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The Ledger and Times, August 29, 1947

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Selected As Best All-Round Kentucky Weekly Newspaper For 1947


Kentucky and Tennessee — Partly clouds and continued %% arm today!, tonight and Sat- urdas.

/14 United Press YOUR PROGRESSIVE II 0 E NEWS- PAPER FOR OVER HALF A,CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Friday Afternoon, August 29, 1947 MURRAY POPULATION — 5187 Vol v'''• No 64 TURTLE, NOT t# rt S Legion Convention Army Wives FAST, BUT LOTS OF FUN Science Has Hears,. Will Keep Everyday Use Calloway eiaLtItacifiers To Their Pets For Atom Power

Speeches By Nation's TOKYO, Aug. 29 :UP)— Faced Top' LOS ALAMOS. N. M., Aug. 29,Hold Annual Meet Sept. with embattled 3; wives who said • UP --The government's atomic they would lock themselves in their laboratory here Ihday reported • apartments to defy an official ban .ew.valuable"n opment in the on pets effective at noon, the Army Army, Navy, Air Leader search for a way tdevelo use atomic ene said today no military police action Es ergy for everyday power purposes. Davenport To Speak- would be taken if the animals were Norris E. NEW YORK. Aug. 29 itIP)-1 not rerhoVed immediately. Dr. Bradbury, labora- tory director, 'announced American Legionnaires, opening to- f Col. Johts'F. Davis, commander the sue- -Distinctive Dress" will be the -, day the second session of their of headquarters and service group. cessful operation for the first time subject of Miss Iris-. Davenport, of a reacting --lath -annual convention. heard Sir denied that noon today was a chain plant—or "pile" well known. lecturer, at the an- - !that uses the high eisergy 111.11- Ian Fraser, president of the Brit- "deadline" for compliattee. He said. I neal—meeting of the' Calloway ish Legion of 1.500,000 war veterans, howevar. that Army artd civilian tr4):15 of the mini-made elemec: County. Homemakers Organization aglieniniiim • warn that - Great' Brtatn no longer personnet --Who didn't s"obey the — _ sas- 1 Weeinesday.--September• 4, at the can afford to defend the peace of order within the 48-hour time limit • 'The nee., unit in a sense is :I Woman's Club house. the world. , set by the Army Wednesday would controlled version of atomic hos.' One Of the outstanding parts of Fraser, who is blind, was led to be "referred to higher h-eadquar- itself,' the announcement said. • he day's- program will be ex- the S5auker's platform at the 71st ters." - "It is unique in two reapiscts; it I hits arranged by county leaders armory . building by his wife. "Higher headquarters," according is the first to emplessi—the fission snawing the work done during the to Davis. means an unnamed sec- of man-made pluton- past year by individual members "We pass the torch to you and our the element. tion of Gen. Douglas MacArthur's s, well as by the community clubs. Canadian brothers," he said. "If in ium. instead of the normal pran- headquarters. Mac Arthur and, his • ium. use tat the future there is trouble in the and it is the first to The leaders wile will assist with wife keep ducks in the pond by neutrons. reactors world, we will be by your side, Other chain .s their home at the _U. S. Embassy STAR Of THE PET SHOW held in tadersi ram Los- Angelei;-"Jiimbo", a the atomic energy commission a.- citizenship just as twice during the lifetime 4 ch•iirman:. Airs. 011ie Which -IS—apparently unaffected turtle, is so delighted at being awarded first prize that he gives his two have by stallatams utilize slow neutrons."' Brown, publicity; Mrs. Maynard ---nt-rneert of us- you been our57 mistresses, Susan and Ellen Grabau, a nice ride. "Jumbo," slow but the order. Ragsdale. membership:. Mrs. R. L. Some 4.000 Legionnaires were shown pulling them Bradbury said tile new fast relic- Brig.. pen. R. N. Starr, who va- sure, is along in their play wagon. (International) gathered to hear Addresses by the tom was "expected to speed and Cooper; home furnishings; Mrs. cated- his office yesterday in the nation's three top military leaders. broaden atomic energy research and_ Johnnie Walker. 4-H Clubs: Mrs. midst of a mass demonstration by Gen. Dwight D.-Eisenhposer. Fleet James P. Mill!!! • 4 viewed by scientists as a valua- 011ie Brown, Homemakers Garden occupation wive who said their Admiral C. W. Nimitz and Gen. An open air meeting will be held ble guidesin the_ dearaset trialuturc _tisk end Mrs. J. A. Outland, pets would go 'over our dead LATE BULLETINS Carl A Spaatz' Each was expected at Crossland beginning _Sunday and experimental reactors ,for power-- Miss Davenport public rest room. Miss Rachel Row' bodies," refused see the press or land, home demonstration agent, to warn that America must make' ending September 5, it was an- Heretofore the only use of 'fast' issue a statemen . also will itself strong to resist aggression in nounced today. The meeting will neutrons has been in the uncon- . give a report of her The wives decided today to con- Chinese Fight Navy Landing Party year's work. the uneasy postwar world. be conducted by James P. Miller trolled chain reactions of ,, anima tact members id a congressional Pleasant Weather Sir Ian said Great Britain would and , is sponsored by the Hazel SHANGHAI. Aug. 29 it.IPi—An armed U. S. Navy landing party bomb explosions, lit previous c. Miss Davenport. who Is woman's junket en route to Tokyo "arid let recover from the present crisis Church of Christ. which went ashore in Chinese communist trolled reactant_ it was. explained. Seen For Weekend of. the SoUthere Agricultur- them know a thing or two about territory in search of a dawn- neutrons have 'been slowed down ist, formerly was- clothing even .without further American The Crossland meeting will - start ed fighter pilot engaged in h pitched battle with "hidden and hostile special- the occupation they won't get from by use of cooling agents such as The weatherman predietedstoday loans, and that, speaking for him- at 8 o'clock each night. guerilla 1st 'of the Extension Service in hitting the' high spots." groups," the Navy disclosed today. that except for self, he would prefer that there be Services will be held Sundi'y seater or graphite. which are mix- scattered showers Kentucky. and is a well known Mrs. Anne Coon. New Yosk, said The incident occurred yesterday while .the small landing party the nation staiuld have a HO new loan when the present one morning. August 31. at the Hazel ed with the nuclear fuel. - "pleasant lecturer- -throughout the southern she and three other WOMell pet was attempting to make "friendly contact.' with the 'Chinese on holiday weekend. has run out. Church -4i Christ at 11 o'clock. the The Los Alamos reactor uses no - . states. • owners who live in the War Minis- There were many empty sections Shantung promontory at Gonse !Point diluting material and "thus shares The scorshims Weather that blis- The program will begin at 10:00 try apartments, across the street of seats on the main floor and in The U. S. forCes suffered no casualties. the Navy said. and "there is with the bomb the property of tered the raiti•ai during August a. in. with group singing led by frornsthe building where the war the balcony, causing national Le- Singing School no knowledge as to Ssajuries sustained by the hostile guerillas." using the neutrons from.fission al- wa.s t. lie, although teniperatures Mrs. Aubrey ,Farris, Mrs. it, L. CLIMes trials are in progress. had gion Commander Paul H. Griffith The landing party withdrew to the beach after burning the plane most as 50.111 as they are emitted," were to rise ei Inv nodwest.: during Coupes will be the • accpapanist vowed to approach the congress- to remark, when he called the ses- A singing school will be held at wreckage. the announcement said. . the weekend_ , • Mrs. Emory Hook will give a de- men :personally." Efforts are continuing tS• contact Chinese in the area who - Bethel Methodist Church beginning — —Operasiors--01-4-her- feed reactor can . Meit lelu'enard sion to order at 12:12 p m, EDT. will assaa the Navy.- an annaiiinernert said- The prtatterStsu• 3— 4-608 ts t her ItSgstralf, Monday. They decided against having. "I'm afraid that everybody's here September 1. The church set the release of energy at any WitS expected to bt iii. :near-eapa- vice president. will preside. their husbands write protesting the except those who were supposed to is located about two and one-half !rate desired and keep it constant. eity crowds to the nation's high- At noon a box lunch will be eviction order. Mrs. Coon said. be- take part in the meeting" Some miles northeast of Murray. It has been operated successfully way. ball parks and .1•ther- play served. cause "it would telly get them in Hartley Asks Decision On Labor Law 15.000 attended the opening session The school, conducted by Barber at low power since November. areas during the thiee-d •-• week- Out-of-cousty guests will be Mrs. trouble." in Madison Square Garden yester- Edwards, Kirksey. will continue for WASHINGTON, Aug 29 UP-Spitairnan Fred A. Hartley. Jr.. of 1946. end. Charles Muss, Arlington, who is "Meanwhile.' she said. "we are day. 10 nights. the house labor committee toda'y drew the line for a battle with Presi- • Bredbury esiplained that the ekss. Purrhase. District Di0MLOr of the not giving up our dogs if we have " The Legion Auxiliary also was in The public is invited to attend. dent Truman over administration of he Taft-Hardey labor law. re-actor gave physicists a more • Kentucky Federation , of Home. to sit behind locked doors- and tense session. Mayor William O'Dwyer He formaily source of fast neuirons ti •:akers. and Miss Leone Gillett, wait for the MP's to break them requested the National Labor Relations Board to dis- Prices Are told the assembled wives, daugh- heretofore Ilbtaill:IblV l'XCC`a1 111 I• ••xiiaston. assistant state leader in in." She said the group had spurn- miss all 195 unfair labor practice cases pending under the Wagner Act ters. mothers, and sisters of veter- U. S. Army first atomic bomb test in the N. At New High Tile demonstration work. ed an Army suggestion they board unless the unions involved file non-communist affidavits and financial ans that they should go back to Mexico desert in July. 1941 The Hrinumakers Club year their dogs out with Japanese tam- information as required under the new. act. As Corn Soars their communities and- campaign Rejects 50 pens in September and Fontinues dies "because everybody knows the • vigorously fir low-cost housing for Hartley's action pushed the board toward a major ppolicy decisina • nraugh August. In Calleway.coun- Per Cent Japanese eat dogs." veterans. !which it has postponed ever since the new law was enacted over NJ Farm Bureau Picnic WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. rUP)— tiwre are mon comthunity clubl Twe capitulations to the order O'Dwyer detailed the millions of Truman's veto. The NLRB's final ruling in this isue promises to toko is Pr ices . o•ared 1, a pe•s. war 4 tYwith a memb.•rship of 240. The WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. (UPI— were reported from other apart- Success As First high 14444,,y 41,0. clubs dollars New York City has spent off several law suits testing thr• censtitutionality of the act. it .