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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21St JUNE 1963 5337 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21sT JUNE 1963 5337 MARKS, Harry, of 37, Alvingtpn Crescent, Dalston, CAVE, Jacob, residing and carrying on business at London, E.8, of no occupation, lately trading at The Vicarage, Gorefield in the county of Cam- the " Duke of Wellington ", 260, Haggerston Road, bridge, Farm Produce Commission Agent, and London, E.8, as a PUBLICAN and formerly lately residing and carrying on business at 88, Lynn trading as Rennette Hair Fashions at 694, Holloway Road, Wisbech in the county of Cambridge, Road, London, N.19, as a LADIES HAIR- FARMER and FRUITGROWER. Court— DRESSER, described in the Receiving Order as KING'S LYNN. No. of Matter—17 of 1961. H. Marks (male). Court—HIGH COURT OF Trustee's Name, Address asndi Description—Tuck, JUSTICE. No. of Matter—127 of 1961. Trus- Thomas Arthur, Norfolk House, Exchange Street, tee's Name, Address and Description—Whitehead, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 60G, Official Receiver. Wilfred, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, Date of Release—4th June, 1963. London, W.C.2, Official Receiver. Date of Release —17th June, 1963. RIVETT, Ernest Walter, of Oannell's Farm, Bow MOULDER, Albert Ronald, Mini Cab-Driver, and Street, Great Ellingham in the county of Norfolk, MOULDER, Elizabeth Ann (married woman), both FARMER. Court—NORWICH. No. of Matter— of Garden Flat^ 118, Maida Vale, London, W.9, 17 of 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- trading as M. & M. Food Fare at 217, High Road, tion—Tuck, Thomas Arthur, Norfolk House, Willesden, London, N.W.10, as GROCERS. Court Exchange Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 60G, —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter Official Receiver. Date of Release—4th June, 1963. —622 of 1961. Trustee's Name, Address and De- scription—Whitehead, Wilfred, Bankruptcy WHALES, Leonard Sidney, residing and carrying Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Official on business at Greenwood Farm, Westfield, East Receiver. Date of Release—17th June, 1963. Dereham, Norfolk, also at The Market Place, Norwich, MARKET GARDENER and WEBB, Dora, residing in lodgings at 355, Fleetwood POULTERER. Court—NORWICH. No. of Road, Broadwater, Fleetwood in the county of Matter—20 of 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and Lancaster (widow), and HAWORTH, Dorothy, re- Description—Tuck, Thomas Arthur, Norfolk siding at 30, Anchorsholme Lane, Cleveleys, Black- pool aforesaid (housewife), lately carrying on busi- House, Exchange Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR ness in co-partnership at the " Lucerne" Private 60G, Official Receiver. Date of Release—21st May, Hotel, 11, Luton Road, Anchorsholme, Cleveleys, 1963. Blackpool aforesaid, as BOARDING-HOUSE PRO- PRIETORS. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. of MORGAN, Colston William Kitchener, residing at Matter—12 of 1961 (under Order for Consolidation 90, Galmington Road, Taunton in the county of of Proceedings). Trustee's Name, Address and Somerset, anidi carrying on business at 49A, St. Description—Rawcliffe, Edward, 23, King Street, James Street, Taunton aforesaid, under the name Blackpool, Chartered Accountant. Date of Release or style of Half Price Bookshop as a BOOK- —7th June, 1963. SELLER, and at 39, Bridge Street, Taunton afore- said, under the name or style of Betta Foam as a REDMAN, Ronald Jack, of 2, St. Louie Close, FOAM RUBBER RETAILER, and formerly Southwick in the county of Sussex, SALESMAN carrying on business at 39, Bridge Street aforesaid, REPRESENTATIVE (described in the Receiving under the name or style of Kuhn Khan Cafe as Order as occupation unknown). Court-— a CAFE PROPRIETOR. Court—TAUNTON. BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—44 of 1961. Trus- No. of Matter—7 of 1961. Trustee's Name, tee's Name, Address and Description—Bradley- Address and Description—Sisman, George William, Hole, John Sidney, 7, Old Steine, Brighton, 1, Eastgate House, High Street, Exeter, Official Sussex, Certified Accountant. Date of Release— Receiver. Date of Release—4th June, 1963. 