Paul W. Glewwe, 2014–15 istinguished eacher ostbaccalaureate, raduate, and rofessional Teaching Award

One of the most sought-after profes- graduate students listen to leading Professor sors in his department, Paul Glewwe discuss their work, inter- Department of Applied also teaches two of the most rigorous act with them, and present their own Economics graduate courses: II and work. And he founded the annual College of Food, Agricultural Microeconomic Analysis of Interna- Midwest International Economic De- and Natural Resource Sciences tional Development. Students appre- velopment Conference, which brings ciate how these courses prepare them famous development economists to for jobs they take at the , the University, again giving graduate Twin Cities the Gates Foundation, the National students first-rate learning and net- Institutes of Health, universities, and working opportunities. “I am delighted to see former other prestigious organizations. Glewwe places graduate students in students work with their He attracts students from around the projects that own students. Together, we world, who apply to the University’s take aim at the root causes of world applied economics graduate program . Many of his students are now can better understand why in hopes of being trained by him. continuing that work. And Glewwe so many remain poor in continues his support lifelong. Glewwe has also made extraordinary developing countries and contributions to graduate education A former student says, “Even though advocate for policies that lift in applied economics. He has devel- I am no longer a student, I know I oped several new courses, including have a supporter in my corner; some- them out of poverty.” four at the Ph.D. level. Since 2007 he one who is looking out for my best has organized a Friday morning Trade interests and who I can always turn to and Development Seminar, in which for advice or guidance.” 1

A metaphor for the source of knowledge, this tree has been the emblem of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers since 1993.