REF ID:A557761

FIR.ST 1/..5. AR.d }'

C4R P.s J..G v &J..

..Jt c.oRf5

y'-tlT RPS. :...- co

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@'pproved for Release by NSA on 05-29-2014 pursuantto E.O. 1352a ~E~~~·.®~·?;

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f,'ften the Coun.~ffena1ve nc laumsh9d at appzraxiat.l.T OS)() 011 16 ~ber, the ~int. lny had thne Ooiope on tbe lino, nol'tb to l'OU'Ult tile mtti, tbe fth, Qi \'ltftb Col¥•t Meh OCO\lP7ittc its . JUiU•. ~- •lT OctObe,.. ot theae, u. ~ nr e.nat u. ...ot:itral. V <-.o~• •"• pn-oe~Ud nth otf•naiw• o-r their own, the - tom~- t:o Bjitur. COtoCD11 afid tho i.t.te- \be aon. Riff!' t:Ums.. Ou th• other ho.nd• tJte 8o)Ut.Mn2 T.U1 Cot'})B ooourbd • qniet, d.eteoeiv• &;ootot\1 Pll'tust note the :pasi tion~ t!rd ~· siu of the thr" CO!"pe on th~ 'l'welfth U'my iroaP' it O«>) Situation lf•p ot J.11200 DeOClllbel" iia th& hon~1sp,eu. 1'he Gitz-M~ .fl~\ w&a MaYiest against. tho: eoutht"m sector occupied b:f. ~ 11Il Cetl'ft'- 7 and>Od mrwsrd.,. ill four ot tbd 'nlJ Cor; f!. div.biOl\S '\t'&lS'~ e;t~ \'n 16 ~~ber, by an identiflro ten~\~ d1v116~ •ns th• V ~f'PS •• attiu:ked t.ainly ouly on ita south•m fluk. t.M 99th riinaton adJatlent to +.he VIII Corpti w~a 11a&ault.ed 11,S" el~ts 01' 12 \\U;ay cU'tdafona.. :;;onth to north, the 211d ~n.i 7Sth Di vi&iona of 'the l C'.o.l'}a \'ri.\o \qlt"e U.r27~ th• ujor burden ot th• V Corr• otteoaive, n~·e not a22au.t~ cm th• 16th by infantry !'m.•·4f1f1 11 the 2d rec•i't5~ SQM ho«tJY !'-Ullill(~ rnrther north, &djac&nt to tho O\l!nt.rall V CorN1, •htt VIl Corp9 waa not strloktm during the rui,-, and aofttinued its O'lrai C)ffemdTe unt..11 21 ~natb&rp when i~ was relined and Y1 thd.Hlm to Bel-«i• for '1ttfl)Uite11

Tbti corpCJ hdd the opiaion tluit tbe l\n$my reg_arded bin d•t'enH of tf:e SIFJ.lfRl!D Line arr.! e.f th• .UOHR-• OW CO?Tidor ~.,o tba RUIU? as vital. n1~ Mrtc:ma d•fettff W&a EapHted, o.lld a contiaJnt> ti.on ot hi• 4•t~ MUJ ~ pneral np.rdGd aa tb• Flul'T ..,- cap&• billf.J' •n4 l.,_ntlot1. tilt lol.T8 txplOted ~ttnttt.okac agaiut ~JR~r~oan p6netl"S.tio~s. ·

- - - Ml•n th• Vlll Oorrs aHiwed 1 tit HO~ on 4 Oetobtr, 1t\t. &\ i.«e~ tor poJ.1Ucal~_,_~,,~· 41116117 ftJi nqulreci to hold t.h• Bllm'IID U.. at itll ••ta, to 1i014 ·th-. 4115.ed to:rc•• .,n th& lt••t&ra front., •nd th$t \he tlnf.1 ~ terlt.>U8 d•f"en~• trafi e:xpee.ted .. Thf! Oorpe continuad thla opinion, nnd on 9 tleoob6r ntorded th.ti onaiy pz.·ilHl"Y 11.b,lllt,' end illt.6ntion aa tte conUlw.ntiou. ot hi• OW'H~t active d.ef•ff• SS.• praotiCtt Of giving MW d1Yi.dOU ~rl.&ll9 OU the VIII Corp• t'ront,then scnng t.Mm clen?t.•T• ~e9t~ the enesy'& llH11"9 t.hl'\t the 110n 1~:·a.iu quiet :tm ir.acth·e§ Count.eNtt6eu t.o MH'!Wrfl JICflitioba and n1n.!'orc...,.entii f'r'QrJ Naeneo -qi;re_un~eoted unleetJ thl'l f-~t·"'•l' :'olt ~PE VI:Il Ooi"iD l:"(f.f. :tOiMrtJ.zt& llli o:f'fenativ&. Cl&n&tt fOrtwl! lt&H oonuiderea to 'bGt Yecy lh• in qullit,r.,

\ \ .--.. REF ID :A5577:61 - ) . .}

· · -. . AdJtO\m\ t,o •1td oo:r\h· o!' tD .defu.ivo VIII CoJ'P6, ~ V GOJ'f'fl. %aS ongapd · 1n ott.,JiTI! act.ion dtU"ing iro~t of th• pff'!cd .6ectober-l' liee:Jecber, nnd it~ attitutde ioftl'd& th• ...,.,. iwtenU&l• i.Ue• ·•• ~U1U"ld a.ptu\ U. Col1>9 on opwaU... •• nu\$ w th• TCorpa drift•• J~cord1ug tc th• COrp• deecr.tption,_ * ~ lltl'or.g:cy- land det.eml~ re1tiatri tM V Col"pil ad9anM11,. p&riiculal"~ in ~ lllR'l'GD Forest. 4tlcl ~ SCCl~!DT nct01a.a.. "?hi~~.Cloteml-4 · . de!ai:ms·•• 11pdri •• t'he.cunot and ai:eo~ •.Mtl7'•. ~al>ilit,. b.1' -~·1 c'l)rr:~ :O•a Jst•t• ot 6. neeu~... HoweYo~,.,mtpt. C(Nft~ . ~'trt'-~b lfi:tti- a•11'b~ ff8tu:vea could ~ ~~~ as a to . 'ff Co?r·e ~ne\r~tifln~t 1-11:uch &tit thra Gem.::tn q~ o! ~4f.-ne ·ms . 91 0 . .• : :~~ ~ *.:~1;;~f=:;;~·7 7Z~;:}~f~:;~_&!;Z1~~crsf~ · . · · · Sillil6J.'t0'.'tli& ·c.,ntNl 'f. COi-ps, the· :Mrt!i~t Corp~-ot : 'th~ First., .U. Vl!th,, tt'O;f! oc-:npifftd 'ld:Ut •n otr.eaf,ye·-ou 16. llfftMbot-~ and h.:td ~ ~ fi1Cll£ed eime 1>-l)a,-, 6 J'UUe 1'he current, "dri·•ff ·-qa· · . 1~ aw~i.q- .u.cfl!?f '\o 1Htise KOLi, &!Id had bun lamtclted tm 16 ~-~rd ~1t.ltin a wu~k of GJle1~t1ou, thtl V?I CorF• d eon$1!!~red th& _, >Jnirul.1'' a oo~t likel.7 Cflptbillt:r to ~ his 004t.1.nnod acti'ff dl!tena ot hia poait1o~s. Henvy en~ lotl~ Md betm conz;tatly l"'ttplaeerl f.:lm-ing th4r period~ a~ tti.. ~l Corpa wo.nditr..t ho• losg the cl9fenae cou~d i:r.mtin'U0 in thi.J t'aOO: ot tho lon. l"&te Al)d ~-n

- ' - • ,: -:. ; _, .. •• • • ' - ~ ' .,_' < ::.-~ ~;..,... -: ;_ ~ ~ ,,.., '+ -_- ~ 0 .- l , ~' - > , ....;~ ", ... _"~.-' ~ - ~ • '>. ""'. ~ _ ~-~T•~~:__.::'~-"' •- :~ ~ :-·~,_--: ~vf':~,..: ·~ _: '• ';. _...:.._-.:; ~~~:,~~~--~-~~~~:l:~~'~f ;~~'i;;~,~-,~!.d:.'.'.~f~~~~l .• REF ID:A5577~f • -_·• j


· o~~ the n Ra Hrioqq wo..i.d, and he Pa b\Wn'opWd wb!l~ undu •o-rp~ilUe His ~nee WU qustiOM~. - - _ > ' ' • > L .. < - d' ~ .. • ~ ' LM • > ~ J ~ 0 1. · ·. zrote b teto t.mlt t.Mse tour. were the onl;r 01lt.!6 · ot ~it tirhiich ffre .toH&lded to 'the VIII corpa Niadquater• b.r th• Corpe · di'f'.1~ -prior·._,· 16 .~bl<~. . !he Corp• J~nt· ot tb• ~ · inter·"1 ;;~· "·\, \' < ...~;: "...... :_::·-'.?/~::~~:.~:;:.~~~:.t:.':-:L~p~~~ :~.. -.;:::.. ~... : .. ~... ~~·::;:.; - - ', ... -- : :!~ ....· .. 1,~~~~ -~;! ~-~· ~ ~~:.~·~·-,. ~~~:·'t;:;:~".' . ,. ;. :~· ;~~'. .- && i10tuento ot tiro- U-.:hi• aud • t'" Tehlcle•- he«. Qich no ,PatteMJ.. .r . oOul4 tie ...... ~Noi"e,..• ....,•• ..Uritf" ... Mt~.w.... . " and 1n•ct1n, to patl-oll1~ and ~to.U't1Uer.r. all r10~1ugge1r.tiff ot agnar.h·~'_intenfiicm. to th• t?I! C~o- Urtlike it.r eov.tJ1r.n VIII Oot'P• ue1ihbor, the l' did l'l.)t poe~ern f!V1d®Ce or tn. 1!ai·fir.fil.~.i tttaok'.' .Ratbtt.r, it atuc~ •iellD •xlstfld t.h$ T Cor.P• cU4 no\ Neognt?:e thin. It poiltt&aaed tw zpecial data rettwbl1.1JS tba\ of in. VIII Corpe whii:h QR i ta tac. nlue 1M1M't4 to point to· a b...-anlt't 92IM1* a.cri;ioa. TM eetq• c; awona naistuoo to ths Y ~'• t\ffe~.11i·tl• opttttt!o.:ntt prior to l6 December Wl'$ i ...... J>ntod aa apeoW nacUon. Air reoomzaionnoe d14 t20t rwMl at.t•ok sieru.. !t nt'gllc1bl•·dul 'W bad nst.ner..... but Yifhen rlighte w•r• fiottn thq clid !'!Ot. d1aolo$e lnf011Uti-n data. A ~~; *1r t · actiYitJ' wr.s 11trply ~t.~rt ot thtt otrens!w iro-undeope:rattona, nthfJr i thaa 1"'COnnai1nnce tor i.llforantion.- ". "i -. . .!r to UWt v eo~•• tU 'nl ~:rp:s tt«a pre-or.oupied nth its oiim of!'ttnei'ff durttti '-'3a pn-&ml'krottm11n ptr1od• and the _ __,., • d•f•MiTe a<'tion l«t'ltt the ~ct«t l"NCtion, 11hitm •• no\ tm . _•'~ok ~· ~ ~~:r ayaptclle we~• M\M. by the Gorn•\ .. . : 1' .· . : ~:f' ''~fl-:T~ttAftiaHft:,;._- -·· · . --- -~ . - . ,_.f "' l ; -·~:':~··-·:Alii~~~- ·-, :_-- -:~~;~ \_-~ ;·,: ! . .. :; . . . " ""· - ' ., ~ ...... , ~ ~ ', . . REF ID:A5577.~1 ...,, I . '. "~ ' . . ,• .

. tollot:ld 'tdt.ll .latf.Mtea on J, 91 19 Cctober, Ma 9 ~ · of. tht )d: itD:f _& ~~r da11ltk ttith O{JUDWin'Mll.48" 1n Be:lgtva ·~ f.l.1'XC:aboUtg-., .. Aa ·MUM~ WU 1nt:.tN1 IV" th• ., Co!'pa Ol\ 6 h~, ·· ··. ' en4 "ibat or U. '1I.Ccl'P• aa Oil the 9tb. · · · ... : .. ·, ..... , __. .· .. to.bii;hl,r .• .taken ~ -_·'.~~·.:._'·I• :....pee\ aignit10$~\ dab'1 t.:1~ . . ·. th&\ ~· 1.1\t Cort>• rft•1•" 1l'lton-.Uol\ that o8teil-141' 1itcUeatt4 · •tt ~inc -.i~ ott--.t.w _. t9 ...,... · Tht•• ~ t• data:· ... · ·.~ind~ 1tf 41~-oaa ·~un--~ lot tew·4Qw prta tf> J.6. Dec..tir.. · ;>_'.·.:·-.ill~~ .. ~~.~ ril!J.~~ou ~al, ~-Cori• c1.-1a10- ·~ rtW$..'\ . . · .: · .~!tt..-Jiut oni1 t.O'ar ..-, t~ttd to .~ lllI Coq>a,. "- .'111•• .. ', ·:. · ..: ..~~~t~,~~P ~~~.. ~-.t ~por-tion. !'beu. _., • ttw tar~ da!Jl ocnc~ ·. · · ..... tfl4 -~«1'.i~ ·~ tn~1c •. t.M one ~tainitlf; to too. t-uild""~ . : ,.i~~1C\n.P~4~;'hW_.,.e~~Zia.n ~ll intentn", ·~~~ :·.·:·. ·=.:"un:1tijl~nt.~t,4fi:·~~.-b1:•:-~;.:.~U t~.~ta ·ne&"s.'i,a_Jt ~ · ·. :·:>:~~~\·'.~· re;.q:~a:•~~~~tt~'! ;:~d:;~~~!~!:.fti::.~:~::;: btl~. ., ..,:_· .... :_', :: :'i:re:~;~1'.10tf&: -~ ~ &it«,·:~·~'\.~~-.~~. ·. { - .' ' . ' - ~ ' . ;ri-~1a C>thcr ~~11...... kch of tb t.l'~ ~11· rec.t~ .G""2 i~nee"' f'tce ~r and adJ1'ce.nt CClM'll.t:.MB. Q.. 2 i'w1o'~-'" ::- .... ··· · ""·~· :: ·'" · · . ·. '4.'l ~u.: WIJ,.ttei,{iv th# n11: ~~ tt.t -~ ~io,. .~ ,.·:· .....~~r~•'-1tt. ~·-• ~·" U4 &e .._..... _.,n.., •·.. ' ~ut'4. lt~--~liU~M 'Ot the •tt4,t.'• ~ ,,_, w.t J-ft.ehttd ·-.U1

