Monday, December 11, 191 J DETR 0I T KVEN 1X C, TIM E S (THOSE CHERRY SSOOJ PAGE 17 808 TALES Demotions and Firings MR. ZERO THWARTS Joyce, Rodak By 808 MURPHY Clash Ist Time Sports Editor Face Wings After lie RED WING STAR Tonight kJurphy Is Going to If Joyce Lives Up to Point Picked Up Here Arena to See If It's So His Manager's Build* TONIGHT’S ( \RD i What George Says up He's Some Kid By Bruins Give if i »' <-«, ligh»**i*ht». n,..r\, ln«i , 10 ' Hrrn.- OnUtti'r*. r>»tr':*, v* lon IZZY LOST ON A '>().:>« SHOT Them Ist Place T «n*p«r. nt., Pnitlm- r* 10 round*. f**’ner- ».iicht ». R f .ri m B/»ltimnr» v« Tommy By H. R. T< .rr- ?> r and* You will find us at Arena Gardens tonight for one reason LEWIS WALTER H.l Hi « iM-troi' S uns r»'n? 0 1 p#t - it s r und« fM'h^rwfigie*. only. We want to see if one Willie Joyce, Chicago Negro light- It's on in Boston today for the bt'Otl, f Jr w W F-. re Ua'.iano R.unnm r*. v» h.ddie weight, can fight just one-tenth as well as his manager, big Detroii Red Wings to play the Detroit, b round*, liKniw-'iulu*. George Trafton. says he can fight. league leading again Mr. Trafton is the best fistic spellbindei to hit our town in tomorrow night. But if Manager By CLAVTOX HKI’LKR many a day. Hr can give it to you in a deep basso or high Jack Aslams doesn’t change his Only basis of comparison be- soprano, all depending on how you want your pre-fight hip, hip mind, some of the Detroit hockey tween Willie Joyce and Leo Rodak hooray. players mav soon be holding one- is their showing against a common way tickets to Indianapolis. Mon- opponent, for these two light- Umiak, Ind., goes Joyce meets Ivco of Gary, who straight ti ea! or Toronto instead of round weights have never met. from Detroit to take his pjace with the b'nited States marines. trip tickets with the Detroit p;.K’h has fought Aldo Sjmldi in Right away you are inclined to rate Rodak a fighting man. And hockey club. recent months, Rodak gaining a the fact that hr comes firftn the home town of Tom Harmon and Adam l-' team is still unbeaten decision and a draw in two meet- on home ice thi* eight ing ' ls, "! * decision. season after * \ w Joyce Tom Kuzma, a couple of lads who can play on my foof ball team \ I 1 '' ,i i'i'/i i'i i ganie> but be j< holding his aching Which would indicate that Rodak any time, any plate well, there‘s nothing wrong with Mr. head in his hands and threatening might have r slight edge lomght Kodak's athletic background. trades and demotions to the farm when they meet in one of the club her ;iiin* the Red Wings played feature 10-round bouts at Arena a 1 to ] tie with the Boston Bruins Gardens. He’s Rated No. 2 Already la*t night before a crowd of 10.635 at Olympia KODAK LEFT OFF “Kay Robinson turned down Ift per rent to keep from Now thank* to the tie with De- Joyce, however, was included in troit and Toronto's timely defeat of logical contestants when fighting Joyce,’’ Mr. Trafton was telling us. “He i»* a cinch to the list by Chicago, the Bruins are alone the National Boxing Association win the lightweight title, lie's rated No. 2 now. you know.” in first place for the first time this crew up plans for a lightweight Incidentally, there is a little story back of Trafton’s acquire- season The Huh that started out BBBp J^B tournament to determine a nevv ment of Joyce worth mentioning. with four defeat-, including a 3-0 champion to succeed Sammy An- by Detroit, has come IBpk The last time Izzy Klein, former trainer of Barney Ross, gott, recently retired. Rodak was steaming hack with only one de- jBHHp Wk