Page 1 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Newsletter CELEBRATING 50 YEARS December 2006


DECEMBER Star Shine, Penn Yan ……………...…….12/1 hroughout my life I have always felt that the “new year” started in Septem- Keuka Holidays - Wine Trail .. T ber as opposed to January. The lazy days of summer were over and a re- ………………………………………...... 12/2-3 birth of activity began in earnest as folks returned to school and jobs. This Au- Holiday Wines & Pines: Heron Hill, Hunt tumn increase in activity level certainly applies to your KLA board of directors. Country, Dr. Frank’s Wineries...... 12/9-12/17 Several initiatives are underway and are showing substantial progress. 30th Annual Christmas in the Park - Hammondsport...... 12/9 Docks and Moorings Law - All eight towns and villages vote to adopt! 16th Annual Miniatures & Doll House Exhibit, After holding public hearings in May through July, the eight towns and villages Curtiss Museum ...... thru 1/21 around Keuka Lake held their adoption votes In September, October and No- JANUARY vember. All voted to adopt the Uniform Docks and Moorings Law! The law still Robbie Burns Day Celebration - McGregor needs to be approved by the NYS Commissioner or Parks and Recreation which Winery………………...... 1/27 should happen soon. But the hard work is done. The Inter-municipal Docks and FEBRUARY Moorings Committee has developed and guided the passage of this legislation over the past 2 ½ years and would like to thank KLA members for supporting its Camp O’Rorke Museum Exhibit, Curtiss passage by speaking in favor of it at the various town and village meetings. Mseum...... thru 4/22 They also would like to thank the KWIC board of directors for their unanimous Be Mine with Wine, Keuka Lake Wine Trail vote of support for the effort in their September 2006 meeting...... 2/9-11, 2/17-18 Lake Level Management We have certainly been challenged this year with more than the usual amount of

rain “events” which have kept our lake level on the high side of the guide curve. Newsletter Highlights (see Pete Robbin’s article on page 4). Many members have commented on the President’s Report…… …...……....1,2 usefulness of the real-time lake level chart on the KLA website in personally Keuka Events Calendar...... 1 monitoring the situation. The KLA board has been working with the Keuka Lake Interstate Transport of Fish ….…...2,19 Outlet Compact (KLOC) in addressing lake level issues. KLOC is working to Membership Update...... 3 acquire funding for making repairs in 2007 to the upstream sidewall leading into Last Call! Calendar Photo Contest... 3 gate 6 so it can be made operable. The KLA board has gone on record to pro- Managing & Reacting to Lake Level...4 vide some funding assistance if necessary to support KLOC’s process to obtain Water Quality Issues: What to do……4 2007 Directory Up-Date...... …….....…4 various state, local and commercial grants for this project. Keuka Lake Land Use Leadership Training...... 5,6 KLA Website Improvements 2006 Membership Roster...... 7-13 We have been proud of our KLA web site and the growing content that is avail- Life in the : A able on it. Nevertheless, Director Steve Knapp and the KLA communications Magazine Review...... 19 committee are working to make the site even more useful, content rich and eas- Critter Corner: Oh Deer, Oh Deer.... 20 ier to navigate. They are in the design phase now and improvements are New Members……………………...… 21 planned to be installed in 2007. Business Member Directory………... 21 Advertising Info………………….…… 22 KLA Office Info…………………..…… 22 The KLA Directory – a massive project Membership Application Form……... 22 KLA members seem to love their copies of the Keuka Lake Directory, a listing of Order Forms……………………….…. 23 all the properties and owners around the lake. Our last issue was 2004 and KLA Directors and Officers……...…. 23 since we try to update it every three years, 2007 is our target date for the next Red Cross Blood Drives……...... 23 update. Getting all the address updates (particularly with changing addresses) Photos...... 2,24 is a huge challenge, but Bob Corcoran and his directory team are well engaged and the critical path calls for this updated book to be published toward the end of the first quarter of 2007. See Bob’s update on page 4. Continued on pg. 2 Page 2 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Continued from page 1 - President’s Report DEC Update on Status of VHS in State Waters: New Federal Order Issued That Restricts Interstate The KLA Directory – a massive project Transport of Live Fish KLA members seem to love their copies of the Keuka Peter Landre Lake Directory, a listing of all the properties and owners around the lake. Our last issue was 2004 and since we try The New York State Department of Environmental to update it every three years, 2007 is our target date for Conservation (DEC) on October 31, 2006 issued a new up- the next update. Getting all the address updates date on the presence of Viral Hemorrhagic Septecemia (VHS) (particularly with changing addresses) is a huge challenge, Virus in New York State waters and a new federal order that but Bob Corcoran and his directory team are well engaged restricts the interstate transport of certain live fish. The virus and the critical path calls for this updated book to be pub- is a pathogen of fish and does not pose any threat to public lished toward the end of the first quarter of 2007. See health. It was first confirmed in Lake Ontario and the St. Law- Bob’s update on page 4. rence River, and has now also been confirmed in Lake Erie and Conesus Lake. Strategic Planning VHS is a fish disease that causes the hemorrhaging In the last newsletter, I mentioned that the KLA board was of the fish's tissues, including internal organs. Often, fish do undertaking a review of our mission and long range plan- not exhibit any external signs of having the disease. The dis- ning objectives, something any organization needs to do ease affects all sizes of fish and not all infected fish develop from time to time. Directors Dick Honeyman, Bob Cor- the disease, but can continue to carry it and spread it to oth- coran and Bill Laffin have taken leadership to guide this ers. There is no known cure for VHS. The impact of this par- effort and have held their first planning session with the ticular strain of VHS on fish populations is uncertain. It has KLA board in November. caused fish mortalities ranging from a few fish to thousands of It is too early to say how this effort will come out, but it is fish impacted. pretty obvious that maintaining water quality and address- While VHS is relatively common in continental Europe ing upland watershed issues will be priorities. More on and Japan, where it affects both freshwater and marine fish, this in the next newsletter. prior to 2003 the disease was limited in North America to ma- rine species in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In 2005, a Land Use Training die-off of freshwater drum and round goby in Lake Ontario's The KLA has begun to work with KWIC and Cornell Coop- Bay of Quinte (Ontario, Canada) and muskellunge in the erative Extension to sponsor a major training program Michigan waters of Lake St. Clair was attributed to a new aimed at local government officials and boards. The pro- strain of VHS. This is the same strain found in the infected gram, “Keuka Lake Watershed Land Use leadership Train- fish in New York waters. ing” will be positioned as a pilot for the Finger Lakes and is VHS was first confirmed in New York waters in May obviously a “hot topic” as local communities face greater 2006 when it was linked to the death of round gobies and pressure for developing lands around the lake. Peter Lan- muskellunge in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. dre, Director of Yates County Cooperative Extension, is More recently, VHS caused the death of walleye in Conesus the focal point for this effort and is in the process of grant Lake. The virus has now been confirmed in round goby, bur- writing to fund the program. The KLA board has already bot, smallmouth bass, muskellunge, pumpkinseed, rock bass, gone on record to provide up to $5000 to kick-start the bluntnose minnow, emerald shiner and walleye in infected program. See Peter’s article on page 5 & 6. waters in New York State. To date, the virus has not been confirmed in trout and salmon from these waters and it is un- So lots of things are happening at KLA. As we approach known whether this strain of VHS will impact these species. the holiday season, the KLA board of directors extend DEC, in cooperation with the College of Veterinary their best wishes for a safe winter and a very happy 2007. Medicine at Cornell University, is sampling a number of wa- ters across the State including all waters used as sources of brood stock for DEC hatchery activities to help determine how far the disease has spread in New York. DEC is also explor- ing options for actions that could be taken to prevent the fur- ther spread of the disease in the State Due to the potential adverse effects of this disease on fish populations and the desire to prevent or delay its spread to other states, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) issued a Federal Order on October 24, 2006, that prohibits the importation of certain species of live fish from Ontario and Quebec and interstate movement of the same species from eight states bordering the , effective immediately. The states included are Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Continued on page 13 Fall Fishing on Keuka - Steve Knapp Page 3 December 2006 KLA Newsletter Membership update

If you are reading this Membership Update, first let us thank home, cottage or business or if you have a favorite you for your support of the Keuka Lake Association and it’s restaurant or shop, ask them if they would like to join the various plans and programs. The Association currently has KLA. There are many advantages to being a business mem- 1384 lakeshore property owners as members, 91 non- ber of the KLA. lakeshore property owners as members and 77 business members (23 who are also lakeshore property owners). Of If you are not comfortable with this approach, contact the the potential lakeside memberships, our current membership KLA office at 1-866-369-3781 or email us at participation rate is about 48%, and that is part of the reason [email protected] and give us the lead. We will for this update. Every year the KLA attempts to retain exist- follow up on it. Together we can continue to maintain a ing members and reach out to potential new members. Over growing membership base that allows the Keuka Lake Asso- the past few years, we have successfully increased our total ciation to support its ongoing programs and initiate new ones membership, but we are still missing many potential mem- – all to the benefit of the lake and its watershed. bers. We lose members as properties transfer or, in some cases, people just forget to renew. Thanks again for your continuing support.

