4434 , 19 JULY, 1940 And whereas drafts of the said Scheme have Westminster, ijth July, 1940. oeen duly published in accordance with the This day, the Lords being met, a message provisions of the said Measures, and Notices was sent to the Honourable House of have been transmitted to the persons or bodies Commons, by the Gentleman Usher of the entitled under the said Measures to receive Black Rod, acquainting them that The Lords, notice requiring any objections to such draft authorised by virtue of a Commission under Scheme to be stated or transmitted in writing the Great Seal, signed by His Majesty, for to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners within declaring His Royal Assent to the Acts agreed the time prescribed in the Statutory Rules upon by both Houses, do desire the immediate applicable to proceedings under the said attendance of the Honourable House in the Measures: House of Peers to hear the Commission read; And whereas certain objections have been and the Commons being come thither, the said so stated or transmitted to the said Eccle- Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop siastical Commissioners within the time pre- of Canterbury, and several other Lords therein scribed in the same Rules: named, do declare and notify the Royal Assent And whereas the said Ecclesiastical Com- to the said Acts, was read accordingly, and missioners after giving full consideration to such the Royal Assent given to:— objections have deemed right to make no Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act, 1940. alterations in such draft Scheme: Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1940. And whereas public notice of the certification Confirmation of Executors {War Service) to His Majesty in Council of the said Scheme () Act, 1940. and the consent thereto in writing of the Bishop Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) of has been duly given in the manner (Scotland) Act, 1940. and within the time prescribed in the Statutory Cardiff Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Rules aforesaid: Confirmation Act, 1940. And whereas no appeal has been made to Huddersfield Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) His Majesty in Council within the period of Order Confirmation Act, 1940. one month after the date of the said public Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Trolley Vehicles) Order notice in accordance with the provisions of the. Confirmation Act, 1940. said Measures against the said Scheme or any South-Eastern Gas Corporation Limited part thereof by any person who has made (Associated Companies) Act, 1940. objection as aforesaid to the said draft Scheme: Benefice Buildings (Postponement of Inspec- And whereas the said Scheme has been tions and Repayment of Loans) Measure/ approved by His Majesty in Council: 1940. Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with Ecclesiastical Dilapidations (Chancel Repairs) the advice of His said Council, is pleased Measure, 1940. hereby to affirm the said Scheme and to order that the Benefices therein recommended to be united shall be united to the extent and for CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS the purposes recommended in the said Scheme OF KNIGHTHOOD. and further to order and direct that the said Scheme and every part thereof shall be effectual St. James's Palace, S.W.I. in law immediately from and after the date -LQth July, 1940. when this Order shall have been duly pub- The KING has been graciously pleased to lished in the London Gazette pursuant to the approve the following Awards: — said Measures. The Medal of the Military Division of the Most And His Majesty, by and with the like Excellent Order of the British Empire, for advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Gallantry:— Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar 880538 Corporal (now Assistant Section Officer) of the said Diocese of Bristol. Joan Daphne Mary Pearson, Women's E. C. E. Leadbitter. Auxiliary Air Force. On the 3ist May, 1940, at oioo hours an aircraft crashed near the Women's Auxiliary Privy Council Office, Air Force quarters, the pilot being seriously igth July, 1940. injured, another officer killed outright and two airmen slightly injured. Upon hear- NAVAL AND MARINE PAY AND ing the crash Corporal Pearson rushed out PENSIONS ACT, 1865.. to it and, although the aircraft was burning Notice is hereby given that His Majesty in and she knew that there were bombs aboard, Council was pleased, on the I7th July, 1940, she stood on the wreckage, roused the pilot, to approve a Memorial from the Lords who was stunned, and assisted him in get- Commissioners of the Admiralty under the ting clear, releasing his parachute harness- above-mentioned Act, relating to the payment in doing so. When he was on the ground of allowances to dependants of seamen, about 30 yards away, a 120 Ib. bomb went marines and reservists serving during the off. Corporal Pearson at once threw herself present war. on top of the pilot to protect him from blast Copies of the said Order, when published, and splinters. Her prompt and courageous may be purchased directly from His Majesty's action undoubtedly helped to save the pilot's Stationery Office at the following Addresses:— life. York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120, 874574 Corporal John Mclntosh McClymont, George Street, Edinburgh 2; 26, York Street, Auxiliary Air Force. Manchester i; i, St. Andrew's Crescent, On the i8th January, 1940, an aircraft, Cardiff; 80, Chichester Street, Belfast; or with two occupants, crashed during a snow- through any bookseller. storm and immediately caught fire.