. •, . Bpfl'cix~t~Ji. f>ll7l1° .Ond.1*£ cf th•· l7tho. I~ a... 2··pof-10if1c of ·l~ :U.or4~lb~ ~t tit• att.18 1'!4t onll' • oamit.rat.tlok to ndoH. to.t pGltit~. Thie ril"Y Wtt• tttbtft_doe~ftvr tt.a tji\ tb&t~ ~-~.. . . . · J?Oe5'S"'4·bt ~ .houra two aopi~• •f' tl'-.e ~t.m..,..1n-Cbi.t W..t.•.a · . ~ ~~.:~-~- ~'-~ :, ~-of. ~ ,tw• ~16 ~~l"'i ·pt~k.S•u.a th& rJoulltA10t't«fa1v•· tiO • : · · -, .. -... tat-UC.U t_...¥.-;- :ca. cow f,.. th• Y-COq1J WQ•~nc.1¥-4 at. a;o. · .... · ·<~~~;~.:~.}:·/~~\;~;.·~:~·-~.::~; ...~~,·~:·:·:·: .~;"~i~~~I~ii~f ~-~~- .. .: ~ -~biwi ~A-r~i.ud u •11 Cd* '&p!ut, . ·;. ·~ -~~.--~·,,~~~~~ ~~ ~--"~~ -~~. ttt~,,~llD~ -~· . . . !#~~,:·~'.~• ·.f~·:;;.,.·~·:~:t 1~~;i:!]·_:~~~r:s~::1:>:l~~,.J~~-.1. • REF ID : ASS 7 7,_fi\l - . ) --/

'· t ·the )~"tWJ.U'T bc>tv&en tl!n two cor~a. • The. aow-u ot thi~ dt\ta or tb.Gf re~us·~ lor ~hf* opinimi Y<01•e not ~t."ttd-. f.nt.t:rel;, p::>i~-.iblo)J howl3V'...i.:',, t.ho "I C<;rr;, G.. 2 d$?"lvt-4 t!".: ~ OiJin.3.oruJ fro..., •~:-1·.·nit'!.t• t.h• - t~niu orw lxdn:; tht)' o•rtur: I! ~~.rt. of tho Von P.uvdsteat. t1rd.n.l' ot tM D.&7 ftUM".>bC1~ the. CQUl!ltuof'fendve., 'title docnt!Hmt ~1.ia CllJ•tured 17.r tlie 99t.h Div!~ion1. isr:d ~· \o .i-ho V Co;rrl! e-.; at. 1'50-A~ wh> doubtlttns .tilwJl'&d 1t tG tho u-2.. Thi- Corps a..;2 tJl~H·•bJ' l•ttd Sfl' :ntl hour& to cor~.:.- 1\~d~r ii$ 11ertninc., Dru" tns th11 dlly', ~o~r, tu v Cct-r-' 1•$tw.rtJ~• - »: -~d~"1 ~ 1nC..\$ctat1<>n oi ~ti' "~pi·o"'ttnd-m ot tke $n4m7' a objectiwt -. 'arid intil1ttiotU;f4 lnte1li8'}rtC1e Sw-'J~tr!~j Of 0600, L.."' 1900J: ~i\d "· .. ·2400. ttff8(U•lb~ O;)fli"t1~riG >Jn'.f.:', ·~J:t!lo-~t. ®.,.~ttrtblt;; ft~ to t!:r·i:r O"t~fl'all id,u"ni!ie~nce~ Their o~ _C!f!«tdtta act1.on ;,n3 contf.n;.etf throughout t~ : ,&\,r ty-~th~· 2d, -4!~ ?~tlf,.nt~a~t'n-c~- wb!eh ~azfl': :t10t a'!;~9k~~~ •x~>f',pt'. t<:r.r '.' [email protected] eh&lli.~.o ,,Ce t;na othf~, l'•nd1 th• 99th,;. ~irrg -aottla:ll:r G•nulted.$., · .~: it:aln~·Jn&d :po~tlt),ti$:t'p!~,~bi!-ty pr•~•iir~l~~.. ,t'\n.tirl~ 1f'# .-~n~:r ~ :: ',_ liJt.r.!ltitmi' 1't6td.~-ed intense a~tillory !it!d l'!c:t•t1'" _t1r1'1t coric'htct.tld 1<';1{:~1 nmmt rt .t":t t U\~):;~ .~ ·> -Nit< tarn -~.rtd':t..oal pOtt;i 'tiO:'.l~ ~ end r,11.!.nUi.lnsd. C>:mt:tot, . >tYjth tr..e .?.d, f:ivirion on 1te lltft(nortb}o -- · .· . · !n a~lete centn!'t to tbe- mt ft:cprs awi Pllrt.illt,- w t.ha\ of' the Vth, the TI! (';(n'I:t: "i!\~ not atteu:!.lted by the ..~ally on the iht.h,· ·exo•;:t. !or :-o~'1 trJ t~t.. a :':IX C!Jt'l"I 11\t midnight 21 t~tJtJd."ltrr., ..,h!-napon the VIIth··ithdrstt !~w P..-lg1tlm :tor."' p&rticir· tica in th4' Cotintero!fitP.."

, I


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I - :t-'.: . ' . . ' • f- f )"f • { Ka I r: f. ,. & 1 I . ·• 2al - p

1·~·- :- _I.. • .. ··1·'1 i 1irf, l Zu ff. lu r,t,:.11 ii ~ ~:~ ··,--~-fl· , f' , tttlS1K!•;; {I) r~a r d~ - ·.. ·... I r . . . . i· ii f REF ID:A557761

.M\,unt to ud mrtla or the d.r..aift Tm Corp., the 1' Corps waa eniapd 1n of.fec.aive action chu-1.iig so:rt of tht paled 6$otobtt-lS V.cwber, art! 1~ 1ttitutdo toA.rds th-9 ••7'T'• potenllil... iU~n 11:11 Sieum-ed agaiaat th• Cws>• own O?WaUou, •• re«c\iou to th• V Corrai driffSo Acoording te tbe Corpe deecripUon, t.ha 4)1l87 otrol>ily and df'tel'llilnedly naiatld ths V Cort,• adft.noes,;r in ~ lmt~!!~ P'ore~t and tl'A SCCHMlDT nc1oaa. Thia d.t..J"lllnad det'w.~ •• Npl'ded •• ~ curren\ and Ul-~Ud. e--r • c:apabUU•7 ... _, tlla 'I Ool'pa·G-2 Eatmate ot 6 hclel>er. IOwnv, Jl'QSP\ ~ stt.•etb nth aftilable oould bt a~~ •ii a reaaU~ w Y eorr.a pen•tra\iontrj iu~. U· th• ~n _,..ta ot d9£etiH a. though to ba ba•ed ~ll 1=-ediate ooun'\ei· aation' tq •aintd.a tbt bat.tlo p>aition~ ·

' . 8J.UO to ~ omtrol V Cor,Jtt, the ~t Corps ot the Fir"t .~, the Vl!th, 'lfU "c~i"d with an ot't.ashe on 16 n.o.i.r, ~.nd. !uJ boon llO encnt!s.d elnee D-tay 1 6 Tbe cmrnnt drive 1:l'!S f~ ttppl"O:ciatoq A..l\CfiE! to se tH KOUl, dl.l'kl hsd been launched on 16 ?:cn·~~r.., )it.hin & Yeak of o_?e!'tltioo•, ~ VII Co.rps d~cid9d ~ ~t~J\'\1 cor.,1.t1eYGd hi~ detene~ c: th•? .1A:.Bm; conidor as vi t.l t~ tl:e mm.K, ;1.!d tbe 001'{·z r-2 ! tiJ&.'lt. o! 9 1'eoet11~. oonddered tM ~rum·•'• a=~rt likely c11.pahillty to ~a his eont.irn.»d aotiv• t'ktfen2e or ~ia poa1tiorur. H1tliV,- 91!8£T.f loswtf bad been constatly repla'led durin:; tha ~iod 1 a~ t.h& m Co1-rs wnd~r~d hO'fi loai the d9tense could ~mn 11\ t1M tar» ot tk• lo•• nt. u.d ~ nn 4F&nd tor Voclpa ttr19ing 1D. the !IC.JUth., f?-is !st.1J11te nprded u hi~ probable a 1Jooot..enetaoi: rlth f'ltMt11nb of t.h& •~T'• SJITH Paner A'rt!ry ~ UM: Cprpz raschel.i tit:l etio:t bank or tJie !W!R iiver.. Jd at S!?unkf'lttwm bid•nas

\. Of t.h• thrt• corps, t..~ Vllltb acquind the on1;r 01teQible .. · .~ evid.enee ~r an imp•l'ld1ng st.~ok on a aajcr scale.. '?bat 11, Corp• ·f/ . ·· 41vhoa.e obtained enn data, "8t,as IK"tittd ln tbe. J'orw&Nhte ot later- , ,. ~ Mt.10'::.\ a.i [tC~sfo!'.\1 the Vll! ~OJ"p8 C•2 m18 ~tit'1ed Of only four Of ·. j \ those ~Ten data .}vri.or to U-..e 16 ~ceml-t01r at.taok. SiJlile or oollootly~~, f 1, ~ th•~ four data ~re ma•rl Mll;r dight 'f.lPOll •ilieth t., pNdi~t.e an f'f .' predic\ion ar • ujor tmirt5y eotmt.erblow.., la •~pe ud NU&• t~ility of' inforunt1'1 thft'y W0ff 110"1.B• weak. .Two Uta OOOCamd \', inuea~D( enellJ" whie9lar activ1t7 duri:ag thel2•15 ~~r J*l'loG• but. t ~ no l)Qttem or aoUoll ooul4 ~ deriffd t?'01ll\ the aft'tlral, separated \ inotances. .A C:ri.l.i.f.n tux~i>Jurg wo1um turned h~fflf in t.o t. di'rialo1'1ll H~ \ClC on l4 'Doc•ber, and ducr!bed aoa• ...,- lmlld•Uf in 1'IADE.!f- J. , . ~ImaG •rff1 bat her oaptAlrl• ti'ri..llion declared '13t. eh• had noted ·\~thing or a!litarJ' d1Dltica?\ff on her -.Im t.n..-.,1 rout.. l PW ns

: , He ca14 Jla be.d arriTed on·tt.. hon on th• pnrrtou.attemoon, ~ · · u Wlkno1m um\,. llhich •• pwlled ou\ am ln-iete4 ttW an attack bf.tweert ._ · -~ 1'7 Dtroallbir a\\d Obri•••1 ~ ... Pf d1ct Mt ..... if tb9 hoot 1l9ft to be .np.entai, c1111aoa, or tu uUn tioatl '- tM. Ollpta'irJC dl"11coa . . REF ID:A557Tt;l ~:) 1.

ohl' feij 1. the l>'-1 wa~ ser$.ousl:r wlillded., &rid he wr•t.l interr()Gawd l'lbiu under ~o:ti:hh1e. His eoherence "1l1' qu.utiomlble. · · ' "' ~ . . '°t" b t.e'kn t.hat. th•H f"Ul' cat. "re ~ on.Iy one~ or uYU \!thich trGrt" torw.rd~d to tho VlJ.I CorpB hea.dquat.Ta by tbe Corpa di~irm• pr~~,. '° 16 V~bt4 thrff oth•r fli' • 011 the 15th, one •otlidt4, ... , who. ·etat~ _trott. bet:lrsq ar ~r that aa· larp-aaala· 9tt•nsiv• ~~' .·;.'. 1~1~e N°•ithe.r' tJatM thrff DOJ" the C?M ~-to th•~· '° : . proY:J.d&a. ftbtt.ant1n, mtten intol'!Ptton:. •• , .... ctttcial orders and _ · phna. l'lttta,, th« t0\11' dats. t~fd to tJle· Cor?tt.•"" tl!~ onl.r at~ot ~toU roeee.aaed .bT b ~t'P• a-~·.~ '. . . . . ~. -· '_,\;.~ .. '·::.::·<:~-~~~:;~.-:::~::'~/=-.:-~~::, ;:·~-:: (''::7'':·;~-.. / 1/': .. ---- '-: ~~:~:":~._~·~,:::' ' ·-~·- ·~ ~ ..._ .. - : --~'1-~~~~··:Corp11.:~u-. r~l.l·~~, _1'hen ..~own,,011 onir: f$.ve •, days of th&. i~lS-.»oc:aWl'.' period~· o'battrnd onq 1t1nor· acUrlty, .mm. ~1' aoveaent~_of ~ tl"ai.u. and« teJ1 -tro!k pattern could .,,, d.edue.ti• F<.Jztthenon, th• ·~·· activiQ- ... d•fendv. allG .U.etin, l1a1ted to pail'c>llilfi u4 eponcJ.flo U\Ulery, all · non•trC.f'.flJll!ftf,ift ot A,f~sdn intertione. to the VTll' _Ccrpa~ . . . '

trali.b i t.11 scutht-rn Vll I Cort• neighbor1 i...iie V Corps did , not pos~en ~vid~ of ~tt h1~nding att.aok. .R4 ther• if attack eigu f'XiPtfid tb~V Corpe did not ncogniu the11. lt fOHf}•a&d no a.pecial fult.G l'"ln~tlbUng that or thft YIU Ccl"P• whi<:h on it• t.&ce val,Uf; c8'11U4 to Wint to a· b•·eoal• --.r ••Uoa.: 1'be • ...,.,.• atroag l'Hi•tanee to tb4) v Corp• orr~t.-. operf'tfon.s rriQr to 16 O.enbar .,,... 1n'taJ'la p.reted !HS "XI'~ reactlt'n.. Ur ~.1ounce. did r..ot :nvul nttaok ~1gl\l!!o lt. !m5 n~glltfiblo du-a t.o bfid v:"Mtiter,_b\i..t, 11'hen 'tlipt..e rgr~ ffolfl'.'l theT did not d18~foso infOl'f!•tift dat!t•. ~ tually" •ii' aoti~ity ~~e JArgel.y o'tlr.ort ot th• otfe:usi..,. 82"--~un4'~operatio~g, rat.her tl»!l'n l'taOOnflil 1. tM1lee fo:r iafOt"l'.MIJ'\ion.

