X47 bus time schedule & line map

X47 - Blackhall Mill View In Website Mode

The X47 bus line (Newcastle upon Tyne - Blackhall Mill) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Blackhall Mill: 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM (2) Newcastle upon Tyne: 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X47 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X47 bus arriving.

Direction: Blackhall Mill X47 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Blackhall Mill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:35 AM - 8:50 PM

Monday 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM , Newcastle upon Tyne 19 St George’s Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne Tuesday 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM

Newcastle Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne Wednesday 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM 8-16 Nun Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Thursday 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM Central Stn Neville St, Newcastle upon Tyne Friday 7:22 AM - 10:55 PM Bewick Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Saturday 7:30 AM - 10:55 PM Handy Drive-Bus Depot, Metrocentre

Metrocentre Interchange, Metrocentre

Yellow Car Park, Metrocentre X47 bus Info Direction: Blackhall Mill Derwenthaugh Bridge Approach, Metrocentre Stops: 41 Scotswood View, Trip Duration: 50 min Line Summary: Eldon Square Bus Station, Newcastle Riverside Way-Clasper Way, Metrocentre upon Tyne, Newcastle Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Central Stn Neville St, Newcastle upon Derwenthaugh Road-Sands Industrial, Swalwell Tyne, Handy Drive-Bus Depot, Metrocentre, Metrocentre Interchange, Metrocentre, Yellow Car Swalwell Roundabout, Swalwell Park, Metrocentre, Derwenthaugh Bridge Approach, A694, England Metrocentre, Riverside Way-Clasper Way, Metrocentre, Derwenthaugh Road-Sands Industrial, Spa Well Road, Winlaton Mill Swalwell, Swalwell Roundabout, Swalwell, Spa Well Road, Winlaton Mill, Derwenthaugh, Winlaton Mill, Derwenthaugh, Winlaton Mill Spa Well Road - Noel Avenue, Winlaton Mill, Lockhaugh Road-Glamis Crescent, Lockhaugh, Lockhaugh Road-Farm, Lockhaugh, Lockhaugh Spa Well Road - Noel Avenue, Winlaton Mill Road-Hollin Hill Lane, , Lockhaugh Road-Cowen Terrace, Rowlands Gill, Lockhaugh Lockhaugh Road-Glamis Crescent, Lockhaugh Road-Derwent Park, Rowlands Gill, Station Road - the Grove, Rowlands Gill, Stathmore Road, Rowlands Lockhaugh Road-Farm, Lockhaugh Gill, Smailes Lane-Pipe Bridge, Higheld, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Higheld, Smailes Lane - Higheld Lockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill Lane, Rowlands Gill Road, Higheld, Hookergate Lane-School, Higheld, Hookergate Lane-Lintzford Lane, Hooker Gate, Lockhaugh Road-Cowen Terrace, Rowlands Gill Hookergate Lane- Woods Road, Hooker Gate, Hookergate Lane-Ethel Terrace, Hooker Gate, Lockhaugh Road-Derwent Park, Rowlands Gill Hookergate Lane, High Spen, Glossop Street- Roseview Cottage, High Spen, Glossop Street-East Station Road - the Grove, Rowlands Gill Street, High Spen, Clayton Terrace Road-Townley Terrace, High Spen, Horsegate Bank, High Spen, Stathmore Road, Rowlands Gill Derwent View, Chopwell, Hall Road-West View, Chopwell, Derwent Street, Chopwell, Derwent Street, Smailes Lane-Pipe Bridge, Higheld Chopwell, Mill Road-Chopwell Farm, Chopwell, Mill Road, Chopwell, Mill Road-East Terrace, Blackhall Mill, Chopwell Road - Connolly Terrace, Blackhall Mill, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Higheld Blackhall Mill Mill Race, Blackhall Mill Valley View, England

Smailes Lane - Higheld Road, Higheld North View, England

Hookergate Lane-School, Higheld

Hookergate Lane-Lintzford Lane, Hooker Gate

Hookergate Lane-Chopwell Woods Road, Hooker Gate

Hookergate Lane-Ethel Terrace, Hooker Gate Hugar Road, England

Hookergate Lane, High Spen The Paddock, England

Glossop Street-Roseview Cottage, High Spen

Glossop Street-East Street, High Spen East Street, England

Clayton Terrace Road-Townley Terrace, High Spen

Horsegate Bank, High Spen

Derwent View, Chopwell Clayton Terrace Road, England

Hall Road-West View, Chopwell

Derwent Street, Chopwell Wear Street, England

Derwent Street, Chopwell

Mill Road-Chopwell Farm, Chopwell

Mill Road, Chopwell

Mill Road-East Terrace, Blackhall Mill West Crescent, England

Chopwell Road - Connolly Terrace, Blackhall Mill Chopwell Road, England

Blackhall Mill Mill Race, Blackhall Mill Mill Race Close, England Direction: Newcastle upon Tyne X47 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Newcastle upon Tyne Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:39 AM - 9:25 PM

