Issue Number 454 November 2018 From the Churchwardens Right – we just carry on! The early weeks of the interregnum have not been easy. There has been a ‘Perfect Storm’ of the two departures, the road closure, and Tim Raymond’s enforced absence owing to Margaret’s illness. OUR MISSION Nevertheless, the Priory pulls together in such times. We are A community seeking to live well with God, extremely grateful to Revd Barry Overend and Edward Scott for gathered around Jesus Christ in prayer and fellowship, helping to fill the gaps so effectively, with Barry taking the bulk of the and committed to welcome, worship and witness. services, and Edward Scott acting as organist, choirmaster, and tutor to our Organ Scholar. We also appreciate the contribution of the The Church Office other clergy, full-time or retired, who will also be part of our services , Skipton BD23 6AL from time to time. 01756 710238 [email protected] On October 01 we held the so-called Section 11 Meeting, at which 01756 710326 the PCC approved the Profile document, and elected Matt and Paul as the Parish Representatives. We are immensely grateful to the During the interregnum please address all PCC for trusting us with this huge responsibility, to help the Bishop enquiries to the Church Office. and Patron choose the next , and so set the course of the Priory for the next few years. We now have an ambitious recruitment Website timetable that sees interviews taking place in late November. With the right applicants, and with God’s blessing, we could have a new Rector before next Easter. In the meanwhile, there is a Priory to run, plans to be made, a SUNDAY timetable to be kept to, the unplanned and unexpected to be dealt 08.00 Holy Communion with. Every Wednesday the Churchwardens, together with Peter our Verger and Margaret our Parish Administrator, get together to do just 09.15 Liquid Family Worship First Sunday of month that. At this point we must record the unique contribution that 10.30 Sung Margaret Cody makes, not only in the normal course of events, but particularly during an interregnum. Her practical common sense and deep knowledge of how things get done are invaluable in keeping us WEDNESDAY in the right direction. As the Venerable Peter Townley, urged us, 10.00 Holy Communion in the context of the Section 11 meeting, ‘Let’s pray every day that 18.45 Choir Practice God would be preparing the heart mind and soul of the person to be your next Rector as we all together continue on this sacred journey’. All regular services are according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), except And, as Matt is often known to say, ‘Right – we just carry on’! for the Family service, an informal service for young and old. WEDDINGS and BAPTISMS: By arrangement via the Church Office. The Churchwardens 1 2 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING 16 OCTOBER He wishes us all every blessing. Paul Middleton, Churchwarden, was in the chair and after prayers we Please remember in your prayers Paul and Matt in the decision had a short period of silence in remembrance of Robert Clayton. making for a new incumbent. The Remembrance service that will include the ‘Ringing Remembers’ Sandra Stubbs act of commemoration will start at 10.30 on Sunday 11 November, PCC Secretary not later as previously planned. Revd James Turnbull will be MERIEL ARMSTRONG RIP preaching and he believed that his timing would allow us to start the The death of Meriel, my wife, was sudden in spite of the period in bell ringing on time. which she showed symptoms of dementia and was looked after both A letter had been sent to the Chair of the Friends thanking them for in Care Home and hospital. I was able to visit her daily and was with their kind offer to contribute funds for items needed in the Church. her on the day she died of a combination of lung and digestive This will be discussed at the next PCC meeting. disorders. She suffered pain but was able to recognize her family. Paul reported that the church funds are reasonably healthy and Her death, at the age of 86 years, nevertheless took us by surprise. expenses being managed very well. Once again we are able to pay Perhaps death, even at an advanced age has this ability. We are our full parish share of £114,220 although the giving has dropped. proud that so many of our friends remember her with affection and We hope that the new incumbent will hold a gift aid appeal next year. gratitude. The PCC were asked for their views on charitable giving for next year for the Finance Committee to study. Our life together combined maternal and academic aspects since we Anna Hartley had her first meeting as Ambassador to first met in Cambridge where she had recently, in 1966, begun a which she enjoyed. There is list of Christmas events in the Parish post-graduate course in History and Philosophy of Science, with special reference to the Cambridge Platonists. I was able to help her Magazine so if anyone is interested please contact