off, although he defeated Joe others, found holding and :: left among was in town we him his head feat in lli games. The tie with aa* ' JB Peralta, Slugger White and Maxie moaning very painfully. Detroit jMit ’ fresh young- ''*¦ B|i zwßffl Shapiro and drew with Chester “What do yon think happens to me.” explains Mr. Klein. sters and hustling old-timers up Rico, all of whom were named there at last the Wings are “I haw two lightweights—f‘etc Lcllo and Willie Joyce. They while contenders. in fourth place three points or 0 That's all been changed now, are among the two best lightweights anywhere. game away. and a half for J. Hettche has obtained can't they the same John “I match them because are in stable. ADXMS ASKS WHY permission to sanction this bout No I decide to let one go with the idea of making future as the of the tournament. - first Discounting the all oip game matches. So I sell Joyce to Trafton for S3OO. And it's entirely possible that Ro- Detroit p!a>ed in losing by a goal uak will carry Joyce's hopes with B “\nd the old hoodoo happened again. The fighter I sold at Toronto, previous night. the into the Marines, for the V'orncd out to he the bc«t of the two. Now I’m afraid to match Adams seeks some other reason him bHp Polish lad leaves for active duty •) for and lack '*• V •• * ragged play « , .. - •* . */ •' • ' « » • against grabbed Detroit's -4. . sTWtIIM.S Kdgar Briskin'* 677 from 213- weighed vv l, w i Dolly, n perfectly marked 6- Boston, who ha* all the earmark*' derision over Carmen Notch of Big Gawgc, who 150 then, was center for Oak Park v* PLAYS NO F \VORITES | is 11 P' 2 V i’» of a coming champion. Rickey, 232-232 is a feature today of F.ast- Pittsburgh. Willie was also giving High to Field, P.k ,ir. » ?*i IT .Nx'iirn’ 2‘i 22 month-old lic*tr»n terrier jKjppy, School and his outfit journeyed Grinley then h breeder, away gave Bnmsek stopped a half dozen I'tirdf T.-"iTb’y 14 1* Painr>- Park 2 22 t'vldled off with major honors ves- owned by tin- well-known jem Division scoring in the Detroit 10 jvounds, and a con- located where Convention Hall now stands, to play Detroit >. 2T If .V E. "I is -t Harry was best vincing sure* f»op goals. He sat down on i>. M .rray If W> • h 2' Calheek. awarded Traveling Bowling League. Ills demonstration of his re 2 IT ta day in the Highland Park Bos- judging, ability. Central. the puck just in time once as E; Cl ti SSI 20 Marti Ji 31 of opjx>*ite se\ in the final including ton Ta .* team. Vernor, had 3066 Central rot on’v shellacked Mr. Trafton and his mates, Rrunrteau tru'd to push it under n'i Club annual puppy i Bomber, owned by Mrs. Clara In the other 10-round feature hut o r low individual scores at 1058-1012. Henry Starbuck had 261 him after a pass from Turd match the Granwood Hotel. Schwindler. Px.k fir*t in the 4 to Benny Goldberg makes his bid for In so doing somebody stopped on Trafton's finger and f>rrfert in running seven straight be- 4 it later * to Most surprised of the 27 owners 646. recognition Harry Watson He heat Sid Abel. and S’andard threat monop- 6-month-old male group, while he ji.ational against Lou had to be amputated. who had eniered puppies in the fore stripped. 1 Carvelh and Ron Gin*sr> on ap- r.ize first place indefinitely, the Trinket, owned by Mr*. William the Transparent of Baltimore. A vet- For those who mav remember that game you have only special Boston terrier show oj*'n Collett, was In Western Division. eran feather-weight who to parently dead certain chances. 