Sirdl.rir to tha V Corpa, the VII Corps flaa pr.&-a~\'l.pioo with i'..a vWtt ~f:\,,rtdv'it dur1n« •h9 pn-Comtt1'!'0tfi&~ntn ~r;.od, and tbe tm&~ 1 s d~ :·by' ti:\c C

By '1., ~.. --!le najor neclim ot the Corp• ~nama'5.on Q£ tbeir·.1~9Uipnc4 data "*• t~h their dil~ a-~ Per:todio~ _&oh ~ thl't V u4 :thf VIII Corps iacludecl "" ~ CAP.AB!Ltfl!'tt . . 11eo~o-~ ~_Jhe~ ~1~•r -~ entnea i"e&Ulu'lT;li .... ~ ·r ·:.. ·t·;fa· eontioa.t,, the m ~e 0-~ P.ri.oclloa d14 ~ ~~ _.,.. ti. ,,.uti. or tha' MOU~.~ on' Deoa1bor 1'hlna 1~ ~ma• · ~ SBA11 ~2· .le~ ll:W. . . • . · . , . : .· : -

- ,·· ••· . · :: .:.,· ... .._ • - i ;~ ---~ ~ ---~; .~~-""i-'-:- .:..-1-a 1~wa'0t-t.b90.._.._su..u...... _·.iasaed br 91_1 ihrw 'tfOi'P•· -fttt '1l':r-!ft _Go.rps tea'Decl.19, o.n 1 ~. · · duriltC ·U. ~-ill wblob tlae Corp• • i'• bdtnms )lffit1onw aid

.. ;. ' ~ ~ ~ _, • - ... -- ~--;;l,- - ·: '" ,. - ' ~:: -, ~' ·:~~:~~ -~-.;.,. ·:_ ~,-;·~-;~]'~~ - -- ~~_:';._~, __ .:;.,_~ -~ - ~l~~:r. ,~:;~~~j~~t~~~~·f~~~~~S~}i~i11~~iii8~ik~ii ·· · I with EaUes&W?J. on )• 19 CcttoMr, ·end 9 t:•c~. TlsoM et Uw 3d l\r.d ~t.11 C~totoi- dealt.a lfith counter!nklligonce in :Belgiv.a and tn.xeQbourg.. ~n E•tiltGk na i•uod b.r t.bft V CQrpa oa 6 .DI~. nra~. thllt of !.he Vll C~:rpa YYIH on the 9tho · . In rear•et. to his.hlT dgn.1fia.'1nt d.ata, note 1c take that. only the VIII Corps ~$hfld jnforMt.!on th«t o~tonsibq 1cd1Mtod f.n il:r.,·oni;!;in,e: ~'1•tr of!eui~e by the unft\70 1'hiJae nre tov data . . i-~1Ted fron iitl· diviaiou durine tho last f P do.ys prior w J..6. Pee;;1b:r• . .At:. obcemd :r·n. tli•'bi'f'1.a"oA tnel, ·th .CC?J'P& !-!irtaiona acq\1lnd f'W'im d.i ta J. hut. only lll".,H trnninn:l. tted to tho 'V"IlI ·Corps~ . Th5 VIlJ t • . di;.e• .m4J~-:t.r- uonf1JT. t pror10t.9tion,, fhw \ZE e tee t•·o da:ta ccnee~ the inorN\U~ng. eno~ mftie,. th~ one p~jiJill€.· to · ~ ~J.ild•up .\')smti

r.-hM& Uitl Countbro:"'f'1mcive -ro1; 1· mehed et epr.z-on•ateq C5:;0 on 16 !'.'eos.~;er, t.he V em~ Vl! Corri: ·--n on~ted 1n. ol'tottDBivea tig.aSn"t th~ l!Ofn d.a"tt and COLOO!."! nSFe.et1velT.i wheru.11 the VlIJ Corpa oca-nritpd r,, il'\,.'lct1Ye~ dc-tendvt- front.. 4 n corps tho Vlllth :i~iyQd ib6 bnmt ot th• anattlt oa th• 16th el~nta or t.m d1'9'i.a1on• strnalr it. ifeYerthelegs, the 99th. t1v1s1on, the aouthern f1'n~ of ths V r.orrs, e!Xl a~J!.oent t.o the VI!lCon a on the YIU' a !lOrlb• WC8 u~ di'f'isiond Yiotim or "lf::r.f:rtt• or ~~lTe. diri.donao> Thue, or the netaa~ 8f!!,SU1W g.iYld\111$ or the .:thJ'.'~ eorpe.6 ~ tour of t.b• ·: · "IIIlth ••recm· the'.~, bnt · ~·:~-~·the T Corj>a ·nc Iba com•ting ... its OM\ ottellaivo. . . · . !7- . .~ . · · : • - .. lo • • ~ ' ' • ·· _· .: .~ ···bft~ .. ~14·'.b7" th• Vll'!·~ft tltlt.• &ajor·~ .. ~~4'f.U1!• ~ •. -~·· .. U,le' ...... ~~ ·~dojM1 b.r the unuU..· lu. ""llutlon 9'·~ •'• •COi* ••not ·naebed •'11 '•Pf\90¥~t•l.T.' t'tlll"lJ' ~~.. ot 'U1•' l~,. tu a-2 l'orio41o ot 1~ ~•nwd\ ~.att•• ,., ~ a·tro'mttra\taok ·t.o ,...... _ lo•~· ~•1t.1ou.• ••tan. dtaptu.the taot that ih4l ~ pas~ a,,r al~ bOtu-1- • cqplee ••t t.h.,-_~n.t•r-tn~tl° -.8'• • Order ot· ~o ·tsq. 16 Dttefl@.~r. prcckt~~t.b• fo•i.-ott•~lv• to .. . thtt ~.ram fONn. .et. cow. 111* iii• W ~ -•• ncetttC ·at 2lal. :~ · .. : ·· ·.. .A~~ine '° ~-,. ·-· ~~2 PwkG~ ~~ -u~~ ·Dn•art :~ fJOla7: ~rtn\q p~ .an· all on t\t.u.k .1Pi11n . the t'llI and l/ Coripa -with ~ •ia.~o.o- ~~ ~-~ - . - - . --- -' - - . . .. . ~ ' . .. ------'T - • - •• ; .. .. ~ - ' - . . . . -- . !~~ ~ ---.+; , '.-.-·'-; .~~ .~..:;:-,, .. : -i·_ ._,_, ....._ ~-. -,, ~~.-.;:i~~:-__;: ~c -•::-'~ ~i~~~~~ih~~~l~i~l\1;~•+2~:'·.~J,~:~~:~:;~',-;.: __ .~&~> • I REF ID: A5577~)1

at the. botn!UT beW..n the two oorpa.• T2w source of this data.or the rMSOWJ tor t:.ha Of ini~l! -&-el.._ wt ntated. F.n\irely p.or.cible• bonnr 11 tb9 V aorpa-a-i derlftd. thta cpisl1.a. from nl'iowt aovou, the . Bain on.e beiO,l the 08p\t:rd tttr.:t or th• Vo:;a Ruml1tedt 11rdil%' of tho r.q ~1mouneing the. r~ Sad!ostlo• or lta CO!lpfthen•ioa o_t. tn.uw:r'• ol>J.. U.w• '>i' ... c'lirJrl 1nt&n~o.1u1. Jntell.1pnce ~1•• f!!" 0600, ttOO, 1900"t a~ · · 2400 desaribed o,ertiona on~j •!thout·~~etttarr.aa to th~ir OTersl.l oizni,fieanoe~ 1httlr on oi'!•nstve Gts:~ i~s ~i1u-n~~ed thrs1U6Bi:spb1~··b'Jav pr•$~e, .oont::n.ed two' en_,. pon­ -e~t;!on~~."r~c~in~ -int"Sit.:arts.llor7. •nd":JWJ"t'lr tire, ccnductea 100.1 · count.~rattstokri ti:>'reetore -~na~ poait~~ •n4. nalntaitied coat.ct :irlth tll8 2d .D1vitdoa on its let"nortll)..

!'rs ~i.te cont1'11..!!t to th~ 'fIIt ~$ aild ~rtillq to tba~ ot the v~# the VII C.OJ.1.'t ?tes not attaoked by tht! "1!UJ.T on th• l6th6 ex~ept for :rY.:P.e ehe~ on wo to'51111 and an ·tuH"•ult on

'-. J

. ' ... __..,' '.~ ...... ' , J ~~ • - -~~ . -: . ~ '~ ..t;-)


- -. -. . _._ REF ID:A557761 -.rt11L Co((PS e REF ID:A55776.


I- ~4-A~~ Ji.~ ./.4. :ZZ--~-1-4 ~ ~ - 4-ID

-~---__..SIEk__F (I & I> ). ,,;;-,. ~ • ~~~~~·· ~~~~b-ry---~-~~~~ ,,., H ...... ~_J A . /.? (JV~-~ ~44L -~---'..._.,~ j)~~- ---~/{~~~~ 1-~~f)..~...L.t;.~..c'!'~-:L~... ~.... ----~~ ~--~----~~~ -~--~~-- lZf,~ t~-~1~==--~·-~-~/~_l~J-._~~----

~--=IIZ'---___..~-- - H ------~7 ~ 13-1, . ---~-Y~---~-~ . . ·_. - ~£_._,#··:··~------~- ~- "------. -·- L_~-~-(, __ ~ --~~-c ~~== ~~ //, ~~.. ;,_

------. _17-;>J.

~ ------.,.~"'------"--- ~--F~-~~4-£2~~---- -~-~~~ --~--~-----~~~~4----L~~ - • fa.p.'11. ID: A55776~

------~~- _'/JI/~- - ·--~~ -~-- ~~4/1J~/)1Y._ - .. ------~ ------'_ -~4.~!t ~ p~~~--~-----~ ___ ;p. ~~,Jt(~. - UI'-~~~·,·-4~~ -~~-EfI, ~--~ L,L~L~-~-~-~~----~ __ _ ------~-- t?'-S--:-.JJ ~~------"'I-ti---=~--=-==·"""'---'¥~~~ -----~---~~~-.~---.JC.~~~- ~+~~~~--~~-~ -~~-~~~~· ~-~---L~_L~~~-~-~-~--3_0_-~J~'~~ ~ ),.;L~~__._f:,~~~-·~___,,3~/--"--J(~----- ~-~ ~~~-~· ~-~~-~~ F t/.?A. _ _I 5 [/.(If_ ~-¥~~~··~~-~ ~~~- ~---:l-~lf_P~~

-- ______c.,,,£_~~~,,..· -~A:.~-&~-· -~~----~ ~~C11t_;_~~~~'--~ - ~ _p~--1~ ~~b 3t;-.l7. ~~~-~--~~~-J~~-~·~-~~~~ /(, j) A!.<:c,.~.,& '~~~ -~~~----o-~~~ DoouuntaUon. l;, .1.ttn'/k\ion ~o A.., ~ept.ebur J.94'4., B .. October., C,,~ n., ~etabec n .. G-2 Est1-&tee,, Ao G-2 S.t.1.Mte /8, 011200 Ooto 44., B. • • 19, 3 Got .. n,, • ft #l.O 11 S Oot .. n. " " tu, 19 Oot.. %., • • 112, ' J>ec. III,, G-=2 hriodic11.- Sep\ .... JGiy, 1944.. A~ hpteaber,, B. Ootober. c. lfowsber. IV. G-2 Ptrlodic•, 1•16 Peo:albot'<. i. l·l' l>eoeflber, ¥i•oellan«lus D·1t.a. B. l•l' Dec~, A1.r ~iH~nffo •• l6 »-01-•btr· 'f, ~-_,,2 JC";.U"Ml &: J1.].e. A,, s.pi;.. - Oat. lL ~bero 'fla 0-) Periodioa1 l.Ool.S n.oclmo., VII" Co1:1b:lt lnterona .. A .. lfiacellan"11& Xotea oa nII Corps u4 ~· Operation,. "1' Capto t. a. Clark.. B.. Quest.ion& b.alrer«l bf' Lt.. Ga. '1'ro;r' Jl. if1ddletott, CG, VIII Corp1, in lett.r to The1.te~ Kistor:!.-.n, 30 JuJy 19.t;.,,, C.,. Inttrtme-• w"'th ¥a.So Geri. T.11. lliddl.etoa, CO, b;r Capt.. Clark, 20 .,11 1945.. · D., lntaniewa w1Ul 0.D9ftl Yiddlton, lt.r CepUb. Olark, 19 ..Ta._r.r 19'4'· TllI ~ »-Mption Opa a tin X<»lblB - '-· nu aorpe Att•r/A t1on Jt~- ;o..,. 1944- :a .. Poptietll Ope:ratin XDBUJIZ~ REF ID :A55·7~6J::-, . ·. .,~ .. ' - ' ·~~~ t·, • ......

