Phase 1 Works, Building 17 Mill Cromford,

Archaeological Watching Brief

for Purcell on behalf of The

CA Project: 660008 CA Report: 14111

March 2014

Phase 1 Works, Building 17 Cromford, Derbyshire

Archaeological Watching Brief

CA Project: 660008 CA Report: 14111

prepared by Sian Reynish, Project Supervisor

date 25 April 2014

checked by Ian Barnes, Project Manager

date 25 April 2014 Cliff Bateman, Principal Fieldwork Manager approved by


date 25 April 2014

issue 02

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover Building 11 Unit 4 Office 49 Kemble Enterprise Park Cromwell Business Centre Basepoint Business Centre Kemble, Cirencester Howard Way, Newport Pagnell Caxton Close, Andover Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ MK16 9QS Hampshire, SP10 3FG t. 01285 771022 t. 01908 218320 t. 01264 326549 f. 01285 771033 e. [email protected]

© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


SUMMARY ...... 3

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 4

The site ...... 4 Archaeological background ...... 5 Archaeological objectives ...... 6 Methodology...... 6

2. RESULTS (FIGS 2-10) ...... 7

3. DISCUSSION ...... 10

4. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 11

5. REFERENCES ...... 11




© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Fig. 2 The site, showing location of groundworks and photograph Fig. 3 The site, showing location of groundworks and archaeological features Fig. 4 Plan of 2008 Fig. 5 Photograph of archaeological features in ‘the transition room’ Fig. 6 Plan of Test Pit 20 Fig. 7 Stone mounting block 2024, looking south (0.3m scale) Fig. 8 Floor ‘B’ (1m scales) Fig. 9 Plan of the western extent of Test Pit 20 Fig. 10 The central area, looking west Fig. 11 Culvert ‘G’, looking south-west (1m and 0.3m scales) Fig. 12 Plan of 22010 and 22004 Fig. 13 North facing section of Test Pit 19 Fig. 14 West facing section of 22004 Fig. 15 North and west facing section of Test Pit 13 Fig. 16 Northwest facing section of 3014 Fig. 17 Wall foundation 3014 looking south-west (1m scale) Fig. 18 Plan of steps 3004 and flagstones 3005 Fig. 19 Chute 3022, looking north (0.3m scale) Fig. 20 Plan of southern extent of apsidal room Fig. 21 East facing section of Test Pit 42


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


Project Name: Building 17, Cromford Mill Location: Cromford, Derbyshire NGR: SK 2979 5692 Type: Watching Brief Date: 7 May – 4 October 2013 Planning Reference: 10/00297/FUL Listed Building consent: 10/00298/LBALT Location of Archive: To be deposited with Museum and Art Gallery Accession Number: DERSB 2011.46 Site Code: CRM 13

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology at Building 17, Cromford Mill, Derbyshire during decontamination and restoration works associated with its conversion into the World Heritage Site visitors centre.

The watching brief revealed evidence that prior to the construction of Building 17, the area had been stripped and levelled. Two north-east/south-west aligned culverts were identified beneath the central area of Building 17. The culverts likely allowed for the flow of water from the weir (to the north-east of Building 17) to ponds to the south-west.

Building 17 was constructed in 1785. Elements of this period included the north-east/south- west foundation wall, internal sandstone steps, stone slab and brick flooring (identified throughout the ground floor) and an internal privy stack and heating flue towards the south- western corner of the building. A stone and brick fireplace was identified in the eastern part of the building. The mounting blocks identified within the central area and eastern areas may have been part of the cotton spinning machinery of 18th century date. It is also possible that the machining block were part of the secondary use as a ‘colour works’ during the 20th century.

Evidence of 20th century activity includes metal pipework installed under the stone and brick floor and a number of small brick manholes.


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


1.1 Between May and October 2013 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological watching brief for Purcell, on behalf of the Arkwright Society at Building 17, Cromford Mill, Derbyshire (centred on NGR: SK 2979 5692; Fig. 1). The watching brief was undertaken to fulfil a condition attached to a planning consent for the conversion of Building 17 into the World Heritage Site visitors centre ( District Council (DDDC) Planning ref: 10/00297/FUL and Listed Building consent application 10/00298/LBALT). The objective of the watching brief was to record all archaeological remains exposed during the conversion.

1.2 The watching brief was carried out in accordance with a Brief for Archaeological Monitoring & Historic Building Recording prepared by Steve Baker, Development Control Archaeologist, Derbyshire County Council, archaeological advisor to DDDC. A subsequent detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2013) and approved by DDDC acting on the advice of Steve Baker. The fieldwork also followed the Standard and guidance for an archaeological watching brief (IfA 2009), the Management of Archaeological Projects 2 (English Heritage 1991), the Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MORPHE): Project Manager’s Guide (EH 2006).

The site 1.3 Building 17 is located on a large mill site located close to Cromford village. The building is Grade I listed (Listed Building ref: 1248010) and the mill site forms part of a World Heritage Site encompassing several mills along the Derwent river valley. The site is approximately 0.9 hectares in extent and is bordered to the south, west and east by Mill road and to the north by Scarthin Rock which is a limestone outcrop. The site lies at approximately 90m AOD and is broadly level.

1.4 The underlying solid geology of the area is mapped as Limestone Formation of the Carboniferous Period. The drift geology is mapped as alluvium in the form of gravel, sand, silt and clay from the Quaternary Period (BGS 2014). The natural substrate comprising of clay and sandy clay with gravel lenses, was revealed within the apsidal room and the test pits/pillar foundations within the central area of the building.


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Archaeological background

1.5 The first mill present on the site was constructed in 1770. Further construction of additional mill buildings continued till 1790 (HER ref: 9723). Despite a heritage search within the public domain the land use prior to 1770 could not be determined.

1.6 Building 17 was built in c.1785 and appears to have been used for both cotton spinning and warehousing. Prior to its purchase by the Arkwright Society in 1979, the site and Building 17 were used as a ‘colour works’ which resulted in widespread contamination. The full historical archaeological background is contained within the Conservation Statement and Management Plan for the site.

1.7 Building 17 has a 12 bay rectangular plan and is five stories high with a hipped Westmorland slate roof. The west end of the building is slightly angled in plan, which enabled an internal privy stack and a heating flue to be located in its south west corner without intruding into the main floor plan. The east end of Building 17 is apsidal in shape, matching an identical feature on the adjacent Building 16. Building 17 is constructed from coursed squared gritstone with stepped gritstone lintels over the majority of windows. The apsidal end of the building has plain lintels. Building 17 is linked to both Building 16 and Building 18 by enclosed brick bridge structures. It appears that the ground floor of the building was originally divided into four separate compartments, each accessed by doors from the Mill yard. The apse end forms its own self-contained compartment accessed by an external door and has a split level stone flag floor, divided by a pair of stone steps at ground floor. There is also evidence of a fire place. The large east compartment is 6 bays long and lit by three high level sash windows facing the yard. The central bay is a single bay wide and evidence suggests that it had a raised floor structure approximately 1500mm above ground level, the spaces above and beneath being accessed by two pairs of double doors divided by a fixed transom. This compartment has the remains of a stone flag floor as well as a stone lined ‘sump’ at its rear.

1.8 Building 17 was in use by Cromford Colour Company between 1921 and 1971, during which time alterations were made to adapt it for modern industrial pigment production. The majority of the ground floor of the building was subject to decontamination in 1995, with archaeological monitoring by Dr Patrick Strange (Planning ref: 0595/0347). Within Building 17, this involved removal of ground slabs, colour works drainage, and underlying subsoil to a depth of c. 500mm over much of


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

the ground floor area, although some undisturbed original flooring survives at the western end.

Archaeological objectives

1.9 The objectives of the archaeological works were:

 to monitor groundworks, and to identify, investigate and record all significant buried archaeological deposits revealed on the site during the course of the development groundworks;

 at the conclusion of the project, to produce an integrated archive for the project work and a report setting out the results of the project and the archaeological conclusions that can be drawn from the recorded data.