Anna. th The Synod meeting held on 10 September sounded very interesting, with some difficult printed texts published, as was the custom in 17 century universities, in classical Latin. We married in Herefordshire including a slide show of the Coptic Church in Egypt and another of the dreadful scenes of the two suicide bombs on Palm Sunday and of where her parents lived. Her father was an ordained priest of the the work by Christians in the aftermath. , an old-fashioned local antiquarian, who Do you know of any brass players? If you do please contact Paul as encouraged our desire to live in Hereford where we bought a he is looking for musicians for the Live Nativity. ‘country cottage’, thought of as ‘for retirement’. After my Please be careful in and around the Priory. Large stakes have been ordination, she became a busy and kindly ‘parson’s wife’. A role for put around the grass area and some gravel areas. It would be so which she was well prepared. easy to trip or fall over these. This safety issue is out of our control We kept our beloved house in rural Herefordshire and interested and is the responsibility of the Estate. ourselves in different aspects of Herefordshire life, especially in the The heating project had been delayed to a 2020 start whilst we border country. She loved the countryside and cared for such complete the fundraising. Liz Clayton and her team of Rosemarie gardens as we had. Our daughter, Bridget, gave us two grand- Fisher, Elaine Lambert, Val Middleton and Sandra Stubbs are planning daughters and a great interest in their concerns and development. a meeting shortly. The family circle was established in Yorkshire by 2006. She showed We do need you, the parishioners, to be involved and if you have any great adaptability; was ever patient; ever concerned in the life, ideas or wish to do a fund raising please contact one of the team. social, familial, and church-related, which came our way. She We received a letter from Jonathan saying how grateful he was for remained a loving partner and generous supporter of our friends the unexpected gift. He and Rebecca are using the cash for a short and family until the end.

Christopher Armstrong break in Berlin, which is a city that they have always wanted to visit. 3 4 ROBERT CLAYTON RIP MINCE PIE BAZAAR It is with great sadness that we report the recent death of Robert Saturday 17 November Clayton. A full tribute to Robert will appear in the next edition. 14.00 to 16.00 FOREIGN CURRENCY A reminder that the annual Mince Pie Bazaar, held A few years ago, I was asked if I would look after the sorting of each year to raise money for various charities, will foreign currency received from time to time take place on Saturday 17 November in Bolton in the donation boxes in the Priory Church. Abbey Village Hall. Charities may take a table in return for twelve The number of different countries homemade mince pies or a donation of £4. The mince pies are used represented by visitors to the Church has for refreshments and the money raised from the sale of beverages been documented in a previous issue of this and mince pies pays for the hall hire. All the money taken from each magazine, and perhaps it is not surprising that I see a wide range of table goes to benefit their particular charity. We are now taking currencies in the course of a year. The most frequently encountered bookings for tables. If you are involved in a charity and would like to foreign currency is the Euro, followed by US Dollars. Other currencies reserve a table please ring Margaret Cody on 01756 710587. received regularly, in much smaller quantities, are Australian Dollars, THE PRIORY TABLE AT THE MINCE PIE BAZAAR Polish Zloty, Canadian Dollars, UAE Dirhams, and Swiss Francs. Carol Wade and Val Middleton are coordinating the Priory table. Within the last three months, there have been 25 different They would very much appreciate donations of baking, preserves, currencies represented in the coins and notes received. In the few seasonal items, mince pies, fruit cakes and any Christmas related years since I started, I have seen coins from over 60 countries and a goods. The donations last year from members of the congregation couple of coins that are, so far, resisting identification. There have were most generous and they raised over £300 for Priory funds. also been a few unusual items, including a Disneyland token! Donations can be left in the Church or Church Office clearly marked. I still see coins from the ‘legacy’ currencies of the Eurozone Please come along and support over twenty charities, including the countries. Most of these are now irredeemable, and of little or no Priory, at this event. value. However, I have recently been able to exchange a few Deutschmarks and Pesetas at a reasonable rate. WORLD’S BIGGEST COFFEE MORNING UPDATE Notes, and €2 and €1 coins, are easily exchangeable – I use a Thank you to everyone who helped in any way at the Coffee Morning, company who give me a