•re East Side, Faxon. Lynn The Army last month rejected half ment billets. on the United Nations sites and • :- Meeting Of Its in s ill to still hItZtler 5I. a' (11-"Ve. NeW COnCord, NOrth Mum- the men Lt. Cid. and Mrs. Joesg. Carus!. „i• said he hoped it had' not been who answered its loud „Ad. ii„ ray. Penny, Pottertowns • South New Haven, Conn.. reluctantly spent in vain. calls for • enlistments. It- rejected Taber !I A full day :,1 bailie. fie. speeches. /f a. ssass... Mori-sr-and Stella. only 38 per cent last winter. agreed to let the maid keep their Misses Goal In Cutting Pay Roll "Let us hope that all our ef- I fun-making and is .od Ti • I. •Isa- In disclosing the figures. Army 'pet Japanese — pit" bird "until this forts, strength, thinking, and pa- WASHINGTON, Aug. 29 f UPI—Chairman John Taber, R N. Y at :enjoyed by or I • officials conceded today that the business is clarified '. Hazel High School tience will be dedicated through the house appropriations committee missed his goal of chopping 1.000.- 11)Wily COUrity ••(,- ,• : • • Increased rejection rate might be the United Nations to a strong 000 persons off the federal payroll by at least 800.000. 'government ever to asseuibb• as the bureii week. brines, Wilt Open Monday caused, in part. by the Army's aeency where disputes can be experts said today. , staged its first annual picnic at the of 153 5 per •• • a • c• sistf "tougher" intelligence test. dealt with sensibly-across the table Paving Begins On 'Murray city park yesterday. a‘-erage. Hazel High Schoril will begin its The "passing score" On the basis of latest figures the experts predicted the next official without resort to war," the mayor was trosted Dr. Ralph Si. Wooda, president rif At the same time .Arp 'culture fall semester on Monday. Septem- at the beginning of the year. Broad Street; City --report On federal employes Will show that only 180.000 tri 200.000 em- said. Murray State College, delivered Dtliartment. experts said all halve ber I. it was announced today. The Last winter 22 out of every 100 pinyes were lopped off by reduced appropriations. Today's Legion session was held May Furnish Help the principal address shortly attar NA!: gone that' the coral crop can opening exercises will start at prospective volunteers failed Taber, prior In the 71st armory building. Madi- to just to the opening of the last session of 'ciingress. as- noon. Other speakers appeared meet drime-tie needs. they- 9 a m. • pass the test. Last son Square Garden, where yesters month 35 out of Paving operatious began yester- serted that as chairman of the committee handling money bills he would briefly throughout the marliing incvitab!y means l's "meat The Rev. H, F. Paschall.of the every 100 flunked it. day's opening session was held. day On a small section of Broad cut the payroll by at least 1.000.000. Some government administrators_ and afternoon portions ("if tla pro- :old higher {axe. spt mg and Hazel Baptist Church will deliver ''But still "an easy test." per- street located on was being prepared for boxing the south side of including civil service cornmission fficials, said it could not be done — gram. • sumnan the opening addrt ss. The invoca- sonnel officers insisted. "It would Murray. The work which will serve as a major legiun is being done by and nova they say it wasn't. A visitor to the mkt-ling was The effect the tam will be given by thi• Rev. A. G. just be wasting the taxpayers' a paving company from Hopkins- Childers. pastor of the entertainment item tonight. Earle C. Clements. D. miocrat is on ',lice, ef :011c1' g111- !laze! Meth- money 'to enlist anyone who can't ville. The work being done is fi- runitittec.for govertaIr of Kenna ky. 1,11 take the pl,c, of t.aa, ha, al, odist Ctsircjis, pass it." nanced entirely by citizens having Schaal officials Uniformed Pair Sought In Double Deaths Speakers praised the F..1171 MI- rcady lie come ‘Vhca, f•a* have urged all The percentage of rejections for the section paved, the city, nut 1"4.:11J hare for its proms's. in deal- S. tacitilwr dent ory hit ,!.cw .11- friends and patrons of the school LIVESTOCK physical and moral reasons has OMAHA, contributing to the project. Neb. Aug. '29 (UPI -Two men. wearing Army uniforms ing st4th 1.11111. problims anci for time hod) nn thc Cha pa.ard of is. be prn sent for the opening day I remained virtually unchanged. Last An attempt was made through were hunted today as the snspected slayers of a wealthy young Vir- it,. grenieth. ' Tnado yesti rday for Ir. • i itet day program. month 10.5 'per cent of .the the ST LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK- men circulation of a petition to get ginia couple whose. bodies wore found in a clump of bushes at the end Officials of the organization said in -a row. who wanted to 'enlist YARDS, Aug. 29. rUP USDA) were re- the Ilentire street paved, but as assizall of blood. the picnic would proterbty become 'Ihspor! thessisins -- vestock : eastiiiK.77-#777r: Three rippr-W -t0 ! ail annual The victims were Robert L. May II. scion of a well-known eastern affair since the., mems eral public MARKETS pared with 11.4 per cent last win- sign, the street Hogs: 4.200: salable .4.000; bar- will remain as tage, bershiss rut the bureau has "out. ling down on its huyirg ter. family, and his 22-year-old bride of six months. Betty. Their birdies At rows and gilts Meady to 25 cells of the few unpaved streets in the grown all. available meeting places The• Comtncre- A Glance • The Army were 'discovered yesterday by a pair of young farm hands. higher. Pigs full( 25 cents higher: is understrength by city. in Calloway einuity."• portcd in tail • :• sows very spotted, but stpady—sas 67,000 men. but lop procurement Ci$y officials intimated the pos- Police began searching for. the khaki-clad youths scull with the TVA officials. slate agriculture . ut ahnot the slime . Selai k-• jr. la. quiet tia•ciing. an aierage, few best light hogs, officers said flatly it has no inten- sibility' eit• aid in the, event that Mays by two witnesses- on Wedrossday.s reoresentatiasea, stile rind county in the Met-v(11W... 1:104101-. il- D•ricts in regular; U. S. govern- tion of lowering enlistment stand- all property holders A 2800: other -good and choice 180-240 waeted the filling station attendant at Grand Island. Neb., told highway lies etflicials arid nrallillet'S :111(1 :.thrr , l. A.. rtie, for I I--terara'r ards ments dud not. trade. riilltlfiS 27.50 to mostly 27 75: 250- street paved lice that two men in Army uniforms Wer0 pt ealit -talked with May and his wife when itceln Cur b stocks irregularly lotaaf: 270 pounds -26.50-27.50; few loads they stripped at his station. He said the men iFiirently were hitch- chisaso stocks ir -egular. - 298 pound 2600: 130-150 pounds SEEKING hikers. The Mays drove off with the two-men in the rear seat if then Silear quoted in New York at 24.00-26.00; 100-120 pounds 21.0n 'SWEETHEART' CROWN * DISCUSS INTER car. -AMERICAN PROBLEMS 691 4 cents a tuuserunce, off 2300; top sows 2375; bulk 4' cent. - pounds down 21 25-23.50. heavir • Collett' futures irregular. kinds mostly .17 T5-20.00. Argentina Claims Falklands, Hit U. S. Grains in Chicago: Wheat. corn. Cattle 2,400: salable 1.200: cals.( .sit•• :1V,1 burley fulgiforys high- 900 all salable; meager Friday ri PETROPOLIS, Bra711, Aug 29 •I'Pi -Delegates t•• the inter-Ameri- ceipts finding outlet generall! can conference. 'specially those of thi• United States. were shrieked tsiday steady in cleanup trade: cows mak by reports "from Buenos Aires of pro-government attacks .on U. ing up about 60 per cent of sui. pal icy. Services Are Today Plies with very few steers offered delegates also were amazed at reaction in a pro-government For Mrs. Edwards odd-lots medium light %velar.' paper to inclusion of the Falkland Islands in the steers. 1800-2000; few good hears hemisphere security Funcral sit ;cis weae arranged and butcher yearlings. 24.50-26.0e sone as a great Argentine triumph. and a 'virtual 'claim to hemisphere fir ta•i 41.1,ick It,.,, 'aft, ri no, for medium kind 17 50-23 00: odd-he,, recognition of Argentina's long standing claim to sovereignty over wIls Mrs Sin 0 Edw.: Is ati-year-old good cows around 17.50-1800; con' - islands, also claimed by Great Britain. jerie r iv,icicnt thn colany, who mon and medium beef cows, 1354, -. Uneasiness was evident 'ever the uncert• interpretation, in of the it :q the horny .. dattkhter 16.00; canners and cutters. 11.00- treaty. aa emphasized by repasts from Fluent)- Aires of a violent attack Lakeland, Fla 13.00: bulls unevenly' higher in on U. S. policy in Petropolis by the newspape critica. once a firm friend The •ca-s-ises, dire, !efl by the active trade: good beef bulls up Is of Owl:kilted States bill now a strong supporter of the government of Ilf 11: F.- Ta•-•.:TialT re —to tie 18 25: good . sausage btills. 17.00 President Juan V. Peron, at the Hass.; lisotit Church. 17 50, these 50 cents or More highs, Mrs. Fsivs-ssl, spent the.past than Thursday; vealers al higher Of years in Flerida. good and cholas. 21.00-25.50; con Soldiers Say Post Better eel, She is survived .be three datigh- mon and medium 13.00-20.00; culls Italian ,ess, Mrs. C. F. Dunn. Lakeland. around 800-1000 LEGHORN, Aug. '29 rUP)—A 'lumber of enlisted men and officers s John R. sKeunedy.. and Miss Sheep: 1.000 all salable; market at Mediterranean cumulated headquarters today said that "general. con- Elaine Edwar'da, both -tft71111, steady on light' Friday run:- top .indo. ditiOns—had improved noticeably since the eantroversy arose over the Fla.; four sons. lietman-Adasirds spring lambs 24.25. including some administration of. Lieut Gilt: Jolin - C. H. Lee. . • Soul Brent Edwards, berth of to big pacieers; other good • and IN DISABLED AMERICAN Hazel. VETERANS' contest to pick "America's Sweet- 1'..L? heart," Mrs. They said the changes had occurred. coincident With the criticisms EdWard, ChattaniSriga, Tenn., choice 23.00-24 00: cull to medium Audrey O'Connell (above) of Washington. D. will rep- resent Virginia, voiced by Robert C. Roark. American eistuthnist, and S2 Army C. S. Xstwards, Bodon. Mass,: throwouts 15.00-1900; Cull arid the District of Columbia. Maryland and Weal Virginia. the U. Entrants U. S. SECRETARY OF STATE George C. Masshatl is shown conferring " th grandchilciren and 25 great common slaughter ewes 6004.00: most be wife, sister or sweetheart of a disabled vet. investigation of the command. 1.) Mrs. Raul Fernandes (right), Brazil's rfsreign Minister, grandchildren. O'Connell's husband was machine-gunned in the leg Soldiers at a session of the . some medium to just good Aallyt and wounded in also repurted they ILI:ICY seen General Lee 'driving his own Inter-American the head while serving with 5th Rangers. Conference in. Petropolis, Brazil. in center is Willrm Burial will be in the Libtrty ewes 7.50. (International Soundphoto) -jeep much more frequently lately, instead of riding in his limousine. Pewley, Unitdd States Ambassador to Brazil.(international Radiophoto) cemetery at Hazel.