Because we are all members of the Keuka Lake Association, we all share a common bond with the lake and its watershed Keuka Lake Association Membership Committee and we are all vitally interested in protecting and preserving it. Because we are all members of the Association, we Bill Laffin, Chair should also be committed to assuring that the KLA reaches Mike Gabrielli out to as many Keuka Lake constituents as possible. Each Lucy Knapp April, the Keuka Lake Association sends out its annual re- Tom Murrin newal notices to existing members, as well as reaches out to Marsha Senges new potential members. But every KLA member can play an Bebette Yunis active role in our membership activities. So, if you have a new neighbor, ask them if they have joined the KLA. If you are having a local tradesperson do work on your

LAST CALL!! “KLAeidoscope of Keuka” Calendar & Photo Contest

Nearly 1000 copies of the new, been taken this year - you may submit 18-month, 2006-2007 “KLAeidoscope older photos. There is a limit of three of Keuka” Calendar have now been photos per entrant. sold. The calendar, introduced at the Digital photos should be taken with Annual Meeting in July, includes beau- a 3.5 megapixel or larger camera, at tiful photographs of Keuka Lake sub- highest possible resolution. After up- mitted by KLA members, a handy di- loading the image to your computer, rectory of events around the lake, and save it as a .tiff file, leave it unedited, coupons for items at area businesses. and send it on a CD-Rom to the KLA The value of the coupons approxi- office at P.O. Box 415, Hammonds- mates the cost of the calendar itself. port, NY 14840. Traditional 4x6 35mm The Calendar makes a wonderful holi- color prints may also be submitted. day gift for family and friends. Copies Upon our receipt of your CD or are may still be available at local prints, you will be sent a form releas- stores for $14.95. ing the photo(s) for use by KLA. Pho- We are already collecting photos tos not selected for use in the calendar 2006-7 Calendar cover with Prize Winning for next year’s calendar, to be pub- may be placed in the photo gallery on Photo by the Mau’s of Hammondsport lished in June of 2007. Photos will be the KLA website. Entries must be selected by a jury from entries submit- received by Feb. 1, 2007. For more ted by KLA members. Photos must be information contact the KLA office at of Keuka Lake or its shoreline hillsides (866) 369-3781. and communities don’t need to have Page 4 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

WATER QUALITY Managing and Reacting to LAKE LEVEL ISSUES: Peter Robbins What can you do?

Bill Feinstein It seems that the unusual has become the norm as we talk about the sum- mer’s weather. We have had at least 10 storms of more than one inch of rain, Have you ever seen or smelled some- and four of those have been storms of over two inches. Many of these storms thing that caused you concern about occurred when the ground was already saturated so that most of the rain be- the potential impact to Keuka came runoff into the lake. These sudden thunderstorms make managing the Lake. Perhaps a foul septic odor? lake level very difficult. With one tropical storm, Ernesto, we had some advance Maybe an unusual amount of sedi- warning so that two gates were opened four days before that rain and three ad- ment flowing into the Lake from a ditional gates were opened three days before the storm when it was imminent stream or drainage culvert? We want that we were going to get the rain. But seldom do we have the luxury of that every KLA member to know that one much warning. phone call to the KLA office is all you

need to do and we will take it from The Keuka Lake Outlet Compact (KLOC) is an inter-municipal agency com- there. There is no need for you to get prised of the six towns and two villages that border Keuka Lake. Each municipal- further involved, and in fact, if you ity has a representative that sits on the KLOC Board. It is this Board that wish to remain anonymous, the KLA “manages” the lake level. The gates on the Penn Yan Outlet are owned by the will never pressure you to identify KLOC and they work with the Penn Yan Municipal Utilities as to when to open or yourself. The KLA takes every water close, and how much, the gates are manipulated. The “gate keepers” strive to quality tip seriously and we will pursue operate the gates in such a fashion as to meet the criteria of the guide curve that the matter to determine if a violation was formulated by the US Army Corps of Engineers. exist and/or remedial action needs to

be taken. Their goal is to try to maintain the lake level within the guide curves, mean- ing that when the level exceeds the top of the curve, more gates are open. I am sure by now that everyone is fa- When the level is within the curve, gates are generally closed to “save” water miliar with the Keuka Watershed and maintain water level. In actual practice, keeping the level within the tight Improvement Cooperative (KWIC) confines of the curve is a difficult challenge in that water usually comes in major program of routine septic inspections spurts like snow melt in March and April and occasional rain storms in the every 5 years. Generally, these in- Spring and early Summer. And of course, there are the occasional freak storms spections are on track, but in some like Ernesto that come “off season.” The fact that our watershed is ten times as areas of the Lake they are lagging large as the lake surface means that in saturated soil conditions, there can be a due to overloaded work schedules of ten to one multiplier on lake level vs. precipitation. the septic inspectors. How can you help? Rather than waiting for your What can a lake owner do? To avoid the effects of sudden high water, property to be reached in the normal good practice is to set your dock levels on the high side, say at about 716 feet inspection process, we would sug- above sea level (mean high water level for the lake is 715.3). And the new “real gest that you arrange for a qualified time” lake level curve on the KLA web site allows us all to monitor lake level septic company to pump out your from afar and make arrangements for reacting to high or low water conditions. tank. Make sure that the septic com- pany contacts your local inspector and Visit our web site at and click on “current lake requests him to be present. We have level”, to see the present water level. found that the inspectors will be re- sponsive to this request and apprecia- tive when voluntary cooperation is demonstrated by the home- 2007 KLA Directory Up-Date - Bob Corcoran owner. The septic inspection program is one of the most effective ways to insure that our beautiful Lake will re- main pollution free for future genera- The KLA recently sent out cards to all Keuka Lake residents in our data base to tions. It is in everyone's interest to update names and addresses for our 2007 Directory. Thank you to all of you willingly participate. who took the time (and postage) to return them. It has been very helpful in up- dating our master directory list. If you haven't returned your card with any correc- The Water Quality Committee wel- tions, please do so ASAP or call or e-mail the KLA Office. We anticipate distribu- comes any suggestions or comments tion in the first quarter of 2007. All KLA members will receive a 2007 Directory at from members. Please contact the no charge. KLA office. We will respond.

Page 5 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Keuka Lake Watershed Land Use Leadership Training

A pilot program for the Finger Lakes

Good land use decisions – the stakes are high

How well does your community make decisions, often controversial, about land use? Does it come close to the ideal of de- cisions that are grounded in common sense, responsive to community needs and concerns, and informed by high levels of understanding of responsibilities and issues? Are decisions inclusive of a full range of relevant interest groups, transparent to participants and non-participants alike, and legally sound?

The stakes are high for good land use decision-making. Changing patterns of land use can have profound effects on the unique character, cherished qualities of life, environmental and economic assets, and even the long-term viability of the communities we live and work in.

Because of the central role land plays in shaping the identities and economies of rural communities, they are especially sen- sitive to the good quality land use decision-making. But all too often in rural as well as other places, controversy over land use issues leaves a legacy of community bitterness no matter what the final decision outcome.

Supporting local land use leaders

Increasingly, the forces driving land use change have become regional and even global, and certainly more complex. All too often, local decision makers are faced with difficult land use decisions with a lack of sufficient support and preparation.

Training can help. The New York State Legislature recognizes the importance of high quality land use decisions. In 2006, declaring that trained municipal planning and zoning officials are “essential to community health and vitality”, and ac- knowledging the availability of a good variety of training options, the legislature for the first time passed a law promoting an- nual training.

Cornell and Pace University collaboration: New high quality land use leadership training available

Over the past decade, more than 900 local land use leaders and their communities in eastern New York and Connecticut have benefited from a successful, first rate training program that has inspired improved land use decisions. Officially co- sponsored by one hundred municipalities, agencies and associations, well over 80% of participants have ranked the pro- gram as excellent or very good. Cornell and Pace Universities are now collaborating to make this highly regarded training available in other parts of New York State. In the Keuka Lake watershed, additional collaborators on the project will be Cor- nell Cooperative Extension, Keuka Lake Association, County Planning Departments and the Genesee Finger Lakes Re- gional Planning Council.

