Edited by - Editör OKTAYBELLi

lll "II. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF MOUNT ARARAT AND NROAH'S ARK ll. ULUSLARARASI AGRI DAGI VE NUH'UN GEMİSİ SEMPOZYUMU" Ağrı Valiliği'nin Ev Sahipliğinde; Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi, jstanbul Üniversitesi, Van Yüzüncü. ~ıl Üniversitesi, Erzurum Atatfuk Üniversitesi, ÇEKUL Vakfı ve TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Van Şubesi'nin Organizasyonu ile 08-1O Ekim 2008 TarihleriArasında Doğubayazıtaa Kültür Merkezi Konferans Salonu'nda Gerçekleştirilmiştir.

© Yayın Hakları Prof. Dr. Oktay BELLİ

ProjeYapmı •••••o • •••• KaraKutu

Cağaloğlu Yokuş u Karvar İş Ham No: 6/8, Kat: 4 Eminönü-istanbul/TüRKİYE Tel: +90 0212 519 83 74 Faks: +90212 519 83 77 www.karakutuyayinlari.com e.posta: [email protected]

İç Tasarım ve Uygulama Burhan Mad·en

KapakResmi Büyük ve Küçük Ağrı Dağı (O. Belli) o Kapak Tasarım ve Uygulama Hüseyin Özkan

Baskı ve Cilt Ebru Matbaacılık Organize San. BölgesiAtatürk Cad. No: 135 İkitelli-İ$tanbu1/TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 212 611 93 70

İlk basım 2009, İstanbul

Ağrı Valiliği Kültür Yayınları Nı:. 9 Tüm Haklan Saklıdu'. Kaynak Belirtmek Ko.ş ulu ile.Yararlanılabilir.

ISBN: 978-605- 378 - 103- 5

Bu Kitap Ağrı Valiliği İl ÖzeUÇlaresi'ninmaddi katkılarıyla bastırılmıştır. Kitapta Yer alan Makalelerin Her Türlü Bilimsel ve Yasal Sorumluluğu Ya.zarlarına Atttir.

Bandrol uygulamasına ilişkin ulusal ve esaslar haklandaki yönetmeliğin S. maddesinin 2. fıkrası gereğince, bandrol taşıması zorunlu değildir.

ll Reza HEİDARi <*)


ran is a high land vast areas of wbich are cove­ in Iran Lying at the north ofWest of Azerbaijan Pro­ red with high mountains. Northwest of Iran is vince in Iran, Ararat mount is in view particularly I the meeting place of two mountain ranges cal­ in Makoo district. Based on archeological investiga­ led Alborz and Zagros. tion carried out in this township, settlement records West Azerbaijan Province lies at the northwest in it dates back to pre-bistoric times. Several tappes ofIran and neighbors Azerbaijan Republic and Arme­ indicate residence of human communities in Calc­ nia on the north and northeast, East Azerbaijan and colithic and in particular Bronze and Ir8n Era have Zanjan Provinces on the east, Kurdistan Province on been studies in this district. the south, and Iraq and on the west. These rernnants particularly increase in the West Azerbaijan s longest commen border is Urartian era so that Farhad rock tomb is a unique with Turkey c'onsisting of 488 Kın frontier. This pro­ sample of Urartu rock tombs lying 7 Km northwest vince is high in overall altitude and tali mountains of Makoo. Other Urartian ruins are found in a dis­ cover it in many places footed by plains like Urmia, tance not that far from this site especially in Sangar Khoy, Chaldoran, Salmas, Makoo, Sardasht and Nag­ and Varalıram (Heidari 2005) (Fig.2). hadeh (Fi.g-1). Stretched ina northwest-southeast Diverse Post-Islam works on this area from Is­ direction, Zagos Range constitutes the west limit of lamic geographers andhistorians are remaining. One Azerbaijan between Turkey and Iraq, with its start of the most ancient available maps in the works ofis­ point at Ararat volcanic mount which is called Mo­ lamic geographers dates back to 349 L.H (Lunar He­ unt Noah, or Aghri Dagh in Turkish. Ararat has gira). Estaghri in his Masalele olMamalekon the map d.ifferent namesin d.ifferent areas (Heidari- 2003). belonging to , Varan, and Azerbaijan, points Ararat is called Masis in Armenian, Aghri Dagh in to two mounts Little Mat and Great Mat which are Turkish, and Iranians call Kuhe Nooh . In Arabic definitely, Little and Great Ararat mounts. Meanw­ it is called Jodai or al Hares . Like Olymp and Al­ hile, name of dties like Becllis, Khalat, Erjish, Ma­ borz, this mount has also been known sacred since lazjerd , Khoy , Salmas , and Urmia are remarkable ancient times. So that in Jewish and Islamic religi­ (Heidari 2005) (Fig.2). ous traditions, it is the seat of No ah s Ark (Motakef- Maghdasi who finished penning the Alısan ol 2004). Histerical and Archeological Visage of Ararat Taghasim in 375 LH, while saying wonders of Ra-

