,rcL.Fft,'?n \v JAU '' ^ g,n'^' 'J ao7 nxprxorrunBs' - cornmunicitiTrfJ4

who files thls stetementt sDcL l2-27-1't stares rhat any poLITIcAL COMMITTEE, oRGANIzarIoN. PERSON or POLITICAL PARTY that makes a payment or pmmise of payment totaling $100.00 or more, ineluding an in-kind contribution, for a comnunication clearly identifies a candidate or public officer bolder but does not expressly advocate lhe eleclion or defeat ofthe candidate or public office holder. SDCL 12-27-17 (l-5) outlines what typis of cornmunications do not need to be reported on this form.

Deadline to file: Within 48 hours ofthe time that the communication is disseminated, broadcasl, or othelvise published,

File withr The Secrelary of State except local political commiftees file rvith their local election official.

Disclaimers for comnunicatlons: follow SDCL 12-27-17.1

Please print (all fields are required ifapplicable); Represent.Us Name ot Political Conn iltee, O rganization, Person or Politlcnl party 296 Nonotuck Street, Florence MA 01002 Complete Street Afulrcss , Cit! and State

List the NAME of each candidate or public office holder mentioned or identified in each communication, the AMOUNT SPENT on each communication, and a DESCRIPTION of the content of each communicalion. t Please inctude esna sheets if more space is needed.

I declare under the penalties ofperjury that the infomation above has been examined by me and to the best of my knorvledge and belief is a true, corrccl and complete representation of my financial inter€sts for the preceding calendar year,

Ltst pdated Jamltry 14,2016 Senators named: ,W fim Bolin GaryCammack fustin Cronin Terri Haverly Phil fenson foshua Klumb fack Kolbeck JeffMonroe Jenna Netherton Al Novsffup Jeffrey Partridge Art Rusch Alan Solano |im Stalzer JimWhite fohn Wiik fordan Youngberg