As developed by the Pace University Land Use Law Center, the Land Use Leadership Alliance Training Program builds ca- pacity for change among land use leaders at the local level. Tailored in each setting to local circumstances, it is designed to help local land use leaders learn practical strategies for natural resource conservation, development in appropriate loca- tions, and effective decision-making. Most participants leave with a renewed sense of hope in their communities’ ability to deal with change.

Local leaders, whether elected, appointed, or otherwise active in local land use issues, are invited to participate in a four day program taught over several months. The course employs a mix of lectures, discussions and problem solving exer- cises. It emphasizes land use law and negotiation theory applied to community decision-making.

Continued on pg. 6

Page 6 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Continued from pg. 5

Key Benefits of Training

Key benefits for participants and their communities include:

• improved practical knowledge of New York’s land use laws

• strengthened leadership skills that build rather than undermine community when dealing with controversial land use issues

• experience-sharing and network-building among land use leaders in the region

• builds foundation for regional cooperation

• heightened awareness of opportunities to access technical assistance, and

• convenient, low cost (free?) locally tailored training

Keuka Lake Watershed Pilot Program

Keuka Lake is a tremendous natural and community asset, providing outstanding opportunities for recreation, tourism, agri- culture and residential living. The lake provides clean drinking water to over 20,000 people, a lakeshore property tax base valued at $1 billion dollars, and an agri-tourism impact of $20 million per year. Fishing tourism is estimated to be worth $5 million per alone!

In the Keuka Lake watershed, municipalities are facing increasing development pressure along the lake and hillside areas. Uncontrolled and unmanaged growth or “sprawl” will not only diminish the character of the watershed so vital for tourism, it will also lead to a decline in water quality if not directed and controlled properly. With limited professional planning or engi- neering expertise on staff in many local towns and villages, these projects pose many challenges to municipalities with the complexity of the projects, potential impacts on the lake and issues raised by concerned neighbors.

Many towns are in the process of updating comprehensive plans, zoning codes, subdivision regulations and other supple- mental regulations such the Dock and Mooring Regulations in response to the growth in the area. While every effort made by individual towns to update and implement new policies is vital, the lesson learned by the KWIC program is “pollution does not abide by political boundaries” and uniform regulations and enforcement is a key to the long-term sustainability of the watershed. Fortunately, in the Keuka Lake watershed, municipalities have a long history of cooperation and collaboration in the area of watershed management, water level control and wastewater management through the KWIC and KLOC pro- grams. These programs along with other county agency programs (agriculture and erosion control) over the years have improved management practices and overall quality of Keuka Lake as shown by water testing results.

This proposed new intensive land use training pilot program for the Keuka Lake Watershed is intended to improve the land use knowledge base and skills of volunteer board members, appointed officials, developers, and others interested and in- volved in land use issues. The training will also increase the collaboration, shared knowledge and experience of people on a watershed wide basis. Ultimately, the training is intended to lead to better land use decisions and management on a wa- tershed-scale, thereby protecting and improving the quality and character of the Keuka Lake watershed.

Peter Landre, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Yates County Page 7 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

2006 MEMBERSHIP ROSTER - As of 11/16/06 The KLA gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, businesses and foundations whose generosity and support have enabled the Association to execute its in-going program to preserve and protect Keuka Lake.

Guardian - $250+ Sponsor - $100-149 Mrs. Barbara A. Littleton John Bernunzio & Julie Schnepf Mark & Jill Barden Ann and Russ Acevedo Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Littleton Katie & Rick Black Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Africa Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. MacAvoy William Butcher & Antonia Shusta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Block Mr. and Mrs. David E. Allardice Mr. & Mrs. William Manning Camp Arey, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blythe Linda E. Amuso Mrs. Dorothy B. McCauley Henry & Wanda Cheli Boettner Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. William C. Archbold, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc Guire Dr. and Mrs. William R. Darrow Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bonanni Mr. Bruce Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKenzie Mr. Robert F. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bayer, Jr. Ted & Vickee Mike Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Bourcy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hilfiker Ron & Gail Bellohusen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murrin Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman Robert L. Hood Larry Blair Mrs. Eleanor Nasser Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Boyer Lee and Kathy Hutchinson James Brennan & Brian O'Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William Laffin* Arelene Bradstreet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brody Mr. and Mrs. William Nesbitt Dr. Richard D. & Ellen Shaw Maceko Edwin & Carol Braunstein Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Bruce Bill & Beverly Oben Karen Meriwether & Tom Snow Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brideau John H. Bruning Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Steven & Betty Brigham Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carlson F. J. Pallischeck Mr. & Mrs. John Mosser Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carp Mr. Raymond Passalacqua Dr.. and Mrs. William N. Brodine Larry Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter Dr. William Plummer Gary & Martha Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walt Scott John A. & Catherine Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rand Mr. and Mrs. John Buchinger Mark & Emily Stenta Audrey Christiansen & Terry Johnson Dr. Richard Rosenberg David Wegman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cardamone Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cole Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wortham Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Carl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Route, Jr. Robert Cole & Marie McKee Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Carroll *plus Matching Funds-Exxon-Mobil Mr. William H. Cole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schirmer Mr. James H. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. John Confer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schusler Patron - $150-249 Ms. Elizabeth Casciani Ms Marcia Coon Nicholas Shirghio Mr. and Mrs. Larry Aiello, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cranston Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Desorbo Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith Phil Chase & Jean Williams-Chase Brown Family Mrs. Mardo Doherty Ken & Debi Smith Mr. Leigh G Clark Century 21 Sbarra & Wells Bruce & Maureen Dowzycki Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Clements Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cole Phil & Shellie Edris Peter & Lois Spreen Mary Cleveland - Shore Acres Assn. Mr. Anthony DeSalvo - Micro Instru- Gary & Dorothy Emmick Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong ment Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Close Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fenner Pauline P. Stuart William and Nancy Feinstein Richard Clouser Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fredlund Martha & Dave Swift Robert & Patricia Gilchrist Alan & Ronny Frishman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Theil Mark & Pixie Cohn Mrs. Judith Goehring Ed & Kelly Gilligan Julie Vargo & Robert O'Donnell Donald Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Glanzman Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Wahlig, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Condella, Jr. John & Diane Hagreen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Gordon, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David W. Watson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cook William and Susan Hanley Jim & Cindy Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coots Maria & William Hudson Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Mike & Dawn Grosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Corcoran, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Kinlin Mrs. Sarah Haugen Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Woodworth Mr. & Mrs. Steve Corry Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Koch Matthew J Herson Ms. Joanna Wurtele Mr. and Mrs. Fran Crovetti Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Koehler Joe Hillman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Malcolm II Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Holloway Partner - $50-99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day Lt.Gen. & Mrs. Charles McCausland Sandy & Jane Honeyman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ackart David & Kathryn deCalesta Mr. Donald W. Mead Karin and Reeve Howland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeGeorge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Meade, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albee, III Christine M. Deschamps Valerie Newell & Tim Smith Jensen Family Trust, Donabeth Jen- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dietrich Dr. & Mrs. Terence O'Rourke sen, Ttee. Mr. and Mrs. Orren H. Baisch Trafford & Jean Doherty Dr. & Mrs. Sam Pennise Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jimerson Red & Sis Drake Mr. & Mrs. Tom Richards Cyndy Jones Mr. & Mrs. Peter Baker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kilburn Jim and Pat Barden Mr. and Mrs. David Drum Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Shaw Lucy Knapp Ms. Lisa Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Freeman H. Smith Lucy Knapp Realty USA Warren and Marilyn Bastian Jason Dunn & Robin Adair Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stork Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Komer Larry & June Bates Jim & Sue Edlund Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tranbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Bates Mr. Robert Turissini Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lambert Continued on page 6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Worden Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bechard

Ms. Bebette Yunis Ray & Anne Leinen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bennett