Follow1111 1te IJr..&sT cupeien, tbe nII ColP9(Jlitith A.n17) relined th9 V Corpa(Firat. ~) • 4 <1ct.ob r 19'4 ot 1ta po8it10ll •l.oni the ('Vi ai.Ter, ; th.1DG111D Line 111 '89 LU~ Bna!tll. •ra, a 5ll eile aeotol", aid poaits.0994 tM :M. tliYiaion on thtt lbrlh 1tr.d tl11& 8th in the lou\h.. TM ._was nt&ndfld to 88 rdlea, to u-.- ~tt OOft'JH" ot ~oo, 01t ll October, when the S):1 li'i:daicn -· trsnltornd boa tl\e Th1r4 Amr to \b9 nu Ccrpe. f.11 22 r.otoher thtt Col'F• puMd to tm 111-A AftlT b:tJn the tint.ho A• or lS ~ber tl'!• 106tk and 2&t;h Jlltutry- JJ:hisiotta, t.hll 9th A~, end 4th IDf'amy nn potd.tiontd lb:rth to ~

!!IMd!}J upon u~ti.oa of 1te Uftm'\M bent. t2w Corps •t.iaated that the ftMl7 ne ~ to hold 1M SIMflilD Uae at all ~, at least tor: political retarJC1UI, to hold tbrs Ulied !ora9o Of\ the '-eetem Front, f.lnri t!lat ~ UM' e cont~ MriHs 4etena was 8Xf!&eUUa '?hia Ytis 1"..he !;&llanr. thaw c.t the ~2 !~tiMtu of l., 19 ~her and 9 Jieocbel.',. A·«i to tht l.Atter, the ~y• • prlmry ability· and int&n.Uon •• hie ottrreri~ • dahue. Hi• pnotiae ot nYi1ai JtoP diviaiona iato the r.otJit tor rront lim ...,.n.n• thea ooLildt~t, •le9vhera imieat.a hifl dffire the 90M MMlUl quiet an4 i!PCtifte;tftke to Neton podtiom and .n:l.Dfo~t;a troa nserna wwe not~ ~ the 9 De~ber ~t 'Mte 1mln~a ta ~ tol' the ml CG:rpa waa iwunting u otf.u~.w. Gema toree.s WM appra1"d •~ b01q 'l'err lmf in ttuallty, to be mte!Uy or&tnised Iuptgruppu, ~of •ia~U6 ropl~nt, aaurit.y, and 6fll'T1N t;roopa.. 1'h1e lcr~ qmlit:y did not e~~est offensivG intenticma to tbe 'fll! Corpao Nor di4. tha fact tl\&t. th• 81'...Ml\7 1 s operaiiona nrv edenalTa u4 w.oUY•· . . T"ll' Crops M1.1Jit7 ""·• l1Jmdee det'•n•iv•, wit;' ... aot1Te ~ti-ollin:: S!id crtilln7o lta d&fet'ln Ytlfi ditf10lilt ~tl.. its fi-oat Yf\il •tn1ioJMd eon 88 ail.ea, ltiAYlDI ~rota o:PO !'or. penet.ritlon. or. the rev diYillione on ~ llrw •• ot l4 n...o.r, t!'.e 4th 1tnd 29th vh!a twt'f:.lm.. , nre u.nd4areo:bt1 r.a~ arid reh·'bUlt&Uon~ •rd thtt - 111!,..ntly asy.t 9t.h Amon4 "" 1-xperi...S, thi.a ~their h1~ oomittat.'tttr. ' . . - tnt0nt1*Uoa -•l'llilll tibo etW1111 .aa both .upt 111 •..U• ML\ ot iDOOa.lmiw ag\bori\J'. R&d wat.her OC)aplet...~ pnwnted air ~ss not on lO or the fu\ya dm"inc tae l-15 r..~o.r pe.r1od. Onq ahorl flltht.11 mtH tl.on Oft tJM othtr .,..r wh~eh ob.fuwd Hl,y 11.inm." '•OUd~ 8\!.oll ae aGV\-'1liGllt~ or two .bbataa t.r- in8 and a tn whiclaa.· At leaat m patt.rn ~ be ct..hced tl'Oll t.U data. I.a .Owd_ on the di?irional

.,.. ' ·., .... ~· 'l- .' • • ~ .c. REF ID:A557~~1 12. 'fIII Corpa. SD::'Z1t8J'Y.

·l•'hl, (l) dvriDc tbe 12-lS Deoeaber pnlod, .ti. 2Stla. •!Kl ~ Dl.Tlaione o'bnrnd inonas!ae e~ 'fthieular- t.nt.rioJ (%) a ~ oiw1llu wra 'fOlta~r.llT ~ \o the aBtla M~ oti~ l4·Dte•O.r, d .mo · descr1lied Genan 1*1ldup .1a tU tliDllMDTBViG &naJ ad~ U) ~ Pfi'• from each th~ 40 and li16th Dlm~ •ptanl oa 1S Dlo9l»lr •t.a*-1 tftta h~ or l'1llll.')1" the\. a •Jor C.naa ott"esiff ~lie l.aDehed bettM&n l7-2S ~r. thaa• ll8ftU data "f'• ~'bq too .USht tor a predict.iot ot a .ajor.~ .,_tel'bhMro Thq .-re llkftis1 n:ak iu scope. Ko pattem of ~Oti:;')I\ could be deri'ffd fl"Oll the H'ffHl;i '8p&ftt.t.d !lrustamtt o! t100ellerated anay tr·;;tt!• obllwwd b.r the »th am 106th JJ:ht1io?UJ,, ~n ti» 28tb Diruion ausrf.ed. that the wcaan ;ttfonN" it had aoquirtd had d•aoribed ~or a1llt.a17 •ipiftcance or wba' ah.t h11.d e&en on he 1111111 rov:k., !he .ta"'"nts "bout aa ~- •"tuk sad• by tbe two 106t.h ·n• a ar• toUflecl upon beaner', an4 ,vpon. ruaot> tbs tm> of the 4th ni.'tiaion,, Jfo eubntai'U.-n writ.tea 1Dtomt1on, •oil•• orf!c.!al crden,, and plarui, nre providedo Both 106'th'e Pt1 • 1Ml'9 WOU!l th.• Cor: s ne no'~ind or et•, tmd hla t.&til'loll!J' ""' pyen whili! hit ~£g tmd•.r the 1ntlu~na• ot mrphiu. l'nn it Ids claia nn ~al, t.1'\ere ~a neglle1llle . UM tor the t.akiJsi ot 41."risional and Corps prot.nUn Ml't!l:~Ul"e8p beawse the did not 1.-n or it tnt.11 19.30 on the l5'th, and tb.6 Co.rptJ )6 l'f; lat-N'o

The Cpl'Ve pre•CounteJ'Oftend•e 1don'tWu.U-on of the GnnV ~aa V'flq' iwsoev.rate.. Sieilttr to t.he o! tM iadirldval d1rlsiontt, the Til:t Corps idntUbd onl;r tomo ._,. -...s.a1e11a ~ to 1' Daola.ber• 79t ten (l1Tiaione aualied the Corps ma\ on t.Mt daTo It& initial con­ ception of th• enay atrqth and nal"nee •-• ezpnssed in 1t• G-2'te of l October -. tha .Arda."l•a podtion •• aelU!Hd. AD &Yl'lihble ·~·ngth or J0,000 was then &ztww. plua a ree•"" ird'11nt1"1' dirieon ti,· of s,ooo trnd a p~tMer grenadi4r b:ri&ad• of l,500. In coutr&st, the 19 Cet..obe'l" G-.2 "' the 1trongth at. 35,000 eea, Wt tlw 9 teoabftr !etiiuw the fiiUre •• with n~• po caw 24,aoo, the •• pans•r, ·. .' two ;.ntantr:r• ftw paraehua did.sioa1, 1111!14 the $1cth Pu.Mr A.rtiJ' '4 tift dividou. As ot U .._•• U.·lil..ufte4 ••'1 dift.eiou wer• ti:.c lSth, 26th, 212th, 352 1'G ~Yigiomt~ . . .

lo WllC'tt WM Mld ~ t.he nn ~ the\.• •Jor, lAJP-1'0al9 •1JltfSfr!' aouaterottneift W0\114 a...-, am the· eouud lifts .mipr1""1 b1' the 1usB&ul.t. Emepi tro tihe qutaUonabl.9 tOYI' ia~lllpca• dllt.a ...uo.d abcne. ta. 6w ..-.4H4l •-•~-~. IN~ nal&a\J.u ot the'~ o~ Ge at.tut-. no\ mlbil.. ia\U ap,pnatMteiy eell' · l!'oninc et t.ha l?tla. It.a a-2 .'-1odlo ttiir. 162400 ~ !atiute tht.i tho at.taot waa a.J:t ··~t~ ~-~-1"~ p>dUoaa.- ~'d.ft

' .. ~

- ... ~ - ' ....~ "~, ~ ~·-· . . ., ' _- r.' •

-. -- ~ ' . . ' . REF ID:A557761

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-- - ~ ...... - . . . ~ . /

·~:··· ., REF ID:A557761

~ol.lmdng ita llib'T oupaip Ul'der th• Xinth U.S .. .&n;y, th• TI!I CorpB llKWttd that oo:--r.&&nd.' • forward l!01VJ to :the «.t:•'' a SIE(,FlUIJ) Line defences i.n thtt UJSDJBOOP.Q ...Bn.GJtlf &rNcr(I ,AIBJ Th6 YlII Corp• re:LA.evt:d thtl V Cot'Pa(First !rfq} ~td of tb4 ~:th and 24th Infantry ;f¥1 5th \nlo.;.~ed i>irlaione, which liOl'ed noxtb'."6rd, adjaoent to 1ta t'ol"'i'!U" poaltion, to partioir t4tc ia a 1'lrat ~ drive Gil th.- SIIGl"RIID, J. aovt ftB !'lad.• by the YilI Corps dtrrilag the laet wMl: of S•pteri.ber im.. i early &.Jtober to the nc ·n'it.y of Bl.STOGi!, B-.liim, and respoMl­ lJillty ror its new s6Ctor '1'!8"1 1uuJU11ed on 041200 October..

WThe Mit1tdon of the Corp• nZJ to relieve the V Corps and take u,p a 4e!'enein poeiti1Jn along th• 11r.«r held by th• latler mlit.• 'lhia Unth J..n..y •~, •ocupif.d by the TIH Cc...""}>S only, nan between the First U..7 OJt i >:.s Hrrhl:\ and t.h" l'hi!'d .Ar1q, and wtlt> a 50 all. limt •long tha otnt Kiver, J..ti.i-.11&11.ut '::he •MllY' • SUiG.,;JUID Line, .1 rom a.1pro:d.snat•~ IA..<\Rm~,, .Balgiua (Ul397) eouthwal'd alaost to ICHTIRRACH, Lux~& on the Ge.naan f'rontie1'. '!'ha 2d Infantry Dirt•J.on wan poeiti<>Md on the ~rtb, ill th• ""f'iwinit.y ?f ST,. TITH, hlgi.Ull, and tf\e 8th Diviaion aoqt.h !Mita• nI Wltt:::ll Lwtembour,..,

llu IY:alu."tion of the ~ Capabili t.1.eao

When the IDI Corps aasnud ita•s ~ in .-ri.,- October, it " im;.iediatel.7 1>rp2·aist'!d t."le ~· e eituatio11 in a· 0-2 t1tiaat. en l Cctooor;·" 1'/hlle eubM1qoont dfll~ C-2 Periodio6 contributed intellig«lea da.t.a, the • G-2 Eatimate ~" the ~um !'or the COr:pe t.aprtaaalon ot 1ta judp.ont a'Lout. the tre:r-ou p~H.tbili ta•. Two later leti.lfiate• nro issued, on 19 r-.,taber a~·d 9 lloee:d:· r" ·

A oontinUt'd a.r!ott8 dete?tbe of the SIIGJtP.IJ:n Line -.aa th~ prlaal'T ut the l October,. with t.hl'\ff ~ld..llUea •• poaai•ltt• to oounterat.taftk lorlq to ~tore podt1ona, to coatilnle m '!Ct1Ye d•t•ntte or cu.rre t po•ition•~ And to re.1nla.rM for local count.l'<='­ attaeks ':n' eon~tration i"or a larger ecale"ck AD1'Where cm th• Col-ptJ fri:·nt.., the kfiti.M.~ c4 thret' •~•ks ht•r A~ted thoce · t>•.pabiliti4e9 kt, the 9 Decab~1 F.f.twte mrro11'9d potontid..itiu, in t\-t>tt th• eooll;:r1 a ourrmt active defen•• waa conisidered a• bin prlu17 ability and iat?'.etiot., wll.••• the VIII Cori ts ant onto an af't•NJifto Th8 G=2 explained: '*The enuy'a pHetice of bringin& new ditl•ions to receive

... •J -~~-

f:rqnt line nporit.a,mld reintorMi= ment fl"O\i\ reearHa i'tere not expected unle•• the euea;r felt the lIII Oofpa na·aountJ.llg' Aa 9ft•na1n. ~-• .-a ot •boa. a 'ftH praceding th~ Count&rott«1•iT•, the mx Corpe- ren:f.ioW. t.h'e .n-.r• capabllty to ~$ :current. ·aatin rl•fens~ · without countorat.t.&CJk· pl'Obftbilltie•o , • • • • r • 9 , · · : Prellainsry. ~ ·1t:a ..oi2 !suaate•. ibe· eori>I . .;.de "'° .tt-.111'• ., t:t tled, TlIB ,$IlmiUJD. ·~n., ·. · . ··. · . ' . ' ·. ". . . ' ~ .. - ' ... ' ' .· .§l!W»ni 14Wt· --~... ''. . . ·~·~~=' .. -.. ~~~:, :: :·!· --~"}:.::/<·~·-<·~~.: .... ·.. i·;;· ... -~~... -~.:-- .::.. ... ~:'_ ...... ~~.. :-'.i'{·~:·!'~--~=<·,,~z-.~·;-:·f.~·.. ·~:·.!.· .... ~":;-'...... i:-~~·~ .. ~~~:.,~ ·.. -_ ~ - - : ·· :· '; Jk>~. ·~~::<;?~r.?.s tl"-~2 nnw"1.t1aliti•e: ·R~tner, both atudie# -~ d•~rlpu...-.~ 4! with the ,. . ph;}~Bi~.t.l di'~iliH'f thfl line, ·aucll «9 the ~~i.~ Of -~.he. fo~iticationa.,, the de~en'and st~ngth or ®! po~tt1one. ~ thtJ det.n.c•• facing tha VIII Corp•; . . . ·. . ·, , . · . JiyM,'1. At·prnlifi,J Rt ~· . . E'n\luation o~ th& er.~'a poton\iali.tiee •ae 3tated on th• Co71 ~ leyeJ. in 'th'f"t Corp!l Gc-2 F.stht'Q'.t,111 I~~? 1 October'1 nnd a Cl»'ps .:4~fil1er,;~ !nt.~l:u.i~neot R~!A)l"'t. W!lf; iBt:nWd on thl!I s~ra• cl:Q'o

~.Ge;.; Y.S'l'Jli '?E #8p 1 OCTCBm • ...,_. Conti~l &31"'1o•.;s diz.t'enee 'tlf the S!F..GfRn:D Limt WS.8 tho Pilot point or thia doc1111•nt.. (II,.A) Th& lA&d dtiltenoe atatltdi "The Si•cfried Liae·ea the~ an4 tlanka ~ tMt ana to bw Of!ettpied by thti VIII C'f l October,. .. dtji\1tlS.1ent13 ettptur*1 ~.~~·~l'tdft.Cttsacr ~~- t~ T_ Co~;.· !n:U.oo.ted iaTh."lt t..h~ had ~ orii•Nd to oold t~ Si•st'l".iid Line at au coata., • Iiay,-br-dai . cticnl a,~iluJt. tho V Corps ud thG .ma~us PW ~~•ente a.9 iD ..mif!siong:·ot t.'ittir tmi~ ~1£1Qted •c-onclue-1~ ~t,, tor. political HSA$0r..n . . . 1r for B> other, t~ ._,. will i)Ontinu& to bold ~ Siegtrled.- Line .att lottg ns th~re 1~ a ebanc$ or holding th.fa .&:11~'34 toraea on i;h* W•~ Fr.<;nte * -- - --==-..,:_·_ __:.- - -.::::. ------.-_ ~!--: _- ~ - 1- Ir - - . --...-- • T -,. ' - > ~ - -~ ,.... ~- ·- --.. ;-:__ - ·~" - - ;_ .. - - ·- -

,_ . - l _f • -- ' - - - 4':!.