a. 41•1••

I 414.


A I 'S4 .COPY FADED p + C %5, , •



.. FRIDAY, AUGIIST 29, 1947 PAGE TWO -s THE LEDGER & TIA1ES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY FRIDA tothetunl lhigt:etirdystI baidde r atp 3otuhbl icauc;day o THE LEDGER & TIMES COMMISSIONER'S on the PUBLISHED BY THE ,CALLOWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY Society • • . Personals' August. 1947. at I o'clock or there- Consolidation of The !dui-rine Ledger. The Calloway Times. and The about. upon a credit of six months, Times-Herald, October 29, 1928, and the West Kentuckian. January 17. 1942 Jo Williams, Editor Phone 374-M SALE the .following described property, in Calloway County. Ken- W. PERCY WILLIAMS. PUBLISHER being 4) JAMES C. WILLIAMS, GENERAL MANAGER Calloway Circuit Court tucky. towit: • Mrs. Dunn Honored 'All stock. inachieery, equipment. Putalished afternOons except Sunday at 103 North 4th St, Murray, Ky. Social Calendar I Bank of Murray,'Plaintiff. supplies. office furniture, and fix- - At Buffet Supper VS, Entered at thc Poet Office. Murray, KentUcky. for Transmission as turbs.. lit,0,5tiperior Cleaners, con- Thursday. Auenst 25 Bruce Garlairtf. Defendant. Second Class Matter sisting of one 40 horsepower boiler Mr and Mrs. John Workman Distributed by United Feature Syndleate, FOR SA The Magazine Club will meet at NOTICE OF SALE and stoker, one nimbler., two wash- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier in Murray. per .week 20; per; were hosts to a buffet slipper at quarttr 3 o'crock aoth Mis, E. A. Tucker. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE HE MADE it, by intent nodoubt,. virtue of a judgment • and or- ing machines, ten presses I laundry month, 2.5c. In Calloway and adjoining counties, per year. $3.50. else- their home Thiii--kday honoring By threequ "The Democracy of 'nooks" si111 be a dramatic climax. yet it did der sale of Calloway circui• one mangle: two- dry cleaning where $5.50. their deughter, Mrs. Milburn THE la w yer removed his tif the motors- the topic by Mrs. B. F. Scheiffitg. not produce any startling effect. August tern dry cleaning tub and - - - Dunn. and Mr. Dunn of Highland spectacles to wipe them Court, renderedait the 'presses, one Compar NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE. WALLACE WITMER CO.. 903 Sterick Roll call will be answered with re- The atmosphere was, if possible, cause for Chevrolet 1938 Park. Mich. • more thereof. 1947. in the above extractor. one mod- Builcling. Memphis Tenn.; 250 Park Ave Nec York: 307 N. Michigan remarks, officers said. • carefully on his pocket hand- tense, with no - movement or markable comment from the purpose of payment debt of el delivery .truck, one cash regis- Ave., Chicago: 80 Boylston St.. Boston. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. kerchief. "I think we will as- anyone. FOR SA "You all appear so stunned," he :Nineteen Hundred :.nik Ten Dol- ter 'and all other fixtures and fur- Charles Sexton. Stevie and Ann. Friday. August 29 semble the household imme- desk, a said, glancing around, "that per- lars 4$1910.001 with interest there- niture together with all stock on J..T Workman. Mr. altd Mrs. A. A. Children of the Confederacy diately," he said. "I shall in- Nelse ' NATIONAL EDITORIAL_ The haps this has come as a complete on at the rate of 6 per cent per an- hand. "Rea" Ektnerty. Mr and .Mrs Ray- will meet from 5 lo 6:30 for a pic- form them of your correct surprise. I might add that Mason Buildin; num from the 19th day of Novem- purchase price 'the pur- SSOCIAT ION mond .Workman. Jeait. Mr. and nic supper with Mrs Frank Hol- status. Is this plan satisfactory hoped to atone for the wrong he For the came to realize he ber. 1946.. urill paid. and costs bond with ap- , Mrs Otis Workman. .Tommy. Max 412 North Seventh street had . onunitted. chaser must execute comb. to you, Leitha?" It is not customary to read a will herein expended. I shall proceed FOR S. AsSOCIATION• and Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. Gen' members of the proved sechrities, bearing legal in- THE KENTUCKY l'Itaas Officials and Leitha said that it was, and that before a funeral, but I will tell you tt• or for sale at the court house stroller, - 'Potts. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Burkeen. Scout Association will she was more than willing to leave terest trim the day of sale until Murray Girl that there is a will-a new one- tor in Murray, Kentucky. to the Main, o We reserve the right to reject an Advertising. Letters to the Editor Mr. and Mrs. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. meet at the cabin in the city park everything in his hands. that leaves everything to his paid. and having the force and ef- seri- highest bidder at public auction. of Public Voice items which in our opinion are not for the best inteterst Workman. Sue and Bobby. o'clock 'to discuss plans "Even your life?" he asked granddaughter:" fect of a judgtitent. Bidders will be at three August 30. 1947. at- l FOR SA of our readers. • • • ously. Tanis was the first to break the on Saturday. prepared to comply promptly with for the fall program ''My life!" room St silence. She turned her head in o'clock or thereabout. upon a creiit these terms.-George S. liart, Mas- "Don't be alarmed." He smiled hogany Friday Afternoon, August 29, 1947. Sept. 1 Leitha's direction, her eyes frankly of three months, the following de- Mrs. Fulton Hostess Monday, reassuringly. "No harm shall come ter Commissioner. ter bed. hostile. Her voice was mocking. scribed property, being in Callo- The business woman s circle of to you. But I am inclined to believe "I felt fairly certain," she said, way County. Kentucky, towit. niture Mrs. Marvin Fulte‘ 1001 West the First Baptist Church will meet that after it is known that you are "that you might turn out to be a "The Marshall Plan is the Only Visible Plan, Mason's granddaughter-and his 01117 1946 Chevrolet Truck - 587. Main street. was hostess a: an in- with Mrs George Upchurch. 900 Cinderella, modern version. But I S sole heir- things will begin to must admit that I did not know One and Otte-half tier-capacity - to Prevent World Wide Depression" formal. tea, Thursday afte-rnoon at Olive striae1.-4o.54a for a pot-luck FOR SA Port" just how, or to what extent. I sup- Motor Number DEA 68682. J:00 o'clock. honorir‘ Mrs. L. B. supper Leitha's talk with Joseph Clair- POI house I .(.1,iress c' ii' '1 he Rotary Club pose," she added dryly, "that con- . For the purchase Price the. pur- -Dr. C. S. in an Somnnts. wina is visiting here mount left her thinking: her roots gratulations are in order." bond.with ap- near ti esterday 'tat .'d That unless the United States approved from Miami. Florida. The attrac- Tuesday. September 2 were here in Tannehill, where her don't feel like a Cinderella," chafer must execute ENDS TONITE 75x200. The Business and Professional People before her tiad been born Lewis returned. "Perhaps because proved aeaturities, bearing legal in- mill supported the Marshall phin. the world was faced tively appointed table was laid house. I Group of the First Christian Church and had lived and died. Its very I have hardly had time to get used terest from the day of sale until with a dei.114(.;*-14-41- itnin the next five years. Briefly,-he w:th a -lace cloth and held as its soil was a part of her. So much a - council wilt meet at 730 p. m. at to the idea." paid, and haying the force and ef- in TECHNICOLOR said. the Marshall plan is a plan intended to allow the :•enterpoece a large -arrangement of part, so real now, that as she went There might be mockery in Wells Hall. Miss Ruth Ashmore, fect of a judgment. Bidders will-be -A Iso--- recouping. el onornk and .political. of Europe. through the yell,se. chrysanthemums Mrs. A. F. down to the library to join the Tanis, but at least the other girl the Punch bowl chairman. and Mrs. Kirk Pool will others. Leitha actually felt as if was honest in her reaction. She prepared to comply promptly with Wth aid f the United -States. The plan as outlined by Gen. Doran served at Cartoon Twenty two 'guests were piesent. be joint hostesses. Mrs. Maurice she were mistress of all she sur- could not exactly shout with joy these terms,---George S Hart, Mai- address lofore a body at Harvard Univer- veyed. and Marshall in his ll if whom .,re very close friends Crass_ will be program leader. All because Leitha was a •relative, and ler Commissioner. sity. would necessitate -an. agreement arming the nations members of the other groups are had, as Tanis would think, got News of Mrs. Sommers. "I ASKED that everyone, includ- more than she deserved. $2.00 invited to attend. of Europe o,n their needs, their ability toi supply as many cordially ing the servants, be assembled -congratulations certainly are in said, ., ." Joseph Clairriearnt -order.' --ftebert-Owees--saidoirt his- COMMISSIONER'S the remaind( r insofar as it can. . Christian Church will meet at 2:30 "because what I have to imPart is stiff professional manner. His ex- Important to every member of this pression was what could easily be - Dr_ Lowry p_i_intiv_d_uut that .1.