Page 8 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Partner - cont. from pg. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lally Mr. and Mrs. Horace Perry Christine Tunney Richard F. and Barbara T. Lampe Toni Peterson & Robert Rumphrey Mr. Joseph P. Tunney Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lanahan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pierson Ms. Virginia Turner Harry G. Erway III & Eileen T. Erway Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Learned Sal Pitti Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Vieselmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ferris Mrs. Suzanne Learned Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Pledger Mr. and Mrs. John Vine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flickinger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Lerch Karen & Stephen Pollak Mr. Wayne Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flood Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Letts Mr. Robert N. Pollock Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fort Mr. and Mrs. Howard LeVant Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Porter Wayne A. Wallace, MD & Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars Kenneth & Jean Lill Douglas Potter Nancy Barber Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Fraser Jack & Carol Lind Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter John & Cathy Walton Tom Freeman Jeffrey Lippe Sam & Sue Priem Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wasson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frey Daniel Lodico Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon R. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weise Mrs. Howard Fullagar John and Diane Lonergan Mrs. Sally N. Pritchard Mr. Richard C. Wheat Peter & MaryBeth Gamba Drs. R. J. Looney & N. Gadziala Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Prochnow Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White Mr. and Mrs. Marty Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lopata John A. Rathbone III Mr. and Mrs. Merle Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gifford Dr. Donald G. Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Reynolds, Jr. Richard Wilber Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Goldman Elizabeth & Shirley Lumpkin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodwin John & Linda Lundy Stef and Athena Rogers Richard E. and Susan Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Gough Jim and Bunnie Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Brian Routledge Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wilmot Michael and Rita Gow Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mac Alpine Nancy Rubel & Dan Klein John and Sarah Wilson Luanne B. Graulich & Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Madden Mr. Ned D. Rubin Ms. Joan M. Winters Terry K. Channing Mr. Roger A. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ruocco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wirth Capt. & Mrs. Gerald E. Green Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Madigan Michael & Barbara Ruth Ronald D. and Evelyn A. Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Greenstein John and Karen Madison Mr. John J. Ryan, Jr. Carol Lynn Worth Brian and Marilyn Grigsby Marty & Dana Marino Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sadowski Mr. Donald Wright Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Habib Mr. and Mrs. Rowland E. Matthews Pamela E. Sale & Alison M. Sale Yates County Soil & Water Mr. and Mrs. William Hague Mr. and Mrs. Don Mau Kent & Anne Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yost Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanna Scott and Dorian McClintock Robert H. & Marilyn K. Scharf Tom and Tomilynn Harris Basic - $30-49 Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCullough Mr. and Mrs. William Schleigh Janet T. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. John Achzet Mr. and Mrs. Edward McEvoy, Jr. Dr. Susan W. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Haskell Tim & Sandy Acomb Mr. and Mrs. Keith McIntosh Terry Schwartz & Richard Mader Art and Lynn Adams Mr. and Mrs. Norm Hayes Fletcher & Margo McTaggart Hon. Henry Scudder Tom & Terri Adelsberger Mrs. Thomas Hereford Mr. and Mrs. William Messner George Sellard & Kathy Shaw-Sellard Efrim & Susan Adnopoz Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hilfiker Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Michaelsen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Senges Ken & Dianne Ake Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hinman Mr. William G. Albee Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Michlosky Douglas and Beryl Smith Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes Dr. and Mrs. Keith Alexander Allen & Margie Miller Dion Smith & Mary Worth Mr. & Mrs. Richard Honeyman Mr. Thomas W. Alford Nicholas & Mindy Misnick Mr. & Mrs James Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Hood Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Monahan Ken & Debi Smith Dr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Horn Dr. and Mrs. Parker Allis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Mr. Theodore Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allison David & Brenda Houck Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, III James Snyder Brian and Christine Alsford Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Infantino Robert Narde Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sonner Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Ambrose Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Inglis Mr. and Mrs. Francis Navone Marty & John Sothoron Ms. Pamela Ames Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Powell R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nitsche Dr. and Mrs. David Soule Mr. Philip B. Jones & Nancy P. Ahlgren George & Judy Andrews Brett Oakes Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Steenburgh Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Kasper Joan Appel & William Reilly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stehler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keck Ken and Michele Armes Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Olin Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Stork Mr. Richard Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kelley William & Pat Smith Orcutt Edward P. Stull Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Kerwin David & Lorrie Owens John Svensson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Arndt Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kiel Vicki Oxenham Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Gary Aron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Killigrew Roland Avery Mr. and Mrs. John R. Palme Derek & Cynthia Tenhoopen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinney Bailey Family Dr. & Mrs. John H. Parker Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Don Klehr Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Carl Peck Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krause Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Peck Barbara & Marc Thorne Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Topichak Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John Kuiper Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peek Tom & Beth Tranter Bob & Marge Bailey

Page 9 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Basic (Continued) Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boisvert Mrs. Esther M. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Denton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey Robert and Marylou Bondi Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cilento Ms. Kathleen DeRico Mrs. Glenora Baird Hon. Richard & Marjorie Boone Susan & Bruce Clair Ted and Edie DeVoe Mr. and Mrs. Roland Baird Chuck Bordonaro Dr. and Mrs. Jack Clarcq Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Deyo Dr. and Mrs. Dewitt T. Baker Ms. Amy J. Borglum Jeannine M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dibble Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Baker Bruce Borglum & Joanne Searle Mr. Keith Clark Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bowie Mr. & Mrs. Randy Clark Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Baker Jr. Mr. Edward A. Brabant Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dieffenbach Mr. Randon L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford Dave Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Baldrige Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bradshaw Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dinger Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball Dr. Bryan and Judy Braman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Cohen Vince & Diana D'Ingianni Mr. Jonathan Ballard Branchport/Keuka Park Fire Dept. Ms. Maureen Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dinkel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballard Andrew & Nancy Brandston Stephen Colby & Claire Stieg Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Dischinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Balta Steven and Karen Brandt Thomas Colicchia & Marjorie Warner Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Diven Bill Banaszewski & Michele Howland Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brault Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Colucci Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dobosz Pam & Rich Bannan Mr. Joseph A. Brescia Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Comstock Mr. Stanley Dobromil Penny Barden Peter & Janet Bridges Mrs. Carole A. Conlon Ms. Susanne H. Dombrowski Jane & Curtis W. Barker Richard and Michelle Brienzi Suzanne and Thomas Connelly Mr. Vincent Domeraski Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barnes Mr. & Mrs.Charles M. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. John Consul Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dominick Dick & Bonnie Barney Chris & Julie Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Donahue Mr. and Mrs. James Barre David & Susan Brooks John & Betty Cooper Marguerite Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. E. James Barry Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Corbett Dan & Bonnie Donegan Tom Barry Kevin & Anita Bruckner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Corbett, Jr. T.N. & M.A. Donegan Robert & Patricia Barto Mr. & Mrs. William Brueckner Mrs. Jeanne Corbit Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doughty Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Bascom Mr. Gerald Brundage Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cornwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Doyle Basin Park Marina Mr. Joseph C. Buck Tom & Fay Corr Scott & Marybeth Drake Charles & Jennifer Bastian Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buckingham Richard J. Correnti Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drewno Rick & Amy Bates Mr. & Mrs. Gregg W. Buckwell Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Corse Doug & Susan Dublin Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batsleer Doug & Darla Bugner Mrs. Marjory B. Corwin Mrs. Anna Dumbaugh John & Dorothy Batzold Mr. and Mrs. James Burchett Mrs. Edith Cotter Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. David Baum Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burdick Dr. Charles J. Cottone Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Alan Beardsley Thomas Burean & Deborah Ettington Mr. John Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Dunton Mrs. June Beauchamp Eileen Burg, Scott & Leslie Burg Mr. Grant E. Covill Mr. & Mrs. Jon Durham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker Mr. Edward H. Burke Mr. Robert F. Cox Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dutcher Mr. and Mrs. David Becking Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. and Mrs. William C. Crain Richard & Mary Easton Mr. Charles D. Becraft Jr. & Ronald Burke and Carol McGill Dick and Martha Crawford Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Eberhard Darcy Bevecacqua Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Burns Bruce M. Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Charley Eckel Ms. Denise Beeners Sean & Christine Burns Mr. & Mrs. D. Bruce Crew III Revs. Frank & Lynn Mr. and Mrs. David Behm Mrs. Esther Bushnell Ms. S. E. Crittenden Carter-Edmands Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Benesh Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Butler Mr. & Mrs. George Cronin Mrs. Harriet Scharf Ehringer Dr. Paul Bennett Terry & Debbie Button Joseph Crowe & Susan Longacre Mrs. Josephine W. Eichorn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bergh Dennis & Christa Caffarelli Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Marc Berliant Philip Campbell & Janet Bald Joanne & Tim Culver Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elliott Ronald Bernard & Judith Woll Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Campbell Ms. Sabra Cummings Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott Elm Street Barber Shop, Neil & Chris Bianco Edwin M. Campbell Sarah A. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. James Biggs Mrs. Virginia L. Campney Ash & Rose Cutler Robert J Fox Mr. David E. Bills Mr. Robert Canfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Roger Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Carges David & Marge D'Amato Dieter and Dagmar Emmel Mick and Pat Bizzaro Christian & Heather Carlson Cathy & Paul Danielson Mr. and Mrs. David English Michelle Blain Mr. and Mrs. Molington Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Dates Ms. Bernadette Ervin Mr. and Mrs. William Blaisdell Michael J. Carney Ms. Lois M. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. John Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Blanding Joseph & Martha Carr Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Davison Mrs. Lucille Erway Mr. and Mrs. James Blank Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cartensen Mark & Maureen Davitt Karen & James Estep Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bliss, Jr. Bruce & Sandy Castner Mr. Anthony De Croce Steven and Patricia Etter Ms. Barbara J. Blodgett Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Catherman Mr. Charles D. DeAngelis Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Ettington Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Blumenau Ms. Nora Caulfield Ken and Gail Dede Ms. Elizabeth W. Evangelista Marty Blumenstock Mr. James Cedarstrand Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas DeFranco Mrs. Betty Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blumer Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Chamberlain Edward and Barbara deJong Mr. & Mrs. William C. Farley Carol A. Bodine Ron & Laurie Cheesbro Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeMello Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farnan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Bodner, Jr. Allen & Glenda Childs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deneka Mr. & Mrs. Rick Faulkner Bohemian Lodge Partners -Tim Carney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cholish Mr. and Mrs. Craig Densmore Dr. and Mrs. Charles Fedele Mr. William Bohnert Mr. and Mrs. Arne Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Denton Continued on pg.8

