American Indian Removal What Does It Mean to Remove a People?

Potawatomi Treaty: Paraphrased Transcription

These are the Articles of a treaty, which was made and concluded at a camp near Yellow river, in the State of . This treaty was made between Abel C. Pepper, a government official, who represented the and Pe-pin-a-waw, No-taw-kah and Mac-kah-tah-mo-ah, who were chiefs and headmen of the tribe of Indians, and their people on August 5, 1836.

Article 1 The chiefs and headmen listed above and their people do now give up to the United States 22 sections of land. These sections of land had been reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Potawatomi tribe of Indians on , on October 26, 1832.

Article 2 Because the Potawatomi have given up the 22 sections of land, the United States promises to pay the chiefs and headmen and their people the amount of $14,080. The United States will pay this amount after this treaty is approved, which should be on or before the first day of May of 1837.

Article 3 Within two years, the chiefs and headmen and their people agree to move to the country west of the . The United States has provided this land for the Potawatomi nation.

Article 4 The Potawatomi have requested that after this treaty has been approved, the United States shall choose a government official who will pay any of the ’ debts that he believes to be fair. The government official will take the money needed to pay the Potawatomis’ debts out of the $14,080 that the United States agreed to pay the Potawatomi in the second article of this treaty.

Article 5 The United States promises to provide for the payment of the necessary expenses that go along with making this treaty. 1 American Indian Removal What Does It Mean to Remove a People? Transcription

Article 6 After this treaty has been approved by the President and Senate of the United States, both the Potawatomi and the United States must do what they have agreed to do in this treaty. 2