-he econtirey in Europ, is , follows: iSATURDA\ ONLY Cut A.A.A. NOTES Group One with Mrs C. E. household. I shall come directly to called his "cold fish" one. He at- SALE based on one fundamental fact, that the farmer raise- tempted to remedy that by dite is Broach. North 15th street--Mrs. Da. adding. in tb. BY Q. D. WILSON theHis Weinte" ys,went from face to face. suppose, from now on. you will • produce which he, (an .tra(1,.. for products Mad(' id Hopkint and Mrs.. Nettie There was a tension in the room, be the one to give the orders!" He ( ( Court It will tities..00r for N', hieh lie can sell for money that he can bliy Weatberly co-hostess. Leitha had noticed at once that even managed a little laugh -to "He's all I've got!" be- , .. She had not afte Dies, Et t'(it'd .t-tIie'te with. 'Phis economy is-trpset Group TWO With Mrs Ruth Rich was present. show that he appreciated the Bank of Murray, Plaintiff little or• Ttie Cal:away ‘ AAA 0.1- lawyer A cause th-t. ctt-io--..., are not making. thetproduitts for the farm- • Cutchin.- 17t. Poplar -St Mrs. C. B known whether the would change in their positions. Vs, phan s fight flee has 190*--poun,ds of r_ye-gras- hint. since he was only a Leitha said, "I should MS; CO-h0StesS. Include never at- Rude Waldrop and R. M. Pollard. for h., "prob er to buy. T h17:t. bia V e not got the tools..machihes, or raw • to farmers as Grant Fti but she was glad that he tempt that-not with • secd te issue guest, you, Doc- Defendants lam ' dog. miteria Is. -..-A i 1 these were t onfiscated' or destroyed dur- ,f. A.d Material The farmers' ta;st Group Three with Mrs. R. H. would learn the truth this way. tor!' mayer.34es cr., Paper iftempairt. Inc Syke int' th V :41;. : Cnsequently.' sittce llihe farmer can' leuy,J-ii b. i obbins 502 Olive street. Mrs - She noticed, also. that Dr. Gates „ had arrived. Joseph Clairmount rtHARLENE now came over to Plaintiff ja-eur -,rder as soon as Pus.itile. or- Cleatua -Dodd, cn-hostess nothing or trade for nothing, he.(tea:ses risingin'quantity had seemed to feel that -it was out •se Leithin She threw both plump VS. ari.1 si•ri :iv.: t.wod only for.hirnself and.his fanMY. Acres that-&. Limeand phosphate are be- .• Thursday. Sept. 4 of the question to place suspicion artivi-iiiouliditie-yoicelintren beck. was Burk Waldrop'-Defendant. were fill-ed with grain and (other-foodstuffs. have irg .771ke 'it'".. The Young Matrons Group of the on the doctor. and Leitha in- She said, "My dear, I just don't to'ornt'eri,v agree with him, for the First. Christian Church will meet dined to know what to say! I must confess NOTICE .OF SAL/ b01; turned over to graritig cattle. ,. pill, she had 'made certain later. I did have some faint suspicion, as By virtue ••f judgment „ua " The tarriter does.'no ot have the thing,' that he would - i- ,t- i:,•:- I. g;v,',"'"•.t..ern . abeat five wilt. Mrs Henry Fulton. 1003 West had.w been onlyI arnt a th Mr. Clairmount said. But it seemed MH171 730 p m Joint der of sale ,if the Calloway Circuit lie to have. an Th. people of the. cities do nat`have food. .7-,n •s•eo:,- ,kfter that. the World rect. at about to too improbable. All- that money! the law"yer was continuing. "may C••urt. rendered at the August tern,' W ' hiiste-ses are Mrs Jane Bell Clop- Dear me. it is hard to grasp right . I::: :i•tfilyint: 'Th.,' Nlarshall plan. industry would rise: r ir f`':I'''''''' v'..111 take "ve•r: - not come as a complete surprise to away-for us causy Of curse. 1...c.e aro?: interested 1,,t! d Mn- D ii. Huts., as well as for you, Oicroof. 1947, in the above irtori the i:t;Pee, of the -former great manufacturing, con- all of those present. Without doubt my dear." • for th.• purpiise If payment of in. 1.0. ...of f0hitg around We got there has been some speculation. 184%4 cel•ns. and \s,i;:ii l,o- aide to th(- thousandsu of items ' Leitha murmured something ap- debt with interest there'd) lal tniiich %%ark for even among the servants." .He propriate, -- -fret& t et • •••••• ssr_u_Lics.LLc wk..- • 1:.,1 • „! saa Barnrt-t-Burkeen once iJn.stin, still in that shy. shell of rate 6 l'er ceht per annum ofDr. l..'. rt. k it S! Hurd that w a- I.Le personal bene- • pt4usedTanismu morrme,u red under.. her his. was next. "You know." he paid. and c"sts 'herein expendi. WORM ME• IBM Iff0 11,•we‘er R A Bry..nt of Wash- breath. "Well, what are we watt- fit' itch Atro'l'..,;1'. "rh, 1.1'H d States :approve the Vows Are Announced mumbled in his soft drawl, "Lt shall jayo,ceed to offer. for sale at O'(ONNOR : ingtoi D C who .serveci with the trig for?" Maishail makes no difference to me Who, the place of bt.tiness of the Super- 82nd .A.rb• wa'sn't so On Saturdity. August 16. at "I mention the servants." Mr- you are, Leitha." , ior went on, Clezinerc in Murray K'''''' '1 got', tell you •the three o'clock in the atter- Clairmount "because Then he thrust out his hand. there was bound to be some talk They shook hands gravely. , ;1 d,ati t cr;rrie to Miss Frances 13er:meta e-pt II Legion want lowtelkeneda tcheertaseinmsauniyte .eofarroscomwsa..sker Andres. last of the family. came Some Veterans Of World War At for work I bei ame the bride of CTM after Justin. "What can I say that fur. • Keys Burkeen at the tlorne of Rev. opened." has not been said?" His dark eyes with his mother's fond met hers with that, intimate look mardkLussuffiLMERS Convention Are l erious But Just Some J.t • R M r• 36' ,,f Amarillo T H Muliin, Jr:. with Rev Mul- Justin, p had come them TRACTOR D V S •N 14I1 LWAUKEE U Tex pas' c -irnmander of lins reading the Impressive doutile- eyes on him, was staring out of a she to expect from 13:y.iii1 was window, apparently lost in his own "Like Tanis, / had some suspicions his •••• ye' fe:" that ring ceremony! thoughts. As for Rich. Leitha ob- at first. I.ike Charlene, I soon des- r••••. rf r Mr- 01.i Wrichestt r was, the served that he looked frankly missed them. Like Justin. I feel Tune In ... Most Famous farm program of all time. only bored. His attitude did not deceive that it Is not who you are. Lee. -The National Farm and Home Hour . . . every Satur- her. She knew that he was every but that you are still you. Your 14 ore-ton. about it,' The brarli•-•Wore a In il dc day . . . N.B.C. Network o'clock Cen- bit as interested as the others. She happiness le the most important - 12:00 to 12:30 • te he:•• ••• 4,,t some- with 611,u ii .teCt l' • I ,,ela,ais i! • thought, "He'll understand how it thing." tral Standard Time. • r... . •!, t- • Of • , t;,0 many - of pink r,, was-that I was much too upset She might have known that An- Mrs WI, ci • -h ti) confide even In him." ttres would say just the right thing. •tired it. a `dark di • - Now, at last. Joseph Clairmount She turned. expecting Rich to did come to the point. "These come up to her to say something rooms were prepared for the But Rich was no longer in the You Must Be Properly Registered daughter of the woman who spent library, her girlhood in them. I speak, of By September 5 To Vote course, of Leitha Mallory's mother (To be continued -since Leitha is that daughter (The characters in this serial arc and therefore the granddaughter fictitious) The Farm Bureau had a nice barbecue Thurs- 1- or Mason Tannehill." mope 1946.. b,y Arcadia Roux, Inc • day, with an educational feature from many

