March 18, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 6 7871 TRIBUTE TO SGT. MICHAEL lenic Americans and to promote Cypriot cul- erous member of the Cyprian community. She ESPOSITO ture. WIN sponsors numerous cultural, health devotes much of her time and energy to serv- and educational programs, including breast ing on the Pancyprian Dance Group’s Board HON. and cervical cancer screenings for uninsured of Directors. She also works as a teacher’s OF women. Additionally, WIN is committed to end- aide for the Department of ing the decades-long Turkish occupation of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Education. She is devoted to her husband, Cyprus. –This year, WIN honors the distin- Michalis, and her children, Prodromos, Wednesday, March 18, 2009 guished international entrepreneur Joanna Konstantine and Konstantina. One of her Mr. ISRAEL. Madam Speaker, Today I Savvides. Born in Cyprus, Joanna immigrated proudest moments occurred when she grad- honor the service and memory of Sgt. Michael with her family to America in 1980. She has uated from the City University of New York Esposito, of Brentwood New York. On March served as President of the World Trade Cen- with her granddaughter Evangelia in attend- 18th, 2004 Sgt. Esposito led his unit into a ter of Greater Philadelphia since its foundation ance. hostile compound, hoping to neutralize the in October 2002. Under her leadership, the Madam Speaker, I request that my es- threat from within. Working to secure the facil- non-profit helped 400 small and medium-sized teemed colleagues join me in paying tribute to ity, Sgt. Esposito cleared three rooms, expos- companies expand on the international level, the Women’s Issues Network of the ing himself to incredible danger by leading contributing to a surge in the volume of goods Pancyprian Association of America and its dis- from the front of his team. Despite the pres- exported by businesses in New Jersey and tinguished honorees, Joanna Savvides, Evi ence of hostile fire, Michael approached a pre- Pennsylvania. She also serves as an adjunct Rafti, and Eleftheria Saittis. viously unidentified area, remaining ahead of professor at St. Joseph’s University in Phila- f his men. Sadly, the enemy engaged as he ad- delphia. Renowned for her cross cultural and vanced, inflicting a mortal wound on Michael, international business expertise, she is fre- HONORING MRS. MARY ELLEN and a grievous injury on all who knew him. quently sought after as a lecturer. Joanna MENDELSOHN Sgt. Esposito’s team—inspired by his cour- serves as the President of the Cyprus Society age and leadership—achieved their objective of Greater Philadelphia and was a founder HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY in the wake of tragedy. Assuming the lead po- and director of the Cypriot Dancers of Greater OF NEW YORK sition, as he so often did, Michael displayed Philadelphia. An accomplished linguist, her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES knowledge of six languages has proven in- the heroism that remains an inspiration to his Wednesday, March 18, 2009 fellow platoon members. On that day, and al- valuable in international trade. Joanna’s ways, Michael displayed a willingness to put achievements have been honored by many or- Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Madam the welfare of others before his own. Through ganizations. The Philadelphia Business Jour- Speaker, I rise today to recognize and honor selfless acts of leadership, he provided an ex- nal recognized her with the Women of Distinc- my friend and colleague, Mrs. Mary Ellen ample to which all of us should aspire. tion Award. She has also been honored with Mendelsohn, upon her retirement from the For Michael’s bravery, sacrifice, and service, the Global Business Award from the United Federal Government. Public service is one of I am deeply thankful. For his enduring commit- Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia, the most honorable and important professions ment to defending our safety and ideals, we the Global Leadership Award from the Con- an individual can choose. Mrs. Mendelsohn is are all deeply indebted. sular Corps Association of Philadelphia, the at the top of her profession, working on cam- On this, the five-year anniversary of Mi- Heritage Preservation Award from the Cyprus paigns and in government offices for more chael’s tragic passing, the words of a brother Society of Greater Philadelphia, and the than 25 years. in arms speak volumes