1» Mrtrof»oiitan Classic Leaguers de- best in the females Keathley of Glanz-Killian featured has al- 1 roa< h the subject to Mr. Trafton and he goes up like a took a freak goal to beat him only to dogs ranging Irom two of the same age. ways been rated near the top of balloon. to step* that 'with 222-243 in 6*lß and his team- s goal 'ndrd take At least months to one year, was Alice Mi*s Viola Grugrl's Westchester his division, Lou should give “They watered the field on u*.” storms the former Notre That wa« Itetroit in cojv mate. Magnuson. Gold- is the indication today afttr Brenton, Dolly * owner. Sonny Emil counted berg which Carl Liscorn he took a pass won top honor* m the 9 to high the best competition he's had harrr and Rear center. “Mud was up to our ears.’’ ping last night's doings at Tark- 638 Coca-Cola had game ot from Connie Brown at renter and ”1 can't believe it.” she said 12-month-old class for males. Jen- anrj in a local ring. f . 10.34 Jack Higley's 255 was We asked Mr. Trafton if mud wasn’t also up at least to the in wing by side. as Charles S. Taylor, the judge nie, owned by Mrs. C. L. Carpen- Winner of the fight raced on left pursued palmer Park shutout Standard high single. PTlmer Davey ot will be chins cf the Central players. But he seemed to consider this Bill i Flash I Hollrtt. Lisrombe of the matches handed her the ter, captured the winner's trophy matched with Chalky Wright as Rainbow was winning iwo to St rath moor posted 638. at question say In rlojstered Jegal fired from 15 feet an an angle and winner s trophy. for females in this group. en early date, matchmaker Jack irrelevant, as we circles, and very reduce Standard's margin to three Walt Williams and Soltes tied Brimsek his left to the “I ju*l bought her n *hort The annual awards for the most La ken said. toon he on subject, Willie Joyce. got skate games of at 2-2 was back the of Jack Palmer Park * m. the feature. WdJiam- win- have just in- time ago Irom -Mrs. Hubert L. point w<+n during Ehe yeam wmf- k. It would been Fad 67g RtrtT'rT ning total by 2974 to fnr- fiTrh RntvrT Sherrcr of Highland. If* the tn up 2963. Grand other remarkable save for Brimsek Koppitz had 656 and Sylvester Calheek. whose entries rolled Nr w that the Washington Redskins have In ked the world if Carveth been skating first time I ever entered her in 30 point*. Joe Faigel, president River-Livernois and Strathmoor hadn't Thiel of Chcne-Tronblv 651 f. In all. of kept together. Grand champion Chicago Bears let's dispense with the Bowl predictions tire his any kind of a show and it’s thp the club, River win- past net. The puck hit leg 11 heating 600 con- awarded him a fine ning by there were in first time I ever won a big trophy, complimented the first 10 pins, losing without further ado. and caromed into the open side of tra*! to two ago ( and the the three, one week* and prize,” ntc.n Highland hi« second by taking the C. C. L. A. is the weakest coast team to appear in the Rose the cage. la*t week Miss Bn said. Park breeder for suc- by w CENTURY goal two But as good as Dolly was. she ce*'ful year. final two. and winning in total Boston protested the but Chrne-Trnmbly Mrs. Sherrer finished 2724 to 271.5. Bowl in history. Georgia is one of the standout teams of the ended the triple only eyelash ahead of a nile passed last season allow* for thmi finished an in *eennd place with 16 point* and year and has the No. 1 hack of the Frankie Sinkwieh. tie ] lace in wanning .three a nation «uch a scor e off a player .