
E n v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y

West Pumping Station Background (Geography

The pumping station was constructed during the The pumping station is sited War in 1944. At this time, 'Dig For Victory' was near Stathe on West the national slogan and every available scrap of Sedgemoor at the junction of arable land was required to grow much needed the and West food for the populace. The Levels and Sedgemoor Main Drain. The Moors had to be drained first before farmers site is just downstream of the could grow crops or graze animals to help with river's tidal limit. the war effort.

The station was designed to be able to drain a ^Nature Conservation) total catchment of 4450 hectares which includes a substantial proportion of upland catchment. Once the war was over and The moor is networked by a series of drainage life began to return back to channels and ditches which serve several normality, farmers had purposes. In the winter period, they allow become used to cultivating drainage of the moor and convey the upland the fields on the Moors. As water to the pumping station, whilst in the time went on, it became summer period they provide a supply of water to apparent that the drier land the land tor livestock watering, wet' fencing (a was having an impact on the barrier to the livestock) and to sustain the ditch habitat of native plants and flora and fauna. A further vital role is the supply animals. Within West of water to the raised water level area on land Sedgemoor there is now a major wet grassland owned by the Royal Society for the Protection of Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) created in Birds (RSPB). The slightly larger drainage channels 1983 under the Wildlife and Countryside Act are controlled by West Sedgemoor District 1981, which promotes a raised water level Drainage Board; the main river watercourses are scheme and an important RSPB reserve. Delicate controlled by the Environment Agency. negotiations were instigated between the then National Rivers Authority and farmers to establish There are two large pumps that are installed a reasonable balance between the demands of purely for the disposal and movement of flood nature and the needs of agriculture. The area water and there is one smaller pump which is became a designated Environmentally Sensitive used for moving water around to maintain the Area (ESA) and farmers are given grants to correct summer penning levels on the moor. maintain suitable habitats for the flora and fauna. This part of the Levels is thought to be one of the premier British inland waterfowl sites. An estimated 50,000 birds are attracted to the area for over-wintering. Amongst the species identified are: Wigeon, Teal, Lapwing, Bewick Swans, Snipe,


Willow spiling Golden Plover, Whimbrel, The pumping station has had, and continues to Black Tailed Godwit and have, a very important role to play in controlling Quail. The RSPB nature the water levels in this valuable area. The quality reserve covers of the land can be described in three tiers. approximately one third of Waterlogged, boggy land has a very low value for the West Sedgemoor agriculture, wet and damp grassland is suitable catchment. for arable use and grazing. Fully dry land is of high value for intensive arable farming. The area also has one of the largest tracts of botanically rich wet meadows in and is nationally important for its ditch flora and fauna and meadow fauna which include rare or scarce species. These require protection to maintain and, hopefully, increase their numbers.


The and Moors are rich in artefacts such as wooden trackways, wetland settlements, log boats, fish traps, etc. The moorland peat itself contains vital information for historical research. The Agency has a duty to ensure that the archaeological potential is not threatened in any way.

(Agriculture (The Pumping Station

The greatest proportion of land is used for When the station was originally constructed in grazing dairy cattle, there is a small amount of 1944, it had diesel driven pumps installed. The beef farming and some arable land. Withy pumps were manufactured by Gwynnes of growers (for basketmaking) are to be found on Bedford. The diesel engines that drove the this particular part of the Moors, This activity is • pumps were manufactured by Ruston and ■.tensive and dependent on the right Hornsby of Lincoln. Each engine operated on a wotcr level. Too much at cutting time and the four stroke cycle developing a 1 32 BMP at 265 growers cannot reach their crop. The importance RPM. Each pump when running at full capacity, of this industry is clMffy displayed in a nearby was capable of pumping water at a rate of 2200 Willow & Wetlands Visitor Centre at Stoke St litres per second. Gregory. A few years ago, a serious failure of a major Teasel is also qrowr on a smart scale on the component in one of the diesel engines Moors. This crop is used for combing wool and is highlighted the potential difficulty in obtaining often used in preference to synthetic products. spares for such old machinery within a reasonable There are also a few apple orchards on the higher timescale. It was then decided that a capital ground, out of reach of the floods, which supply scheme should be implemented to refurbish the fruit for the cider market. entire works. uded the replatement of the ntrol of Watpt levels at any given fhediesel engines with electrical drives, time. The telemetry systerjt provides a full refurbishment of the buildings, including the monitoring facility ofrWequipment so that any creation of a more spacious dry inspection failure or defect is indicated instantly, enabling a hlmber. The old chan ber required anybody rapid response should the need arise. g to|nter to hav> ur icrgone confined ace uainlng. The non-re iturn flaps and The old Ruston and Hornsby diesel engine is now penstocks were upgraded, and the weed screen with the Engine Trust. area was improved. These new works have extended the life of this station to the year 2020.

Refurbishment work in progress The Agency's capital works section managed the project following detailed environmental and — engineering appraisals carried out by Consultant, W S Atkins. The Consultants also managed the mechanical and electrical work, whilst the Agency's In House Workforce carried out the civil engineering tasks. The total cost of the project amounted to £780,000.

The station is now operated automatically and it could be remotely controlled through the Agency's telemetry system. There is also provision for the use of remote level measurements and this enables

Ruston and Hornsby diesel engine (The River Parrett ~) Facts and Figures The River Parrett Catchment covers an area of around 1251 krrv Its source is near Cheddington, Original building erected in 1944. Refurbishment to the south of . From source to Stert will extend its life to 2020. Point, where it enters the , the river is about 59 km long and falls Catchment: 4450 hectares 160m to sea level. The Parrett flows north, Total Cost of Project: £780,000 passing and is joined by the rivers Isle Consultants: W S Atkins and Yeo south of . It becomes tidal at Motors supplied by: MPTC Electrotechnics Ltd Oath Sluice and has a particularly long tidal reach. Much of the catchment is below high Gear Boxes spring tide level. Flood tides carry large quantities supplied by: David Brown Special of silt up the tidal reaches from the Estuary and Products Ltd this has to be addressed in channel management. Building Refurbishment: Environment Agency The is a major tributary of the Parrett North Wessex and joins it at Burrowbridge. The River Cary rises Contracts Dept. at and travels in a westerly direction Penstocks & Flaps: Simon Hartley and enters the Kings Sedgemoor Drain at Henley Acoustic Haven: Sound Attenuators Ltd Corner. This continues across the Somerset Moors and reaches the Parrett downstream of Original diesel engines replaced by electric motors Bridgwater at Sluice. with new gearboxes.

The middle and lower reaches of the river have a The pumping station controls flows from West very low gradient and it is therefore relatively Sedgemoor and Wickmoor drains, discharging into ineffective in draining the Levels and Moors. the River Parrett.

West Sedgemoor Main Drain


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