30th-May, 1963. GIBSON, Reginald Arthur, residing at 9, Beech The following notice is in substitution for that which Road, Horfield in the city and county of Bristol, appeared on page 5141 of the London Gazette and LONG, Patrick Lewis, residing at 12, Sheppard dated 14th June, 1963. Road, Fishponds in the city and county of Bristol, lately carrying on business in co-partnership under GREENGRASS-BANKS, Eileen, (widow), of 41, the style of Gibson & Long at 9, Beech Road, Pretoria Road, Cambridge, previously residing Horfield aforesaid, ELECTRICAL and PLUMB- at 64, Castlebar Road, Baling in the county of ING ENGINEERS. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Middlesex, described in the Receiving Order as Matter—26 of 1960 (under Order for Consolidation Ellen Greengrass-Banks, (widow), of 64, Castlebar of Proceedings). Trustee's Name, Address and Road, Ealing in the county of Middlesex. Court Description—Ehlers, Geoffrey Collins, 28, Baldwin HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter- Street, Bristol, 1. Date of Release—7th June, 1963. Brentford 23 of 1960. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Whitehead, Wilfred, Bankruptcy SWANSTON, Maurice Charles, of 124, Alderson Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2. Date of Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, unemployed, lately Release—29th March 1963. carrying on business at Swanstons Road, Great Yarmouth aforesaid, FISH MERCHANT. Court —GREAT YARMOUTH. No. of Matter—2 of 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— INTENDED DIVIDENDS Tuck, Thomas Arthur, Norfolk House, Exchange BENNETT, Kenneth John, lately residing at " Black- Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 60G, Official Re- thorns ", Sandy Lane, Kingswood, Surrey of no ceiver. Date of Release—24th May, 1963. occupation and lately carrying on business in partnership with another under the style of James WELLS, Albert Charles Sidney, of 15, Stone Road, Millar & Co., at 4, Tokenhouse Buildings, King's Cobholm, Great Yarmouth in the county of Arms Yard, London, E.C.2, as STOCKBROKERS. Norfolk, Maintenance Engineer, formerly carrying Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of on business at 38, Bells Road, Gorleston-on-Sea in Matter—405 of 1962. Last Day for Receiving the county of Suffolk, CYCLE DEALER. Court Proofs—9th July, 1963. Name of Trustee and —GREAT YARMOUTH. No. of Matter—1 of Address—Shaw, Francis Henry William Wain- 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and Description-— wright, 97 and 99, Park Street, London, W.I, Tuck, Thomas Arthur, Norfolk House, Exchange 1 Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 60G, Official Re- Chartered Accountant. ceiver. Date of Release—30th May, 1963. ROBINSON, Henry, residing at 111, Blackburn Road, GILMARTIN, Lilian Maud, Saleswoman, residing Rishton, Blackburn in the county of Lancaster, at 4, Marine Gardens, Milford Haven in the county Driving Instructor and CAMPBELL, Colin, resid- of Pembroke, and formerly residing and carrying ing at 298, Whialley Old Road, Blackburn aforesaid, on business as a DRAPER under the name or Taxi Driver, lately carrying on business under the style of " Gilmartin's Boutique ", at 14, Dartmouth name or style of " Taxicars ", at 1, Holme Street, Street, Milford Haven aforesaid. Court—HAVER- Blackburn aforesaid, TAXI PROPRIETORS. FORDWEST. No. of Matter—11 of 1961. Trus- (Separate estate of Henry Robinson.) Court— tee's Name, Address and Description—Williams, BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—1 of 1962. Last John Lewis, Government Buildings, 10, St. Mary's Day for Receiving Proofs—5th July, 1963. Name Square, Swansea, Official Receiver. Date of Release of Trustee and Address—Tye, James, 186, Deans- —14th June, 1963. gate, Manchester, 3. Official Receiver..
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