July 2014

Education for Sustainable Development Forum E-Bulletin

In This Issue News from the ESD Forum

1. ESD Forum Update

Environmental Education News

1. Minister Praises Holy Trinity College Cookstown 2. Local School Picks-Up Award For Fit Factor 3. Schools are World Leaders in Energy Saving Competition 4. Brent Geese Mosaic Unveiled At Mount Stewart 5. Sperrins Nature Reserve Opened 6. Big Wild Campout is Coming! 7. Speedwell Launches Legacy Project at Parkanaur 8. Jookit - The School Swap Shop 9. Translink & Eco-Schools Reward Pupil Efforts to Tackle Car Dependency 10. Trócaire Poster Competition Winners 11. Go Wild This Summer with 50 Things Play Days 12. O’Dowd Invests £10 million in Green Energy in Schools 13. The Wrigley Company Limited 14. Young Reporters for the Environment 15. Complete an OPAL Survey

Resources 1. Have Your Event Or Meeting At The Greenhouse! 2. Field Studies Council Resources

Training & Events

1. European Heritage Open Days 2014 2. Various Events 3. NIEA Events - Wonderful Days Out Funding

1. Big Lottery Funding 2. Grow Wild – Get Funding 3. HLF: Funding For Fundraising


1. Space and Place Officer

July 2014


Welcome to the latest E-Bulletin from the Education for Sustainable Development Forum which provides information on activities in the environmental education and education for sustainable development sectors in Northern Ireland. Below you will find a variety of useful information, including ESD Forum and member’s news, resources, training events and seminars, publications, funding opportunities, and any job vacancies in the sector.

The Education for Sustainable Development Forum is the networking body for the Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development sector that promotes a coordinated approach to the delivery of environmental education and education for sustainable development in Northern Ireland. Forum Membership consists of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

The ESD Forum attempts to raise awareness of environmental education and education for sustainable development issues in the formal and non-formal education sectors through the provision of services such as the production of resources, initial and in service teacher training, member meetings and training and organising member and public conferences.

Iona Meyer Education for Sustainable Development Forum (ESD Forum) 89 Loopland Drive, BT6 9DW Tel: 028 9045 5770 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.esdforum.org.uk



This is our last E-bulletin until September, I hope you all have a lovely summer break and come back refreshed ready for another years work. As we come to the end of another school year and looking back the highlight of the year has to be the successful school applications in the 2014 Challenge Fund round of funding. Sixty four schools carried out some amazing projects. There is going to be a special edition book produced of all the education projects that took part in the Challenge Fund, I will let you know when these become available.

Minister Durkan told us at the Challenge Fund event that there will be another round of funding but he hasn’t as yet given a date when it will be launched; I would advise that you keep checking the websites www.nienvironmentlink.org and www.eefni.org.uk for further updated information.

If you have any information you would like promoted through the E-bulletin please send it to me by the end of the month, and if you want anything (news, upcoming events, etc.) promoted on the website do feel free to contact me, it is a good way of getting your information out to a wider audience.

July 2014

Thank you to those of you who regularly send in information I do appreciate it. I can be contacted on 028 9045 5770 or [email protected] and don’t forget to check our website for regular updates, the website address is www.esdforum.org



Environment Minister Mark H. Durkan praises pupils of Holy Trinity College, Cookstown on their uptake of the world leading Eco–Schools environmental initiative. The initiative funded by the Department of the Environment encourages environmental action by schools which leads to improved attitudes and behaviours towards the environment.

Minister Durkan had written to schools back in September encouraging those still not registered with the Programme to do so and as a result 96% of schools across Northern Ireland are now part of the International Programme.

Speaking to pupils on the Eco Committee of Holy Trinity College, during a visit with Patsy McGlone MLA , Minister Durkan said: “It is great to see the energy and enthusiasm you have in helping to improve the environment. Taking the opportunity to put into practice what you learn about the environment in class, involving the whole school and engaging the wider community, is making a real difference towards a better environment and stronger economy.

