4 nearby Abbotsford, Sir Walter as well as rhododendrons and bell and the boatman will take you Scott’s mansion and Priorwood Head for Kelso to visit Floors azaleas. After exploring some of across.) Also within easy reach is Garden, specialising in flowers for Castle, then take A698 east for the gardens here, go east on the Threave Garden. Continue east drying, within Melrose itself, next to Coldstream and The Hirsel Estate. The information contained in this publication is as supplied A75 for the Newton Stewart area. for Dalbeattie, then take the the Abbey. From the Melrose area, to VisitScotland and to the best of VisitScotland’s knowledge The parkland gardens here are is correct at the time of going to press. VisitScotland can coastal loop to Dumfries. follow the valley of the River Tweed accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Journey noted for their rhododendrons in westwards by the A72. Kailzie times and frequency are accurate at the time of going to spring. Turn north by A6112 for print but may be subject to change. April 2015. Gardens lies on the south side of VisitScotland is committed to ensuring that our natural Manderston, a magnificent the river, between Innerleithen and environment and built heritage, upon which tourism is so Edwardian residence near the town dependent, is safeguarded for future generations to enjoy. , close to House. Cover: , near Dumfries © Paul Tomkins, of Duns. Then go west on the On a commanding riverside site just VisitScotland/Scottish Viewpoint A6105. A short diversion to the west of Peebles, is Additional photography: National Trust for Scotland south means you can enjoy (for an imposing 14th-century L-plan To search over 7,000 quality assured For information, inspiration and more accommodations, from bed and breakfasts itineraries online check out: to castles go to: Spend time in the South of Scotland and you will soon be struck by the choice of gardens to visit, especially in Galloway, where the mildness from the Gulf Stream encourages adventurous gardening. Meanwhile, the old days of Border warfare and conflict are reflected by a legacy of castles and fortresses. Castles and Gardens Some of these, in turn, developed into the stately homes and mansions which delight today’s visitors. of southern Scotland 13-CASTLES_GARDENS_SOUTH_S_MAP_FINAL.pdf 1 3/17/2015 10:47:53 AM SANDAY ROUSAY A966 Eday © MFAtech Maps STRONSAY A967 1 A986 Kirkwall [email protected] Stromness A965 ORKNEY +44 (0) 207 871 1332 A964 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 A960 St Margaret’s Hope 0 12.5 25 50 Kilometers HOY A961SOUTH Burwick RONALDSAY 0 5 10 20 30 40 Miles Gills Bay abster Durness Scr A836 John o’ Groats Melvich LOGAN BOTANIC GARDEN – An Port of Ness Bettyhill Thurso outstation of ’s Royal Botanic A857 A99 Tongue Gardens and especially noted for its A838 A882 Arnol Wick collections of Australasian tree-ferns, A836 Scourie cabbage palms and other tender species. A858 Stornoway A894 Altnaharra A99 A866 h Callanish c A897 n LEWIS i A894 Dunbeath M Lochinver A859 2 e Loch h Shin A9 Helmsdale T Lairg A835 A839 A839 Brora Castles and Gardens Tarbert A837 HARRIS Mellon Udrigle Golspie A868 Ullapool SCALPAY of southern Scotland Aultbea A949 c h Dornoch Leverburgh i n A836 BERNERAY M Poolewe Tain e Otternish t l Gairloch i t t h Lossiemouth L A832 A835 i r Lochmaddy Cromarty F Cullen Fraserburgh A867 a y A941 Buckie Banff Macduff NORTH Uig A855 o r GARDENS – The Achnasheen Dingwall A832 M Forres A990 Gardenstown UIST Torridon A896 Nairn Elgin A95 A98 grand gardens here were laid out by the 2nd A87 Strathpeffer A96 Fochabers A981 BENBECULA North A941 A90 Earl of Stair. He was a military commander A850 A890 Muir of Ord Kessock A940 Keith A97 Turriff Dunvegan Beauly Craigellachie A947 A950 and used troops to build the mounds, Portree A890 A948 A865 RAASAY INVERNESS ALLEYA95 A952 Peterhead Lochcarron A82 Daviot A920 avenues and terraces which are a feature of A863 A833 A939 Dufftown Huntly SKYE Sconser Kyle of A9 the design. Carbost A831 Grantown- SPEY V Ellon SOUTH Lochalsh Drumnadrochit on-Spey A95 A941 A920 A975 A87 Urquhart A96 A920 UIST Glenelg Castle Carrbridge A938 Inverurie A97 A90 Lochboisdale Broadford Shiel Bridge Loch Boat of Garten Tomintoul Alford C Kylerhea 3 A851 A87 A887 Ness Aviemore A939 Isle of Eriskay Elgol A944 A944 ABERDEEN Canna Fort Augustus Kincraig A9 A980 M Armadale Kingussie Aboyne A888 Invergarry Newtonmore Castlebay BARRA Rum Mallaig Ralia Ballater Banchory Y Braemar Crathie A90 A86 A889 A957 Eigg Arisaig Spean Bridge Cairngorms Stonehaven CM Muck A830 A82 Loch National ParkGlenshee A90 Ardnamurchan A861 Loch A93 Fort William Ericht Blair MY Shiel Edzell Acharacle Atholl Spittal of Corran Kinloch Glenshee Coll Laga Bruar A924 A937 BROUGHTON HOUSE AND GARDEN Kilchoan Glencoe Rannoch Brechin CY Strontian Pitlochry Kirriemuir Montrose This garden contains many features designed Tobermory Drimnin Ballachulish A934 A884 Aberfeldy A926 by the artist EA Hornel, whose home and A848 A828 CMY Tiree Lochaline A826 A923 Glamis A933 studio was here. The influence of his visits to Fishnish A827 Dunkeld A928 Loch Tay Blairgowrie Arbroath A15 Japan can be seen in plants and design. K MULL Craignure Lismore Tyndrum Killin A923 DUNDEE A822 A94 Carnoustie A849 Oban A930 A85 h A85 Lochearnhead PERTH Iona Crianlaric A85 Scone Loch A85 A919 Fionnphort A816 Awe Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Crieff Seil Loch Earn A822 A913 St Andrews Luing A819 National Park A917 Auchterarder Cupar 4 Inveraray A83 A82 Callander A9 A816 A823 A916 Crail A821 A84 M90 Glenrothes Ardgartan Dunblane A917 Anstruther A83 Tarbet A81 Kinross A814 Aberfoyle M9 A91 Leven Colonsay JURA Crinan A815 Loch Lomond A811 A92 r t h o Alva Fi f Fo A886 Drymen Dunfermline Kirkcaldy r t h Lochgilphead A817 A875 Burntisland North Berwick Helensburgh STIRLINGBo'nessRosyth A880 Balloch A198 Dunbar ISLAY Dunoon Gourock EDINBURGH A846 Colintraive Dumbarton Falkirk M9 A1087 Greenock M80 Linlithgow Haddington Port Askaig Rhubodach M8 M8 Feolin Tarbert Portavadie Wemyss Bay Old Craighall A1 M8 M8 Coatbridge Dalkeith Kennacraig Rothesay A78 Paisley Penicuik Newtongrange Eyemouth A6112 A847 Bowmore Claonaig A844 Largs GLASGOW Roslin A1 THREAVE GARDEN – The conservation Motherwell A6Manderston8 A846 Bute A760 A702 7 agency the National Trust for Scotland run a Millport Hamilton A706 A6105 Berwick-upon-Tweed Gigha A83 A737 M77 A703 A7 gardening school here, which ensures the Lochranza A78 Lanark A701 Mellerstain A698 Port Ellen Tayinloan Ardrossan A721 Peebles plantings are always evolving and changing. ARRAN Kilmarnock A71 M74 Galashiels A6089 8 Irvine A72 A698 Coldstream Spring daffodils are a famous feature. Carradale Brodick DawyckBiggar A699 Troon Botanic 10 Melrose Kelso A1 A841 Mauchline A701 9 6 Prestwick AbingtonGarden Selkirk Ayr A70 Traquair A70 Hawick A698 Jedburgh A697 Campbeltown A76 Wanlockhead House A719 A77 A74(M) Sanquhar A708 A6088 5 Maybole A76 A702 A7 A1 A77 Moffat HermitageA68 Girvan 5 A1068 Ballycastle A713 Thornhill Castle