1.10 The fieldwork followed the methodology set out within the WSI (CA 2013). The archaeological works included:

 In-conversion buildings watching brief, on areas where previously hidden historic fabric may be exposed;  Below-ground archaeological watching brief on all areas of development groundworks believed to be previously impacted by decontamination works  Archaeological hand excavation of any areas of development groundworks not previously impacted upon by decontamination works.

1.11 An archaeologist was present during intrusive groundworks associated with the redevelopment of building 7 (Fig. 2).

1.12 Where archaeological deposits were encountered written, graphic and photographic records were compiled in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual (2007).

1.13 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble. The site archive will be deposited with Buxton Museum and Art


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Gallery under accession number DERSB 2011.46. A summary of information from this project, set out within Appendix B, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.

2. RESULTS (FIGS 2-21)

2.1 This section provides an overview of the watching brief results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts are to be found in Appendices A.

2.2 Building 17 is most readily understood as three separate areas: the transition room (at the west), the central area and the apsidal room (at the east). The areas are divided by extant walls as illustrated on Fig. 3.

2.3 Similar deposits and stratigraphic sequence were observed during the watching brief observations. During the post fieldwork analysis identical deposits were grouped under a single context (see Appendix A), and are hereafter referred within the test as bold letters within square brackets (i.e. [A]).

2.3 The natural geological substrate ([F]), consisting of a mixed layer of clay and sandy clay with gravel lenses, was revealed within the apsidal room and the testpits/pillar foundations within the central area at a typical depth of 0.91m below present ground level. This was overlain by a series of make-up deposits ([C], [D] and [E]) which varied between 0.2 and 0.8m in thickness. The make-up deposits across all the areas were very similar, and as such difficult to distinguish in the recording conditions. These make-up deposits were in turn sealed by a flagstone and brick floor between 0.05 and 0.1m thick ([A], [B] and [K]); these were observed intermittently throughout the ground floor and may represent the original workshop floor. This was sealed by a series of modern demolition/levelling layers ([H], [I] and [J]) formed during the disuse and more recent decontamination works.

Transition Room (Fig. 3-9) 2.4 At the south-western corner of the room a brick structure, 2065, was observed which was noted to be an element of the internal privy stack and a heating flue (Fig. 4 and 5). Immediately to the north of this was a low platform/wall foundation, 2054, measuring 0.25m wide and 0.4m high (Fig. 6): this may have been a step up or a surround to the internal privy stack and a heating flue.


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

2.5 Two stone mounting blocks were observed against the southern end of the room. Mounting block 2000 was in the south-eastern corner, and measured 1.46m long, 0.8m wide and 0.6m high (Fig. 6). At the south-western corner, mounting block 2024 was observed measuring 0.7m long, 0.7m wide and 0.5m high (Fig. 7). Both of these blocks were situated on top of floor B (Fig. 8). The mounting blocks had the remains of bolts and boltholes within the top of the blocks which indicates they were for securing machinery.

2.6 Metal pipework within cuts 2050, 2067 and 2070 was uncovered under the floor B and cut into make-up deposit C (Fig. 9). It is possible areas of the floor surface were removed then replaced for the pipework to be laid. A number of small brick manholes, 2025, 2046, and 2047 (within cuts 2050, 2070 and 2067 respectively), measuring approximately 0.5m long 0.4m wide and 0.4m high, were identified within the floor for valves or taps associated with the metal piping (Fig. 10). Modern service 2006 truncated the brick and flagstone.

Central Area (Fig. 3, 10-15) 2.7 Within the central area two north-east/south-west culverts (1408 and culvert [G]) were observed (Fig. 10); both cut into made-up deposit [D] (Fig. 11). Within the construction cut two parallel stone walls were constructed. The culvert walls measured approximately 0.2m wide and 0.6m high and were situated approximately 0.2m apart. The culverts were observed to be capped along part of their length.

2.8 An internal north-south dividing brick wall 1915 was identified centrally measuring 0.7m wide and >0.8m high (Fig. 13). This wall aligns with the remains of an existing north/south wall. Another north/south dividing wall, 22004, was identified was identified to the eastern end of the central area (Fig. 12 and 14). Wall 22004 was only partially observed and measured >1.5m long 0.4m wide and >0.4m high. These walls are likely to represent internal dividing walls.

2.9 Towards the south-west of the central, area large stone blocks 1306 and 1307 were identified. The blocks measured approximately 0.6m long, 0.4m wide and 0.17m high (Fig. 15). It is likely that these were some form of mounting block or pad given their dimensions however the stones, while closely packed, were not bonded.


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Apsidal Room (Fig. 3, 16-21) 2.10 Under the extant curved external wall, north-east/south-west wall 3014 was observed (Fig. 16 and 17). It measured 4.5m long, 0.7m at widest part and 0.51m deep. It was roughly coursed made up of five different components: at the base were larger stone blocks 3018, overlain by a mix of medium to smaller stone blocks 3016 and 3031. Located towards the middle of the wall (keyed into both the existing buildings wall and 3016) were two stone blocks, 3019 approximately 1.1m apart and measuring 0.36m long, 0.3m wide and 0.18m high. These blocks act as buttresses at the widest part of the wall for added stability. Covering the rest of 3016 and butting 3019 were stone slabs 3017 which could either be remnants of the stone floor or capping stones for the wall. This wall was mainly straight with a curve toward the apex of the curved wall of the building above so the two walls became flush. It is likely this wall is the foundation of the building and was constructed straight instead of following the buildings curve for extra stability.

2.11 Towards the northern end of the room and stretching across the entire width were two internal sandstone steps (Fig. 18). The steps measured 0.29m wide and 0.17m high, and were butted by flagstones 3000 and 3005 of floor [K]. These steps created a landing for the stairs to the floors above.

2.12 Against the eastern curved wall, a stone and brick fireplace 3020 was observed measuring 0.5m wide and 0.43m high. Fireplace 3020 was made from a number of different components. Cut into make-up deposit 3006 was construction cut 3028 for stone gully 3021 and 3022 with capping stones 3030 (Fig. 19). This gully measured at least 0.6m long, 0.46m wide and 0.2m high. It was created as a chute for ash and soot to be disposed of without carrying it through the . An ashy deposit 3023 was identified within this chute demonstrating this (Fig. 20). Overlying the chute was the u-shaped brick remains, 3010, of the fireplace which measured 0.3m long, 0.2m wide and 0.3m high.

External works 2.13 Three trenches, 40, 42 and 43, were excavated outside of Building 17. Observed within these trenches were a series of make-up deposits into which modern services were cut. This was in turn sealed by hardcore and tarmac (Fig. 21).


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

2.14 Within Trench 40 sealing the make-up deposit and cut by the modern services was a layer of concrete. This may have been the 20th century external surface when the mill was a ‘colour works’.


3.1 Building 17 was constructed in 1785 and was used for both cotton spinning and warehousing prior to its use as a ‘colour works’ between 1921 and 1971. Much of the original elements of the cotton spinning mill were removed during the alterations to adapt the mill for modern industrial pigment production. It is likely secondary damage results from the decontamination works in 1995. However, some of the features observed during the watching brief may relate to the original use as a cotton spinning mill.

Pre-construction phase 3.2 The pre-construction phase represents activity prior to the construction of Building 17 in the 18th century. The presence of make-up deposits directly overlying the natural substrate suggests the area had been stripped and levelled for the construction of the mill in 1770. Into these make-up deposits two north-east/south- west culverts (1408 and culvert G) were cut. The culverts most probably served to allow flow of water from the weir (to the north-east of Building 17) to ponds to the south-west (Fig. 2).