-.1 speakers. i'ioting an outstanding quotation. Elnino't Visitors were Mrs_ Dewey Rags- to, 1 ;, 1,1t•-••••`',1 1: Congressman Earl Clements was in town. He Jennings • WHEN POWER FAILS dale and Mrs 0 J. aliedoek. al: . NO- .'W 4 ' is the bemocratic nominee for Governor. I told .• • • ' C'.ldwul!is Daftly Ki I '• I KOHLER ELECTRIC PLANTS • him I did not like him, because he was so hard tO Provide Dependable Automatic Magazine Club Nleets Thomas L. Armstrong it mr- Emergency Service For: • - • iikt, It beat in the primary, but hoped he would have the Hospitals Fire Departm•nts NI. • I. '.1 Hatcheries Greennouses With Mrs. Tucker Honored On Birthday .0-,i Rirtrwi, Mr and same success in November. Large Farms blue iclp•lities , " \ft. N11 , .1 1) PO:sCf and Radio Sta.. 0.y le. M • no ustrial and Commercial Uses T, • NI Club met v.ith tioto,oring. tin 24th birthcio. 0nd He said the voters did the job and would have • *Fh, 1! t •,•• E . A To ker 109 South Mr. Thomas Lee Armstrniii I. sur- Ste,. Hulbert Hughes and Wayne. to do it in November; so I hope they will - I shall HOLTKAk1P ELECTRIC SERVICE -tid C I. Pi:rry and Ed- CENTNAL1A ILt. PHONE 2500 N.7 !S, -0() •,••I•iek prise supper was wavered Sari- Mt • not flinch. .1 was for Waterfield For horne pride, 14, Tialy Set, rff pi... Mr ,if'• NIi • owen, 4ay evening. August '23, by his rel- w..,ii Mr- but knew the rules of the game and will support Arl,en Mi Atbrrt • "e•-•;•it pre,:ried ,;',.er • sia,rt atives and friends • (:r(117-", the nominee. 1!•11,,,t5 MI Ft P SOlerf- Thomas Lee was thankful for Ihe hull Mr .10, Ntr 5* 11 : presen•r ••• ,ii .1' r mid TO • ,•roaram entitled. D. STOW ss.s. 7. of supper which ,oljoyed on the alarint•11. M; I.• AIR MEETING hooks.- in w-hieh the need of St front lawn and .I14r,_ OPEN 'it I Boty•ll K,s ; ublie library in 7747111 i0 wstS Those atte \S• re: _ Mr-. T. 0. TURNER rasstJah( out. The ssTITT,I , sr 'A I ex- Mr.. and Mn- Woodrow Ter-rs, Alh.•it il Me • ,ressed that with I. Jerry and DLit,. Mr. and Mrs Arnett. irth., I Crossland, Ky. p-;r••••••n of the !, ton Moffitt iir.d Jerry Don d 5111-s Shirley Murdock Mr' Pniti. vo-cild b., • :„. Joardie. Mi at d Mrs Byron Mur- Houaril M,4-doek. Gerald Mat i rai-e MIA'S for "11 hly docks and Alit, '1 Kenneth to,d dock Mr lites!h Ain( tt• Nit publie library. Pat' -"Loni... Mr ;aid Mrs Errr.t 14711,U it H (T"- At,' 4 August 31 Thru • VI!, Tucker 7,(7i Vrd d S, re- Kelso and-Arib)y. Mr. and Mrs s'roi 'kei# MI- and Mrs 'Pp rn otkcky State f;„,• j September 5 M. rutt771 Glen. Kelso. all. -and Mrs. J R I. i• A: t 'pi Ft a• et! - - - I TODAY For color... romance ... pageantry