good rate for small amounts. I have also, on those who baked, came and donated. The total amount finally sent occasion, supplied a small quantity of currency to someone going on to Macmillan was £658. holiday (if I have the right currency at the right time). Margaret Cody Until recently, coins (other than €2 and €1) were more of a problem. PRIORY MAGAZINE DEADLINE However, I have found a company who will exchange small DECEMBER – JANUARY MAGAZINE denomination coins from several countries, and I am hoping that this Please can we have any copy by 15 November sent either to the means of exchange will continue to be available. Editor or the Church Office. Anything collectable is put on one side for separate sale. I also have an ongoing accumulation of lesser value foreign coins, which might SEPTEMBER FIGURES eventually make up a mixed auction lot, and raise a few pounds. The average weekly attendance at all Sunday services of adults and The sums raised are relatively modest - but it all helps! children in September was 90. The average weekly receipts to the Adrian Hendley Priory in September was £1,724. In September there were 12,305 The ‘modest amount’ mentioned is actually £157.76. Well done! visitors. 5 6 THE COLLATION, INDUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE RITE OF COLLATION AND INDUCTION OF REVD CANON AS REVD JONATHAN CAIN TO ST JAMES, WOODSIDE A packed gave the warmest of welcomes to its This was the second service in three days when the Priory community new Dean. The building rang with applause at his installation. had to say a fond farewell to a well respected member of the clergy Civic dignitaries, our Patron the , and over sixty and hand them over to another church. Bishop did members of the Priory community joined some 500 well wishers from acknowledge that Bolton Abbey had suffered a ‘double whammy’ in across the Anglican Diocese of Leeds along with the bishops and recent weeks. A goodly number from the Priory travelled to St James deans from Bradford and Ripon cathedrals. in Horsforth to support Jonathon and the rest of the Cain Family. The The role of dean combines the leadership of the cathedral community newly installed Dean of Wakefield and Anne were also present after a with membership of the team of senior ordained and lay staff who intensely busy weekend for them. support the diocesan bishop. We witnessed the full pomp and Matt offered a wonderful commendation. Matt’s work colleagues panoply of the Church of England together with the due legal process used to have a saying when there was a new worker. ‘What’s that involved in this appointment. new lad like? ’ It was very rare for the answer to be ‘He’s OK, he’s Simon chose the music for the service, some wonderfully uplifting normal’. That was the highest praise, it didn’t get any better than hymns sung with gusto by the congregation, and psalms and anthems that. This was, according to Matt, ‘the top of the tree’! Matt told were sung with great power and beauty by the cathedral choir. Our Jonathan’s new congregation that in Jonathan they actually had ‘the own Mike Vineall gave the Old Testament reading and Faith Cowling top of the tree’. He firmly admonished them ‘to look after him’! read from St John’s Gospel. Jonathan’s new ministry is an innovative role which will lead the way Two young choristers, Elias Vasey-Saunders and Amelia Thackeray in developing fresh approaches to every-member ministry, with welcomed Simon with the words: ‘On behalf of the whole cathedral clergy and lay ministry working together. Because of its already community, I welcome you in the name of Christ as a fellow pilgrim. strong and active lay team, St James’ Church had been asked by Bishop Paul to explore ways of becoming a more lay-led church. The Pray with us for God's blessing on the life of this cathedral, city, parish is excited by the vision but needed the help of an encouraging, district and diocese.’ The service was a proud moment for members enabling and collaborative priest to of the Priory albeit tinged lead them in this direction. with sadness as we Revd Jonathan Cain writes formally said goodbye to Simon, Anne and their A big thank you to everyone for your family who had become support to Rebecca, the boys and me as such an important part of we have made the transition from the Priory life over the last five Priory to St James, Woodside. Particular years. thanks and prayers to all those who made the trek across to Woodside to Members of the PCC who see me ‘put in’. Matt’s commendation were present were very was particularly welcome – good for reassured by the efficiency the new folks to start off with the of the underfloor heating impression that I’m ‘normal’. Just in the cathedral! wonder how long it will take for them Editor Simon with Liz and Barbara to find me out! God Bless, Jonathan 7 8