(*) Reza HEiDARi (M. A.), Archaeolog, Urmia Museum, Urmia-iRAN e-mail: [email protected]


1- Geographic M ap of Northwest Iran bab , mentions the mounts Hares and Horis and the mavi 623 LH, in his Mojam ol Boldan narrates from dties around them as below: Mount Hares is taller Ebne Faghih Hamedani, on six thousand cities be­ than other Islami c mounts. No body is able to climb side Arax River, which were disfavored by God due it up. It is said this mount and the mount Horis to curse of prophets, and buried under Hares and had been among Tayef mounts and there has been Horis Mounts. This mount has been fully mentic­ one thousand cites around Arax which now lle un- ned in many travel accounts best of which is the tra­ der these two mounts (Raeis Nia 2000). Yaghut Ha- vel account of James Maurie, well known European traveler. He published his travel account in London in 1812 and printed in it a beautiful picture of Ara­ rat (Raeis Nia 2000) (Fig.3). Later in Qajarid era, such pointing became more frequent in proportion with higher frequency of tourists traverse and even influenced the art and architecture as well. As an instance some of such at­ tentions are observable in oil paintings of Baghche Jugh Palace. 'Yhis palace is constructed in a village in the same name by Eqbal ol Saltaneh Makooei one the powerful rulers of Qajarid era and a comman­ der of Mozafareddin Shah s army (Masourni 2004) (Fig.4). A glance at the oil painting in this palace, whi ch shows the focusing ofthe painter on the nature 2- A View of Mount Ararat from Iran


3- A View of So Called Farhad Cut Urartian Rock Tom b surraunding it and includes picture of two mounts Mount Ararat (Fig.6). Cultural Visage if Ararat in with snow-covered peaks, the caravan people and the Iran Two ttibes ofMilan and Zilan generally reside camels carrying burdens on their back, along with at northern part ofWest Azerbaijan in Makoo dist­ the tribes and their tents and lıerds on the piedmont rict. Meanwlıile, Jalali Clan of Zilan tribe form the can depict comrnerdal and soda! status of dwellers wbole people living in Ararat footlıills of Iran among of Ararat foothills in Qajarid era (Fig.S). Moreover, whom one may mention the sub-dans Jamikanlou, the miraculous effect of this remarkable landscape Bolkhanlou, Sakan, Alarn Houli, Otaylou, and Me­ can be seenin the Iranian-Armenian architecture of serkanlou. Some of the vi.llages where these dans re­ internationally recognized monument Glıara Ketisa side are Milan, Deh Gheshlagh, Sari Sou, Dambad or Saint Thaddeus which among world s most an­ Hasoshiri (Fig.7). cient churclıes and registered as 9th Iranian monu­ These areas are used as winter camps and nine ment in the human heritage list of UNESCO. This months a year namely from about September to May clıurch has been restored many times in different ye­ house the mentioned sub-clans. Dwellers are lives­ ars and in Qajarid era Abbas Mirza had it restored tock breeders and their summer camps lle sornewhere extensively. Many believe that two little and large do­ else near Iran-Turkey border spedally Chaldoran of mes, are inspired by the spiritual importance of the Iran where they reside rest of the year (Fig.8). These


