London Borough of Enfield LOHAM BASE MODEL AUDIT Enfield Local Plan - Transport Assessment


London Borough of Enfield

LOHAM BASE MODEL AUDIT Enfield Local Plan - Transport Assessment


PROJECT NO. 70081462 OUR REF. NO. 03


WSP Mountbatten House Basing View Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4HJ Phone: +44 1256 318 800 Fax: +44 1256 318 700



Issue/revision First issue Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3

Remarks Issued to LBE and Address LBE TfL for comments comments

Date 11 May 2021 21 June 2021

Prepared by Sian Loveday Sian Loveday


Checked by Nadia Lyubimova Nadia Lyubimova


Authorised by Nadia Lyubimova Nadia Lyubimova


Project number 70081462 70081462

Report number 03 03

File reference \\\central data\Projects\70081xxx\70081462 - Enfield Local Plan\03 WIP\HAM\Base\2 WSP Review\2021-06-21 LoHAM Base Model Audit_v2.docx

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AM Peak 51 PM Peak 51



Table 1-1 – MoTiON assignment models 1

Table 6-1 – 2016: Maximum trip ends within the study area 14

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Table 8-1 – LoHAM convergence 20 Table 10-1 – Screenline calibration within Study Area 35

Table 10-2 – Screenlines within the study area failing to meet TAG criteria – AM Peak 35 Table 10-3 – Screenlines within the study area failing to meet TAG criteria – PM Peak 36 Table 11-1 – TAG link flow acceptability guidelines 43 Table 11-2 – Link flow calibration within Study Area 43 Table 12-1 – Journey time validation within Study Area 51


Figure 2-1 - Study Area 4 Figure 4-1 - SATURN network coverage 8 Figure 5-1 - Junction coding review 11 Figure 6-1 - Base model zone system 13 Figure 6-2 – Maximum trip end and node delay check 15 Figure 8-1 - Convergence by link (level of flow stability): AM Peak 22

Figure 8-2 - Convergence by link (level of flow stability): PM Peak 23 Figure 9-1 - Google Maps: Route #1 26 Figure 9-2 - SATURN: Route #1 26 Figure 9-3 - Google Maps: Route #2 27 Figure 9-4 - SATURN: Route #2 27 Figure 9-5 - Google Maps: Route #3 28 Figure 9-6 - SATURN: Route #3 28 Figure 9-7 - Google Maps: Route #4 29

Figure 9-8 - SATURN: Route #4 29 Figure 9-9 - Google Maps: Route #5 30 Figure 9-10 - SATURN: Route #5 30 Figure 9-11 - Google Maps: Route #6 31 Figure 9-12 - SATURN: Route #6 31 Figure 9-13 - Google Maps: Route #7 32 Figure 9-14 - SATURN: Route #7 32

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Figure 9-15 - Google Maps: Route #8 33 Figure 9-16 - SATURN: Route #8 33

Figure 10-1 - Screenlines within the study area 37 Figure 10-2 - Screenline calibration - AM Peak: Direction 1 (NB, EB, Inbound, Clockwise) 38 Figure 10-3 - Screenline Calibration - AM Peak: Direction 2 (SB, EB, Outbound, Anti- Clockwise) 39 Figure 10-4 - Screen Calibartion - PM Peak: Direction 1 (NB, EB, Inbound, Clockwise) 40 Figure 10-5 - Screenline Caribration - PM Peak: Direction 2 (SB, EB, Outbound, Anti- Clockwise) 41 Figure 11-1 - Link Count GEHs - AM Peak 45

Figure 11-2 - Link Count GEHs - PM Peak 46 Figure 11-3 - Link Count Absolute Difference - AM Peak 47 Figure 11-4 - Link Count Absolute Difference - PM Peak 48 Figure 12-1 - Journey Time Validation - AM Peak 52 Figure 12-2 - Journey Time Validation - PM Peak 53

APPENDICES Appendix A: Network Coding Audit Appendix B: Screenline Calibration Appendix C: Link Count Calibration and Validation Appendix D: Travel Time Validation

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1.1.1. WSP was appointed by the London Borough of Enfield (LBE) to provide transport modelling services to support LBE with the preparation of their Local Plan. Strategic transport modelling is required to help provide the evidence base for assessing the impacts and the improvements required to support the proposed growth within the Borough. 1.1.2. TfL have developed a multi-modal modelling suite called MoTiON, which aims to predict long-term changes in travel patterns and the associated impacts. MoTiON covers the area including Enfield, although it is noted that Enfield is situated on the outskirts of this area. MoTiON is the proposed transport modelling tool for this assessment but prior to transport modelling work commencing a base model audit of individual assignment models, which MoTiON consists of, has been undertaken to determine their fitness for purpose. 1.1.3. MoTiON’s variable demand model uses numerous demand drivers including land use, socio- economic forecasts and transport supply to calculate future trip generation, trip distribution and mode choice. The trips that MoTiON calculates are then assigned to detailed strategic networks in Railplan (public transport) and LoHAM (highway) models to forecast detailed route choice and cost changes between transport and land use scenarios. 1.1.4. The latest versions of TfL’s assignment models that have been used are described in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 – MoTiON assignment models

Mode Assignment model name Software Latest version (March 2021)

Highway LoHAM Saturn 4.02

Public Transport Railplan Emme 8 1.1.5. This report details the review of the LoHAM highway base model only but a separate review of Railplan has also been undertaken.

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2.1.1. TfL provided WSP with the latest version of MoTiON in March 2021. The package of files received included LoHAM v4.02 and Railplan v8.0. 2.1.2. The LoHAM base year model was developed by TfL to represent November 2016 network conditions based on the 2016 highway network and traffic demands that were developed from mobile network data. The models provided by TfL cover the following three time periods as listed below, however it has been agreed with LBE and TfL that only the AM and PM periods will be assessed for the purposes of the Enfield Local Plan assessment.  AM Peak (08:00-09:00)  Inter Peak (an average hour between 10:00 and 16:00)  PM Peak (17:00-18:00) 2.1.3. Often when using LoHAM, transport modellers opt to make use of one of the sub-regional models that represent an area of London rather than all of London with a view to reducing model running and analysis times. As Enfield is located on the eastern boundary of the north London area (NoLHAM), the wider all-London variant of the model (LoHAM) has been selected so that all impacts of the Enfield Local Plan can be captured. 2.1.4. The model audit has been carried out in accordance with TfL’s “Sub-regional Highway Assignment Models: Guidance on Model Use” (Version 2.6) (TfL, 2017). 2.1.5. The base model audit will focus on the primary roads in / near Enfield. Figure 2-1 shows the extent of the study area which includes Enfield Borough in addition to a 2km buffer and a number of environmentally sensitive areas where forecast traffic flows are likely to be of particular interest. 2.1.6. In June 2020, AECOM conducted an audit of LoHAM v4.01 within the Enfield Borough boundary. As the subsequently agreed study area exceeds the borough boundary, WSP have conducted further checks outside of the borough in addition to confirming the checks that AECOM undertook previously. WSP’s audit is also based on a new version of the highway assignment model, LoHAM v4.02, which was supplied by TfL in March 2021.

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Figure 2-1 - Study Area

2.1.7. The base highway model audit focusses on the following aspects:  Network coding  Zones  Zone connectors  Convergence  Calibration / Validation

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3.1.1. 2016 base year LoHAM files (version L4.02) were provided to WSP by TfL in March 2021. The package of model files received included the following assigned highway models alongside a number of supporting files:  AM pre-peak: L4-2_BY16_V002NET_R046_AMq_F.UFS  AM peak (08:00-09:00): L4-2_BY16_V002NET_R046_AM_F.UFS  PM pre-peak: L4-2_BY16_V002NET_R046_PMq_F.UFS  PM peak (17:00-18:00): L4-2_BY16_V002NET_R046_PM_F.UFS 3.1.2. The inter-peak model was also supplied but has not been used as part of this study. 3.1.3. As outlined in the “LoHAM Base Year Model Fact Sheet v4.02” (TfL) the models with ‘q’ in their title represent the PASSQ assignment which is a pre-load assignment used as input to the final assignment to allow congestion to build prior to the start of the peak hour models. The PASSQ models were not reviewed during the audit process although it should be noted that the pre-peak models use the same networks as the peak hour models and a slightly reduced demand matrix (98% of the peak hour demand).

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4.1.1. The network structure within LoHAM was reviewed to determine whether the highway network is well represented within the model. Figure 4-1 presents the model network (in black) overlaid on a map of primary roads (in red). This demonstrates that the majority of primary roads are included within the base model.

Figure 4-1 - SATURN network coverage

4.1.2. The only areas where primary roads we found to be excluded from the model were around Waltham Abbey (Parklands and Horseshoe Hill) and Bumble’s Green, both of which sit just outside of the study area to the north-east of Enfield. Given the proximity to the M25, these routes may be of particularly importance for forecasting purposes. 4.1.3. Given the sensitivity of the area, the roads in / near Broxbourne Wood would also benefit from further refinement to allow any impacts here to be picked up. It is suggested that the route from Broxbourne to Hatfield (White Stubbs Lane and Woodfield Road) is of particular importance as it offers an alternative to the strategic road network. It is noted that this area is situated on the very edge of the model simulation area so care should be taken when interpreting results in this area.

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5.1.1. The junction coding within Enfield and the wider study area was reviewed with particular emphasis on the primary road network. The junction coding review undertaken by AECOM within Enfield borough was built-upon and expanded to cover the study area. 5.1.2. Figure 5-1 presents the twenty-seven junctions within Enfield that were checked by AECOM and reviewed by WSP (labelled 1 to 27). In addition to this, thirty-two additional junctions in the wider study area were also checked by WSP (without labels in Figure 5-1). Each junction has been categorised based on the number of coding changes recommended and is colour coded below. 5.1.3. The majority of junctions checked by AECOM and WSP have no / few changes recommended. Four of the junctions, including three on the M25, were found to have 5 or more coding issues. A full list of recommended junction coding changes can be found in Appendix A. Most of the recommended changes fall into the following categories:  Incorrect junction type  Missing stacking capacities  Speed flow curve, speed or distance differ by direction  Increased no. lanes instead of using flares 5.1.4. In addition to this, LBE have raised concerns regarding the base network coding in a small number of additional locations, which will also be considered during the next stage of work:  The Ridgeway / Hadley Road junction  The A110 area just west of King George’s Reservoir (A110 / A1010, A1010 / Lincoln Road and South Road roundabouts, A110 / A1055, A1055 / Rail Station).  Ladysmith Road – should be closed to through traffic.

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Figure 5-1 - Junction coding review

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6.1.1. The 2016 LoHAM contains 5,411 zones, 358 of which fall within the study area. Figure 6-1 presents the zone system within the study area. It demonstrates that the simulation zones within the study area are mainly small in size, meaning the zone system is likely to be sufficiently detailed for trips to begin / end their journeys in representative locations. This indicates a high degree of suitability for the highway impact assessment.

Figure 6-1 - Base model zone system

6.1.2. Some parts of the study area, particularly in the north-east and north-west, contain larger zones but this is broadly in line with the low level of development present in these areas. For example, the north-west of the study area is greenbelt land with few trips originating / terminating here and therefore little need for numerous smaller zones. Central Enfield, on the other hand, contains a large number of jobs and houses and a large number of trips originate / terminate here. On this basis, the zone system looks to be appropriate for the 2016 base scenario. 6.1.3. In addition to checking the zone sizes, the Department for Transport (DfT) Transport Appraisal Guidance (TAG) also recommends keeping the number of trips per zone below 300. This is to prevent too many trips from loading in one area which could cause unrealistic delays at the zone

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loading points. Given the large scale of the LoHAM, TfL’s guidance recommends keeping the number of trips per zone below 400. 6.1.4. Table 6-1 presents the maximum number of base model trips per zone within the study area. It demonstrates that the majority of zones within the study area (75%) contain fewer than 400 trips which is in line with the TfL guidance. A further 15% contain a maximum of 400-600 trips which could pose a risk of unrealistic distribution of loading locations and localised delays. The final 10% of zones contain more than 600 trips with the majority containing less than 800 trips. Only 13 zones contain more than 800 trips.

Table 6-1 – 2016: Maximum trip ends within the study area

Maximum trip end No. zones % zones

<300 214 60%

300-400 53 15%

400-600 56 15%

600-800 22 6%

800-1000 6 2%

>1000 7 2%

TOTAL 358 100% 6.1.5. Figure 6-2 presents the maximum number of trips per zone geographically with colour coding to allow the zones containing a larger number of trips to be identified (yellow, orange or red). As a number of zones contain more than 400 trips in one or both peak hours, the maximum node delay is also presented in Figure 6-2 to determine whether the zone sizes and connections causes realism problems on the network.

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Figure 6-2 – Maximum trip end and node delay check





6.1.6. Figure 6-2 helps to determine whether the zones containing a larger number of trips cause localised areas of unrealistic delay. A review of the zones with higher numbers of trips has been conducted and is summarised below.  Three of the zones containing more than 1000 trips are located on the outskirts of the study area within the buffer area where zones deliberately represent larger external areas. The other four zones with more than 1000 trips are located within the study area (labelled 1 to 4 on Figure 6-2) and represent the following areas: − 1. Zone 74040: Residential zone east of Lavender Hill Cemetery (north of Enfield town centre) – loaded via a single link connector on Cedar Road. No high-delay nodes nearby. − 2. Zone 74101: retail / industrial area – loaded via a single spigot connector onto the eastern arm of the Mollison Avenue / Braithwaite Road roundabout. Despite the retail area connecting to a number of junctions along Mollison Avenue in reality, model delay is low at this junction. Delays are higher at the Mollison Avenue / Green Street junction (70 seconds) but this is a large signalised junction and this magnitude of delay doesn’t seem unreasonable. The journey time validation also indicates a lack of delay on this route.

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− 3. Zone 74038: Residential area around (immediately south of Enfield town centre). Given the high number of trips, this zone may also include Palace Gardens shopping centre. The majority of trips exit the zone in the AM and enter in the PM which suggests that this zone is predominately residential in nature. The zone loads at the southern end of Old Park Ridings in the middle of the residential area via a single link connector which reasonably represents the zone centroid given the size of the zone. The loading point is just north of the Green Dragon Lane mini roundabout which experiences up to 80 seconds of delay in the base model. Observed journey time data is not available to validate this delay. − 4. Zone 36030: Mansfield Park residential area with Primary and Secondary School (immediately east of William Girling Reservoir) – loads via link connectors on Waltham Way and Mansfield Hill with little delay.  The majority of junctions in the study area experience less than 60 seconds of delay in both time periods  None of the junctions in the study area experience more than 300s (5-minutes) of delay in any time period.  There are a number of junctions that experience 120-300 seconds (2-5 minutes) of delay which could indicate possible zone loading difficulties. This is further considered in Section 12, which reviews the appropriateness of travel times within the study area. 6.1.7. It is recommended that zoning checks are conducted for the forecast models too during the model refinement that is planned to be undertaken during the next stage of work (Reg 19). This will help to determine whether the zone system and connectors are likely to be appropriate for the forecast models.

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7.1.1. The TfL guidance recommends the use of “spigot connectors” so that trips can enter / exit the network at real junctions rather than being directly loaded onto links. There are positives and negatives to both approaches with spigot connectors more likely to represent network conditions more precisely in areas with a high degree of zone granularity. Link connectors are best used for larger zones where a small number of explicit zone loading points would be inappropriate or cause too much delay. Upgrading all of the zone connectors in the study area to spigot style connectors would be extremely time consuming and is unlikely to result in a step change in model accuracy so it is therefore not recommended. 7.1.2. For the purposes of assessing Enfield Local Plan the presence of link connectors is not considered to be problematic. By their nature, link connectors are better able to load large numbers of trips onto the network without causing unrealistic localised delays at specific loading points. This is the preferred approach for Local Plan testing because development site access arrangements are not always known in detail at this stage of planning so an assumption should be made that these trips will be able to join the network in approximately the right location to allow their impact on the wider network to be assessed.

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8.1.1. As a very large model, LoHAM presents a number of convergence challenges due to the scale of route choice available within the modelled network. The latest base model (v4.02) manages to converge in all three time periods, as shown in Table 8-1. 8.1.2. In the forecast scenario, however, there are some known convergence issues in the AM peak scenario from 2026 onwards. In these five scenarios, the model iterates through 75 loops without reaching a state of convergence. This indicates that there is a risk that the results being produced by this version of LoHAM may be unstable, i.e. the model may struggle to make predictions in a consistent manner. WSP have discussed the convergence issues with TfL and understand that TfL is refining the model to improve convergence which they aim to complete “within the next few months”. It is highly recommended that TfL’s updated model is adopted for the next stage of work (Reg 19) to address any convergence problems.

Table 8-1 – LoHAM convergence Model year / Highway Assignment Model – total no. iterations time period (25-75 permitted) AM IP PM

2016 52 25 36

2021 69 25 32

2026 75 25 39

2031 75 25 42

2031cap** 75 25 48

2041 75 25 70

2041cap** 75 25 66

** Exceptionally high growth in the vicinity of Barking and Dagenham has been capped to 2026 levels to produce an alternative set of 2031 and 2041 matrices. It is recommended that these scenarios are used to provide an alternative sensitivity test RC model, which can then be used as the RC inputs for further studies on a project by project basis depending on how close the schemes under investigation are to Barking Riverside. 8.1.3. As LoHAM is a particularly large strategic model it is plausible that some pockets of low convergence may exist within the model. In addition to the checks on overall convergence presented above, the level of flow stability on each link is presented for the AM and PM peak models in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 respectively. 8.1.4. This demonstrates that some areas of flow instability do exist within LoHAM but the most notable areas are mainly confined to parts of central and south London. The AM peak model shows good stability in terms of flows in the study area with only the area around showing minor signs of instability. The PM peak model shows slightly more indication of instability within the study area, particularly around Palmers Green and Enfield Town centre. The flow instability that is noted within the study area appears to be localised route choice instability rather than instability on a

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strategic scale. The strategic routes, such as the M25, the North Circular, the A10, A1055, A1010 and the A111, show a low degree of flow instability in the base model. 8.1.5. As link flows within the study area are relatively stable the model is considered to be sufficient for the early stage assessment of the Enfield Local Plan. If model convergence is improved by TfL, the updated model should be used for the next stage of work (Reg 19).

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Figure 8-1 - Convergence by link (level of flow stability): AM Peak

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Figure 8-2 - Convergence by link (level of flow stability): PM Peak

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9.1.1. TfL’s guidance requires that key traffic routes are checked in the study area to ensure that the routes taken by vehicles in the model are logical and realistic. This chapter presents a number of route choice comparisons between recommended Google Maps routes during the morning peak and the AM peak base SATURN model. 9.1.2. The eight routes compared have been selected to provide a variety of directions through Enfield and cover a mixture of local and strategic origins / destinations. The SATURN base model compares very well to the Google Maps routes in the majority of cases which helps to give confidence that the base model is representative in terms of vehicles selecting appropriate routes through the modelled network. This is likely to indicate that travel times and delays are reasonable in relative terms such that route choice is considered to be well calibrated. 9.1.3. Figure 9-1 to Figure 9-16 below present the route choice checks in detail, many of which demonstrated a good level of similarity between Google Maps and the AM peak base model. Where routing discrepancies are present, they are minor localised routing differences rather than strategic issues or due to the presence of a number of similar distance / time routes meaning there are many viable options. 9.1.4. Overall route choice within the model is considered to be representative.

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Route #1: Apex Corner to Buckhurst Hill (west to east across Enfield)

Figure 9-1 - Google Maps: Route #1 Figure 9-2 - SATURN: Route #1

Medium distance trips crossing Enfield from west to east are most likely to use the M25 but may consider using the North Circular (A406) based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts that trips are most likely to use the M25.

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Route #2: Gants Hill to Hanger Lane (east to west across southern Enfield, via North Circular)

Figure 9-3 - Google Maps: Route #2 Figure 9-4 - SATURN: Route #2

Longer distance trips from east to west across North London are most likely to travel via southern Enfield using the North Circular (A406) based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts that trips are likely to use the A406 for this type of journey.

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Route #3: Palmers Green to Lavender Hill (south to north through Enfield)

Figure 9-5 - Google Maps: Route #3 Figure 9-6 - SATURN: Route #3

Shorter distance trips from south to north through Enfield are most likely to travel via Green Lanes, Old Park Avenue and based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts this route although trips in the model appear to avoid the Lavender Hill / Chase Side junction at the northern end of the route so it’s possible that delays here are too high in the model. Trips in the model opt to rat-run via Chase Green Avenue and Monks Road which appears to be unrealistic.

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Route #4: Ponders End to Oakleigh Park (east to west through Enfield)

Figure 9-7 - Google Maps: Route #4 Figure 9-8 - SATURN: Route #4

Shorter distance trips from east to west through Enfield town are most likely to travel via the A110 based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts this route.

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Route #5: Seven Sisters to Hatfield (south to north-west, through Enfield)

Figure 9-9 - Google Maps: Route #5 Figure 9-10 - SATURN: Route #5 Longer distance trips out of London from south to north-west (Hatfield) are most likely to travel via the A10, A111, A1000 route based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts that trips are likely to use this route for this type of journey.

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Route #6: Seven Sisters to Broxbourne (south to north, through Enfield)

Figure 9-11 - Google Maps: Route #6 Figure 9-12 - SATURN: Route #6 Longer distance trips out of London from south to north (Broxbourne) are most likely to travel via the A10 based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts that trips are likely to use this route for this type of journey.

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Route #7: Seven Sisters to Harlow (south to north-east, through Enfield)

Figure 9-13 - Google Maps: Route #7 Figure 9-14 - SATURN: Route #7 Longer distance trips out of London from south to north-east (Harlow) are most likely to travel via the M11 based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model correctly predicts that trips are likely to use this route for this type of journey.

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Route #8: Seven Sisters to Waltham Cross (south to north, local route through Enfield)

Figure 9-15 - Google Maps: Route #8 Figure 9-16 - SATURN: Route #8

Longer distance trips out of London from south to north (Waltham Cross) are most likely to travel via the A1055 with the A10 providing a close second choice based on Google Maps. The base SATURN model predicts that trips are likely to use the A10. A comparison of the A1055 (50 mins) and A10 (43 mins) AM peak modelled travel times show that they are similar and fall near to the large ranges shown on Google Maps. Journey time validation on the A10 northbound route is within +/-15% of the observed but the A1055 northbound route shows too much delay in the model which may be encouraging trips to use the A10 instead of the A1055. Refinement may be possible in this location.

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10.1.1. TfL's guidance requires that calibration of screenlines is undertaken to confirm that the aggregate directional movement of trips across the study area is well represented by the model. A total of 22 screenlines are contained within or pass through the study area. Trips travelling through these screenlines in each direction have been the focus of the screenline calibration check and are shown in Figure 10-1. 10.1.2. According to DfT’s TAG Unit M3-1 and TfL’s guidance, the difference between the modelled flow and the observed flow across a screenline or enclosure should be less than 5% for all, or nearly all, of the screenlines. Full screenline calibration metrics are presented in Appendix B and a summary is provided in Table 10-1 which indicates a high degree of screenline calibration.

Table 10-1 – Screenline calibration within Study Area

Time period % screenlines with flow % screenlines with GEH < 4 difference < 5%

AM Peak 91% 93%

PM Peak 86% 82% 10.1.3. In the AM peak, 4 of the 44 screenlines (9%) fail to meet the TAG criteria, with the majority passing. Despite this, those failing to meet the criteria do show a good degree of similarity between modelled and observed flows with all GEHs below 6, as shown in Table 10-2, Figure 10-2 and Figure 10-3.

Table 10-2 – Screenlines within the study area failing to meet TAG criteria – AM Peak

Screenline Dir Obs. Mod. % Diff GEH No. Sites % sites Flow GEH< sites with with Diff 4 GEH<5 GEH<5 <5%

14 - Walthamstow 2 2,114 2,250 6 2.9 10 5 50% No Yes East to West

15 - Walthamstow 1 3,316 3,683 11 6.2 16 7 44% No No North to South

28 - East Barnet to 1 3,594 3,843 7 4.1 9 7 78% No No Wood Green

Epping New Road 1 3,139 3,441 10 5.3 8 5 63% No No

10.1.4. In the PM peak, 6 of the 44 screenlines (14%) fail to meet the TAG criteria, with the majority passing. Despite this, those failing to meet the criteria do show a good degree of similarity between modelled and observed flows with all but one of the GEHs falling below 6, as shown in Table 10-3, Figure 10-4 and Figure 10-5. 10.1.5. Screenline #15 in direction 1 (eastbound) is the only location with a more significant discrepancy between modelled and observed flows. In this location the modelled flow is 17% higher than the observed flow which may mean flows and delays heading through Walthamstow will be slightly

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overestimated in the forecast models. As this screenline sits mostly outside of the study area and there is not a risk that impacts could be underestimated, this is not a cause for significant concern.

