Jesus Teaches Us How to Live the Works of


Learning Goals Connection to the ӹӹ We must be open to God’s saving Catechism love and keep His commandments ӹӹ CCC 1966-1970 if we want to have eternal life. ӹӹ CCC 2447 ӹӹ He has commanded us to love one another as He has loved us. Essential Question ӹӹ Works of Mercy are concrete ways ӹӹ What examples of the Works in which we can love one another of Mercy can we find in ’ as Jesus loved us. life? ӹӹ Christ not only instructs us on what the acts of mercy are; He also provides examples in His ministry. ӹӹ As Catholics, we are called to be Christ in the world and build His Kingdom through our actions.


The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of anger and abounding in mercy. these least brothers of mine, you did for me.

PSALMS 145:8 MATTHEW 25:40


Materials Background/Homework ӹӹ Holy Bible Have students read Matthew 25:31-46 in their Bibles and ӹӹ Handout A: Note-Taking come prepared to discuss it next class. Aid ӹӹ Handout C: Christ Our Teacher Warm-Up ӹӹ Appendix A: of A. Begin by explaining that Jesus’ earthly ministry is full Mercy Cards of examples of what it means to love one another. If we imitate Jesus, we are building His Kingdom in the ӹӹ Blank paper, colored pencils, markers world. This is what we are called to do as Christians. The Works of Mercy are essential to the Christian life. ӹӹ Optional: Computers/ iPads B. Read Matthew 25:31-46 as students follow along in their Bibles. You may wish to read it aloud a second time, this time distributing Handout A: Note-Taking Aid for younger learners. Have students write down the Corporal Works of Mercy as you read.

C. Discuss how, since each human being has dignity as the image and likeness of God, when we help or do not help someone, we are helping or ignoring Christ. Note: Students might wrongly object that “not helping” is not an action and therefore cannot be sinful. Have a brief discussion about acts of omission — if you choose not to help someone, you are in fact choosing to ignore him.

Activity A. Give each student one of the three cards on Handout B: Christ Our Teacher to complete independently.

B. Circulate around the room to offer assistance with looking up and interpreting passages.

136 © SOPHIA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS C. Select students to share their responses with the class. Summarize the passage and identify the Work of Mercy.

Wrap-Up A. Select and distribute appropriate cards from Appendix A: Saints of Mercy Cards. You could read their stories aloud or have students explore them in small groups.

B. Have students write on an index card in response to the reading:

ӹӹ How this performed works of mercy

ӹӹ Two or three ways in which they themselves can live out that act in their community

Extension Option Prepare a Works of Mercy bulletin board. Read a few responses from the index cards from the last class. Then, as a class, identify a Corporal Work of Mercy students could complete that would engage the whole class or school (e.g., a food or clothing drive, illustrating place mats for a nursing home, or assembling kits for a homeless shelter).

Have students select one of the Scripture passages that they read (or another that illustrates the Work of Mercy the class has chosen) and illustrate it. Above the image, students should write the Scripture reference. Beneath the image, students should summarize the Scripture passage and identify the Work of Mercy. Alternatively, you may give students time with computers or iPads to find portrayals of their selected biblical passage in a work of fine art that could be displayed with their commentary — creating a gallery of sorts. When completed, the bulletin board will provide not only artworks generated or located by students but also information about the agency or people served and how students might participate in this event.

Send home the following note:

Dear parents,

Your child has identified a corporal act of mercy to carry out in your community. Please help your child to accomplish this goal or another act of mercy and talk about the experience. Then help your child think of some other ways in which he or she might perform acts of mercy in your neighborhood and community.


Directions: Listen as your teacher reads aloud from Matthew’s Gospel. Write out the Corporal Works of Mercy on the lines below:








138 © SOPHIA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS Focus and Reflection Questions 1. How would you describe Jesus’ tone in this passage? (Tone means a speaker’s attitude toward his subject.) Does it sound as if Jesus is teaching us something optional, or something very serious? How do you know?

2. At Holy Mass, we ask for what we have done, as well as for what we have failed to do. Can we love God if we fail to do Works of Mercy for our neighbors?

3. What do you think Jesus means by “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40)?

4. Have you ever performed any of the Works of Mercy that Jesus describes? Has anyone ever done them for you? Tell a story about that time in the space below.






But you, brothers, do not be remiss in doing good.



Teacher Note: Differentiate the lesson by offering different versions to different students. Version 3 is more challenging than versions 1 and 2.

Directions 1. Look up the Bible passage and read it. 1 2. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the passage. 3. Identify the Work of Mercy referenced in the passage.


A. Luke 18:35-43 ______

B. Matthew 14:15-21______

Directions 1. Look up the Bible passage and read it. 2 2. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the passage. 3. Identify the Work of Mercy referenced in the passage.


A. Luke 10:29-37______

B. Matthew 8:1-3______

140 © SOPHIA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS Directions 1. Look up the Bible passage and read it. 3 2. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the passage. 3. Identify the Work of Mercy referenced in the passage.


A. Mark 5:2-15______

B. John 8:1-11______

Directions 1. Look up the Bible passage and read it. 4 2. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the passage. 3. Identify the Work of Mercy referenced in the passage.


A. Luke 7:36-50______

B. Luke 23:33-43______


Handout B: Christ Our Teacher Version 1

A. Luke 18: 35-43: Visit the sick. Jesus speaks with a blind beggar even though others ignore the man. Jesus heals the beggar of his blindness.

B. Matthew 14:15-21: Feed the hungry. Jesus had many people following him, and they are growing hungry. Jesus provides food for them in the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

Version 2

A. Luke 10: 29-37: Shelter the homeless; also, visit the sick, feed the hungry. In the parable of the good Samaritan, the Samaritan helps the man and brings him to an inn to care for him when others would not do so.

B. Matthew 8: 1-3: Visit the sick. Jesus was asked to heal a leper. Jesus did so when others in His society would not even consider touching someone with leprosy.

Version 3

A. Mark 5: 2-15: Comfort the afflicted; Visit the sick. Jesus visits the sick—in this case someone who is mentally ill and possessed by demons. Christ offers comfort to him and heals him of his affliction.

B. John 8: 1-11: Admonish sinners; Visit the imprisoned. A woman has broken a law and is condemned to death. Jesus forgives her and He tells her not to sin anymore.

Version 4

A. Luke 7:36-50: Forgive all injuries, instruct the ignorant. Jesus forgives the sins of a woman whom the Pharisees had condemned as a sinner. He explains that she shows love because she has experienced forgiveness.

B. Luke 23:33-43: Forgive all injuries, bear wrongs patiently, pray for the living and the dead. Jesus prays to the Father to forgive His executioners and forgives the sins of the criminal hanging next to him.