Phase 1 3.3 This phase represents the fabric of Building 17 in 1785. This included the north- east/south-west foundation wall 3014 and north-south internal dividing walls 1915 and 22004. It is likely that the internal sandstone steps and stone slab and brick flooring (identified throughout the ground floor) were also part of this original fabric. Within the Transition room, towards the south-western corner, brick structure 2065 was observed which relates to an internal privy stack and heating flue.

Phase 1a 3.4 This phase represents alterations within the first period of activity. A stone and brick fireplace 3020 was identified within the apsidal room. The mounting blocks identified within the central area and transition room may have been part of the cotton


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

spinning machinery. However it is also possible that the machining block were part of the secondary use as a ‘colour works’ (Phase 2).

Phase 2 3.5 Phase 2 represents the change in use from a cotton spinning mill to a ‘colour works’ from 1921. Within the transition room, metal pipework was installed under the stone and brick floor. Areas of the floor surface were removed for the pipework to be laid, and a number of small brick manholes were incorporated within the floor for valves or taps associated with the metal piping.

Phase 3 3.6 Phase 3 includes activities post 1971 including modern services. Most of these were observed outside the building, however it is possible some of the internal services especially in the transition room and apsidal room were of this date.

Phase 3a 3.7 This phase is represented by the 1995 decontamination works which involved removal of ground slabs, colour works drainage, and underlying subsoil to a depth of c. 500mm over much of the ground floor area.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Luke Brannlund and Jay Wood. The report was written by Sian Reynish. The illustrations were prepared by Aleksandra Osinska. The archive has been compiled by Sian Reynish, and prepared for deposition by Jennie Hughes. The project was managed for CA by Ian Barnes.


BGS (British Geological Survey) 2011 Geology of Britain Viewer viewer_google/googleviewer.html Accessed 17 March 2014

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2013 Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Written Scheme of Investigation for Historic Building Recording and an Archaeological Watching Brief


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief


Code Description Area A Flagstone floor central B Brick and flagstone floor Transition room C Make-up deposit Transition room D Make-up deposit central E Make-up deposit Apsidal room F Natural substrate Central area and transition room G culvert Central area H Modern levelling/demolition Transition room I Modern levelling/demolition including plastic central teram J Modern levelling/demolition Apsidal room K Flagstone and brick floor Apsidal room

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 1 100 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1m 1.5m 0.15m- modern hardcore/gravel 0.2m 1 101 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1.5m 2mm modern membrane 1 102 Layer D Made ground Mixed; friable; mid 1m 1.5m 0.4m grey-brown silty- clay+gravel 1 103 Layer D Made ground Mixed, friable, 1m 1.5m 0.54m dark grey-brown silty-clay 1 104 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1m 1.5m >0.07 clay 1 105 Layer D made ground Mixed dark greyish 1m 0.23m yellow brown silty- clay,gravel and occasional medium stones 1 106 Masonry Wall Consists of 4 1m 0.3-0.5m 1.06m 18th-19th foundation layers; undressed C to dressed stone 1 107 Masonry Butts Northern Consists of layers 1m 0.14m 0.14m 18th-19th wall of bulding 112 and C 17 113;brickwork 1 108 Masonry Under 106 Unseen;bottom 1m 18th-19th construction layer C of wall 106 1 109 Masonry 2nd layer of Large squared 18th-19th wall 106 stone slab C 1 110 Masonry 3rd layer of single course of 18th-19th wall 106 roughly dressed C squared stone 1 111 Masonry 4rd layer of Like 110; but wall 106 covered in lime mortar or concrete 1 112 Masonry Bottom layer Blackened/discolo 1m 0.14m 0.6m 18th-19th of 107 ured brick;four C courses 1 113 Masonry Top layer of Bricks;2 courses 0.23m 0.12m 0.06m 18th-19th 107 C 1 114 Layer Mid to dark greyish yellow gravel 2 200 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.5m 1.2m 0.16m hardcore/gravel 2 201 Layer I Black plastic 1.5m 1.2m 2mm membrane 2 202 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey- 1.5m 1.2m 0.05- brown mixed with 0.11m hardcore/gravel


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 2 203 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey- 1.5m 1.2m 0.6-0.7m brown silty-clay and gravel, brick fragments 2 204 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.2m 0.6-0.7m silty-clay;contains small - medium stones & brick fragments 2 205 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.5m 1.2m 0.25m clay 2 206 Masonry Wall consists of 207 1.5m 0.31m 0.78m 18th C+ foundation and 208 2 207 Masonry Bottom layer 6 courses of 1.5m 0.31m 0.58m 18th C+ of 206 random sized,dressed, stones 2 208 Masonry Top layer of Two courses of 1.5m 0.31m 0.2m 18th C+ 206 random sized,dressed stones. 2 209 Masonry Wall Consists of layers 1.5m 0.14m 0.49m 18th C+ 210,211 and 212 2 210 Masonry Upper course Double course of 1.0m 0.11m 0.2m 18th C+ of Wall 209 smaller roughly dressed stone blocks 2 211 Masonry Middle course Single course of 1.0m 0.14m 0.12m 18th C+ of wall 209 bricks;heavily contaminated 2 212 Masonry Bottom course Concrete 1.5m 0.14m 18th C+ of 209 covered:probaly brick 3 300 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.0m 1.3m 0.18m hardcore/gravel 3 301 Layer I Black plastic 1.0m 1.3m 2mm membrane 3 302 Layer D Made ground Mixed soil: mid to 1m 1.3m 0.4m dark grey-brown silty-clay, gravel and occasional stones & brick fragments 3 303 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1m 1.3m 0.35 silty clay contains small to larger stones and brick fragments 3 304 Layer Made Dark yellowish 1m 0.52m 0.6m ground/disturd grey-brown silty- ed natural clay, frequent small stones 3 305 Layer Made Mid to dark grey 1m 0.91m 0.6m ground/disturb brown silty- ed buried soil clay,occasional small stones 3 306 Layer F Natural Mid to dark 1m 1.3m 0.06m yellowish brown sandy clay, gravel and small to medium stones 3 307 Masonry Foundation of Wall construction 1m 0.13m S wall of of varied building 17 materials; see contexts;308,309, 310,311,312 3 308 Masonry Bottomlayer of single course of 1m 0.13m 0.15 wall segment long roughly 307 dressed stones:0.40x0.15 m; each


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 3 309 Masonry Second layer Four roughly 1m 0.13m 0.7 up of wall dressed stone segment 307 courses of various size 3 310 Masonry Middle layer Two courses of 1m 0.13m 0.3 down of wall random structure 307 sized,roughly dressed stones 3 311 Masonry Second layer Single stone 1m 0.13m 0.16 down of wall course segment 307 3 312 Masonry Top layer of Double course of 1m 0.5 0.23m stone segment squared,dressed 307 stone 4 400 Layer D Made ground; Mid grey 1m 1m 0.19m hardcore hardcore/gravel 4 401 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 4 402 Layer D Made Mid to dark 1m 1m 0.1m ground/levelin greyish yellow g deposit gravel 4 403 Layer D Made Mid to dark grey 1m 1m 0.4-0.45m ground/dump brown silty-clay and gravel; contains medium to large stones 4 404 Layer D Made ground Dark yellow brown 1m 1m 0.35 silty-clay and gravel and medium to large stones 4 405 Layer F Natural;above Mid redddish 1m 1m 0.18- 406 yellow brown silty- 0.24m clay;upper 0.05- 0.1 m 4 406 Layer F Natural;below Mid to dark brown 1m 1m 0.26m+ 405 sandy-clay and gravel contains medium to large stones 4 407 Masonry Wall Seven roughly 1m 1m 1m foundation;S dressed stone wall of building courses,no visible 17 mortar;highly contaminated 5 500 Layer D Hardcore/mad Mid grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.2m e ground hardcore/gravel 5 501 Layer I Black plastic 1.5m 1.5m 2mm membrane 5 502 Layer D Hardcore/mad Mid to dark grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.19m- e ground gravel and small 0.24m stones;same as 102 5 503 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.18m silty-clay,mixed deposit 5 504 Layer F Natural Mid to dark 1.5m 1.5m 0.06m reddish-brown clay,soft 6 600 Layer D Hardcore/mad Mid grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.18m e ground hardcore/gravel 6 601 Layer I Black plastic 1.5m 1.5m 2mm membrane 6 602 Layer D Hardcore/mad Mixed; friable; mid 1.5m 1.5m 0.06- e ground grey-brown silty- 0.18m clay and gravel 6 603 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.2m silty-clay,mixed deposit;contains stone and brick fragments