Table 10-3 – Screenlines within the study area failing to meet TAG criteria – PM Peak

Screenline Dir Obs. Mod. % Diff GEH No. Sites % sites Flow GEH< sites with with Diff 4 GEH<5 GEH<5 <5%

14 - Walthamstow 2 2,951 2,742 -7 3.9 10 3 30% No Yes East to West

15 - Walthamstow 1 3,730 4,348 17 9.7 16 8 50% No No North to South

Great North-South 1 11,437 12,067 6 5.8 22 14 64% No No

North East 1 5,980 6,314 6 4.2 13 8 62% No No

North East 2 6,348 6,718 6 4.6 13 8 62% No No

Radial - River Lee 2 4,575 4,840 6 3.9 4 4 100% No Yes

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Figure 10-1 - Screenlines within the study area

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Figure 10-2 - Screenline calibration - AM Peak: Direction 1 (NB, EB, Inbound, Clockwise)

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Figure 10-3 - Screenline Calibration - AM Peak: Direction 2 (SB, EB, Outbound, Anti-Clockwise)

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Figure 10-4 - Screen Calibartion - PM Peak: Direction 1 (NB, EB, Inbound, Clockwise)

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Figure 10-5 - Screenline Caribration - PM Peak: Direction 2 (SB, EB, Outbound, Anti-Clockwise)

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11.1.1. Link flows in the study area were analysed to ascertain the extent to which the base year model is calibrated to observed count data. The criteria used to assess the calibration of link flows is defined in WebTAG and is shown in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 – TAG link flow acceptability guidelines

Criteria and Measure Acceptability Guideline Assigned Model Hourly Flows compared with Observed Flows

Flow Criteria

Observed flow < 700 vph Modelled flow within ±100 vph > 85 % of links

Observed flow 700 - 2,700 vph Modelled flow within ±15% > 85 % of links

Observed flow > 2,700 vph Modelled flow within ±400 vph > 85 % of links

GEH Criteria

GEH statistic for individual links < 5 > 85 % of links

Source: WebTAG Unit M3.1, Table 2. 11.1.2. Within the study area, 473 observed link counts are present, covering a range of strategic and local roads in and around the borough. The majority of link flows within the study area (74%) meet the TAG criteria although the TAG target of 85% is not achieved in either peak hour, as presented in Table 11-2. Given that the majority of links within the study area meet the TAG criteria and the overall pass rate is close to the 85% threshold the model is considered to be reasonable for early stage assessment but some large GEHs and flow discrepancies do exist and further refinement within the study area is recommended for the next stage of work.

Table 11-2 – Link flow calibration within Study Area

Time period % links that pass the % links that pass the % links that pass TAG flow criteria TAG GEH criteria either TAG criteria

AM Peak 72% 62% 74%

PM Peak 74% 61% 74% 11.1.3. In TfL’s “Sub-regional Highway Assignment Model Guidance on Model Use” (Version 2.6) (TfL, 2017) it is stated that “due to the strategic nature of the models, and the constraining of matrix estimation to groups of counts (mini-screenlines) rather than individual counts, the WebTAG acceptability guideline for individual links (and turning movements) is unlikely to be met. However, it

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is suggested that for local studies the achievement of this criteria in the study area is more realistic and should be worked towards.” 11.1.4. The key metric in Table 11-2 is the final column which shows the percentage of links on which the flow criteria or the GEH criteria is met. At least one of these criteria is met on 74% of the links which is considered to be reasonable for this stage of assessment (i.e. Regulation 18) but for subsequent stages (i.e. Regulation 19) improvements are recommended. Further detail regarding the locations of poor performing links is provided below. 11.1.5. The GEH metric for all count sites can be seen graphically for the AM and PM peak base models in Figure 11-1 and Figure 11-2 respectively. These figures demonstrate that the links that do not meet the GEH criteria are predominately clustered around Enfield Town, Palmers Green and Walthamstow. This is likely to be partly due to the network coding inconsistencies identified in section 5. If the network coding corrections alone do not improve the link flows, further routing checks will be conducted to determine whether the flow discrepancies are a result of unrealistic route choice or a more fundamental lack/excess of trips between certain zones. If the latter is concluded to be true, the trip matrix may need to be refined to better represent observed demands in the study area, possibly through the use of matrix estimation techniques. 11.1.6. As a number of links in the study area do not meet the desired level for GEH, further investigation has been undertaken for these links. Figure 11-3 and Figure 11-4 present the magnitude of absolute flow difference (modelled minus observed) with labels for all of the locations with a GEH above 5.

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Figure 11-1 - Link Count GEHs - AM Peak

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Figure 11-2 - Link Count GEHs - PM Peak

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Figure 11-3 - Link Count Absolute Difference - AM Peak

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Figure 11-4 - Link Count Absolute Difference - PM Peak

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11.1.7. The geographical analysis presented above suggests that trips are biased to more strategic routes and not enough rat running is permitted within the study area. The screenline calibration checks suggest that the magnitude and directionality of trips is good so it is likely that improvements to the link calibration could be achieved through adjustments to the KNOBS weightings or other network parameters to make certain routes more / less attractive. Links within the study area that should be the focus of future flow calibration improvements are as follows:  M25 J23, J24 and J25 – modelled flows too high in a number of places and too low on neighbouring routes (suggests not enough rat running)  Alma Road flows are too low and Mollison Avenue flows are too high (suggests not enough rat running)  Waggon Road flows are too low and Stagg Hill flows are too high (suggests not enough rat running)  M11 flows are too high and flows on neighbouring routes are too low (suggests not enough rat running)  A10 (north of the North Circular) flows are too high and flows on neighbouring routes are too low (rat running)  Flows on Vicar’s Moor Lane are too high and flows on Station Road and Compton Lane are too low (routing imbalance)  Flows on Winchester Road are too high and flows on Beech Hall Road, Oak Hill and Hale End Road are too low 11.1.8. Full link count calibration statistics are presented in Appendix C.

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12.1.1. TfL’s HAM guidance requires that observed journey times are compared against modelled journey times to confirm their validation. Twenty-two journey time routes are present within the study area and have been the focus of this analysis. The routes are monitored in both directions so forty-four travel times are being monitored in total. 12.1.2. TAG Unit M3-1 and TfL’s guidance both state that modelled journey times should be within 15% of the observed journey times (or within one minute of each other if higher than 15% different) for more than 85% of the routes. Table 12-1 demonstrates that the inter-peak model achieves a high degree of journey time validation within the study area. This is a good indication that uncongested speeds and speed flow curves within the model are set appropriately and provide a good minimum travel time for the peak period travel times to be built upon. The AM and PM peak models are both very close to meeting the 85% threshold with only 7 or 8 of the routes failing to meet the TAG criteria.

Table 12-1 – Journey time validation within Study Area

Time period % journey time routes within 15% or 60s of observed

AM Peak 84%

Inter Peak 95%

PM Peak 82% 12.1.3. Full travel time validation statistics are presented in Appendix D and are shown graphically for the AM and PM peak models in Figure 12.1 and Figure 12.2 respectively. These figures indicate that the majority of journey time routes within the study area pass the TAG criteria and that those that fail tend to be situated on the periphery of the study area. The key exceptions to this, which warrant some further refinement at the next stage of work (i.e. regulation 19) are: AM Peak  The A411 eastbound through New Barnet (lacking 7 minutes of delay over 9km in the AM, ok in PM)  The A112 southbound through South Chingford (lacking 15 minutes of delay over 7km in the AM, ok in PM)  The A1055 Watermead Way southbound through Northumberland Park (lacking 17 minutes of delay over 8km, ok in PM) PM Peak  The A110 eastbound through Enfield Town Centre (lacking 15 minutes of delay over 10km in the AM, ok in AM)  The A1055 Meridian Way, Mollison Avenue and Lane southbound through Ponders End (lacking 7 minutes of delay over 11km, ok in AM)  The A10 northbound through Tottenham (6 minutes too much delay over 6km in the PM, ok in AM)

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Figure 12-1 - Journey Time Validation - AM Peak

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Figure 12-2 - Journey Time Validation - PM Peak

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13.1.1. WSP has undertaken a review of the suitability and calibration/validation of the LoHAM model within the London Borough of Enfield. The review has followed TfL’s guidance for the use of the London Highway Assignment Models (HAM), set out in TfL’s “Sub-regional Highway Assignment Model Guidance on Model Use (Version 2.6)” (TfL, 2017). 13.1.2. Our overall conclusion from the model review is that the model represents the 2016 AM and PM peak hour demands and traffic conditions relatively well across the study area. Inspection of local screenlines and journey times confirmed that the model is reflective of observed strategic highway travel behaviour. Levels of congestion, delays and routing behaviour are mostly realistic and well matched to observed data although there are some areas of localised discrepancies, particularly in relation to precise routing where rat runs are available. 13.1.3. In the study area the model meets the calibration/validation criteria in terms of screenlines and journey times. The calibration of individual links falls slightly short of meeting the TAG criteria. However, given the strategic nature of the highway impact assessment and the large size of the Borough, the level of link calibration is considered sufficient for the initial assessment of the Enfield Local Plan. Refinements to improve localised route choice and link validation are recommended for Regulation 19 modelling onwards. 13.1.4. In conclusion, WSP has found that the existing 2016 base year LoHAM is deemed to be sufficiently detailed and validated for the ‘Regulation 18’ first stage of assessment of highway impacts in the London Borough of Enfield, as summarised in the ‘red-amber-green’ (RAG) table below.

Checks Summary Base RAG Network A variety of network coding fixes would be sensible, particularly where node x coding types, lane allocation, no. lanes and saturation flows differ significantly.

Zones Whilst some of the zones in Enfield are large, this is proportionate to the level of development. Some zones also contain more trips than recommended, however this does not seem to cause excessive delays and most journey times are realistic. Needs to be re-considered for the forecast models.

Zone Whilst spigot connectors are preferred, the majority of zone connectors are connecto link connectors which is the case in many areas of the model. rs

Converg The base model meets the recommended convergence criteria. ence Note: the AM forecast models from 2026 onwards do not converge although they are relatively stable. TfL is working on fixing this.

Calibrati Screenlines – majority meet 5% TAG criteria. Those that do not are within on / 10%, except for Walthamstow. Validatio n Link flows – some large flow discrepancies on key routes, particularly where rat runs are present.

Travel times – Some key routes in Enfield aren’t covered (A1010). Of the routes reported, the majority compare well although there are some issues in the south-east near Walthamstow.

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Mountbatten House Basing View Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4HJ

INTERNAL BASE MODEL NETWORK AUDIT A 1.1 - Review of AECOM junction coding recommendations

Junction Addressed in LoHAM Nodes Junction Type AECOM recommendation WSP in agreement? Reason for agreement/disagreement ID v4.02? 79204 Change to 3 Lanes and adjust SatFlow accordingly 2 lanes for a distance of 190m (near 78287) but Yes No rest is 3 lanes approach 74302 Change to 2 Lanes and adjust SatFlow accordingly Yes No 74303 Onslips should be one lane Yes No Exploded 1 74307 Onslips should be one lane Yes No Roundabout 74299 Change to 3 Lanes and adjust SatFlow accordingly Yes No 74308 Southbound A10 should be 4 lanes with left flare, not 5 lanes Yes Provide flare instead No 74304 74233 Change to 2 Lanes and adjust SatFlow accordingly Yes No 74298 Maybe requires an intermediate node Code as 4 lanes as per J1 review and introduce No No stacking capacity 2 74310 Signalised Change to 3 lanes Yes Need stacking capacity as well No 74311 74123 74125 2 lanes with a left feeder and a right flare Yes From arm 74649 No 74234 Add feeders to all left turns Yes No 3 74148 Signalised Add feeders to all left turns Yes No 74441 74649 4 74115 refer Table A 1.2 below 74203 Signalised 74641 74101 5 74327 refer Table A 1.2 below 74328 Exploded 74050 Roundabout 74326 6 74075 refer Table A 1.2 below 74146 Roundabout 74639 74074 7 74093 Left lane should be left turn only Yes No 7 74320 Enfield One- 7 74638 Way System 7 74094 No Bus Lane in this short section Yes No 8 74096 Add signalised feeders to all left Yes No turns 8 74388 Right turns should be flares Right turn arm is not coded in SATURN model so No No no need of flare for right turn Junction Addressed in LoHAM Nodes Junction Type AECOM recommendation WSP in agreement? Reason for agreement/disagreement ID v4.02? 8 74240 Signalised Southbury Road section missing in It is available in both UFS and GIS (based on No Yes GIS shapefile but in UFS AM) 8 74086 8 74348 9 74097 refer to Table A 1.2 below 9 74206 9 74207 Signalised 9 74648 9 74341 10 74088 Sat flows are different for all turns, despite same lanes and Comment belongs to Node 74088 10 74651 Yes No allowed turns (apart from 36102) 10 36102 Roundabout 10 74382 Change to 1 lane with short left flare Yes Apply changes to both arms No 10 74182 11 74290 11 74291 11 74226 Roundabout 11 74288 11 74456 11 74457 12 74063 Change to 2 lanes left feeder/flare yes Update stacking capacity as well No 12 74082 12 74064 Signalised 12 74062 12 74079 13 74084 Right lane should be straight and right turn, left lane left turn only Northern arm looks as per ground condition No No southern arm needs update 13 74087 Signalised 13 74072 13 74070 14 74045 Left turn flares 2 lanes with right and left flare for 74626 arm and Yes it also has blocking back No

14 74067 Signalised 14 74046 14 74626 14 74044 15 74271 refer to Table A 1.2 below Exploded 15 74048 Roundabout 15 74270 16 74034 There is a connector south of rdbt (74514) that could be added as Already loaded at 74514, these changes will not No No 4th arm to rdbt although this could cause issues make huge impact. Junction Addressed in LoHAM Nodes Junction Type AECOM recommendation WSP in agreement? Reason for agreement/disagreement ID v4.02? May have been original configuration and altered for this reason This change will have minor impact 16 74453 Roundabout No No 16 74450 16 74449 Modelled as 3 arms - In reality a crossroads, are timings reflecting Need to check this 17 74035 Yes No this? 17 74450 Signalised 17 74038 17 74037 18 74041 18 74209 Right lane should be right turn only Yes No 18 74042 Adjust ahead sat flows accordingly Yes Signalised 18 74155 Right lane should be right turn only Yes Adjust ahead sat flows 18 74040 accordingly. Unsure why right sat Yes flow is so low Note that this junction is correct as of 2016, however since Arm 74152 ( left lane is only for left turn) 19 74038 No No changed 19 74179 Signalised and is not reflected in forecast models Need to update forecast models 19 74152 Should be 1 + Bus or if inc. flare, 2 lanes Yes 19 74035 20 75028 20 75024 Exploded 20 75027 Roundabout 20 75026 21 74017 refer to Table A 1.2 below 21 74446 21 74550 Signalised 21 74393 21 74444 22 74018 Not sure about the coding here - Its okay to be separated but the right turn is No No do we need the extra link? only for buses 22 75504 Can this be coded with one lane plus right flare from 74608? No `--same as above-- No Signalised 22 74539 22 74608 22 75502 23 74269 refer to Table A 1.2 below 23 74152 23 75501 Signalised 23 74621 23 74611 23 74618 Junction Addressed in LoHAM Nodes Junction Type AECOM recommendation WSP in agreement? Reason for agreement/disagreement ID v4.02? 24 74024 refer to Table A 1.2 below 24 74262 24 74263 Signalised 24 74217 24 74264 25 74031 refer to Table A 1.2 below 25 74633 25 74185 Exploded 25 74472 Roundabout 25 74588 25 74198 26 74030 refer to Table A 1.2 below 26 74235 26 74231 Signalised 26 74186 26 74195 27 74189 Roundabout refer to Table A 1.2 below A 1.2 - Additional issues noted by WSP, outside of the AECOM review

Enfield Borough No. of changes Total no Type Junction ID Node/Link WSP comment Severity required changes On ground sign board is 50mph whereas the model is coded with 64kph which needs to be Network 78287- 79204 updated Moderate Network 74123 Blocking back (investigate more on this junction) Slight Network 74125 Need intermediate node to introduce bus lane from western & southern arm Major Network 74088 Need signal for northern arm. Slight Network 74088 Should be 1lane from 74382 arm or introduce stacking capacity Slight Network 74096 Need to update saturation flows Slight Network 74388 Northbound traffic should not be stopped for signal Major Network 74240 Arm 74642 single lane should be coded with flare Slight Network 74084 Arm 74070 should be signal lane and also needs update for stacking capacity Slight Network 74038 Arm 74152 (left lane is only for left turn) Moderate Network 74018 Right turn from 74608 should be bus only lane Moderate Network 74433 Saturation flow looks lower which needs to be updated Slight Network 74101 Code as 1lane from 74392 with flare for right turn Slight Network 74115 Left turn saturation flow is lower. Slight Zone 74070 Remove multiple connectors Slight Network 74641-74115-74203 Missing capacity index Moderate Network Node74203 Flare(1PCU) for left turn from 74119 Slight Network 74326, 74327, 74328, 74050Introduce stacking capacity for approach arm Moderate Network 74075 Provide stacking capacity Moderate Network 74097 Nearside lane is only for left turn from 74341 & 74648 Major Network 74097 Signalised junction saturation flow is lower for right and left turns (except 74648 arm) Major Connected at 74246 & 74096, but possibly along Hertford or Southhury Road. (as the Durants Rd is one-way, due to Colmore Rd turn restriction) the trips have to travel extra Zone 74076 distances. Moderate GIS 74076, 74096 Node is wrongly placed near 74206 (introduce extra node) Slight Network 74072 Provide stacking capacity for 74084 Moderate Network 74045-74626 Capacity index missing for one direction Major Network 74626 Lower saturation flow for left turn in 74670arm Moderate Network 74045-74046 Provide intermediate node to represent bus lane Slight Network 74046 Update saturation flows Slight Network 74044 Should be roundabout (since 2011) Major Network 74083-74067 Capacity index missing for one direction Moderate Network 74067 Update saturation flows Slight Network 74034 Update saturation flows Slight Network 74450 Update saturation flow for 74514 arm Slight Network 74035 Straight movement(74037) saturation flow lesser than right. Because of left turn share? Slight Network 74350-74038 Incorrect speed in each direction Slight Network 74209, 74040 Update minor arm sat flow Slight Network 74042 Provide 1 lane for 74041 arm Moderate Network 74038-74152 Intermediate node to represent bus lane Slight Network 74152 Update as B2 (1bus + 2lanes for traffic) for arm 74038 Slight Network 74152 Provide 1 lane for 74269 arm Moderate Network 74444-74559 Incorrect speed in each direction Slight Network 74018 Provide stacking capacity for arm 74539, no flare for 74283 Slight Links on northern, eastern and western sides are having different speed (not the bus Network 74269 lanes) Moderate Northern arm max of B2 (1bus + 2lanes for traffic) can be coded and now it is B3 (1bus + 3lanes for traffic) Network 74152 Southern arm should be 1 lane Moderate Network 74261 Arm 74132 - should be 2 lanes with stacking cap Slight No separate bus lane exists on ground Network 74262 Left turn should be shared by3rd lane and 4th lane, also 4th lane is only for left turn. Moderate Network 74263 Arm 74221 - should be 3lanes with left turn sharing with straight on last lane. Moderate Network 74217 Provide flare(2PCU) for arm 74265 Slight GIS 74031 Node coordinate should be updated (also check the distance) (also in 55555 card) Slight GIS 74031-74198 Link is not shaped as per ground conditions Slight No left turn from 74194(left turn allowed only for cycle) and 74572-74472 should be one Network 74472 way link Major Network 71231-74195 Should be 2lanes Slight Network 74189 Provide stacking capacity Slight Network 74104 Should be roundabout Major Network 74656 Need to remove this signal as it doesn't exist on ground Moderate Wider Study Area Addition Add White Stubbs Lane (link between Broxbourne and Hatfield) Major Addition Add Middle Street (Lower Nazeing) Major Addition Add Mount Road (just east of Epping) Major Addition Add Upshir Road and Woodgreen Road near J26 M25 Major Network 78287 Stacking capacity needs to be added (for northern arm) - 2 lanes & 3 lanes at approach 1 Moderate Network 78364 Stacking capacity needs to be added (for all the arms) 1 Moderate Network W1 78894 Incorrect capacity index in each direction for 78287-78364 link 1 Moderate 3 Network 79204 Network 78359 Network 80032 Network 80037 Missing stacking capacity for 80073 arm 1 Moderate Arm 80037 Needs to be coded as 2 lanes with flare W2 Arm 80035 - Provide Flare for left turn 3 Network 80036 Arm 80032 - Provide Flare for right turn 3 Moderate Arm 80032 - include ahead movement nearside lane Network 80029 Make sure that signal stages for 4th arm is added. 2 Moderate Network 80037 W3 0 Network 80073 Network 80054 Remove merge marker in node coding for main traffic 1 Moderate Network 80055 Remove merge marker in node coding for main traffic 1 Moderate W4 5 No. of changes Total no Type Junction ID Node/Link WSP comment Severity required changes W4 5 Network 80056 Update stacking capacity for all the approach arms 1 Slight Network 80057 Incorrect capacity index in each direction for 80041 & 80056 2 Slight Network 80075 Arm from 80020 should be coded separately (which is 10m away from junction) 1 Moderate Network 80084 Network 80089 Network W5 80068 Should be coded as 1 lane for 80058 arm 1 Slight 3 Network 80030 Incorrect speeds in each direction for 80385-80030 link 1 Slight Network 80020 Network 80067 Network 36102 Incorrect capacity index in each direction 36102-74088 link 1 Slight Network 36049 Network W6 36050 2 Network 36097 Network 74088 Missing stacking capacity for 74182 & 74382 arms 1 Slight Network 36089 Network 36063 Network W7 36066 Incorrect speed in each direction 36089-36066link 1 Slight 3 Network 36117 Incorrect speed in each direction 36117-36066 link 1 Slight Network 36061 Include flare for left turn 1 Moderate Network 36091 Missing stacking capacity for 36145 arm 1 Slight Network 36069 Network W8 36072 1 Network 36135 Network 36145 Network 36092 Refer to Table A 1.4 below 1 Moderate Network 36105 Provide flare for right turn from 36092 turn 1 Slight W9 2 Network 36108 Network 36067 This should be coded as exploded roundabout to consider part time signal Separate movement from Advent way to Walthmstow Ave Network 75022 Provide 2lane approach from 75021 1 Moderate Network 36279 36414-36279 should be 2 way link and also modify the signal stage accordingly. 2 Major Network 36297 W10 6 Network 75023 Missing stacking capacity for 75022 arm 1 Slight Missing merge marker (in node coding) and the saturation flow for slip& main road are Network 75020 same which needs to be corrected 2 Moderate Network 75019 Network 75021 Network 36279 Refer W10 comments Network W11 36414 Arm from 36279 should be 2 ways 1 Major 1 Network 36413 Network 36302 Network 36303 Incorrect speed in each direction for 36303-36051 link 1 Slight Network 36304 Network 36305 W12 1 Network 36306 Network 36307 Incorrect capacity index in each direction - 36307-36140 Network 36308 Network 36309 Network 36310 Network 36311 Network 36897 Network 36898 Network 36312 W13 1 Network 36313 Network 36222 Network 38269 Network 36286 Merge marker missing for slip road in node coding 1 Moderate Network 38270 Network 36323 Should be coded as flare instead of 3rd lane 1 Slight Network 36324 Network 36325 Network 36326 Missing stacking capacity for 36320 arm 1 Slight W14 2 Network 36327 Network 36899 Network 36900 Network 36321 Refer to Table A 1.4 below Network 36265 Missing stacking capacity for 36037 arm 1 Slight Network W15 36267 Missing stacking capacity for 36267 arm 1 Slight Network 36037 No right turn from 36038 1 Major Network 36291 Refer to Table A 1.4 below 3 Network 36269 Clifton Road is one way, junction should be moved to Tavistock Ave to make it more Network 36406 realistic 1 Slight Network W16 36030 Network 36209 Arm 36211 should be 2way and allow turn from other arms 1 Major Network 36029 Separate bus lane from 36269 (intermediate node to represent same). This new node can Network 72441 also be used for junction 36269 for bus lane 2 Major 4 Network 73502 Update the coordinates 1 Slight Network 72069 Distance 72069-72441 should be consistent between both direction 1 Major Network W17 72183 Network 73501 Network 73500 Update the coordinates 1 Slight 3 Network 72068 No. of changes Total no Type Junction ID Node/Link WSP comment Severity required changes Straight movement should not be stopped and can introduce signal in 72133-72134 arm to Network 72133 represent same 1 Moderate W18 Network 72134 Network 72067 Network 72070 1 Network 72078 Network 72018 W19 Network 72145 Should be coded as 1 lane with flare 1 Moderate Network 72222 1 Network 72086 Network 72172 Network 72087 Provide stacking capacity for 72278 arm 1 Slight W20 Network 72278 Arm 72160 should be one-way. Made as 2 way to represent Broadway Road connecting Network 72085 between 2 roundabout. 1 Major 2 Network 72098 Based on street view, left turn from 72762 has separate green stage. 1 Moderate Network 72399 W21 Network 72400 Network 72762 1

