5 VIII August 2017 http://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2017.8158 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887 Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at www.ijraset.com

Integral Solutions of the Homogeneous Biquadratic Diophantine Equation 3(x4  y 4 )  2xy(x2  y 2 )  972(z  w) p3 G. Janaki1 , C. Saranya 2 1,2Assistant Professors, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for Women, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract: The Homogeneous Biquadratic Diophantine equation with five unknowns represented by 4 4 2 2 3 3(x  y )  2xy(x  y )  972 (z  w) p is analyzed for its non-zero distinct solutions. Different patterns of integral solutions satisfying the equation are obtained. A few interesting relations between the solutions and some special numbers are presented. Keywords: Biquadratic equation with five unknowns, Integral solutions

I. INTRODUCTION Mathematics is the language of patterns and relationships and is used to describe anything that can be quantified. Diophantine equations have stimulated the interest of various mathematicians. Diophantine equations with higher degree greater than three can be reduced in to equations of degree 2 or 3 and it can be easily solved. In [1-3], theory of numbers were discussed. In [4-5], quadratic diophantine equations are discussed. In [6-10], cubic, biquadratic and higher order equations are considered for its integral solutions. In this communication a homogeneous Biquadratic Diophantine equation, with five variables represented by 3( x 4  y 4 )  2 xy ( x 2  y 2 )  972 ( z  w ) p 3 is considered and in particular a few interesting relations among the solutions are presented.

A. Notations Obl = Oblong number of rank ‘n’. n P m = of rank ‘n’ with sides ‘m’. n T = of rank ‘n’ with sides ‘m’. m,n CS = Centered of rank ‘n’. n

SOn = Stella octangula number of rank ‘n’.

On = of rank ‘n’. Gno = Gnomonic number of rank ‘n’. n Star = of rank ‘n’. n

Tha n = Thabit-ibn-kurrah number of rank ‘n’.

4DFn = Four Dimensional whose generating Polygon is a square.

Carl n = Carol number of rank ‘n’.

Nex n = Nexus number of rank ‘n’.

K n = Kynea number of rank ‘n’. j = Jacobsthal- of rank ‘n’. n

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887 Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at www.ijraset.com

TO = Truncated Octahedral number of rank ‘n’. n TT = Truncated of rank ‘n’. n CH = Centered of rank ‘n’. n J = of rank ‘n’. n

B. Method of Analysis The Biquadratic Diophantine equation to be solved for its non-zero integral solution is 4 4 2 2 3 (1) 3(x  y )  2 xy (x  y )  972 (z  w) p On substitution of the transformations, , , and (2) x  u  v y  u  v z  2 uv  1 w  2 uv  1 in (1) leads to, u 2  2 v 2  243 p 3 (3) Four different patterns of non-zero distinct integer solutions to (1) are illustrated below: 1) Pattern: 1: Assume p  p ( a , b )  a 2  2 b 2 (4) where a and b are non-zero . and write (5) 243  (15  3 i 2 )( 15  3 i 2 ) Substituting (4) & (5) in (3), and using factorization method, (u  i 2 v ) ( u  i 2 v )  (15  3i 2 )(15  3i 2 ) ( a  i 2 b ) 3 ( a  i 2 b ) 3  (6) Equating the like terms and comparing real and imaginary parts, we get u  u (a, b)  15a 3  18 a 2b  90 ab 2  24 b 3

v  v (a, b)  3a 3  45a 2b  18 ab 2  60 b 3 Substituting the above values of u & v in equation (2), the corresponding integer solutions of (1) are given by x  x (a , b )  18 a 3  27 a 2 b  108 ab 2  36 b 3  3 2 2 3  y  y (a , b )  12 a  63 a b  72 ab  84 b  6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  z  z (a , b )  2 45 a  621 a b  1350 a b  4554 a b  3780 a b  4968 ab  1440 b  1  (7) 6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  w  w (a , b)  2 45 a  621 a b  1350 a b  4554 a b  3780 a b  4968 ab  1440 b  1  p  p (a , b)  a 2  2 b 2   Properties 3 a) x (a, a)  y (a, a )  p (a, a)  z (a, a)  w (a, a )  360 Pa  T8 , a  29 Gno a  0 (mod 27 ) b) p (a , a )z (a , a )  w (a , a ) is a nasty number. c) z (1, 1)  w (1, 1)  p (1, 1) y (1, 1)  x (1, 1)  is a perfect square. d) x (b , b )  y (b, b )  p (b, b)  90 O b  T 8,b  0 (mod 28 ) n n e) 3 y (2 , 1)  2 x (2 , 1)  243 K n  162 Tha n  0 (mod 243 )

2) Pattern: 2:

Instead of (5), write 243  (1  11 i 2 )( 1  11 i 2 ) (8) Substituting (4) and (8) in (3), and employing the method of factorization, following the procedure presented in pattern 1, the corresponding integer solutions of (1) are represented by

