5 Early European Explorers


As Europeans searched for sea Columbus’s journey permanently navigator routes to Asia, Christopher linked the to the rest of caravel Columbus reached the Americas. the world.

ONE EUROPEAN’S STORY CALIFORNIA STANDARDS Sailors seeking a route to Asia depended on 7.11.1 Know the great voyages of discovery, the locations of the the skill of their navigator. A navigator plans routes, and the influence of car- the course of a ship by using instruments to tography in the development of a new European worldview. find its position. In the 1400s, Portugal had a 7.11.2 Discuss the exchanges of famous prince called Henry the Navigator. plants, animals, technology, culture, Yet, Henry wasn’t a navigator. He lived at and ideas among Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas in the 15th Sagres, on the southwestern coast of Portugal. and 16th centuries and the major economic and social effects on each In this town, he began a school of navigation. continent. Henry decided to organize and pay for REP5 Students detect the different expeditions to explore the Atlantic and historical points of view on historical events and determine the context in the west coast of Africa. He was hoping to find which the historical statements were African gold, to learn more about geography, made (the questions asked, sources Henry the Navigator used, author’s perspectives). and to spread Christianity. His ships traveled farther HI3 Students explain the sources of down the African coast than Europeans had ever gone. Because Henry historical continuity and how the combination of ideas and events sponsored the voyages, the English named him “the navigator.” As you will explains the emergence of new pat- read in this section, those voyages began Europe’s . terns. HI4 Students recognize the role of chance, foresight, and error in history. A Water Route to Asia HI5 Students recognize that interpre- tations of history are subject to change Under Prince Henry, the Portuguese developed an improved ship called as new information is uncovered. the caravel. The caravel had triangular sails as well as square sails. Square sails carried the ship forward when the was at its back. Triangular sails allowed the caravel to sail into the wind. The caravel was better than other European ships of the time at sailing into the wind. In January 1488, the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias (DEE•uhs) Taking Notes reached the southern tip of Africa. After sailing around it, he returned to Use your chart to Portugal at the urging of his crew. Portugal’s king named the tip the Cape take notes about European explorers. of Good Hope because he hoped they had found a route to Asia. Trade Ten years later, another Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama, followed AMERICAS

Dias’s route around the cape. He continued north along the eastern coast WEST AFRICA of Africa. Then he sailed east across the to India. At last, EUROPE someone had found an all-water route to Asia.

The World in 1500 49 That route meant that the Portuguese could now trade with Asia without dealing with the Muslims or A. Comparing Italians. Portugal took control of the valuable spice Compare what happened after trade. The merchants of Lisbon, Portugal’s capital, grew Portugal began rich. Spain and other European rivals wanted to take to control the part in this profitable trade. They began to look for their spice trade to what happened own water routes to Asia. when Italy con- trolled it. Columbus’s Plan A. Possible Answer In both By the time of da Gama’s voyage, an Italian sailor cases, rival coun- named Christopher Columbus thought he knew a tries tried to find faster way to reach Asia. Europeans had known for their own routes. centuries that the is round. Columbus decided CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS that instead of sailing around Africa and then east, he 1451–1506 would sail west across the Atlantic. He calculated that Christopher Columbus’s son Ferdinand wrote that his father it would be a short journey. “took to the sea at the age of 14 But Columbus made several mistakes. First, he and followed it ever after.” relied on the writings of two people—Marco Polo and Background Columbus’s early voyages As you read in nearly cost him his life. When he a geographer named Paolo Toscanelli—who were Section 4, Marco was 25, pirates off the coast of wrong about the size of Asia. They claimed that Asia Polo’s book Portugal sank his ship. Columbus stretched farther from west to east than it really did. about his travels survived by grabbing a floating had increased oar and swimming to shore. Second, Columbus underestimated the distance European inter- But he also learned a lot from around the globe. He thought the earth was only two est in Asia. sailing on Portuguese ships. The thirds as large as it actually is! Because of Polo and sailors taught Columbus about Atlantic wind patterns. This Toscanelli, Columbus thought that Asia took up most knowledge later helped him on of that distance. Therefore, he believed that the his history-making voyage. must be small. And a voyage west to What character traits, shown Asia would be short. in Columbus’s early life, might have made him a good leader? In 1483, Columbus asked the king of Portugal to finance a voyage across the Atlantic. The king’s advisers opposed the plan. They argued that Columbus had mis- calculated the distance to Asia. They also reminded the king of the progress that Portuguese explorers had made sailing down the coast of Africa look- ing for a route to Asia. The advisers persuaded the king not to finance the voyage. So in 1486, Columbus turned to Portugal’s rival, Spain. Help from Spain’s Rulers Spain’s rulers, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, liked Columbus’s plan because they wanted a share of the rich Asian trade. As a strong Catholic, the Queen also welcomed a chance to spread Christianity. But there were also reasons not to support Columbus. First, a royal council had doubts about Columbus’s calculations and advised Ferdinand and Vocabulary Isabella not to finance him. Second, the Spanish monarchs were in the monarch: a king middle of a costly war to drive the Muslims out of Spain. Third, or queen Columbus was asking a high payment for his services. The years of waiting had made Columbus determined to profit from his . As a reward for his efforts, he demanded the high title