". " ~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.=~ • ._ .. I . ' ·"''\ REF ID : ASS 7 7~_"·1. J3., VIII C<.'t~;j: Critique,,_ ·J

. . ~ . . . .·. . J.9. w the o~th ot . _t.h., ~. -:/'~ th1.-·1-0ctober !iat:mata boll¥JH that n maxilll• ot 30,000 · tr~ops ~re itV4ils'bl~ ~ol' iatW.liate ~;ia1tt.q.e~ agsiut. the VIII Cot"P~-9 · itlelmisg ·the si:>bil~ nnrv& which could be t,ta~eported t!ElBil1°.. Approzo

· i1i:t.1t~l,y 221 000 lrfl"la cur.rentl.7 01>9rati1Ja la. ~ho ~f ~ipally und:ttr t>"le ·t~llowing unit1J1 · · . · . " · .. ' ' .. . ·. 2 ·SS Pan1.~r 1l1To 'DAS RIICI' ~- ',,900· ftn " ·· ·.19 Int\ Di,.,-.,- . · .. ,_; . ;.;;.:.--;·41:x1i - .. :- .,. ., ·, _·., .~..: .... It , . .,.· ~·: ...... «Af'I .. - _ • · ~ ""-~ ,., , lu:.JV"V . . .. S PtiTa,. Di?., . :· :.~: -·.500 · · · ::· ·.- · ·. •ttao'1tid ~ ltiact,, trnita. ·.....;.... 6tl00. : ·. · · .lt"till~:q:~t,r~ng.t1L·Jr~1'- estivt~ a:. l4 bat~:J.tol)s ct ".aftJ.ll•ry~ · ~01•1 ..·,,., ·:·<>f ;s~;~_ -10,?ir.._'i~Ji~~:>t ~m-lSOtw hmr.. _, ~~~-b(l~~t;~1-~•- ot s.Q/· . . · hoJtUtton(!ltTil'Ol~ttmJ » -~ anveral :pna ,or ao.m caliber· ., · looo ~ed on t1te -~il liint north ot Tilltl\~ Tank~ .Md b.i;en .~rioW3.°t.T d~l~t.:~J in tho ;paat r.l!Qttth and c~ntl.v did 110t conatitu:t.e ,f.l aer1,oua thre$t., . , Att or 40 tanks. tSa~ mad~, ·:.he &ll6llT lthae Ghown .ve17 little . ir:.t!:U.mtt.itit'I. · io· uae th~ cff\31'!)lyo 14 Uet~ftt"t'f"l\ ool'!Mat-9d. ct the 48th Id"s.nt,.r.r ru.viMionl' '.Si.COO •

'tl\O qtillit)" of both the COMitt~ ar.d reaerve fo~a 'lrafJ oonaidend to b& l.olr. aot·id.'tW t'OZ"Ct;S ftl"• mostly- 1'~at.11y orgzani:ted. lop!"gl"l.IPI1!Zln~ ~posed of 1!;D aia~lleMe>u.~s rn'.'Jl'l(".t"'?i.:m~;., 1$e"1.lrit;;r~ and &eni."'.IO tr<;opa1 ~rating '01.der. the biado qan:.!"tfJ:~':'l cf d1nsions wh!el"t Md beim depleted in , opont.ioMo A.l."ti1. .!.er.7f'6Gll, aimGni cvnval.,1HJant9" rcl\ent in~,htottJet! whetiber ~~ yotmg or ~ old, ar..d the ag'1d fraa local. hOl'llo-gua,rda l'JOH thttoe "trooptt" lri·M~r quality f~rcee m~ the tb:&d fortiti«ttione~ whitlh the bettu qunl:.~y 111:td+J tho oatmtentt~ekeo .oth~r tb&n th,e re.ierves aentioned nhJ"t-ci ~'*° 1'.rt.hur knom (Ill•· tore.a nre re~ for ~y,nnt as ~Y... gio nsenas! . Tlle:. enrr •• considered Mpebt. of ool.l.eot: ng and.,us~ .more or tho l Off quaU:~ tarc.u in«t tori1~1caU<:lna~ !n tact, aaoor-'! to an ?WiPOclf~oo hleher hbadqmrt1'r~• .•isht di'flttiou or . · the soo 1111rl.ea,. ~.2 .. ware b$i?lg f'o~. ae·,.u ae fC)\2r trofA . 0 ~~esoent,'ar,i'l t°Utlotigb;pft~nn~1 .. Thtt Co~•:.thof.1iht ~~··Ct._t;Mit.' .. · :'. :.~:·:: :- 1 dh»1.s!nns nigh~ app~r 011 !ta front; if thtJ.t·•u•" evenl.1' ~iatrl.00.~ed · . · ?.loni T..hc SI!tGJ"ft!BD L.i~q In t-er~l, •the n~tt aYttilable to tbtJ'· · enS'-9" in t,b~ ffo et' and .e:wan · t~ other tr-~~rs are. ttXtl'eraq aeager., Th~ for~os now' o-9fooing·the' .lllied Arr&ie~ for oont1n\ll9d dQf.,..& or a line 4'° (',1j lea: :b:a l~tbo 'The only (l~llC-IJ tb&t the ftl'l$11J' .. •e or. necesd'l.tlq . d-!tfar~ing th"' Fathorlttnd is to uae all -th• ff&•n•• that. can ba uaoabl~ in the We~ t Uld ·to OOi'mit ·~ an, l"apidly aa. thq ~e. anll.ti.ble.. · . Th1' franti~ 1tob1U~s.tion of. all avallnb~• -.n-~(!Wftr 1'1thin Geman;r Gd · ·. thG he.'t7 or•:Jddia'U.Cin ot-Ari~d~v-ieia1'll lndica.te 0 that t'\~r Ninf~~ ·~ ~ ~. ·:·::!:b~1t8:~=~~1:li~~!'1'aii\!J!t1.0~!-=::.~~~n:.~~=!1;1~. ' ' o~ised _iato ao\10n~. . .. . --~~ ~o~ -~ • , • ~ -, - .. " ~ • '

'. , " ...,_ V\'!:l ·--'t'pit .. · .~ritiq REF ID :AS-577"61

~ ocpabili ti•a. 1f'eN' alllply atated •11 fol.19ltn, with non tke thrH d.aipated ae the 110et or leftt liW:~:\;f';

•{l) The wnem;r can mke lceal ll0tm'teratf..ack19 to ?."EJt)toH M• ~¢~t Siep.t~ied Lin& poeitio~~ st a.n,r tiJHr witjl forces now on his troatJ •(

OORP.9 Aft.TI LUmT TNrt.Lu 1.nro1 .fm'OltT #100, 1 oocr .. (Y ,A) _,,... ~ •T'tillecy capaVil.i.t.i•a "" inj~ ooru.tidered \mder 'tlmt h•adin& ftl'l the .f'

•s. eontinu8 to h !\l":?'ltk&ll.. t:ront line el.arient&~ "b.. Inteneit'Y lwrnttaing AM. intard1ction tirea to inter­ ·- rere witp r.llet .t Y Corpa unita. *a., Yil'll la IPli port tJf infantr,r oounteratt.aok to idor­ f'.!l're ,.,ith *'ie-t o~·v Corpe .. •4., iin at •xt.r.• i'lintfltso 11 U'J!ld."1" tb~ d1cte?lt$lion or thoea capahillti•a, •a •'hon 1• ba:ing eurr,1.Md. and w11 ·JtOstly llielT cont.intltl a1ncw the .tires ot •rt111Al7 1a he chtenN are laabitwllJy direct on f' UM .'"• ~tt j? a.M .a or !'! ooob.1.Mtion ure eontddued lik"l;y~ and ngardiJJe j, "i. t tu not lHr-. l.y t~'*t de~· ~J.l f'in• will 'b-6 reee1.....e. in aft1' voiu.. ei'f')Oe the 8llft7 1n tit i ..15 fiNl4 ha~ not •.Ploy'1d lcm,;-ra.l"iit< 1ntflrd1otion or h«n.~•ing fir.a .. SWh ftrt:te &rffl a definite oapab:U.ity, howfl'Yttr, during the relief ot v Corr.s t.n{l tor lh<:irt tae •

h\a~ u th• Corpa a... a fLitiMte IS, l October, Wlla the VIII C.V• inwll~ tJi.atmfm\ about. th• •ne«r aa or tM Corps a!lls~.awr•t1on ot lt.. Arit~s aerrte>r, a:ubeequent Ootober., ~'ber, l•l' ' lttc,.bflr G""2 ·ArJir&it'&l• eitter oontintlt'd the oonoluaiona QPresned in thl\t ~.t.a•tc or revieed t.."lAl:w." t'h.7 nr• btt.d.o&llT omrt~d" Daiq G-2 P'frlo.,1<.ts and irregularly i!'attfd !:ati.Mtea wer, th• ttedb. i'or t.1'\e~t! fu·t.t.\n J'tat.Mwnts or Corpe G-2 opinion6()

1'ollowing the 1 IJ'llll11Ce or thiti E8 ti.Mu on l October.., tll8 !ire· dilly" G-.=>2 Perl.odic, fl.00 on 0112001.~ October~ referred. to thle !stia-t.e tor the inf'or11c nre ~, but they did not pert.ala t<.".' the em;r ettentiYe pot.ential.ftt•ao{II,KC) l&'t.itMt. #9, COUN1"iit- 0:-Il'."~~rn 114 F'.r.LG!~f ?".US ilJSaed. on ' ('\c;tcber, end 11.0J CO'tfffTEl\..)rf'INS!ft IX ~ G:'J.A.1D WOO OF Wllit~-·DW;, oo tb St.h ...

leti•tA /Ill ... istmed on 19 ~r ii mt the Corps opil.doa e! the·~ oapabUitiM 1Yflle unohang«l 1'1'\ t.itia Jflltlateo(ll,D} Iu .faat ... th' fh:ra.M0-1.oQ' Cit the 1 October iana:c. •• repes:tt!d. Thia 19 October I t:t~tell ho"'•.::'nl"1 ~M•rttd detailed ~rattack ;poe9i'bi 1 1'1.ea.

lit oont.r·.at t.o the '3(" 4 00() fipre ot ~ l October R... Uute• thia of the l9t'h ·~~~ ,5,000 ~ troo,s .&.l!mc tM ~~StLU.'. Rivera .-frcmt •s •anill'\t·l~ ror o:-\,.-ntH"8t t•cka for d«ltenee ot hiii 81.eifriecl. Line.," lt"JY~rtrull•i.a, •information cf thitt ~· e aot1:Y1Uee Pft••tl.1'!9 to G-2 ..W.• !lOt 1nd:1oat. that GJT brio 90lll9 oomterattaclr. 11' cen~l~tad or ev~ probable on hia pl.rt, h.:>~ local ~r­ at/·at:b are tl. G11S'Unct e&J>El-il1ty and 1uet htJ ~ted .. .,..,• TH Corp• Ck~ ~·l"Ofl1'tld t.!le Ti- -,r the OUJT6nt •,roup1'f'li'. of encg7 .fore.a an4 t 1 ~"! utirlty c,n t.he front (indioat.ed) th.9t tr..-r~ {1'8%'6) !"our &H4~ l011c the tlWt~tra M.~ .tro11t 1'here ht! ~ aofft llbl,y ..U'kec Cer~inl)o ha 1'0tUd «amt.era t&e.k alaoet 1-edi&tely U' u l!!.~,t.J:pt ron -4• to d!slodge bla :rro;i hia :p<>•1:timus in thette u.a•, 7et Ul.w pc:H-•ibillt,7 ().f ~ eon:nwrat.ta.ak.a or at . lnst 11. reoonnaia~ . in!'~ PUf"t Mt ht °"1'looJced.,• ~ ffllfa' &reaa WU'9J Kl.Im...~ £JFE.:.. ,\J{lfA.; vr A.tM AP.1'.AJ re!'R!INU.Clt ARV..,i ~CR:tR tum!. ru. 19 l'~Ml'xJT ls-4;1.!l t.4' re;.:~:~t-=d tJ"te op~nlon of th& l flctol.i6J.o ie.US~• that ~-.M qm' 1 t7 of troops low •rd had nc-1r ~ .lmprovfd ..

Jlk1 tnrth4'\r 0-2 Ic~t.fl oor.e

/. . mntt~l ~ J{Q:m~J>

: 1k cMng• ,., • Md• dttri~ t:bf.. tint. fJftTft d.,-a ot lfo\lftbtr .. . ~.,neu·fii~ oe~bllit1f'e ae apreiteed in tht. dail.T n-2 Pttriodicae(ll,C) 1ti• P 9Jd\t.jl )53d and Ufrth !n.fgntry Dirlt>'~.. ona, and em.ntl! or the act !'annr Di-.S.eitlfl... "i'h1.a ne am alt1K>st ceaplete IAlbllUtutioa or f'oroea OVr!l'f ~~ the Corpa on l Oo tober.