their oaths which recall Ararat In Iran while taking oath, they refer to religious figures and leaders and so are the mounts Sipan and Ararat and referred to as holy mountains. In the stories remaining and in love tales, the lovers in addition to all the holy items, also swear to this mount not leave or cheat each ot­ her ever in their life. There are many other subjects in this connec­ tion mostly beyond scope of this article, but there is no doubt this fantastic and mysterious natural phe­ nomenon which enjoys a valuable position at least among people of the four countries aronnd it namely Azerbaijan, Turkey, Armenia and Iran can a the sub­ ject in common and a factor of convergence. There are so many stories, proverbs, and nar­ ratives among foothills dwellers of this mount conve­ yed from generation to genetation by words of mouth by compiling such intangible heritage we can found a basis for the human convergence beyond present •;., • political bordering. The basis that has gathered us together today for an international meeting.

References: 4- The Map Extracted from Estakhri's Book 'Masalek ol Mamalek", 349 LH 1-Heidari, Reza, Cultural Heritage Visage of West Azerbaijan, Published by General Administ­ people call the two mounts Aghrin (Fire mountain) ration ofTraining, Publishing and Cultural Produc­ and Goli Dagh (Mysterious mountain) and have dif­ tion, Tehran-2003 ferent tales about them (Fig.9). Among these tales is 2-Raeis Nia, Rabim, Azerbaijan in the Course the genesis ofLittle Ararat (Little Aghri) wbich took ofHistory, Nima Publications, Tabriz-1989 place when Great Ararat was pregnant and there was fight between the Mount Ghaf which now lies on 3-Heidari,Reza, Review of Works and Dra­ the Nakhjevan of Azerbaijan Republic. During this wing the Patterns of 1st Millennium BC Settlements battle, the great Ararat hi ts on he ad of Ghaf so vi­ in Northwest of Urmia Lake Emphasizing Sites of gorously that it rupttıres into two parts and in reply, Urartian Empire, Master s Thesis, Central Telıran Ghaf give a strong kick to the Great Ararat resulting Branch/ Islamic Azad University, 2005 in out coming of the Little Ararat from its belly, or 4-Motakef, Farideh, Civilization History of its birth. One of the stories on this mount wbich has Urartu or Ararat Tribes, Cement Quarterly, Issue become a proverb too, says the two mow1ts were two 24,2001 sisters one whom was go od and humble and the ot­ 5- Masoıuni, Gholamreza, History of Archeo­ her one jealous. Upon Divine Order, the kindhear­ logy, Samt Fiıblications, Tehran,2004 ted girl became a mount always covered with snow 6-Studies on Iran-Turkey Borderline and.flowering herbs and the jealous girl became a 7- Belli, Oktay, L International Symposium of mount covered with pieces of rock, soil and dried Mount Ararat and Noah's Ark, 7-11 September 2005, plants. One of the most important cultural aspects Doğubayazıt, İstanbu12007. of dwellers of this mount s piedmont areas in Iran, is


5- Picture of Mount Ararat from Travel Account of James 6- A View of Baghche Jugh Palace in Makoo Maurie, Published in London, 1812

7- ouil Pa inting in Baghche Jugh Palace in Makoo, Qa­ 8- A View of Ghara Ke lisa w ith its Little and Great Domes jarid Era

9- Picture of ararat Foothill Dwellers in iran 10- Black Tents of ararat Foothill Dwellers in i ran

11- A View ot Little and Great Ararat from i ran.