50 CHAPTER 1 Admiral of the Ocean Sea and a percentage of any wealth he brought from Asia. He also expected to be made the ruler of the lands he found. Finally in January of 1492, the Spanish conquered the last Muslim stronghold in Spain. The Spanish monarchs could now afford to finance Columbus but still had doubts about doing so. Columbus left the palace to return home. But after listening to a trusted adviser, the king and queen changed their minds and sent a rider on horseback to bring Columbus back. He and the rulers finally reached an agreement.

B. Drawing A VOICE FROM THE PAST Conclusions Did this agreement Your Highnesses . . . accorded me great rewards and ennobled me so that give Columbus from that time henceforth I might . . . be high admiral of the Ocean Sea and what he was ask- perpetual Governor of the islands and continent which I should discover. ing for? Explain. Christopher Columbus, letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella B. Possible Answer Almost everything. It Preparing to sail, Columbus assembled his ships—the Niña, the Pinta, offers him and the Santa María—at the port of Palos de la Frontera in southern Spain. Skillbuilder rewards, the title Answers he wanted, and Setting Sail 1. between 4,000 the position of and 5,000 governor. There is At first, Columbus had trouble finding a crew. Then a respected local 2. Dias was ventur- no mention of a shipowner agreed to sign on as captain of the Pinta. Other crew mem- ing into new terri- specific percent- tory, while da Gama age of wealth. bers soon followed. About 90 men loaded the ships with enough food had the knowledge for one year, casks of fresh water, firewood, and other necessities. acquired by Dias to guide him.

Exploration Leads to New Sea Routes, 1487–1504 0 80 40 ° ° ° W W EUROPE Route of Dias, 1487–1488 Route of da Gama, 1497–1498 Routes of Columbus: 40°N PORTUGAL NORTH SPAIN 1492–1493 1493–1496 AMERICA ATLANTIC OCEAN 1498–1500 1502–1504 SAN SALVADOR CUBA Tropic of Cancer ASIA



GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Maps 0 1,000 Miles 1. Movement Approximately how many miles did Columbus 0 2,000 Kilometers sail before he reached San Salvador on his first voyage? 80 2. Human-Environment Interaction Why do you suppose 40 ° ° E that Dias stayed close to the west coast of Africa during his E voyage, while da Gama sailed farther out?

40°S 51 The tiny fleet of wooden ships glided out of the harbor on August 3, 1492. First they sailed southwest toward the off the northwest coast of Africa. From there, Columbus was relying on trade that blew toward the west to speed his ships across the ocean. Once aboard ship, Columbus kept a log, or daily record of each day’s sailing. In fact, he kept two logs. One he showed to his men and one he kept secret. Columbus’s secret log recorded the truth about the journey.

A VOICE FROM THE PAST C. Analyzing [We] made 15 leagues [this] day and . . . [I] decided to report less than those Causes What actually traveled so in case the voyage were long the men would not be caused Columbus frightened and lose courage. to decide to keep Christopher Columbus, quoted in Columbus and the Age of Discovery two logs? C. Possible Answer He was By October 10, the men had lost both courage and confidence in their afraid his crew leader. They had been at sea for almost ten weeks and had not seen land would be fright- for over a month. Afraid that they would starve if the trip went on ened if they knew the truth, so he longer, they talked of returning home. To avoid mutiny, Columbus and kept a phony log the crew struck a bargain. The men agreed to sail on for three more days, to share with and Columbus promised to turn back if they had not sighted land by them. then. Two days later in the early morning hours of October 12, a sailor on the Pinta called out “Tierra, tierra” [Land, land]. Reaching the Americas By noon, the ships had landed on an island in the Sea. Columbus believed that he had reached the Indies, islands in Southeast Background Asia where spices grew. The islanders who greeted Today, the Indies are called the Columbus and his men were Taino (TY•noh) people, but East Indies. The Columbus mistakenly called them Indians. islands of the NATIVE AMERICAN VIEW Caribbean are OF COLUMBUS Columbus named the island San Salvador. After unfurl- called the West In 1992, many Native Americans ing the royal banner and flags, he ordered his crew to “bear Indies. protested the 500th anniversary witness that I was taking possession of this island for the of Columbus’s voyage. Suzan Shown Harjo, who is Cheyenne King and Queen.” Eager to reach the rich country of Japan, and Creek, explained why. which he believed was nearby, he left San Salvador. He took As Native American peoples six or seven Taino with him as guides. For the next three in this red quarter of Mother months, he visited several of the Caribbean islands. Earth, we have no reason to celebrate an invasion that Finally, he reached an island that he named Española, caused the demise [death] which we call Hispaniola today. (See map on of so many of our people page 51.) On that island, Columbus and his men and is still causing destruction today. found some gold and precious objects such as The Spanish enslaved pearls. This convinced Columbus that he had the Taino, who nearly reached Asia. He decided to return home, leav- all died from disease and bad treatment. ing 39 of his men on Hispaniola. Even before This statue is one Columbus left, his men had angered the Taino of the few Taino people by stealing from them and committing artifacts left violence. By the time Columbus returned ten from the 1500s. months later, the Taino had killed the men.