ARE YOU WEARING YOUR POPPY CORRECTLY? FRIENDS OF BOLTON PRIORY A lovely military man selling poppies in a supermarket store foyer Dates for your diary stopped my daughter today and asked if he could reposition hers. Sunday 02 December While doing so he told her that a woman should wear her poppy on Advent Supper the right side; the red represents the blood of all those who gave their The Advent Supper will take place in the Boyle Room after the 16.30 lives, he explained. The black represents the mourning of those who Advent Carol Service on Sunday 02 December. Everyone is most didn’t have their loved ones return home, and the green leaf welcome to attend. represents the grass and crops growing and the hope for future Tickets are available from the Church Office at £7.50 each. Please prosperity after the war had destroyed so much. send a cheque, made payable to Bolton Priory, and a SAE. The leaf should be positioned at 11 o’clock to represent the eleventh Jill Riley hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the time that World BOLTON ABBEY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE War One formally ended. On 20 November there will be a demonstration He was worried that younger generations wouldn’t understand this of ‘Flowers for Christmas’. We will also be having and that his generation wouldn’t be around for much longer to teach our Annual General Meeting. Please come and them. join us at 19.30 in Bolton Abbey Village Hall. My daughter thanked him for telling her about the significance of Guests are always welcome or if you are wearing the poppy and reassured him that the sacrifice made by so interested in joining please contact many in that war would always be remembered in her family as her Margy Stockdale on 01756 720677. older brother was serving now. He smiled at her and touched her arm. Footnote RIPON CATHEDRAL EVENTS She told me after relating this meeting to me that she spent the rest of the Saturday 24 November 09.30 to 16.30 day wanting to approach total strangers and adjust their poppies! Christmas Gift and Food Fair, over 100 stalls of all types in the Thanks to Peter Lambert for passing this on. Cathedral, Santa’s Grotto and many other delights! From the British Legion website Saturday 01 December, 19.30 There is no right or wrong way to wear a poppy. It is a matter of ‘The Story of Christmas’ in the Cathedral, a theatrical interpretation personal choice whether an individual chooses to wear a poppy and with guest narrator, cast of actors and the Ripon Cathedral Choir. also how they choose to wear it. Tickets from: Some wear it on the left side of their Molly Barrs 01765 603583 or [email protected] body, as this is close to the heart, Anna Hartley, Ripon Cathedral Ambassador 01943 600645 while others suggest that men wear it in their left lapel (similar to a ILKLEY AND OTLEY CHORAL SOCIETIES boutonnière) and women wear it on 10 November at 19.00 the right (similar to a brooch). St Margaret's Church, Ilkley There’s also a myth that only members We Will Remember Them of the Royal Family are allowed to Elgar, Haydn, Songs and War poetry wear theirs on the right - this isn’t true. Tickets at £14 are available from Grove Music, However, none of these are the ‘correct’ way to wear your poppy. choir members, or on the door at the concert. The best way to wear one is simply with pride. 9 10 NOVEMBER ALL SOULS CHORAL EVENSONG 01 Thursday All Saints Day This annual All Souls choral evensong with act of commemoration of 03 Saturday 14.00 Marriage of Michael Harrison and the faithful departed will be held on Sunday 04 November at 16.30. As usual, we have formally invited the families of those whose Victoria Phillip funerals we have held in the past twelve months and whose names 04 SUNDAY ALL SAINTS SUNDAY will be read out at the service. We hope that many of you will take 09.15 Liquid Family Service this opportunity to give thanks for the lives of loved ones now 16.30 All Souls Evensong departed. 07 Wednesday The Wednesday Nighters REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 11 SUNDAY REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY As part of the Remembrance Sunday 15.30 Mozart Requiem commemorations at the 10.30 service on Cantores Salicium & Camerata Salicium 11 November our bell will ring out. This will 17 Saturday 14.00 Mince Pie Bazaar in BAVH replicate the national outpouring of relief that took place at the end of the war as news of the 18 SUNDAY SECOND BEFORE ADVENT Armistice filtered through, when bells which 12.30 Holy Baptism, Oscar Rapley had long been silent rang out. In London there will be a 'People's

