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* 1\/lmWm^BewrOf"Fhe Critics

W/iy Jane Wyatt wants to be identified simply as "Mrs, Wyattt daughter" An tryC , By KAYSUILIVAN ._.,...„.-,. . ,. ,.., will 1 i*i«dMs*d from the''Victorian!'**01" he* ^0* She quickly M a dance and, come over tc- kno^n as the JNsw-yorlcSghocl Mond Lonaensea Horn m« vmnn ^m^jM that ^Ittnftp , byjasg. me. if she-We'uX-They of Social* Work In those days fioly ~""A&out 160 newspapers, ma# catching matinees of the jMWedilove her because she |lst»ns to it wafcalled the. School of JPhil- »xin*, radio, and W critics ap­ plays M soph a* her, doctor their problems.., and ft always anthropy. She also attended Co- On Sunday, Dec. 27th, Tim? ty, explains the message Mn praise new Broadway plays turned his back. eager icTheip.'' .lurtibfa university reversed his glass and for in dcomTapa if made a royal coun­ name every season.' Qae of the most hpur the rich beauty of the'Aje sellor „ ^f being respecte4 of these experts_..-...., i»- Thentor '%ulafj'...., ' duster Mrs. Wyatt; wjot-nflUsftiem* "WflEN Jt OTjtofcV i«y itfl- 8f Faith flooded a ciin«JWif Mn. Euphemia Van IftensMlaer around h*r between the acts to ber alt the young: pwple she hood and the formidable hit of Gothic chprch ID N*w Vorlc- For THE BOOM OF deep drums *ry, Wyatt, * gracious, an hour^the art of music and Oten warns of the; approach of Schnj „„...., _ „.„, , ari*toqrat«-hear what she thinks of a per- ha* advised at one time or an*jmoM-d«#ttr4he-Jried0m that tlie Persians In glittering hel-~ the! pageantry were Mended in n Josep tasking,iTi^i i gruy-halred widoW. ShfcJormtiiicewalkers look. An, dnudge inevitably, and, whisaisle- other, bu£ they remernW her. girls enjoy today appaMscme," prayer. THE^LAY OFDAISIEt, mets they march up to the iperw*tlr*rr «"there' IAAIT. sMirlt ~3*na « jiniWyitt*l whts~*- Not lon"--g *. ^^P^XJS&^JSR' Mrs \UviH rnmirTtk "Wnf auan^ composed tn 11SP f or the s«niin- church; the Babylonians scatter; Dunn ^At nreserrt, Mrs, Wyatt ipojbetl* Bel$haz2;ur is seized but Samel, ward "writes, net newspaper dram* a fireho«« when a irent-we had a summer home arito of Beauvals Cathedral, liam< wa« discovered in,, a 13ihC cea is honoiw-by thejEtfttopiering — column exelaslvely for the i!**^*,!* w. 4»Wy*tt'e .Identifie» daughterd .at e as lln., • * .....» . xml„>mmmmmvml Se«vlten-tnree-fiddler„ „„,«.„s from the Vulgate. m ^tt^each, moutUrt«nh. reviewin thes app*»reCatholido m»gn«>'fnright I oWt tperso known Mothe Ianyonn herra <>wiwhs ano MrsthWn^^he^noe . babWyatty fW^^'o^WVef. '5Ehey callet d fftheiec r sat0'W d calle. d out country dances." THIS is THE third asnutl An angel ushers ip th« pro­ serve Wofld ror S5 yeaT*;" (has the enthusiasm for life that daughter.„._.-.' Mary'Carroll. " { Dining one of those happy perfoimance by Pro Munesini'a phet Habaccuc with his di«h of occas ibfVwvatt chuckle* at her"?