'!'l ."t ~t 8 point Cf Yi.elf '!llflB nrifJ'Wfit in. thtJ a lcmiimber 0.,..2 Pt--f1odk¥ whi* obttu·ved in it• •eation. on F.netq Capa.biliUee that th» e~ :Md %' to tU T Corpa SCWIJJT ottnsi.,.. -.1th Yieioa O«m~~taokaf llnd the t1chtin& aroum! ~M' bas J11011 beool!• "17 tiuo• .. -mi rllll'><"IVn:•Clbid,) Poru'1h17 rcuntl t!De hut tile T ~. dr1n, tbar• "~-. ,lMt'~~~r;. ~ a~tiY1t;;r in \he 2t\ Di•iaior.' • ettctc.-r. In b"'eneral, ti'r :-~.0J.V l:sl'! c,_,.r,,•d w btJ ~l.,,.enting ~bilit7 #3 ct t.n. 1 and ,19 ~t,.,.~ ·~- ~ J:s\i.Jla~e that. lw lf'ill ralnfor"in£ hie ft-rlat ~ t.~irt't;r exi&\fld~ howrlu'1' 1fhather the reWorc-.nte 1!0N "M• llld~ er urd]Jr t.roop~ and aaterial to '~ incerpoNt4'd 1.nto ~· divlaioml qua ia\181luo• : '

.. - #6. llll , '1'•• ID: A557761

!le f ~ nYind op1a1GIUI 'Hn 11taW duriq the ~iMer or loftabtr, 9-~. am~ bdaM::llh 1Vioti... •· JI01lI CAPWLITt eeotiOl't was urbd •• ~ ~· ·

Aa of l Deeeaber, auooroing to the G-2 P• ot that. dq, cll• entllQ" urd.ts in con.tact w•r• the 18th,. 26th, JS24, 2Uth VG DinllioJlll ... (IV,i) But., in g~neTal,. no oh&ngtls in. ·~ oap•bill M..•a 'Hrtt exrinaffd -t;~t'QU&b 8 Deoember.. ·

.' A 0..-2 Ka~te #12 lraa iast:Ned c.n 9 Deo.aoor, whiah anal1'H4 'the Cle~ ope-nl"tiona and potentiallt.i••·l\18 a lt'PP am a ne• Vo~ier diviision r•placing it to . gain front... ~rl.ena. .. Ia respect \o oapabiliti· s, th1t VIII Corpa · &.:>2 bellflt!d that. the ~' • aoti'V• 4e!enM then in Qurr-.nt •tfect tJO:illd eoutJ.Tm!l th" VIII Corpe Tetrt on t.h• ot'teneiTe., ~ G-2 oba8%'1'00~ ~ ~·· pneent pnotioe of bringing naw diviaiou to nett1D treat line ~ri•e• and ~n nll•Yin& the!t. out tor oormittAtnt elanlaaff !ndioatnl bi• deain to haw thi~ MOtor o"t th9 hon\:. r-aain quat aTld int1otivo .. • Qar-•t.ilit.y Iii.. to countenttaolc to r.6tont pos'i-iona and '' to rein:tol:'C,. rraa r" aflr'Y•B "will. dcubtlen MTR \l.e i.pln..Ult&d unl&!!o U.. ftnMl1 feela tbat t'lII Corpe *s p%"6parillg \o ~oUJlt an offenei.,.~•

~«&.J forces tM ?tlI Corpe n1.. •Qtimted by thu 9 hce!!b-&.r •nalTaia fi8 to 2411000 troopa, OOIU'I .rt i~ o! t!UJ .26th and 212tl• vti Dirlsions of 6,000 men aach# the 3S2d lntanV,- DiYiafion of 6,500, l'r.d. thtt lath VG :'.~h·ieion or S,"10.. Thl!ly wen de&oribed •• ·~Ting b6en refitted a:x.d nfol'W!ild frc11 OOll':'$t• ..aaCllWPd,. 10UDI hcruiW.1 old•r ••• up to 45 ,--rs, n1n&l and Gil' peraoh.:iel. ltfhee• ~u:naions htAn roc .. iflld en a't'er~a of t"o J10nt.ha intensive t.rd.nina •• a ·Wit., and l"eprtJtren\ a lfts\. ditch effarl to f(\J."'fl divlaionaJ. units for tb9 &t!enE'9 ot the 'J"atberland., '• ·

4,000 un, ~tub ~Ll)BJ.CH ana 5,00 • 40 • reBIDZ UM ("I oE JhiM} USTPHAJ.IJ.(oou.U arriw oa our t-roS 'fr1 thi.D 72 hour•} r . -i ;; REF ID:A557761 l"Tc Vlll Corps. 021.tiquo~

liVA. l:LAllK• l SS 'LAH £aoh,.,-•(6.0CO Hf1 IHlULAD 'fie Q)J.000, baolting 2 • •DJ.I) mca• (60 tanb .., int.. ') * 'HOHENZTAF'FEK' (UY Mtt'>uli. 12 " •RJTLnt JtJG~ll' (r;un bn (1') 9 Pz ::a~,.

2 '•ra Div ... '6 • • 7 • • . ' 5 .. •

lupffti!lg an.or and art.ille17, the 'fIIX Corp• had ataWd that. no •ntnT d!'rilall bad organ!e ~r nor weM ~ UJT GHQ tent. bl!t.t.taliol'l.a, but th~r• were ele'Yen ttrt111srt 'Mttalit:ma ..

Terrain was reg~rded 0,. \hG Co.r.P• •B l'avoring the de!enn, the OUR and SAtnnt lU.• l"8 co:n.s~ituttd ~ ~oat to~14able initi•l obataoas, the C'IOWtmio~ti.Cms net, be1\{n~ thtt enea:r .facilitat.d. his R!li.t'tf.11£ or tOJ!'Ot!le to •ee\ an ad• ·nee, the road nttt ~a adtt.-:uate bttt H:lnt.n.~nce 1'0Uld be hMvr~ J.n "'<,inf.1<3in£ tar:.• WQnlrl b • confined - to road•J1 due \o aoil., ollute and -eaJJOtl., Tbare n• 11itl• opportmdt,y • far ttee or ar::ior. .

Ene;a;r capabi.lltl•I" dnr1Jll t>l.e ~inder of the p~riod• 10-l' Dtrenber.t a-:"td be,rontl those et5ti•ted b7 t.he CJ<-2 ~tiaat. of' 9 ».caber, wen Ul'IOh&nged in the Corp1 •Y&lmt.Um. A.t lMe~ t.he Maiq ,Jt«triQdin did not ret"leot a.,. chancia, epildon. (1'.A) Tth.11' ~ C•pab1litJ- 1!9Ct10a note«-~· and the 41daienal wu:t• ldfttit:ied oon\inud. to b4t the l!til• th;j5311, ud 212\h 1'Q uiYi1d.0na.· Ct int.effat -. .the 1nclu1on in the Q•2 Perio4ie !'~ 1' ~'ber"ol a di.owsaioa ot 'fe""1ta cap&ble ot inWrwnUon.. A !llU4 tr.a.·.,_, a-2 hd.~1.e ~ the 14th ,,., quo1'.td, to th• •fhot '\bat OQuft. :t>•••:h'o• ot •aor aal intant17 1n the Jforthern •fftol"a or thtt 11e•t..erft front •«nrtinu.e to be- the J:d.uHt quest:h>n t:ark ill •Del'i9' di1JPOeUon8.o Ind1c.. tions continue that ~ enWlJ" i• plarntina an ~rat.ion that WQ\tld 1111pl.o}' the fov 41visiou of' Sixth IS Panser ~· .... •


~,. e&pebillt1•• nn not ttsaa•nd by the Corps ot'tiova dm-ina poat-cupai,p iatenina held W"J.\h '\Ma .,,,.. coabat Jd.etoriaM. {'fII)

III. 8untrlty Probl.Mt• and l•tmrM e

l.lml thti IDI ~· rttll~ the T Corpe ail 4 October, it ae.-.:! • 5() mile li• plll'alleling tM OTlR Ri'Yer, frolJ apPl"OxiMtelT ~, hl&1.•(Wl91) eautnar<' allllOst. to ICBTDX4.C'.Jl ~ on. tb4l G&naa ~U.r.(I,MIJ) !hla ...w.r ~ ••.,... .la1' CHUl!'tmcl betneu tM 1'int ~ 01t 0.. north ad the Third J..ra:r. 111\hin ·tu ~I Cort>•, · \ht 211 ~ St.h llltantr)" P1Yiaiou wre J'Nit10iled JIOl."th to ~th .. Jtl1'lwt,n cf th~ Ck1rp~ W1\G ~; :'oUr·re t.!~ V Corr~· and We U!J & de;l'~nJ!ll'i& 1-~W t.~,.~n .~1i:mr t..t..e li::.e hiola bJ1 t?1i.' J:::. t.t'lr Ulll t., lill . ' : !i.{)C>)rJ..S~g· 'tei. t.h~ ~l'PB .'l.ftt.E/A\"M.. on ReP,rt. .rm-· October,. tttn B1.W..:d&.1 :f'z-,/r!; """ · st~ttlht.¥.l .:mt. t.."lfl d .t Vil'.iilj:r.s ~r.d m&do ~ prcbliwo of p~i;;~n- lru.:. depth l\~ '!JHtimrlty .i.n th'l' tie.f-.,rst: ~ii ext1·1mi6l;r di:':tioilt or..u,,. 1:1nJ.;r tb.'t it~ ~~~.andi~ ~nd e-ou::.aying r:.any vGr.:ant apots he~tr98n tW, or~anizad po$itlona. 1'he89 Wb19.!&i~ly 1.'Xt~nslva snd wh1 le thq were prott&eted •gdn·~t. any njor enar.r.r thtue~ . b;;' t'h~. tJivl&ions' aotdJ.e r~-:ot:t'i tio~t.h.;· .... ~•(r9 B) t'hia d~lni&ent abo i~inted out that •smo.e t.he !!test. · 'ttctive ·area ~--n th6 sactvr ~ne in the ll<>!•th $n4. .u thia are;i n i ~a."""11! t<> h~ i'{~at 1~1'ih~. ~~1ti~ri t,"tf. t.h~ ~;rps frar~ t !:or tUtm~~ o£f~na:tv~ 011em Uon>J _, u-,, bulk '.at . th$ .. ~-~-~;• > •: ~~ ~ - ,,_-, '.: _. ~ -"~?~:~~ ~.~.. ~~:.(~~;~/r:_.f~·;~.. ~~~r[.i,~;~:\~':\_'-~~:-,.~~~·~- /~,.::;',· t '•,~~:'° ~~! . ?i-meti.c~l~:.f t.hh Corps f<.\1"00~ of' two diY~aio119.-W19~. n-.entea dm:i?\8 Gnt,.Joor- b,r thf!;. ad.. ~i tf.0-r. or tw.'O di"' tcd f'ro.:n ·:~ha 'ltdrd ~13" to t.h~. VIIJ Oorpt; 11 i.t, .'>:t.'"' ita ir;,cl!..r..1.-.-r; 3.ti -~-ha llI!:t ·t"-orp~ t.mie ·1oh.I'ttd the C~t"Pll :i<'.mt.l:P.'Ol bauo41ll"Y ... ?Pl'Oldf~,~t,1dy t-0 .,t..h(f l'>'IQUtheast C('.Jl"iie& !;>f th.e- 9UC.til .;p- l.'UXE:·"}("Jif>.G f ~t. a pl"..~fo.t ~1hero 'f,h~ ~ts:EI.L.E iU..v~r cxostt• d th~ FrMi.'i.00"' ',..,~'"'1tm bordc1·~Qric:)5), On· t,h

J.lno or1 th' ~')th 11 thtt 83d tii.'il:J.!.or. atSlgi'Cl. c r:lY€?' cro-;;alng it~~onei..!·~,;;~ :..:. t.a>t.f Tr ·~,·1~•1 &iq)OJ.1»:'9 of id.r> def,,,:·.'.11.'li~ postitit'n3~ 'but only~ light rf'ii.•.Jzfon ~curred., <:onaiE tirig of (!otr:t:i & , tl.1leJ7 .-nd JnQri1ir contumt-ro ~1.o;w" {~bk

Orgtm.t~ -.Uomt.11)~ ,.. '.~~o JIII Ce?=l:11 _paesed t~>t.~e ·Fi;~~ .Any on· 22 ~~i·~ . · ·du., tri tru; 1 cr?-ou;P 1 ·~ chfi'tjng of tlii'"?:f:bith ·£HiY''fJ'C-~ ~tween,· " . '~ f.µ.st rm1l Thi:rd to th~ n-?rth ot the Firstb (I bid~). ·· .

. . ' 4ct""t6~1 dofea;:;iv. b,r .1.h~ Corpg duri~ Oetoln~~\. ~ith S<>ae ~>llt.i'!it­ p~rtr9llinJr, tt:ru:l hstar.a:tng ~. i:J 1~r.r,,.(lb1d .. ) . ~ latt.e:r ~aa lisd.tflt! b.,r GW;r".li"!f.tio•1 -~l lowE.! •.: Nl .'jr c:ul;.r \.llW to tnI.,~~n+.h~ of. a uit!.t~ t)i"' .ti:("Q r~r •.tt."r; , A:i.f:' aitH".lf)fi~ Wo&i'C'• 1.a... t•:


-- ' . -~... -i ?i~~~r; !-~~,+ 1 ~;-ij.;- ~ '~ ~:~~c_ :- -' "'.;,. j. )-Jr~Ht:..,..,4--i • .- '''"'":--,-~. ,,,_,.__ •.&~+~;7 ------=----=-----~------!!

9th : ?'1BOl"i'd iii ~.z c·a rM•ne!' and &'tPJ:orti~ th9 gJd Pivinion rlih anwNd e.M.illerr ant\ nc.eiTi.Di "'°". e·~t axp.erieac:.e ... (I,C) Tho Corps oenter I lfafi (.W!OUJ;i•d ~ t,h£ B't.h Pi-.-!.,ioa" Yh,.ch ne evread ovd· I'll: e:d•YUJ ~..,.. -.:.~.t t.h,.. ·.y.i-e. ~hie J'P"M.ior.. .:>t tb.t f1,>nt furt'bt":r: ...U.e~rd on 19 &.)~1*t .. I :tr.:i- ~-ll8 ~4~n~ f'Jf th• 8tt.. a:.'\ tho ,1on;.-out a'th ll1~'1irJ(" Tb.a .lat~er ..o-rn~i. "' .,.J- • f!'05. !'itl,htinz f~>!' th.t" ac:!'3 d"1~, a.nrl needitd rtrhabiUtatio~ dnd rejnfo:r>C>;;; I ;i~ill1.j lflticn tt.B 1.111'..ttMi~tt q ·md•.rt.n.lct1:1., b ill vctohl"ri.; lit.tle gzi"l ii ~ i"E~;:;nn&~ssar.M •"'• ~raitt1' , dwr t-4 low ov.-caat.$ treq·:umt reia and f·::.>gc. -ii I AzJ of l D6~b'('.r, t.bie CG.rptt oonttnu'ld -1 t.ainir..g it.s utenl!Ji'ff ~ nn ~ l:l:t"* ot def'e:riM o.i' th# Firet Yt'e aouthern 10M$(!,P) This 'ft'1 bc"tl¥~n tLe '.firat Anty' a r...c-rthetn :Jl'A?. wr-e aotiw durJne thllt f1.o.+,..':''t:--!r and ~v~ib"'r ~TW".AFF.U:O tif"~ drivf'.: t-o '*Ptllr\t 1#.~ ~~ th• -~ Jtr}l:l< R1._1" d"!!1g ~nt' tl•"' Thlt"! l.""Jii.7 vM .:;}1 ca; ·tund .~ dttri;l..~ it• O~ <.i:-.bfr~ P~.c t~r d:rin to'l'a.t.J.a tli.- S!m?RJ:lr , Liu.e, Ranr; Korth tc ~»Qi;.t.h we1tt tla1 2d,. Z~th 3 and 8).d Di-r16iota1 with. th• 9th Anlori:td in NMn• Mrl re~hi"f bet.tle indootrin.tioA,,

' ' ctwJie:iJ in. tb$ Co!'pa ocaursed chtrin& the tint third o.t 1.leeeaber, wt-..ioh, llllih f.l(\t .aducbg a the nuurioal maher or diYiaions, <~i ~ lo~i' tM Corp~ crmltty,. tws~~) The 4th XiiY!eJiO'n(Y Corp•) •chang&'d ?iith t..lut !l.'H Dhl.tkn on 7 ~.:-m"Jerp llO'fing t'l'O'il it• f'-lrtgen Fer-e*t ~\lillg to th• Ylll O!ttpi1 tor Nl:11. •!'d r~h.lbili tat.icr.'h ~n= four dt.7• l ~r, th• new, inaxperl.-!fl1i.c~ 106th Dineioll r1'llff'('Jd the 2J ti:Ti•ioni whic.u. like ':.h'! 8);i,, 'QAt t.o the V Corp11, A ft:lur-ldlo!:r.ete2· front ~aa JlftA to 1;,~ 9th ! rl'O n>l D1?1811)n on lO I>, .nioh had. ti.oen ~~nt-llne upori•nc• tor • 21C11th al\d a half. t,hro11,gh tMnt ot &~fli'!ent to line df-.·ieiom~. 1o~1n ~, onl,y t.he 60th ~red !nfn1<­ L7 Btltt.n.Ll.\)tt a.00 j t.:s fUP!;~rtln.., fot*'-..'l-tt8 Hr• tiYe.n tJie IWW dirldoMl fro?:.t. ..