Each Night 8:00 and • NORSE SHOW-The best show horses IN cith r-;e country will perform,,.,_ COOL (Ind COMFORTABLE Saturday • COUNTY EXHIBITS-KentucJy's natural, James P. Miller industrial and dgr;cultural resources. • LIVESTOCK-The finest purebred live, GENE AUTRY * stock in Kentucky and the nation, This meeting is sponsor- ed by the Hazel • FARM MACHINERY-The largest exhibit Church Of in Fair history, showing newest equipment. Christ BLUE • gWloOrPely,Efe;N a;t nsdperera- wf tes.t tSurinDgE PhoTUTehBoaldcicrinafatsli JAMES. P. MILLER rsanship. Would You Speed MONTANA ' • hi A NI BLDG.-Exhibits of lastingensti,nogv.ini.teliestet, will speak each night Your Friends Upon Their Trips? SKIES including horticulture. household appliances, at 8:00 p.m. at Cross- etc., U. S. Dept. of Aepriculture exhibit on farm lifeT - - land and at the Hazel ttee ifrui ind.;17•7! hal e is lot of fun or the Foie, Inn, (h. Church of Christ Sun- members of the fronds -- Coming Sunday and Monday spend . Store fair 11' eels in Louisville: ---- day morning, Aug. 31, MURRAY FREDRIC MARCH CHARLES LAUGHTON :"••• at 11 o'clock. NURSERY I \ FLORIST4.61FT SHOPE *KENTUCKY STATE FAIR JAMES P. MILLER 800 OuVE-P440NE 364-J "LES MISER ABLES" 711111111111211111111111111111 • 6171111111VILLII, Iltrututpc I' • SEPTEMIBBIt 7 TIMM 17

