Sahyadi Sri Krishna Balaram Kshetra – Hebri (district) ,

Narada Bulletin – July 2019


1) Go seva 2)Agriculture 3)Festivals 4)Guests 5)Seminar 6)Events 7)Training

Go seva:

We are continuing general care of the cows and bulls. We received 1 truck of dry grass for them. Mother Shyamala gave birth to a male calf on 29thJuly.


Agriculture activities took momentum. ploughing by Giriraj Prabhu and Vana Vihari prabhu with two sets of ploughs, rice transplantation completed in 1.5 acres, this time we are growing “Bahurupi” indigenous variety, behind temple area, plot 6 cleaned and ploughed to grow fodder for cows.


We celebrated Bhakti Vinoda Thakur disappearance celebrated enthusiastically. H.H Lokantha swami Maharaj Vyasapuja celebrated on “Sayana Ekadashi”


Aranya Giri swami from Shankar sampradaya visited for a day, His Holiness was on the way to Kodagu, he travels all over India by foot. Vana Vihari prabhu visited and spending few weeks to assist in Agriculture. Ganesh and Sayyed from Brahmavara village, Madhava Prabhu and Bh. Suresh from Belgaum, Bh.Praveen and Purushottam pr from , Dr.Devesh from BYS Manipal visited our farm.


Rama Lakshman das attended a seminar at Goa on “Water Management” by Confederation of India Industry (CII).


Radha Damodar installation annual celebrations held at “Mudradi” held 2hours kirthan held, few devotees from Mangalore joined the festival. “Narada Seva Ashram” a youth hostel was inaugurated at Eshwar nagar, Manipal by Smitha Krishna Pr from Mangalore, Inauguration ceremony was attended by Suvarna Gaura Hari prabhu a youth preacher from Surathkal, Purushottam Pr, Srijiva Prabhu and Rama Lakshman das.


Shusroni Vrinda pr from Ukraine now a resident of SSKBK-Hebri getting hands on training to handle bulls in agricultural activities.