about his character. Artemis Award from the European American Mrs. Mendelsohn earned her degree at Bos- His platoon leader, 1st Lieutenant James Business Council. More than these many hon- ton University and later went on to become Howell, said of Sgt. Esposito ‘‘[he] was one of ors, however, Joanna cherishes her husband, District Director to former US Congressman the most selfless leaders I have ever known George, and her children, Andreas and Robert Mrazek. She later worked as Mr. Mraz- . . . The platoon, and especially all of his Renos. ek’s Deputy Campaign Director during his bid men, took his loss hard. It is impossible to for- WIN honors Evi Rafti as its Member of the for the . get a leader like Michael Esposito.’’ Year for her efforts to further knowledge, un- Mrs. Mendelsohn later became the Presi- A soldier, a friend, and a man of immense derstanding, and appreciation of Cypriot cul- dent, MC Communications, a Public Relations integrity, Michael will always retain a firm ture. Born the youngest of six children in and Intergovernmental Affairs Firm, assisting grasp on our memories. Today, our nation re- Mosfiloti, Larnaca, she studied at Academia clients like the Town of Huntington, Child members the tragic loss of a cherished citizen, Thileon in Nicosia. Shortly after marrying her Abuse Prevention Services of , fallen hero, beloved brother, and adored son. husband Christos, they immigrated to New Housing All Americans, and the Columbia Uni- Dedicated in his commitment to country and York in 1969. Evi has retained a strong com- versity Department of Oral History obtain lasting in his impact on those blessed to have mitment to Cypriot culture as an active mem- grants from the public and private sector. All called him friend, Michael is and will forever ber of the vibrant Cypriot-American community the while, she simultaneously and effectively be, sorely missed. in our nation’s greatest city. During her years managed campaigns for Hynes for New York f of volunteering, she has helped plan numer- State Attorney General and raised funds for ous special events such as parades, charity New York State Assemblyman Thomas IN RECOGNITION OF THE WOMEN’S and non-profit fundraisers, and demonstra- DiNapoli. ISSUES NETWORK OF THE tions. Over the past ten years, she has also After successfully assisting DA PANCYPRIAN ASSOCIATION served as a dedicated member of the Board of Charles J. Hynes, Mrs. Mendelsohn was ap- Directors of the Pancyprian Dance Group. The pointed the Director, Government and Com- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY mother of three children, Panayiota, Tatiana, munity Affairs, Office of the District Attorney, OF NEW YORK and Stavro, she has instilled in them a love of Kings County, New York. She remained in this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cypriot culture by inspiring their participation position until deciding to move on to private in the Pancyprian Dance Group and youth consulting for such clients as Cancer Cured Wednesday, March 18, 2009 groups, and the Eleftheria soccer team. Kids, John Bryant for Senate, Coalition for Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to WIN honors Eleftheria Saittis as Member of Peoples Choice and last but not least a Cam- honor the Women’s Issues Network (WIN) of the Year for her dedication to the Cypriot com- paign Consultant for ‘‘McCarthy for Congress.’’ the Pancyprian Association of America. This munity. Born in the village of Agios Theodoros Mary Ellen came to work for me and the US month WIN honors Joanna Savvides as Karpasias (now under Turkish occupation), House of Representatives as my District Di- Woman of the Year and Evi Rafti and she graduated with a diploma in fashion de- rector and Political Advisor in January 1997. I Eleftheria Saittis as Members of the Year at its sign from the Professional School New Hori- came to depend on Mary Ellen’s breadth of annual dinner-dance. zon in Famagusta. To continue her education, knowledge to brief me and my Washington Founded in 1996, WIN works on behalf of Eleftheria immigrated to New York. Her family Staff on issues that directly affect my district. the Cypriot-American community to pave the joined her after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus Her reputation has surpassed the confines of way to success for future generations of Hel- in 1974. Eleftheria is a dedicated and gen- the Long Island office. My staff and I enjoyed

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