Page 10 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Basic (Continued) Robert and Yong Graff Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henry Dave & Sherry Karwas Mr. and Mrs. George Feinstein Roger & Patti Graham Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Herrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kashmer Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Ferris III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Graham Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hess Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kath Kathy Ferron & Mike Morton Dr. and Mrs. David R. Graham Evelyn R. Hessler Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kays John & Ginger Field Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Graham Sarah & Murray Hestley Patricia G.Keane Dr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fine Norma Jean Graner Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heytmeijer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelbe Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fine Mr. and Mrs. John Granito, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hickernell Phillip Kellog Finger Lakes Supply Pamela J. Gratzer Mr. Donald Higgins Patricia H. Kelly Peter Fisher & Cyndy Galloway William & Lana Grauer Mr. & Mrs. Brent Hill Donald E. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David Fisk Mr. & Mrs. F. Michael Gray Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hin John & Nancy Kelly Joe & Ann Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gray Mr. Gregory J. Hintz Sonja and Dan Kelly John Fleming Mr. Scott Gray David and Amy Hoffman Ms. Carolyn Meyers Kenjarski Mr. Thomas Flood Mr. Donald Green Mr. Ed Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foerster Mr. and Mrs. Neil Greene Mrs. Lois W. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerby, Jr. Gene & Angela Foster Mr. and Mrs. Alan Griesinger Elizabeth Hogue Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kernahan Mike & Mary Foster Shawn & Amy Griffin Mr. and Mrs. John Hogue Mrs. Frances Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Foulkes Anne Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holderbaum Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kievitt Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fox Jim and Linda Grillo Robert Hollands Ms. Marian Kiff Diane & Ken Frank Mr. & Mrs. Duane Grinnell Mr. and Mrs. John Holliday Mr. & Mrs. William Kingham Mr. and Mrs. Edward Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Grover Wendy Frampton Holly & Cliff Holly Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Fredo Mr. Jarvis A. Grover & Alice Holmes Kris & Renee Kinsley Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Freeman Mrs. Linda West Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hondorf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinyoun Mr. and Mrs. John W. French Robert J. Gush Honeyman Family Art & Beverly Kirk Mr. and Mrs. John Frey Mr. and Mrs. William Gustin David & Kimberly Hostutler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klein T. Frey & J. Cady Ms. Susan Gute Lin and Cindy Hough Mr. & Mrs. Alan Knapp Mr. and Mrs. William Frey Kenneth Guyett Charles & Kathleen Houper Ms. Pamela J. Knapp Ms. Barbara Friedrich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haddad Warren & Marion Houston Stephen C. Knapp Mrs. Edith Fulda Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hafer Mr. & Mrs. John H. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jim Koester Mr. and Mrs. David Fuller Edward and Rosemary Hahn, Jr. William Howe & Laura Rice Mr. and Mrs. John Kogut Marianne Furfure Steven & Kelly Hakes Mr. & Mrs. Donald Howe Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Konig Mr. Michael Gabrielli Scott D. Hall Roger and Jill Howell A. J. and P. K. Kopczynski Edward & Luanne Gala Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall Thomas Howitt III Ira Korn Mr. and Mrs. John Gallavan Mr. & Mrs. James Hallenbeck Dr. & Mrs. Jack W. Howitt Mr. and Mrs. Don Kozlowski George W. Galliford Mr. and Mrs. William Hallinan James Howitt Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Kuh Richard & Gale Galusha John & Kathy Halstead The Howitt Family Sen. John R. Kuhl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hubertus Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kupsis Ken & Colleen Gan Mr. and Mrs. David Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lando Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gardiner John & Kelly Hamula Marion Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lane Mr. Charles J. Gardner Wayne & Christine Hand Dr. Donald Hutchings Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Illi Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lange Mr. Tom Garlick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanley Mr. Jeff Ingersoll Kurt & Heidi Lannon Kristin & Preston Garretson A. Leigh & Pamela Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larkin Norman & Eleanor Gath Mrs. Jane E. Harris Christopher Iverson Ms. Kathleen Larnard Dawn Gehrke Rick and Sue Hart Linda & Pete Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gerard, Jr. Austin Hassett and Alice Murphey Jane Jamison Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gere, Jr. June Hathaway Mrs. Elsie C. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leach Mr. Robert A. Gerlach Mr. and Mrs. Basil Havalchak Mr. John Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ledgerwood Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gerwig Mr. & Mrs. Fred Havens Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jensen Wayne & Susan Lednar Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Geyer Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hawk Sandra Johnson Gretchen & Jeff Lee Mr. & Mrs. William Gibson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hawkins Barbara & Bob Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leibowitz John and Linda Giglio Don & Lisa Mutschler Hays Mr. and Mrs. David V. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William Leonard Edward Gilbert Andy & Diane Hays Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Mrs. Mary Lesh Mr. & Mrs. Jarius C. Gilbert, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hays Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. Marcel F. LeTourneau James & Harolyn Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heard Mrs. Lois Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levie Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Giorgini Ms. Mimi Heher Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Jones Paul & Robin Levy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Githler Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Heinig Roy & Marcia Joy Mary Kay Lewis Ira & Sherry Goldman Mrs. Cecilia M. Helbig Dr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt Robert & Linda Lewis Ms. Joanne Gonyea Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hellems Mary Kay Judd Mr. and Mrs. Skip Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goodfellow Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Heller Robert & Valerie Kalwas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liberatore Bill & Rhonda Goodrich Steve & Susan Heller Joseph & Andrea Karabaich Mr. and Mrs. Richard Liebe Suzanne Goodrich Mr. David B. Hemenway Ronald and Barbara Karr Dr. and Mrs. Min-Chung Lin Mr. Paul Goyette Jack & Carol Hennessy Dennis and Laura Karschner Continued on pg. 9