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 6 604 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.08m clay 7 700 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.19m hardcore/gravel 7 701 Layer I Black plastic 1.5m 1.5m 2mm membrane 7 702 Layer D Made ground Mixed; friable; mid 1.5m 1.5m 0.1m grey-brown silty- clay and gravel 7 703 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.29m silty-clay,mixed deposit 7 704 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.05m clay 8 800 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.19m hardcore/gravel 8 801 Layer I black plastic 1.5m 1.5m 2mm membrane 8 802 Layer D Made ground Mixed; friable; mid 1.5m 1.5m 0.05- grey-brown silty- 0.14m clay+gravel 8 803 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.26-0.32 silty-clay,mixed deposit 8 804 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.06 clay 8 805 Masonry Truncated wall Two courses of 1.5m 1.5m 0.72m section;possibl dressed stone y continuation blocks of wall 908 8 806 Cut Cut of Linear trench for 1.11m 0.48m unknown foundation footings of internal trench wall; 8 807 Fill Fill of 806; Silty clay and 1.11m 0.48m unknown Likely stone Intentional deposit(>40%) foundation deposit 9 900 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.5m 1.5m 0.16m hardcore/gravel 9 901 Layer I Black platic 1.5m 1.5m 2mm membrane 9 902 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey- 1.5m 1.5m 0.08m- brown mixed with 0.16m hardcore/gravel 9 903 Layer 911 Fill of As 703;contains a 1.5m 1.5m 0.29- foundationtren lot of discarded 0.98m ch 911 buildingmaterial: N-S 9 904 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.5m 1.5m 0.32- silty-clay and 0.66m medium to large stones 9 905 Layer Made Mid grey-brown 0.66m 0.25m ground/consoli silty-clay,common dation layer medium& large stones,N-S 9 906 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 0.66m 0.25m clay 9 907 Masonry Part of Wall Single layer of 1.5m 0.5m 0.22m 909 foundation large irregularly sized stones 9 908 Masonry Part of Wall Two courses of 1.5m 0.49m 0.24m 909 foundation or roughly dressed floor;above stone;two blocks 907 wide;SW-NE 9 909 Masonry Wall structure Consists of; 1.56m 0.45- 0.75m 907,908,910,914 0.52m


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 9 910 Masonry Part of Wall footings Two single 1.5m 0.5m 0.12- 909 or channel courses of stone 0.17m wall footings blocks,running paralel 9 911 Cut Foundation Foundation trench 1.5m 0.5- 0.75m trench for structure 0.64m 915;SW-NE 9 912 Fill 911 Backfill Mid reddish brown 1.5m 0.65m 0.21m deposit silty-sand,grit and small to medium sandstones 9 913 Fill 911 Backfill Mid grey-brown 0.78m 0.31m deposit sandy-silt; contains grit and sandstone 9 914 Masonry Part of Stone Variety of flat 0.06-0.1m 909 footings;under undressed stones 907 10 1000 Layer Hardcore;mad Mid grey 1m 1m 0.15m e ground hardcore/gravel 10 1001 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 10 1002 Layer Mixed; friable; mid 1m 1m 0.14m grey-brown silty- clay+gravel 10 1003 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark brown 1m 1m 0.15m- silty-clay,gravel 0.2m and small to medium stones 10 1004 Layer Mid to dark yellow- 1m 1m 0.36m brown silty-clay and gravel, contains small to medium stones 10 1005 Layer F Natural Mid yellow-brown 1m 1m 0.08m clayey-gravel 11 1100 Layer D Hardcore;mad Mid grey 1m 1m 0.17m e ground hardcore/gravel 11 1101 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 11 1102 Layer D Hardcore;mad Mixed; friable; mid 1m 1m 0.21m e ground grey-brown silty- clay+gravel 11 1103 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey 1m 1m 0.26m silty-clay,gravel and small to medium stones 11 1104 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark yellow- 1m 1m 0.29m brown silty-clay and gravel, contains small to large stones 11 1105 Layer F Natural Mid to dark brown 1m 1m 0.05m sandy-clay and gravel contains medium to large stones 12 1200 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.2m 1.15m 0.16m hardcore/gravel 12 1201 Layer I Black plastic 1.2m 1.15m 2mm membrane 12 1202 Layer D Made Mid to dark grey- 1.2m 1.15m 0.1-0.26m ground/dump brown silty-clay and small to large dressed and squared stones;occasional cbm,contaminated 12 1203 Fill 1209 Hardcore Mid grey 1.2m 0.71m 0.37m hardcore/gravel


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 12 1204 Layer Made Mid to dark grey- 1.2m 0.71m 0.33m ground/disturb brown silty- ed natural clay,small to large stone, contaminated 12 1205 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.2m 1.15m silty-clay and small stones,occasional medium stones 12 1206 Masonry A Surface Flagstone 1.2m 0.40m 0.10m surface,partially heat damaged 12 1207 Layer D Made ground Dark to mid 1.2m 0.4m or dump greyish-brown silty-clay and small stones,occasional medium and large stones 12 1208 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.2m 1.15m 0.07m clay 12 1209 Cut Modern intervention 13 1300 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.1m 0.95m 0.17m hardcore/gravel 13 1301 Layer I Black plastic 1.1m 0.95m 2mm membrane 13 1302 Layer D Made ground Mixed soil: mid to 1.1m 0.95m 0.23m dark grey-brown silty-clay, gravel and occasional stones & brick fragments 13 1303 Layer D Made ground Mixed soil: mid to 1.1m 0.95m 0.28m dark grey-brown silty-clay, gravel and occasional stones & brick fragments;heavily contaminated 13 1304 Layer Made Dark grey-brown 1.1m 0,.5m 0.16m ground,disturb silty- ed buried soil clay,occasional small to medium stones 13 1305 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.1m 0.95m clay 13 1306 Masonry Padstones/mo Large roughly >1m 0.75m 0.23m unting blocks dressed stones 13 1307 Masonry Stone blocks Large roughly 1m 0.7m 0.15m dressed stones 14 1400 Layer Made ground Mid grey 1m 1m 0.15m hardcore/gravel 14 1401 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 14 1402 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey- 1m 1m 0.16- brown silty- 0.20m clay,includes gritstone,gravel and rare brick fragment 14 1403 Layer D Made ground Mid grey-brown 1m 1m 0.16m silty-clay and gravel contains medium stones 14 1404 Layer D Made ground Crushed brick and 1m 1m 0.06 mortar 14 1405 Layer Possibly Dark grey-brown 1m 1m 0.35m disturbed mottled yellow- buried topsoil brown silty-clay and grit,occasional small stones