A702 A76 A701 Castle M74 Langholm E N G L A N D A68 A696 A714 A709 Lockerbie A77Kennedy ThreaveA712 Dumfries A7 Gretna Gardens A712Hawick A75 NEWCASTLE Garden A75 Green N O R T H E R N Newton Stewart Castle New UPON TYNE Douglas Abbey A69 2 Gatehouse 4 Gretna A69 A75 A762 Dalbeattie Larne A751 of Fleet A194(M) A75 A711 A710 Carlisle HERMITAGE CASTLE – 14th-century I R E L A N D A77 A75 A689 A755 Hermitage Castle is not only in an atmospheric A746 Kirkcudbright A716 A747 A596 M6 A167 setting, but is associated with a 50-mile ride Broughton HouseA595 Whithorn 3 A686 which Mary Queen of Scots undertook there and Garden A6 A689 Logan Botanic Garden A689 from Jedburgh, to see her lover. 1 Mull Of A591 A592 BELFAST Galloway M6 A66 A688 A1(M)

6 7 8 9 10

FLOORS CASTLE – Home of the Duke of MANDERSTON – Sometimes described as MELLERSTAIN – A Georgian mansion with art – Sometimes DAWYCK BOTANIC GARDEN – Large-scale Roxburghe, this large and sumptuous house the ‘swansong’ of the countryhouse this late collection and period furniture. Extensively described as the oldest inhabited house in plantings in one of Britain’s finest woodland holds extensive collections of art, tapestries (Edwardian) design exhibits great opulence landscaped grounds and terraced gardens offer Scotland, 12th-century Traquair has been gardens – superb arboretum with 300 year old and porcelain. including its unique silver staircase. Extensive an open vista to a parkland lake. visited by 27 Scottish monarchs. There is also trees, including some of Britain’s tallest. Winding formal and woodland gardens. an onsite brewery. walks, excellent autumn colours and also spring rhododendron displays.