Network 72063 Right turn from 72198 is allowed for all the type of vehicles but not allowed for arm 72193 2 Major Network 72198 W22 Network 72118 Network 72117 Network 72193 2 Network 72082 Network 72092 W23 Network 72075 Network 72207 0 Network 74230 Network 74395 Network W24 72248 Network 74009 Network 74012 0 Network 70222 Lane configuration needs to be updated for 70230 arm 1 Moderate Network 70221 Provide 2lanes merge or increase the saturation flow for 70221 arm W25 Network 70230 Saturation flow for 3 lanes should be 6000 as per 70231 node reference 2 Slight Network 70231 Network 70393 Provide flare for left turn from 70222 1 Moderate 4 Network 70143 Network 70573 Network W26 70574 Network 70221 Network 70142 Provide saturation flow for 2 lanes at stop line 1 Slight 1 Network 70174 Network 70141 W27 Network 70175 Provide 2lane approach for 70176 arm as well 1 Moderate Network 70176 1 Allow only straight movement for 70281 arm and the rest of the turns will occur at main Network 70327 junction itself 1 Slight Network 70281 W28 Network 70182 Network 70505 Network 70286 1 Network 70181 Saturation flow for right turn from 70637 is low compared to near by junction 1 Slight Network 70637 W29 Network 70301 Network 70180 1 Network 70197 X marker for right should be removed as there were no opposing movement 1 Slight Network 70016 Distance needs to be updated 70013-70633-70197 along with the location of node 70633, W30 Network 70633 which should be moved to correct location to represent signal. 2 Major Network 70195 Network 70013 3 Network 79199 Provide flare for left turn 1 Slight Network 79210 Should be to be signalised junction considering the pedestrian crossing 1 Major Network 79209 Network 79208 Network 79207 Same saturation flow for approach and circulatory arms which needs to be upgraded 1 Slight Network W31 79206 Network 79205 Same saturation flow for approach and circulatory arms which needs to be upgraded 1 Slight Network 79202 Remove merge marker in node coding for main traffic 1 Moderate Network 79200 Network 78273 Network 78664 Remove merge marker in node coding for main traffic 1 Moderate 6 Network 70193 Arm 70634 should be 1 lane and remove stacking capacity 1 Slight Network 70634 W32 Network 70635 Network 70636 1 A 1.3 - Zone Connector Review and Recommendations

Map Zone Time Period of Number of Maximum Connector WSP in Max Trip End AECOM recommendation Reason for agreement/disagreement Addressed in LoHAM v4.02? Colour Number Max TE Connectors Nearby Delay Type agreement? 74040 1246 AM 2 111s Link Span Convert to three spigots Yes Provide Third connection to 74109 No Brimsdown - Potential to split but all employment so no data, therefore add Choose Millmarsh Lane junction (signal) Or Brancroft 74101 1218 AM 1 329s Spigot two more spigots to accesses Yes Way No Should also be loaded to 74079 as the Golf club 74038 1121 AM 2 244s Link Span Split down the middle through park Yes connection has impact in the model No Delay is only 27s, provide 4th arm at 74168 to add 74056 947 AM 1 27s Spigot Add two extra spigots No additional one connection No Correct 74087, Existing connection looks fine 74115, 74117, use as delay is more, we should add one more spigot 74092 869 PM 1 121s Spigot spare spigots for this zone Yes along same road No 74091 793 PM 3 88s Link Span Split along railway line, possibly move residential section to adjacent zone No Extra loading point should be provided No 74031 787 AM 2 68s Link Span Convert into spigots, one on residential, one to the north Yes No Max delay is only 60s Spigot connection may improve this instead of zone 74113 719 PM 2 60s Link Span Split along Salmon's Brook, correct 74073 connector coding No split No Instead load at 74526 and provide new connection at 74089 707 AM 1 487s Spigot Split along railway line, review connector coding for 74081 No 74424 for zone 74081 No 74046 684 PM 1 131s Spigot Add a spigot, tidy up zones to west Yes Provide spigot to 74211 junction No 74110 669 AM 2 156s Link Span Switch to two or three spigots, look at surrounding zones also Yes Provide along A105 & Wellington Rd No

Zone 74058 should be connected to node 74488 Correct, and look at surrounding zones. Reshape with adjacent zone across Zone 74107 should be connected to near node 74300 74058 662 PM 2 Spigot railway line Yes Zone 74110 should be connected to node 74478 No 74075 629 PM 2 104s Link Span Split along A110 No Provide additional connectors will resolve this delay No 74015 597 AM 2 122s Spigots Move to correct location Yes Connect along A406 & B106 No New connection for Zone 74077 near 74115 node and connect zone 74085 to 74498 also zone74089 to 74077 564 AM 3 281s 1 Spigot and 2 MoveLink Span to correct location Yes 74528 No 74108 509 PM 2 32s Link Span Move to correct location Yes No Remove existing connection and connect to Percival 74111 492 AM 2 10s Link Span Move to correct location Yes Road No 74004 393 AM 2 22s Link Span Move to correct location No Current loading is correct No A 1.4 - Forecast Model (Points to Consider)

No. of changes Type Node/Link WSP comment Severity required Network 74070 Upgraded from roundabout to signalised junction in 2019 1 Major Network 74179 Need to reflect the changes in forecast models (see AECOM comment in Table A 1.1) 1 Moderate Network 74087 Signalised junction upgraded to roundabout in 2018 1 Major Network 74048, 74271 Roundabout junction upgraded to signalised in 2019 1 Major Network 74155 Roundabout junction upgraded to priority in 2018 1 Major Network 36092 36105 arm became 1 lane approach from 2018 1 Moderate Network 36265 Roundabout signalised by 2020 (need to confirm with TfL) 1 Major Network 36291 Priority junction to signalised in 2020 (need to confirm with TfL) 1 Major Network 70141 Approach arm 70174 became 1 lane from 2020 1 Moderate Network 74038 Right turn needs to be updated in forecast models (see AECOM comment in Table A 1.1) 1 Moderate A 1.5 - Key forecast developments - zone connector checks

Development Ref. No Conclusion Severity Zone Comment Area 1 Ok 74083 Pondersend For new development, connection to link 74182-74181 should be provided, as most of the developments are 2 Need Update Slight 74100 located on southern side of the model for zone 74100 whereas the loading is at northern side of network 3 Jubilee Ok 74098 Development has been shared between two modelled zones (74098 & 74093) 4 Lower Edmonton Ok 74080 Need Update Moderate 74073 Connection at 74163 can be removed, as this junction is already loaded with few more zone connectors 5 Ok 74113 6 Ok 74091 7 Edmonton Green Ok 74091 8 Need Update Slight 74088 Should be split into two, based on river boundary, as the eastern side development is separate

Majority of development falls on eastern side of rail track so it is suggestable to have connection along A1010 9 Need Update Major 74109 remove other connection and connect to 74028 as well 10 Ok 74048 11 Ok 74034 Ok 74106 12 Southgate Green Ok 74006 Need Update Slight 74011 Loading point should be modified based on ground access 13 Need Update Slight 74005 Adding 4th arm at 74462 to represent the development access 14 Ok 74003 15 Ok 74002 16 Ok 74002 Larger development (possibly to have separate zone) 17 Highlands Ok 74027 18 Ok 74031 Ok 74022 24 Need Update Moderate 74070 Remove the connector at 74115 (signal) and add to 4th arm at 74203 Chase Ok 74022 19 Ok 74101 20 Ok 74075 22 Southbury Need Update 74067 Provide additional loading point near 74170 to represent the southern settlements 21 Cockfosters Ok 74001 23 Need Update 74038 Need Update 74049 Additional loading point towards northern end as this zone has direct access to A110 Grange Need Update 74058 Should be loaded at 74488 & 74690 (as this zone is split by railway line) A 1.6 - Key forecast developments - network coding (Model Reference - "L4.2_RC2031_Model_Pack - ALL" (P1X - AM))

No. of changes Total no. Development Area Node/Link WSP comment Severity required changes WSP Review based on Development Zones Junction upgraded to roundabout from 2018 74087 Higher link delay for approaching arms and node 1 Major Pondersend Lower sat flows for right and left turns except arm 74648 which 2 74097 needs to be updated 1 Slight 74088 Around 1000s delay for approaching arms and node 74191 Link delay around 200sec Jubilee 74214 0 74163 74162 74163 Edmonton Green 74389 74188, 74165 Blocking back and node delay more than 180 sec 74189 Node delay 150s 0 Provide 3 lanes from 74396 74384 Link delay of 200 sec and node delay 120s 1 Moderate 74004 Provide 2lanes from 74005 arm 1 Moderate Upper Edmonton 74006 74334-74384-72766 Speed difference in both direction 1 Slight 74031 Node delay 215s 74199, 74198 Blocking back, and node delay more than 100 sec 74563, 74565,74609 3 Winchmore Hill 74210, 74281, 74208 Geometric configuration got updated after the yr 2018 2 Major 2 Southgate Green 74230, 74017 Node delay 200+ sec and link delay 74596 Missing X-marker 1 Slight 74017-74444 Speed difference in both direction 1 Slight 2 74232, 74462 74052, 74232 Link delay of 95sec and node delay of 60se Cockfosters 74073, 74103, 74329, 74073, 74105 0 74104 Should be roundabout 1 Major 74656-74329 Speed should be 30mph based on ground sign board 1 Moderate 74103, 74105 Link delay of about 280s and node delay of 250+ sec Highlands 74656 Need to remove this signal as it doesn't exist on ground 1 Moderate 74625 Node delay of 95sec 74227 Link delay of 100+sec 3 74116, 74120, 74121, Chase 74117 0 74100 Enfield Highway 74142 Blocking back, 74183 delay of 300sec 74100-74651 Speed difference in both direction 0 74096 Link delay of 100+sec 74388 Northbound traffic should be full time green 1 Major Southbury 74240 74170, 74085, 74293 74086 Node delay of 100+ sec and link delay of 160+ sec 1 74331, 74144, Cockfosters 74252-74253-74330 Link should be removed as it may cause rat run 1 Slight 1 74140, 74059, 74077, 74637, 74022, 74093, Grange 74094 74140 Link delay of 70+sec 74076, 74093, 74095 Link delay of 150+ sec and node delay of 55sec 0 74391, 74392 74114 Missing right turn flare 1 Moderate 74203 Should be coded as 4 arms with stub end to load zone 74070 2 Moderate Chase 74203-74115-74641-74385Speed difference in both direction 1 Moderate 74115 Link delay of 160+ sec 74115, 74433 Node delay of 140+sec 74433 Saturation flow needs to be updated 1 Slight 5 SCREENLINE CALIBRATION

Public !N:N AM Total Sites % sites Total No Flow Diff ID Screenline Direction Observed Modelled % Diff GEH with with GEH<4 of sites <5% GEH<5 GEH<5 1001070000001 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 3,394 3,456 1.8% 1.1 11 4 36% Pass Pass 1001070000002 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 3,200 3,095 -3.3% 1.9 12 7 58% Pass Pass 2000810000001 08 - Epping Forest 1 3,673 3,813 3.8% 2.3 7 2 29% Pass Pass 2000810000002 08 - Epping Forest 2 2,609 2,672 2.4% 1.2 7 3 43% Pass Pass 1000870000001 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 3,060 3,004 -1.8% 1.0 10 4 40% Pass Pass 1000870000002 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 2,114 2,250 6.4% 2.9 10 5 50% Fail Pass 1000880000001 15 - Walthamstow North to South 1 3,316 3,683 11.1% 6.2 16 7 44% Fail Fail 1000880000002 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 4,419 4,332 -2.0% 1.3 16 9 56% Pass Pass 2000890000001 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 2,981 3,052 2.4% 1.3 4 1 25% Pass Pass 2000890000002 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 2,589 2,630 1.6% 0.8 4 3 75% Pass Pass 1000930000001 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford New1 Road) 6,856 7,059 3.0% 2.4 17 6 35% Pass Pass 1000930000002 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford New2 Road) 5,691 5,882 3.4% 2.5 19 5 26% Pass Pass 1000940000001 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 5,341 5,435 1.8% 1.3 12 3 25% Pass Pass 1000940000002 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 4,736 4,823 1.8% 1.3 12 5 42% Pass Pass 1000950000001 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 3,088 3,168 2.6% 1.4 10 2 20% Pass Pass 1000950000002 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 2 2,751 2,802 1.9% 1.0 10 6 60% Pass Pass 1000990000001 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 3,594 3,843 6.9% 4.1 9 7 78% Fail Fail 1000990000002 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 3,611 3,671 1.7% 1.0 10 8 80% Pass Pass 1041830000001 Boundary -NoLHAM 1 9,825 10,188 3.7% 3.6 13 8 62% Pass Pass 1041830000002 Boundary -NoLHAM 2 8,688 8,931 2.8% 2.6 13 10 77% Pass Pass 1011830000001 Boundary-ELHAM 1 25,626 25,782 0.6% 1.0 26 19 73% Pass Pass 1011830000002 Boundary-ELHAM 2 22,522 22,884 1.6% 2.4 26 22 85% Pass Pass 1020010000001 Edmond-A406 1 32,667 32,943 0.8% 1.5 54 37 69% Pass Pass 1020010000002 Edmond-A406 2 25,866 26,344 1.8% 3.0 55 39 71% Pass Pass 1000360000001 Enfield East 1 4,616 4,500 -2.5% 1.7 6 3 50% Pass Pass 1000360000002 Enfield East 2 4,391 4,467 1.7% 1.1 6 2 33% Pass Pass 1000370000001 Enfield Town 1 3,051 3,029 -0.7% 0.4 12 4 33% Pass Pass 1000370000002 Enfield Town 2 3,071 3,029 -1.4% 0.8 12 6 50% Pass Pass 1023010000001 Epping New Road 1 3,139 3,441 9.6% 5.3 8 5 63% Fail Fail 1023010000002 Epping New Road 2 2,905 2,935 1.0% 0.6 8 4 50% Pass Pass 1100060000001 Far Outer Cordon(N) 1 18,354 18,407 0.3% 0.4 11 10 91% Pass Pass 1100060000002 Far Outer Cordon(N) 2 20,273 20,128 -0.7% 1.0 11 8 73% Pass Pass 1012030000001 Great North-South 1 10,848 11,091 2.2% 2.3 22 17 77% Pass Pass 1012030000002 Great North-South 2 12,461 12,395 -0.5% 0.6 22 8 36% Pass Pass 1022070000001 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 1 11,385 11,587 1.8% 1.9 17 16 94% Pass Pass 1022070000002 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 2 7,893 8,142 3.2% 2.8 17 10 59% Pass Pass 1001800000001 Inner - North East 1 8,107 8,194 1.1% 1.0 22 16 73% Pass Pass 1001800000002 Inner - North East 2 7,066 7,331 3.7% 3.1 22 15 68% Pass Pass 1000170000001 NorthEast 1 6,460 6,690 3.6% 2.8 13 7 54% Pass Pass 1000170000002 NorthEast 2 5,556 5,796 4.3% 3.2 13 11 85% Pass Pass 1001950000002 Radial - River Lee 2 4,910 4,925 0.3% 0.2 4 3 75% Pass Pass 1001950000001 Radial - River Lee 1 4,544 4,634 2.0% 1.3 4 4 100% Pass Pass 1002020000002 Tottenham - Inner Central 2 3,766 3,687 -2.1% 1.3 11 9 82% Pass Pass 1002020000001 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 3,218 3,311 2.9% 1.6 11 5 45% Pass Pass

Pass 40 41 91% 93% !N:N PM Total No of Sites with % sites with Flow Diff ID Screenline Direction Observed Modelled % Diff GEH GEH<4 sites GEH<5 GEH<5 <5% 1.00107E+12 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 3,581 3,593 0.00 0 11 3 27% Pass Pass 1.00107E+12 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 3,305 3,201 -0.03 2 12 7 58% Pass Pass 2.00081E+12 08 - Epping Forest 1 2,774 2,848 0.03 1 7 4 57% Pass Pass 2.00081E+12 08 - Epping Forest 2 3,987 3,982 0.00 0 7 1 14% Pass Pass 1.00087E+12 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 2,341 2,368 0.01 1 10 3 30% Pass Pass 1.00087E+12 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 2,951 2,742 -7% 3.9 10 3 30% Fail Pass 1.00088E+12 15 - Walthamstow North to South 1 3,730 4,348 17% 9.7 16 8 50% Fail Fail 1.00088E+12 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 4,856 5,011 0.03 2 16 7 44% Pass Pass 2.00089E+12 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 2,616 2,647 0.01 1 4 2 50% Pass Pass 2.00089E+12 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 2,965 2,953 0.00 0 4 2 50% Pass Pass 1.00093E+12 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford New1 Road) 5,770 5,741 0.00 0 17 6 35% Pass Pass 1.00093E+12 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford New2 Road) 7,539 7,513 0.00 0 19 6 32% Pass Pass 1.00094E+12 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 4,437 4,522 0.02 1 12 2 17% Pass Pass 1.00094E+12 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 5,132 5,264 0.03 2 12 2 17% Pass Pass 1.00095E+12 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 2,817 2,882 0.02 1 10 3 30% Pass Pass 1.00095E+12 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 2 3,377 3,467 0.03 2 10 4 40% Pass Pass 1.00099E+12 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 3,772 3,832 0.02 1 9 6 67% Pass Pass 1.00099E+12 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 3,154 3,275 0.04 2 10 8 80% Pass Pass 1.04183E+12 Boundary -NoLHAM 1 8,779 9,057 0.03 3 13 11 85% Pass Pass 1.04183E+12 Boundary -NoLHAM 2 10,220 10,565 0.03 3 13 10 77% Pass Pass 1.01183E+12 Boundary-ELHAM 1 24,374 25,224 0.03 5 26 20 77% Pass Fail 1.01183E+12 Boundary-ELHAM 2 28,177 29,492 0.05 8 26 23 88% Pass Fail 1.02001E+12 Edmond-A406 1 27,847 28,546 0.03 4 54 46 85% Pass Fail 1.02001E+12 Edmond-A406 2 32,523 33,312 0.02 4 55 26 47% Pass Fail 1.00036E+12 Enfield East 1 4,728 4,695 -0.01 0 6 4 67% Pass Pass 1.00036E+12 Enfield East 2 4,594 4,700 0.02 2 6 6 100% Pass Pass 1.00037E+12 Enfield Town 1 2,946 2,991 0.02 1 12 4 33% Pass Pass 1.00037E+12 Enfield Town 2 2,945 2,943 0.00 0 12 5 42% Pass Pass 1.02301E+12 Epping New Road 1 3,208 3,221 0.00 0 8 5 63% Pass Pass 1.02301E+12 Epping New Road 2 2,828 2,784 -0.02 1 8 5 63% Pass Pass 1.10006E+12 Far Outer Cordon(N) 1 19,496 19,225 -0.01 2 11 9 82% Pass Pass 1.10006E+12 Far Outer Cordon(N) 2 19,472 19,427 0.00 0 11 10 91% Pass Pass 1.01203E+12 Great North-South 1 11,437 12,067 6% 5.8 22 14 64% Fail Fail 1.01203E+12 Great North-South 2 11,400 11,417 0.00 0 22 17 77% Pass Pass 1.02207E+12 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 1 9,168 9,272 0.01 1 17 14 82% Pass Pass 1.02207E+12 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 2 10,979 10,799 -0.02 2 17 9 53% Pass Pass 1.0018E+12 Inner - North East 1 7,541 7,781 0.03 3 22 14 64% Pass Pass 1.0018E+12 Inner - North East 2 9,190 9,315 0.01 1 22 13 59% Pass Pass 1.00017E+12 NorthEast 1 5,980 6,314 6% 4.2 13 8 62% Fail Fail 1.00017E+12 NorthEast 2 6,348 6,718 6% 4.6 13 8 62% Fail Fail 1.00195E+12 Radial - River Lee 2 4,575 4,840 6% 3.9 4 4 100% Fail Pass 1.00195E+12 Radial - River Lee 1 5,551 5,611 0.01 1 4 4 100% Pass Pass 1.00202E+12 Tottenham - Inner Central 2 3,497 3,529 0.01 1 11 8 73% Pass Pass 1.00202E+12 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 3,879 3,989 0.03 2 11 7 64% Pass Pass