25 SUNDAY Christ the King Procession', as 10,000 people march past the Cenotaph in a nation's 27 Tuesday 19.30 PCC ‘thank you’. 29 Thursday Friends visit to Castle Howard Poppies will be on sale in the Tower. 30 Friday St Andrew NOVEMBER GUIDES REPORT DECEMBER By the time this edition of the Parish Magazine reaches the Priory, 01 Saturday 09.00 Meeting for those wishing to be Guiding will have finished for 2018. We have had a better than average summer from May onwards. It is surprising that July and married at the Priory August visitor numbers were lower than 2017. 02 SUNDAY ADVENT SUNDAY We have also had to endure the road closure between the Devonshire 09.15 Liquid Family Service Arms and Bolton Abbey Village. As ever, my thanks to the Guides 16.30 Advent Carol Service team for their dedication to the work of welcoming visitors to our Friends' Advent Supper wonderful building with so much history to relate. 05 Wednesday 19.00 The Wednesday Nighters’ Although the 'season' is ending, a number of guides have indicated Christmas Dinner that they would like to continue. How's that for dedication! 08 Saturday 12.00 Marriage of Jim Mitchell and I hope to be able to arrange a 'trip' in 2019 and I am exploring one or two options. One idea was Lancaster which is not too far away. It has Alisa Kadochnikova a castle and a fine Priory on a hill overlooking Morecambe Bay. 09 Sunday ADVENT 2 I hesitated before mentioning this option because I would like ideas MORNING PRAYER from the Guides, which I can then develop to see if an interesting day Peter Lambert, our Verger, has kindly offered to lead Morning Prayer out can be assembled. in the Priory at 08.45 on Wednesdays and Fridays. Gerry Yates 11 12 IN PRAISE OF MUSIC As expressed in the October magazine, the Ensemble Pro Victoria concert was a stunner! We were treated to pieces of music that the Augustinian canons at the Priory would have been familiar with. We were in awe of the sound the Ensemble made, so much so that we didn’t applaud their arrival in the church after singing in the tower. We are not in the habit of clapping after an ‘amen’ has been sung. This was soon rectified as we recognised their warmth and joy at being able to sing in a building whose acoustics showed off their REQUIEM: A CONCERT FOR PEACE AND REMEMBRANCE talents so well. CANTORES SALICIUM AND CAMERATA SALICIUM For my part, we were fortunate to supply bed and breakfast (full BOLTON PRIORY 11 NOVEMBER 2018 AT 15.30 English) to David Valsamidis, the deep bass singer in the group, who gave the note from an app on his ‘phone. He has sung in the National Mozart’s Requiem is a fitting work for the centenary of the armistice. Youth Choir and at Southwark Cathedral. He is now a Lay Clerk at The fact that the composer died whilst writing it gives a poignancy . Chart his progress; he has his eyes set on Opera North and timelessness to the music and the completion by his pupil, Franz too! Xaver Süssmayr, means that it is in effect a collaborative composition. Sunday Worship on Radio 4 at 08.10 on 07 October with Bishop We are delighted to have a small chamber orchestra to accompany James Jones was from York. As you’d expect, the singing from the the choir in this concert. The group includes young players and music Minster was truly wonderful. David would be singing there as he students, whose collaboration will enhance the experience for all does four services a day. In the programme there was much involved. Before the Requiem the choir will sing the beautiful motet reference to the York Mystery Plays; with the Guild of Butchers, no by Lassus, ‘Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt’ (The souls of the just less, acting out the Crucifixion, a reminder to us here of our efforts at are in God’s hands) and there will be readings of war poetry. This the Priory over the years, action and drama interspersed with verses concert in the beautiful surroundings of Bolton Priory will add to local of ‘Lord of the Dance’. In case you need a reminder……….. commemorations of the centenary of the Armistice. It is a tribute to Look at Psalm 150. ‘Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord’. all who have died in wars or who have been wounded, impoverished Jean Bull or displaced by conflicts throughout the world. Lindy Williams FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Tickets cost £10, under 16 and war veterans are free. HOLY BAPTISM Tickets can be bought from choir members, at the door on the day of 02 September Imogen Warters the concert or may be reserved via our website: 09 September Rufus Watson SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY 15 September Thomas Forster and Katy Green POSTAL MAGAZINES 15 September Rupert Cardash and Leila Dickinson If you would like to receive your magazine by post just let the Church 22 September Michael Devanny and Danielle Rogan Office know, 01756 710238. The cost is £9.50. You can also read it online at the Priory website