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 14 1406 Layer D Made ground Mid grey-brown 1m 1m 0.16m silty-clay and gravel contains medium stones: contaminated 14 1407 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1m 1m >0.10m clay 14 1408 Masonry Stone wall Gritstone blocks of 0.96m 0.35m 0.45m varied size;forming SE edge of a culvert wall:SW- NE 15 1500 Layer D Made ground; Mid grey 1m 1m 0.17m hardcore hardcore/gravel 15 1501 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 15 1502 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey 1m 1m 0.38m silty-clay and gravel,contains medium stones 15 1503 Layer D Made ground Dark blackish- 1m 1m 0.27m brown silty- clay,contains grit and small stones 15 1504 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark grey- 1m 1m 0.19m brown silty- clay,mottled reddish brown,contains grit,gravel and medium stones 15 1505 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1m 1m 0.05m clay 16 1600 Layer Hardcore, Mid grey 1m 1m 0.14- made ground hardcore/gravel 0.30m 16 1601 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 16 1602 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1m 1m 0.1-0.22m silty-clay,contains gravel and small to medium stones 16 1603 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark yellow- 1m 1m 0.3m brown silty-clay and gravel, contains small to large stones 16 1604 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1m 1m 0.16m clay 16 1605 Layer F Natural Mid to dark brown 1m 1m sandy-clay and gravel contains medium to large stones 17 1700 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1.25m 1.1m 0.1-0.29m hardcore/gravel 17 1701 Layer I Black plastic 1.25m 1.1m 0.1-0.29m membrane 17 1702 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1.25m 1.1m 0.16- silty-clay and small 0.25m to medium stones 17 1703 Cut Foundation SW-NE 1.5m 1.24m 0.65m trench for culvert/drain 1705 17 1704 Layer Backfill of Mid to dark grey- 1.5m 1.24m 0.56m 1703 brown silty clay and medium to large stones 17 1705 Masonry Culvert/drain Medium to large 1.55m 0.2- 0.6m walls roughly dressed 0.25m stones


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 17 1706 Masonry 1705 Cap of drain Large flat stones 1.57m 0.60m 0.1-0.14m capping culvert walls 1705 17 1707 Layer 1705 Silting deposit Mid grey-brown 1.55m 0.25m 0.2m silty-clay and grit,small stones 17 1708 Layer 1705 Silting depsit Mid grey-brown 1.55m 0.23m 0.28m sandy-clay and grit 17 1709 Layer 1705 Botom fill of Mid yellow-brown 1.55m 0.2m 0.12m 1705 sandy-gravel 17 1710 Layer F Natural Mid to dark brown 1.25m 1.1m 1.01m sandy-clay and gravel contains medium to large stones 17 1711 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1.25m 1.1m 1.01m clay 17 1712 Layer D Made Mid to dark grey- 0.42m 0.65m 0.11m ground;hardco brown mixed with re hardcore/gravel 17 1713 Fill 1703 Backfill Mid grey-brown 1.54m 1.65m 0.19m deposit silty-clay,contains small to large stones and gritt 17 1714 Masonry Culvert Consists of 1.54m 0.6-0.7m 0.6m walls;1705 and capping;1706 18 1800 Layer Hardcore;mad Mid grey 1m 1m 0.14m e ground hardcore/gravel 18 1801 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 18 1802 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1m 1m 0.16m silty-clay,contains gravel and small to medium stones 18 1803 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark yellow- 1m 1m 0.3m brown silty-clay and gravel, contains small to large stones 18 1804 Layer F Natural Mid to dark brown 1m 1m 0.1m sandy-clay and gravel contains medium to large stones 19 1900 Layer D Made ground Mid grey 1m 1m 0.18m hardcore/gravel 19 1901 Layer I Black plastic 1m 1m 2mm membrane 19 1902 Layer D Made ground Mid to dark 1m 1m 04-08m greyish yellow gravel 19 1903 Layer D Made ground Dark grey-brown 1m 1m 0.10- silty-clay,contains 0.18m small to medium stones and CBM fragments 19 1904 Layer D Made ground Mid grey-brown 1m 1m 0.17- silty-clay,contains 0.25m small to medium stones;heavily contaminated 19 1905 Layer D Made Dark grey-brown 1m 1m 0.26m ground/disturb silty-clay contains ed topsoil grit and small stones 19 1906 Layer Made Dark-grey mottled 1m 1m 0.2m ground/disturb silty-clay;contains ed topsoil small stones and grit


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 19 1907 Layer F Natural Mid reddish brown 1m 1m 0.07m clay 19 1908 Masonry Wall structure 4 courses of large 3.3m 0.48m 0.66m flat, squared stones;N-S 19 1909 Masonry A Flagstone Layer of large, 3.3m 0.6- 0.1-0.16m surface dressed, squared 0.62m flat stones 19 1910 Masonry Brick structure 2 courses high; 1.54m 0.3m 0.16m lime mortar 19 1911 Masonry Wall Stone construction 1.55m 0.4m 0.23m foundation of varying sizes; E-W 19 1912 Masonry Wall face Mortar covered 4.1m 0.45m 0.5m stone face of wall;N-S 19 1913 Masonry Interior Bricks alongside 0.12m 0.11m 0.23m wall/façade wall face 1912 19 1914 Masonry Concrete ramp Concrete deposit 1.3m 1.6m 0.6-0.9m 19 1915 Masonry N_S wall Structure consists 5.1m 0.7m >0.8m of elements; 1908,1912,1913 19 1916 Layer Construction Dark grey-brown 0.87m 0.24m layer for 1914 silty-clay with few small to medium stones 19 1917 Layer Concrete Concrete 1.1m 0.18m 0.03- surface 0.04m 19 1918 Layer Mid grey-brown 1.85 1.42 0.12m silty-clay; contains small and medium stones 20 2000 Masonry Mounting Concrete and 1.46m 0.8m 0.6m block stone with three iron pegs in it 20 2001 Masonry B Part of floor Lime mortar 0.8m 0.6m 0.05m surface 2002 surface covering 2002 20 2002 Masonry B Brick floor Brick floor surface 1.2 C3.5 0.06 surface likely associated with chimney 2000 20 2003 Layer B Base for floor Layer of limecrete 1.2 C3.5 0.1 surface 2002 with evidence of burning 20 2004 Layer Floor surface Mortar/stone/brick >2.8 >1.6 C0.4 leveling material which served to level floor surface 2002 20 2005 Fill 2006 Fill of modern Electric service >4.6 C0.8 0.4 service trench 20 2006 Cut Cut of modern Linear cut >4.6 C0.8 0.4 service trench 20 2007 Layer H Modern floor Type 1 >8 C0.4 surface 20 2008 Layer Pre modern Red sandstone 7.5 2.75 0.1 floor surface floor 20 2009 Masonry B Early modern Brick construction 1 0.64 floor surface (marked 'Edwin , ) 20 2010 Masonry B Early modern Brick construction 1.18 >0.84 floor surface 20 2011 Layer B Bedding layer Bedding for for flagstones flagstone floor 2008 20 2012 Layer Debris layer Resulting from 7.5 2.75 activities during active use of structure 20 2013 Void