Pass 38 36 86% 82% LINK FLOW CALIBRATION

Public Link Count Statistics - AM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 78686_78884 Simulation Link 1100060000001 1 10006 Far Outer Cordon(N) 47 A1170 9 1 1 1.10006E+12 78686 78884 1,007 964 -4% 1.4 Pass Pass 78884_78686 Simulation Link 1100060000002 1 10006 Far Outer Cordon(N) 47 A1170 9 2 2 1.10006E+12 78884 78686 962 800 -17% 5.5 Fail Fail 80024_80393 Simulation Link 1000170000001 1 17 NorthEast 1 A112 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80024 80393 863 886 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 80067_80020 Simulation Link 1000170000001 1 17 NorthEast 1 Forest Side 2 1 1 1.00017E+12 80067 80020 50 111 123% 6.8 Pass Fail 80067_80075 Simulation Link 1000170000001 1 17 NorthEast 2 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80067 80075 672 724 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 80088_80084 Simulation Link 1000170000001 1 17 NorthEast 3 Epping Road 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80088 80084 822 702 -15% 4.3 Pass Pass 80096_80089 Simulation Link 1000170000001 1 17 NorthEast 3 Piercing Hill 2 1 1 1.00017E+12 80096 80089 340 482 42% 7.0 Fail Fail 80393_80024 Simulation Link 1000170000002 1 17 NorthEast 1 A112 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80393 80024 718 755 5% 1.4 Pass Pass 80020_80067 Simulation Link 1000170000002 1 17 NorthEast 1 Forest Side 2 2 2 1.00017E+12 80020 80067 50 63 26% 1.7 Pass Pass 80075_80067 Simulation Link 1000170000002 1 17 NorthEast 2 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80075 80067 739 834 13% 3.4 Pass Pass 80084_80088 Simulation Link 1000170000002 1 17 NorthEast 3 Epping Road 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80084 80088 646 630 -2% 0.6 Pass Pass 80089_80096 Simulation Link 1000170000002 1 17 NorthEast 3 Piercing Hill 2 2 2 1.00017E+12 80089 80096 427 449 5% 1.1 Pass Pass 78262_70196 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 1 St Albans Road 1 2 2 1.006E+12 78262 70196 436 509 17% 3.3 Pass Pass 70144_70369 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 2 East Barnet Road 2 2 2 1.006E+12 70144 70369 752 744 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 70187_70314 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Longmore Avenue 3 2 2 1.006E+12 70187 70314 857 847 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 70639_70397 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 4 Barnet Lane 4 2 2 1.006E+12 70639 70397 369 265 -28% 5.9 Fail Fail 70196_78262 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 1 St Albans Road 1 1 1 1.006E+12 70196 78262 600 645 8% 1.8 Pass Pass 70369_70144 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 2 East Barnet Road 2 1 1 1.006E+12 70369 70144 673 684 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 70314_70187 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Longmore Avenue 3 1 1 1.006E+12 70314 70187 683 687 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 70397_70639 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 4 Barnet Lane 4 1 1 1.006E+12 70397 70639 549 513 -7% 1.6 Pass Pass 70531_70533 Simulation Link 1000770000001 1 77 04 - East Barnet 1 Cat Hill 1 Eastbound 1 1.00077E+12 70531 70533 666 744 12% 2.9 Pass Pass 70532_70533 Simulation Link 1000770000001 1 77 04 - East Barnet 2 Mansfield Avenue 2 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70532 70533 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70021_70425 Simulation Link 1000770000001 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Netherlands Road 6 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70021 70425 606 473 -22% 5.7 Fail Fail 70528_70527 Simulation Link 1000770000001 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Churchill Road 7 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70528 70527 753 728 -3% 0.9 Pass Pass 70533_70531 Simulation Link 1000770000002 1 77 04 - East Barnet 1 Cat Hill 1 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70533 70531 804 852 6% 1.7 Pass Pass 70533_70532 Simulation Link 1000770000002 1 77 04 - East Barnet 2 Mansfield Avenue 2 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70533 70532 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70425_70021 Simulation Link 1000770000002 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Netherlands Road 6 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70425 70021 227 219 -4% 0.6 Pass Pass 70527_70528 Simulation Link 1000770000002 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Churchill Road 7 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70527 70528 590 404 -32% 8.3 Fail Fail 36088_36413 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 1 A1009 Hall Lane 1 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36088 36413 1,086 1,198 10% 3.3 Pass Pass 36079_36051 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A112 Chingford Road 7 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36079 36051 606 592 -2% 0.6 Pass Pass 36379_36277 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 B160 Winchester Road 8 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36379 36277 555 739 33% 7.2 Fail Fail 36120_36121 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Beech Hall Road 9 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36120 36121 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36120_36083 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Hale End Road 10 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36120 36083 704 504 -28% 8.1 Fail Fail 36090_36018 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Falmouth Avenue 11 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36090 36018 100 10 -90% 12.1 Pass Fail 36108_36122 Simulation Link 2000810000001 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 14 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36108 36122 572 769 34% 7.6 Fail Fail 36413_36088 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 1 A1009 Hall Lane 1 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36413 36088 550 585 6% 1.5 Pass Pass 36051_36079 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A112 Chingford Road 7 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36051 36079 554 642 16% 3.6 Pass Pass 36277_36379 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 B160 Winchester Road 8 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36277 36379 332 566 71% 11.1 Fail Fail 36121_36120 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Beech Hall Road 9 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36121 36120 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36083_36120 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Hale End Road 10 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36083 36120 409 185 -55% 13.0 Fail Fail 36018_36090 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Falmouth Avenue 11 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36018 36090 150 20 -87% 14.1 Fail Fail 36122_36108 Simulation Link 2000810000002 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 14 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36122 36108 565 674 19% 4.4 Fail Pass 36451_36405 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36451 36405 555 846 52% 11.0 Fail Fail 36208_36206 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Sutherland Rd 2 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36208 36206 50 12 -76% 6.8 Pass Fail 36207_36206 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36207 36206 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36452_36205 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Higham Hill Road 4 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36452 36205 350 274 -22% 4.3 Pass Pass 36394_36215 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Millfield Avenue 6 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36394 36215 50 43 -14% 1.0 Pass Pass 36128_36129 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 North Countless Road 8 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36128 36129 200 1 -99% 19.8 Fail Fail 36307_36140 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 A112 Chingford Road 10 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36307 36140 862 954 11% 3.1 Pass Pass 36144_36335 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Brookscroft Road 11 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36144 36335 50 105 111% 6.3 Pass Fail 36334_36274 Simulation Link 1000870000001 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Hale End Road 13 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36334 36274 407 170 -58% 14.0 Fail Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4000870000001 4 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 4 Woodford New Road South 15 Inbound 1 4.00087E+12 36312 36275 1,704 1,725 1% 0.5 Pass Pass 36405_36451 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36405 36451 311 549 77% 11.5 Fail Fail 36206_36208 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Sutherland Rd 2 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36206 36208 50 51 1% 0.1 Pass Pass 36206_36207 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36206 36207 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36205_36452 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Higham Hill Road 4 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36205 36452 350 148 -58% 12.8 Fail Fail 36215_36394 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Millfield Avenue 6 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36215 36394 50 73 45% 2.9 Pass Pass 36129_36128 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 North Countless Road 8 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36129 36128 200 167 -16% 2.4 Pass Pass 36140_36307 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 A112 Chingford Road 10 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36140 36307 591 610 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 36335_36144 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Brookscroft Road 11 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36335 36144 50 62 25% 1.7 Pass Pass 36274_36334 Simulation Link 1000870000002 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Hale End Road 13 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36274 36334 196 70 -64% 11.0 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4000870000002 4 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 4 Woodford New Road South 15 Outbound 2 4.00087E+12 36275 36312 1,309 1,337 2% 0.8 Pass Pass 36308_36024 Simulation Link 1000880000001 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 Billet Road 20 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36308 36024 159 472 197% 17.6 Fail Fail 36129_36128 Simulation Link 1000880000001 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 North Countless Road 19 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36129 36128 200 167 -16% 2.4 Pass Pass 36133_36215 Simulation Link 1000880000001 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Pennant Terrace 17 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36133 36215 50 103 105% 6.0 Pass Fail 36128_36129 Simulation Link 1000880000002 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 North Countless Road 19 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36128 36129 200 1 -99% 19.8 Fail Fail 36024_36308 Simulation Link 1000880000002 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 Billet Road 20 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36024 36308 685 735 7% 1.9 Pass Pass 36149_36148 Simulation Link 1000880000002 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Winns Avenue 16 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36149 36148 50 66 33% 2.2 Pass Pass 36215_36133 Simulation Link 1000880000002 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Pennant Terrace 17 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36215 36133 50 46 -9% 0.6 Pass Pass 36337_36338 Simulation Link 2000890000001 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Forest Road 1 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36337 36338 747 577 -23% 6.6 Fail Fail 36275_36440 Simulation Link 2000890000001 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Woodford New Road 2 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36275 36440 1,004 1,194 19% 5.7 Fail Fail 38246_36012 Simulation Link 2000890000001 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Snaresbrook Road 3 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 38246 36012 317 229 -28% 5.3 Pass Fail 36327_36258 Simulation Link 2000890000001 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Whipps Cross Road 4 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36327 36258 912 1,053 15% 4.5 Fail Pass 36338_36337 Simulation Link 2000890000002 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Forest Road 1 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36338 36337 415 384 -8% 1.6 Pass Pass 36440_36275 Simulation Link 2000890000002 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Woodford New Road 2 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36440 36275 947 1,000 6% 1.7 Pass Pass 36258_36327 Simulation Link 2000890000002 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Whipps Cross Road 4 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36258 36327 891 1,027 15% 4.4 Fail Pass 36012_38246 Simulation Link 2000890000002 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Snaresbrook Road 3 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36012 38246 337 221 -35% 7.0 Fail Fail 36029_36213 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford1 Blackhorse New Road) Road 2 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36029 36213 385 474 23% 4.3 Pass Pass 36389_36462 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Sherwell New Street Road) 13 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36389 36462 100 38 -62% 7.4 Pass Fail 36346_36463 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Lea Bridge New Road) Road 14 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36346 36463 696 1,105 59% 13.7 Fail Fail 36346_36345 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Peterborough New Road) Road 15 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36346 36345 100 23 -77% 9.8 Pass Fail 36043_36252 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 James New Lane Road) 16 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36043 36252 398 335 -16% 3.3 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1000930000001 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford5 A12 at New Leytonstone Road) 17 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36322 36011 3,381 3,490 3% 1.9 Pass Pass 36213_36029 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford1 Blackhorse New Road) Road 2 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36213 36029 343 191 -44% 9.3 Fail Fail 36462_36389 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Sherwell New Street Road) 15 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36462 36389 100 1 -99% 14.0 Pass Fail 36463_36346 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Lea Bridge New Road) Road 16 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36463 36346 875 1,303 49% 12.9 Fail Fail 36345_36346 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Peterborough New Road) Road 17 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36345 36346 100 73 -27% 2.8 Pass Pass 36252_36043 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 James New Lane Road) 18 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36252 36043 543 576 6% 1.4 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1000930000002 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford5 A12 at New Leytonstone Road) 19 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36010 36320 2,051 2,096 2% 1.0 Pass Pass 70163_70158 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Friern Barnet lane 5 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70163 70158 633 448 -29% 8.0 Fail Fail 70549_70550 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Church Way 6 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70549 70550 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70166_70165 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Oakleigh Road North 7 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70166 70165 728 802 10% 2.7 Pass Pass 70551_70165 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Barfield Avenue 8 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70551 70165 50 237 374% 15.6 Fail Fail 70175_70160 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 0 Brunswick Park Road 9 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70175 70160 495 525 6% 1.3 Pass Pass 70552_74239 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 Hampden Way 10 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70552 74239 709 252 -64% 20.9 Fail Fail 74455_74454 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 A1004, High Street 11 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 74455 74454 562 983 75% 15.2 Fail Fail 74220_74469 Simulation Link 1000940000001 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 The Bourne 12 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 74220 74469 710 722 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 70158_70163 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Friern Barnet lane 5 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70158 70163 660 368 -44% 12.9 Fail Fail 70550_70549 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Church Way 6 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70550 70549 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70165_70166 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Oakleigh Road North 7 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70165 70166 642 731 14% 3.4 Pass Pass 70165_70551 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Barfield Avenue 8 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70165 70551 50 22 -55% 4.6 Pass Pass 70160_70175 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 0 Brunswick Park Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70160 70175 277 296 7% 1.1 Pass Pass 74239_70552 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 Hampden Way 10 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74239 70552 514 190 -63% 17.3 Fail Fail 74454_74455 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 A1004, High Street 11 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74454 74455 666 693 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 74469_74220 Simulation Link 1000940000002 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 The Bourne 12 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74469 74220 671 951 42% 9.8 Fail Fail 36054_36053 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Waltham Way 1 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36054 36053 392 656 68% 11.6 Fail Fail 36054_36058 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Cherrydown Avenue 2 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36054 36058 100 38 -62% 7.5 Pass Fail 36057_36064 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Old Church Road 3 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36057 36064 494 246 -50% 12.8 Fail Fail 36056_36058 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Hurst Avenue 4 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36056 36058 50 41 -18% 1.3 Pass Pass 36069_36091 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Larkshall Road 5 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36069 36091 571 931 63% 13.1 Fail Fail 36073_36070 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Withy Mead 6 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36073 36070 50 4 -93% 9.0 Pass Fail 36074_36084 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill West 7 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36074 36084 100 25 -75% 9.4 Pass Fail 36143_36105 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill 8 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36143 36105 671 793 18% 4.5 Fail Pass 36076_36078 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Groveside Road 9 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36076 36078 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 36893_38113 Simulation Link 1000950000001 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 White Hall Road 11 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36893 38113 561 432 -23% 5.8 Fail Fail 36053_36054 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Waltham Way 1 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36053 36054 444 420 -5% 1.2 Pass Pass 36058_36054 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Cherrydown Avenue 2 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36058 36054 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 36064_36057 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Old Church Road 3 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36064 36057 411 381 -7% 1.5 Pass Pass 36058_36056 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Hurst Avenue 4 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36058 36056 50 64 29% 1.9 Pass Pass 36091_36069 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Larkshall Road 5 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36091 36069 405 505 25% 4.7 Fail Pass 36070_36073 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Withy Mead 6 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36070 36073 50 8 -85% 7.9 Pass Fail 36084_36074 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill West 7 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36084 36074 100 76 -24% 2.5 Pass Pass 36105_36143 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill 8 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36105 36143 571 549 -4% 0.9 Pass Pass 36078_36076 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Groveside Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36078 36076 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 38113_36893 Simulation Link 1000950000002 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 White Hall Road 11 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 38113 36893 520 799 54% 10.9 Fail Fail 72072_72073 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Station Road 14 Inbound 1 1.006E+12 72072 72073 458 584 28% 5.5 Fail Fail 70531_70533 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 Cat Hill 1 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70531 70533 666 744 12% 2.9 Pass Pass 70532_70533 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Mansfield Ave 2 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70532 70533 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70141_70176 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Parkside Gardens 4 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70141 70176 50 67 33% 2.2 Pass Pass 70175_70176 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 B1453 - Lane 5 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70175 70176 635 633 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 70175_70160 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Brunswick Park Road 6 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70175 70160 495 525 6% 1.3 Pass Pass 70165_70159 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Oakleigh Road North 7 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70165 70159 596 634 7% 1.6 Pass Pass 70582_70580 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Crescent Road 8 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70582 70580 50 19 -63% 5.3 Pass Fail 70143_70574 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 4 Friern Barnet Rd 10 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70143 70574 607 682 12% 2.9 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - AM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 70230_74009 Simulation Link 4000990000001 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 A406 Pinkham Way 11 Inbound 1 4.00099E+12 70230 74009 2,133 1,936 -9% 4.4 Pass Pass 72396_72251 Simulation Link 1000990000001 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 B106 Albert Road 12 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 72396 72251 445 539 21% 4.3 Pass Pass 72186_72251 Simulation Link 4000990000001 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 Crescent Rise 13 Inbound 1 4.00099E+12 72186 72251 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72254_72089 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Park Avenue 14 Inbound 1 1.006E+12 72254 72089 350 37 -89% 22.5 Fail Fail 72073_72072 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Station Road 14 Outbound 2 1.006E+12 72073 72072 616 673 9% 2.2 Pass Pass 70533_70531 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 Cat Hill 1 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70533 70531 804 852 6% 1.7 Pass Pass 70533_70532 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Mansfield Ave 2 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70533 70532 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70176_70141 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Parkside Gardens 4 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70176 70141 50 44 -12% 0.8 Pass Pass 70176_70175 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 B1453 - Osidge Lane 5 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70176 70175 749 801 7% 1.9 Pass Pass 70160_70175 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Brunswick Park Road 6 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70160 70175 277 296 7% 1.1 Pass Pass 70159_70165 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Oakleigh Road North 7 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70159 70165 454 401 -12% 2.5 Pass Pass 70580_70582 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Crescent Road 8 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70580 70582 50 29 -42% 3.3 Pass Pass 70578_70573 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Goldsmith Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70578 70573 50 125 151% 8.0 Pass Fail 70574_70143 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 4 Friern Barnet Rd 10 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70574 70143 548 549 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 74009_70230 Simulation Link 4000990000002 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 A406 Pinkham Way 11 Outbound 2 4.00099E+12 74009 70230 2,466 2,385 -3% 1.7 Pass Pass 72251_72396 Simulation Link 1000990000002 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 B106 Albert Road 12 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 72251 72396 579 574 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 72251_72186 Simulation Link 4000990000002 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 Crescent Rise 13 Outbound 2 4.00099E+12 72251 72186 50 174 249% 11.7 Fail Fail 72089_72254 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Park Avenue 14 Outbound 2 1.006E+12 72089 72254 350 529 51% 8.5 Fail Fail 72396_72251 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 0 B106 Albert Road 8 1 1 1.00107E+12 72396 72251 445 539 21% 4.3 Pass Pass 74551_74608 Simulation Link 4001070000001 4 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 A406 Bowes Road 1 1 1 4.00107E+12 74551 74608 1,588 1,713 8% 3.1 Pass Pass 74533_74534 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Shrewsbury Road 3 1 1 1.00107E+12 74533 74534 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74551_74534 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Warwick Road 2 1 1 1.00107E+12 74551 74534 50 205 309% 13.7 Fail Fail 72250_74537 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 A109 Bounds Green 5 1 1 1.00107E+12 72250 74537 827 1,027 24% 6.6 Fail Fail 72185_72390 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Lynton Gardens 6 1 1 1.00107E+12 72185 72390 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72185_72251 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Bidwell Gardens 7 1 1 1.00107E+12 72185 72251 100 59 -41% 4.7 Pass Pass 74602_74603 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Victoria Road 10 1 1 1.00107E+12 74602 74603 50 2 -96% 9.4 Pass Fail 72080_72404 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Alexandra Park Road 11 1 1 1.00107E+12 72080 72404 350 209 -40% 8.4 Fail Fail 72406_72404 Simulation Link 1001070000001 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Talbot Road 12 1 1 1.00107E+12 72406 72404 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72251_72396 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 0 B106 Albert Road 8 2 2 1.00107E+12 72251 72396 579 574 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74608_74551 Simulation Link 4001070000002 4 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 A406 Bowes Road 1 2 2 4.00107E+12 74608 74551 1,820 1,653 -9% 4.0 Pass Pass 74534_74533 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Shrewsbury Road 3 2 2 1.00107E+12 74534 74533 50 2 -97% 9.6 Pass Fail 74534_74551 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Warwick Road 2 2 2 1.00107E+12 74534 74551 100 171 71% 6.1 Pass Fail 74537_72250 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 A109 Bounds Green 5 2 2 1.00107E+12 74537 72250 853 942 10% 3.0 Pass Pass 72390_72185 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Lynton Gardens 6 2 2 1.00107E+12 72390 72185 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72251_72185 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Bidwell Gardens 7 2 2 1.00107E+12 72251 72185 150 37 -75% 11.6 Fail Fail 74603_74602 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Victoria Road 10 2 2 1.00107E+12 74603 74602 50 26 -47% 3.8 Pass Pass 72404_72080 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Alexandra Park Road 11 2 2 1.00107E+12 72404 72080 350 263 -25% 4.9 Pass Pass 72404_72406 Simulation Link 1001070000002 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Talbot Road 12 2 2 1.00107E+12 72404 72406 50 78 56% 3.5 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 1 A10 Great Cambridge Road, Cheshunt1 N 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,049 2,022 -1% 0.6 Pass Pass 78895_74628 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 3 B176 Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt 1 N 1 4.00178E+12 78895 74628 774 741 -4% 1.2 Pass Pass 78883_78169 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 4 A10 Baas Hill, Broxbourne 1 N 1 4.00178E+12 78883 78169 2,133 2,178 2% 1.0 Pass Pass 78359_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 5 B198 Lieutenant Ellis Way, Cheshunt 1 E 1 4.00178E+12 78359 78287 567 592 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A121 Winston Churchill Way, Cheshunt1 E 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78894 776 817 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 78287_78364 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 7 A10(N) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78364 1,751 1,653 -6% 2.4 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 8 Winston Churchill Way 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78894 776 817 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 9 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 2,021 2,090 3% 1.5 Pass Pass 78287_78359 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 10 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78359 440 454 3% 0.6 Pass Pass 78364_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 13 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78364 78287 1,745 1,656 -5% 2.1 Pass Pass 78364_78363 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 14 College Road (W) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78364 78363 414 424 2% 0.5 Pass Pass 78866_78686 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 20 A1170(E) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78866 78686 1,123 1,236 10% 3.3 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 22 A10(N) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,049 2,022 -1% 0.6 Pass Pass 74302_75036 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 23 Slip road to M25(E) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74302 75036 476 696 46% 9.1 Fail Fail 74299_74298 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 24 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74299 74298 2,074 2,018 -3% 1.2 Pass Pass 74304_75035 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 25 Slip road from M25(W) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74304 75035 1,201 1,052 -12% 4.4 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 1 A10 Great Cambridge Road, Cheshunt1 S 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 2,021 2,090 3% 1.5 Pass Pass 74628_78895 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 3 B176 Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt 1 S 2 4.00178E+12 74628 78895 1,023 1,138 11% 3.5 Pass Pass 78169_78883 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 4 A10 Baas Hill, Broxbourne 1 S 2 4.00178E+12 78169 78883 2,383 1,971 -17% 8.8 Fail Fail 78287_78359 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 5 B198 Lieutenant Ellis Way, Cheshunt 1 W 2 4.00178E+12 78287 78359 440 454 3% 0.6 Pass Pass 78894_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A121 Winston Churchill Way, Cheshunt1 W 2 4.00178E+12 78894 78287 646 685 6% 1.5 Pass Pass 78364_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 7 A10(N) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78364 78287 1,745 1,656 -5% 2.1 Pass Pass 78894_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 8 Winston Churchill Way 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78894 78287 646 685 6% 1.5 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 9 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,049 2,022 -1% 0.6 Pass Pass 78359_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 10 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78359 78287 567 592 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 78287_78364 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 13 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78287 78364 1,751 1,653 -6% 2.4 Pass Pass 78363_78364 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 14 College Road (W) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78363 78364 484 170 -65% 17.4 Fail Fail 78686_78866 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 20 A1170(E) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78686 78866 789 793 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 22 A10(N) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 2,021 2,090 3% 1.5 Pass Pass 75032_74303 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 23 Slip road from M25(E) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 75032 74303 474 654 38% 7.6 Fail Fail 74298_74299 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 24 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 74298 74299 1,451 1,562 8% 2.9 Pass Pass 75031_74233 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 25 M25 J25 clockwise exit 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 75031 74233 1,352 1,495 11% 3.8 Pass Pass 36451_36405 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36451 36405 555 846 52% 11.0 Fail Fail 36208_36206 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Sutherland Rd 2 1 1 4.00181E+12 36208 36206 50 12 -76% 6.8 Pass Fail 36207_36206 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 1 1 4.00181E+12 36207 36206 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36452_36205 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Higham Hill Road 4 1 1 4.00181E+12 36452 36205 350 274 -22% 4.3 Pass Pass 36394_36215 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Millfield Avenue 5 1 1 4.00181E+12 36394 36215 50 43 -14% 1.0 Pass Pass 36128_36129 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 North Countless Road 6 1 1 4.00181E+12 36128 36129 200 1 -99% 19.8 Fail Fail 36307_36140 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 2 A112 Chingford Road 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36307 36140 862 954 11% 3.1 Pass Pass 36144_36335 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Brookscroft Road 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36144 36335 50 105 111% 6.3 Pass Fail 36334_36274 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Hale End Road 3 1 1 4.00181E+12 36334 36274 407 170 -58% 14.0 Fail Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4001810000001 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 4 Woodford New Road South 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36312 36275 1,704 1,725 1% 0.5 Pass Pass 36405_36451 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36405 36451 311 549 77% 11.5 Fail Fail 36206_36208 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Sutherland Rd 2 2 2 4.00181E+12 36206 36208 50 51 1% 0.1 Pass Pass 36206_36207 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 2 2 4.00181E+12 36206 36207 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36205_36452 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Higham Hill Road 4 2 2 4.00181E+12 36205 36452 350 148 -58% 12.8 Fail Fail 36215_36394 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Millfield Avenue 5 2 2 4.00181E+12 36215 36394 50 73 45% 2.9 Pass Pass 36129_36128 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 North Countless Road 6 2 2 4.00181E+12 36129 36128 200 167 -16% 2.4 Pass Pass 36140_36307 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 2 A112 Chingford Road 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36140 36307 591 610 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 36335_36144 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Brookscroft Road 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36335 36144 50 62 25% 1.7 Pass Pass 36274_36334 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Hale End Road 3 2 2 4.00181E+12 36274 36334 196 70 -64% 11.0 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4001810000002 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 4 Woodford New Road South 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36275 36312 1,309 1,337 2% 0.8 Pass Pass 80075_80067 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 1 1 1.02301E+12 80075 80067 739 834 13% 3.4 Pass Pass 80075_80020 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 WAKE ROAD 2 1 1 1.02301E+12 80075 80020 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 80030_80025 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 Cross Roads 3 1 1 1.02301E+12 80030 80025 344 413 20% 3.5 Pass Pass 36000_36132 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1069 Rangers Road 1 1 1 1.02301E+12 36000 36132 541 533 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 38113_36893 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A110 Whitehall Road 2 1 1 1.02301E+12 38113 36893 520 799 54% 10.9 Fail Fail 36122_36108 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 3 1 1 1.02301E+12 36122 36108 565 674 19% 4.4 Fail Pass 36018_36090 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 The Charter Rd 4 1 1 1.02301E+12 36018 36090 150 20 -87% 14.1 Fail Fail 36438_36083 Simulation Link 1023010000001 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 Oak Hill 5 1 1 1.02301E+12 36438 36083 229 168 -27% 4.3 Pass Pass 80067_80075 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 2 2 1.02301E+12 80067 80075 672 724 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 80020_80075 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 WAKE ROAD 2 2 2 1.02301E+12 80020 80075 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 80025_80030 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 Cross Roads 3 2 2 1.02301E+12 80025 80030 508 582 15% 3.2 Pass Pass 36132_36000 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1069 Rangers Road 1 2 2 1.02301E+12 36132 36000 302 327 8% 1.4 Pass Pass 36893_38113 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A110 Whitehall Road 2 2 2 1.02301E+12 36893 38113 561 432 -23% 5.8 Fail Fail 36108_36122 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 3 2 2 1.02301E+12 36108 36122 572 769 34% 7.6 Fail Fail 36090_36018 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 The Charter Rd 4 2 2 1.02301E+12 36090 36018 100 10 -90% 12.1 Pass Fail 36083_36438 Simulation Link 1023010000002 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 Oak Hill 5 2 2 1.02301E+12 36083 36438 140 89 -36% 4.8 Pass Pass 80006_80387 Simulation Link 1011830000001 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 1 A112 Sewardstone Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80006 80387 731 746 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 80030_80385 Simulation Link 1011830000001 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 2 A104 Epping New Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80030 80385 1,080 1,061 -2% 0.6 Pass Pass 80022_80238 Simulation Link 1011830000001 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 3 A121 High Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80022 80238 703 724 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 80235_80009 Simulation Link 1011830000001 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 4 Unc - Loughton Way 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80235 80009 442 371 -16% 3.5 Pass Pass 78262_70196 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 3 A1081 - St. Albans Road, High Barnet 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78262 70196 436 509 17% 3.3 Pass Pass 70198_70016 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 4 A1000 - Great North Road, Monken Hadley0 I 1 1.04183E+12 70198 70016 275 285 4% 0.6 Pass Pass 70198_70313 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Dury Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 70198 70313 50 394 687% 23.1 Fail Fail 78260_74102 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Unc - Waggon Road, 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78260 74102 382 63 -84% 21.4 Fail Fail 79198_74102 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 6 A111 - Cockfosters Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 79198 74102 549 817 49% 10.3 Fail Fail 79201_74116 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 7 A1005 - The Ridgeway, Botany Bay 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 79201 74116 574 619 8% 1.8 Pass Pass 78019_74120 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 8 Unc - Cattlegate Lane, 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78019 74120 884 870 -2% 0.5 Pass Pass 74299_74298 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 9 A10 - A10 Great Cambridge Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 74299 74298 2,074 2,018 -3% 1.2 Pass Pass 74234_74125 Simulation Link 1041830000001 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 10 A1010 - High Street, Waltham Cross 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 74234 74125 1,016 1,071 5% 1.7 Pass Pass 80387_80006 Simulation Link 1011830000002 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 1 A112 Sewardstone Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80387 80006 629 625 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 80385_80030 Simulation Link 1011830000002 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 2 A104 Epping New Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80385 80030 679 747 10% 2.6 Pass Pass 80238_80022 Simulation Link 1011830000002 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 3 A121 High Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80238 80022 596 532 -11% 2.7 Pass Pass 80009_80235 Simulation Link 1011830000002 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 4 Unc - Loughton Way 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80009 80235 282 196 -31% 5.6 Pass Fail 70196_78262 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 3 A1081 - St. Albans Road, High Barnet 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 70196 78262 600 645 8% 1.8 Pass Pass 70016_70198 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 4 A1000 - Great North Road, Monken Hadley0 O 2 1.04183E+12 70016 70198 313 335 7% 1.2 Pass Pass 70313_70198 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Dury Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 70313 70198 50 261 421% 16.9 Fail Fail 74102_78260 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Unc - Waggon Road, Hadley Wood 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74102 78260 360 186 -48% 10.5 Fail Fail 74102_79198 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 6 A111 - Cockfosters Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74102 79198 691 684 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74116_79201 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 7 A1005 - The Ridgeway, Botany Bay 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74116 79201 507 538 6% 1.4 Pass Pass 74120_78019 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 8 Unc - Cattlegate Lane, Crews Hill 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74120 78019 349 352 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74298_74299 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 9 A10 - A10 Great Cambridge Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74298 74299 1,451 1,562 8% 2.9 Pass Pass 74125_74234 Simulation Link 1041830000002 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 10 A1010 - High Street, Waltham Cross 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74125 74234 872 835 -4% 1.3 Pass Pass 72441_72069 Simulation Link 1001950000002 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 A503 Ferry Lane 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 72441 72069 704 807 15% 3.7 Pass Pass 75023_74004 Simulation Link 1001950000001 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 Argon Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 75023 74004 100 103 3% 0.2 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - AM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 75020_74187 Simulation Link 1001950000002 1 195 Radial - River Lee 2 A406 - North Circular, Angel Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 75020 74187 3,373 3,437 2% 1.1 Pass Pass 36102_74088 Simulation Link 1001950000002 1 195 Radial - River Lee 3 A110 Lea Valley Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 36102 74088 732 578 -21% 6.0 Fail Fail 80033_80741 Simulation Link 4001950000002 4 195 Radial - River Lee 4 M25 between J25 and J26 (Waltham Abbey)0 WB 2 4.00195E+12 80033 80741 4,838 5,029 4% 2.7 Pass Pass 72069_72441 Simulation Link 1001950000001 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 A503 Ferry Lane 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 72069 72441 603 653 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 74004_75023 Simulation Link 1001950000002 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 Argon Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74004 75023 100 103 3% 0.3 Pass Pass 74196_75019 Simulation Link 1001950000001 1 195 Radial - River Lee 2 A406 - North Circular, Angel Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74196 75019 3,321 3,314 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 74088_36102 Simulation Link 1001950000001 1 195 Radial - River Lee 3 A110 Lea Valley Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74088 36102 519 564 9% 1.9 Pass Pass 80741_80034 Simulation Link 4001950000001 4 195 Radial - River Lee 4 M25 between J25 and J26 (Waltham Abbey)0 EB 1 4.00195E+12 80741 80034 3,828 3,972 4% 2.3 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1022000000001 1 2200 Cannonbury - Hackney Marsh 8 A12 River Lea 0 I 1 1.022E+12 36322 36011 3,381 3,490 3% 1.9 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1022000000002 1 2200 Cannonbury - Hackney Marsh 8 A12 River Lea 0 O 2 1.022E+12 36010 36320 2,051 2,096 2% 1.0 Pass Pass 72441_72069 Simulation Link 1002020000002 1 202 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 A503, at Tottenham Hale Stn railway bridge0 WB 2 1.00202E+12 72441 72069 704 807 15% 3.7 Pass Pass 72069_72441 Simulation Link 1002020000001 1 202 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 A503, at Tottenham Hale Stn railway bridge0 EB 1 1.00202E+12 72069 72441 603 653 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 74120_74121 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 1 Cattlegate Rd, at Crews Hill Stn railway0 bridgeEB 1 1.01203E+12 74120 74121 832 688 -17% 5.2 Fail Fail 74106_74366 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Lavender Hill, between Shooters Rd &0 LavenderEB Gdns 1 1.01203E+12 74106 74366 450 444 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74134_74090 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Holtwhite's Hill, between Monks Rd &0 KirklandEB Dr 1 1.01203E+12 74134 74090 246 200 -19% 3.0 Pass Pass 74113_74147 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Chase Green Ave, between W Bank &0 ConicalEB Corner 1 1.01203E+12 74113 74147 162 217 34% 4.0 Pass Pass 74640_74076 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 4 A110, at Enfield Chase Stn railway bridge0 EB 1 1.01203E+12 74640 74076 716 735 3% 0.7 Pass Pass 74136_74140 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vera Ave, between Merridene & Homewillow0 EB Cl 1 1.01203E+12 74136 74140 212 262 24% 3.3 Pass Pass 74013_74059 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Grn Dragon Ln, between Hadley Way 0& EBHoodcote Gdns 1 1.01203E+12 74013 74059 678 770 13% 3.4 Pass Pass 74259_74060 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vicar's Moor Ln, at railway bridge 0 EB 1 1.01203E+12 74259 74060 104 257 147% 11.4 Fail Fail 74280_74043 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Station Rd, at Winchmore Hill Stn railway0 EB bridge 1 1.01203E+12 74280 74043 432 365 -15% 3.3 Pass Pass 74208_74281 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Compton Rd, between Hoopers Rd & 0RoseneathEB Ave 1 1.01203E+12 74208 74281 92 1 -99% 13.3 Pass Fail 74208_74282 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Hoopers Rd, between Downes Ct & Arlow0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 74208 74282 343 210 -39% 8.0 Fail Fail 74157_74040 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 6 A111, between Woodland Way & Hoopers0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 74157 74040 613 693 13% 3.1 Pass Pass 74452_74155 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 6 Fox Ln, between Old Park Rd & Pellipar0 EBCl 1 1.01203E+12 74452 74155 351 289 -18% 3.5 Pass Pass 74035_74038 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 7 A1004, at Palmers Green Stn railway bridge0 EB 1 1.01203E+12 74035 74038 346 424 22% 4.0 Pass Pass 74150_74124 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 7 Broomfield Ln, between Substation &0 BridgeEB Dr 1 1.01203E+12 74150 74124 378 298 -21% 4.4 Pass Pass 75504_74616 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 8 A406, between Pymmes Cl & Palmerston0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 75504 74616 1,878 1,906 1% 0.6 Pass Pass 72233_72090 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 9 A109, between Palace Rd & Whittington0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 72233 72090 783 817 4% 1.2 Pass Pass 72081_72252 Simulation Link 1012030000001 1 1203 Great North-South 10 Buckingham Rd, between Brdige Rd &0 BedfordEB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 72081 72252 417 428 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 74121_74120 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 1 Cattlegate Rd, at Crews Hill Stn railway0 bridgeWB 2 1.01203E+12 74121 74120 281 266 -5% 0.9 Pass Pass 74366_74106 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Lavender Hill, between Shooters Rd &0 LavenderWB Gdns 2 1.01203E+12 74366 74106 592 756 28% 6.3 Fail Fail 74090_74134 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Holtwhite's Hill, between Monks Rd &0 KirklandWB Dr 2 1.01203E+12 74090 74134 370 194 -47% 10.4 Fail Fail 74147_74113 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Chase Green Ave, between W Bank &0 ConicalWB Corner 2 1.01203E+12 74147 74113 219 238 9% 1.2 Pass Pass 74076_74640 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 4 A110, at Enfield Chase Stn railway bridge0 WB 2 1.01203E+12 74076 74640 623 694 11% 2.8 Pass Pass 74140_74136 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vera Ave, between Merridene & Homewillow0 WB Cl 2 1.01203E+12 74140 74136 342 547 60% 9.7 Fail Fail 74059_74013 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Grn Dragon Ln, between Hadley Way 0& WBHoodcote Gdns 2 1.01203E+12 74059 74013 679 844 24% 6.0 Fail Fail 74060_74259 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vicar's Moor Ln, at railway bridge 0 WB 2 1.01203E+12 74060 74259 208 325 56% 7.2 Fail Fail 74043_74280 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Station Rd, at Winchmore Hill Stn railway0 WB bridge 2 1.01203E+12 74043 74280 480 236 -51% 12.9 Fail Fail 74210_74208 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Compton Rd, between Hoopers Rd & 0RoseneathWB Ave 2 1.01203E+12 74210 74208 299 193 -36% 6.8 Fail Fail 74282_74208 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Hoopers Rd, between Downes Ct & Arlow0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74282 74208 290 130 -55% 11.1 Fail Fail 74040_74157 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 6 A111, between Woodland Way & Hoopers0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74040 74157 711 891 25% 6.4 Fail Fail 74155_74452 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 6 Fox Ln, between Old Park Rd & Pellipar0 WBCl 2 1.01203E+12 74155 74452 376 222 -41% 8.9 Fail Fail 74038_74035 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 7 A1004, at Palmers Green Stn railway bridge0 WB 2 1.01203E+12 74038 74035 180 398 122% 12.9 Fail Fail 74124_74150 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 7 Broomfield Ln, between Substation &0 BridgeWB Dr 2 1.01203E+12 74124 74150 442 312 -30% 6.7 Fail Fail 74616_75504 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 8 A406, between Pymmes Cl & Palmerston0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74616 75504 2,103 1,832 -13% 6.1 Pass Fail 72090_72233 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 9 A109, between Palace Rd & Whittington0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 72090 72233 893 735 -18% 5.5 Fail Fail 72252_72081 Simulation Link 1012030000002 1 1203 Great North-South 10 Buckingham Rd, between Brdige Rd &0 BedfordWB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 72252 72081 528 638 21% 4.6 Fail Pass 70393_70147 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 Coppetts Rd, between Bobby Moore Way0 I & Joint Rd 1 1.02207E+12 70393 70147 7 - -100% 3.9 Pass Pass 70222_70114 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 B550 Ln, between Onion0 RdI & Trott Rd 1 1.02207E+12 70222 70114 1,191 1,291 8% 2.8 Pass Pass 72185_72251 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 Blake Rd, between Tunnel Gdns & St Martin0 I School 1 1.02207E+12 72185 72251 100 59 -41% 4.7 Pass Pass 72394_72251 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 B106 Dumsford Rd, between Maya Pl 0& IWoodford Way 1 1.02207E+12 72394 72251 704 689 -2% 0.6 Pass Pass 72352_72089 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 10 A109, between Imperial Rd & Eastern0 RdI 1 1.02207E+12 72352 72089 1,064 1,122 5% 1.8 Pass Pass 72091_72351 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 11 A105 High Rd, between Kings Rd & Trinity0 I Rd 1 1.02207E+12 72091 72351 739 749 1% 0.4 Pass Pass 74547_72097 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 Wolves Ln, between cemetery & Woodside0 I Rd 1 1.02207E+12 74547 72097 424 543 28% 5.4 Fail Fail 72204_72115 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 White Hart Lane, between Fenton Rd 0& ISelf Storage 1 1.02207E+12 72204 72115 525 482 -8% 1.9 Pass Pass 72762_72098 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 13 A10 Gt Cambridge Rd, between A10800 &I Cavell Rd 1 1.02207E+12 72762 72098 1,596 1,457 -9% 3.6 Pass Pass 72103_72099 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 15 A1010 High Rd, btwn Bill Nicholson Way0 I & Park Lane 1 1.02207E+12 72103 72099 644 699 9% 2.2 Pass Pass 72100_72285 Simulation Link 1022070000001 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 17 Shelbourne Road, between Manor Road0 I & Park Lane 1 1.02207E+12 72100 72285 596 588 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 70147_70393 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 Coppetts Rd, between Bobby Moore Way0 O & Joint Rd 2 1.02207E+12 70147 70393 80 19 -76% 8.6 Pass Fail 70114_70222 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 B550 Colney Hatch Ln, between Onion0 RdO & Trott Rd 2 1.02207E+12 70114 70222 539 670 24% 5.4 Fail Fail 72251_72185 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 Blake Rd, between Tunnel Gdns & St Martin0 O School 2 1.02207E+12 72251 72185 150 37 -75% 11.6 Fail Fail 72251_72394 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 B106 Dumsford Rd, between Maya Pl 0& OWoodford Way 2 1.02207E+12 72251 72394 452 502 11% 2.3 Pass Pass 72089_72352 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 10 A109, between Imperial Rd & Eastern0 RdO 2 1.02207E+12 72089 72352 591 486 -18% 4.5 Fail Pass 72351_72091 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 11 A105 High Rd, between Kings Rd & Trinity0 O Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72351 72091 424 545 29% 5.5 Fail Fail 72097_74547 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 Wolves Ln, between cemetery & Woodside0 O Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72097 74547 269 158 -41% 7.6 Fail Fail 72115_72204 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 White Hart Lane, between Fenton Rd 0& OSelf Storage 2 1.02207E+12 72115 72204 410 416 2% 0.3 Pass Pass 72098_72762 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 13 A10 Gt Cambridge Rd, between A10800 &O Cavell Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72098 72762 1,028 1,041 1% 0.4 Pass Pass 72099_72103 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 15 A1010 High Rd, btwn Bill Nicholson Way0 O & Park Lane 2 1.02207E+12 72099 72103 429 437 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 72285_72100 Simulation Link 1022070000002 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 17 Shelbourne Road, between Manor Road0 O & Park Lane 2 1.02207E+12 72285 72100 318 301 -5% 1.0 Pass Pass 78359_78287 Simulation Link 1001780000001 1 178 Broxbourne 1 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78359 78287 567 592 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 78287_78359 Simulation Link 1001780000002 1 178 Broxbourne 2 Lieutenant Ellis Way 2 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78287 78359 440 454 3% 0.6 Pass Pass 78894_78287 Simulation Link 1001780000002 1 178 Broxbourne 3 Winston Churchill Way 3 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78894 78287 646 685 6% 1.5 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 1001780000001 1 178 Broxbourne 4 Winston Churchill Way 4 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78287 78894 776 817 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4001780000001 4 178 Broxbourne 5 A10-Great Cambridge Rd north of M255 NB 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,049 2,022 -1% 0.6 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4001780000002 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A10-Great Cambridge Rd north of M266 SB 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 2,021 2,090 3% 1.5 Pass Pass 78686_78866 Simulation Link 1001780000002 1 178 Broxbourne 13 A1170 13 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78686 78866 789 793 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 78866_78686 Simulation Link 1001780000001 1 178 Broxbourne 14 A1170 14 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78866 78686 1,123 1,236 10% 3.3 Pass Pass 78742_78709 Simulation Link 1001780000002 1 178 Broxbourne 17 B176 HIGH STREET SOUTH OF BROOKFIELD17 WB LANE EAST 2 1.00178E+12 78742 78709 832 942 13% 3.7 Pass Pass 78709_78742 Simulation Link 1001780000001 1 178 Broxbourne 18 B176 HIGH STREET SOUTH OF BROOKFIELD18 EB LANE EAST 1 1.00178E+12 78709 78742 561 553 -2% 0.4 Pass Pass 74394_74393 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 A406 Telford Road 1 EB 1 1.006E+12 74394 74393 1,122 1,254 12% 3.8 Pass Pass 74393_74394 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 A406 Telford Road 1 WB 2 1.006E+12 74393 74394 1,773 1,790 1% 0.4 Pass Pass 70393_70147 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 Coppetts Road between Bobby Moore43 WaySouthbound and Joint Road 2 1.02001E+12 70393 70147 7 - -100% 3.9 Pass Pass 70222_70114 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 B550 Colney Hatch Lane Between A40644 Southboundand Trott Road 2 1.02001E+12 70222 70114 1,191 1,291 8% 2.8 Pass Pass 74230_72248 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 22 A109 Bounds Green Road between A40645 Southbound and Ring Way 2 1.02001E+12 74230 72248 969 1,021 5% 1.7 Pass Pass 74531_74535 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Maidstone Road between Stoneham46 RoadEastbound and Warwick Road1 1.02001E+12 74531 74535 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 74530_74535 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Warwick Road between Maidstone Road47 Southbound and York Road 2 1.02001E+12 74530 74535 50 215 330% 14.3 Fail Fail 74539_72392 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 B106 Brownlow Road between Goring48 RoadSouthbound and York Road 2 1.02001E+12 74539 72392 454 362 -20% 4.5 Pass Pass 74020_74540 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Palmerston Road between A406 and50 SidneySouthbound Avenue 2 1.02001E+12 74020 74540 50 131 161% 8.5 Pass Fail 74269_74611 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 24 A105 Green Lanes between A406 and51 PrincesSouthbound Avenue 2 1.02001E+12 74269 74611 698 773 11% 2.8 Pass Pass 74126_74216 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Melville Gardens between A406 and52 HerewardSouthbound Gardens 2 1.02001E+12 74126 74216 150 337 124% 12.0 Fail Fail 74268_74554 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Chequers Way between Mitchell Road53 andSouthbound mini-roundabout2 1.02001E+12 74268 74554 309 51 -83% 19.2 Fail Fail 74025_74624 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 26 A10 Great Cambridge Road between54 OstliffeSouthbound Road and Lister2 Gardens1.02001E+12 74025 74624 1,545 1,323 -14% 5.9 Pass Fail 74222_74026 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Bull Lane between A406 and Watermill56 SouthboundLane 2 1.02001E+12 74222 74026 583 661 13% 3.1 Pass Pass 74197_74028 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Gloucester Road between Somerset 57RoadSouthbound and Sterling Way 2 1.02001E+12 74197 74028 449 333 -26% 5.9 Fail Fail 74031_74588 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 28 A1010 Fore Street between Raynham58 RoadSouthbound and Sterling Way2 1.02001E+12 74031 74588 910 874 -4% 1.2 Pass Pass 74472_74572 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 29 Cross Street between Raynham Road59 andSouthbound Sterling Way 2 1.02001E+12 74472 74572 250 327 31% 4.5 Pass Pass 74384_72766 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 30 A1055 Angel Edmonton Road between60 LeesideSouthbound Road and Glover2 1.02001E+12 Drive 74384 72766 1,681 1,432 -15% 6.3 Pass Fail 36308_36024 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 31 B179 Billet Road between Waltham 61ParkWestbound/Inbound Way and A406Westbound/Inbound roundabout1.02001E+12 36308 36024 159 472 197% 17.6 Fail Fail 36307_36140 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 32 A112 Chingford Road between A40662 roundaboutSouthbound/Inbound andSouthbound/Inbound Penrhyn Crescent1.02001E+12 36307 36140 862 954 11% 3.1 Pass Pass 36277_36523 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 B160 Fulbourne Road between Garner63 RoadWestbound/Inbound and WadhamWestbound/Inbound Road1.02001E+12 36277 36523 294 641 118% 16.1 Fail Fail 36278_36334 Simulation Link 1020010000001 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 Hale End Road between Wadham Road64 Southboundand Heathcroft Gardens2 1.02001E+12 36278 36334 485 170 -65% 17.4 Fail Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4020010000001 4 2001 Edmond-A406 34 A104 Woodford New Road between65 A406Southbound and A503 Forest Road2 4.02001E+12 36312 36275 1,704 1,725 1% 0.5 Pass Pass 70147_70393 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 Coppetts Road between Bobby Moore43 WayNorthbound and Joint Road 1 1.02001E+12 70147 70393 80 19 -76% 8.6 Pass Fail 70114_70222 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 B550 Colney Hatch Lane Between A40644 Northboundand Trott Road 1 1.02001E+12 70114 70222 539 670 24% 5.4 Fail Fail 72248_74230 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 22 A109 Bounds Green Road between A40645 Northbound and Ring Way 1 1.02001E+12 72248 74230 871 816 -6% 1.9 Pass Pass 74535_74531 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Maidstone Road between Stoneham46 RoadWestbound and Warwick Road2 1.02001E+12 74535 74531 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 74535_74530 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Warwick Road between Maidstone Road47 Northbound and York Road 1 1.02001E+12 74535 74530 50 251 401% 16.4 Fail Fail 72392_74539 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 B106 Brownlow Road between Goring48 RoadNorthbound and York Road 1 1.02001E+12 72392 74539 364 193 -47% 10.2 Fail Fail 74540_74020 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Palmerston Road between A406 and50 SidneyNorthbound Avenue 1 1.02001E+12 74540 74020 50 390 680% 22.9 Fail Fail 74611_74269 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 24 A105 Green Lanes between A406 and51 PrincesNorthbound Avenue 1 1.02001E+12 74611 74269 394 451 14% 2.8 Pass Pass 74216_74126 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Melville Gardens between A406 and52 HerewardNorthbound Gardens 1 1.02001E+12 74216 74126 150 107 -29% 3.8 Pass Pass 74554_74268 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Chequers Way between Mitchell Road53 andNorthbound mini-roundabout1 1.02001E+12 74554 74268 365 134 -63% 14.6 Fail Fail 74624_74025 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 26 A10 Great Cambridge Road between54 OstliffeOutbound/Outbound Road andOutbound/Outbound Lister Gardens1.02001E+12 74624 74025 882 876 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74026_74222 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Bull Lane between A406 and Watermill56 NorthboundLane 1 1.02001E+12 74026 74222 165 63 -62% 9.6 Fail Fail 74028_74197 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Gloucester Road between Somerset 57RoadNorthbound and Sterling Way 1 1.02001E+12 74028 74197 392 493 26% 4.8 Fail Pass 74588_74031 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 28 A1010 Fore Street between Raynham58 RoadNorthbound and Sterling Way1 1.02001E+12 74588 74031 430 436 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74572_74472 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 29 Cross Street between Raynham Road59 andNorthbound Sterling Way 1 1.02001E+12 74572 74472 250 247 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 72766_74384 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 30 A1055 Angel Edmonton Road between60 LeesideNorthbound Road and Glover1 1.02001E+12 Drive 72766 74384 1,104 1,010 -8% 2.9 Pass Pass 36024_36308 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 31 B179 Billet Road between Waltham 61ParkEastbound Way and A406 roundabout1 1.02001E+12 36024 36308 685 735 7% 1.9 Pass Pass 36140_36307 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 32 A112 Chingford Road between A40662 roundaboutNorthbound and Penrhyn1 Crescent1.02001E+12 36140 36307 591 610 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 36523_36277 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 B160 Fulbourne Road between Garner63 RoadEastbound and Wadham Road1 1.02001E+12 36523 36277 506 521 3% 0.7 Pass Pass 36334_36278 Simulation Link 1020010000002 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 Hale End Road between Wadham Road64 Northboundand Heathcroft Gardens1 1.02001E+12 36334 36278 287 70 -76% 16.3 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4020010000002 4 2001 Edmond-A406 34 A104 Woodford New Road between65 A406Northbound and A503 Forest Road1 4.02001E+12 36275 36312 1,309 1,337 2% 0.8 Pass Pass 74551_74608 Simulation Link 4001770000001 4 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Bowes Road 34 E 1 4.00177E+12 74551 74608 1,588 1,713 8% 3.1 Pass Pass 74608_74551 Simulation Link 4001770000002 4 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Bowes Road 34 W 2 4.00177E+12 74608 74551 1,820 1,653 -9% 4.0 Pass Pass 70230_74009 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Pinkham Way 39 E 1 1.00177E+12 70230 74009 2,133 1,936 -9% 4.4 Pass Pass 74009_70230 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Pinkham Way 39 W 2 1.00177E+12 74009 70230 2,466 2,385 -3% 1.7 Pass Pass 36294_36151 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Lea Valley Viaduct 40 E 1 1.00177E+12 36294 36151 3,923 3,865 -1% 0.9 Pass Pass 36412_36297 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Lea Valley Viaduct 40 W 2 1.00177E+12 36412 36297 3,816 3,772 -1% 0.7 Pass Pass 70158_70163 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Frien Barnet Lane 62 N 1 1.00177E+12 70158 70163 660 368 -44% 12.9 Fail Fail 70163_70158 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Frien Barnet Lane 62 S 2 1.00177E+12 70163 70158 633 448 -29% 8.0 Fail Fail 70175_70176 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Osidge Lane 63 E 1 1.00177E+12 70175 70176 635 633 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 70176_70175 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Osidge Lane 63 W 2 1.00177E+12 70176 70175 749 801 7% 1.9 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - AM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 74639_74135 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Windmill Hill 68 E 1 1.00177E+12 74639 74135 662 653 -1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74135_74639 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Windmill Hill 68 W 2 1.00177E+12 74135 74639 550 604 10% 2.2 Pass Pass 38156_38079 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Woodford New Road 70 N 1 1.00177E+12 38156 38079 880 861 -2% 0.6 Pass Pass 38079_38156 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Woodford New Road 70 S 2 1.00177E+12 38079 38156 922 995 8% 2.3 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A12 M11 Link Road Westbound 97 W 2 1.00177E+12 36322 36011 3,381 3,490 3% 1.9 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A12 M11 Link Road Eastbound 98 E 1 1.00177E+12 36010 36320 2,051 2,096 2% 1.0 Pass Pass 74203_74119 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A10 Great Cambridge Road NB 116 N 1 1.00177E+12 74203 74119 1,451 1,517 5% 1.7 Pass Pass 74119_74203 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 117 S 2 1.00177E+12 74119 74203 1,688 1,719 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 36102_74088 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A110 Lea Valley Road 151 W 2 1.00177E+12 36102 74088 732 578 -21% 6.0 Fail Fail 74088_36102 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A110 Lea Valley Road 151 E 1 1.00177E+12 74088 36102 519 564 9% 1.9 Pass Pass 74389_74189 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Meridian Way 232 S 2 1.00177E+12 74389 74189 979 1,021 4% 1.3 Pass Pass 74189_74389 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Meridian Way 232 N 1 1.00177E+12 74189 74389 811 836 3% 0.9 Pass Pass 74626_74132 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A1055 Great Cambridge Road 233 S 2 1.00177E+12 74626 74132 2,023 1,907 -6% 2.6 Pass Pass 74132_74626 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A1055 Great Cambridge Road 234 N 1 1.00177E+12 74132 74626 1,434 1,455 1% 0.5 Pass Pass 72087_72455 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Bruce Grove 299 S 2 1.00177E+12 72087 72455 479 406 -15% 3.5 Pass Pass 72455_72087 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Bruce Grove 299 N 1 1.00177E+12 72455 72087 365 387 6% 1.2 Pass Pass 38262_38269 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Southend Road WB 308 W 2 1.00177E+12 38262 38269 4,881 4,965 2% 1.2 Pass Pass 38270_38260 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Southend Road EB 309 E 1 1.00177E+12 38270 38260 4,861 4,958 2% 1.4 Pass Pass 74129_74224 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Stirling Way EB 323 E 1 1.00177E+12 74129 74224 2,846 2,774 -3% 1.3 Pass Pass 74222_74128 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Stirling Way WB 324 W 2 1.00177E+12 74222 74128 2,373 2,425 2% 1.1 Pass Pass 74624_74025 Simulation Link 1001770000001 1 177 RNP 0 Great Cambridge Road NB 350 N 1 1.00177E+12 74624 74025 882 876 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74025_74624 Simulation Link 1001770000002 1 177 RNP 0 Great Cambridge Road SB 351 S 2 1.00177E+12 74025 74624 1,545 1,323 -14% 5.9 Pass Fail 74294_75031 Simulation Link 1001740000001 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 6 M25 between J24 and J25 48 CW 1 1.00174E+12 74294 75031 4,456 4,772 7% 4.7 Pass Pass 80741_80034 Simulation Link 1001740000001 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 7 M25, Junction 25 - 26 49 CW 1 1.00174E+12 80741 80034 3,828 3,972 4% 2.3 Pass Pass 80395_80123 Simulation Link 1001740000001 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 8 M25 between J26 and J27 50 CW 1 1.00174E+12 80395 80123 3,760 3,855 3% 1.5 Pass Pass 80112_80396 Simulation Link 1001740000002 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 1 M25 between J27 and J26 51 AC 2 1.00174E+12 80112 80396 4,493 4,627 3% 2.0 Pass Pass 80038_80033 Simulation Link 1001740000002 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 2 M25, Junction 26 - 25 52 AC 2 1.00174E+12 80038 80033 4,862 5,029 3% 2.4 Pass Pass 74306_74295 Simulation Link 1001740000002 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 3 M25 between J25 and J24 53 AC 2 1.00174E+12 74306 74295 5,350 5,309 -1% 0.6 Pass Pass 78273_79210 Simulation Link 1002200000001 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 M25 J24 clockwise exit 1 CW 1 1.0022E+12 78273 79210 880 1,205 37% 10.1 Fail Fail 79200_79207 Simulation Link 1002200000002 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 AC, M25, Junction 24 Offslip 2 AC 2 1.0022E+12 79200 79207 582 582 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 79208_79202 Simulation Link 1002200000001 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 CW, M25, Junction 24 Onslip 3 CW 1 1.0022E+12 79208 79202 380 391 3% 0.6 Pass Pass 74651_74107 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 1 Mollison Avenue 1 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74651 74107 1,176 1,301 11% 3.5 Pass Pass 74519_74137 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 1 Alma Road 3 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74519 74137 257 211 -18% 3.0 Pass Pass 74647_74646 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 1 Hertford Road (South) 4 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74647 74646 461 352 -24% 5.4 Fail Fail 74115_74433 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 2 Carterhatch Road 5 Eastbound 1 1.00036E+12 74115 74433 686 855 25% 6.1 Fail Fail 74203_74432 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 2 Hoe Lane 6 Eastbound 1 1.00036E+12 74203 74432 584 265 -55% 15.5 Fail Fail 74203_74119 Simulation Link 1000360000001 1 36 Enfield East 3 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 7 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74203 74119 1,451 1,517 5% 1.7 Pass Pass 74107_74651 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 1 Mollison Avenue 1 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74107 74651 961 1,358 41% 11.7 Fail Fail 74137_74519 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 1 Alma Road 3 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74137 74519 666 117 -82% 27.8 Fail Fail 74646_74647 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 1 Hertford Road (South) 4 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74646 74647 540 722 34% 7.2 Fail Fail 74433_74115 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 2 Carterhatch Road 5 Westbound 2 1.00036E+12 74433 74115 528 476 -10% 2.3 Pass Pass 74432_74203 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 2 Hoe Lane 6 Westbound 2 1.00036E+12 74432 74203 8 75 836% 10.4 Pass Fail 74119_74203 Simulation Link 1000360000002 1 36 Enfield East 3 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 7 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74119 74203 1,688 1,719 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 74140_74076 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 1 Old Park Avenue 9 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74140 74076 722 697 -3% 0.9 Pass Pass 74484_74485 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 2 London Road 1 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74484 74485 536 592 11% 2.4 Pass Pass 74484_74486 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Uvedale Road 2 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74484 74486 24 - -100% 6.9 Pass Fail 74482_74481 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Village Road 3 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74482 74481 50 206 313% 13.8 Fail Fail 74476_74480 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Wellington Road 4 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74476 74480 150 2 -99% 17.0 Fail Fail 74475_74477 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Abbey Road 5 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74475 74477 50 317 534% 19.7 Fail Fail 74145_74417 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 1st Avenue 6 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74145 74417 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74145_74415 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 St Mark's Road 7 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74145 74415 250 134 -46% 8.3 Fail Fail 74416_74414 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Ladbroke Road 8 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74416 74414 50 1 -98% 9.7 Pass Fail 74293_74170 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Main Avenue 9 Westbound 2 1.00037E+12 74293 74170 350 221 -37% 7.6 Fail Fail 74293_74085 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 4 Lincoln Road 10 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74293 74085 258 265 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 74371_74175 Simulation Link 1000370000001 1 37 Enfield Town 5 Southbury Road 11 Westbound 2 1.00037E+12 74371 74175 560 593 6% 1.3 Pass Pass 74076_74140 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 1 Old Park Avenue 9 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74076 74140 722 708 -2% 0.5 Pass Pass 74485_74484 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 2 London Road 1 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74485 74484 624 608 -3% 0.7 Pass Pass 74486_74484 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Uvedale Road 2 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74486 74484 34 - -100% 8.2 Pass Fail 74481_74482 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Village Road 3 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74481 74482 50 130 160% 8.4 Pass Fail 74480_74476 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Wellington Road 4 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74480 74476 150 2 -99% 17.0 Fail Fail 74477_74475 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Abbey Road 5 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74477 74475 50 315 530% 19.6 Fail Fail 74417_74145 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 1st Avenue 6 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74417 74145 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74415_74145 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 St Mark's Road 7 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74415 74145 350 171 -51% 11.1 Fail Fail 74414_74416 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Ladbroke Road 8 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74414 74416 50 61 22% 1.5 Pass Pass 74170_74293 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Main Avenue 9 Eastbound 1 1.00037E+12 74170 74293 150 125 -17% 2.1 Pass Pass 74085_74293 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 4 Lincoln Road 10 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74085 74293 225 200 -11% 1.7 Pass Pass 74175_74371 Simulation Link 1000370000002 1 37 Enfield Town 5 Southbury Road 11 Eastbound 1 1.00037E+12 74175 74371 617 709 15% 3.6 Pass Pass 74287_74725 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Waterfall Road 1 Southbound 2 1.006E+12 74287 74725 935 837 -10% 3.3 Pass Pass 74725_74287 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Waterfall Road 1 Northbound 1 1.006E+12 74725 74287 542 552 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 72087_72278 Simulation Link 1006000000001 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Lordship Lane 3 Eastbound 1 1.006E+12 72087 72278 467 449 -4% 0.9 Pass Pass 72278_72087 Simulation Link 1006000000002 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Lordship Lane 3 Westbound 2 1.006E+12 72278 72087 592 629 6% 1.5 Pass Pass