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Happy New Year from the Keuka Lake Association Page 17 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Muscarella Basic - Continued Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Evily Brent & Carolyn Penwarden William & Barbara Mutschler Dr. & Mrs. Norm Lindenmuth Mr. and Mrs. James McFarland Evelio & M. Lourdes Perez-Albuerne Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mutter Ms. Frances D. Linder Mr. and Mrs. Dale McFiggens Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Perry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mytych Eleanor Linderbery Bill McGough & Ann Kiefer Mr. Kurt Peter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Natemeier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Lindskoog Randall & Patricia McGovern D. Petersen & S. King Mike and Donna Necci Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Linz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuire Pete & Cece Wasson Peterson Mr. & Mrs. David E. Neff John & Gayle Loban Mrs. Lois S. Mc Henry David S.and Jean A. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Rockne Locey Elizabeth McInnis Mrs. Rosemary Crane Negri Nils Peterson, MD & Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lockard Dennis & Maureen McKernan Dale & Jocelyn Niebur Jen Kuhl-Peterson Ed and Joanne Lockwood Brian & Susan McKinnon Robert Nielsen Scott & Kathleen Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Long John & Janet McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. George Nitikin Dr. and Mrs. Pete Petrucci Mr. Robert Loomis Harriet McMillan Mr. Oliver M. Nikoloff Wayne & Lisa Peworchik Mrs. Marion C. Louden Roger & Jaclyn Mead Mr. & Mrs. Harold Nixon Carol & Joe Peworchik Thom & Karen Love Mr. Joseph Meade IV Mr. Emery Nordberg LTC. John G. and Mary M.Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meade, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Noteware Gavin L. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Chris Lowery Laura & Bob Mechalke Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nozell Mr. & Mrs. David Phillips Mr. William M. Lowery Phyllis B. Mendall Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Nuessle June Phillips Mrs. Betty M. Ludlam Mr. and Mrs. John Mendel Pete & Marietta Nye Mr. & Mrs. Bob Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundy Wayne D. Mercer Ms. Kate O'Brien Frances B. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Meredith Mike & Chris O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pierce Mr. and Mrs. John F. MacDowell Mr. Robert Meriwether Richard & Stephanie O'Brien Mr. Norman Pierce Mr. and Mrs. William A. MacIntyre Carmel Merrill & Richard Lunt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. O'Brien Ms. Barbara M. Pinckney William Mack Mr. and Mrs. Everett Merritt Mrs. Gayle O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. David B. Pinckney Scott Mackler & Deboral Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer Prof. & Mrs. David O'Dell Mr. William E. Pinckney Paul & Dace Madore Mr. and Mrs. Willard Midavaine Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olin Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pipe Larry & Monica Malfitano Frank & Sandy Midgley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Olin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pitbladdo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manahan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Pledger Ms. Janet Mance Mrs. Donald Miller Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Oliver Robert Plummer & Melanie Bellis Vincent and Joan Maney Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Miller Dr. and Mrs. C. Brent Olmstead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Podsiadlo Mrs. Theresa Mangione Justine B. Miller William Olmsted, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Poehlein Doug & Laura Mann Mr. Paul G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John E. O'Meara Dr. & Mrs. George Pokorny Katherine Manno Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller Paul & Jean O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Polovick Mrs. Vivian Marchase Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Opper Mr. Robert Marchenese Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborn Mr. R. Frederick Porter & Mr. and Mrs. John T. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osgood Carolyne Garman Archer & Ellen Martin Joe & Marilyn Miran Mrs. Madeline Ottalagana Mr. and Mrs. Dick Portland Capt. & Mrs. John Martin Mark H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ottalagana Richard & Linda Potter Corinna K. Martin Trudy & Gene Mitchell Peter S. & Carol Paciorek Whitney & Patricia Powers Mr. and Mrs. Stan Martin Mr. and Mrs. James Moe David & Theresa Paddock Lyle & Beth Prairie Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mase Mr. and Mrs. Gary Molyneaux Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Matty Princiotto Mr. Marc P. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Monrad Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Papa Bob & Karen Prior Mr. Max Mason Jr. Jim and Kathy Moon Park 735 Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Pugh Mr. William Masterman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Parker Charles & Brenda Pugliese Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mathey F. Thomas Moretti Jeff & Gail Parrish Ms. Lucy Anne Purcell Mrs. Joyce Matson Charles Morgan & Linda Porter Mr. and Mrs. John Patchen Bill & Rhonda Quade Ed & Ellen Matson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morgan Dr. Kamal D. Pathak Mr. and Mrs. John Quashnoc Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Matteson Nancy & Sandy Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paulson Don and Beattie Raes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Matusek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morley Bill Payne & Jo Ann Smith Mrs. Ellen Rague Ms. Mauerman & Ms. Scrymgeour Mr. & Mrs. Mark Morris Bruce & Linda Payne Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rapach Mr. & Mrs. John May Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morse Mr. and Mrs. David Payne Jeff & Nancy Rathfon Dr. and Mrs. Theodor Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mosch Mr. David Pearce Phyllis Read & Priscilla Read Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mayer Michael & Roxanne Mourhess Mr. Phillip Pearce Mr. & Mrs. James Reagan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mayo Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Joyce & Tom Pearson Mr. Lewis F. Reas Mr. Steve McCauley Muccigrosso Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. McClure Ms. Jaclyn Mulhern John & Susan Peck Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rees Tom and Ginny McCollough Mr. John J. Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Peck Mrs. Dorothy Reese David McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, Jr. Mr. William Peck Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradford Reeves Betty McCormick Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy Rick Pedersen and Cheryl Bonnell Mr. Robert L. Reid Mr. & Mrs. James McCormick Mr. and Mrs. J.Thomas Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Peek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCubbin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peek C. Edwina Reilly Scott McEachern & Barb Danby Dr. John D. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Reilly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David McElwee Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Murrer Penn Yan Municipal Board Mr. Gerald Reinman Continued on pg. 10 Page 18 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Basic - Continued Mr. Francis Schoeffler Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Spagnoletti Mr. Douglas A. Thompson Nancy Rembaum Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schroeck Michael & Kimberly Spallone Mrs. Mary A. Thompson Steven Reynolds & Deborah Martin Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schrouder Mike & Donna Spaziani Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Thompson Brenda & Parker Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Craig Schubmehl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spitz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reynolds Miss Kathleen M. Schueler Susan & John Spring Bruce Thon & Mary Anne Mr. & Mrs. Philip Reynolds Mark & Paula Schuller John & Fran Springer Felker-Thon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds Ed and Mickey Schultz Bill & Pam Spry Bill and Carin Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoades Dr. Gregory L. Schultz Col. & Mrs. Clem Stahl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tones Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Rhody Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schultz Mr. Don C. Stalker Jim and Denise Toomey Peter & Anne Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John Schutt, Jr. Ms. Ruth Stalnaker Mr. and Mrs. Peter Townsend Mr. Michael A. Richmond Mr. Timothy A. Schwartz Mr. Wayne T. Stanek Robert & Dollie Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rickard Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Searle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trotta Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riopko Mike & Mary Jo Searson Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stanton Dr. and Mrs. Bennie Truax David Rittenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Burr Sebring Mr. and Mrs. Paul Starr Mr. & Mrs.Tom Tunney Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roach Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Seibert Ms. Suzanne M. Steeves William W. & Cheryl Turner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roberts Debbie Semski Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steinmetz Mrs. Nancy Tuttle Kenneth C. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Serafine Kurt and Ann Stell Diane & Larry Tuzzolino Mr. Rexford Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Seus Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stepanik Robert & Mary Ann Tyler Gary & Kathleen Rockwell Thomas and Eve Seward Doug & Stephanie Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tylor Ms. Margaret Anne Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James Sgrecci Mr. and Mrs. David Stocking Mr. Robert A. Ulp Ms. Jo Ellen Rollins Mrs. Joan B. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stokes Terry Underhill Mary Jane & Glenn Rolls Richard and Jo Anne Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoneham Charles J. Vacanti III Mr. & Mrs. James Rolls Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sharman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Vacanti Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Romeo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shaut Lynn Storie & Jeffrey Zweiben Mrs. Adele Vail Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Root Bob & Margo Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stork Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Valicenti Mrs. Jean M. Root Brian and Laura Shea Steve and Susan Stork Ms. Elizabeth Van Atta Col. John Rose, USAF Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shelhamer Laurie and Cal Stoutz Mr. and Mrs. Dick Van Brunt Mr. & Mrs. John Roselli James & Ila Shepard Mr. Bob Stowell, Jr. Paul & Ginger Van Der Meid Dr. & Mrs. Lester Rosenbloom Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shira Mr. and Mrs. Mike Streeter Barbara Van Dine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Shirley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strehle Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Dusen Tom & Theresa Rossettie Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strong Mrs. Edith Van Dyke Tom & Anne Rothfuss Lynne Shoemaker & Richard Moyle Richard & Michelle Strong Gary L. and Gretchen K. Van Noy Mr. & Mrs. J. William Royer Ms. Linda T. Shoop Molly Townsend Sujan Mrs. Dorothy VanDyke Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Rozelle Gary & Ann Shope Dr. and Mrs. John K. Sullivan Jim and Karen Vari Deborah & Harry Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuart Mr. Robert W. Sundell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Shults Ms. Mary S. Sutherland Richard & Debra Vega Rye Point, Inc. Steven & Kelly Siemborski Mr. Ronald H. Sutherland David & Clare Velepec Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryon Harris & Joanne Silver Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland Mr. Kenneth Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Sahs Mrs. Geraldine Simmons Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sutterfield Vine City Supply, Inc. Wright and Kent Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simone Thomas Swanson & Betty Mr. and Mrs. David A. Voke Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Salyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Simpson Laubach Cathy & Peter Volanakis Mr. and Mrs. Len Saner Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Sisler Phill & Susan Sweet Mr. Steven P. Von Rhedey Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Sanford Dr. Patricia C. Slutzker Dr. and Mrs. Gil Sweet Mrs. Kathleen M. Vreeland Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sauberan Angela Smaha Peter & Moira Szilagyi Ms. Jane Vyverberg Mr. and Mrs. Greg Saucke Mr. & Mrs. Carl Smeenk Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szych John Vyverberg & Judy Withers Dave & Lisa Saxton Janet Smith Ken & Bonnie Taggart Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wackerman Lee & Lauren Saxton Dr. Annie Smith Mr. & Mrs. David Tallman Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard Wade Mike Saxton Mrs. Cynthia Smith Dr. and Mrs. Louis Tallo Robert & Janet Wager Judy Saxton David & Linda Smith Linda Tarabrella Mr. & Mrs. Roger Walczak Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Saxton Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Dr. and Mrs. L. Holland Taylor Doris Walker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaeberle Deborah A. Smith Mr. James Taylor Lois C. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Scharfe Jerome & Suanne Smith Mrs. Lola J. Tears Leonard and Marilyn Walkowicz Mr. & Mrs. Todd Scharfe Michael & Debbie Smith Pam & Matt Tedesco Robert Walter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schauman Scott & Roxanna Smith Helen & LeRoy Tenny Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scheg Wayne & Linda Smith Doug and Arianne Tepper Cathi & Eric Ward Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Schillinger Mr. & Mrs. William D. Smith Ms. Teresa Test Ms. Margaret Warfield Mr. Don Schnapp Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carl Testa, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Warner Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Schneider Marian Smith-Weimar Mr. and Mrs. James Tette Larry B. & Pamela R. Warriner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schnepf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snow Mr. and Mrs. David Thiel Mr. Peter J. Warter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schnorr Mrs. Don Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Thomas Peggy Jane Wasson Thomas Schnorr Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snyder Ray & Beth Thomas William Wasson Mr. Daniel C. Schoeffler Mr. Stephen M. Sorensen David & Shelley Thompson Continued on pg. 11 Page 19 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Basic - Continued Mr. & Mrs. E. Eugene Yaw Memorials Christian & Aimee Cox Wasson Mrs. Betty B. Yolton Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Young Jr. Mrs. Sarah Haugen Mr. and Mrs. Erik Weber Mrs. Mary Helen Yunis Mr. & Mrs. Fred Havens Check out our website: Mr. John M. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Zack Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klein Mr. and Mrs. William A. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zamiara Mr. and Mrs. James H. Long Latest Keuka News , Docks Mr. and Mrs. L. John Webster Mr. and Mrs. Walt Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zemanick & Moorings Update, Cur- George W. Weider Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmer Mr. Robert Turissini rent Lake Level, Photo Gal- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weisenreder Charles & Nancy Zinn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilder Edmund H. Wellech Estate - lery & Other Lake Related Therese Zona Donations Poppenbergs Glenn & Nancy Zwetsch Info Meade Foundation Mrs. Barbara B. Welles Mercury Aircraft Mrs. Edmund A. Wellinghoff 2006 Business Tier Members Are Listed on page 15. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Werner Mr. & Mrs. L. R. Werninck Mr. & Mrs. John Weston Life in the Finger Lakes Lucia Wheeler A Magazine Review Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wheeler Chuck McCausland Mrs. Marilyn F. Whitaker