T:n.a 9 'lt" o! ll D1HW'"·bu• the V!l.t Co1:i>11 RI CClllflOHd of tl\'9 4th; 2dtA1 1~!6th l:nfn"ll:ry Divieiou aNl the 9th Aruonoct, an d \htr:r .,.~ the !or(lea 02l th~ Corp• l..iM f!'ft dayr wh.n ti» C}:l:int.rof'f'•n•h·• •tl"'lWk.. Th qondltiom

4tA Dh·.. : 'fvy bt\ttl• "'"; nlle~'t ewer•l wi&•kt:. ot mhrrou 'F~ist f!PtH.~ f'or re!St An4 nf.P.billU\tlon; in :.rda:rn-.e;o; ;::~3\tion, a. llrf'ek priot. t.> Comt&ror:r.. :. ivfa 11 7..,1~ ~e:nL~r,,

28th Div. s Biltt.le wi••s rel1eY9d fJ"Oll ROli liver da•a .rtchUng for rie.t eir.d nh1tbilitat.ioni Oemlpied ~4efm•• puit.ion Jl w•eka, l911ff.,..,. 1' Dttceabttr•

..; Div, 1 lnib..a.l e0Mittwn1t a~d iMi~--iaDOedi oeeup1ed -~""denne• ~ait.1Vtt fin dAy:I! pr1cn• to CcUJ!t«l."Off•nl!li'N, ll... 1.5 IiNa,bc.rc

9th Ar!l'd Dl~:RilO&lYed b&ttlo indOGtrlnation tbro~ att.achr.aent or .,1~tntc t.-, liM t!irl.111.oni! dtll'~ug 7 aeka prior to lO Dece-Ml>er; wLUt •nit-,""MJ. a dlTiaioul •~ten·, 0017 an Ari'tO:red int11ntr,. blttlllon ~T1d a":.t4'ch••nt .:>ccupied itf.NM 10 Dee6i1hfir ..


------. . . , REF ID :A55776·+ ~o \'tr.lt14·.1d., f

In ~-nt'.""~s.~.r.i; iiltJ'«>ugh battle wise, two ot tha tour d1"1e1orui wrf!l

oc~.i.ft~ : !"tfa11·~!!~. r,r>:rt.ions for .t" and %-flh!l'oi11 t£-ttion,0 during outt m~~ ..3t· YM&kt:1 ros~th'ft; the other tlf.J divialou re.c•h"i.1'1€ their battl.tit ~xt~1·i~M• Qj\ t.. h.b 9-etrusive, quiot 1·r- nt, or.. to1· llnl~ fiv• da,-•,, th11t ot.;~-r t,'r;i.-u1't-.;h '!&'f't!U :J:1':ekB -:;f <..t¥ti\(';hriont ~.t..,l!:Lttnti to· lin~ dl:1i.t1to.n~ . . ~'J.l6 .:'tf tJ;~ f.::·~ ~H~·t8'.'1'Ui 'it.',;; both ha tle ~.x:ro1~:ten~ed and in f1gkM:r1g ~-::~'id~~i,,,1~ ·,\hf:i.:: the Ci~~tmw J.;:1·m.~hrJ~ i,i·1$~l"' l6 D$~"t11~r ofl'aneiva, \t',tr,, r..~·:Jl. ~ i ...... P~ .• J-...... =

·Cor,;t:1 6p_t;ro.t,.'!.9~ dttrir1" ttiG lant t>ff~ral ~... 11' pr~inc the 16th of .Dt~S11t~r lndi~~tr~1 th~ ln~k o! e~~Yc~ncy proteetiv• ~aaur•s wh1oh "ttvtiI ·. ~ ~ ~>'!"~ tJt:~~bJ,1 iiJren. {f th~ ~;r pr. exp~t6il tJlEr l.Ara-\'J-, en10~·

'. ·.,.,:-· ~tt:'tt'.:P.iv--a, · :rr'"' ~~~ ~~l".Pl. .!idx G=-3 df\U.y p{!i'iot11~,., f~ lti DfiiZtinb~~r i~ •I ll"l~f;o1;t ~~,i~'ti¢'l~:-:r~~r~c.· r.irn oper.~t.1-...ri ~~& ~a~nt&in6tl d~f~:nSa '•' 1

~!.' -~~~ ...·~~>:

A etil'.gt\1.r11• 6-0eltr!",y f'~ea~W:-ft n~ tisk@& byt..ho 'fill CoI'ilGii upon ?iret t.~~,. orft, ra~ .'tr"'"il'f: U1"a f'ir~-t. hl'll.f' of' naoeinb.;;:;-,_ {V!I!) This "'~B d~;ee;;~ion · ~n1ttM.?ri .:';C-"LJ;;:i 2 desi1.~rii trr the Twelfth A~;v..T Gr'tJtip k tif¥ doV>n &l-'lemy-,d1-r1aioae on thtt VIII C'd'l'PtJ: .t~n.t and. to attraot •nelV f(lrC.• t • trr». the ~tnbbor.ily held DtmfJJ llr~"" t. 1.n.rl.'ldc..1'!}' of toroea llfll!\ npreoent-"-'i !.n th~ s:rea north o:J: U.!XlJ:OOtffJ.'i for a tbrea'tenting attack :no~lt of tha ff.f"i:!f:1 ...LE ~:t.n:e tAnrtl KPH..ti~:.t.., Tht' l~tl of tb~ 7.>th Jnf'ant,ry- .Hvi~don ':' f\~ ~.:J:C6o 1 .:, ir.,,~ it h>a.~ ne,t btert e:iw.Jd ned9 Rtn;l t.'he 12th' Arrq dt"t>\lf mad~ r7-:S.:i.:.1bJ~ ~.. 'l~ .2Jd fpit.'.1fol T~...:'Cf•":J to ts~.JZUl•1tu ·!~.,ni:~nb'atiw1 o-f th" di':L'!'icn b.: o.:.'\Ot.pati,:,n vf Gorur;~nd t--<;ew and ~0111.ets~ d.ispl:tT o~ .!S)w\tl.d{'·.t' -p.~~0her; t;.J1d 'l;t•n'1k 3:'l\rk.i1lf[a" ur.d }ty trcor.. ~O't'G!l~nt... s,, · .Hr:dil'} ancl ~laphonic tra • .fi:! ;-;-~s u1r.~ ez-.p.'.0yed., 'lnf' '~~u Corri; A":"tJ..:r:.a..7 tls~bJ.:t~h('d r:.;·v,t.her fir~ d1?'6riticn oentet"9 i::.nd cond\1ieta.~ r&gieitratio1'\ fi:rf:t rro!5:. n~w ;-ai-.:.. tior1so !he ~:v~rat:ion VJ nth anow)~r ~l.:. div.lsiono

. . A C{JU'l3:.1tl9.rJ' on thle ss~uri ·ty act.i~n ·ras prorld~': M:-.j c Guno Ty_1>y H., it .... ddJ.eton, tho C~.anding <.hm\;ral o.r tha Vlll CorpaB d.urlllf, a 0¢.Bi>at !rJi-,l"'t.. !lie'tf d·art:ng Jan~1T".f l9!iS, (\Y!I:,D) •aeae:ra.1 Middl'itt:.:n ,,..aid he ."\t;V1'l" . h;:-,\ e, .. ~::>Yee! Ot' t rubllt'r c'luek• o-peratiQns~ and ~vat koo'lilnt t.he l.l!;itt't<..l!ith . : ..;f flht!~ 'll~a· -i:m Jd.~~~l?'~fd~,~~ J':":on~ 1 ;l-w m~ lfl:a~ Jll.!!n us~~- ~~thusieurtj.c ~1.,t,n':t -tbi s· -pir t!citilar·~\ljj~r&t1#)-n." - , -- _ - - - -=.~- ... ~ -~ ~_-,_ ~~ ·~-~: ..}~;~~ 4 ~ ~·-- ~ • - -· •• • • • ~ T'"- -

t:tti&tt _tha · V'I?l. co,..Pn -mv11ci w tho Ardemtets fire,,, in late S0p"t~ .111>3r, it 1s8U&d _fl t~ on l pcti>h&r, wfiiCh f.t;atsd in it~ lt'!ld ~• •irhe Siegt'r.ied Liar on .the .front $l~ t~ o! the are• to be ocovpiftd . - by t.'13 V!Il (k)rp$ i~ \:~in ~t.r¢ det'end~ _b;r _~ .en~,-.. n{I!y:\} _"The d'l?a~ir.e r~,,. itr d-_r~M• at.ate.ts that iD m.\~ ~o..r _a )>reac}l of tht> forward _ lift&~ ""'bit(!! t1"6Gps -JC

··.,!::· . " - :_ ... ~ . . . ,:. : .·:;~~,----~~.:~\;~;,::_~~:~:::

~- . • ·.- - l •'":, .

~ ., REF ID :A557761 - \ I .\

~ ! Sloghi~d • ttt. all ce>l'.ttt. 'thf; actio~ of enGMy toroel! epin~t the I V t.'or e tl"Om day-to... d~nd. -nUtllerous at.'!~to ot priconera or ar tt:e f. tv Ute misr,ion or their units indiettt.ln com.lusiv•J¥ that11 tor polltie.i! I Nuia 215 if 4or w ::ither ~ t.ho enay 'ril leor.. tintt" to hold the Siog.trled f Linis as long ae t...~rA is a ehanee 9! holding the Allied forces on t.he 1 ' l:es~t.n1 .fl:'Qnt, • In Yiow ot t..he doctrine ct deten.8e, "it follo a that tl:ll enemy- will contin\.W w ·cou..ntenttack_ud ma.:ntsin -.n actift de:tens!'> I Rtt ··r...OF 1J1~e"t't.4111.fld p h' ack, ~hoYiillb th~ Cl~ ~m:itiou c::t t,:1ft J:l.l.rt of tbs Ge.ruit to s~biUz~ the lin.s tF:C '\.ta prt:F&nt i't.as1tion,, Ee haB ut.ili~~d tlda t!rre t.ti his ilid\'"antt\gt"< to str~r16then certain part~ ~r th~ Sie&friGd Line, to throw up tmaporarr f"orl~ficat1one 11 ISMl of't thol'!e &.r€'a~ thT0\1p trh1olt' our toreee have nrd to r~gro11p a.nd "°rgi:mbe hie fON91J oppo~ing Ufio llhilia: he h1'.e gttived EO!liethi~ b.r t.'liri, ht> iiUU. has not b@C"n able to :N\:bttl t'h...~ ql!.9.llt!" of trocp& on our front Y'hitth rf'J319in zstill tni~t:llan~ouPJ units <.."n .,;. or ~rtillt:.r:,7'4'Je-11., if'Jmen and other branches eJZ!ployi::.:l ~~ i:J·ar/. i'j' c m·I!" lesce::-· r,n r.H!t } I>·v: cur- battle experlenr-...e 9 t'e..t.ent induatses £11 i.he-;- v• l'Y ~ ;rnne or '\>l.•17 o l~, &nJnn {>~rf\.nt 1'I ~·t-h n i 1,.J.r c1flgrec cf i ti.1cccs th!ir 11ission to hol~ tr.e Slegf:d o.d .Line,. r)ru;e t} -tt liz:,e•g a?e fE:nt1t. at~ sn-i : aneuver lni~"m,. th~ lack of &ra i ni11;"? ~ pn,alc l r,tru!!inn, ~lic.r·tile;ts or eq_ui?Jtonti> mAteriel and vehi~les f.-tln b0 mc.:.~r5all:r exploited(' Tne rer~ent prN:ltt11at.ivn of Hitler• s, dn£'ting every r111.m from 16 to 60 into thfi ho~e guard &nd placint thh 1Ul£ler thi! SS u~nde:r Hi!'Ulllal' ~ !ind not thfl J..rrry,, iru~1ostes -the ah-'r¥1&e of 111..!lnpov,Gr in th~ R.d'1hfi arni the ~xtrei!.d ty to which thfl proud Ge:t"IJl..&n We1,.r1naeht hs.s ar1•:;;e&.~'°.(!Ipl't}~,_- ~:.":~· ~. · · . . , .... ,' ; ·_ . -:-..::>·· .-.- _, . v .. ~ r• ...... ,~ --~r-_ .... ,.::-._,~ ...~ .. olo .""- ...... ~ie G·... 2 r.~Uraata or ~ 19 Cutober remarked that •the ent-m7·. haa, - i:;h.:rm _very U ttle 1-1.iilatlonto comit. hi& tAJlka ia thU ttna., • Thirty tanks w"re belieft!d.bJ' the Corps art tl'fa:Uable for,doM!ttunt.. Actual_e!teruy actif'ln ~uring Octt'Jbitr •·aa d684rib.i.l th~ ~rpfJ M'~r/Aetion Jier ot>t £or tl" mi:>n~h u ~d~i"n!?iv~ 100 dtnfine

0 - =r ·7"'- • • , "' - - - r -1- --.. _...,. L "'"' ~ 1 .,.~ - _ ~ _ .,. ,;. ,• -"J ~ ~.._.