473 473 341 294 72% 62% Link Count Statistics - PM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 78686_78884 Simulation Link 1.10006E+12 1 10006 Far Outer Cordon(N) 47 A1170 9 1 1 1.10006E+12 78686 78884 1,137 630 -45% 17.1 Fail Fail 78884_78686 Simulation Link 1.10006E+12 1 10006 Far Outer Cordon(N) 47 A1170 9 2 2 1.10006E+12 78884 78686 980 877 -11% 3.4 Pass Pass 80024_80393 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 1 A112 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80024 80393 809 829 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 80067_80020 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 1 Forest Side 2 1 1 1.00017E+12 80067 80020 50 36 -28% 2.1 Pass Pass 80067_80075 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 2 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80067 80075 698 911 30% 7.5 Fail Fail 80088_80084 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 3 Epping Road 1 1 1 1.00017E+12 80088 80084 690 617 -11% 2.8 Pass Pass 80096_80089 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 3 Piercing Hill 2 1 1 1.00017E+12 80096 80089 309 405 31% 5.1 Pass Fail 80393_80024 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 1 A112 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80393 80024 849 892 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 80020_80067 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 1 Forest Side 2 2 2 1.00017E+12 80020 80067 50 130 159% 8.4 Pass Fail 80075_80067 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 2 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80075 80067 806 848 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 80084_80088 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 3 Epping Road 1 2 2 1.00017E+12 80084 80088 697 764 10% 2.5 Pass Pass 80089_80096 Simulation Link 1.00017E+12 1 17 NorthEast 3 Piercing Hill 2 2 2 1.00017E+12 80089 80096 453 438 -3% 0.7 Pass Pass 78262_70196 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 1 St Albans Road 1 2 2 1.006E+12 78262 70196 377 420 11% 2.1 Pass Pass 70144_70369 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 2 East Barnet Road 2 2 2 1.006E+12 70144 70369 751 759 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 70187_70314 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Longmore Avenue 3 2 2 1.006E+12 70187 70314 653 658 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 70639_70397 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 4 Barnet Lane 4 2 2 1.006E+12 70639 70397 496 466 -6% 1.4 Pass Pass 70196_78262 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 1 St Albans Road 1 1 1 1.006E+12 70196 78262 615 628 2% 0.5 Pass Pass 70369_70144 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 2 East Barnet Road 2 1 1 1.006E+12 70369 70144 686 707 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 70314_70187 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Longmore Avenue 3 1 1 1.006E+12 70314 70187 824 818 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 70397_70639 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 4 Barnet Lane 4 1 1 1.006E+12 70397 70639 333 326 -2% 0.4 Pass Pass 70531_70533 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 1 Cat Hill 1 Eastbound 1 1.00077E+12 70531 70533 662 696 5% 1.3 Pass Pass 70532_70533 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 2 Mansfield Avenue 2 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70532 70533 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70021_70425 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Netherlands Road 6 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70021 70425 247 136 -45% 8.1 Fail Fail 70528_70527 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Churchill Road 7 Inbound 1 1.00077E+12 70528 70527 573 481 -16% 4.0 Pass Pass 70533_70531 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 1 Cat Hill 1 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70533 70531 750 785 5% 1.3 Pass Pass 70533_70532 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 2 Mansfield Avenue 2 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70533 70532 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70425_70021 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Netherlands Road 6 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70425 70021 374 368 -2% 0.3 Pass Pass 70527_70528 Simulation Link 1.00077E+12 1 77 04 - East Barnet 3 Churchill Road 7 Outbound 2 1.00077E+12 70527 70528 627 520 -17% 4.5 Fail Pass 36088_36413 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 1 A1009 Hall Lane 1 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36088 36413 730 664 -9% 2.5 Pass Pass 36079_36051 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A112 Chingford Road 7 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36079 36051 567 644 14% 3.1 Pass Pass 36379_36277 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 B160 Winchester Road 8 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36379 36277 357 663 86% 13.5 Fail Fail 36120_36121 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Beech Hall Road 9 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36120 36121 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36120_36083 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Hale End Road 10 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36120 36083 422 389 -8% 1.6 Pass Pass 36090_36018 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Falmouth Avenue 11 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36090 36018 100 5 -95% 13.1 Pass Fail 36108_36122 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 14 Inbound 1 2.00081E+12 36108 36122 547 483 -12% 2.8 Pass Pass 36413_36088 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 1 A1009 Hall Lane 1 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36413 36088 1,120 927 -17% 6.0 Fail Fail 36051_36079 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A112 Chingford Road 7 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36051 36079 919 1,009 10% 2.9 Pass Pass 36277_36379 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 B160 Winchester Road 8 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36277 36379 479 907 89% 16.2 Fail Fail 36121_36120 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Beech Hall Road 9 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36121 36120 50 0 -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36083_36120 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Hale End Road 10 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36083 36120 565 260 -54% 15.0 Fail Fail 36018_36090 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 Falmouth Avenue 11 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36018 36090 150 15 -90% 14.9 Fail Fail 36122_36108 Simulation Link 2.00081E+12 2 81 08 - Epping Forest 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 14 Outbound 2 2.00081E+12 36122 36108 704 864 23% 5.7 Fail Fail 36451_36405 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36451 36405 410 663 62% 10.9 Fail Fail 36208_36206 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Sutherland Rd 2 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36208 36206 50 0 -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36207_36206 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36207 36206 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36452_36205 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Higham Hill Road 4 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36452 36205 350 254 -28% 5.6 Pass Fail 36394_36215 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Millfield Avenue 6 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36394 36215 50 60 20% 1.4 Pass Pass 36128_36129 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 North Countless Road 8 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36128 36129 200 68 -66% 11.4 Fail Fail 36307_36140 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 A112 Chingford Road 10 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36307 36140 716 698 -2% 0.7 Pass Pass 36144_36335 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Brookscroft Road 11 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36144 36335 50 59 18% 1.2 Pass Pass 36334_36274 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Hale End Road 13 Inbound 1 1.00087E+12 36334 36274 186 123 -34% 5.0 Pass Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4.00087E+12 4 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 4 Woodford New Road South 15 Inbound 1 4.00087E+12 36312 36275 1,574 1,554 -1% 0.5 Pass Pass 36405_36451 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36405 36451 538 571 6% 1.4 Pass Pass 36206_36208 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Sutherland Rd 2 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36206 36208 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36206_36207 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36206 36207 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36205_36452 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Higham Hill Road 4 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36205 36452 350 121 -65% 14.9 Fail Fail 36215_36394 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 Millfield Avenue 6 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36215 36394 50 28 -44% 3.5 Pass Pass 36129_36128 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 1 North Countless Road 8 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36129 36128 200 507 154% 16.3 Fail Fail 36140_36307 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 2 A112 Chingford Road 10 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36140 36307 762 559 -27% 7.9 Fail Fail 36335_36144 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Brookscroft Road 11 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36335 36144 50 74 47% 3.0 Pass Pass 36274_36334 Simulation Link 1.00087E+12 1 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 3 Hale End Road 13 Outbound 2 1.00087E+12 36274 36334 407 135 -67% 16.5 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4.00087E+12 4 87 14 - Walthamstow East to West 4 Woodford New Road South 15 Outbound 2 4.00087E+12 36275 36312 1,748 1,805 3% 1.3 Pass Pass 36308_36024 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 Billet Road 20 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36308 36024 498 543 9% 1.9 Pass Pass 36129_36128 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 North Countless Road 19 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36129 36128 200 507 154% 16.3 Fail Fail 36133_36215 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Pennant Terrace 17 Inbound 1 1.00088E+12 36133 36215 50 50 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 36128_36129 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 North Countless Road 19 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36128 36129 200 68 -66% 11.4 Fail Fail 36024_36308 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 0 Billet Road 20 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36024 36308 977 1,050 8% 2.3 Pass Pass 36149_36148 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Winns Avenue 16 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36149 36148 50 179 258% 12.1 Fail Fail 36215_36133 Simulation Link 1.00088E+12 1 88 15 - Walthamstow North to South 2 Pennant Terrace 17 Outbound 2 1.00088E+12 36215 36133 50 131 163% 8.6 Pass Fail 36337_36338 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Forest Road 1 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36337 36338 592 621 5% 1.2 Pass Pass 36275_36440 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Woodford New Road 2 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36275 36440 1,014 969 -4% 1.4 Pass Pass 38246_36012 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Snaresbrook Road 3 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 38246 36012 334 159 -53% 11.2 Fail Fail 36327_36258 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Whipps Cross Road 4 Inbound 1 2.00089E+12 36327 36258 676 898 33% 7.9 Fail Fail 36338_36337 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Forest Road 1 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36338 36337 692 531 -23% 6.5 Fail Fail 36440_36275 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 1 Woodford New Road 2 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36440 36275 1,122 1,450 29% 9.2 Fail Fail 36258_36327 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Whipps Cross Road 4 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36258 36327 806 690 -14% 4.3 Pass Pass 36012_38246 Simulation Link 2.00089E+12 2 89 16 - Woodford to Wanstead 2 Snaresbrook Road 3 Outbound 2 2.00089E+12 36012 38246 345 283 -18% 3.5 Pass Pass 36029_36213 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford1 Blackhorse New Road)Road 2 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36029 36213 431 544 26% 5.1 Fail Fail 36389_36462 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Sherwell New Street Road) 13 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36389 36462 100 33 -67% 8.2 Pass Fail 36346_36463 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Lea Bridge New Road)Road 14 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36346 36463 688 1,074 56% 13.0 Fail Fail 36346_36345 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Peterborough New Road) Road 15 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36346 36345 100 53 -47% 5.4 Pass Fail 36043_36252 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 James New Lane Road) 16 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36043 36252 506 549 8% 1.8 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford5 A12 at New Leytonstone Road) 17 Inbound 1 1.00093E+12 36322 36011 2,272 2,059 -9% 4.6 Pass Pass 36213_36029 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford1 Blackhorse New Road)Road 2 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36213 36029 381 369 -3% 0.6 Pass Pass 36462_36389 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Sherwell New Street Road) 15 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36462 36389 100 0 -100% 14.1 Pass Fail 36463_36346 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Lea Bridge New Road)Road 16 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36463 36346 804 1,239 54% 13.6 Fail Fail 36345_36346 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 Peterborough New Road) Road 17 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36345 36346 100 100 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 36252_36043 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford4 James New Lane Road) 18 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36252 36043 624 628 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1.00093E+12 1 93 22 - Waltham Forest (Blackhorse Road to Woodford5 A12 at New Leytonstone Road) 19 Outbound 2 1.00093E+12 36010 36320 3,563 3,444 -3% 2.0 Pass Pass 70163_70158 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Friern Barnet lane 5 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70163 70158 558 333 -40% 10.7 Fail Fail 70549_70550 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Church Way 6 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70549 70550 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70166_70165 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Oakleigh Road North 7 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70166 70165 646 801 24% 5.8 Fail Fail 70551_70165 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Barfield Avenue 8 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70551 70165 50 90 80% 4.8 Pass Pass 70175_70160 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 0 Brunswick Park Road 9 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70175 70160 168 171 2% 0.2 Pass Pass 70552_74239 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 Hampden Way 10 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 70552 74239 514 130 -75% 21.4 Fail Fail 74455_74454 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 A1004, High Street 11 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 74455 74454 603 794 32% 7.2 Fail Fail 74220_74469 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 The Bourne 12 Inbound 1 1.00094E+12 74220 74469 615 823 34% 7.8 Fail Fail 70158_70163 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Friern Barnet lane 5 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70158 70163 655 426 -35% 9.9 Fail Fail 70550_70549 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Church Way 6 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70550 70549 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70165_70166 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Oakleigh Road North 7 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70165 70166 660 810 23% 5.5 Fail Fail 70165_70551 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 1 Barfield Avenue 8 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70165 70551 50 78 56% 3.5 Pass Pass 70160_70175 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 0 Brunswick Park Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 70160 70175 328 335 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 74239_70552 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 Hampden Way 10 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74239 70552 655 193 -71% 22.4 Fail Fail 74454_74455 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 A1004, High Street 11 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74454 74455 564 812 44% 9.4 Fail Fail 74469_74220 Simulation Link 1.00094E+12 1 94 23 - Barnet (Southwest to Northeast) 2 The Bourne 12 Outbound 2 1.00094E+12 74469 74220 691 955 38% 9.2 Fail Fail 36054_36053 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Waltham Way 1 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36054 36053 549 617 12% 2.8 Pass Pass 36054_36058 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Cherrydown Avenue 2 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36054 36058 100 5 -95% 13.2 Pass Fail 36057_36064 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Old Church Road 3 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36057 36064 352 529 50% 8.4 Fail Fail 36056_36058 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Hurst Avenue 4 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36056 36058 50 34 -32% 2.4 Pass Pass 36069_36091 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Larkshall Road 5 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36069 36091 405 722 78% 13.4 Fail Fail 36073_36070 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Withy Mead 6 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36073 36070 50 10 -80% 7.4 Pass Fail 36074_36084 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill West 7 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36074 36084 100 41 -59% 7.0 Pass Fail 36143_36105 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill 8 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36143 36105 533 401 -25% 6.1 Fail Fail 36076_36078 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Groveside Road 9 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36076 36078 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 36893_38113 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 White Hall Road 11 Inbound 1 1.00095E+12 36893 38113 579 523 -10% 2.4 Pass Pass 36053_36054 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Waltham Way 1 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36053 36054 845 879 4% 1.2 Pass Pass 36058_36054 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Cherrydown Avenue 2 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36058 36054 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 36064_36057 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Old Church Road 3 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36064 36057 431 479 11% 2.3 Pass Pass 36058_36056 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Hurst Avenue 4 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36058 36056 50 99 99% 5.7 Pass Fail 36091_36069 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Larkshall Road 5 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36091 36069 528 832 58% 11.7 Fail Fail 36070_36073 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Withy Mead 6 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36070 36073 50 5 -91% 8.7 Pass Fail 36084_36074 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill West 7 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36084 36074 100 26 -74% 9.3 Pass Fail 36105_36143 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Friday Hill 8 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36105 36143 666 685 3% 0.7 Pass Pass 36078_36076 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 Groveside Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 36078 36076 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 38113_36893 Simulation Link 1.00095E+12 1 95 24 - Chingford to Edmonton 1 White Hall Road 11 Outbound 2 1.00095E+12 38113 36893 507 461 -9% 2.1 Pass Pass 72072_72073 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Station Road 14 Inbound 1 1.006E+12 72072 72073 667 662 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 70531_70533 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 Cat Hill 1 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70531 70533 662 696 5% 1.3 Pass Pass 70532_70533 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Mansfield Ave 2 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70532 70533 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70141_70176 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Parkside Gardens 4 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70141 70176 50 14 -72% 6.3 Pass Fail 70175_70176 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 B1453 - Osidge Lane 5 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70175 70176 794 823 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 70175_70160 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Brunswick Park Road 6 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70175 70160 168 171 2% 0.2 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - PM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 70165_70159 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Oakleigh Road North 7 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70165 70159 600 649 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 70582_70580 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Crescent Road 8 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70582 70580 50 10 -80% 7.4 Pass Fail 70143_70574 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 4 Friern Barnet Rd 10 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 70143 70574 685 693 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 70230_74009 Simulation Link 4.00099E+12 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 A406 Pinkham Way 11 Inbound 1 4.00099E+12 70230 74009 2,517 2,076 -18% 9.2 Fail Fail 72396_72251 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 B106 Albert Road 12 Inbound 1 1.00099E+12 72396 72251 712 777 9% 2.4 Pass Pass 72186_72251 Simulation Link 4.00099E+12 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 Crescent Rise 13 Inbound 1 4.00099E+12 72186 72251 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72254_72089 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Park Avenue 14 Inbound 1 1.006E+12 72254 72089 350 304 -13% 2.5 Pass Pass 72073_72072 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Station Road 14 Outbound 2 1.006E+12 72073 72072 422 540 28% 5.4 Fail Fail 70533_70531 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 1 Cat Hill 1 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70533 70531 750 785 5% 1.3 Pass Pass 70533_70532 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Mansfield Ave 2 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70533 70532 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 70176_70141 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 Parkside Gardens 4 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70176 70141 50 48 -5% 0.3 Pass Pass 70176_70175 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 2 B1453 - Osidge Lane 5 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70176 70175 654 697 7% 1.7 Pass Pass 70160_70175 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Brunswick Park Road 6 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70160 70175 328 335 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 70159_70165 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Oakleigh Road North 7 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70159 70165 428 376 -12% 2.6 Pass Pass 70580_70582 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Crescent Road 8 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70580 70582 50 26 -48% 3.9 Pass Pass 70578_70573 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 3 Goldsmith Road 9 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70578 70573 50 170 239% 11.4 Fail Fail 70574_70143 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 4 Friern Barnet Rd 10 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 70574 70143 488 523 7% 1.6 Pass Pass 74009_70230 Simulation Link 4.00099E+12 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 A406 Pinkham Way 11 Outbound 2 4.00099E+12 74009 70230 2,311 2,323 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 72251_72396 Simulation Link 1.00099E+12 1 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 B106 Albert Road 12 Outbound 2 1.00099E+12 72251 72396 307 316 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 72251_72186 Simulation Link 4.00099E+12 4 99 28 - East Barnet to Wood Green 0 Crescent Rise 13 Outbound 2 4.00099E+12 72251 72186 50 92 83% 4.9 Pass Pass 72089_72254 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Park Avenue 14 Outbound 2 1.006E+12 72089 72254 350 450 29% 5.0 Fail Fail 72396_72251 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 0 B106 Albert Road 8 1 1 1.00107E+12 72396 72251 712 777 9% 2.4 Pass Pass 74551_74608 Simulation Link 4.00107E+12 4 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 A406 Bowes Road 1 1 1 4.00107E+12 74551 74608 1,641 1,556 -5% 2.1 Pass Pass 74533_74534 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Shrewsbury Road 3 1 1 1.00107E+12 74533 74534 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74551_74534 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Warwick Road 2 1 1 1.00107E+12 74551 74534 50 192 283% 12.9 Fail Fail 72250_74537 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 A109 Bounds Green 5 1 1 1.00107E+12 72250 74537 963 1,172 22% 6.4 Fail Fail 72185_72390 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Lynton Gardens 6 1 1 1.00107E+12 72185 72390 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 72185_72251 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Bidwell Gardens 7 1 1 1.00107E+12 72185 72251 100 0 -100% 14.1 Pass Fail 74602_74603 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Victoria Road 10 1 1 1.00107E+12 74602 74603 50 56 11% 0.8 Pass Pass 72080_72404 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Alexandra Park Road 11 1 1 1.00107E+12 72080 72404 350 247 -30% 6.0 Fail Fail 72406_72404 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Talbot Road 12 1 1 1.00107E+12 72406 72404 200 15 -92% 17.8 Fail Fail 72251_72396 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 0 B106 Albert Road 8 2 2 1.00107E+12 72251 72396 307 316 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 74608_74551 Simulation Link 4.00107E+12 4 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 1 A406 Bowes Road 1 2 2 4.00107E+12 74608 74551 1,585 1,614 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 74534_74533 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Shrewsbury Road 3 2 2 1.00107E+12 74534 74533 50 85 69% 4.2 Pass Pass 74534_74551 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Warwick Road 2 2 2 1.00107E+12 74534 74551 200 121 -40% 6.3 Pass Fail 74537_72250 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 A109 Bounds Green 5 2 2 1.00107E+12 74537 72250 818 886 8% 2.3 Pass Pass 72390_72185 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Lynton Gardens 6 2 2 1.00107E+12 72390 72185 50 4 -91% 8.7 Pass Fail 72251_72185 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Bidwell Gardens 7 2 2 1.00107E+12 72251 72185 150 157 5% 0.6 Pass Pass 74603_74602 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Victoria Road 10 2 2 1.00107E+12 74603 74602 50 27 -47% 3.8 Pass Pass 72404_72080 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Alexandra Park Road 11 2 2 1.00107E+12 72404 72080 350 270 -23% 4.6 Pass Pass 72404_72406 Simulation Link 1.00107E+12 1 107 03 - Alexandra Palace 2 Talbot Road 12 2 2 1.00107E+12 72404 72406 50 56 11% 0.8 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 1 A10 Great Cambridge Road, Cheshunt1 N 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,301 2,359 3% 1.2 Pass Pass 78895_74628 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 3 B176 Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt 1 N 1 4.00178E+12 78895 74628 842 715 -15% 4.6 Fail Pass 78883_78169 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 4 A10 Baas Hill, Broxbourne 1 N 1 4.00178E+12 78883 78169 2,374 2,106 -11% 5.7 Pass Fail 78359_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 5 B198 Lieutenant Ellis Way, Cheshunt1 E 1 4.00178E+12 78359 78287 352 362 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A121 Winston Churchill Way, Cheshunt1 E 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78894 436 474 9% 1.8 Pass Pass 78287_78364 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 7 A10(N) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78364 1,743 1,827 5% 2.0 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 8 Winston Churchill Way 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78894 436 474 9% 1.8 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 9 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 1,463 1,833 25% 9.1 Fail Fail 78287_78359 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 10 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78287 78359 776 783 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 78364_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 13 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78364 78287 1,425 1,718 21% 7.4 Fail Fail 78364_78363 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 14 College Road (W) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78364 78363 385 359 -7% 1.3 Pass Pass 78866_78686 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 20 A1170(E) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 78866 78686 901 920 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 22 A10(N) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,301 2,359 3% 1.2 Pass Pass 74302_75036 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 23 Slip road to M25(E) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74302 75036 550 807 47% 9.9 Fail Fail 74299_74298 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 24 A10(S) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74299 74298 1,938 1,937 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 74304_75035 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 25 Slip road from M25(W) 1 1 1 4.00178E+12 74304 75035 1,023 836 -18% 6.1 Fail Fail 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 1 A10 Great Cambridge Road, Cheshunt1 S 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 1,463 1,833 25% 9.1 Fail Fail 74628_78895 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 3 B176 Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt 1 S 2 4.00178E+12 74628 78895 699 555 -21% 5.8 Fail Fail 78169_78883 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 4 A10 Baas Hill, Broxbourne 1 S 2 4.00178E+12 78169 78883 2,065 2,237 8% 3.7 Pass Pass 78287_78359 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 5 B198 Lieutenant Ellis Way, Cheshunt1 W 2 4.00178E+12 78287 78359 776 783 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 78894_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A121 Winston Churchill Way, Cheshunt1 W 2 4.00178E+12 78894 78287 466 490 5% 1.1 Pass Pass 78364_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 7 A10(N) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78364 78287 1,425 1,718 21% 7.4 Fail Fail 78894_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 8 Winston Churchill Way 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78894 78287 466 490 5% 1.1 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 9 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,301 2,359 3% 1.2 Pass Pass 78359_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 10 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78359 78287 352 362 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 78287_78364 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 13 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78287 78364 1,743 1,827 5% 2.0 Pass Pass 78363_78364 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 14 College Road (W) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78363 78364 448 252 -44% 10.5 Fail Fail 78686_78866 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 20 A1170(E) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78686 78866 868 837 -4% 1.0 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 22 A10(N) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 1,463 1,833 25% 9.1 Fail Fail 75032_74303 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 23 Slip road from M25(E) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 75032 74303 627 784 25% 5.9 Fail Fail 74298_74299 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 24 A10(S) 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 74298 74299 1,747 1,960 12% 4.9 Pass Pass 75031_74233 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 25 M25 J25 clockwise exit 1 2 2 4.00178E+12 75031 74233 1,116 1,357 22% 6.9 Fail Fail 36451_36405 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36451 36405 410 663 62% 10.9 Fail Fail 36208_36206 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Sutherland Rd 2 1 1 4.00181E+12 36208 36206 50 0 -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36207_36206 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 1 1 4.00181E+12 36207 36206 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36452_36205 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Higham Hill Road 4 1 1 4.00181E+12 36452 36205 350 254 -28% 5.6 Pass Fail 36394_36215 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Millfield Avenue 5 1 1 4.00181E+12 36394 36215 50 60 20% 1.4 Pass Pass 36128_36129 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 North Countless Road 6 1 1 4.00181E+12 36128 36129 200 68 -66% 11.4 Fail Fail 36307_36140 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 2 A112 Chingford Road 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36307 36140 716 698 -2% 0.7 Pass Pass 36144_36335 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Brookscroft Road 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36144 36335 50 59 18% 1.2 Pass Pass 36334_36274 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Hale End Road 3 1 1 4.00181E+12 36334 36274 186 123 -34% 5.0 Pass Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 4 Woodford New Road South 1 1 1 4.00181E+12 36312 36275 1,574 1,554 -1% 0.5 Pass Pass 36405_36451 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Blackhorse Lane 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36405 36451 538 571 6% 1.4 Pass Pass 36206_36208 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Sutherland Rd 2 2 2 4.00181E+12 36206 36208 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36206_36207 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Hillyfield Rd 3 2 2 4.00181E+12 36206 36207 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 36205_36452 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Higham Hill Road 4 2 2 4.00181E+12 36205 36452 350 121 -65% 14.9 Fail Fail 36215_36394 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 Millfield Avenue 5 2 2 4.00181E+12 36215 36394 50 28 -44% 3.5 Pass Pass 36129_36128 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 1 North Countless Road 6 2 2 4.00181E+12 36129 36128 200 507 154% 16.3 Fail Fail 36140_36307 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 2 A112 Chingford Road 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36140 36307 762 559 -27% 7.9 Fail Fail 36335_36144 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Brookscroft Road 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36335 36144 50 74 47% 3.0 Pass Pass 36274_36334 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 3 Hale End Road 3 2 2 4.00181E+12 36274 36334 407 135 -67% 16.5 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4.00181E+12 4 181 Walthamstow_ELHAM 4 Woodford New Road South 1 2 2 4.00181E+12 36275 36312 1,748 1,805 3% 1.3 Pass Pass 80075_80067 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 1 1 1.02301E+12 80075 80067 806 848 5% 1.5 Pass Pass 80075_80020 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 WAKE ROAD 2 1 1 1.02301E+12 80075 80020 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 80030_80025 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 Cross Roads 3 1 1 1.02301E+12 80030 80025 441 514 16% 3.3 Pass Pass 36000_36132 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1069 Rangers Road 1 1 1 1.02301E+12 36000 36132 349 332 -5% 1.0 Pass Pass 38113_36893 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A110 Whitehall Road 2 1 1 1.02301E+12 38113 36893 507 461 -9% 2.1 Pass Pass 36122_36108 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 3 1 1 1.02301E+12 36122 36108 704 864 23% 5.7 Fail Fail 36018_36090 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 The Charter Rd 4 1 1 1.02301E+12 36018 36090 150 15 -90% 14.9 Fail Fail 36438_36083 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 Oak Hill 5 1 1 1.02301E+12 36438 36083 201 188 -7% 1.0 Pass Pass 80067_80075 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 A121 Woodridden Hill 1 2 2 1.02301E+12 80067 80075 698 911 30% 7.5 Fail Fail 80020_80075 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 WAKE ROAD 2 2 2 1.02301E+12 80020 80075 50 0 -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 80025_80030 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 1 Cross Roads 3 2 2 1.02301E+12 80025 80030 337 391 16% 2.8 Pass Pass 36132_36000 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1069 Rangers Road 1 2 2 1.02301E+12 36132 36000 371 368 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 36893_38113 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A110 Whitehall Road 2 2 2 1.02301E+12 36893 38113 579 523 -10% 2.4 Pass Pass 36108_36122 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 A1009 Chingford Lane 3 2 2 1.02301E+12 36108 36122 547 483 -12% 2.8 Pass Pass 36090_36018 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 The Charter Rd 4 2 2 1.02301E+12 36090 36018 100 5 -95% 13.1 Pass Fail 36083_36438 Simulation Link 1.02301E+12 1 2301 Epping New Road 2 Oak Hill 5 2 2 1.02301E+12 36083 36438 146 103 -29% 3.8 Pass Pass 80006_80387 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 1 A112 Sewardstone Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80006 80387 649 631 -3% 0.7 Pass Pass 80030_80385 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 2 A104 Epping New Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80030 