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 20 2014 Layer C Made ground Homogenous 1.9 0.88 >0.1 hardcore 20 2015 Masonry Eastern Stone made wall 6.7 0.55 >0.16 dividing wall 20 2016 Masonry Footing for Mixed size stone, 6.7 0.5 >1 eastern roughly dressed dividing wall 20 2017 Fill Fill of modern Service >2.8 0.52 >0.34 service trench 20 2018 Masonry H Concrete May serve to 1.8 0.68 0.6 dump support 2008 20 2019 Layer H Made ground >2.5 0.8 >0.2 20 2020 Masonry Southern Stone made wall exterior wall 20 2021 Masonry Footings for 0.52 southern exterior wall 20 2022 Void 20 2023 Layer Made ground Redeposited >0.6 1.2 >0.15 natural 20 2024 Masonry Machine Stone 0.7 0.7 0.4 mounting block 20 2025 Masonry Post/pillar Mixed masonry 0.48 0.5 0.34 packing 20 2026 Layer Made ground Heavily 0.33 0.5 contaminated (likely modern) 20 2027 Layer Bedding for Ash rich deposit 0.53 0.05 2008 (not in situ burning) 20 2028 Layer Made ground Mixed CBM and 1.54 >0.68 >0.24 stone 20 2029 Fill Fill of modern 0.56 0.01 service 20 2030 Fill Modern 0.2 >0.1 service 20 2031 Fill Modern 0.14 >0.12 service 20 2032 Fill Modern 0.34 <0.1 service 20 2033 Layer Leveling Thin layer of 0.46 <0.1 deposit material associated with earlier floor surface 2006 20 2034 Layer Leveling Thin layer of 0.46 <0.1 deposit material associated with earlier floor surface 2006 20 2035 Layer B Bedding Same as 2003 >0.8 0.1 deposit 20 2036 Fill Packing/dump Mix of ash and deposit building material 20 2037 Layer Made ground 0.14 >0.3 20 2038 Layer C Redeposited Resulting from 0.85 >0.17 natural early construction activity 20 2039 Layer Made ground 1.84 0.46 <0.1 20 2040 Masonry B Brick surface Lime mortar 0.48 0.72 0.1 bonded, overlay tile floor 20 2041 Layer Made ground Levelling deposit 3.02 0.6 0.1 for 2008 20 2042 Layer B Bedding layer Mortar bedding for 1.1 1.04 <0.1 2010 20 2043 Layer B Bedding layer Mortar bedding for 1.4 0.7 <0.1 2040 20 2044 Layer C Dump 0.22 0.2 0.1 20 2045 Layer Bedding layer Mortar bedding 1.85 1.6 0.1


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 20 2046 Masonry Brick/stone Heavily disturbed 0.15 0.1 0.1 structure structure 20 2047 Masonry Small area of Brick built modern 0.1 foundations structure 20 2048 Masonry Small area of Brick built modern 0.53 foundations structure 20 2049 Fill 2050 Modern 7.76 0.5 0.53 service 20 2050 Cut Modern 7.76 0.5 0.53 service 20 2051 Fill 2050 Modern 7.76 0.5 0.53 service 20 2052 Layer Rubble infill 1.28 0.62 0.17 20 2053 Masonry Tiled surface Damaged tiled 1.4 0.9 0.1 surface 20 2054 Masonry Bedding layer 3.4 >1.1 0.4 for 2053 20 2055 Masonry Footings of Stone built wall 1.18 0.57 >0.2 exterior wall 20 2056 Masonry Base of flue Stone/brick 3.4 1.1 0.6 stack 2065 structure 20 2057 Fill 2050 Modern 7.76 0.5 0.53 service 20 2058 Fill 2062 Foundaiton Same as 2060 5.2 0.82 0.12 trench backfill 20 2059 Fill 2062 Foundaiton Same as 2063 1.75 1.08 0.27 trench backfill 20 2060 Layer Made ground Heavily 2.62 0.86 0.13 contaminated 20 2061 Layer Made ground Mixed deposit 0.92 0.1 containing demolition rubble 20 2062 Cut Foundation Heavily 5.2 1.08 0.27 trench for contaminated area western wall 20 2063 Layer C Made ground Redeposited 0.34 1.25 0.1 natural 20 2064 Fill 2006 Modern >1.6 0.55 0.1 service 20 2065 Masonry Flue stack Brick built structure 20 2066 Layer Made ground Redeposited 8.2 4 >0.2 natural 20 2067 Cut Modern 0.5 0.33 0.19 service 20 2068 Fill 2047 Backfill CBM rich backfill 0.19 deposit around foundation 2047 20 2069 Fill 2070 Backfill CBM rich backfill 0.57 0.45 0.21 deposit around foundation 2046 20 2070 Cut Foundation 0.57 0.45 0.21 trench 20 2071 Layer Bedding layer Bedding for tile 0.47 0.45 0.1 floor 2053 20 2072 Cut Cut for 0.5 0.5 0.38 post/pillar 2025 21 2100 Layer Modern Type 1 gravel 0.2 surface 21 2101 Layer I Plastic membrane 21 2102 Layer Leveling Redeposited 1.6 0.4 0.4 deposit natural 21 2103 Masonry Concrete pad Modern repair 21 2104 Masonry Apsidal end 0.6 wall 21 2105 Masonry Foundation for Rough built/not 1.6 C0.6 apsidal end faced sandstone wall structure


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 22 22000 Layer Modern Type 1 gravel 0.14 surface 22 22001 Layer i Plastic membrane 22 22002 Layer Made ground 22 22003 Layer Made ground Heavily 8 3 0.11 contaminated/rede posited natural 22 22004 Masonry Truncated NS Stone built 1.5 0.4 0.4 dividing wall remnant of wall 22 22005 Masonry Capping Stone slabs, 3.7 0.6 0.1 stones of roughly dressed, culvert 22010 no bonding 22 22006 Layer Disturbed Heavily >1.2 0.35 0.23 natural contaminated/rede posited natural 22 22007 Same as 1708 22 22008 Same as 1709 22 22009 Masonry Walls of Stone structure of 3.7 0.7 0.55 culvert 22010 culvert, roughly dressed 22 22010 Masonry Same as 22009 22 22011 Layer Leveling layer Deposit above 0.2 0.36 0.1 culvert 22009 (heavily contaminated) 22 22012 Same as 22011 22 22013 Cut Cut for culvert >2.5 0.66 22010 22 22014 Same as 22016 22 22015 Same as 22016 22 22016 Fill 22019 Backfill of Dark grey silty clay >1.35 0.6 0.2 foundation trench 22019 22 22017 Fill 22020 Backfill of Dark grey silty clay >1.5 >0.6 >0.4 modern intervention 22 22018 Fill 22013 Backfill around Grey brown silt >2 >0.4 0.1 culvert 22010 clay 22 22019 Cut Foundation cut 1 >0.6 0.4 for wall 22004 22 22020 Cut Cut of modern 1.5 0.6 >0.4 intervention 23 23000 Layer Modern Type 1 0.34 surface 23 23001 Layer Plastic membrane 23 23002 Layer Made ground Dark grey sandy 3.4 1.1 >0.3 hardcore 23 23003 Void 23 23004 Masonry Wall? Stone wall 0.22 0.31 0.3 (dressed, unknown coursing) 23 23005 Masonry Footing of Stone wall 1.8 0.61 >0.3 extant (variable stone southern wall size, unclear bond) 23 23006 Masonry Extant Stone wall 1.9 0.6 >0.35 southern wall (variable stone size, unclear bond) 24 24000 Layer Modern Type 1 0.31 surface 24 24001 Layer Made ground Dark grey brown 0.2 silty clay 24 24002 Layer Made ground Heavily 0.21 contaminated silty clay


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 24 24003 Masonry Footing of Stone wall 0.6 0.6 truncated (variable stone interior wall size, unclear bond) 24 24004 Masonry A Flagstone floor Large stone 0.6 0.84 flagstone floor (same as 1909) 24 24005 Masonry Extant interior Stone wall 1.9 0.46 >1 wall (dressed regular stones) 3000 Masonry K Flagstone floor Dressed regular 4 C25.83 0.1 courses of uncertain source 3001 Layer Bedding layer Dark yellow sand 3.6 3 0.1 for 3004 3002 Layer E Made ground Dark pinkish 4 2.83 0.1 brown sandy gravel 3003 Layer E Made ground Dark grey brown 3.6 3 0.17 sandy silt 3004 Masonry Internal steps Red sandstone 2.94 0.58 0.34 steps with modern repairs 3005 Masonry K Flagstone floor Dressed regular 2.07 2.8 courses of uncertain source 3006 Layer E Made ground Grey brown silty >0.15 clay 3007 Layer Redeposited Grey brown silty 0.24 topsoil clay 3008 Masonry Modern drain Brick built 1.2 1 1 structure 3009 Masonry Modern drain Concrete surround 2 1 0.4 to 3008 3010 Masonry Fireplace Brick built 0.4 0.4 0.3 structure 3011 Fill Fill/fire waste Black sooty silt 0.3 0.2 0.3 3012 Cut Modern Cut for service drain/manhole 3013 Layer Fill/fire waste Black/grey sooty 2.25 1.1 0.1 silt 3014 Masonry Foundation Variable stone 4.5 0.72 >0.51 foundation course 3015 Layer E Dump Grey brown silt 4.5 2.2 0.3 clay with stone 3016 Masonry Wall footings Roughly dressed 3.8 0.2 0.12 and variable size. Lime mortar bonding 3017 Masonry Flagstone floor Smoothly finished 0.65 0.6 0.1 floor surface, lime mortar bonding 3018 Masonry Wall footings Roughly dressed 3.4 0.7 0.6 and variable size. Lime mortar bonding 3019 Masonry Wall footings Dressed but not coursed red sandstone, lime mortar 3020 Masonry Fireplace Stone and brick >1.2 0.5 0.43 base. 3021 Masonry Fireplace base Stone block 0.44 0.26 0.17 structure with lime mortar 3022 Masonry Fireplace Stone built gully 0.62 0.48 0.18 lining 3023 Fill 3022 Dump Black sooty silt 0.6 0.16 0.01