* ty oor *th*e ,utel3varietry vlo fin in*.- *' Another organization closed summers Euphemia first Wed society whose chorus revives pottage for Daniel who it re­ CayUi nuisip prior to Ijroo-. Each year leased''and his enemies ire the I banded to the liOP^-sA; ssuperb tend, 1st oh« remarked that It vouldt A typical day lor Mrs Wyatt JLE&J!?iZ&Pffi&JFvfc "That wu, before Hh? a* it seems more wonderful^ All n the parts are sung in tathn buAuchangct l then inaounces the reaer look wonderful on a tugboat.'Sbegina with early Mats at the K££2£T ^.^Jwit .J^ f lightened days of widows pen, h n a modern narration written by coming of the" Messiah. Jan. she uya. «Vn£ inclined to neighborhood church near h«r4 »» »«* ".Z'lt-E iu V* nl* slons," she says "Somehow t the. peet^~Wv ftAwton,..!? * w , All -exeunt- .sieging., flh*.."5ai»_ -.JMrtMU,-,.^.--.-.-...... jMaj&attanArpw^^ 'ntei^olated hei^wfeenthe m&m 4 6 aSeuai^s.the^ti^ahgteV *Sd«'- ,f»f.liw^hjeHj«ngjo^p^v^^r^r^^ -•- ••••• »• -«-.5. mi deliver * 'W™. the^Eaapik' «rj,'tne 'chatt«Wejs«riowr^fhii' '• ,,•> • • '%he,jri&y-opW» 'Wffth^.lJonttal wings foTded before and helimd' • Ward procession of the iHibylonM i'&inii,,v • '••, .'•• -.••';,'•. , St,h jchortis'aplBie : vr*ih^h«ateKteien ihe't ofrto tale * turn »tL^I^K.1tt*ilS«5& S«- ILe^ '•• -TT " , WYATT- .- . -.,. 'nesjf-^the y$8» •ot'Jhe'-ssueliti ^_ M|P:' aithey. .are-'W.Mconiedi'hy Mi IcxHiaiMir te the chanceJt .; • •**ray with pearla'^and wiS^^liS'**^ ^*^ nefieJHit&Gr^M^W^ ;rajHhanjei: ^th* llir 'ga^:^ hugging l-hlnestoned Jultu^^^,., tit%^i'.Bttimtm i*ark. hpu»ej|nt«. a hehietfl.oprBi*ttnioh1h lat^ I h*d a : ? ^i>,Q0(teA.|^j SgiJi^hciiWfc: ^inati^eii^iind;-. - M ITi^J^ *2 »X^ -T*WW town ^attend- m.'Sht)J>rgM**d .the fr« B*for stUdentec* daiifihter: i»d ii.med cate-MteSrOffe^ngercjjRssi .. ; •}gfmMf^^p^ there:* n0 mw4v m ho! -*^tjin>es* ^piM»'*»rv1ili^ and the pure .yoctes. of hear little % pagiMyA *&ister;i^fe'haas: wt< -Hlt)rhin#i#'!Wan^swr^taV----(-a^ "•v. •BR : - THB JEWX If not^«*il»We ,JfaU*:*^Ohiy^dlda^^* 0«.y ^ did t the ^H^^W^^Sg?^ ^ ,l M... „'«Mh^W^^elh0use.; iMl3. KlYAW im •«.'-*«» They were so^rliffejWnt^] Wp^/iijf) recalls. "^Very^y^rc^.thte-ty^k^ h»ry .Wall before the Wix&M im^coa Kecords-abd itpuhm£ eotmiEK^oti^At. perfoftned forthe tilt SO y«r*,'*^»plet?dra ^=^^t t^)<^ay^Mr g^^^ajfr^j^''^ 4^ for .4tn^rf ^'«)Ot«diih^Aiii'ti«ie o*ford ThttVerttty Her fatMlte,e^en m^iffl$^*j& G'^ ^IM^XJl *Sg&g&^rieT ^iris «U loyed it It over. H^da# er Ja e wfeihe robe marking contrast. t« the l?resi' with musll and stage d|v 12 Friday, January 8,19«0 s l e ; e,f 1 cartons hi * lively white pbc41f ' « "- ,> IftjffiSS^v aSartJM^ * V*" t^wcculh;te^ the \ire of emerald resplendence of royil- r-ecjions arid an English trans­ ; | lation in. hard "covert. pjrTMpee named Beaumont, \ ; | $ of t>f J!g:/Sisfe» thKtt« T dStXnk^Si***1' etwf"g *,owm>" : t0* th^r' ^"W*' " m mtt t l*ound«._. ..",* • n" •••: Some«vh«ertoo» W the wdst "One of m.