• FRIDAY, AUG,UST 29, 1947 THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY FACE MEN v114 inning yesterday started the Giants toward the victory which dropped Today's 3c per word, minimum Sports Parade ANIMA TO charge the( Cords seven games behind PREVIOUS ruzzas Mt! 50c for 17 words. Terms cash in Brooklyn and Big John doubled By Jack Caddy Crossword Puzzlo home another United Press sports Writer f:E•7:311L1 CLASSIFIED advance for each insertion. run in the third in- Schroeder, our •CEOSS 34-Buck liquid ADS second-ranking -4120I7l4W ning. The Redbtrds tried valiantly SS-SLIN lyesee, NEW YORK, Aug. 29. (UP) - player, and against ', 1--Ground-t2y corn 3.-Pinithed awarg MU/2 NrevNiimovNe with home runs by Enos Slaughter, growth On the -velvety, apple 5-Scheme 39-ggle MIA 010El11fill C19411 FOR SALE-One new screen -green lawn our third. Big ,Jack was superb. S-liale swans go-samassAgr• door, Stan Musial and Whitey Kurowski, -The sun 111;140 MUM EV 2' 8" Mize in west side stadium, the best He 12-Not working 41 For Sale x 6' 8" -Baxter Bilbrey. Attempt To but just couldn't make it. over-powered both mates with 13-"Honest-" 43--Grows fit ;1710172:1 f4alC310111412 amateur players of the 47-Large 886. A30c Unit- a vice,. drive and volley. Never 14--Indian nurse food f1313 gone Beat Babe's Mark Brooklyn added to its lead by ed States and will begin 15-Contested (DI./ Wore had Kramer displayed such 17-Heap Shted ,m N1JOIW1 FOR SALE-Lunited stock of one- beating the Chicago Cubs. 6 to 2 51-44 773 Outshines three-day competition tomorrow power and accuracy. IS-Turkish officer 52-Cost of loan aroum ROM quarttr. one-third, one-half and FOR SALE-Delicious apples at Records 19-Bounded 114-Drl my as Johnny Jorgensen returned to for the historic- . which AMU MWOOM NUT. threequarter home on North 15th St., Because Kramer is in peak form, 21-litt 55-Severag• H. P. single phase near li- the lineup and drove in four runs the Americans 23-Fellue 56-Silkworm (ammo sw NEW YORK. Aug. 29 (UP) - are defending. motors- West Kentucky Electric brary. From the tree, $2.00 per with a double and single. He had even the most ardent Australian 24-Sink 57--Propittwi [4 1I14 bushel; Today, maybe, or surely tomorrow Since tennis followers form more admirers concede 37-Thoroughiy 53-Desire Company. Phone 1087. A29c best drops $150 per been benched since a disastrous That he is prac- soaked 59-Land between PIABISM NIMMUTI or the nett - day, the New closely perhaps than, does any tically two rivers bushel. Also nice cider. 65 cents York error which enabled St. LouiS to certain to win his two sin- 32-Growl old Giants will set a new team home other oidetitive sport, the U. S.' -le DOWN FOR SALE-Executive type office per gallon - M. E. Wooldridge. beat. Brooklyn in an important gles matches against Dinny run record, team was an overwhelming favor- r 6 7 .T,. Phone 660-W. A30ci but that feat is lost., the new Australian champ, and -.r77" 1-ROdielna Affl desk, and office table, 6x4. See game. u in the individual effort of John ite today to, retain the) big silver John 1-Ess Nelse Waggoner. Room.,106, Gatlin Bromwich, veteran of cup ft 3-Egyptian dandria Boston's Braves won a double- mug against the Aussies' i3 SAWDUST FOR Mize to better Babe Ruth's season challenge. play. That's a big handicap to hold girl Building. SALE-We have header from Cincinnati. 8 to 7. 4-Disease victim mark of 60, fourbaggers. Some of our ultra-enthusiasts over the Aussies before 51 [J ,7 1000 truck loads play be- ,., 13-Du.:1 finish of good hardwood in 16 indIngs and 3 to 2 in Vie Sentiment expected another American 5 to 0 gins. - the nearly certain loss of S-edam's second FOR SALE - Baby buggy and sawdust at our Mill in Union City, is divided as base- innings. Ed Erautt, who allowed 'Co Term. ball fans watch sweep of the four singles and one two matches. 5-Soot manicures stroller, good condition. 1104 W. Tobacco farmers desiring the big Georgia only two hits in th 9 2-3 innings doubles matches. This would du- ' g-Upper etas latter Main, or call this sawdust for firing purposes clouter creep up on the most fa- Schroeder's singles contests with Si' 21 9-Leave out 442-J. A29p he pitched for the Reds. walked plicate should get it as soon as possible. mous record of the game's best- the U. S. performance last Pailsoand Bromwich are regarded t lo-Bus:die Earl Torgeson to open the 16th, and 30 II-Rude bug loved player. Ruth still "Mr.. December, when the star-spangled as 25 21e ,;27 FOR SALE-3-piece maple living Price $1.00 and $2.00 per truck is a wild throw by Ray Larnanno on toss-ups. 111-eges load. - BasebalL' the most colorful racqueteers invaded Australia and 20-8octl room suite and 4-piece solid ma- Cultra-Howard Lumber man ' In addition, a close fight is ex- 22-Fatherhood • pickoff try sent Torgeson to recaptured IA / Co.. Union City, the game has known. Mize, a stea- the cup at Melbourne 24-Sag hogany bedroom suite, with pos- Tenn. Telephone third. Two intentional walks fined pected in the lone doubles match A- dy with five straight victories. 3S 35-Put time ter bed. Gash or terms-Riley Fur- 187. FS_Aug 30c plodder, is perhaps less -Color- on Sunday, when 1., 37 4 36--Jewel bases Kramer . the and an Unintentional and More conservative niture and Appliance Co. ful than any other player who has addicts of the Schroeder will 23-Idake tel Phone walk to Tommy Holmes, ended the meet F_gromwich , 20-Pull achieved stich prominence. But lob-and-love spdrt expected no 587. A30c FOR SALE-New Perfection kero- game. Boston bunched four hits -end . The Aussie tan- 30-Before a Mize can hit, and he has 44 home sweep, although - they were su- ]-- 31-Lair sene stove, 5-burner, table dem appeared off fun 7,47 '711 top. and two Cincy errors to score premely at Long- -,3 ss .5 33-Splash FOR SALE-One four runs today, with 31 games to play. confident of winning the, 27-Recline -room stucco Cheap if sold at once-Bryag; Mc- three runs in the second inning wood- last week; but Bromwich I1M~, Stixteen mure.homers necessary three matches for vic- 53 33-841 fond of .,, house located near Five Points. Clure between 7th and 8th IT City tie the mark. of the nightcap. - and Long have been practicing ar- 7' 29 52 43-Enticird tory. , _ . _ _ • 43-0e0s fish near the-- college campus. Lot - SIP 17 beat it: a -pave of one every two- dtmusly - since then. Their 4iinie . '84. Schoolboy - pitched his •This confidence was _b.)Istered. -5, Sr 44-Away from irtnsi 75x200. Will sell 5 acres with games will do it. Peared much improved during this 45-Orow weary first shutout of the season as the mightily knife The team record is a cinch. yesterday when Big Jack 54 44-Long ▪ house. Call 402 noon and night. lc FOR SALE-Trailer. 15x7-2 inside, week's workouts at Forest Hills. 5' 503 48-Roman degree Phils whipped Pittsburgh, 7 to 0. Kramer of Montebello, Calif.. our sleeps When Mize hit no 44 yesterday 40--Largast conUnent 2. more with portable bed. Rowe allowed six hits as he .got national Until last December, the Davis 50-Strike with knife to lead the Giants to a 6 to 5 champion and world Dieu mg* I•••••• break.. light and strong. Priced reasona- his 13th victory. Harry Walker Cup had remained in Australia 53-Cure leather conquest of the Cardinals. it was led champion, disclosed on the west Wooti TO ble. Parked at 4th and Elm. lp the winners two doubles -out of competition - 1939. SELL New York's 180th roundtripper, with and side's courts in Forest Huh thathe • single. because (4 the war. The Aussies just. two shy of the mark set by is at peak form, despite his Va- FOR SALE-32 acres well improv- wit it 'from the United States in the 1936 Yankees. Lou Gehrig led The Boston Red Sox walloped cation from singles play during the ed. 1 1-2 miles south on 16th St. '39 at Germantown, Pa., after Yank teeirr-with--49 --ine TIP -Detroit 1-3- to-3- -with --a-22-hit - $2.00 and $1.50 Ricks Bargain if sold unce.- Bromwich -and Adrian Wit had Maggio had 29. Bill Dickey 22, tack that started .on Hal New- After winning the "world title" Clean Chevrolets 8 acres to build on. Come at once. lost their singles matches to the - Mill George Selkirk 18, Frank Cros- houser, who resented it bitterly ,at Wimbledon. Eng., last June 23, -R. A. Jones. uwitgr, Route I. U. S. on opening and ended with a $250 fine impos- Kramer contented himself with day. Murray. Ky ( Sip etti 15. Tony ,Lazzeri 14 and Red Cut into stovewood Rolfe 10. Nine other Yanks con- ed by Manager Steve O'Neill be- doubles competition di Southamp • And Fords ton. AP lengths tributed to a lesser degree. cause Newhouser wasn't trying Orange and Newport, and. Mr. and Mrs. William Osb.q'T For Rent Mize has' much sturdier help. hard and because he refused to of course, at Longwood. where he and son, Billy Kent. have rettn. We have a nice selection of clean 1940 and 1941 give and . of- FORDS It will be up Willird ALershall. has .31. - Welker way to a relief pitcher. Glendale:- -from Mi-on, „Fla__ where they • and CHEVROLETS, two doors, four doors, 50c per rick Calif . won Cooper 28. Bob Thompson 24, Bill O'Neill finally came into the the national doubles ited their sister.Mis. Frank Da. and Club Coupes. after first of October FOR RENT-New busnies.s.. 13onse- Rigney 16, Sid. Gordon has nine. mound and took the ball away title last Week. and family. They weie accomp,.n- 19x90-on Walnut St. near Cars are high and will probably get higher, so Bus and nine other players.- have chip- from the lefty, .who had allowed Kramer avoided the gruelling ied by Mr. H. C. Paschall arid Pryl- • Station. See Jeff Shroat at Shroats ped. in. This all-around team seven hits and five runs in the singles competition in order to lis Paschall, Puryear. Term. They see these bargains today. Meat Market.' A30c prevrnt cuing stale. He Sykes strength helps Mize in his drive, third inning. did prac- also' visited' Mr. Osburn's aunt,' Here are some nice clean ones: Bros. Milling tice for _pitehers might- just- as needed some however. And in Eula_lohnson Orlando Fla POE. RENT: - 3-room unfurnisV 1941 CHEVROLET New thes, Company pitch to him as the next man -all nintle-W1414-Sux-gs to defeat the nClevCleveland' 19 In- tnce marches yesterday • - - - - - CLUB COUPE:- clean ed apartment. Two blocks from - haVe a home-run' punch. dians, 4 tu 2. 'winning on Cass inside and out. Good motor, 32,000 actual -South Fourth Street college John -Lampkins, phone New Starr Spinet Babe Ruth himself has comment- Michael's double, singles by Mike miles. Telephone 388 '7M4. • lip • ed on Mire's chances frequently, at Tresh and piteber Joe Haynes, STOR.TERMITE.DAM 1941 CHEVROLET four-door sedan. Radio, heater, first decrying possibility of a new and a long fly. Haynes batted in good tires, good motor, clean inside and out. record. then admitting that Mize's the winning run in his 10th vic- Extort inspection by TERM;.• IX gives you reliable pace --- he's now five games ,ahead tory: in which he allowed nine hits. infori, 1940 CHEVROLET two door sedan. Radio, Heater, non about your termite pr of Ruth's speed in 1927 - makes _- new lem. Free inspection service. tires, clean 'inside and out. [ CABLE MOTOR COMPANY it ('lose. Bull Babe nit 17 in Sep- Yesterday's Star: Brooklyn's feature of TERMINIX for I C. John Jorgensen, 1941 FORD two-door super deluxe. All the extras, tember. once petting five in two who batted in 19 years. has been used by m games. If Mize keeps up his pres- four runs in a 6 to 2 victory over than 1,000.000 property own. Mercury motor, clean. SALF-S and SERVICE. ent rush, l'though. he Chicago which increased the Dod- Call today' won't have 1938 FORD DELUXE two-door. Radio, heater, ex- to hit them in cluster. He has five ger lead to seven games. MURRAY LUMBER CO. ceptionally clean inside, nice fur his last, six -games. outside. DE SOTO : PLYMOUTH Phone 262 $499 Complete His three-rim How in the with Bench Also some cheaper cars. first Authorised Rrorevretkr,o. ol Margaret Organised Used Pianos from $135 up Oksio Valivr Terso,n,‘ Corp.(' FIFTH and POPLAR NEW _YORK. Aug. 29. (UP) --., IP FREE DELIVERY Today's Margaret Truman has applied for Advortfoodl liguffie rime WILSON & LAWRENCE membership in the American Guild Harry Edwards Probable Pitchers of Musical Artists, the union sal,: TERMINIX 858 So, 5th St, Phone 4431 201 Mani, Telephone 150 today PADUCAH, 4. WORLD 1 LAIKA SI IN ItIreglIk CONTROL KY. 14) United Pres., NANCY Lady in the Lake By Ernie Bushmiller ,Won and lost records in paren- PURDOM HARDWARE theses) American League LOOK -7- THE LAST PANEL I HOPE W.e.hingtun ,Wynn 13-120 at I'LL HURRY NOW IT OF THIS COMIC STRIP IS THAT COMPANY New York NeWsom 9-9) DOESN'T RIGHT OVER WON'T PRINTED UPSIDE DOWN HAPPEN IN TO THE Philadelphia (Coleman 5-7i at BY MISTAKE f --, THIS PARK poston I Harris 1114.21 -night. 10 STRIP ,T - • Chicago ,Papish I -9i at Cleve- land (Genet 9-6 - night. "\N HARDWARE HOUSEWARES Detroit 4 Hutchinson 12-9) at St. Louis ,Kihder 6-111 -night. APPLIANCES National Leagie -- New York 4Koslo 14-8) at Brook- lyn Branca 18-90 - night. 41- BOTTLED GAS STOVES Boston La'Wane. Ini 4-31 at Philadelphia I Heintzel Malin 6'- SPORTING GOODS 6)--night. ()n 1 v PAINTS, Etc. >131IVW -L,NOM 4 • Keach's \ 11 MON WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" HAS IT ABBIE an' SLATS Brotherly Aid By Raeburn Van Buren as never before ('you THINK CHARLIE 15 GUILTY OF MURDER -SO YOl....)-- REFU5E TO HELP HIM . WOULD YOU HELP HIM - _....--- IF YOU THOUGHT HE WERE '18 Announcement -1111**11141•-°7-fas.._,,,(1. `-_____ .-. 4111118*•\ INNOCENT, ----I/ft