“Schools across the North are involved in environmental action that can save money and improve the environment in which children learn. Your work on Waste, Energy and Global Perspectives is innovative and reminds us that we do not work in isolation but are part of a growing movement across 58 countries. “Northern Ireland currently ranks 9th in the world for uptake of Eco–Schools. This is all the more significant as it operates on a purely voluntary basis here.”

Locally, the programme is operated by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, an environmental charity dedicated to making Northern Ireland a cleaner, greener and more sustainable place in which to live. There are now 1,157 Eco–Schools in Northern Ireland representing 96% of all schools. It is a programme of continuous improvement and as such schools have to re–apply for their Green Flag every two years.

Mr Callan, Eco–Schools coordinator at Holy Trinity commented, “We are delighted to be hosting Minister Durkan and Mr McGlone. It is an honour and the pupils have been very excited about it, especially as we are working towards our first Green Flag next year.”

Eco–Schools, sponsored by Airtricity, is a free–to–enter programme that has real benefits for pupils, teachers and the school budget. The programme is delivered to schools throughout Northern Ireland in partnership with a range of delivery partners including most Councils. To learn more or to register please visit the

Eco–Schools website July 2014


Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Omagh is celebrating after being crowned Lidl Fit Factor Challenge Champions and winning the coveted top prize of £4,000 to be spent on sports equipment for their school.

The fun competition, which has been designed by Lidl and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, aims to promote the importance of healthy eating and physical activity among Key Stage 1 classes across Northern Ireland.

After beating off stiff competition from thousands of pupils across Northern Ireland, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School triumphed taking first place, with second place being awarded to Knockloughrim Primary School from Magherafelt who received £3,000 and third place going to Primary School who received £2,000 with the money to be spent on sports equipment for their school.

As regional finalists, these schools had already won £1000 in Lidl vouchers to spend on healthy snacks and equipment for their schools.

International Rugby Star, Stephen Ferris was on hand at the finale to help pupils celebrate their success: “I’m excited to support the Lidl Fit Factor Challenge and congratulate all the schools.”

“Sport in school is a great way to boost morale and team spirit, while introducing a healthier lifestyle for children – so it’s a great asset that the top schools have been awarded money to spend on sporting equipment!”

Commenting on the announcement of winning school, Lucia Christy from Lidl Northern Ireland said, “It was a tough decision choosing from the hundreds of entries that we received and we’d like to congratulate all schools that took part for their great creativity and imagination showcased in each of their submissions. We want to extend a particular well done to our winning school, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School.”

Niamh McDaid, Cancer Prevention Officer with Cancer Focus NI, added: “Many lifelong habits are formed during a child’s early years. Communicating positive healthy lifestyle messages such as eating a varied diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and encouraging physical activity helps children adopt a positive outlook to food and exercise. The Lidl Fit Factor Challenge goes a long way to help communicate these key messages to schools in a fun and engaging way.”


Two schools from Northern Ireland have beaten off competition from 58 countries to take the top prize in an international Eco-Schools Competition. The county -based schools, Holy Cross Primary School in Atticall and Cumran Primary School in were awarded joint first place in the Foundation for Environmental Education’s student-led World Days of Action Competition. Eco-Schools from 58 countries worldwide participated in the world days of action with the best energy saving actions winning the global competition.

July 2014

In Northern Ireland over 150 Eco-Schools participated in a day of action on 7th November last year on ‘Operation Energy Power Down Day,’ The event was organised by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, the environmental charity which operates the Eco-Schools programme in Northern Ireland and SSE Airtricity, the principal sponsors of the Eco-Schools Programme and energy topic ambassadors.

The Foundation for Environmental Education’s awarded joint first place to Holy Cross Primary School and Cumran Primary School who will each receive USD900, by Staples Company. Second prize was awarded to Pabrade "Ryto" gymnasium from Lithuania, with third prize going to Goce Delchev Aerodrom Primary School in FYR Macedonia.