52 CHAPTER 1 In January 1493, he sailed back to Spain. Firmly believing that he had found a new water route to Asia, he wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella. The Spanish rulers called him to the royal court to report on his voyage. Neither Columbus nor the king and queen suspected that he had landed near continents entirely unknown to Europeans. An Expanding Horizon Columbus made three more voyages to the Americas, but never brought back the treasures he had promised Spain’s rulers. He also failed to meet Queen A French map- Isabella’s other goal. She wanted Christianity brought to new people. maker uses an instrument to learn When she learned that Columbus had mistreated and enslaved the peo- his exact position ple of Hispaniola, she became angry. on the globe. After the fourth voyage, Spain’s rulers refused to give Columbus any more help. He died in 1506, still believing he had reached Asia and bit- D. Possible ter that he had not received the fame or fortune that he deserved. Answer It was In time, the geographic knowledge Columbus brought back changed the body people crossed to get European views of the world. People soon realized that Columbus had from one conti- reached continents that had been unknown to them previously. And nent to the other. Europeans were eager to see if these continents could make them rich. For centuries, Europeans had seen the ocean as a barrier. With one D. Making Inferences How voyage, Columbus changed that. Instead of a barrier, the Atlantic Ocean did the Atlantic became a bridge that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. As become a bridge you will learn in Chapter 2, Columbus’s explorations began an era of connecting Europe, Africa, great wealth and power for Spain. As Spain grew rich, England, France, and the Americas? and other European countries also began to send ships to the Americas.

Section5 Assessment 1. Terms & Names 2. Using Graphics 3. Main Ideas 4. Critical Thinking Explain the On a diagram like the one a. Why was Prince Henry Analyzing Points of View significance of: shown, list the effects of eager to find an all-water Explain how each of the fol- • navigator Columbus’s voyages. route to Asia? (HI2) lowing people might have viewed Columbus’s first voy- • caravel b. Why did Spain's king and Columbus’s Voyages queen decide to support age. Give reasons for their • Christopher points of view. (REP5) Columbus Columbus's first voyage? Effect Effect Effect Effect (HI2) THINK ABOUT c. Why was Columbus disap- • Columbus Which effects were negative pointed by the outcome of • Queen Isabella and which were positive? his four voyages to the • a Taino chief (HI2) Americas? (HI2) ACTIVITY OPTIONS GEOGRAPHY Use the map on page 51. Create an enlarged map of Columbus’s first voyage, or MATH measure the distance of each voyage to list on a table. (CST3)

The World in 1500 53 1 VISUAL Chapter ASSESSMENT SUMMARY TERMS & NAMES CRITICAL THINKING The World Briefly explain the significance of 1. USING YOUR NOTES: each of the following. CATEGORIZING INFORMATION in 1500 (CST2) 1. migrate Using your completed chart, answer the questions below. (HI3) 476 2. civilization The city of 3. technology Trade Technology Religion Art AMERICAS (Sections 1 Rome falls to and 2) Germanic tribes. 4. Iroquois League WEST AFRICA 5. Islam (Section 3)