4, 1 5. • 1 • ISA. )e,..-d 41 --, DR. H. B. BAILEY, JR. IT orroMETRIST t

Is Moving HistAffice 7s


• Furniture

• Rugs and Carpets Open For Business • Home Furnishings The Very Next Time SEPTEMBER 2 You Are In Hopkinsville 8-.t9


0. • COPY FADED s MI 5S W.k.1


V. 4, •


HENDON MACHINE and WELDING & LAWRENCE USED CARS NASH WILSON PARKER FOOD MARKET SHOP "Home of Guaranteed Used Cars" MURRAY is going NASH You break 'em... We SAVE 'em CARS' HIGH QUALITY : LOW PRICES WE PAY T( )P 1)(41.1.AR FOR CLEAN Bring Your Welding and Machine Work To Us. 201 Maple Street .: Phone 150 'COURTEOUS SERVICE PARKER'S GARAGE Also Lawn Mowers Sharpened Alv . N Se!ectron 'of Clean ('ars South Side Square Phone 1061 24-Hour Wrecker Service Phone 373 North Fourth Street Ur Let's Go to Church CITIZENS... ATTENTION MURRAY 64 We haxe just the place for visiting friends and NATIONAL HOTEL For Service Call BILLINGTON-JONES MOTOR CO. relatix'es. - SIXTH and MAIN "BEST GRADES WEST KENTUCKY COAL" 1055 and make reservations for one of our Ft 1RI) SALES and SERVICE Just call modern apartments A. C. Jackson, Owner CONSUMERS NEW and USED CARS MURRAY Elsie Long, Manager COAL and ICE COMPANY Third and Main HOP'S MOTEL 40ti North Fourth Street Fresh Meats, Fresh Vegetables, and Groceries MRS. A. 0. WOODS, Florist SHELL GAS and OIL SAFE, PROMPT and COURTEOUS DOES IT ALL FOR FLOWERS ONE STOP SERVICE . . . MURRAY LUMBER COMPANY PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Incorporated and ANTIQUE GIFTS • MODERN CALL 874 Telephone 232 Telephone 262 Depot Street MEMBER FM ROBERTS GROCERY 500 NOrth Fourth St. Phone 188-J Ninth and Sycamore DIAMOND CAB COMPANY •

Flectromode Furnaces Home - Commercial TRIANGLE INN Heaters Refrigeration Electromode Unit ECONOMY SELF SERVICE BARNES & ORR HAVE SUNDAY DINNER WITH US WEST KENTUCKY ELECTRIC CO. STILL THE BUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN AFTER CHURCH SHELL North Fourth Street —Riadotph-Thurrnars, Ownor Phone 130 105 BARNEY' DEACON SERVICE IS (iURNUSINESS Coolair Exhaust Fans Phone 1087

VARSITY GRILL PETE'S AUTO PARTS, Inc. and Main Located at Sixth Telephne 783 Legi DRIT41(— . DROP IN FOR A SANDWICH and 'COLD Higl LET'S MI.( ) T() ( Con

NEVI Asnera pagea blocks MURRAY MILLING COMPANY SERVICE today ; CH1G'S GULF tional FLOUR As s, EXCLUSIVE 600 MAIN PHONE 9117 down VITA-PURE MEAL hay da parade PURINA CHOWS _naives York( viewark/ 42nd si Polk Miller Auto Parts 0 Murray Auto Parts COUNTY OIL CO. ""lerre • .”. Kv CALLOWAY -expect! Phone 16 Phone 2891 7 • -- CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS day.. IN Maw - were e Sixth and Main Streets Phone 114 Clost Jobbers stridini Your N-A-P-A foot IT AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS Widian York. *ladTA VieWIfli w .1 Just as Dewey DALE & STUBBLEFIELD waved HUGHES PAINT and WALLPAPER CO. O'Du A GOOD DRUG STORE SINCE 1908 tidal 401 MAPLE STREET MrIrr,1% in the utes hi iN• SUNDAY attentit .." ATTEND SOME CHURCH SERVICE NEXT Legion fire de finest"gal," and strengthen your, spirit by attending some church in Murray Le Maintain BUCK'S BODY SHOP crowns the inspiring services, the next Sunday. You and your friends will enjoy Fender and Body Repairing H. B. BAILEY each Sun- music, and the feeling of good will derived from attending church Complete Paint Job Simonizing and Waxing NE1 —A YOUR CHURCH IS OPEN TO YOU! Phone 777 900 Sytarnore Street Scoot' The Jeweler day. THE DOOR Of: ape t fierier tendir ['twee taken and Implement Company COUNTY SOIL and f The-Maude Cohoon Washingette Farmers Tractor SOWELL GARAGE CALLOWAY IMPROVEMENT ASS'N. their or Come to Our JOHN DEERE SALES and SERVICE SERVICE For Prompt Courteous Service Call MOTOR and BRAKE THE FARMER'S CO-OP WASH INGETTE Pil()NF MURRAY. KY WORK JOHN DEERE le ALITY FOCIPMENT FOR EVERY PAINT and BODY Supplies Diar 1"t Fkeed, Feed and Farmer's t %WHIM. JOB 'By O. B. and BILLY COOK Phone 207 East Main Sabi OKLA WALSTON. Manager 1...-L.McNUTT & SON Littic -ter of Mariett as a p Keep Fit and Look Trim With When Better BUILDING BLOCKS Are FRAZEE, MELUGIN & HOLTON test apt INSURANCE AGENTS ton firm SPIRELLA & COMPANY Made FITTS Will Make Them 10 emp -Designed Figure Support BOATWRIGHT FIRE : CASUALTY : AI'TO • Individually 1068 attires See Your SPIRELLA Corsetiere, PHONE Phone 331 Pat WHOLESALE GROCERS and M 100 RAILROAD AVENUE "It Does Make A Difference Who Writes Your Insurance" Mrs. Maude Cohoon 'Winn chosen is seer.

Your Sunday Dinner at GREENFIELD BROTHERS SERVICE Man ' MURRAY. FASHION SHaPPE STATION For House Of Fashion" COLLEGIATE INN STANDARD PRODUCTS c1,41, - "The BOW Phone 9111 for Reservation South Fourth and Chestnut linin F 1:... I'hone 9118 has filc 'AA • i.thcl MEYER, Owner Murray, trict tit RO9T _BIER Miss Effie Watson Mrs Key ANTHONY A. were s atomic ( The against eering a con: PAINT & WALL PAPER CO. contrac MURRAY atom Sunday tin wa: Your Choice He s: '11[1111w.! The Church of Attend .bled matern

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