Both Northern Ireland schools achieved impressive results on Power Down Day helping them to secure top spot in the international competition. Holy Cross Primary School achieved a 20% reduction in electricity compared to readings taken earlier that week. Cumran Primary School used numeracy lessons to measure their own performance and calculate the potential savings for schools across Northern Ireland.

The winning schools were presented with their prizes at Parliament Buildings on 10th June by Minister for the Environment, Mark H. Durkan. He said: “This is a tremendous achievement by these two schools, achieving global recognition in winning the World Day of Action Energy Award through their best energy savings ideas. Northern Ireland’s young people have a proud history spanning some twenty years with Nursery School being the first in the world to be awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

Engaging our young people at the earliest age is critical if we are to sustain our environment. During my many visits to schools I have seen at first-hand how Northern Ireland’s young people of all ages are making a real difference, altering attitudes, behaviours, making real savings and contributing to a better environment and a stronger economy.”

Speaking at the event, Carmel Fyfe, Eco-Schools Manager, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, said: “Congratulations to both schools on their global success. The response from schools to the Operation Energy Power Down Day was exceptional and both Holy Cross PS and Cumran PS achieved impressive results. With over 96% of all schools in Northern Ireland involved in the Eco-Schools Programme it is clear to see how deeply our young people care about the environment and I am delighted this has also been recognised on an international level.”

Josh Bradley, SSE Airtricity, added: “SSE Airtricity is committed to the communities right across Northern Ireland and we are delighted that Holy Cross Primary School and Cumran Primary School have received global recognition for their projects. The fact that both schools are in Co. Down is something everyone living there can be proud of, and hopefully will encourage schools in other counties to go the extra mile in next year’s competition.”

Both schools will also be celebrating their success at the SSE Airtricity and Eco-Schools Global Wind Awards event which will take place in Derry/Londonderry on the 12th June and will provide schools the opportunity to celebrate their Eco-Schools and energy saving achievements over the past year while also having the opportunity to visit the Slieve Kirk Wind Park. July 2014

Schools across Northern Ireland can learn more about energy saving by signing up to Eco-Schools and SSE Airtricity’s exciting Operation Energy Education Programme which is aimed at inspiring teachers, children and parents to become advocates for energy-use reduction, awareness and efficiency. The Operation Energy programme is a free online resource for children and teachers, packed with over 40 hours of activities, campaigns, games, lesson plans, videos and competitions to help schools on their Green Flag journey. Teachers can access 60 different classroom activities which support learning across the Northern Ireland curriculum, with lessons plans for Foundation years, KS1 and KS2 at www.operation-energy.com.


Over the past nine months, more than 150 school children from the Ards area have participated in the design and creation of a new mosaic that has been unveiled at Mount Stewart.

Pupils from St Mary’s Primary School, ; Ballyvester Primary School, ; St Finian’s Primary School, ; West Winds Primary School, Newtownards; St. Mary’s Primary School Kircubbin and Millisle Primary School all took part in workshops on the migration of Brent Geese. Led by local artists Sally Houston and Laureen McGill, the schoolchildren were inspired to design the feature mosaic, which measures an impressive 12ft x 6ft and contains more than 16,000 mosaic pieces.

The project was the result of collaboration between the Bombardier Aerospace (NI) Foundation, Arts and Business NI and the National Trust. Bombardier supported the project through its award-winning educational outreach, The Flight Experience, which uses the theme of flight to promote STEM subjects. The Ards workshops focused on the migration of Brent Geese to Lough, encouraging local children to illustrate what they had learned through art.

“We are delighted to support this project through our educational programme,” said Ken Brundle, chairman, Bombardier Aerospace (NI) Foundation. “The participating schoolchildren should be very proud of their contribution to this magnificent mosaic. We are particularly pleased that the theme of flight has inspired their creativity. STEM provides all sorts of opportunities for discovery and invention both inside and outside the classroom.”

Brona Whittaker of Arts & Business NI said: “This project has been successful in bringing together local schools, volunteers and visitors, culminating in a unique Brent Geese Mosaic. This is a superb practical visual experience in teaching visitors new and old about the life of the Brent Geese and all the birds that can be identified from within the Lookout facility at Mount Stewart. It was also a great art, business partnership in involving Bombardier Aerospace staff with this project from beginning to end.”

Rachel Hart events manager at Mount Stewart said: “We are delighted to unveil such a beautiful mosaic to welcome visitors to Mount Stewart and are very grateful to both Bombardier Aerospace and Arts and Business NI for supporting this collaboration, without whom this would not have been possible. We would also like to thank all the school pupils who took part and got so much enjoyment out of it. Sally and Laureen have done a fantastic job pulling all the workshops together and creating our Brent Geese mosaic.” July 2014

The mosaic is on view at The Lookout, Mount Stewart’s Educational Bird-Watching Facility. Check the website for opening times and drop in to admire the mosaic – www.nationaltrust.org.uk/mountstewart.


Drumnaph Community Nature Reserve, unlike most nature reserves, which are owned by government or environmental charities, is owned and managed by the local community in partnership with the Woodland Trust.

Speaking at an event to mark its opening, Environment Minister, Mark H Durkan said: “Visitors to the area can now take a walk on the wild side at the reserve which covers an area of 215 acres and boasts native habitats and species of national and European importance. Ancient woodland, wildflower–rich wet pasture, salmon spawning beds, raised bog and traditional hay meadows provide a natural treasure trove for visitors.

“I would like to thank Carntogher Community Association for their foresight and vision in creating a community owned Nature Reserve. This marks an exciting new venture for nature conservation locally, across Ireland and Europe.

“This project is an excellent example of how Carntogher Community Association is working in partnership with the Woodland Trust, Heritage Lottery Fund and my Department to bring this Community Nature Reserve to life. The outstanding work that has been accomplished is of benefit to the local community, visitors and our local biodiversity which is thriving across the Reserve.”

Heritage Lottery Fund awarded funding of £512,000 and DOE’s Northern Ireland Environment Agency added a further £255,000 to the project. Northern Ireland Environment Link has also provided additional funding to upgrade the existing walks on the Woodland Trust section of the reserve.

Director of Carntogher Community Association, Niall O’Kane said: “This project provided us with a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire an amazing range of natural habitats that is effectively a microcosm of our ancient landscape.

Read more…


Last summer more than 200 people joined the RSPB to sleep out under the stars at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in , .

The event was a huge hit with families who enjoyed exploring this special site and taking part in lots of fun activities, from bat detecting to arts and crafts. July 2014

Experienced and novice campers alike got into the campsite spirit and music, toasting marshmallows around the campfire and storytelling made it a real experience to remember. Even a few downpours couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm!

Now, for 2014, this event is set to return on a whole new scale. Big Wild Campout will take place on two nights (8th and 9th August) at Cultra and, to open up this exciting event to even more people, the charity will also be pitching up at the Ulster American Folk Park in Omagh on 23 August. Of course, not all of us are naturals when it comes to getting close to nature but, don’t worry, Cotswold Outdoor will be on hand to help you set up home for the night. Teams from Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Bat Group and the NI Space Office will also be coming along to join in the fun.

There will be something to keep all the family busy, from nature trails to stargazing and moth trapping, and there’ll even be a film screening if you need some quiet time to relax! This year, the skilled staff at Cotswold will also be leading a number of workshops, including a bush crafts master class.

Tickets for these three exciting events are now available, priced at £20 per adult and £15 per child (under 16) per night, which includes a delicious hot breakfast in the morning and half-price entry into the museum. RSPB members will get a 10 per cent reduction so, if you have a family membership, you’ll save on everyone’s ticket!

Last year, the event sold out weeks in advance so be quick and book your spot by the campfire today! Tickets can be purchased online at www.eventbrite.co.uk or call 028 9049 1547 for more information.

Once you’ve got your ticket, get set for your camping trip with a 10 per cent discount at Cotswold Outdoor, Boucher Road and Castle Lane, Belfast.

All proceeds from Big Wild Campout will help to give nature a home here in Northern Ireland. To find out more about our campaign, and get lots of advice on helping birds and wildlife in your patch, visit www.rspb.org.uk/homes.


On Thursday 12 June twenty six teachers from local primary and secondary schools across the Dungannon area and further afield attended an information workshop at the Speedwell Centre in Parkanaur. The aim of the workshop was to launch Speedwell Trust’s new interactive digital enhancement project and to highlight a range of programmes which Speedwell Trust offers to local schools.

The Digital Enhancement project was funded through the Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council Legacy Fund. This fund made finances available to organisations in recognition of their valuable contribution in the community and voluntary sector the role they will play in the quality of life for people throughout the Borough. July 2014

The Digital Enhancement Project allowed Speedwell to install two interactive whiteboards and data projectors as well as a wireless bridge to allow internet access to each of Speedwell classrooms. As well as participating in outdoor activities throughout the Forest Park, visitors to the Speedwell Centre will be able to avail of interactive education activities within the classrooms.

Eamon McClean, the Speedwell manager said ‘With the advancement of the digital age and all the positive benefits which it brings we felt that it was very important that modern, functional digital infrastructure is available for all users in the courtyard classrooms. On behalf of the Speedwell team at Parkanaur I would like to thank the Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council on this valuable initiative and for their support for Speedwell Trust since 1991.’


A leading Northern Ireland online company Net-Finity has launched a new digital initiative which is being adopted by schools across Northern Ireland to help reduce waste and offer parents the chance to recycle and swap unused school uniforms and equipment.

There is still time to get involved in the School Swap Shop. This initiative, in partnership with Eco- Schools, is being supported by the Department of Environment and provides the opportunity for parents to upload unwanted clothing, musical instruments and other school items which their children no longer need. The items are then listed and broken down by area and school, maximising the opportunity for other families to swap or exchange much needed material. The School Swap Shop can be accessed by visiting jookit.com/school-swap-shop and following the links.

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan said: “This project is an excellent example of partnership working and I commend Jookit.com and the Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, Eco-Schools Programme. I fully support the School Swap Shop initiative and the part it will play in preventing waste and minimising the use of primary resources. My Department’s Rethink Waste programme is aimed at increasing recycling and recovery of materials from the waste stream, diverting them from landfill and maximising their economic value and reducing the impact that waste can have on climate change.”


The results of the 2014 ‘Translink Eco-Schools Travel Challenge’ have been announced recognising pupils across Northern Ireland who have taken positive steps to tackle car dependency.

Dundonald Primary School – East Belfast, St Colman’s College – and Holy Cross Primary School – Attical were the top performers in the initiative that aimed to encourages school pupils and parents to choose more environmentally-friendly transport modes for the school run. Over a four-week period, participating schools monitored pupil travel patterns and encouraged more walking, cycling, bus or train travel.

July 2014

Magherafelt Primary School, Ballymacricket Primary School and St Malachy’s Primary School, Newry also received the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award following successful completion of the travel challenge.

Speaking at a Prize Giving Ceremony in Belfast Central Station, Translink Chief Operating Officer Philip O’Neill said: “Congratulations to all 24 schools that have successfully completed the travel challenge and embraced the benefits of sustainable transport. Last year, over 79 million bus and rail passenger journeys were made in Northern Ireland – an increase of over two million in the past two years. These figures support our belief that ‘Life’s better by bus or train’ and we hope that more young people will choose passenger transport throughout their lives. We were pleased to work in partnership with Eco-Schools to deliver the travel challenge and look forward to educating more local pupils about the benefits of sustainable travel.”

Carmel Fyfe, Eco-Schools Manager, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, said: “The Translink Travel Challenge has been an exciting way to educate our young people further on the positive reasons for using sustainable transport and it is wonderful to see so many pupils in schools across Northern Ireland getting involved. Encouraging sustainable transport use is a key topic in the Eco-Schools Programme and we are delighted to once again be supported by Translink with the Travel Challenge which is a great way for schools to work towards achieving the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag. Congratulations to all those schools which participated in the challenge.”

Schools interested in participating in the next Translink Eco-Schools Travel Challenge as part of the Eco- Schools Awards Scheme can call 028 9073 6920 or click www.translink.co.uk/ecoschools.


The Trócaire Poster competition focusing on the important issue of water conservation resulted in many excellent entries from Eco-Schools all across Northern Ireland. The winners were:

Primary: • 1st place St Theresa's Primary School, Sion Mills. The school wins an Eco- Voucher to the value of £250 and a water-butt. • 2nd place St Patrick's Primary School, . The school wins an Eco- Voucher to the value of £100 • 3rd place St Mary's Primary School, Dungannon. The school wins an Eco- Voucher to the value of £50

Post Primary: • 1st place St Lousie's Comprehensive College, Belfast. The school wins an Eco-Voucher to the value of £200 and a water-butt.

July 2014


The summer holidays have just begun and already the sound of ‘mummy I’m bored, there’s nothing to do’ can be heard. With eight long weeks ahead mums and dads can breathe a sigh of relief with some help from the National Trust.

The conservation charity is encouraging everyone to get out of the house and enjoy great play days out ticking off their list of ‘50 things to do’. This fun packed challenge is back – and there’s nothing to stop older kids and adults joining in too.

Rediscover childhood memories and make some new ones with the trust’s check list for under 12s, and those who are young at heart. From climbing a tree to discovering life in a pond, skimming stones to flying a kite – which ones will you do this summer?

Amy aged 10 from Enniskillen and a member of the National Trust Outdoor Explorer group said: “I love going to Florence Court to play hide and seek and to look for bugs and beasties. My favourite thing was the rope swing and my dad pushed me really high.”

Antoni aged 8 from Belfast, also an Outdoor Explorer added: “The best day at National Trust is every day. My favourite place is the river bank near the bridge at Minnowburn where the gravel looks like a beach and you can skim stones.

Here are 10 of the 50 things to do.

For more inspiration go to www.50things.org.uk

* Climb a tree in Rowallane Garden * Fly a kite at Downhill Demesne * Go on a really long bike ride in Florence Court * Create some wild art at Mount Stewart * Make a grass trumpet at Springhill * Hunt for bugs at The Argory. * Skim a stone at Minnowburn * Go bird watching at * Find your way with a map and compass at Castle Ward

Go enjoy lots of play days in the great outdoors – visit National Trust website www.nationaltrust.org.uk for more details of events and activities throughout the summer. And remember, every visit you make helps support the charity’s work looking after special places for ever, for everyone.


Education Minister, John O’Dowd, is investing £10million across the schools estate to improve energy efficiency. July 2014

The ‘spend to save’ initiative for 2014/15 aims to help schools improve their energy efficiency as well as cut energy costs.

John O’Dowd said: “As a society we have a duty to be more energy efficient. Schools can play their part in this by using renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They can set an example across the community and within the school population. Through this example they can teach children about the benefits of sustainability and using renewable energy sources to mitigate against climate change.

“A portion of this £10million investment will be used for solar panels on schools. This particular energy source lends itself to educating people on the benefits to be achieved because it includes an indicator of output showing the energy produced and carbon dioxide emissions saved.

“I want to ensure that schools are as energy efficient as possible and, in taking these vital steps, they are also educating young people about the global issue of climate change.”


Wrigley’s Litter Less campaign, which is in its third year, is running in 15 countries including Northern Ireland with 40 local schools successfully taking part this year. The Litter Less campaign is designed to reduce litter and affect long-term behavioural change amongst global youth and is a great way to educate young people on the positive reasons for ‘littering less’. Through the campaign Northern Ireland schools have been supported to implement practical actions to reduce littering. Addressing issues relating to litter is a key part of the Eco-Schools Programme and we are delighted to be once again have had a successful year working with the Wrigley Company on the campaign.