13 14 MAGAZINE ARCHIVES In Memoriam – A memorial service was held in the Abbey on the afternoon of Sunday, October 13th to do honour to the memory of PAROCHIAL NOTES two more of our Roll of Honour, John and William Mitchell; they 100 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 1918 were the only sons of the late head forester. Sergt. John Mitchell War Savings Committee – Arrangements are being made in the parish had been appointed to succeed his father; he leaves a widow and in connection with the ‘Feed the Guns Campaign’ to arouse one little girl. His brother, who died of wounds on the day before enthusiasm and increase the number of War Savings Certificates in John was killed, had not lived in the parish for some years and was the district. In view of the magnificent work done by our sailors and unmarried. Great sympathy is felt throughout the district for the soldiers, which has brought the end of the war appreciably nearer, it young widow and the Misses Mitchell. Miss Mitchell is taking up is up to every man, woman and child to invest every possible penny to nursing and Miss Belle Mitchell is continuing her War Agricultural assist in bringing about the final victory. Now that the Germans are work. being pushed back, the revelations of the horrors of the four years of Captain McIntosh – We deeply regret to record the death of Lady occupation show up more and more vividly the brutal nature of our Maude’s husband, as reported from Canada. Much sorrow has been enemies. They are additional proof that the only voice they will listen expressed by many at Bolton Abbey and they hope that Lady Maude to is the voice of the guns – let us feed the guns then, for all we are will be comforted and sustained by God’s help in her bereavement. worth. They are God’s instruments for restoring justice and Soldier’s Comforts – The local War Committee has decided to send righteousness in the world. 10s. to each soldier on our Roll of Honour, as was done last year, but the funds in hand are not quite enough to meet the whole expense. Those who are willing to assist are asked to send their contribution to the hon. Secretary, Mrs Downs. THE WEDNESDAY NIGHTERS Wednesdays Bolton Abbey Village Hall 19.30 On the 07 November the title of Gaby Robertshaw’s Power point presentation is ‘David Hockney – Art and Artist’. Entrance is free, we hold a raffle to cover our costs. If you would like to help with tea and cake after the meeting please have a word with Margaret Cody 01756 710587. The December meeting on the 05 is the Christmas Dinner. Tickets, at £13, are now available from Barbara Pickersgill, 01756 710630 or at the November meeting. Do come and join us. Everyone is very welcome.

BOOKING BOLTON ABBEY VILLAGE HALL October 1918: Chelsea Pensioners, wearing their medals, in front of a If you are interested in booking the hall please either email, howitzer gun at a 'Feed the Guns' campaign in Trafalgar Square. [email protected] or ring 01756 710587


SUNDAY O2 DECEMBER 16.30 Advent Carol Service THURSDAY 06 DECEMBER 19.00 Bolton Abbey Estate Carol Service Everyone is welcome. SATURDAY 15 DECEMBER 11.00 Live Nativity (first performance) 13.30 Live Nativity (second performance)


18.00 Boyle and Petyt School Carol Service CHRISTMAS EVE, MONDAY 24 DECEMBER 16.00 Christingle 23.30 First Eucharist of Christmas CHRISTMAS DAY, TUESDAY 25 DECEMBER 08.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Festal Eucharist

Please park in the Village Car Park, without charge, and leave parking at the Priory for those less mobile. Feel free to drop passengers outside church. Don’t forget to bring a torch. 17 18 BOLTON ABBEY CRICKET CLUB –SEPTEMBER In a complete reversal, at the home ground, the 2nds fielded first FINAL BACC REPORT FOR 2018 against West Tanfield who scored 211-5. All-rounder Jasper Cressey Saturday 08 September was the pick of the Bolton Abbey bowlers taking 4-25. Sadly the BA Unfortunately both games were cancelled due to batting line-up were unable to reproduce the previous week’s rain. heroics and were all out for just 80. Saturday 15 September To wrap up the 2018 summaries I’d like to congratulate Merv Holme, who finished 8th in the Division Three bowling averages taking 30 The Bolton Abbey 1sts welcomed North Stainley to the Bolton Bridge th ground and elected to field having won the toss. North Stainley lost wickets at an average of 13.43 and Will Lord, who finished 9 in the early wickets and looked set for a very low score until the final pair Division, also with 30 wickets at an average of 15.13. For the 2nds, of batsmen scored another 54 runs which proved to be crucial. Of Ed Wilman had an outstanding season ending third in the Division Six the Bolton Abbey bowlers, Will Patchett took early wickets and batting averages with 519 runs in just 9 innings at an average of returned 3-27. In reply BA opener Rob Mayo started well with 44 74.14 and a top score of 161 not out! and with middle order batsman Nick Baxter (29) the side looked to Rob Mayo be coasting to victory until Nick stumbled and fell between the wickets. This fall unfortunately resulted in a broken wrist. The final three batsmen all worked very hard to overhaul the North Stainley score but sadly the side were all out for 141. The 2nds travelled to Raskelf and were put in to bat by the home side. After a decent start by the two openers Ed Wilman again proved his talent with an unbeaten 161, his second ‘ton’ of the On behalf of Mary's meals I would like to