Travel & Fun Agency | Cruising & Rafting rafting | From May to September Telenet Marketing Center Phone: +38164 5558581; +38161 6154768; [email protected]

Tara rafting | From May to September

Za turiste i sportiste, za znatizeljnike i duhom nemirne ljude ovo je pravi dozivljaj i neodoljivi izazov. Svaki trenutak plovidbe kroz kanjon ispunjen je radoscu i zeljom da se sve to uskoro ponovi. Splavarenje: specijalnim gumenim camcima za divlje vode sa odgovarajucom opremom.

Splavarenje: - jednodnevni aranzman: [duza varijanta] - Brstanovica - Srbinje - duzina 41km - dvodnevni aranzman: Brstanovica - Bastasi - Srbinje - duzina 41km

Iskusan i ljubazan splavar ce Vam omoguciti da se okupate u nekim mirnim vodama i pokazati neke skrivene pecine... sve u svemu izazov koji se ne treba propustiti!

page 1 / 3 Rafting Cruising & Rafting As an old Slavic legend goes, Mountain Tara got its name after the friendly god Tarr who had chosen this very mountain to spend his divine life there thanks to its outstanding natural beauties [taken from the Slavic mythology]. The oasis of such unspoiled beauty can't be easily nowadays, but one of them is surely Mt.Tara in Western . Tara is confined by the river to the north, the rivers Derventa and Beli to the west, the ravines of and Kemna to the south and the rivers Pilica and Solotuska Reka to the east. The greater part of Tara belongs to Bajina Basta municipality and the lesser one to Uzice. Due to its picturesque scenery and its natural rarities Tara was proclaimed a national park in 1981. Tara National Park covers an area of 19.175 hectares including Mt.Tara,Crni Vrh,Zvezda ,Stolac,the Canyon of Drina with Perucac and outskirts of Bajina Basta.These mountains are the eastern branches of the Dinaric System with similar structure and direction northwest-southeast were the Drina cut a deep and picturesque canyon valley. In geomorphologic sense the whole area of Tara National Park is composed of mountain hills and elevations.The average altitude is 1000-1200 m. The highest peak is Kozji rid with14.84 1591 m above sea level. The hills are clad in dense forest and grass vegetation, wich makes possible the existence of variety of games. Spots with a beautiful view over the whole area are especially attractive for tourists and mountain climbers. Such scenery is particularly impressive and is remembered for a long time. The best known views are Banjska stena at Mitrovac, Biljeska Stena 6 km from Predov Krst,Crnjeskovo at Kaludjerske , Omar, Zboriste. Waterfalls within the national park are also part of its impressive beauty alog the course of mountain rivers and streams. The most attractive waterfalls are in Perucac under Tara, called Mali nad Veliki Skakavac on River Rzav and some bigger and smaller cascades on the rivers Rzav, Derventa and Raca. The wonderful canyon of Drina river [700-1000m deep] is second in Yugoslavia after the Canyon of Tara river [1300m] in Monte Nagro and third in the world after the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river [1800m] in America. The vertical cliffs of Canyon of the Drina River and its tributaries are particularly interesting for the mountain hangers and alpinists. By construction the concrete dam [461 m long and 89, 9 km high] on Drina river at Perucac the artificial lake with the same name was formed [52 km long]. The lake has a great tourist value and importance for lovers of cruising, fishing and swimming. Another important anthropogenous hydrographic creation is reservoir Lake Zaovine.It was formed by damming the upper course of small river called Beli Rzav at18.36 892 m height above sea level. This lake also offers great opportunities for development of tourism and fishing. In the area of Mt.Tara there are a number of springs and lost rivers. The most important cast springs are at Perucac and Ladjevac. The Perucac spring is a place where Vrelo, the shortest river in Serbia starts. It is also called a Year river because it is33.36 365 m long. The Ladjevac spring has its headwaters in the Canyon of Raca not so far from the Raca Monastery and it is famous for its thermal, mineral and healing powers. Basic value of this area is shown through the richest and biodiversity of natural resources. Riches of flora are caused by different factors such as geographic position, parent rock, favorable climate, historical events and altitude. About 1/3 of total flora of Serbia can be found in the area of Tara National Park. More then 1 000 plants species as well as 34 forest and meadow associations are identified there. Over 80 % Tara's surface is covered with mixed associations of spruce, fir-tree and beech with dominates the vast plateau. Various plant such as Picea omorika, Taxsus baccata, Ilex aqufolium, Corylus colurna, Centaurea derventana, Peonia corallina, Gentiana asclepiadea, Gentiana lutea, Daphne blagayana, Veratrum nigrum, Blechnum spicant and many other are protected by the Law. Picea omorika [Serbian spruce] is endemite and the Tertiary relict of Tara whose natural stands are now days reduced only to the area around he middle course of River Drina .It was discovered by famous botanists Josif Pancic in 1875 in the village Zaovine . Within Tara National park the most important natural stands and localities of Picea omorika are particularly protected as the strictly preserve grounds. More then 250 edible and very poisonous mushrooms can be found on the forest and meadow slopes. Edible mushrooms of high quality are: forest Boletus, meadow mushroom, beech mushroom, moel and many others. The richest of fauna are reflected in the presence of various rare and in many parts of Europe even disappeared, reduced in

page 2 / 3 number, or scientifically important animal species such as chamois, bear and the Alps shrew. Among hunting games on Tara the most popular ones are: roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, rabbit, marten, and wild cat. There are many rare birds such as: golden eagle, harrier eagle, peregrine falcon, big grouse, and woodcock. About 53 mammal species and 82 birds survived in this area. On the basis of data, in the waters of National park Tara there are 37 fish species which are classified in nine families among which the best known are trout, pikes, carps, sheatfish, perches and others. The real natural rarity protected by the Law is certainly huchen [family of trouts Salmonidae]. The region of Tara is affected by moderate -continental mountain climate which has the highest degree of humidity, compared to central and eastern parts of Serbia. The most important and most attractive cultural-historical value of this region is the Raca Monastery, 7km far from Bajina Basta. This Monastery of holly Assumption of Christ was built in the village Raca, on the right bank of the small river with same name in the second half of the 12 century during the region of King Dragutin Nemanjic.

PRICE LIST: Tara rafting | From May to September

Index Arragement Type Price Number of Minimum From Up to Arragement Type (EUR) person days Date Date ID

* Prices in tabel presented in EUR, per person.

OTHER SERVICE: Tara rafting | From May to September

Index Service Type Price (EUR) Service No * Prices in tabel presented in EUR, per person per service.

Travel & Fun Agency | Cruising & Rafting Tara rafting | From May to September Telenet Marketing Center Phone: +38164 5558581; +38161 6154768; [email protected]

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