Monday 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM Blackhall Mill Mill Race, Blackhall Mill Mill Race Close, England Tuesday 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM

Chopwell Road - Connolly Terrace, Blackhall Mill Wednesday 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM Chopwell Road, England Thursday 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM Mill Road-West Crescent, Blackhall Mill Friday 5:36 AM - 10:01 PM

Mill Road-Pear Tree Terrace, Blackhall Mill Saturday 6:39 AM - 10:01 PM

Mill Road-Moorland View, Chopwell

Mill Road-Chopwell Farm, Chopwell X47 bus Info Derwent Street, Chopwell Direction: Newcastle upon Tyne Stops: 43 Derwent Street, Chopwell Trip Duration: 54 min Wear Street, England Line Summary: Blackhall Mill Mill Race, Blackhall Mill, Chopwell Road - Connolly Terrace, Blackhall Mill, Mill Hall Farm, Chopwell Road-West Crescent, Blackhall Mill, Mill Road-Pear West Farm Drive, England Tree Terrace, Blackhall Mill, Mill Road-Moorland View, Chopwell, Mill Road-Chopwell Farm, Chopwell, Derwent View, Chopwell Derwent Street, Chopwell, Derwent Street, Chopwell, Hall Farm, Chopwell, Derwent View, Chopwell, Horsegate Bank, High Spen Horsegate Bank, High Spen, Clayton Terrace Road- Townley Terrace, High Spen, Glossop Street-Howard Clayton Terrace Road-Townley Terrace, High Spen Terrace, High Spen, Glossip Street, High Spen, Hookergate Lane-School Lane, Hooker Gate, Hookergate Lane-Burnop Terrace, Hooker Gate, Glossop Street-Howard Terrace, High Spen Hookergate Lane-Wood Terrace, Hooker Gate, East Street, England Smailes Lane-Engel Street, Higheld, Smailes Lane - Cowell Grove, Higheld, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Glossip Street, High Spen Higheld, Smailes Lane-Stewartseld, Higheld, Strathmore Road, Rowlands Gill, Station Road - Hookergate Lane-School Lane, Hooker Gate Stirling Lane, Rowlands Gill, Station Road-Hollydene, Rowlands Gill, Lockhaugh Road-Dominies Close, Hookergate Lane-Burnop Terrace, Hooker Gate Rowlands Gill, Lockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill Lane, Rowlands Gill, Lockhaugh Road-Thornley Lane, Hookergate Lane-Wood Terrace, Hooker Gate Lockhaugh, Lockhaugh Road-Glamis Crescent, Lockhaugh, Spa Well Road - Noel Avenue, Winlaton Smailes Lane-Engel Street, Higheld Mill, Derwenthaugh, Winlaton Mill, Spa Well Road, Engels Street, England Winlaton Mill, Swalwell Roundabout, Swalwell, Riverside Way-Clasper Way, Metrocentre, Smailes Lane - Cowell Grove, Higheld Derwenthaugh Bridge Approach, Metrocentre, Cowell Grove, England Metrocentre Interchange, Metrocentre, Handy Drive- Bus Depot, Metrocentre, Colliery Road, Dunston, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Higheld Team Street-Gas Works, Teams, Pipewell Gate, Gateshead Quays, The Close, Newcastle upon Tyne, Smailes Lane-Stewartseld, Higheld Central Stn Clayton St, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Strathmore Road, Rowlands Gill Eldon Square Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne

Station Road - Stirling Lane, Rowlands Gill Station Road-Hollydene, Rowlands Gill Windsor Court, Higheld

Lockhaugh Road-Dominies Close, Rowlands Gill Cowan Terrace, Higheld

Lockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill Lane, Rowlands Gill

Lockhaugh Road-Thornley Lane, Lockhaugh

Lockhaugh Road-Glamis Crescent, Lockhaugh

Spa Well Road - Noel Avenue, Winlaton Mill

Derwenthaugh, Winlaton Mill

Spa Well Road, Winlaton Mill

Swalwell Roundabout, Swalwell Derwent Haugh Road, England

Riverside Way-Clasper Way, Metrocentre

Derwenthaugh Bridge Approach, Metrocentre Scotswood View, Gateshead

Metrocentre Interchange, Metrocentre

Handy Drive-Bus Depot, Metrocentre

Colliery Road, Dunston

Team Street-Gas Works, Teams Seasons Edge, Gateshead

Pipewell Gate, Gateshead Quays Bridge Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne

The Close, Newcastle upon Tyne 46-54 Close, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Central Stn Clayton St, Newcastle upon Tyne Clayton Street West, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Newcastle Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne 36-40 Clayton Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Eldon Square Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne X47 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved