Present: J Julyan (Vice-Chairman), D Neil, B Green, A Geerts, M Stocker, R Simpson, D Jenkins and Borough Councillor Field-Foster Clerk M Wilson Helen Jago- Emmaus, and Andrew Prigmore Borough Council, Highways Department

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE- Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Owen and Cllr Tusting


3. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 13th JANUARY 2014- it was resolved that the minutes of the meeting were a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.

4. TO CONSIDER THE MATTER OF TRAFFIC CALMING OPTIONS Andrew Prigmore from Highways Department, Bedford Borough Council advised that for any traffic calming options there would be a need to improve the current street lighting at that point. On The Causeway priority narrowings could feature, cost is £5000 per narrowing. However a balanced flow is required as people tend to speed up to get round the narrowing when they see cars coming.

Average Speed Cameras (ASC) are proving very successful, in there was 85% non-compliance to the speed limit, following ASC there is now 85% compliance. Cost is £50,000 per set of cameras, and increased lighting is required at the camera point, and this would be included in the cost of £50000. It was confirmed that of the monies raised 35% goes to the Police, the rest to central government. Bedford Borough Council has a priority list and Carlton PC can ask to go on that list, the Borough are looking for 50% funding from the Parish Council if possible, however they are looking at ways the Parish Councils could fund ASC’s. Bedford Borough will be responsible for maintenance. There does have to be signage, no more than 200m in front of the camera, but it could be less. One option could be to only have the ASC working during the day and therefore not upgrading the lights. The Parish Council would need to undertake a consultation with the parishioners to make sure the scheme has the support of the local community. If the Parish Council wished to go ahead after the consultation the earliest financial year would be 2015/2016 and next year’s money is committed.

Mr Prigmore confirmed that dragon’s teeth will be put on Pavenham Road later this year. He also confirmed that the white lines put on Pavenham Road last year up to the 30 sign cannot be any wider as it’s a conservation area, and if made wider he would need to put cross hatches in the gap which would be out of keeping. One option is to put cycle symbols on the road to indicate a cycle path which might help slow traffic down. He also confirmed that they cannot blast away the white lines between the 30 and 40 signs and these would be left to fade.

Mr Prigmore also confirmed that the CCTV camera had indicated a blockage under the grass verge on the Gannick and his team would be excavating sometime week 17th March. Highways also have some work to do on the gullies along The Causeway and this will be looked at in April. Mr Prigmore will also look at the issue of large trucks going up to New Barn Farm going across the verge just above the pipe by the ditch at The Causeway.

Cllr Jenkins proposed, seconded by Cllr Green that the Clerk is asked to explore with Bedford Borough Council how the Council goes onto the priority list and the Parish Council would offer £10,000 towards the costs for the 2015/2016 year. It was resolved that the Clerk would approach Bedford Borough Council offering £10,000 towards ASC and asking to be put on the priority list Clerk to Action Cllr Green, seconded by Cllr Geerts proposed to go out to residents for consultation on the matter of ASC’s via the Neighbourhood plan survey which was being prepared. It was resolved that a question about ASC would be added to the Neighbourhood Plan survey, and the committee would take this forward. Committee to action

5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION-No members of the public attended.

6. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM EMMAUS –Helen Jago advised that the AGM had been held and reposts showed they were financially robust. They were very well supported and were meeting the aims of the strategic plans. Later this year Trustees will be meeting to look at plans for the next 5 years. There are 35 companions and a lot of personal achievements to be proud of. The refurbishment is a little behind due to the weather and they hope to be finished by Easter. To celebrate there will be an open day on 24th May. There is a programme of events for the year, including 499 something on mother’s day, frock swap, Halloween scavenge hunt and in May there will be a solidarity day when the profits for one day go to Emmaus International.

7 FINANCIAL MATTERS 7.1 To agree to pay the registration fee to SLCC for the Clerks CiLCA qualification Council were advised that the current fee is £150, with two years from registration to complete the qualification. Whilst this has been budgeted for next year SLCC are to increase the cost from 6th April to £250. It was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Geerts that the fee be paid now at £150. It was resolved that the council would pay the registration fee now. Clerk to Action

7.2 To receive statement of accounts and agree monthly payments The following cheques have been issued for payment:

Mandy Wilson £295.26 Salary and expenses The Post Office £207.40 PAYE Carlton Village Hall £32.00 Jan-Mar hire R A Sinclair £161.20 Maintenance (Dec, Jan and Feb) SLCC £150.00 Clerks CiCLA registration fee

Payment proposed by Cllr Julyan and seconded by Cllr Geerts. It was resolved to authorise the payments and cheques were signed.

It was noted that the latest Current Account balance was £17525.21 and the Business Reserve stands at £18223.64 of which £14283.89 is restricted/designated funds

7.3 To consider the quarterly budget figures. Figures previously provided by clerk. These show income over that budgeted due to £100 bursary obtained for the clerks training and the £253 refund from the insurance in respect of the damaged light on Street Close. Establishment figure is higher than anticipated due to the clerks training. There were no further questions.

7.4 To consider the request for a grant from the Villager Minibus () Ltd. It was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Green that a grant of £200 be given to The Villager. It was resolved that a grant of £200 be given to the Villager ( Local Govt Rating Act 1997). Clerk to Action

7.5 To consider the request for a grant from The Bridge. It was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Simpson that a grant of £100 be given to The Bridge magazine. It was resolved that a grant of £100 be given to The Bridge magazine. (LGA1972 s142) Clerk to action

8. TO RECEIVE ANY REPORTS FROM THE FOLLOWING: 8.1 Playing Field Committee on up to date position regarding finance, insurance cover and Stone Barn lease, 8.2 Village Hall Committee. A committee meeting has still be held to discuss these matters 8.3 Highways No Report 8.4 Footpaths &Bridleways Nothing to report 8.5 Neighbourhood Watch Report, including agreement to purchase no cold call stickers. 3 burglaries reported in the last month, I house on Beeby Way and 2 cars on The Moor. If the white van previously seen acting suspiciously is seen by villagers they are to dial 999. There has been an email from the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood watch coordinator who can purchase new stickers to go in windows at a reasonable cost. To purchase for the village it would cost £54.75 and Cllr Geerts, seconded by Cllr Julyan proposed that these be purchased for every house in the village. It was resolved that stickers wold be purchased via the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood watch coordinator. Clerk to Action

9 TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN COMMITTEE AND REVIEW PROPOSALS WITHIN Committee has met to discuss the approach to a Neighbourhood plan, and wish to invite response via online and hardcopy survey. Hardcopy versions will be available in the village shop and from the clerk. The Village website is to give more information including useful community rights material, the Bedford Borough Council website, themes and the details of conditions of acceptance of neighbourhood plans. The committee have started to prepare a survey, which will now include a question about the possible introduction of ASC’s. It was proposed by Cllr Geerts and seconded by Cllr Julyan

500 that the Parish Council endorse the proposals from the committee and allow the survey to be assembled for review and agreement by the Council at the next meeting. It was resolved that the Council endorses the actions of the committee, and that they will receive a copy of the survey and if they feel any other questions should be asked they are to advise Cllr Jenkins ahead of the next meeting when the matter will be discussed again Cllrs to action

10 TO CONSIDER THE LETTER FROM BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL ON THE CONSULTATION ON THE ISSUES AND OPTIONS FOR THE BEDFORD LOCAL PLAN 2032 AND AGREE PARISH COUNCILS RESPONSE- Survey previously circulated with responses from Neighbourhood plan committee. Some amendments made to the answers. It was proposed by Cllr Green, seconded by Cllr Jenkins that the Clerk now complete the survey and return it to Borough Hall. It was resolved that the Clerk will complete and return the survey. Clerk to action

11. TO CONSIDER AND AGREE A SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY, AND CONFIRM USE OF FACEBOOK AND TWITTER AND USE OF BIG LOCAL APP Proposed by Cllr Jenkins, seconded by Cllr Julyan that this item was deferred to next month. It was resolved that this item be deferred until Aprils meeting Clerk to action

12. STREET LIGHTING 12.1 To consider the matter of the replacement of Street light C3 The Moor as the column is unsafe As the column has been made safe for the moment it was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Geerts that the matter of replacement be deferred until May. It was resolved that this item be deferred until May’s meeting Clerk to action

12.2 To consider the options suggested by the Finance and General purposes committee in respect of replacement street lighting. 3 proposals suggested by Finance and General Purposes committee a. Do nothing and let the lights remain out b. Replace all the bulbs with 80W mercury bulbs apart from those done in 2013 to allow more time for the Council to agree a way forward. c. Replace all lights that can be sleeved by paying £7500 from council monies, and applying for a grant for £7500 from the Mayors Climate Fund. As there are still some questions outstanding it was proposed by Cllr Geerts, seconded by Cllr Julyan that this matter be discussed again in May. It was also proposed by Cllr Julyan and seconded by Cllr Green that a flyer be prepared for the APM in April and that Cllr Julyan would discuss the matter of replacement lighting at the APM and advertise this fact on the flyer. It was resolved that the matter of replacement street lighting , including applying for grants covered in 12.3 would be discussed further at May’s meeting, Clerk to action It was resolved that Cllrs Julyan and Owen would prepare a flyer advertising the APM and arrange delivery, flyer to advertise that replacement street lighting was to be discussed Cllr Owen and Julyan

12.3 To consider the matter of applying for grants to support a programme of street lighting replacement see 12.2

13. PLANNING 13.1 14/00044/LDE Cert of Lawful use and Dev (existing) Application, Loft conversion with velux windows to rear, 14 High Street, Carlton. Application reviewed and it was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Jenkins that the Parish Council had no objections to the application. It was resolved that the Parish Council had no objections to the application. 13.2 14/00228/FUL Single storey side extension and roof conversion with rear dormer. Fishers Lodge, Edens Lane, Carlton. Application reviewed and it was proposed by Cllr Geerts, seconded by Cllr Stocker that the Parish Council had no objections to the application. It was resolved that the Parish Council had no objections to the application.

14. TO RECEIVE CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION 14.1 To consider the request from The Villager minibus for Clifton Ibbett to attend a Parish Council meeting to talk about the villager minibus and agree a response It was proposed by Cllr Geerts, seconded by Cllr Julyan that Mr Ibbett be invited to attend the APM on 14th April to give an update. It was resolved that the clerk should advise Mr Jones that the Parish Council would like Mr Ibbett to attend the APM on 14th April Clerk to action

14.2 To consider the letter from Mrs Dilley concerning the junction of The Moor/Bridgend and cycling on the Footpath and agree a response. Clerk advised that Highways had advised her that the White Lines at the junction were due to be repainted in April. It was proposed by Cllr Geerts and seconded by Cllr Simpson that the Clerk responds accordingly to Mrs Dilley, advising at the same time that her comments about cycling in the footpath had been noted. It was resolved that the Clerk would respond to Mrs Dilley as proposed by Council Clerk to action

501 14.3 To consider the email from Bedford Borough Council regarding the Overview and Scrutiny Committees work programme and agree a response. Bedford Borough has 4 committees that review and investigate issues that matter to local people/communities. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkins, seconded by Cllr Julyan that the Clerk should respond by asking if the money raised by ASC could be spent on road traffic schemes such as more ASC on relevant locations rather than remaining with central government. It was resolved that the clerk would respond to the email as proposed by Council Clerk to action

14.3 To consider the email from Bedford Borough Council regarding refurbishment of Bus Stops and agree a response. It was proposed by Cllr Julyan, seconded by Cllr Green that Cllr Geerts would review the current bus stops and send the information to the Clerk to forward to the Borough Council. It was resolved that Cllr Geerts would look at the bus stops within the village and send a response of her findings to the clerk to forward. Cllr Geerts/Clerk to action

15. CLERKS REPORT- information only: Clerk advised as follows: - Due to the bad weather the hedges at The Marsh and the old Deejaks field had not been cut, and could not be cut now until July due to nesting season. Clerk is in dairy to chase at that time to ensure they are cut - Planning- 24 High Street, application agreed subject to a number of conditions including those the council desired - APM- Andrew Prigmore will hold a Q&A session rather than a speech - Stayesmore Manor, the Ha Ha does not need planning permission as it is considered a boundary treatment, however the new gate from the field to the garden may need permission, although the owner is considering moving the gate back to the previous position at the moment. Enforcement notice- all work in the house has been completed satisfactorily, details of composition of stucco awaited - 17 The Marsh, Some lights on the out building and the summer house require retrospective planning permission. Borough is awaiting details form the agent on how the conservatory will be removed to ensure no damage to the building

16. TO RECEIVE BOROUGH COUNCILLOR’S REPORT- INFORMATION ONLY, Ward Councillor has arranged a visit on 7th April to Carlton Village Hall from Age Concern UK, BRCC and The Bobby Scheme, successful meetings already held in Harrold and Odell.

17. QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAIRMAN/CLERK - Question raised: - Damage to the railings on the Village Green opposite Stayesmore. Clerk will look at the railings and see if they can be repaired Clerk to action - Concerns from residents about the mud on The Gannick. This will be reviewed once the matter of the drainage pipe under The Causeway/The Gannick has been resolved.


19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 14th April 2014 at 6.30 pm in Carlton Village Hall

The meeting closed at 10.05p.m.