^m^^U^s^^JJS^^" ly comwfc j For * hr¥ tl»e the ente^ , A» pf thii typicality, Mrs, .. . . f [rs Wyatt <>mer'day^whet* «er goe^baet kw eto w^bundM!^L^^.^ a?h«* mi%„^3SJy when we wire buhdl4^M^AworkM?*^ ^w,, ww . ^- -~- v -- •;.—,. = =_-,... ^. , .-^ ... family correspondence. u T T F F t BAmANN tampTWere ewe m ^nm^Z&A^ hahdat-thrrestatiran^busine^7» ^^ h u,t 0Ul ^TBtitvIh* four children, trouptng through Gmnd Central!*?"! "* f ,*v "- - - ' L m w "»-».. For Insurance grandchildren, and six great-station, surrounded by i»qiiirm-i IK 1HnNEWlowrs^^ft'dKf^I rVKWIORK sncloty ^ can w. bar*- ne* '•v -st^i ^ ^^- - gramdehlldrenealls for a neve^ipf m«tl of excited children,fcolumns~announce d^" th«e weddih-»• 'g * teifroom In the basemlntTefvSfttSTlaugh embeS in W,^' he 1oId. her^TUti* H : One strangulation lesftl"'• •nding round robin of lstUrav She w*» loaded dowhwjp*\helr4qf Miss Vw.Rejis^Mr W«^ ;,', ' Oft*** YOU '•,;•,-- -ton ah* wplalnj purjna; thei-warwUcase* and-bi»|ging pape^dlngton to Mr,; .Christopher,"* went,flut marketing earlyTer dr^Bed Jane'anVmVfrom' M».,WjratV« f«»orile c*ol«i THIS) WONDIKI'Ui: ^A* yearf It sarted a famto niwa-W Belteva ntvjfan Mrs, B||fQp Witt, a Wall St. fWevery mornlhg.^^Buftt wasatthHfs wk^Wr a fe* SlBut to theater fare', are "&*ak«- te> HKAIt A*3ajJN WttW v IK?.-*-,pe.ars,- »o»f .cputse»'-»nd. inorllilhk : wot Venice andtouredthe qon-.friendi who "were ihort'-iinf "I^. XelC-that *W ehitdren'by \T. S. Eliqt. I conJd^rJIs BOTH M , < lWn e , ft • «••*• •,•• • Hi "" !'ST5 r ! T^'Srttiap'rfiih wni-k StoWfc" iiirfu' nSe*-* ^ f° f i^tdratni' home, funds and lohK-on hunger.ijiiit shoiild^ollcmtheirahdlnaaonslMurdei? In thi| CathedrsalUiM e 1 - to lw,,4,w m , Bt 1 8 play of the c)snlttry. fcV W? ^^* * tTi^2^i8^-$El^' Zto *^ tt" ' * * aumniers couldn*t separateiriendshlpand and .««• up to th:e, stents they "'••aw vinf?#Swi fW^tiwi ppwr^Hsf ^'l™'*!i ur,Mnhniw.,sihi;rfc'thcYl,t?(twti-J&UWJ& „J£ adfe"-stayX ,^C.swa« "very MKBi AIIM USfcAMA mented in fanning. / 1 Daughter- 4an« Is Married to ever hears about. I ones phoned <^- ." Mrs;-Wyatt hihi^f^ndAhsat? ti» *"-K!»»***W Edgar Bethune Ward and Jtverher that X was desperately look- j », Hl?h»r fld.lrty hearing c*rrHt s) 'T'tememiber some kind of The theater hasbeen ah H6Wever; 1ffim S^Woriietjph^ aUia^ aaiaeia ukasiii^rfaf 61 in Hollywood. Daughter I,lhu-!lng for a temporary place for brooder With itiflannel flags'lnlporfanrpfri of "Mrs.-Wyatt'stcday *s]ic l*jt|« Wyatt hdw to'hj, the ^" that frleWsa wf - •ITIP'WWTWIW ivvvvv* v both, Mrs, William A. Ru!sell,'my»elf and my threeChildren, to keep the baby chicks warmjMifersface he* glrlhcod daydbfeak Ma-\!s|| acting profc* «lr*«ie» tespectiaiy^raiaftB^ an lives in Woodstock, Vt. Uaugh-! Mtv^ „' ^mtil-*.