* body or Rickey, cute little 2-month-o!d Mrs. Collett third with 14. ». from Ray Turners Progressives, ? BONDED \ HAD A TOUGH DAT There is only one sensible ire here: I Georgia f ch< C. L. A. over *katc* if he make* no move 40 formerly known as Hills. J t6l to ly two touchdowns. So much for the Rose Bowl. put it in kicking or hatting i*n t I’6Sl f’alnier Park led the league Since the •yinmake a date with Tulsa is the only remaining undefeated and untied tram in allowed. Carveth was w >th 1004-106 S m 50;v» in t rouncing fk Twrs 100 rROOF w***srtT IS last player to touch the puck h> Stars in Last Game e ind. Tennessee played a weak schedule and was tied by Standard •U$3R and contributed Pin Walkout 5 Old! was credited with a goal. one of the season's banner sur- Years Hf Sr ('arr in and beaten by Alabama. Tulsa bad wonder • a was no of how _ 1 There question prises-. $3 0« QT. $i 57 r T. T ark in Robbs, who ripe rates behind a big, tough line. Tennessee Art Jaekson scorer! the goal wt oh Jo* |q Before Entering Army model CODE »0« CODE M>9 Pauhis particularly proud tobacco tied the game, 23 minute* smoking in an easy romp. This handles the Sugar Bowl. up some ‘tumor CtNTURV ft.»_ of t 1 e Chene-Trombiy Is M'ke Srhvvimmer kicked bis last I DISTILLING CO.. Ploaia. veteran winger a Shortlived later. The fork Marvin B"Ston College placed from three to four men on all All- varsity’ captained by goal for the pass from center Bill Cowley, Dameieski Thiel * 65 2 Mike Fisch- duration yesterday toj Amerira teams picked before the Holy Cross game. Boston , ducked F.hhie Good fellow when er s <>3o and John 6.'.J Bow line rr .n-cft tndßy st Olyni- give the Hungarians a 1-0 victory j College has everything (except $75,000 Botan* that they blew by not the Detroit defen*eman mis*ed a carried enough weight to win the pic Recri ttion 3x,ih all alleys in over the Detroiters in the only beating Holy Cross . lost to Georgia poke at the blue three from to Alahama both and Georgia check Detroit Progressive by 2%1 ser\'ice follo33inp xesterday's brief game played in the Detroit Ama- ~ Tech. Roston College will line and sailed into the clear. He L’6sl and took the Chenes within teur Soccer League. be a two to one favorite. Nothing khutdo33n ra.k'd by a wildcat Schw’immer to this pick. It's Alabama by three touchdowns in the Orange feinled Mowers to the ice as he four of first plaoe. Thr*e young- goes into the army this week. K- v°** swept net from I* ft wing ktr ke s's piii bo\-• Irvin Gies, eo- Bowl. across the sters have rome far since la*t sea- Other DASL games were canceled flipjred the right proprietoi announces. All hut because of lev fields. 1 and the j>u< k in son when they had more downs Thtrt it a Oh, well, this should give you some idea of how the thing corner. than tip* four dnws were affected by the Bowling Proprietors* wo?ks. You pick the Cotton and Dust Bowl winners. Johnny Mowers did a little goal- Fred Millet’s 616 was p second hrriporan shutdown Association member in your keeping at the other end. too. with cup of coffee to Rainbow in knock- Dikcharc "f the head pin sitter I i Hnbie Cain, Art Jackson and ing over Elliott. to the previous day 3\ak the reason liCimo 103 io niki* lo* Mt *’89.3 L’7S9. < for the kfrike. Charles Town Entries 1 R-ugh Oolng Jil 11 P .ne’hel i<* Cowley, in particular, buzzing Ralph tl/ark's group vs mning the KIR NIIINim Sand C|o*'k IH 12 Ben r.riffi’h 111 around. masterpiece came in 949-946 I)orl T3\ o all* > s afTerted T“5-1G were * I*.