80385 721 756 5% 1.3 Pass Pass 80022_80238 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 3 A121 High Road 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80022 80238 575 614 7% 1.6 Pass Pass 80235_80009 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 4 Unc - Loughton Way 0 I 1 1.01183E+12 80235 80009 384 259 -33% 7.0 Fail Fail 78262_70196 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 3 A1081 - St. Albans Road, High Barnet0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78262 70196 377 420 11% 2.1 Pass Pass 70198_70016 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 4 A1000 - Great North Road, Monken0 Hadley I 1 1.04183E+12 70198 70016 331 324 -2% 0.4 Pass Pass 70198_70313 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Dury Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 70198 70313 50 270 439% 17.4 Fail Fail 78260_74102 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Unc - Waggon Road, Hadley Wood 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78260 74102 265 73 -73% 14.8 Fail Fail 79198_74102 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 6 A111 - Cockfosters Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 79198 74102 757 784 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 79201_74116 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 7 A1005 - The Ridgeway, Botany Bay 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 79201 74116 513 566 10% 2.3 Pass Pass 78019_74120 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 8 Unc - Cattlegate Lane, Crews Hill 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 78019 74120 370 368 -1% 0.1 Pass Pass 74299_74298 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 9 A10 - A10 Great Cambridge Road 0 I 1 1.04183E+12 74299 74298 1,938 1,937 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 74234_74125 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 10 A1010 - High Street, Waltham Cross0 I 1 1.04183E+12 74234 74125 781 835 7% 1.9 Pass Pass 80387_80006 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 1 A112 Sewardstone Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80387 80006 721 763 6% 1.5 Pass Pass 80385_80030 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 2 A104 Epping New Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80385 80030 753 717 -5% 1.3 Pass Pass 80238_80022 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 3 A121 High Road 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80238 80022 502 521 4% 0.9 Pass Pass 80009_80235 Simulation Link 1.01183E+12 1 1183 Boundary-ELHAM 4 Unc - Loughton Way 0 O 2 1.01183E+12 80009 80235 345 202 -42% 8.7 Fail Fail 70196_78262 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 3 A1081 - St. Albans Road, High Barnet0 O 2 1.04183E+12 70196 78262 615 628 2% 0.5 Pass Pass 70016_70198 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 4 A1000 - Great North Road, Monken0 Hadley O 2 1.04183E+12 70016 70198 466 503 8% 1.7 Pass Pass 70313_70198 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Dury Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 70313 70198 50 240 380% 15.8 Fail Fail 74102_78260 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 5 Unc - Waggon Road, Hadley Wood 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74102 78260 175 22 -88% 15.5 Fail Fail 74102_79198 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 6 A111 - Cockfosters Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74102 79198 993 915 -8% 2.6 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - PM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 74116_79201 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 7 A1005 - The Ridgeway, Botany Bay 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74116 79201 509 586 15% 3.3 Pass Pass 74120_78019 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 8 Unc - Cattlegate Lane, Crews Hill 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74120 78019 664 676 2% 0.5 Pass Pass 74298_74299 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 9 A10 - A10 Great Cambridge Road 0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74298 74299 1,747 1,960 12% 4.9 Pass Pass 74125_74234 Simulation Link 1.04183E+12 1 4183 Boundary -NoLHAM 10 A1010 - High Street, Waltham Cross0 O 2 1.04183E+12 74125 74234 1,074 1,030 -4% 1.4 Pass Pass 72441_72069 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 A503 Ferry Lane 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 72441 72069 691 750 9% 2.2 Pass Pass 75023_74004 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 Argon Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 75023 74004 100 107 7% 0.7 Pass Pass 75020_74187 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 2 A406 - North Circular, Angel Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 75020 74187 3,146 3,343 6% 3.5 Pass Pass 36102_74088 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 3 A110 Lea Valley Road 0 WB 2 1.00195E+12 36102 74088 638 645 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 80033_80741 Simulation Link 4.00195E+12 4 195 Radial - River Lee 4 M25 between J25 and J26 (Waltham0 Abbey) WB 2 4.00195E+12 80033 80741 4,371 4,609 5% 3.6 Pass Pass 72069_72441 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 A503 Ferry Lane 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 72069 72441 895 1,020 14% 4.1 Pass Pass 74004_75023 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 1 Argon Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74004 75023 100 102 2% 0.2 Pass Pass 74196_75019 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 2 A406 - North Circular, Angel Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74196 75019 3,777 3,678 -3% 1.6 Pass Pass 74088_36102 Simulation Link 1.00195E+12 1 195 Radial - River Lee 3 A110 Lea Valley Road 0 EB 1 1.00195E+12 74088 36102 779 806 3% 0.9 Pass Pass 80741_80034 Simulation Link 4.00195E+12 4 195 Radial - River Lee 4 M25 between J25 and J26 (Waltham0 Abbey) EB 1 4.00195E+12 80741 80034 5,299 5,522 4% 3.0 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1.022E+12 1 2200 Cannonbury - Hackney Marsh 8 A12 River Lea 0 I 1 1.022E+12 36322 36011 2,272 2,059 -9% 4.6 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1.022E+12 1 2200 Cannonbury - Hackney Marsh 8 A12 River Lea 0 O 2 1.022E+12 36010 36320 3,563 3,444 -3% 2.0 Pass Pass 72441_72069 Simulation Link 1.00202E+12 1 202 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 A503, at Tottenham Hale Stn railway0 bridge WB 2 1.00202E+12 72441 72069 691 750 9% 2.2 Pass Pass 72069_72441 Simulation Link 1.00202E+12 1 202 Tottenham - Inner Central 1 A503, at Tottenham Hale Stn railway0 bridge EB 1 1.00202E+12 72069 72441 895 1,020 14% 4.1 Pass Pass 74120_74121 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 1 Cattlegate Rd, at Crews Hill Stn railway0 EB bridge 1 1.01203E+12 74120 74121 389 372 -4% 0.9 Pass Pass 74106_74366 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Lavender Hill, between Shooters Rd0 & EB Lavender Gdns 1 1.01203E+12 74106 74366 603 567 -6% 1.5 Pass Pass 74134_74090 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Holtwhite's Hill, between Monks Rd0 & EB Kirkland Dr 1 1.01203E+12 74134 74090 317 245 -23% 4.3 Pass Pass 74113_74147 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Chase Green Ave, between W Bank 0& EBConical Corner 1 1.01203E+12 74113 74147 148 304 105% 10.4 Fail Fail 74640_74076 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 4 A110, at Enfield Chase Stn railway bridge0 EB 1 1.01203E+12 74640 74076 710 720 1% 0.4 Pass Pass 74136_74140 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vera Ave, between Merridene & Homewillow0 EB Cl 1 1.01203E+12 74136 74140 191 270 41% 5.2 Pass Fail 74013_74059 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Grn Dragon Ln, between Hadley Way0 & EB Hoodcote Gdns 1 1.01203E+12 74013 74059 641 697 9% 2.1 Pass Pass 74259_74060 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vicar's Moor Ln, at railway bridge 0 EB 1 1.01203E+12 74259 74060 93 258 178% 12.5 Fail Fail 74280_74043 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Station Rd, at Winchmore Hill Stn railway0 EB bridge 1 1.01203E+12 74280 74043 460 343 -26% 5.9 Fail Fail 74208_74281 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Compton Rd, between Hoopers Rd &0 Roseneath EB Ave 1 1.01203E+12 74208 74281 86 9 -90% 11.2 Pass Fail 74208_74282 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Hoopers Rd, between Downes Ct & 0Arlow EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 74208 74282 227 137 -39% 6.6 Pass Fail 74157_74040 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 6 A111, between Woodland Way & Hoopers0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 74157 74040 623 752 21% 4.9 Fail Pass 74452_74155 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 6 Fox Ln, between Old Park Rd & Pellipar0 EB Cl 1 1.01203E+12 74452 74155 303 145 -52% 10.6 Fail Fail 74035_74038 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 7 A1004, at Palmers Green Stn railway0 bridge EB 1 1.01203E+12 74035 74038 415 516 24% 4.7 Fail Pass 74150_74124 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 7 Broomfield Ln, between Substation 0& EBBridge Dr 1 1.01203E+12 74150 74124 437 413 -5% 1.2 Pass Pass 75504_74616 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 8 A406, between Pymmes Cl & Palmerston0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 75504 74616 2,074 2,000 -4% 1.6 Pass Pass 72233_72090 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 9 A109, between Palace Rd & Whittington0 EB Rd 1 1.01203E+12 72233 72090 938 941 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 72081_72252 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 10 Buckingham Rd, between Brdige Rd0 & EB Bedford Rd 1 1.01203E+12 72081 72252 513 522 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 74121_74120 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 1 Cattlegate Rd, at Crews Hill Stn railway0 WB bridge 2 1.01203E+12 74121 74120 545 521 -4% 1.1 Pass Pass 74366_74106 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Lavender Hill, between Shooters Rd0 & WB Lavender Gdns 2 1.01203E+12 74366 74106 425 474 12% 2.3 Pass Pass 74090_74134 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Holtwhite's Hill, between Monks Rd0 & WB Kirkland Dr 2 1.01203E+12 74090 74134 318 230 -28% 5.3 Pass Fail 74147_74113 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 2 Chase Green Ave, between W Bank 0& WBConical Corner 2 1.01203E+12 74147 74113 185 243 31% 4.0 Pass Pass 74076_74640 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 4 A110, at Enfield Chase Stn railway bridge0 WB 2 1.01203E+12 74076 74640 683 750 10% 2.5 Pass Pass 74140_74136 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vera Ave, between Merridene & Homewillow0 WB Cl 2 1.01203E+12 74140 74136 234 292 25% 3.6 Pass Pass 74059_74013 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Grn Dragon Ln, between Hadley Way0 & WB Hoodcote Gdns 2 1.01203E+12 74059 74013 638 680 7% 1.6 Pass Pass 74060_74259 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Vicar's Moor Ln, at railway bridge 0 WB 2 1.01203E+12 74060 74259 99 290 192% 13.7 Fail Fail 74043_74280 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Station Rd, at Winchmore Hill Stn railway0 WB bridge 2 1.01203E+12 74043 74280 376 302 -20% 4.1 Pass Pass 74210_74208 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Compton Rd, between Hoopers Rd &0 Roseneath WB Ave 2 1.01203E+12 74210 74208 191 150 -21% 3.1 Pass Pass 74282_74208 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 5 Hoopers Rd, between Downes Ct & 0Arlow WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74282 74208 224 94 -58% 10.4 Fail Fail 74040_74157 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 6 A111, between Woodland Way & Hoopers0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74040 74157 640 833 30% 7.1 Fail Fail 74155_74452 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 6 Fox Ln, between Old Park Rd & Pellipar0 WB Cl 2 1.01203E+12 74155 74452 315 173 -45% 9.1 Fail Fail 74038_74035 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 7 A1004, at Palmers Green Stn railway0 bridge WB 2 1.01203E+12 74038 74035 193 231 19% 2.6 Pass Pass 74124_74150 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 7 Broomfield Ln, between Substation 0& WBBridge Dr 2 1.01203E+12 74124 74150 319 265 -17% 3.2 Pass Pass 74616_75504 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 8 A406, between Pymmes Cl & Palmerston0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 74616 75504 1,996 1,797 -10% 4.6 Pass Pass 72090_72233 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 9 A109, between Palace Rd & Whittington0 WB Rd 2 1.01203E+12 72090 72233 858 777 -9% 2.8 Pass Pass 72252_72081 Simulation Link 1.01203E+12 1 1203 Great North-South 10 Buckingham Rd, between Brdige Rd0 & WB Bedford Rd 2 1.01203E+12 72252 72081 471 542 15% 3.2 Pass Pass 70393_70147 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 Coppetts Rd, between Bobby Moore0 Way I & Joint Rd 1 1.02207E+12 70393 70147 5 0 -100% 3.1 Pass Pass 70222_70114 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 B550 Colney Hatch Ln, between Onion0 I Rd & Trott Rd 1 1.02207E+12 70222 70114 1,055 1,114 6% 1.8 Pass Pass 72185_72251 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 Blake Rd, between Tunnel Gdns & St0 Martin I School 1 1.02207E+12 72185 72251 100 0 -100% 14.1 Pass Fail 72394_72251 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 B106 Dumsford Rd, between Maya Pl0 I& Woodford Way 1 1.02207E+12 72394 72251 404 407 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 72352_72089 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 10 A109, between Imperial Rd & Eastern0 IRd 1 1.02207E+12 72352 72089 745 754 1% 0.4 Pass Pass 72091_72351 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 11 A105 High Rd, between Kings Rd & Trinity0 I Rd 1 1.02207E+12 72091 72351 523 568 9% 1.9 Pass Pass 74547_72097 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 Wolves Ln, between cemetery & Woodside0 I Rd 1 1.02207E+12 74547 72097 213 347 63% 8.0 Fail Fail 72204_72115 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 White Hart Lane, between Fenton Rd0 I& Self Storage 1 1.02207E+12 72204 72115 458 337 -26% 6.1 Fail Fail 72762_72098 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 13 A10 Gt Cambridge Rd, between A10800 I & Cavell Rd 1 1.02207E+12 72762 72098 1,374 1,398 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 72103_72099 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 15 A1010 High Rd, btwn Bill Nicholson 0Way I & Park Lane 1 1.02207E+12 72103 72099 494 504 2% 0.4 Pass Pass 72100_72285 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 17 Shelbourne Road, between Manor Road0 I & Park Lane 1 1.02207E+12 72100 72285 442 438 -1% 0.2 Pass Pass 70147_70393 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 Coppetts Rd, between Bobby Moore0 Way O & Joint Rd 2 1.02207E+12 70147 70393 89 155 75% 6.0 Pass Fail 70114_70222 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 7 B550 Colney Hatch Ln, between Onion0 O Rd & Trott Rd 2 1.02207E+12 70114 70222 906 929 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 72251_72185 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 Blake Rd, between Tunnel Gdns & St0 Martin O School 2 1.02207E+12 72251 72185 150 157 5% 0.6 Pass Pass 72251_72394 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 8 B106 Dumsford Rd, between Maya Pl0 O& Woodford Way 2 1.02207E+12 72251 72394 766 620 -19% 5.5 Fail Fail 72089_72352 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 10 A109, between Imperial Rd & Eastern0 ORd 2 1.02207E+12 72089 72352 987 454 -54% 19.8 Fail Fail 72351_72091 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 11 A105 High Rd, between Kings Rd & Trinity0 O Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72351 72091 638 647 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 72097_74547 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 Wolves Ln, between cemetery & Woodside0 O Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72097 74547 588 643 9% 2.2 Pass Pass 72115_72204 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 12 White Hart Lane, between Fenton Rd0 O& Self Storage 2 1.02207E+12 72115 72204 549 403 -27% 6.7 Fail Fail 72098_72762 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 13 A10 Gt Cambridge Rd, between A10800 O & Cavell Rd 2 1.02207E+12 72098 72762 1,319 1,327 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 72099_72103 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 15 A1010 High Rd, btwn Bill Nicholson 0Way O & Park Lane 2 1.02207E+12 72099 72103 570 854 50% 10.6 Fail Fail 72285_72100 Simulation Link 1.02207E+12 1 2207 Hendon - Tottenham Marshes 17 Shelbourne Road, between Manor Road0 O & Park Lane 2 1.02207E+12 72285 72100 568 450 -21% 5.2 Fail Fail 78359_78287 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 1 Lieutenant Ellis Way 1 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78359 78287 352 362 3% 0.5 Pass Pass 78287_78359 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 2 Lieutenant Ellis Way 2 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78287 78359 776 783 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 78894_78287 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 3 Winston Churchill Way 3 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78894 78287 466 490 5% 1.1 Pass Pass 78287_78894 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 4 Winston Churchill Way 4 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78287 78894 436 474 9% 1.8 Pass Pass 79204_78287 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 5 A10-Great Cambridge Rd north of M255 NB 1 4.00178E+12 79204 78287 2,301 2,359 3% 1.2 Pass Pass 78287_79204 Simulation Link 4.00178E+12 4 178 Broxbourne 6 A10-Great Cambridge Rd north of M266 SB 2 4.00178E+12 78287 79204 1,463 1,833 25% 9.1 Fail Fail 78686_78866 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 13 A1170 13 WB 2 1.00178E+12 78686 78866 868 837 -4% 1.0 Pass Pass 78866_78686 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 14 A1170 14 EB 1 1.00178E+12 78866 78686 901 920 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 78742_78709 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 17 B176 HIGH STREET SOUTH OF BROOKFIELD17 WB LANE EAST 2 1.00178E+12 78742 78709 548 480 -12% 3.0 Pass Pass 78709_78742 Simulation Link 1.00178E+12 1 178 Broxbourne 18 B176 HIGH STREET SOUTH OF BROOKFIELD18 EB LANE EAST 1 1.00178E+12 78709 78742 987 782 -21% 6.9 Fail Fail 74394_74393 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 A406 Telford Road 1 EB 1 1.006E+12 74394 74393 1,298 1,100 -15% 5.7 Fail Fail 74393_74394 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 A406 Telford Road 1 WB 2 1.006E+12 74393 74394 1,737 1,642 -5% 2.3 Pass Pass 70393_70147 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 Coppetts Road between Bobby Moore43 Southbound Way and Joint Road 2 1.02001E+12 70393 70147 5 0 -100% 3.1 Pass Pass 70222_70114 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 B550 Colney Hatch Lane Between A40644 Southbound and Trott Road 2 1.02001E+12 70222 70114 1,055 1,114 6% 1.8 Pass Pass 74230_72248 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 22 A109 Bounds Green Road between45 A406 Southbound and Ring Way 2 1.02001E+12 74230 72248 861 890 3% 1.0 Pass Pass 74531_74535 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Maidstone Road between Stoneham46 Road Eastbound and Warwick Road1 1.02001E+12 74531 74535 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 74530_74535 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Warwick Road between Maidstone47 Road Southbound and York Road 2 1.02001E+12 74530 74535 50 202 305% 13.6 Fail Fail 74539_72392 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 B106 Brownlow Road between Goring48 Southbound Road and York Road 2 1.02001E+12 74539 72392 345 265 -23% 4.6 Pass Pass 74020_74540 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Palmerston Road between A406 and50 Sidney Southbound Avenue 2 1.02001E+12 74020 74540 50 47 -6% 0.4 Pass Pass 74269_74611 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 24 A105 Green Lanes between A406 and51 SouthboundPrinces Avenue 2 1.02001E+12 74269 74611 610 671 10% 2.4 Pass Pass 74126_74216 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Melville Gardens between A406 and52 Hereward Southbound Gardens 2 1.02001E+12 74126 74216 150 196 31% 3.5 Pass Pass 74268_74554 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Chequers Way between Mitchell Road53 Southbound and mini-roundabout2 1.02001E+12 74268 74554 159 109 -31% 4.3 Pass Pass 74025_74624 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 26 A10 Great Cambridge Road between54 Ostliffe Southbound Road and Lister2 Gardens 1.02001E+12 74025 74624 1,339 1,351 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74222_74026 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Bull Lane between A406 and Watermill56 Southbound Lane 2 1.02001E+12 74222 74026 604 570 -6% 1.4 Pass Pass 74197_74028 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Gloucester Road between Somerset57 Road Southbound and Sterling Way 2 1.02001E+12 74197 74028 186 222 19% 2.5 Pass Pass 74031_74588 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 28 A1010 Fore Street between Raynham58 SouthboundRoad and Sterling Way2 1.02001E+12 74031 74588 689 718 4% 1.1 Pass Pass 74472_74572 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 29 Cross Street between Raynham Road59 and Southbound Sterling Way 2 1.02001E+12 74472 74572 250 220 -12% 1.9 Pass Pass 74384_72766 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 30 A1055 Angel Edmonton Road between60 Southbound Leeside Road and Glover2 1.02001E+12 Drive 74384 72766 1,301 1,321 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 36308_36024 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 31 B179 Billet Road between Waltham61 ParkWestbound/Inbound Way and A406Westbound/Inbound roundabout1.02001E+12 36308 36024 498 543 9% 1.9 Pass Pass 36307_36140 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 32 A112 Chingford Road between A40662 roundaboutSouthbound/Inbound andSouthbound/Inbound Penrhyn Crescent1.02001E+12 36307 36140 716 698 -2% 0.7 Pass Pass 36277_36523 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 B160 Fulbourne Road between Garner63 Westbound/Inbound Road and WadhamWestbound/Inbound Road1.02001E+12 36277 36523 428 480 12% 2.4 Pass Pass 36278_36334 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 Hale End Road between Wadham Road64 Southbound and Heathcroft Gardens2 1.02001E+12 36278 36334 208 123 -41% 6.6 Pass Fail 36312_36275 Simulation Link 4.02001E+12 4 2001 Edmond-A406 34 A104 Woodford New Road between65 A406 Southbound and A503 Forest Road2 4.02001E+12 36312 36275 1,574 1,554 -1% 0.5 Pass Pass 70147_70393 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 Coppetts Road between Bobby Moore43 Northbound Way and Joint Road 1 1.02001E+12 70147 70393 89 155 75% 6.0 Pass Fail 70114_70222 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 21 B550 Colney Hatch Lane Between A40644 Northbound and Trott Road 1 1.02001E+12 70114 70222 906 929 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 72248_74230 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 22 A109 Bounds Green Road between45 A406 Northbound and Ring Way 1 1.02001E+12 72248 74230 1,035 1,022 -1% 0.4 Pass Pass 74535_74531 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Maidstone Road between Stoneham46 Road Westbound and Warwick Road2 1.02001E+12 74535 74531 100 - -100% 14.1 Fail Fail 74535_74530 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Warwick Road between Maidstone47 Road Northbound and York Road 1 1.02001E+12 74535 74530 50 494 888% 26.9 Fail Fail 72392_74539 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 B106 Brownlow Road between Goring48 Northbound Road and York Road 1 1.02001E+12 72392 74539 370 393 6% 1.2 Pass Pass 74540_74020 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 23 Palmerston Road between A406 and50 Sidney Northbound Avenue 1 1.02001E+12 74540 74020 50 352 604% 21.3 Fail Fail 74611_74269 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 24 A105 Green Lanes between A406 and51 NorthboundPrinces Avenue 1 1.02001E+12 74611 74269 369 371 1% 0.1 Pass Pass 74216_74126 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Melville Gardens between A406 and52 Hereward Northbound Gardens 1 1.02001E+12 74216 74126 150 224 49% 5.4 Pass Fail 74554_74268 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 25 Chequers Way between Mitchell Road53 Northbound and mini-roundabout1 1.02001E+12 74554 74268 421 254 -40% 9.1 Fail Fail 74624_74025 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 26 A10 Great Cambridge Road between54 OstliffeOutbound/Outbound Road andOutbound/Outbound Lister Gardens1.02001E+12 74624 74025 963 951 -1% 0.4 Pass Pass 74026_74222 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Bull Lane between A406 and Watermill56 Northbound Lane 1 1.02001E+12 74026 74222 305 48 -84% 19.4 Fail Fail 74028_74197 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 27 Gloucester Road between Somerset57 Road Northbound and Sterling Way 1 1.02001E+12 74028 74197 409 730 79% 13.5 Fail Fail 74588_74031 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 28 A1010 Fore Street between Raynham58 NorthboundRoad and Sterling Way1 1.02001E+12 74588 74031 480 687 43% 8.5 Fail Fail 74572_74472 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 29 Cross Street between Raynham Road59 and Northbound Sterling Way 1 1.02001E+12 74572 74472 250 189 -24% 4.1 Pass Pass 72766_74384 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 30 A1055 Angel Edmonton Road between60 Northbound Leeside Road and Glover1 1.02001E+12 Drive 72766 74384 2,029 1,213 -40% 20.3 Fail Fail 36024_36308 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 31 B179 Billet Road between Waltham61 Park Eastbound Way and A406 roundabout1 1.02001E+12 36024 36308 977 1,050 8% 2.3 Pass Pass 36140_36307 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 32 A112 Chingford Road between A40662 roundabout Northbound and Penrhyn1 Crescent 1.02001E+12 36140 36307 762 559 -27% 7.9 Fail Fail 36523_36277 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 B160 Fulbourne Road between Garner63 Eastbound Road and Wadham Road1 1.02001E+12 36523 36277 310 800 158% 20.8 Fail Fail 36334_36278 Simulation Link 1.02001E+12 1 2001 Edmond-A406 33 Hale End Road between Wadham Road64 Northbound and Heathcroft Gardens1 1.02001E+12 36334 36278 518 135 -74% 21.2 Fail Fail 36275_36312 Simulation Link 4.02001E+12 4 2001 Edmond-A406 34 A104 Woodford New Road between65 A406 Northbound and A503 Forest Road1 4.02001E+12 36275 36312 1,748 1,805 3% 1.3 Pass Pass 74551_74608 Simulation Link 4.00177E+12 4 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Bowes Road 34 E 1 4.00177E+12 74551 74608 1,641 1,556 -5% 2.1 Pass Pass Link Count Statistics - PM Peak Total Veh Calibration(1) Included in / Direction Link ID SL_direction SL SL Desc Mini SL Site Site No Direction Site tag A node B node Observed Modelled % Diff GEH DMRB GEH < 5 Study Area? Validation(2)/ Tag RSI(3) 74608_74551 Simulation Link 4.00177E+12 4 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Bowes Road 34 W 2 4.00177E+12 74608 74551 1,585 1,614 2% 0.7 Pass Pass 70230_74009 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Pinkham Way 39 E 1 1.00177E+12 70230 74009 2,517 2,076 -18% 9.2 Fail Fail 74009_70230 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Pinkham Way 39 W 2 1.00177E+12 74009 70230 2,311 2,323 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 36294_36151 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Lea Valley Viaduct 40 E 1 1.00177E+12 36294 36151 4,870 4,584 -6% 4.2 Pass Pass 36412_36297 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Lea Valley Viaduct 40 W 2 1.00177E+12 36412 36297 4,333 4,074 -6% 4.0 Pass Pass 70158_70163 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Frien Barnet Lane 62 N 1 1.00177E+12 70158 70163 655 426 -35% 9.9 Fail Fail 70163_70158 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Frien Barnet Lane 62 S 2 1.00177E+12 70163 70158 558 333 -40% 10.7 Fail Fail 70175_70176 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Osidge Lane 63 E 1 1.00177E+12 70175 70176 794 823 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 70176_70175 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Osidge Lane 63 W 2 1.00177E+12 70176 70175 654 697 7% 1.7 Pass Pass 74639_74135 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Windmill Hill 68 E 1 1.00177E+12 74639 74135 602 601 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 74135_74639 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Windmill Hill 68 W 2 1.00177E+12 74135 74639 719 741 3% 0.8 Pass Pass 38156_38079 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Woodford New Road 70 N 1 1.00177E+12 38156 38079 977 997 2% 0.6 Pass Pass 38079_38156 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Woodford New Road 70 S 2 1.00177E+12 38079 38156 731 786 8% 2.0 Pass Pass 36322_36011 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A12 M11 Link Road Westbound 97 W 2 1.00177E+12 36322 36011 2,272 2,059 -9% 4.6 Pass Pass 36010_36320 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A12 M11 Link Road Eastbound 98 E 1 1.00177E+12 36010 36320 3,563 3,444 -3% 2.0 Pass Pass 74203_74119 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A10 Great Cambridge Road NB 116 N 1 1.00177E+12 74203 74119 1,639 1,635 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 74119_74203 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 117 S 2 1.00177E+12 74119 74203 1,742 1,817 4% 1.8 Pass Pass 36102_74088 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A110 Lea Valley Road 151 W 2 1.00177E+12 36102 74088 638 645 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74088_36102 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A110 Lea Valley Road 151 E 1 1.00177E+12 74088 36102 779 806 3% 0.9 Pass Pass 74389_74189 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Meridian Way 232 S 2 1.00177E+12 74389 74189 894 942 5% 1.6 Pass Pass 74189_74389 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Meridian Way 232 N 1 1.00177E+12 74189 74389 824 866 5% 1.4 Pass Pass 74626_74132 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A1055 Great Cambridge Road 233 S 2 1.00177E+12 74626 74132 1,583 1,671 6% 2.2 Pass Pass 74132_74626 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A1055 Great Cambridge Road 234 N 1 1.00177E+12 74132 74626 1,695 1,654 -2% 1.0 Pass Pass 72087_72455 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Bruce Grove 299 S 2 1.00177E+12 72087 72455 503 362 -28% 6.7 Fail Fail 72455_72087 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Bruce Grove 299 N 1 1.00177E+12 72455 72087 398 396 -1% 0.1 Pass Pass 38262_38269 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Southend Road WB 308 W 2 1.00177E+12 38262 38269 5,280 5,344 1% 0.9 Pass Pass 38270_38260 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Southend Road EB 309 E 1 1.00177E+12 38270 38260 5,819 6,155 6% 4.3 Pass Pass 74129_74224 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Stirling Way EB 323 E 1 1.00177E+12 74129 74224 2,900 2,711 -7% 3.6 Pass Pass 74222_74128 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 A406 NCR Stirling Way WB 324 W 2 1.00177E+12 74222 74128 2,739 2,835 3% 1.8 Pass Pass 74624_74025 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Great Cambridge Road NB 350 N 1 1.00177E+12 74624 74025 963 951 -1% 0.4 Pass Pass 74025_74624 Simulation Link 1.00177E+12 1 177 RNP 0 Great Cambridge Road SB 351 S 2 1.00177E+12 74025 74624 1,339 1,351 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74294_75031 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 6 M25 between J24 and J25 48 CW 1 1.00174E+12 74294 75031 4,967 6,073 22% 14.9 Fail Fail 80741_80034 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 7 M25, Junction 25 - 26 49 CW 1 1.00174E+12 80741 80034 5,299 5,522 4% 3.0 Pass Pass 80395_80123 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 8 M25 between J26 and J27 50 CW 1 1.00174E+12 80395 80123 5,200 5,286 2% 1.2 Pass Pass 80112_80396 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 1 M25 between J27 and J26 51 AC 2 1.00174E+12 80112 80396 4,473 4,554 2% 1.2 Pass Pass 80038_80033 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 2 M25, Junction 26 - 25 52 AC 2 1.00174E+12 80038 80033 4,547 4,609 1% 0.9 Pass Pass 74306_74295 Simulation Link 1.00174E+12 1 174 M25 NoLHAM 3 M25 between J25 and J24 53 AC 2 1.00174E+12 74306 74295 4,604 4,659 1% 0.8 Pass Pass 78273_79210 Simulation Link 1.0022E+12 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 M25 J24 clockwise exit 1 CW 1 1.0022E+12 78273 79210 889 1,010 14% 4.0 Pass Pass 79200_79207 Simulation Link 1.0022E+12 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 AC, M25, Junction 24 Offslip 2 AC 2 1.0022E+12 79200 79207 406 395 -3% 0.5 Pass Pass 79208_79202 Simulation Link 1.0022E+12 1 220 M25Slip_Junction 24 0 CW, M25, Junction 24 Onslip 3 CW 1 1.0022E+12 79208 79202 612 609 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 74651_74107 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Mollison Avenue 1 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74651 74107 972 1,337 38% 10.8 Fail Fail 74519_74137 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Alma Road 3 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74519 74137 480 210 -56% 14.5 Fail Fail 74647_74646 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Hertford Road (South) 4 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74647 74646 573 474 -17% 4.3 Pass Pass 74115_74433 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 2 Carterhatch Road 5 Eastbound 1 1.00036E+12 74115 74433 903 867 -4% 1.2 Pass Pass 74203_74432 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 2 Hoe Lane 6 Eastbound 1 1.00036E+12 74203 74432 161 172 7% 0.9 Pass Pass 74203_74119 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 3 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 7 Northbound 1 1.00036E+12 74203 74119 1,639 1,635 0% 0.1 Pass Pass 74107_74651 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Mollison Avenue 1 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74107 74651 1,386 1,347 -3% 1.1 Pass Pass 74137_74519 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Alma Road 3 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74137 74519 191 208 9% 1.2 Pass Pass 74646_74647 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 1 Hertford Road (South) 4 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74646 74647 631 662 5% 1.2 Pass Pass 74433_74115 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 2 Carterhatch Road 5 Westbound 2 1.00036E+12 74433 74115 575 630 10% 2.3 Pass Pass 74432_74203 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 2 Hoe Lane 6 Westbound 2 1.00036E+12 74432 74203 69 36 -48% 4.5 Pass Pass 74119_74203 Simulation Link 1.00036E+12 1 36 Enfield East 3 A10 Great Cambridge Road SB 7 Southbound 2 1.00036E+12 74119 74203 1,742 1,817 4% 1.8 Pass Pass 74140_74076 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 1 Old Park Avenue 9 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74140 74076 544 550 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74484_74485 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 2 London Road 1 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74484 74485 534 615 15% 3.4 Pass Pass 74484_74486 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Uvedale Road 2 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74484 74486 28 - -100% 7.5 Pass Fail 74482_74481 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Village Road 3 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74482 74481 50 251 402% 16.4 Fail Fail 74476_74480 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Wellington Road 4 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74476 74480 150 2 -99% 17.0 Fail Fail 74475_74477 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Abbey Road 5 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74475 74477 50 321 542% 19.9 Fail Fail 74145_74417 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 1st Avenue 6 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74145 74417 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74145_74415 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 St Mark's Road 7 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74145 74415 250 166 -34% 5.8 Pass Fail 74416_74414 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Ladbroke Road 8 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74416 74414 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74293_74170 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Main Avenue 9 Westbound 2 1.00037E+12 74293 74170 350 171 -51% 11.1 Fail Fail 74293_74085 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 4 Lincoln Road 10 Northbound 1 1.00037E+12 74293 74085 289 288 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 74371_74175 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 5 Southbury Road 11 Westbound 2 1.00037E+12 74371 74175 601 627 4% 1.0 Pass Pass 74076_74140 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 1 Old Park Avenue 9 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74076 74140 544 543 0% 0.0 Pass Pass 74485_74484 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 2 London Road 1 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74485 74484 597 601 1% 0.2 Pass Pass 74486_74484 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Uvedale Road 2 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74486 74484 26 - -100% 7.2 Pass Fail 74481_74482 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Village Road 3 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74481 74482 50 143 187% 9.5 Pass Fail 74480_74476 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Wellington Road 4 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74480 74476 150 2 -99% 17.0 Fail Fail 74477_74475 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Abbey Road 5 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74477 74475 50 301 502% 19.0 Fail Fail 74417_74145 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 1st Avenue 6 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74417 74145 50 - -100% 10.0 Pass Fail 74415_74145 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 St Mark's Road 7 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74415 74145 350 98 -72% 16.8 Fail Fail 74414_74416 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Ladbroke Road 8 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74414 74416 50 48 -3% 0.2 Pass Pass 74170_74293 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 3 Main Avenue 9 Eastbound 1 1.00037E+12 74170 74293 150 225 50% 5.5 Pass Fail 74085_74293 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 4 Lincoln Road 10 Southbound 2 1.00037E+12 74085 74293 187 181 -3% 0.4 Pass Pass 74175_74371 Simulation Link 1.00037E+12 1 37 Enfield Town 5 Southbury Road 11 Eastbound 1 1.00037E+12 74175 74371 741 798 8% 2.1 Pass Pass 74287_74725 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Waterfall Road 1 Southbound 2 1.006E+12 74287 74725 460 466 1% 0.3 Pass Pass 74725_74287 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 0 Waterfall Road 1 Northbound 1 1.006E+12 74725 74287 988 940 -5% 1.5 Pass Pass 72087_72278 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Lordship Lane 3 Eastbound 1 1.006E+12 72087 72278 622 680 9% 2.3 Pass Pass 72278_72087 Simulation Link 1.006E+12 1 600 NoLHAM other 3 Lordship Lane 3 Westbound 2 1.006E+12 72278 72087 532 522 -2% 0.4 Pass Pass