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887 Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at www.ijraset.com

x  x (a, b)  12a 3  63a 2b  72 ab 2  84 b 3  3 2 2 3  y  y (a,b)  10a  69a b  60 ab  92 b  6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  z  z (a,b)  2 11 a  723a b  66 a b  5302a b  660 a b  5784ab  352 b  1  (9) 6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  w  w (a,b)  2 11 a  723a b  66 a b  5302a b  660 a b  5784ab  352 b  1  2 2  p  p (a, b)  a  2 b  Properties 5 a) a x (a,1)  2Nex a  24(4DF a )  166 Pa  T16 , a  34 Gno a  0 (mod 32) b) z (a, 1)  w (a, 1)  p (a, 1)  2T6,a  T12, a  CS a  0 (mod 3) c) y (a, 1)  x (a, 1)  p (a, 1)  TOa  3SOa  2( T14, a  T30,a )  0 (mod 117) n n n d) 5x (2 , 1)  6y (2 , 1)  p (2 , 1)  728( jn  3 J n  K n )  0 (mod 246) e) z (a, a)  w (a, a)  p (a, a)  Stara  T12, a  T8, a  CH a  2 Obl a  2 Gnoa  0 (mod 5)

3) Pattern: 3: Writing (10) 243  ( 9  9 i 2 )( 9  9 i 2 ) The corresponding integer solutions of (1) are represented by x  x (a,b)  18a 3  27a 2b 108 ab 2  36b 3  2 3  y  y (a,b)  81a b 108 b  6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  z  z (a,b)  2 81 a  243a b  2430 a b 1782a b  6804 a b 1944ab  2592 b 1  (11) 6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6  w  w (a,b)  2 81 a  243a b  2430 a b 1782a b  6804 a b 1944ab  2592 b 1  2 2  p  p (a,b)  a  2 b  Properties 5 a) y(a, a)  x (a, a)  p (a,a)  216 Pa 18 Stara  T8, a  55 Gnoa  0 (mod 37) b) z (a, 1)  w (a, 1)  p (a, 1)  CH a  CS a  2Obl a  0 (mod 3) c) p (a, 1)  CS a  6 TTa  2 T22, a  7 Gnoa  0 (mod 7) n n d) y (2 , 1)  p (2 , 1)  80 ( jn  3 J n  K n )  0 (mod 30) n n n e) z (2 , 1)  w (2 , 1)  3 p (2 , 1)  2 Than  3 Carl n  0 (mod 9)

4) Pattern: 4: Instead of (5), write ( 43  13 i 2 ) ( 43  13 i 2 ) (12) 243  9 Substituting (12) and (4) in (3) and employing the method of factorization, following the procedure presented in pattern 1, the corresponding integer solutions of (3) are represented by 1 u  u (a,b)  43a 3  78a2b  258 ab2 104b3  3 1 v  v (a,b)  13a 3 129a 2b  78 ab2 -172b3  3 Since our interest is on finding integer solutions, we have choose a and b suitably so that u and v are integers. Let us take a  3A and b  3B ,

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887 Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at www.ijraset.com u  u (A, B)  387A3  702A2 B  2322 AB 2  936B3 v  v (A, B) 117A3 1161A2 B  702 AB 2 -1548B3 In view of (2), the integer solutions of (1) are given by   x  x ( A, B)  504 A3  459 A2 B  3024 AB 2 - 612 B 3  3 2 2 3  y  y ( A, B)  270 A  1863 A B  1620 AB  2484 B  6 5 4 2 3 3  45279 A  367173 A B  1358370 A B  2692602 A B   z  z ( A, B)  2    1 (13)  2 4 5 6     3803436 A B  2937384 AB  1448928 B    45279 A6  367173 A5B  1358370 A4 B 2  2692602 A3B 3  w  w ( A, B)  2    1    3803436 A2 B 4  2937384 AB 5  1448928 B 6      2 2 p  p ( A, B)  9 A  18 B  Properties 5 a) x (A, A)  y (A, A)  p (A, A) 13515OA  5 SOA 10 PA  T12, A  270 Gno A  0 (mod 270) b) w (A, A)  z (A, A)  p (A, A)  6TTA  StarA  CS A 12Gno A  0 (mod 7) c) CS A  5T12, A  p (A, A) 11 Gno A  0 (mod 10) n n n d) z (2 , 1)  w (2 , 1)  p (2 , 1)  9 ( jn  3 J n  K n )  0 (mod 29) e) z (A, 1)  w (A, 1)  p (A, 1)  Obl A  StarA  2 CS A 17Gno A  0 (mod 45) Note: In addition, one may write 243 as  (125  83 i 2 ) (125  83 i 2 )   121  (141  69 i 2 ) (141  69 i 2 )   121  (139  71i 2 ) (139  71i 2 )   121 243   (69  111 i 2 ) (69  111 i 2 )   121  (171  9i 2 ) (171  9i 2 )   121  (45  117 i 2 ) (45  117 i 2 )   121 For these choices, one may obtain different patterns of solutions of (1).

II. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have made an attempt to determine different patterns of non-zero distinct integer solutions to the homogeneous Biquadratic Diophantine equation with five unknowns. As the equations are rich in variety, one may search for other forms of biquadratic equations with many variables and obtain their corresponding properties.

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