If you are interested in this project, please contact Ruth Van Ry at Eco-Schools (tel: 028 9073 6920).


Congratulations to pupils at Assumption Grammar School who came first place in this year’s national Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) competition and went on to become finalists in the international competition. The pupils created a video on the issues of marine litter which encouraged everyone to rethink the importance of looking after the environment.

Holy Trinity College, Cookstown, also placed highly in the national competition with an investigative look into the problems of dog fouling. Well done to all the schools which took part and submitted entries.

More information on YRE can found at www.youngreporters.org

July 2014


Can you contribute to science in Northern Ireland?

The lottery funded OPAL (Open Air Laboratories) surveys present an opportunity for diverse and engaging learning across the curriculum with a particular focus on outdoor learning. Learners can explore and develop a deeper understanding of their local environment whilst gaining skills, developing confidence and contributing to a nationwide network of scientific study. The surveys can be completed by people of all ages making it relevant to primary and secondary learners, including those at higher level.

Surveys are run as FREE outdoor learning sessions More than 1 survey can be completed during a visit Surveys can take around 1 hour but can also be run as longer extended sessions Surveys are fully resourced Can be carried out in the school grounds or other nearby locations (e.g. park, playing fields, etc.) Surveys are fully risk assessed and run by qualified OPAL instructors

There are 6 surveys to choose from

Bugs count survey – which invertebrates live in this area and how are humans affecting them? Tree health survey – are any of the trees in this area affected by diseases or parasites? Biodiversity survey – what wildlife is supported by your local hedgerows? Water survey – what lives in this pond and what does that tell us about water quality? Air survey – what are lichens and what do they tell us about air quality? Soil and earthworm survey – what is the soil like here and what species of earthworms can we identify?

Northern Ireland Curriculum Links

• Scientific methods of enquiry – data recording and analysis • Creative/critical thinking and spiritual awareness – development of wonder at the natural environment • Develop a range of practical skills – spelling, organisation and communication • Environment and human influences – understanding of how we affect the environment • Respect and cooperate with others – teamwork, organisation and cooperation • Cross–curricular skills – numeracy and ICT • Thinking skills and personal capabilities – problem solving, working with others and managing information.

Resources can also be requested separately – carry out the surveys yourself! To find out more or to book a FREE OPAL experience for your students please contact Belfast Field Centre on 0845 261 3670 or email [email protected]

July 2014



The Greenhouse is the perfect city centre location for your event. ECO-UNESCO's facilities at the Greenhouse include meeting rooms, exhibition space and lecture space.

Click here for further information and bookings


Field Studies Council has an excellent range of publications for teachers and students available on their website, to check these out go to the following link. http://www.field-studies-council.org/publications/for-teachers-and-students.aspx



The European Heritage Open Days in 2013 saw over 410 properties opening for free and holding events across Northern Ireland. Inspired by the City of Culture 2013 the programme was jam-packed with special cultural events. In 2014, the European Heritage Open Days promise to be just as exciting. For more information log on at www.discovernorthernireland.com/NIEA/EHOD.aspx


Don’t forget to check the forum website for various events coming up over the next few months, if you have any events coming up in your own groups let me know and I can publicise them on the website. www.eefni.org.uk/events/index.


NIEA have published their wonderful days out brochure for 2014 a copy can be downloaded at http://www.discovernorthernireland.com/downloads/NIEAWonderfulDaysOut.pdf

This leaflet will provide you will all the details you will need to plan an enjoyable day out with a difference.

July 2014



This Programme is delivered and funded by the Big Lottery Fund in Northern Ireland and awards funds of between £500 – £10,000 over a 12 month period. The aim of the programme is to bring real improvements to communities and to the lives of people most in need by funding projects which involve people in their communities, bringing them together to enjoy a wide range of charitable, community, educational, environmental and health-related activities.

