WALK 30 – VERY HARD: 25 miles and 3,330 feet of climbing (approx)

Starting point: Park Bottom

Litton - Arncliffe – Monks Path – Tarn – Attermire Scar – Fountains – Dawson Close - Litton

Refreshments: Falcon Inn, Arncliffe; Queens Arms, Litton

Directions: On leaving Park Bottom turn right and go down the road for approx 200metres take the turning on your right through the small wooden gate and head over the fields. (If the river is high, see alternative route to Arncliffe avoiding the stepping stones)

The Queens Arms will now be behind you. Follow the footpath signs as the path weaves its way through fields and gates towards the River Skirfare. On reaching the River Skirfare cross the river via the stepping stones and turn left and head through the small wooden gate. Sticking initially close to the river follow the path, which can be a bit boggy and stony in places until it leaves the river and goes across wide fields. The path goes diagonally through the fields and through gates until reaching the small stepping stones which take you across a boggy spring and through a wooden gate and onto a track. This track can be very wet following heavy rainfall.

Follow the track until coming to the footpath sign, signposting Litton and Halton Gill on your left hand side and the road to your right climbs steeply to Malham. Head over the hump back bridge and turn right and walk towards the Falcon Inn. At the side of the Inn follow the path sign-posted Malham 6 ¾ miles. Up the track take the turning on your right through the small wooden gate, sign-posted Malham 6 ½ miles. Follow this path as it raises steeply upwards, keeping right. Passing through 2 further gates in walls; look to the right to see lovely views of Litton and Upper Littondale. After a further gate/wall the path levels out and then becomes undulating.

Follow the main path to a ladder stile and continue on the grassy path. After about 2 ¾ miles the path turns stony and heads towards the barns (Middle House). Directly after the barns follow the wall and go left down towards the gate, look to the right to see a small area of limestone pavement and the wind turbine on your left. Head down towards the gate. Go through the gate and start to descend towards the track. Before reaching the track take the small path to the right and go over the small wooden stile and head up slightly towards Field Centre.

On reaching the edge of the grounds of the field centre, by the cattle grid turn left away from the cattle grid and join the on a wide track. Soon Malham Tarn will be on your right hand side. Continue to walk along the track or on the grass towards the car park. Turn right at the road and walk the few hundred metres over the river and take the path on your left hand-side sign-posted the Pennine Way. Following the public bridleway signs to Langscar Gate.

At the next sign if you wish you could take the detour to , otherwise turn right and head to Langscar Gate. At the gate cross the road and continue to follow the bridleway now towards Stockdale Farm. The path is mainly stony; at the f arm you will meet a road. Turn left and follow the road for a mile or so. At the bend in the road take the footpath sign-posted Settle and start to follow the Dales High Way footpath.

Follow the grassy path towards Attermire Scar. Turning right away from the Dales High Way. The path goes alongside the wall on your left. At the end of the path turn right and join the Pennine Bridleway. Follow the path until it goes downhill and over a cattle grid. Take the small path on the left hand side and head over the fell, this path can be boggy at times. Continue over the following the path – with good views of Fountains Fell and Pen-y-Ghent to your left. Soon you will leave the fell and walk diagonally across a small field to a stile and to meet the road. Turn left onto the road and walk along the road for approximately ½ mile before taking the bridleway on your right to Tennant Gill. If you meet the cross roads you have gone too far. Follow the bridleway for 2 miles until meeting the road and joining the Pennine Way at the entrance to Tennant Gill Farm. At the sign-post for 5 ½ miles turn left and walk up the track to Tennant Gill. At the farm continue to follow the Pennine Way as it starts to climb up Fountains Fell.

The path is grassy near the bottom but becomes stony as you climb up the fell. Once on the top remains of mining works can be seen and great views of Pen-y-Ghent. Follow the path as it starts to descend down Fountains Fell to the road. At the road turn right, leaving the Pennine Way and follow the road for approximately ½ mile, the road is not busy but please be careful. Turn right at the sign-post for New Bridge 3 miles and start to follow the bridleway to New Bridge and Litton. Initially the path is a wide grassy track and fairly flat with Fountains Fell on your right hand side. After about a mile you will need to cross a beck which can be tricky following heavy rainfall. Once through the next gate you will see Pen-y-Ghent Gill to your left and soon great views of Littondale. The path then becomes steep and stony for a small section before crossing a small beck and meeting the path coming from Nether Hesleden on your left Continue to the Bridge. Go through the gate and go straight on still following the bridleway. Walk along the wide path for about ⅓ mile before taking the footpath through the small wooden gate sign-posted Litton. Go down the stone steps and follow the path to the small wooden gate at the side of Spittle Croft. Go through the gate and go diagonally across the field until meeting another small-wooden bridge at the side of the River Skirfare. Go through this and walk across the bridge over the river. Follow the path up the steep track to meet the road at the green in Litton. Turn right and walk down the road back to Park Bottom.