| 1"* |3 His *eeond Mel had 600. FIRST RAO, finn ( |, t rc, 3 year l>u<-heM Anrukm 110 set ('joss ”41 C * asid' fnr the Red TRAIN AMBASSADOR ***D "iver at the second when a*» NOW siar (ieorge r •* *-d fur, *• 7 H* 1 111 14 Grandeur 111 period Herbie Niek \*an Rihgelesteyn'g LUCKY STR KF v.,", «bruit 4 ft Rowling THE BLVD. TY. NINTH RAcy *3OO, Murray OlympH part in the campaign oP*n TODAY Until 7 P. M and Attar Opan Bowling p 7-MSA i r>'«uv m a hukiv a» <*uh*titute i rlatm- Cain came in on a clean break- and s nail* d three from Oay Saturday* TODAY Until h M in* 3 xrar Id* *?, ng* tl P. M All and Sunday* Id and Aftiw . up Flown m 1! 4 ft Valdtr* C»k 114 *no furu away. 30 to to conducted in all of the ritys u- P. M 21 Bruntwirk Cantannial Lana* fra* re 1 H' xer « Hi) » ll* Mowers came out feet Martin. 2993 2678. the Nick hy 5 I’ Tur.ry 114 V* Hlen* go 114 li* Frank Br' * ln*triKtion R u sh John,on Bar Row ' Opto. 4 R okman 114 II Navigation 11* 2 Well A Right 11* ft Satin Royt e 113 smother the puck got a hoot for himself shooting 618 and Call tahlishnients over the week-end. 3 B r. Juno r ii« in BEACON REC. h M I ill liiOriptvlM 10H Wake m his pains when took a Radzom 627 Oo*n Bowling TODAY. AiO P M and MT. ELLIOTT REC. * 4 Eddie Wares FOR Attar*' IlgWar Target A owall.r 111 13 Retard I'l flora Mrnlef 113 ill " p M *•• Saturday* and Opan Allay* * Du Sunday*. 7 > i P\ r»v k 111 14xH .e Vuit Our C orktail Lnunga Carallant Fond SF.CONP RA• ’F J3'>" ra.ming, 3 >f*r M 4 v naive hi away and Johnny had to scramble 7 P. ll* P Igh 14 BuPet R Cadillac Pin BOWLING ln*tiiictnr 7-014) r ¦!* a ! nj fur('.in 114 11* Meet SCHOOL VC. ,os campau. h'i in the rut to three Central States NORTHnunin FNDcnu next 1 Grand Kadv 11.1 * Chancer 11*' xAfiprentlre alli.wanie i lamed. hack make Strathmnnr Rrc-aatinn. Srhoolriatt at t.d Rivrr T 0 bowery. tw. 1.9*2*. 7 C Hamilton 114 ft Furr*' a 113 Trni k heavx more hurried saves. Op*" Allay* Today to 4PM All Oay Sat Sun P *t, 1:1.3 p m (Detroit time!. JOB OPEN UNTIL 4 A. M. DAILY ; in h 111 BukTOV BETTER I' ett> Kady in Half Jr DM Hull Pin Standings congress "" 4 \|*ele.i* 11A 11 Hnnf) Maid II \l »tri G R- m*ek PA 1 To Start nil I AC , ri,,Ar,OT (' 9 *»c *« Jan. OAUILLAO :n 9 .' MrlTWlfy ll* 13 >»*»av 111 Mott, r 1. D ford AIIm CL. 3l»i. Tahlaa PALACF RFC « i \s*i x—i i3i \irv Op»n Bowling Oarly Cloting A Rtaxe 111 13 3V'iip B" 11 Orlando R t» Slew hm k 7 A. M to Srirct a Po*t Opa- Bnwlirg A ¦ Mrrra'nr LEW A'.e! K 33' A Jaek*"n Sark man'* 2 • 'ft .lanuar> PPMTPMMt Al r • and le* T W': «’nut-r ‘•'ktiard* Bei 'ton America Ut.niLnni«L h-Mtl* R<»..iil. unno lip Chat Sl'are* Detroit Geiodfellnw I *1 T‘ e and ker *u 1 ?>. 'Hie pri/e fund totaling SI needs skilled Rra. PALACE-SCHOENHERR }„»•••« mi BraiiMul Cork tall Inun. Row Opan in ‘SJ™' 1 I•* b Pa rhv Paliax 11* H’linrrea.i 33«'. r Oarveti t, . k Burt Fve T' "do 2*fto Lana*. Daily H'i*r tv r\|»re»ed to dra\3 the city's f.>evt Opan Bowling Saturday* Frra Induction* an tha Paul Mnfciap Hiv 111 ft R>» V. HI ? *• r < a J Si .n moon ;*sf and Sunday*. 2 Ilk- Hue al ho ".r.nah Hi iw> B Cain ppm Inttriictor Laarn to Bowl Corrpctly. r I »¦¦>•, 1 11 3 1" M» Time 11 I Si hm'dr Gallinger uindnlir S' I I I !« HHU 3||3 bow lei v. men and women in Salt. * C 1 4 Fa Hei•» 111 11 I airv Hay 111 WALTER'S Refr ee N rm.xr l.amp rt*men- rtr'. Itfi'ex' r ?**" £!; « January CHENE-TROMBLY « < Entries dose 9 PALMER 7, hi.. 11*13 1 illk 11 3 S'an t"' Y< r t K»r" 1 ! t*. Tr* Hur n Guar- •*VL PARK .McC'alie I 1 'cia« i 2*i<» Your Loral Ha* Cnfry ° JT7T ? • •«• ill 1.. Fair F 4me I 1ft IINM I I F? i I*' n ant' id pi i/< > an av ft : Formation Blank* for T ¦*’. *t Ffrun*wirk Allay* Camplatalp I'FKIUIt 2*.30 follow Team growing numbers to •'•Yin Taam Tnurnay Cntrla* |h . >¦, 33'i|i ClO«a nj*d. 7 l.riit » 8 1111 l Altrurr.min*: 111 1 Detroit: Carveth I Kl»« omne p- w i v Ri. h No. ? Sag.naw .