We want our money to make a difference by helping:

• People to participate in their communities to bring about positive change • People to develop their skills and widen their experiences • People to work toward better and safer communities • Improve people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We hope these awards will improve people’s lives and will strengthen community activity. For further information see http://www.awardsforall.org.uk/northernireland/summary.html


Get £500 to £5,000 to create a community site

Are you a community group? Does somewhere near to where you live need brightening up? Would £500 – £5,000 help you make it accessible to the wider community, highly visible and inspiring? If so, please visit http://www.growwilduk.com/get-funding/ to find out more.

Grow Wild aims to bring people and communities together across the UK to make a difference to where we live by sowing UK native wild flowers. This is an ambitious four–year project led by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and funded by the Big Lottery Fund. We’re particularly looking to involve and inspire young people between the ages of 12 – 25, through positive and transformational community activity.

For more information, please contact John Woods, Grow Wild Partnerships, Northern Ireland.

Read more…


Heritage Lottery Fund Catalyst Umbrella Programme: “Investing in Northern Ireland’s Heritage” – A Bespoke Fundraising Training Programme for the Northern Ireland Heritage Sector July 2014

Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL) is delighted to confirm that the Heritage Lottery Fund has awarded £246,000 towards the delivery of a bespoke fundraising capacity building and training programme for the heritage sector of Northern Ireland.

NIEL is leading a partnership with three other organisations – Common Purpose; Supporting Communities NI; and the Business Institute, University of Ulster. Over the past six months the partnership has worked with the heritage sector to design a comprehensive capacity–building and training programme which will develop the fundraising skills and identify new fundraising opportunities for the sector. The heritage sector has a broad reach covering everything from Northern Ireland’s natural environment, landscape and seascape through to archaeological, built, cultural, arts and other “heritage” interests.

For more information go to http://www.nienvironmentlink.org/news/HLF-Funding-for-Fundraising



Northern Ireland Environment Link is now recruiting for a Space & Place Policy Officer. The Space & Place programme, supported by The Big Lottery Fund, allows communities to both create and improve their use of external and internal spaces in ways which help connect the communities to their environment. The Space & Place Policy Officer will be responsible for the identification, collation, analysis and dissemination of the key policy lessons and recommendations from the Space & Place Programme to a range of audiences.

For more information go to the link below

http://www.nienvironmentlink.org/opportunities/jobs.php?id=166&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =June+2014&utm_content=June+2014+CID_49e2ff60a2f8e44785f69fe18f126b9b&utm_source=Email%20 marketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20More

Please note closing date is the 18th July 2014 at 12noon.



The Education for Sustainable Development Forum is the networking body for the sector that promotes a coordinated approach to the delivery of environmental education in Northern Ireland. Forum Membership consists of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Most members are actively involved July 2014

in environmental education and bring a wide range of expertise and enthusiasm to the forum. Membership to the ESD Forum is open to all individuals and organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Benefits of membership include: • Access to an established networking and information organization • One conference per year organised on a range of related environmental education topics • ESD Days run at all of Northern Ireland's University establishments • E-mail updates on the Forums activities plus relevant information, publications and events via the E- Bulletin • Access to ESD Forum website • Support and publicity for your work • Sharing of ideas, expertise and experience

Voluntary Organisation Statutory Body Organisation, one person £35 £50 Organisation, up to 3 people receiving membership benefits £50 £100 at one site Organisation, more than 3 people receiving membership £75 £150 benefits at one site at one site Organisation, additional sites £35 per site £35 per site receiving membership benefits

As part of your subscription, you will have the opportunity to have one page in the ESD resource guide for teachers and group leaders and a free place at an ESD Forum conference each year. If you would like to promote your events, publications and training through this E-Bulletin please contact:

Iona Meyer Education for Sustainable Development Forum 89 Loopland Drive Belfast BT6 9DW Tel: 028 9045 5770 [email protected] www.esdforum.org.uk