Evelyn & Joseph White This magazine would be of interest to all those who love our area and enjoy our beautiful lakes. Pub- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. White lished four times per year, it chronicles the goings on in the greater Finger Lakes area. A recent is- Larry & Irena White sue features the photography of Nigel P. Kent, Coyotes- the Empire State’s top predator, mountain Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Whitney biking in our area, and the areas most treasured buildings and landscapes. Also featured are articles Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitney on area history, a calendar of festival and events, and day trips. Every issue features wonderful pho- Mr. and Mrs. E. William Whittaker tography of the area. Printed in Ithaca, it serves the fourteen counties of the Finger Lakes region. For Stan and Sue Widrick subscription information go to [email protected]. The magazine is also available at Ms. Joyce Wiedrich local new dealers and book stores. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wightman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wilder Continued from page 2 Mr. John B. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilhelm DEC Update on Status of VHS in New York State Waters: Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wilkins Scott & Kimberly Williams New Federal Order Issued That Restricts Interstate Transport of Live Fish Mr. and Mrs. Byron Williams Peter Landre Mrs. John D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams Fish species included in the federal prohibition are: Atlantic cod, black crappie, bluegill, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wiiliams bluntnose minnow, brown bullhead, brown trout, burbot, channel catfish, chinook salmon, Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers H. Williams coho salmon, chum salmon, emerald shiner, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, grayling, had- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams dock, herring, Japanese flounder, , muskellunge, Pacific cod, northern Mr. and Mrs. Donald Willmott pike, pink salmon, pumpkinseed, rainbow trout, redhorse sucker, rock bass, rockling, Bob & Pam Wilson round goby, smallmouth bass, sprat, turbot, walleye, white bass, white perch, whitefish and Craig and Margaret Wilson yellow perch. Additional fish will be added to the order as they are confirmed to be carriers Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wilson of this disease. Additional information on the Federal Order can be found on the APHIS Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson website Mrs. Sharon Wilson VHS can be spread from water body to water body through a variety of means, not all of Bill & Mary Wisneski them known at this point. One known mechanism is through the movement of fish, includ- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Witmer ing bait fish. To reduce the likelihood of spreading VHS in New York State, DEC encour- Dr. Ted Wohnsiedler ages anglers and boaters to abide by the following guidelines: remove all mud, aquatic Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wojciechowski plants and animals from all gear, boats, motors and trailers before leaving a body of water. Gregory & Teresa Wolf Drain your live well, bilge and bait tanks before leaving the fishing or boating water. An- Rita Wolf glers or boaters using infected waters should disinfect their live wells and bait wells with a Les & Wanda Wood 10 percent chlorine/water solution. Rinse well to remove all residual chlorine. Do not trans- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodcock port fish from one body of water to another. Note that this practice is illegal without a DEC Mr. Robert A. Woodhouse fish stocking permit. Only use bait fish in the water body it was taken from. Bait purchased Mr. Bill Woodruff commercially should not be released into any body of water; and do not dispose of fish Mr. Edwin H. Worden carcasses or by-products in any body of water. David & Eileen Wurman The public is advised to contact their nearest DEC regional office if they witness a large Dr. Robert G. Wylie, DDS number of dead or dying fish (usually 100 or more). Questions about VHS and potential Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wynn DEC actions to prevent its spread can be e-mailed to [email protected] or by call- Ms. Charlotte Wytias ing 518-402-8896. The public is also advised to regularly check the Department website Thomas Yaeger for updated information on VHS in New York State. Robert & Lois Yattaw Page 20 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

OH DEER, OH DEER! CRITTER CORNER Deer/Vehicle Accidents - What to Do? by Dave deCalesta

WHAM! It sounded like a tire blowing out – that or the car hit How can you avoid hitting deer, or at least reduce your risk something really hard. I knew there was an accident be- of damage or injury in a deer-car accident:? cause I heard a car horn blaring non-stop and someone hol- lering for help. Three girls had been coming home late at • Do not use the “deer whistles” sold at hardware stores night, going fast, and hadn’t seen the deer until it suddenly and auto shops – they DON’T WORK and give a false appeared right in front of them. No time to hit the brakes. sense of security. The impact knocked the deer 50 feet up the road, crushed in the hood of the car, pushed the fan into the radiator, and • When driving after dark (and before dawn), especially in nearly ripped off the front right wheel. The girls were lucky areas with forests or farmlands, slow down to 45 miles no one was injured. The deer died instantly. The car was an hour. Even if you hit a deer, at this speed you’ll do undriveable. less damage to your car and be at less risk of injury or death. Avoid driving after dark in areas with high deer This happens at least once every year on the road above our density. Be especially vigilant October-December. house. It’s dark, the driver is going 60 miles an hour or faster, and the deer appears so suddenly that there’s no time • Drive with your high-beams on and continuously scan to stop. Last year in New York there were 8,570 reported both sides of the road ahead: deer eyes shine when they deer/vehicle accidents (because only about 1/6 of such acci- look your way and are a sure sign of deer ahead. Slow dents is reported, the real number is closer to 50,000). Na- down when you see deer eye-shine. tion-wide, there are about 750,000 such accidents every year, with about 10,000 human injuries requiring hospitaliza- • Deer usually travel in family groups of three or more – if tion, and 150 human fatalities (many of them motorcyclists). one crosses the road, slow down and look for the others. Average cost of repair is $2,000 per accident. • If you can’t stop in time with your brakes – HIT THE Most of these collisions occur October-December when deer DEER! Don’t try to swerve off the road, or into the op- are breeding and hunting season is on: deer are moving posing lane – if you hit a tree or an on-coming car you’ll more often and more recklessly. Peak hours for deer travel cause more damage to your car and be more likely to be (and accidents) are dawn and dusk when deer are also injured. Plus – hitting a deer on the road is a compre- harder to see. hensive loss, and your insurance rates should not go up. Go off the road, or hit an on-coming vehicle and the acci- dent is a collision and your insurance rates will go up.

• If you do have to use your brakes, don’t jam them but just try to slow down enough to miss the deer. Jamming on the brakes causes the nose of the car to dip down, increasing the chances of the deer coming through the windshield if you hit it.

• If you hit a deer, stop and check your car – you may have sustained enough damage to make driving hazard- ous. Check to make sure the wheels are straight and not flat, and that the fan is not jammed into the radiator. And leave the deer alone – you may be injured if you ap- proach it or try to put it out of its misery. You are not required to report deer/car accidents but it’s a good idea. Call the local sheriff, they’ll know what to do.

Luckily, there was no one in the passenger seat in this acci- dent. The deer jumped off an overpass.