*l7 *ft| ci>o; siCXi, Ora. Mod*. Fraa Parkint. Opan Allay* TODAY, IT 4 4 dowhlev. SHOO; ’* nA M tohPM :> rat old*, *, Nad*.* 2*M CORNE R AVC IV 0n.,1 ad Attar 10 « P M MH’RTH RACK linn. 2 t. PfIIUMFR RFP Q,a we- in nr- ”1' K'fft S.’i't UUUnCn nCU. Opr- Bn.Hg *r,(| f u: K BEST BETS Penal tie* OCa'do i«h. Fti i In aro for the team event, Saturday* ~l9?0 wf'T kF I OMI ITRlOli | » help produce vital war Sunday* WARRER Rear" « o»p*r Dari* Until A'tar II Cnrktail Bar PARKII HIIDLHnUAMD 1 i ~l» 11 ik I’if Axl.ltMe 1* Rogt.ip Je(k*on (C.ix*!*\» II IIIMIk n Sin di'Uhlck anri N.‘> smg|ev. )- 7. SOUTHFIELD CE 2 17 Twenl e'h f'ent jrv , e ro*.> Revt »t-d Opriatrd by Tommy IT J22H ~t Me In* !*> calling CHARI.fcS TOWN I 111 K U R XI F equipment to fight '“u ”,o r " ,v ‘" Bnwl Whilr Enyoying tha Batt Fond and laF'rer > in* 1| >!•••-d* inked 1" Srhmidi 2**2 the Fl' Net *< irmg Andy Stefani at Rainbow Recrea- CREST LANES „V':, ;? Prtr**hm*nt* m Ortrmt * *a. rcn.e** mu 12 Overlln 113 Rr r»(.n 2k|'i P.atfir.f forktail Lou '\\Axr BKST HIT M3RANDAN Penalue* Guldolir Ah»l A Bowler* Paradin' Vlpit Our Stag* Bv a d >¦ 11 Xirtrafl v*ift »ion. •*' Tvn. Timei 113 Orlere 103 (orktail L»unaa Nothing Lika It 7 7 i'll O' >.e Ins 1 4 Bi gh* Duch*»»lo.'> t NAVIGATION. Drill'. Hi Blaie 4 I X*k X- Dot FI I F.« Axis. Get the training PLAYOIUM 33 am t't h- ' • b.l F Hughes e*.t rv . 2PR FTT3’ LADY, G. C Hamiltnn. Ki e It.ak C'evelar 17*'. Open Daily * Clin F' w< d H ake Until 4 A. Vendor Kten Paul 12. M DETROIT CA htthl) M. FIFTH RAO J«o; rr e-. Quiata*t m Orfrnit Bowl, g FAIR y RiatyMh * * potte ' r need s. Cons ull the Ob' Until St at* Fair ft'd* Opan alley* 1 113 Pete Be 1 114 7 TIMF PI.AY S mall Re** H MARANPAN Hardl"*er I H—DO| | * •- P (0 0141 l A . l X" f!I M and Attar io fa# |n*trurtknl Thyr* 11* ft Sunhright I! * CMNGKNDAAK Kkwanok Pete Ref 'ADAM LONG S Wrd A FII E-tiya Sm ( in Sid* •>•P M. 2 Happy Sieve 113. H HADA STAR. Rough Going Gran- x Trr>e T Jnhr* r> Sa» naw i^ii Oaily Etcallpitt Bin (a- ;t Citngendaal 113 1" Sir Kid 113 1 7 TRCPA. Tellevanr M*m H a-d St art or ma T-'l Cloting. f.a# I•• *•¦ uction* Waak Day Aft *l. 33 ! " deur * B ATTI.I I.INF S. or.a H*<"! KHre KTne. Bii'llr Crrek Schools ' l Carmada in* 11 Flkwarok ill Slat "Trade classi- " 3Ve|| 'acF Cur nmtham B»r' 3 en 1217 l T . ft PuR JI’MOR WeU All Right. Wake ft BCI.LET P . Boh Junim. e * M»tla»*f* Mih* 110 12xOddree in* a\!l- '«• T er f. p n P li-«*to F IMPERIAL REC. VICTORY ".'o-***"' Terry - 121 i T.K*..*r? JS.SI‘ k Knltett* 113 13 M*y 111 PFST RKT -TIMK PKAV. FIST H Sarryekl P. Swpher fit Paw lift* 19 Modarn Allay*. Mi«* 10* RKKNSIGN. Open Bowling at All r » 7 Rural S'ill in m me\ ie>*2 fication in today's Opan C*ary Day Until Midnight M* 9t4A Hou year L*ag«ir Opaning Friday A tg SEVENTH RACK fioo. 3 old* *nh«rrdl Sat i*w *.M J. J. MILLETT S W*^ Washington 2 Somali 112 ft Hr** H ftfanlev Walli* Saglnawr e.i* 4! 10 Allay* Opan Rowling Prom 7 A M Until Bowi. 'asrisia Corn Raal.-g fraa* 10 A M 3 Milk Tna*t lnft in Pamunkev 10ft George Hilt Toledo 34 )P M a n d Attar II P M Alt Oay Saturday ta I P M gad Code Horse a. Quick-Action Attar l| All Day Saturday* Sunday* IM Today's *“. It 1. J>hn»e>n Paslnaw 1 ?* j *'>*‘¦llllo i unichfr Roy Ilk 12 1 r id* 113 S' |l in m.tnev 3*k ALLEYS ~i; Today's LUml j iilu. , 0 a Tellexar* 113 1! Indian Se* li* selection at Charles Town: XII I 3 I NF k Mgrtiu* billiard tablfs west ,r.r 39 C*mpu» Lounge oetroit 7*Hem