Subject: : AmigaOS4 Topic: : Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Re: Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Programming Language Author: : ChrisH Date: : 2017/11/23 20:11:44 URL:

@AmigaSociety Especially since you mention "more english like", I shall have to mention my own programming language, PortablE:

I've tried to make it as easy to use as possible, without compromising it's power or speed. It's heavily based on (and mostly compatible with) a famous & once-very-popular programming language called AmigaE.

You can see a lot of simpler examples here:

There are also a couple of forums you can ask questions on, although I have less time these days for answering questions than I used to: ... me&sortorder=DESC&since=0

Here is Hello World in PortablE:

PROC main() Print('Hello World\n') ENDPROC

It sadly lacks tutorials aimed at beginners, but it does have fairly comprehensive documentation of all the standard functions:

There is also more general documentation on how it differs from AmigaE:

While you can find tutorials & the original manual for AmigaE here:

There is no drag'n'drop GUI creator, but it has a IMHO very easy GUI system, which I think is better than a GUI creator, because GUI creators tend to create hard-to-read (and hard-to-edit) GUI code.

1 / 2 BTW, while Hollywood is an interpreted language, PortablE is a compiled language. This makes PortablE blazingly fast, and very efficient in general. While compilation can take a little while on a Sam440, on a X1000 it's almost instant for most programs, and I imagine X5000 is even better.

PortablE also works on MorphOS & OS3 (& AROS for the moment), albiet with less testing on my part, and there is even basic support for Windows (no graphics or GUI, just Command Prompt stuff).

Annotate is a nice editor with syntax highlighting: or ... ty/text/edit/annotate.

I have written an add-on for Annotate, which allows you to compile & run PortablE code from inside Annotate:

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