*, <- retilli Mrs. Wyatt. "When it when she watched 'Jher g^W^W/USHiaTiy" stdvjsef tlumi »htok she c«n »»t tltkests far. 8t«ne«f,»lsieel)^tt>>l<1vos«t^tas>t|lW ljunlptro Ser'ra bookshop ther.. gjM 1li^,,!S{ ,«in ,„«a' burea* ^ u *Jane-.was bern during- one then,Mv-itths Mrs, WyaV. "No many young; jpeopl ._ th t whWf ^ I WW,wr. stL^»e«!ctes«o^»h«.,y..^^^^^^ „tf t-J. <~i t ~» W Her ton, Christopher, is an elec- »«*.!!' >»*• .tfXi** » of those summersU&ahlngthat aocSlt algnlfitancej ho dop% adt.alitla«4Ur^when itic^^..^.-, ... Jt. . We did. X was with her for ten my reviews awl "ftanttd SM-IW ^SSMSJ tftetiiaea ««#*• »#»«eai«ei At trtmics engineer in Geneva, Ilh I could tell the local practt; diet*: no "psychological involve-and teary, little .reward. What *#*1 him-- foblourr «ticket j emch-to MrMC •* fceawl^jji** as^Twresjn3 days and„, sh, e couldn', „t d.o enoug,,cntloneh r over the phone convinced mentsJ"- - . " do recommend is that, y^ungjew 'hit playsjs f r says MrSr-~Wyalt,t ««• la, BMM « wilt. AT TOY CAMKOtA. CLUB, ? ^This, mind you, Whrie'him tSat 1 needed him»-right rttht,. ".... • •„>- -...,iu•: L ^pwplDMnle-cbiwideTnliVwritlnirif^'ie con^ideTpMyWritlngifCt^manage. managedd toWTfe; t Wtessm ttr where Mrs, Wyatt holds a bi­ cottage' SJe even wr£e sjme Bfajht-ffiy fcavi theifilemt "*« needhfia, bunaget Id ngiM to ~*et t ojdtithessK n.pW fonr W5N GALLOWAY she had aJWl house of h-er ow»|»wir. ^te arrxved at our M monthly literary tea and 'hook- to manage." : l come *«SgftJ" t JP*.»% ^ aew-play*aghU batdiy^' ithat It Was ettrfemely dMItailt review session, members regard '* ——** * „^ 4an;;;hdur after jane had c,Ut S|W.y is v«ry. d The Prisoner of War. It ^^r-!- T. . ,. ;,.,./• selaer, founder of a familypriest s in these'countries now missioners in Japan number " ! The most enjoyable prominent In New "York since number 11,756, compared, .with 1481 priests and 1,073 Sisters. a.total of 1»1 only 40 years ago. Formosa reports an estimated I(«~'«f Jut those that , the days when, it was a Dutch 20,000 converts baptised over village. Since 1950 the number of na­ t i .' tive bishops has risen from S3 the paatVXHnoTithir. This brings arc prejjaMl I ' Kuphemta received her early the total Catholic populati&n of education from governess**, Shc^S *??.« ttw islands to 184,000- In, the >ur Child Music I FOIKEDIOSt AMONG the Far past seven years the number, of East missionary regions report Catholics in Formosa has in­ Noodles Ing an abundant harvest of souls creased by 144,000. While the la South Korea, where accord­ convert movement among~trTe Save ing to last year's censusr some refugees from mainland China 44,383 'converts were Received has nearly nip its course with Hew PIANO RENTAL CLUB into the Church Today, flie 338th e majority of those interested Infant Korean priest* end: lp> foreign hMhsr€hurch baptised, «onver- 1 For little At Now ! t»ht ttm« to^b^eertalrt for Ynaal), yarmela - priest _, "" , Korea has 40,000 Catholics; ently,tinder instruction are an j-. When .Fi'ther Hichard A. The .jate -of conversions In indication that a growing num­ Join Central Trust's South Ko,rea sheuW, continue to ber osT missioners, many of Bait, M.M., Of San Jose, Calif,, rise because, of extremely f*V0^ v»hom have been forced to leave learned of a distant village able conditions, Among these Red China, are becoro'si more where the crops hsd failed ,-_-----.—-,.- •• • ^- fiueet i*th^1««l-dlalecU«aiMl * ^^ —i.fj., . . n,*. ^Ji GMstmar^hilj ^ndihepeopSWln^Be^^^of help he immediately -swung ^ more .familiar with the^mentat- intoifhelphelmmediately^no action. The 3fye*r"-olga «^^Xg3SJtm iiy and customs WltWisiafcd'* .Meryknoller began a motp> a.nd the greit personal sacrifices native populatlop, cycle relay carrying sacks of made "by the Koreans to support ,^4tr«ai3stu,«mphasl4 en the for I960 food and distributing Ihm the Church *i much « they aposte-late among the Formo- throughout the stricken vU«" can, sans, eepeclally in the field of lage.~, The* number of-conversions education, promises to bring The food packages carried made each year could be much greater numbers to Ufa Church ihe" people tbroiigh" the higher were it not for a critical in the future. The average num­ ;•,»-«•-«-. CENTRAL drought until further aid was shortage of ntlsssbners. ~ * ber est convwgUJo^aaeh-mia- •Cse-as^^lAMe^O^a^Ce^s*!} Xft m\ ff-^rw^stT^W^^seasiw1 efJeJ•sss^(BaB^|v^SJp**^^fasJ^|^s^s^*-• sdonetliLlOTniosa JtUl jretaaUti uteftctrMfi, Aft* 40 days the young prieat gave is,. higher than the highest average |»iJtfrMttW_ _ ,„. ,, .rT^aA^Ji Vjgiftjfary sjMMcnr y*; TRUST COMPANY ~ peunds of noodles burnt into eorfrttts during the past year ever recorded in the. china a- mainland.^ ' * decMb t* igery, yew i«eir*a fall eteiW 'tVrs and\satdt if to Mg^ $»*± SSA^ffSt ,„, ..I far m\tlra i sal caitetfa l»ei, Asl •*>»N O^vnOK 44 iKOHAtsMm snT. -brought food *>* wul* have !M w^^^tats iio * .JIN HONG KONG the Catho­ %&, x^e -Jt.j • wtogia ^es^bM^TrQMwwN.s, utt tnm owxtiet awyj^.U_ had to seU her'baby, • , IT»ugh.there"'haW * -•-l.1 *•* u *s «ryearbeen nao ag exo­ lic population increased-by-19,- t MfMm Offllti 1 ksJeJNI ssM MrVt & MtpriktM Nar V*W|i|> «*••»"» IIIWISMIBS. gfsV traordinary movement, toward? 314 during the patTye**-** the Today in-the village thret- the -Church since the immetll- remarsable peitwtr convert *r ' 412 1AJT MMN *F SSM|> l»#a*K>MOBKlsWliyS^ Ni>^»SK*4>•*••• »•• -" ^htmdwt people "have stlgned , up to study "this christian attfwsatew period, the Church's novtment centlnues in this tiny JSligi««i which iKeachest. sM growth la Japan aaa been cosf [British wiony r SiWiaiVMklit Jl la^AM aa^ ebaa^ aak M sttant asst stead*. «WlttHMtMlf> nttfftktg sdBslaesas. rat*

K 'tff;rVit£M^i.S>'^V^mkiii^Ml