Lt-Gen Ye Myint on Inspection Tour of Nanyun in Sagaing Division

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Lt-Gen Ye Myint on Inspection Tour of Nanyun in Sagaing Division Established 1914 Volume XII, Number 329 2nd Waxing of Taboung 1366 ME Friday, 11 March, 2005 Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Lt-Gen Ye Myint on inspection tour of Nanyun in Sagaing Division YANGON, 10 March — Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and de- partmental officials, left here by air on 7 March morning and arrived at Mandalay International Airport at 11.35 am. Accompanied by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and De- velopment Council Com- Lt-Gen Ye Myint meets departmental personnel and members of social organizations in Nanyun.— MNA mander of North-West Deputy Commander cal battalion, departmen- matters related to the ers to Nanyun BEHS to Tha Aye presented gifts Command Maj-Gen Tha Brig-Gen San Tun, tal officials and local township by the chairman officials. He then gave for education, health and Aye, Lt-Gen Ye Myint Myitkyina Airbase Com- people welcomed them. of Township Peace and five sewing machines to social sectors of Nanyun and party continued their mander Col Zaw Tun At Bandoola Hall Development Council the Chairman of Town- Township to officials. trip to Kachin State and and officials. Accompa- in Nanyun, Lt-Gen Ye and departmental offi- ship Peace and Develop- Deputy Director- arrived at Myitkyina Air- nied by Commander Myint met with depart- cials. He fulfilled the re- ment Council. Similarly, General Col Than Shein port in the afternoon. Maj-Gen Maung Maung mental personnel, social quirements. Commander Commander Maj-Gen of the Ministry for They were wel- Swe, Commander Maj- organization members Maj-Gen Maung Maung Maung Maung Swe and Progress of Border Areas comed by Chairman of Gen Tha Aye and offi- and local people and pre- Swe and Commander Commander Maj-Gen (See page 8) Kachin State Peace and cials, Lt-Gen Ye Myint sented cash for educa- Maj-Gen Tha Aye gave Development Council flew to Nanyun via tion, health and social supplementary reports. Military Attachés, wives and Commander of Northern Tanai. At Nanyun, Com- sectors. Afterwards, Lt- families back from Shan State tour Command Maj-Gen manding Officer Lt-Col Next, Lt-Gen Ye Gen Ye Myint presented YANGON, 10 March — An excursion group Maung Maung Swe, Kaung Kyaw of the lo- Myint heard reports on a computer set and sweat- including military attachés, their wives and fami- lies of foreign missions led by Dean of the Mili- tary Attachés to the Union of Myanmar Military Attaché of Lao People’s Democratic Republic Col Onechanh Phetsalat, accompanied by Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of Chief of Defence Services Mili- tary Security Maj-Gen Myint Swe, wives of sen- ior military officers and officials, arrived back here by special Tatmadaw aircraft this afternoon after visiting Taunggyi, Inlay, Pindaya and Kalaw re- gions of Eastern Command area. The excursion group was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Chief of Defence Services Military Security Maj-Gen Myint Swe, senior military officers and officials. MNA INSIDE The more they concentrate on their discus- sions, the greater progress they can make. Here a noteworthy point is that the greater opportunity one can create on one’s own, the greater success one will achieve in doing things. DR MA TIN WIN Chief of Defence Services Military Security Maj-Gen Myint Swe welcomes back Military Attachés and (Page 7) wives and party who visited Taunggyi, Inlay, Pindaya and Kalaw regions of Eastern Command area.— (INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION) MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 11 March, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Friday, 11 March, 2005 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Strive for national * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy economic development The Government of the Union of Myanmar is building the nation into a modern and devel- Tatmadaw columns practise drills oped one by implementing the political, eco- YANGON, 10 March Commander Col Khin Swe and Aung San Col- Brig-Gen Nyi Tun. nomic and social objectives laid down. For eco- — The Tatmadaw col- Aung Myint, Bandoola umn led by Column Vice-Chief of Armed nomic development, the market-oriented eco- umns which will partici- Column led by Column Commander Col Thein Forces Training Maj-Gen nomic system is practised. Moreover, national pate in the 60th Anniver- Commander Col Khin Zaw took part in practice Aung Kyi and military entrepreneurs are given an important role in sary Armed Forces Day Maung Oo, Myawady session of parade drills officers watched the prac- translating the market economic system into 2005 continued practis- Column led by Column under the command of tising drills. reality in accordance with the objective : the ing drills in Myoma Commander Col Win Parade Commander MNA initiative to shape the national economy must Ground this morning. be kept in the hands of the State and the na- tional peoples. Thus, increased cooperation of During their drills, the national enrepreneurs can be enlisted in the Tatmadawmen from field of national economic endeavour and farm- Anawrahta Column led ers, industrialists, traders, importers and export- by Column Commander ers, and service providers have emerged. Col Aung Kyaw Oo, Myanmar is an agricultural country and so Kyansittha Column led agricultural produce is important not only for by Column Commander domestic consumption but also for export and Col Tha Aung, most of the businesses rely on the nation’s rich Bayintnaung Column led terrestrial and aquatic resources. Economic by Column Commander forces such as farmers, growers of oil palm, rub- Col Aung Kyaw Oo, ber and coffee and entrepreneurs who operate Nawade Column led by fisheries and livestock-breeding industry have prospered by making use of the nation’s rich Column Commander terrestrial and aquatic resources. In addition to Captain Aung Zaw Win the existing entreprenuers, new ones are con- (Navy), Aungzeya Col- stantly emerging and the nation also encour- umn led by Column ages it. Commander Col Myo In the agriculture sector, there are acres and Win, Hsinbyushin Col- Vice-Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Aung Kyi inspects drill acres of arable virgin and fallow land in addi- umn led by Column practising of Tatmadaw columns.— PUPR tion to those already under cultivation. The gov- ernment is fulfilling such requirements as land Decoration made for Armed Forces Day Exhibition and water and providing cultivation methods. Cultivation of oil palm benefit to not only the YANGON, 10 March growers but also the nation in the long run. At — The decoration present in Taninthayi Division, private compa- tasks of the booths of nies, local people and regiments and units are Defence Services Mu- growing oil palm on more than 100,000 acres of seum are being carried land. Taninthayi Division will become the oil bowl of the nation in the near future. out for the 60th Anni- Forty-six per cent of rubber cultivation is versary Armed Forces in Mon State and a five-year plan is being im- Day Commorative Ex- plemented for the region to become a rubber hibition 2005. state. Ayeyawady Division, the granary of the The officials super- nation, is the region where most of the monsoon paddy is cultivated. vised the decoration It is the government that has shaped the tasks of the booths of market economic system so that national ministries, directorate’s enterpreneurs can make the best use of the commands and the nation’s rich resources. As the government has twelveth objectives this also paved the way for import and export busi- morning. ness for the economic development of the na- Preparations for display of Ministry of Rail Transportation Booth being tion, the role of entrepreneurs has become made at Defence Services Museum.— MNA MNA greater. Therefore, we would like to call on the entire national entrepreneurs to strive for eco- Ferries for UMFCCI AGM ICCA-2005 continues nomic growth in the interests of the nation and YANGON, 10 March— pm on 12 March. Those YANGON, 10 March — Myanmar. The research the people by making the effective use of fa- The ferries are arranged who will attend the meet- The Ph.D level Third In- paper session continued at vourable environment created by the govern- for those who will attend ing
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