1> What ring does James wear beside his wedding ring?

2> Who are the members of the band?

3> Who was the lead guitarist before Kirk Hammet?

4> Who is the drummer?

5> What is James' last name?

6> Cliff was jamming out one day in the studio what song hit the charts at #1 even though it had no words in it.

7> What is Metallica's 2nd Album?

8> Their 6th album?

9> The Band's 1st Album?

10> Their latest album?


1> 's skull ring - Cliff Burton was the bassist for Metallica until 1985. 2> James, Kirk, Lars, and Robert - is the newest bassist for Metallica since 2005. 3> - Dave Mustaine is widely known for his band . His nickname is Megadave. 4> - Lars was named the most influential drummer in 2009. 5> Hetfield - James went to rehab in 2004 for alcohol. 6> Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth) - Cliff died in 1985 in a bus accident in Germany. RIP Clifford Lee Burton. 7> - Ride the Lightning has an electric chair floating in mid-air lightning surrounding it. 8> Black Album (self titled Metallica) - The Black Album was the Band's 3rd Studio Album of their career and 's 3rd Album in the band. 9> Kill 'Em All - The Album only reached 125 on the charts. The next 11 albums went up real fast from there on out. 8 of the 12 albums went #1 and #2 on the charts. 10> - The 12th Album for the band and the 1st full album that Robert Trujillo recorded with the band. It hit #1 on the charts.

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