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 3024 Masonry Wall footings Mix of stone 1.1 0.34 0.31 blocks of variable size in mortar matrix 3025 Layer Dump Mid/light grey silty 1.2 1.1 0.32 grit 3026 Masonry Wall footrings Mix of stone 0.89 0.53 0.3 blocks of variable size in mortar matrix 3027 Layer Made ground Mid brown/grey 1.2 0.52 0.27 silty clay 3028 Cut Contruction 1.3 0.55 0.16 trench for 3020 3029 Fill Backfill Black sooty silt 1.3 0.45 0.16 deposit 3030 Masonry Cap of drain Flat stone slabs, 0.6 0.46 0.15 roughly dressed no bounding 3031 Masonry Wall footings Mix of stone 1.96 1.1 0.5 blocks of variable size in mortar matrix 3032 Masonry Floor surface Brick built 0.24 0.76 0.1 structure 3033 Layer Bedding layer Light/mid grey silty 0.23 0.91 0.1 sand 3034 Layer Natural Dark reddish >1.24 >1.15 >0.11 brown clay 3035 Masonry Modern 0.45 0.24 0.24 service 3036 Masonry Modern 0.46 0.65 0.66 service 3037 Masonry Dividing wall Same as 2104 3038 Fill Modern 0.63 0.28 service 3039 Masonry Modern 0.46 0.65 0.73 service 3040 Layer Backfill around Mid grey brown >.041 >0.4 >0.2 footing 3026 silty clay 3041 Layer Backfill around Dark grey brown >0.17 >0.2 >0.13 footing 3040 sandy silt clay 3042 Fill Backfill around Mid grey brown >0.62 >0.4 0.2 footing 3026 silty clay 3043 Layer Buried topsoil Dark grey brown 0.62 0.4 0.1 silty clay 3044 Layer Bedding Mid yellow sand 2.61 1.37 0.11 deposit 3045 Layer Bedding Mid reddish brown 0.5 2.3 0.1 deposit sand 3046 Fill 3048 Backfill Mid grey brown 1.04 0.23 0.19 silty clay 3047 Fill 3048 Backfill Mid dark grey 1.04 0.19 0.15 brown sandy clay 3048 Cut Service trench Possibly early >1.04 >0.85 >0.43 modern given stratagraphic position 3049 Layer E Made ground Mid grey brown 1.1 1.06 0.2 silty clay 3050 Service Mixed gritstone >1.04 >0.85 >0.43 backfill 3051 Masonry Steps Stone and concrete steps 3052 Modern 0.68 0.63 0.22 service 3053 Fill 3055 Modern 2.3 0.68 0.25 service 3054 Fill 3055 Modern 2.3 0.68 0.25 service


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 3055 Cut Modern 2.3 0.68 0.25 service 3056 Fill 3057 Pipe Lead pipe 2.2 0.13 0.1 3057 Cut Pipe trench 2.2 0.13 0.1 3058 Fill Culvert backfill Mid grey brown 1.04 0.2 silty clay 3059 Layer Natural Mid reddish brown 1 0.85 >0.1 clay 3060 Layer E Made ground Mid greyish brown 1.08 0.82 0.26 siolty clay 3100 Layer Floor support Metal structure 3.35 0.55 3.05 (iron) 3101 Masonry K Floor surface Flagstone floor, 3.53 0.78 0.1 bonded with limecrete 4000 Layer J Modern Tarmac 0.1 surface 4001 Layer J Modern Concrete 0.1 surface 4002 Fill 4003 Modern Mid brownish grey 1.2 0.5 0.67 service backfill sandy hardcore 4003 Cut Modern 1.2 0.5 0.67 service cut 4004 Layer E Made ground Mid/dark grey 0.65 0.17 sandy hardcore 4005 Layer E Made ground Mid/dark red 0.1 sandy gravel 42000 Layer Modern Tarmac 0.1 surface 42001 Fill 42002 Kerb Mid yellow brown 0.42 0.19 sandy hardcore 42002 Cut Kerb 0.42 0.19 construction cut 42003 Fill 42005 Modern Mixed colour gritty 0.37 0.76 service clay 42004 Fill 42005 Modern Red/brown samd 0.19 service 42005 Cut Modern service 42006 Fill 42007 Modern Dark brown grey 0.3 0.38 service gritty gravel clay 42007 Cut Modern 0.3 0.38 service 42008 Fill 42009 Modern Dark brown grey 0.45 0.44 service gritty gravel clay 42009 Cut Modern 0.45 0.44 service 42010 Layer Uncertain Partially 0.45 0.1 0.17 observation of grey-brown silty clay 42011 Layer J Modern Tarmac 0.74 0.1 surface 42012 Layer E Made ground Gre/brown gritty 0.51 0.6 0.15 silty clay 42013 Layer E Made ground Brown/yellow 0.65 0.5 0.13 sandy silt clay 42014 Layer Made ground Limecrete 0.56 0.62 0.1 42015 Masonry Wall footings Gritstone blocks 0.78 0.3 (two courses) bonded with mortar 42016 Masonry Wall footings Same as 2021 0.38 42017 Fill 42018 Modern 0.22 0.21 service 42018 Cut Modern 0.22 0.21 service 43000 Layer Modern Tarmac 0.1 surface


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief

Trench Context Type Group Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) Depth/ Spot date No. No. code interpretation thickness (m) 43001 Fill 43002 Modern 1 0.5 0.23 service 43002 Cut Modern 1 0.5 0.23 Service 43003 Fill 43004 Modern 1 >0.2 0.45 service 43004 Cut Modern 1 >0.2 0.45 Service 43005 Layer Made ground Dark yellow sandy 1 0.17 0.05 gravel 43006 Layer Modern Tarmac 1 0.68 0.15 surface 43007 Layer Made ground Dark brown sandy 1 silt clay 43008 Layer Made ground Dark brown sandy 1 silt clay


