
CHAT ThePowerofCommunity own. parties andclassrooms) orinmore informalcontexts,insmallgroups, or, onyour resources asapackageor inpart,facilitatedenvironments (suchasviewing explore andaddtheirowninsightintotheprogram’s manythemes.Usethese other resources are offered toinviteconversationand toencourageusers themes presented inTHE POWEROFCOMMUNITY. Video clips,questions,and The followingresources are designedtosupportadeeperexplorationofthe Global Spirit:Jointhetimelessconversation

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This Global Spirit program explores the powerful role that spiritually-based communities have played for hundreds of years, and continue to play, in supporting the well-being, spiritual growth and transformations of many individuals. Two spiritually-based communities are featured, one Buddhist and one Christian Contemplative, both grounded in their practices of , prayer, and social service. The program explores the challenges of living in a spiritual community, as well as its potential to transform individual and collective consciousness and catalyze positive societal change.

Adam Bucko is an activist and spiritual director to many of ’s homeless youth. At age 17, Adam immigrated from Poland to America. He studied in monasteries in the US and India and was influenced by the teachings of Bede Griffiths and Father Thomas Keating. He then worked on the streets of various American cities with young people struggling against homelessness and prostitution. Adam co-founded The Reciprocity Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of New York City’s homeless youth. He also established HAB, an ecumenical and inter-spiritual “new monastic” fellowship for young people, which offers formation in radical and sacred activism.

Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. She is Founder, , and Head Teacher of Upaya Institute and Zen Center in Santa Fe, New . She is Director of the Project on Being with Dying, and Founder of the Upaya Prison Project that develops programs on meditation for prisoners. She is also founder of the Nomads Clinic in Nepal. She studied for a decade with Zen Teacher Seung Sahn and was a teacher in the Kwan Um Zen School. She received the Lamp Transmission from , and was given Inka by Roshi .

Phil Cousineau, the series host, is an award-winning writer, teacher, editor, lecturer, travel leader, storyteller and TV / radio host. His fascination with the art, literature, and history of culture has taken him from Michigan to Marrakesh, from Iceland to the Amazon in a worldwide search for what the ancients called “the soul of the world.” With more than 30 books and 15 scriptwriting credits to his name, the omnipresent influence of myth in modern life is a thread that runs through all of his work.

NotesThis “Chat” & Questions space is Go intended Here to ignite the imagination and generate personal reflection. We hope such reflections will spark wider conversations that bring new insights and possible answers to some of our most urgent human questions. Please share your comments and experiences with our global community by clicking the chat icon in the left margin, or by visiting the program page at: www.cemproductions.org/globalspirit/power-of-community.

CHAT CHAT 2 CHAT that wecanhelpeachothertoberelocated inourtruth. with apractice.We startwithbeingeachotherinsuchway theology. We don’t startwithaframework.We don’t evenstart and purpose?Andsohere atReciprocity wedon’t startwith What amIgoingtodowithmylife?Howcanfindmeaning ... Becauseallofusare asking thisquestion:WhyamIhere? The NewMonastics — best withinourselvesnow? from noworattheendofourlife,buthowcanweactualize on precepts. HowdowebecomeaBuddhanow, not20years who are veryengagedwithpracticeandalsoanemphasis astery andtheresidents wholivehere are dedicatedpeople ... We’re anintimatecampus,sotospeak,mon- — founderUpayaZenCenter Roshi JoanHalifax, Adam Bucko,co-founderReciprocity Foundation How doyourespond toRoshiJoan’s question:“How canweactualizethebestwithinourselvesnow?” Do yousensethere isanythingnewemerging inspiritualcommunitiestoday?Ifso,what? How are youngpeopleexpressing theirspirituality?

calling... work intheworld,butthatreflects theirdeepestsenseof they wanttobuildthesewellintegratedliveswhere theydo want tocombineworkinthemonasterywithservice.Somehow values. SowhatI’mseeingwiththisnewgenerationisthatthey they don’t wanttohavea jobthatdoesn’t reflect theirspiritual just wanttoleaveeverythingandgointoamonastery, and What’s interesting aboutthisnewgenerationisthattheydon’t this shiftsthewaythattheyunderstandtheirownlives... who are theageoftheirgranddaughtersandchildren, and year. Theyseethesewonderfulyoungpeoplepracticingthere, people comeasguestsintotheplace,thousandsofthemevery composed ofyoungpeople,andisreally inspiring.Theolder of life.It’s aplacewithstablepracticecommunity, primarily tain andthestreet, betweenthemonasteryandallrest I lookatUpayaasakindofinter-world betweenthemoun-