thank the parishioners of season. Jasper Cressey also proved his ability with the bat with an Bolton Priory for their very generous support over the past few unbeaten 68 and the Abbey side finished on 285-3. In reply Raskelf years. Thanks to people like yourselves Mary's Meals now reaches scored just 82 all out with opening bowlers Pete Cockcroft (4-11) 1,361,586 children in 17 different countries, providing a meal every and Rob Chew (3-24) doing the damage. school day in a place of education. This inspirational charity relies Saturday 22 September mainly on volunteers which means that a minimum of 93p out of At Thornton Watlass for the final game of the season again skipper every £ donated goes straight to its charitable work. Tom Holme won the toss and chose to field on this picturesque but The original Bolton Priory group has now developed into an unusual ground which has trees and a road within the boundary! ecumenical group comprising volunteers from across the Wharfe Thornton Watlass have an attacking style of batting and they looked Valley who organise a variety of fundraising and speaking events in for the big shots throughout their innings. The Bolton Abbey bowlers the area. Should anyone be interested in joining us they would be all did exceptionally well and wickets were shared evenly to restrict very welcome. Speak to Margaret Hellewell to find out more. the home side to 152-9. Both Will Lord (2-17) and Merv Holme As well as fund raising we support the Backpack Appeal which (2-43) deserve special mention as they both passed the 30 wickets provides school essentials for the children on our feeding target to qualify for the league averages. In reply Dave Burton (22), programme. There is now a collecting box at the Clarke Foley Centre. Rob Mayo (27 – caught spectacularly one-handed on the fine-leg Once again a big ‘thank you’ for what has been an amazing boundary) and Phil Midgley (22*) all contributed well but Kev Holme contribution by the Priory congregation to Mary's Meals was outstanding with 54 not out, and Abbey won with a score of Krzvia Condliffe 156-2, a great way to end the season! Mary’s Meals Volunteer 19 20 HARVEST LUNCH PRIORY DIRECTORY After experiencing a dwindling support for an evening Harvest Supper, our harvest celebration meal was switched this year to be a Harvest Lunch. Rector Curate After the Harvest Festival sixty of our congregation Hon Assistant Clergy The Revd James Turnbull packed the Village Hall to enjoy a really excellent The Revd Christopher Armstrong lunch. Splendidly organised by Margaret Cody and with a first class Church Office Margaret Cody 01756 710238 meal prepared and served by the ever impressive Emma, we sat Churchwardens Paul Middleton 01943 430654 down to relish a tasty Meat and Potato Pie and vegetables. This was Matthew Hey 07702 555339 followed by a magnificent selection of desserts, brought by many of Deputy Churchwardens Susan Barker 01756 711260 our ladies and prompting returns to the table for encores (notably, it Barry Cody 01756 710587 must be admitted, by the men!). The raffle, this year in aid of Baby PCC Secretary Sandra Stubbs 01943 463332 Basics and raising over £160, was well supported and the noise and PCC Treasurer Michael Heatley 01423 509629 laughter in the room attested to the success of the event. Our Gift Aid Peter Loweth 01756 711129 thanks are due to Margaret, the dessert providers and the other Director of Music Tim Raymond ladies helping her. Our Harvest Meal is alive and flourishing again! [email protected] Three cheers! Works Committee Matthew Hey 07702 555339 Mike Vineall Deanery Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Tony Cantlow 01756 797478 HARVEST CELEBRATIONS Diocesan Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Our thanks must go to everyone Verger Peter Lambert 07985 136819 who brought Harvest produce and Sacristan Jennifer Hardaker to the Priory flower arrangers who Chalicists’ Rota Mike Vineall 01756 753013 created the beautiful Liquid Worship Judith Schofield 01756 720065 arrangements for our Harvest Electoral Roll Margaret Cody 01756 710238 celebrations. The service was led Child Protection Libby Packett 01943 817450 by the Revd Barry Overend and the Disabled Representative Jean Crawford 07951 788909 organist was Edward Scott. Thank Sidesmen’s Rota Stephen Murgatroyd 01943 969761 you also to Heather Collinson who Flower Rota Lorna Freegard 01943 607907 Welcome Team Leader Gerry Yates 01535 610690 did the place settings for the Cleaning Rota Andrew Wade 01943 862614 Harvest Lunch, Carol Dawson who Magazine Editor Val Middleton 01943 430654 produced the lovely flowers for the [email protected] tables and Gerry Yates who looked Magazine Deputy Editor Judith Allen 01943 434434 after the door. Thank you to Magazine Advertising and everyone who brought the lovely Magazine Distribution raffle prizes and to Barbara Priory Friends Jill Riley 01943 830190 Pickersgill who made the raffle such a success.

21 22