Page 21 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

The KLA urges you to support our business

members and advertisers.

ACCOUNTING/BANKING LODGING Community Bank, N.A. - PY Best Western Vineyard Inn & Suites J. Carey & Co., CPA’s Hammondsport Motel The Fox Inn ARTS Earthworks Art Gallery - Penn Yan MARINE SERVICES/SUPPLIES/ Keuka Studios - Artistic Iron Work CHARTERS The Village Gallery - Hammondsport Jake's Boat Livery Keuka Big Foot Charters BUILDING/PLUMBING/ North End Marina ELEC. SUPPLIES Branchport Hardware MEDICAL SERVICES Carey’s Farm & Home Centers Henderson’s Drug Store Knapp & Schlappi Lumber Co., Inc. Penn Yan Plumbing & Heating REAL ESTATE SALES/RENTALS/ Ribble's Septic Service DEVELOPMENT Pulteney from Bluff Point The Corning Bldg./Bath Bldg. Co. Benesh Realtors Steve Knapp Century 21 Sbarra & Wells BOOKS/OFFICE SUPPLIES Curbeau Realty Longs’ Cards & Books Finger Lakes Getaways Inc, Finger Lakes Realty WELCOME CONSTRUCTION/ARCHITECTURE/ John & Linda Vang – Century 21 to the following new KLA members PAINTING/CONTRACTORS/DOCKS Lake Living Realty As of 11/21/06 Connect-A-Service, Inc. Lucy Knapp Division - Realty USA D.J. Builders & Remodelers, Inc. Mark Malcolm II - Century 21 Design Works Architecture Rental Plus Krista & Mark Beamish Grapes Lakes Painting The Farash Corporation Joseph & Lucille Cavallaro Keuka Lake Karen Calveric & Eric Johnson Lakeside Kitchen Design RESTAURANTS Mike’s Hammer Angel's Family Restaurant Cathy & Paul Danielson Pearson Construction, LLC* Antique Inn Charlotte M. & Glenn W. Fox, Sr. R & R Docks Esperanza Mansion Roger & Patti Graham Ron Williams Consulting & Keuka Maid Dinner Boat Construction Snug Harbor Restaurant & Inn Mike & Dawn Grosser Veley Enterprises The Switzerland Inn Kenneth Guyett Valley Inn Harry & Nancy Hall FOOD SERVICES Waterfront Restaurant Elizabeth Hogue Indian Pines Farm Market Keuka Lake Coffee Roasters RECREATIONAL SERVICES Phillip Kellogg Morgan's Grocery Camp Good Days & Special Times Mary Jo S. Korona P&C Foods – Penn Yan Finger Lakes DJ Service Leigh & Gordon Lafferty Your Time Savior Personal Keuka Yacht Club Bob & Beth Litchfield Chef Services* Lakeside Country Club YMCA Camp Cory Michelle & David Naylor FURNISHINGS Valerie Newell & Tim Smith Coles Furniture & Floor Fashions WINERIES Joseph & Anastasia O’Conner Heron Hill Vineyards, Inc. GIFTS/CLOTHING Hunt Country Vineyards- Steven Reynolds & Browsers Art & Joyce Hunt Deborah Martin Cinnamon Stick Keuka Overlook Wine Cellars Charles Robinson, Butch & Andrea The Loomis Barn & Country Shops Keuka Spring Vineyards Diana & Jerry Ryan McGregor Vineyard Winery INSURANCE Ravines Wine Cellars* Edward & Roberta Sahrle Stork Insurance, Inc James & Ila Shepard Furman Kendall – Doug Miles Agency OTHER George Thompson American Red Cross Blood Services Steven R. Tomlinson LANDSCAPING/NURSERY Camp Arey, Inc. Jud’s Stone House Nursery Deeanne Bevin - M. Acupuncture John & Anne VanAelst Preferred Landscaping Gwen Lee Associates Jane & Geoffrey Weaver Keuka College Robert Wenderlich LIQUOR/WINE Penn Yan Manor Landmark Wines & Spirits Yates County Soil & Water Bob & Pam Wilson * indicates new business member Page 22 December 2006 KLA Newsletter


KEUKA LAKE ASSOCIATION OFFICE MEMBER APPLICATION The KLA office is located at 90 Yes, I want to join the Keuka Lake Association! Pulteney Street in Hammondsport, just off the southwest corner of the RENEWAL NEW (See membership expiration date square. The office is open on On your address label.) Tuesdays and Thursdays from

9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Weather per- NAME______mitting) Please stop in if you are in the village. You can contact the MAILING ADDRESS ______office either by phone: 866-369- 3781, local 607-569-3781 CITY, STATE, ZIP ______(answering machine attached) or email: [email protected]. PHONE NUMBER ______Margo G. McTaggart, E-MAIL ADDRESS ______KLA Administrative Assistant



The advertising section of the KLA Dates I wish to receive mailings at KEUKA address: newsletter is provided as a service to KLA members. Any advertisers must From ___/___ to ___/___ month/day be members of the KLA. The 24 ads are restricted to 1/4-1/6 page, to fit MEMBERSHIP TIER (Check one) METHOD OF PAYMENT (Check one) into a 3/34 by 43/4 or 3 1/2 by 4 rec- tangle. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to contact the KLA office

Basic $30 Check #______with a request for ad space in an upcoming issue. The deadline for the Partner – $50 Visa March issue is February1st and will be accepted in the order submitted. Sponsor – $100 MasterCard However, in an attempt to present an interesting diversity of ads, the KLA Patron – $150 Amex editorial staff reserves the right to

limit the number of any specific type Guardian – $250 & more Discover of ad in any given issue. KLA also Business – $50 reserves the right to decline accep- tance of an ad deemed inappropriate

for the publication. Ad cost for each Card number: ______issue is $50. Thank you to all of the

KLA members who have advertised Expiration Date: __/__/__ Signature: ______with us .

Mail application and payment to: Keuka Lake Association, P.O. Box 415, Ham- mondsport, NY 14840 KLA MEMBERSHIP PROCESS April - Dues renewal notices mailed.

June - Dues reminder cards mailed to Are your neighbors members of the KLA? those who have not renewed. September - Last newsletter for those who Whether they live on the lake or anywhere within the watershed, have not renewed. Check the expiration they have an interest in the future health and viability of Keuka date on your address label. Lake. Why not ask them if they are members...and encourage January - Membership for new members who join after Jan 1 will be extended them to join? Why not give a KLA membership as a gift? through the next membership year. Page 23 December 2006 KLA Newsletter


NAME: ______KLA LOGO HATS are available for purchase from ADDDRESS :______Browsers (H’sport), Longs (PY) and Crooked Lake Mercantile (B’port) ______

____ Dock Plate (excluding #s) - $23 incl. S&H* Please make checks payable to the Keuka Lake Association and Dock Plates are 6”x 15”, painted reflective white, featuring KLA send completed order to PO Box 415, Hammondsport, NY 14840. logo & “member” distinction.

____ Numbers - $.50 each

Fill in your desired numbers here:

* $20 if purchased at the KLA Office, plus $.50 for each number

____ License Plate Holders - $8.00 (Incl. S&H) (Available in local stores for $5.00) ____ Two KLA decals - No charge

_____KLA 2004 Directory - $5 (Includes S&H)


President Bob Worden Barrington Tom Murrin As a service to the American President- Bill Feinstein Bebette Yunis Red Cross the KLA is publish- elect ing the dates for Treasurer Jim Stork Jerusalem Jim Stork Local Blood Drives:

Secretary Lucy Knapp Marsha Senges Penn Yan First Presbyterian Church At-Large Art Hunt Milo Bill Laffin 211 Main St. Steve Knapp Bob Corcoran 12/12/06 & 2/13/07 - 12-6 PM

Chuck Pulteney Mike Gabrielli Branchport Branchport School McCausland 3369 Guyanoga Rd. John Webster Jerry Saxton (Future Locations TBA) 1/18/07 - 1:30-6:30 PM Mike Doyle Urbana Dick Honeyman Hammondsport Trafford Doherty Pete Robbins Hammondsport Fire Dept. 8251 State Rte. 54 Wayne Bill Feinstein 1/25/07 - 12-6 PM

Ex-Officio Bill Oben Dave deCalesta Page 24 December 2006 KLA Newsletter

Lake level chart Now that the lake level information is available on our website and is up-dated hourly, we no longer see a need to print a chart on this page of the newsletter. KLA website is

The view up Wager Hill on the west side of Keuka Lake - Steve Knapp

Non-Profit Keuka Lake Association, Inc. Organization P.O. Box 415 US Postage Paid Hammondsport, NY 14840 Hammondsport, NY Permit #10