WATCH 3 CHAT greater luminosity, greater freedom... threshold ofoureveryday awareness intoaspacethathas temple doorstoenter. You canfeelthatsenseofcrossing the space, whichisimmediatelypalpablewhenpeopleopenthe together withsocialaction.There’s akindofgravityinthis Upaya wasfoundedasawaytobringmeditationpractice Creating Sacred Spaces us, butthatare there... potential, ofthequalitiesthatare sometimesmaybeburiedin space thatevokescertainqualitiesinus,reminds usofour loved. AndIthinkthere issomethingaboutcultivatingthat a spaceinwhichpeoplewhentheycomein,justfeel For us,from theverybeginning,ourcommitmentwastocreate How wouldyou create orcultivate a“sacred space”for yourprayersormeditation? What didyounoticeabout thesacred spacescreated byAdam BuckoandRoshiJoanHalifax? states withinyou? Can youdescribeanexperience ofenteringasacred spacethatevokedcertainqualities, feelingsorspiritual healing onboththem,me,andeveryoneelseinthespace. is alwaysthisforce thatjustemerges anddoestheworkof being inthatstateofreceptivity, bearingwitnessandthenthere ... It’s notreally evenclear who’s helpingwho.It’s justabout — opportunity forpracticeisineveryspacethatyouenter. everything elsedoesn’t count.It’s really tounderstandthatthe I can’t havejustonespaceandthat’s where Ipracticeand by myselftounderstandthatthisalsoiswhere I’mpracticing. security prison,there’s somethinginsideofmethatitisinvited I’m sittinginahospitalroom, orifI’msittinginsideamaximum ... Buttheothersideofequationis,ifIgotoNepal,or — Adam Bucko,co-founderReciprocity Foundation founderUpayaZenCenter Roshi JoanHalifax,

WATCH 4 CHAT exactly astheyare, inanunmediated,unbiasedway. that stillnessofthemindpointstoourabilitybewith things “under-mudder” whichcharacterizesourlivesingeneral.And body, and letgoofthesecretion ofthoughts,thekind we drop downintothebodyandwereally letgoinsidethe ... We actuallyengageinaprocess ofphysicalstillnesswhere that theyfeltinthedepthsoftheirheart. practices thatcanhelpthemtostayconnectedpresence that theyjusthadandwe’re talkingaboutnarrativesand about someabstractGod.We’re talkingaboutanexperience theologies makesense.Why?Becauseweare nolongertalking ... Andthenallofthesudden,religious practicesmakesense, Prayer andContemplation — — Adam Bucko,co-founderReciprocity Foundation founderUpayaZenCenter Roshi JoanHalifax, meditation? How doyouaddress thedistractions, orwhatRoshiJoan calls“thesecretion ofthoughts” duringprayeror What isyourrelationship tothestateofstillnessandsilencethatRoshi Joanspeaksabout? Have youhadsuchanencounter? Canyoudescribeit? What doyouthinkofAdam’s invitationto“adirect encounterwith God?” these qualitiesasourprimarymentalexperience... practice here atUpaya,becausewe’re endeavoringtocultivate The experienceofstillnessandsilenceissoessentialinour no more words tobesaid... when thathappens-it’s likethere are words andthenthere are whatever isaliveinusatthemoment.Andsomethinghappens friend, takingoff ourmasks, andreally voicingourpain, knowing thatGodisintheroom, knowingthatGodisourbest We gatherinsilenceand then everyonespeakstoGod,

WATCH 5 CHAT we’re practicingwithallbeings... bit differently, thatSangharefers toactuallyallbeings,that includes monks,nuns,laymenandlaywomen.ButIseeitalittle traditionally hasreferred totheBuddhistcommunity, which three treasures .AndSangha ofBuddha,, In ,wehavewhatare calledthethree jewelsorthe and anewwayofbeingreligious... we are calledtoserve.Sothisisbothanewkindofspirituality encounter, weexperiencewhere weare calledtobelong,where about havingadirect relationship withGod.Andtheninthat so muchaboutclaimingsometypeofreligious affiliation,it’s So inasensewhatwedohere [atReciprocity Foundation]isnot New ConceptsofCommunity For you,how might“actionbecomecontemplation andcontemplation becomeaction”? Which ofthe two communitiesfeatured are you personallymore attracted to?Why? When youthinkofa“spiritual community,” whatkindofexperiences,imagesorvaluescome toyourmind? How doyourespond toRoshiJoan’s expandeddefinition of“community”asbeingcomprisedall beings? become action. Action canbecomecontemplationand can in monasteries.We’re justdoingitinthecontextofabigcity. ... Sowe’re tryingtodohereusedbedone whatnormally all-inclusive isareally importantwayoflookingatcommunity. vision ofcommunityasaninterdependent weave,whichis two-leggeds liveandonthefuture ofchildren. SoIfeelthis mental actiscausingprofound impacts,globally, onhow our atmosphere intoourvision ofcommunity. Andthatkindof ... Forexample,[traditionally]we’venotincludedthenotionof — — Adam Bucko,co-founderReciprocity Foundation founderUpayaZenCenter Roshi JoanHalifax,

WATCH 6 www.CEMproductions.org Global Spiritisaproduction Media &Educational ofCultural www.GlobalSpirit.tv For more information: Series producer, director, co-writer:StephenOlsson Series host,co-writer:PhilCousineau andstatesofconsciousness. systems,wisdomtraditions, belief GLOBAL SPIRIToffers auniqueinquiryintohumankind’s

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