473 473 348 290 74% 61% TRAVEL TIME VALIDATION

Public LoHAM Journey Time Validation Routes Modelled travel time (seconds) Distance AM Obs AM Mod AM PM Obs PM Mod Code HAM RouteID NoOfLinks ANode BNode AM % Diff AM DMRB PM Diff PM % Diff PM DMRB (km) JT JT Diff JT JT R134 NoLHAM 70 5 75031 75036 7.27 249 256 7 2.80% Pass 312 325 13 4.20% Pass R121 NoLHAM 57 37 36114 36113 6.77 1684 1588 -96 -5.70% Pass 2699 1801 -897 -33.30% Fail R098 NoLHAM 34 27 74189 74334 8.35 2826 1785 -1040 -36.80% Fail 1628 1471 -156 -9.60% Pass R133 NoLHAM 69 6 80741 74332 7.29 329 366 38 11.50% Pass 269 258 -11 -4.20% Pass R122 NoLHAM 58 38 36287 36330 6.94 1998 1648 -351 -17.60% Fail 1853 1472 -381 -20.60% Fail R095 NoLHAM 31 22 74334 74189 10.7 2319 2091 -228 -9.80% Pass 2564 2169 -395 -15.40% Fail R088 NoLHAM 24 41 74217 74025 6.77 2367 2325 -41 -1.70% Pass 1537 1650 113 7.40% Pass R097 NoLHAM 33 30 18461 18175 8.31 1205 1408 202 16.80% Fail 2002 1922 -80 -4.00% Pass R096 NoLHAM 32 22 74310 74650 10.7 2218 2137 -81 -3.60% Pass 1390 1421 31 2.20% Pass R085 NoLHAM 21 20 74132 74626 8.28 815 935 120 14.70% Pass 1285 1293 8 0.60% Pass R087 NoLHAM 23 39 18014 18121 5.86 1490 1406 -84 -5.60% Pass 2042 2392 350 17.10% Fail R086 NoLHAM 22 21 74307 74299 8.42 1469 1418 -51 -3.50% Pass 916 1032 117 12.80% Pass R072 NoLHAM 8 22 70045 70072 9.08 1271 1113 -158 -12.40% Pass 899 841 -58 -6.50% Pass R071 NoLHAM 7 16 66241 70036 9.2 700 777 78 11.10% Pass 1307 1464 157 12.00% Pass R073 NoLHAM 9 34 71201 70084 7.88 1815 1746 -69 -3.80% Pass 1934 2196 262 13.60% Pass R132 NoLHAM 68 19 78268 78271 16.6 748 856 108 14.40% Pass 953 1018 65 6.80% Pass R131 NoLHAM 67 17 74123 74298 16.25 742 798 56 7.50% Pass 714 698 -17 -2.30% Pass R123 NoLHAM 59 12 36414 36294 5.95 357 402 45 12.60% Pass 530 490 -41 -7.70% Pass R118 NoLHAM 54 21 80030 80385 9.87 1758 1514 -244 -13.90% Pass 1056 964 -92 -8.70% Pass R124 NoLHAM 60 9 38255 38263 5.56 537 542 5 0.90% Pass 320 354 34 10.70% Pass R070 NoLHAM 6 33 36297 75020 11.35 1953 1694 -259 -13.30% Pass 1864 1675 -189 -10.10% Pass R069 NoLHAM 5 30 70047 70231 10.8 1629 1840 211 13.00% Pass 2438 2210 -229 -9.40% Pass R113 NoLHAM 49 34 36358 36296 7.36 1183 1266 83 7.00% Pass 1706 1893 187 10.90% Pass R117 NoLHAM 53 20 36311 36892 9.86 1020 963 -57 -5.60% Pass 1355 1281 -74 -5.50% Pass R114 NoLHAM 50 34 36047 36049 7.35 2300 1406 -893 -38.80% Fail 1297 1382 85 6.50% Pass R108 NoLHAM 44 23 79206 79205 7.09 1597 1413 -184 -11.50% Pass 1002 1076 74 7.40% Pass R107 NoLHAM 43 22 74457 74360 7 843 965 122 14.40% Pass 1025 1127 102 9.90% Pass R110 NoLHAM 46 52 74226 74456 8.8 2388 2492 104 4.40% Pass 2194 2427 233 10.60% Pass R109 NoLHAM 45 52 18460 18175 8.93 1801 2028 226 12.60% Pass 2816 3225 409 14.50% Pass R102 NoLHAM 38 46 70641 70281 7.42 1664 1739 75 4.50% Pass 1452 1424 -28 -1.90% Pass R068 NoLHAM 4 35 70533 70531 8.75 1888 1930 42 2.20% Pass 1884 1627 -258 -13.70% Pass R067 NoLHAM 3 34 70177 70178 8.73 1963 1541 -422 -21.50% Fail 1662 1592 -70 -4.20% Pass R101 NoLHAM 37 47 70715 70714 7.41 1475 1339 -136 -9.20% Pass 1990 1458 -532 -26.70% Fail R066 NoLHAM 2 42 74088 74182 10.33 2796 2883 87 3.10% Pass 2156 1959 -197 -9.20% Pass R065 NoLHAM 1 41 74051 74052 10.21 1884 2100 215 11.40% Pass 3047 2126 -921 -30.20% Fail R120 NoLHAM 56 27 36312 36275 6.62 2583 1490 -1093 -42.30% Fail 1381 1184 -197 -14.30% Pass R074 NoLHAM 10 33 72098 72400 7.77 1735 1561 -174 -10.00% Pass 1607 1479 -128 -7.90% Pass R115 NoLHAM 51 44 44840 36006 6.68 1602 1476 -125 -7.80% Pass 2997 2362 -635 -21.20% Fail R216 ELHAM 82 13 80034 80052 12.72 434 441 6 1.50% Pass 489 530 41 8.30% Pass R119 NoLHAM 55 27 18455 18108 6.61 1124 1158 34 3.00% Pass 2421 1978 -442 -18.30% Fail R116 NoLHAM 52 43 36140 36217 6.51 1515 1354 -161 -10.60% Pass 1790 1583 -207 -11.60% Pass R170 ELHAM 36 58 38450 38636 13.62 3578 2993 -585 -16.30% Fail 2162 2068 -95 -4.40% Pass R215 ELHAM 81 13 80133 80130 12.8 534 606 72 13.60% Pass 453 484 31 6.80% Pass R169 ELHAM 35 62 18178 18191 13.5 1642 1585 -56 -3.40% Pass 3081 3431 350 11.40% Pass

Pass 37 84% Pass 36 82% Fail 7 16% Fail 8 18% Total 44 100% Total 44 100%