© Cotswold Archaeology Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief



Project Name Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire Short description An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology at Building 17, Cromford Mill, Derbyshire during decontamination and restoration works associated with its conversion into the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site visitors centre. The watching brief revealed evidence that prior to the construction of Building 17, the area had been stripped and levelled. Two north- east/south-west aligned culverts were identified beneath the central area of Building 17. The culverts likely allowed for the flow of water from the weir (to the north-east of Building 17) to ponds to the south-west. Building 17 was constructed in 1785. Elements of this period included the north-east/south-west foundation wall, internal sandstone steps, stone slab and brick flooring (identified throughout the ground floor) and an internal privy stack and heating flue towards the south-western corner of the building. A stone and brick fireplace was identified in the eastern part of the building. The mounting blocks identified within the central area and eastern areas may have been part of the cotton spinning machinery of 18th century date. It is also possible that the machining block were part of the secondary use as a ‘colour works’ during the 20th century. Evidence of 20th century activity includes metal pipework installed under the stone and brick floor and a number of small brick manholes. Project dates 7 May – 4 October 2013 Project type Watching Brief Previous work Watching Brief, Dr Patrick Strange 1995 Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire Study area (M2/ha) 0.9ha Site co-ordinates SK 2979 5692 PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Derbyshire County Council Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology Project Manager Ian Barnes Project Supervisor Luke Brannlund and Jay Wood MONUMENT TYPE , Textile Warehouse and Paint Factory SIGNIFICANT FINDS None PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content Physical None Paper Buxton Museum and Art Gallery Trench recording forms, accession number DERSB 2011.46 context register, context sheets, drawing registers, drawn plans and sections and photographic registers Digital Buxton Museum and Art Gallery Digital plan, and digital accession number DERSB 2011.46 photographs BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2013 Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Cromford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief. CA typescript report 14111

28 site

N Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Derbyshire Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE Site location plan

0 1km

FIGURE NO. Reproduced from the 2013 Ordnance Survey Explorer map with PROJECT NO. 660008 DATE 17/03/2014 the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller DRAWN BY JB REVISION 00 of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109 APPROVED BY PJM SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 N 2 FIGURE NO. 01908 218320 01285 771022 @ 01264 347630

enquiries Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover w e 17/03/2014 00 1:500 transition room transition area central apsidal room DATE REVISION SCALE@A3 660008 AO LM Cotswold Archaeology 0 25m c Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Explorer map with the permissionReproduced from the Ordnance Survey The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office on behalf of of Ordnance Survey Archaeology Ltd 100002109 Cotswold copyright Crown PROJECT TITLE Building 17, Comford Phase 1 Works, Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE The site, showing location of groundworks and photograph PROJECT NO. BY DRAWN APPROVED BY

229999 h

t Cromford u o s

g n i k o o l

, 7 1

g n

i Issues d l i u B

Weir , l l i M

d r o f m o r

Cromford Mill, Building 17, looking south Cromford C MILL ROAD MILL Building 16

229898 Building 17

Building 18 85.3m

Cott Ponds Grace

DERBY ROAD 9 0 6 7 5 5 569 570 N 3 FIGURE NO. 01908 218320 01285 771022 @ 01264 347630

enquiries Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover w e 17/03/2014 00 1:150 DATE REVISION SCALE@A3 building footprint building test pit archaeological feature floor modern feature/intrusion and location photograph direction 0 5m 660008 AO LM Cotswold Archaeology Fig. 10 Fig. c Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Explorer map with the permissionReproduced from the Ordnance Survey The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office on behalf of of Ordnance Survey Archaeology Ltd 100002109 Cotswold copyright Crown PROJECT TITLE Building 17, Comford Phase 1 Works, Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE The site, showing location of groundworks and archaeological features PROJECT NO. BY DRAWN APPROVED BY TP 40 floor ‘K’ fireplace 3020 and chute 3002

D Apsidal sandstone steps wall foundation 3014 foundation wall floor ‘K’ modern drain 3039 drain Fig. 17 Fig.


TP 2 TP 21

TP 10

TP 9 wall 22004 wall modern intrusion culvert ‘G’

TP 4



TP 8 B

TP TP 43 capping ‘G’ of culvert Fig. 11 Fig. on Fig 12 detail plan

TP 16

TP 7



6 culvert ‘G’


TP 17 walls of culvert ‘G’ of culvert walls

TP 5

TP 18 TP 24


floor ‘A’ RAMP TP 23 Central Area Central Fig. 10 Fig. wall 1915 wall



TP 19/1

TP 15

TP 12 floor ‘A’ 1307

C mounting blocks 1306, blocks culvert 1408


TP 14 trench 2006

TP 3 modern service

TP 13 mounting block 2000 block brick brick housing 2025 brick brick housing 2046 floor ‘B’ mounting block 2024 block floor ‘B’ brick housing 2047 brick TP 42


E Transitional chimney chimney flue 2065 wall 2054 wall N





floor 2008


structure 2018




structure 2010


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford building footprint (Transitional) Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE Plan of 2008


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w 5 Chimney flue 2065, looking south-west (1m scale) e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE Photograph of archaeological features in ‘the transition room’


electric cable



feature 2006



Fig. 8

structure 2041 2028 2003 2014 2018 2039 Fig. 5 structure 2053 2056 floor chimney flue 2002 2065 2028 structure 2054

feature 2001 mounting 2050 2043 block 2024 2005 Fig. 7 2001 mounting block 2000


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

building footprint (Transitional) PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford

Fig. 8 photograph location and direction Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE Plan of test pit 20



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w 7 Stone mounting block 2024, looking south (0.3m scale) e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford 8 Floor ‘B’ (1m scales) Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE Photographs of archaeological features in ‘the transition room’


brick housing 2047


cut 2067


2070 2028

brick housing feature 2069 2025

2036 2064 2011 2026

2011 structure 2018 feature 2050

2047 2039


2014 2051

Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford building footprint (Transitional) Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE Plan of the western extent of Test Pit 20



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w 10 The central area, looking west e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford 11 Culvert ‘G’ (22005), looking south-west (1m and 0.3m Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire scales) FIGURE TITLE Photographs of archaeological features in ‘the central area’


22018 22017 22002

structure 22004 22014

cut 22020

22002 22016 22002 22017 22003

capping 22008 22018 22013 22009





Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

stone PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford brick Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE Plan of 22010 and 22004




concrete column pad

wall 1915 1913 1900 1901

1918 1908 1902

1903 1903 1912

1904 1904 1905 1905 wall 1911 1909 possible footings 1906 1906



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE stone Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire lime mortar FIGURE TITLE North facing section of Test Pit 19


N S 22003 22014 22003 wall 2004

22015 22016


Fig 15 Section CC


1300 1300

1301 1302 1302

mounting 1303 1303 block1307

1304 mounting block 1306 1304


Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Archaeology Andover 01264 347630 14 West facing section of wall 22004 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE 15 North and west facing sections of Test Pit 13 Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire

FIGURE TITLE stone Sections lime mortar

01mPROJECT NO. 660008 DATE 28/04/2014 FIGURE NO. 01mDRAWN BY AO REVISION 00 APPROVED BY LM SCALE@A4 1:20 14 & 15 Fig 16 Section DD - Northwest facing section of wall 3014

3016 NE 3016 SW

3019 3019 3017

3018 3018 3018


Fig 17 Wall foundation 3014 looking south-east (1m scale)

Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford stone Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire lime mortar FIGURE TITLE Section and photograph


DCU boarding

structure 3005

structure 3004


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford building footprint (Apsidal) Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE Plan of steps 3004 and flagstone 3005


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

19 Chute 3022, looking north (0.3m scale) PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire



structure 3054

footing of stairs to the first floor 3007


structure 3030

3011 structure 3022

structure 3024 3027

cut 3028 Fig. 19 structure 3010


wall 3031 3006

modern wall drain pipe 3019 wall 3017

wall wall 3018 3019


structure 3016


Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford building footprint (Apsidal) Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire FIGURE TITLE

Fig. 19 photograph location and direction Plan of southern extent of apsidal room

PROJECT NO. 660008 DATE 28/04/2014 FIGURE NO. 01mDRAWN BY AO REVISION 00 APPROVED BY LM SCALE@A4 1:50 20 Fig 21 Section EE



42011 42001 cut 42002 42012 42003 42006 cut 42007

42004 cut 42005 42013 42014 42008 wall cut 42008 cut 42016 42018 42009 wall 42015 42017



Cirencester 01285 771022 Milton Keynes 01908 218320 Cotswold Andover 01264 347630 Archaeology w e [email protected]

21 East facing section of Test Pit 42 PROJECT TITLE Phase 1 Works, Building 17, Comford Mill, Cromford, Derbyshire