500 EUROPE (Sections 4 500s 6. feudalism and 5) Camel caravans are crossing the . 7. Crusades 8. Renaissance a. What was one instance in which trade spread knowledge? 9. navigator 800s 10. Christopher Columbus b. Which of the technologies that The Mississippian culture arises. you listed are still used today? REVIEW QUESTIONS c. What religions were practiced in each of the three regions? 1076 Crossing to the Americas (pages 27–31) A Muslim army 2. ANALYZING LEADERSHIP defeats Ghana. 1. What are two theories about Do you think Columbus was a good migration to the Americas? (HI1) leader or a bad one? Use details 2. For what purposes did the 1096 from the chapter to explain your Europeans start Mound Builders construct answer. (HI1) the Crusades to earthen mounds? (HI2) win the Holy Land. 3. THEME: DIVERSITY AND Societies of UNITY (pages 32–38) 1230 1000 How have Native Americans, Africans, Sundiata starts 3. What enabled the Aztecs to and Europeans all influenced the Mali Empire. become a strong empire? (HI2) American culture? Give examples 4. How did the Iroquois League from your own experience. (HI3) come about? (HI1) 1300 4. MAKING GENERALIZATIONS The Anasazi Societies of West Africa abandon their What types of goods are people homes. (pages 39–43) most likely to seek through trade? 5. What enabled Ghana, Mali, and Think about the trade goods men- 1325 Songhai all to grow rich? (HI2) tioned in the chapter and why peo- The Aztecs 6. Did Islam become more or less ple wanted them. (HI2) begin to build influential in West Africa from Tenochtitlán. the 700s to the 1400s? Explain. 5. APPLYING CITIZENSHIP SKILLS (HI2) Compare the Iroquois League to 1347 what you know of the U.S. govern- The bubonic Societies of Europe ment. How are they similar? (HI3) plague (pages 44–48) sweeps Europe, killing millions. 7. How did the manor system work Interact with History during the Middle Ages? (HI2) 1464 Think about the various encounters 8. How did the Crusades increase The Songhai begin between societies mentioned in the 1500 their own empire. European interest in trade? (HI2) chapter. What do you think hap- Early European Explorers pened when more Europeans came to the Americas and met Native 1492 (pages 49–53) Americans? Seeking Asia, 9. Why did non-Italian Europeans Christopher est Africa seek new trade routes to Asia? W Americas Columbus lands Europe in the Americas. (HI2) 10. How did Columbus miscalculate 54 CHAPTER 1 the distance to Asia? (HI4) STANDARDS-BASED ASSESSMENT

Use the map and your knowledge of U.S. history to 2. If Columbus’s route had been farther north, which answer questions 1 and 2. of the following would have happened? (7.11.2) Additional Test Practice, pp. S1–S33. A. The voyage would have taken less time. B. The voyage would have taken more time. Columbus’s First Voyage, 1492 C. The voyage would not have been different. D. The voyage would not have been possible. i n d s l y W t e r e s SPAIN W This quotation from Olfert Dapper is about Benin NORTH 40°N City in Africa. Use this quotation and your knowl- s ATLANTIC n d edge of West Africa to answer question 3. AMERICA W i OCEAN T r a d e 492 PRIMARY SOURCE umbus 1 Col The houses in this town stand in good order, each one s AFRICA close and evenly placed with its neighbor, just as the n d W i d e houses in Holland stand . . . The king’s court is very T r a great. It is built around many square-shaped yards. W W ° °

° Olfert Dapper, Centuries of Greatness 0 40 80

SOUTH 3. The passage best supports which point of view? AMERICA (7.11.2) A. Benin City, and other African cities, should be 1. How did the winds affect Columbus’s journey? unique, not modeled after European cities. (7.11.1) B. The king’s court of Benin City was great in A. The westerly winds across the Atlantic made contrast to the rest of the city. the voyage faster. C. The design of Benin City made it an extremely B. The trade winds across the Atlantic slowed valuable trade center. down the voyage. D. The design of Benin City was appealing in its C. The trade winds across the Atlantic made the resemblance to European cities. voyage faster. TEST PRACTICE D. The winds had little effect on Columbus’s voyage. CLASSZONE.COM

ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY 1. WRITING ABOUT HISTORY DOING INTERNET RESEARCH Imagine you have been hired to write the brochure for Countries and alliances often use a symbol to repre- a Native American exhibit at a museum. (HI1) sent who they are. The Iroquois League chose a tree as • Choose a Native American group discussed in the their symbol. Use the Internet and library resources to chapter. Use library resources to learn more about research the Iroquois League and its symbol. (REP3) the group. • Research the beliefs and goals of the Iroquois • Highlight their economy, religion and spiritual League. Make a list of their beliefs and goals. beliefs, or arts and crafts in your exhibit. Write a • Also search Native American museum sites and/or description of the exhibit for your brochure that reservation sites in New York state. would encourage people to come. • Describe why the tree was an appropriate symbol for the Iroquois League and explain how it represented 2. COOPERATIVE LEARNING the beliefs and goals of the alliance. Work with a group to create a radio program of For more about the Iroquois League . . . Columbus’s first voyage. Group members can find his INTERNET ACTIVITY log in the library, select parts to record, or create CLASSZONE.COM sound effects to play in the background. (HI1) The World in 1500 55