~. ' t. :· • .";' • _,_ .• /~,~~-.:.r;_,·. :.. ~ _"=~::;r:--~L ;;~~-,- : ""-~... -.. ·~ . - :-....,..-....,,- _._,,.,,-- . , !" - . <: , _.;...... ~ , ;{'" rr~,'¥F:~~W>u"' -;,.:. ~'i!~~j::;.${~"'"' ·~-· .,._,..,,Mc:~"~ I ~'f~~ ..: .:. ~t""~, ~- 1:t -?:l":-t f- /~~ ',(.,,;I:,. ~·t '"1 ._~; ...~ ~AJJJ~· ~ L ~ y <~_¥~ ~..... ~~~~... -~ .... 'i~~~ ~::"',., ! rl < .... ~'7~ ~ ~ j .., ~ ~ ... ~- ...... 1,1'"1":;'-t_,_... ,...... _:- ... _.:!:.._1~-~ ~'u .. ~___'.:_j.,_~ ,-:. b.,/,."" )_- ~l'::.t::__~ii~\.,"".,. ... ,,, ; .. ~... .- ..._"'-...}.~ '( ~ -.... ~...... ,. REF ID :A55776,1 /.12.. U11 r.,,-,,:_ )., Crit!quit.. -J

ot:e:teio:rml pntt:ele, aporadfo arUlJe17 and mortar fire. Inaemueb: at th.e Corpa o\:>~ed oonsidarable sht.f.ting of rlivilJiOns, it ba• were t'onr d1trerenf), in. 18th,. 26th, 212th, J5~ Vu Dirlcione.. · ·Part of this moT~:l&nt ~troop" as appal'enti, though~to ooae C<>!U'~otion with th& V ~rpa tCfll'.ID! on th• -t_10rth~ and the 0-2 f'eriooic tor (1 ffov't·IDbe~ dlatroaiisa~d th!a po!nt in lte on r:N!!~Y CAPl.!lJ!..!';.'!f.t, {llI,C) ~t ol';,!JUM~d: "As a r")sult ot the o::'tens1v• b]"' tb9 'V Oerp~ on cur !~PJt.: ti'tJ e~ has reacwd wit}t 1'1oiou counter"" ut.~"i..~tte ~i»fol'"6n!!;:ttif~-wen ltf'W unit!t or Ur31.y troop$. irid »ateriil to. be ,, inuo.~>orat,.,d into exiating divif:ior.ttl orglinilation bad not. baan esta'b:J;.iahed.

Dat'l''.'Ut•... tere.,1.r t~~11Ring ltGlf artJ.llf'ry, and 1aort in'lcti.,n ·t•a deF.cribed by th'! CoJ'Pft G=-2 ... r-:t.imate #l2JI 9 .Deember ' tn1llllll\ri1ed:. "For tho dx Wflakn,. ~n~.r.,r atttlvity on tM VIn 1°1"0nt haQ beon limited t,,r,# p~t-ri:1 lllng (\\';.~l · ')fo:ra.d:t c artilJ ery nnJ rrnrtar fire.. ThE>ra haa ·been M cffonsivo a1Jti tH.i:pcfitic-ns of our for<.::P.fJ,. & bna Ptubbornly r.etistri our efforts to penat:-!!tt h:ir: deff'IW('e, and T ey few ot our patt"Ols have betm abte to ot inside his linr:e,, There h&:n teen ~ etl'.11>dy t\inHn"el" of

Frte?l:IJ" 1ivief, r..-J. unlt.s on VIII Co1r~1 front C> th8 older dirlttit'na being J't.1.lled out for ccmmi ttment in an active arf!a to pl...., •- pp~ and a new 'V~l.~sgrer..adier d{Ti~ion re· 1 cing tt in order tc gain front lin~ ~~~d~nee ... •(lI,E) This E ti:liate of~ Dec-em1'er- :tated there "nrft r.o r;iJY.')rt.G or con nth ene.ny tanb, a.ld no!» of id.~ dirldiou had I ortunic arl'r.o:;:-" Elenn battnli":\ne ef artiller.T b·id been c~itted on thn Corp$ frQnto . ,

,. "'; .. .._ .... !.~~~ t :.j.. ,;~ ~ ...... ; • ~ .: .. __ ... : .. _.._ ..... ~~.:- ':."~-:._!;. ... ~ -..;.~~-=~ Thi~ a..-2 E~Uaatw --:-f' 9 ?*J~~r sm-:u,rized the 4mf11lT ttct1Vit,' t,f.(. hrv:tng btten det1&nsive •ll~ dur:Ui£ the eaveral previous' mtekfio' C--er-~ op~r1Jtion. eontl.:nueti t.o bti of that ~ fl'Qll 9 !fec~~r t;.'u.-oti&b tlw 15th,, J ~iq 0,...2 ~ Pt·riodlas d'4scribed the e1*y as being de!'ensivf)-1 quit}t f\nd liiait&t to 601H ,r.atrolling and u:aual light> t;ca.i;~ed b'.!'M$d!JC at,R)Jl e:nr.e- rr.ortu- 1 and urti:Ue.ry .fin~.. (IV,A.) B1.1lffmwr• wbioh de.aoJ"ib;td th• '9re lt\T' •• aonlitmica 1'h1a light sc•tten~ ehelllnt 1~ tb• central snd -northern part ot t.M Cp;rp1t , - 2:t:>n111" All ehell:lnga 1Nre r-r.orkd !1\& haraacdn.c ta r~tw41l.. o ... •(v ,B,Vq,.§00, 16 Dfm.,) .. ,_ :_-~~~:~ ~= =-- -

--- -. . -, . REF. ID :A5577.61 1 .. #13,, ?TE LJ4t"pt3 · Critiqw>o I I • 1',. ~·SigA1f!i~J\t lri.d~ t'Jf r.te:run Oi'f.eDs.i.Ye' Intentian•o

't' ' ' Pi!FA#JI.

· · Ao 110t.ed fi!l tho d1v' t-iott.el le"tt1, th?'l)eof the taur V!rI Cm:p.1 cU·dait1®i~h!cb "r~ aat:tault~d <;it M· T.>ec:tW>k1Jr, a~uired c•rtllin daU. dm:-ing th~ aprzoxiJlat& 12•15 Dteeaber periM, ~ell., on their .fan '~tu. llight appoor _11141tlatiT~ ot e~ or.._.,,,.ttff pl~ne,. Irre1Peoti~ or ~heir worlhp m&g DATA Cf.lNSTITJ)tFJ> fifE G.RfllOO)S,{IN '!fflt lllV1SIONAL li~~-L f{j~ l~ :t.(t'EO'.!."ATI<.t!l (\ft' A l!AJPR ~ A1'.fAC':(. -~ AY.lit~.) -1'~~!2\

, ·' 1 . aJA~ ~ Mt~,q~ atJil~ ~f~Jto ~, .. · )'' • • '• ~ 6~~~~--~~~;{t~~d~~ ft~~~~ ;Lh~·~,~$ •;~~ ·~-l' · ,... t>!'fitti~?if' eonairt~ 1 of' ·the ft)llWl!lgt , . ' · (!)"Ari l!l.OOtJllAration ot wa:r Qhj,\lul}lr t:raf£1e during appr¢;'"'t.it1-;r J..2al5 Decombft'J · · · . (2) A Lm:Mtour: 1"0Can1 it 1.ieam-1ption of the Ge:J.1tW'1 build-'Ctp; . ', {.3) St.a~ent~ by four Pl':s th~t thoy had· heard :t.<~ans or bad bf;en tl1at a t:t!ijQr "tt\9ek ~s to bfi laUn.Qhed bGt11&1'l1 · l'f.pprorl;rn~tel7 16.,.25>oeinber,, f I , ~ " For oonnnf.enn of dheuulon, thlJIO three ~fl ot 1»foJ.t!.M& are din 4ed in~ •even data""'''",,,~eV$ll 1mst'l.noee as 1t wsN~ r~&ed ~ 13tjo,;:r•~es~ itlthough 1n m-.)tt e&t'•'M silsilnr data "4~ i:•rovi

An ~n!'~ilin of ~~. diviFiQnl-!- .:\ll<'i Vlll' 9Pra>e d9Ctm'llnta -1·-,, 1a th~· dis~itr_r. &nit" tt~· Corps l'eO\'t-rds pot5sfiioed fullr.r ~t.Jomt · · +..h~ ditte.. ~ eont~d.~ r.011.,.· pertin~nt di71a1onal axpla,Jt.atiou aot tnc"bldf'ltl «mo~g t.h• ~rd~ of ~e·respeot.iva- d1Y1sion.. Tht- tollowi~ di1SaM~i

4fd not pn>Yid• the requis~~. d•ta1led intqruU® 1C'Oll whick u. i'iHrlcu at.~. •ftl~ t>t a di'dsicn could ruaonably p1"8d1c\ ~ ~Sor ~ iamlt~rblcnr« Re 'll't')uld n::ed other._aubat.ntiTfJ~ aupporUnrs in!'o:11s·t1en,. Bega\"dlees ot tl;e d3.ta.• s ctX11p).eteDt1as and Vl'llue1 (2) th~ di"l'Jsiou "" def:Wint in their- trant3mieeion.'o.f the data, wheraua t.M TI!! .<'~rr~ ptt.mtly :rm:mn:dt!d: the meager dat8. it receivedo Onl.T .t'cur ot th~ ~ven thtfl nrG nnt. to th• Corps tv" the di"f'ia:t.onsj whenae, the Corp,a, at least report.a all fov data in au~h diatrl~1tl\ble 11edia as . daily G-2 Peli.odicao · · .· ·str'VARY.,

In tlew ot tht!"d~~lnr, tact ,that the-. ~en d~ttl conaUtutetfl Ah;, l:e.&ic- evid~ ot -~m ilfuJroaohing Genan ujoJ> otr•nnive then - I, 1 L ~G~r; fl,,~ !l-~~- .• ~tJ,!\'( as tt?-(l) -rt~b:ll1ty of aoureea, \.2-) a~,, I Flnd l»lt~ Gf .tb>& adt'W\1 iJtt'ormation, (3) wheMter or not both the , . tli'ri.1Jitlu and the Corps l"onard.t their acquind &tta tor the ttatonaticm - ttnd cnaluatiO?l ~ h1£Mr CO&UlSOdaa ( l) Reliub'illt?'•

The 2Stb Division conZiidered i ta W01nan infoner •!'a1~ ;.-eEablei' ~lthougb she was nerT\"US due to & 1>'ine -&:X)'lloslon. Oba'tltva.., t!ono ct scc~llernt~d elldl!'ly t,ntffic by the 48th Rr4 106th ttTi~ions ~i:sre ~~da a:tid raror";e1 C,- th6lt' unite.. Raliabil tty of the t~J 106th D!vtsion Yfr• s 1"88 highly q_t11Bationa-ble 6 dw to thair 'll'OUl\dt.d eond1t1on, a:r!d because their infora.

~ Riyj•iG!§ ~ ~ .. - She W:la oonaidared 11.fairl,.- reliabJ.&ft lrj the DiY111oJap jidgUa 11,' the rew -ch&cks Mk• on the tir<)t da:; ot her cm'todJ', but ~ •• hi&hlT-!!&"'111 troa a detonatld r'liMJJ although minjttre

. ~ - - "'-.:.~~~'-.;r "~:,_•"~ :~.~ I - : ..";;~ ~:";:::;:," ~ ~: : ' 7 'n' ., .. - '1Q§irf Wqa~JLLW\J? l!?!b ~ Their nllabillt7 ':\as q11eatunalb~, dtt.I& to the nt~ ll~Tit{\!. control, and the ins pul!ett bee\ ror !itt!lck hr1$fing, be hiitd o.ttl,y bf'li~t , not. c&.-vt.-Ai1!t1, th...t\t he ~longtHl to th!at mdt4 ~r was the l!OW'C6 ct tM o'Uler> ff' S data... -- --- ,, ' REF ID:A557761

. . ,.... ·, · . . AD P!!lthl!I m n•h - • op5.ftllo1a ~·~ nll&btttt7~ .. c! thctae two daPert~rti 'm\e uprttaoetd 11.r th~ 4th., Th t~;;;timnnv Ra b&~ .lJl~on 'an orier.tat.Uin tt\lk)l wb!ah was mo:N' in the nature or"' &, .1.n uborl~t1on hr batt.~Uoa ott:loera,, By- the N• s min admia~d.ont ti;~y d! ~ i»t b· li~ve t.he apFog,l.1 in new of pffVious unr1uti~l~ pro?li5NJ thf\t rftinforcmianta mmld b& p?'OVfdr.!.,

' {2) Soojw> or D~tai ·:·~~·. . , the_•~ inr~~1oa., q~t.--.:.._r~ inwllig.:w!• e:v.aluatiott and pl1mniIJB pltrpol'1t1... 'fhrti!e dAta d•19Cr1\ted tft''tie and · i!'lewq ~bat:int:tat..d ~ f;he oaptmo ot ott1oinl or-1en or plttne p:rorl~ing pnoi" d•~ila.. Rtitith&tt ,diW.rd.Ofl41 nor Corp& Yersiona Of '\M eeftn d ta intil'ated ~t thtt !nt~tion wna oona:ldel'fld aipificant~ pi"OPhetlo, &114 atuok IQllPW3o I t - . ' * • .. ~ • ~\1 ~ti Rt ,&~;td1 ! ~ ~JYlo ""~ I!ef:!rtni~>t erri->:r..::i te!:r on li? n&ulllMr tl-iflre two di?is1.ona ~ted vehiculr.:r +'1~.tif!'ia in the:!.r r;r..cto:i;-n, esp~·cit1ll7 c.t, u:t.ghto No i'i'tpo1:'~n:::.~, wee ~· t~ir~ted to '!.t. a~ tlm ti~$ b'.J the lOf.t?>i D1.rlcion, J-~r, ami tho ~ttr"{'livision eoui

-~_tJA Jlb:;a\p~ rnn inf.9..W.P~G .. """" Shi! did !"Ot. itent.ioa nt. ,_ ae1r :i;.osni h!l!. t~ftmn t.1 t.h~nt>h she c'!\!'f!Ol":tbc1 troop and rlvnr-oror· r j ;ig .:tttni1.n:,.nt r-.ove:ient.l§ '·n +.h" gc>nt!nl V:lllinitY', the n:lv.tsit'n &t..Rted that. "no~~'!"« nf !l 4.~ihry rd.gn5fioo1109"r.aa obaened. on bar mtin rout.At, a toot. path froR. 'VI~")i}J to BITB~~ flhen the 28th'& ?"lliSOn\a ~1.:l'f' e.xru'-1tneui the only ao11reo of -T.r.:'omf\tion cooo-crninf t,h~ rmtnr~ or ht:?' '41'1\!3 Ute ,P01't,,.c~rir·a!~ &1.11bat, Inturvi'f:'W ·wtt)i d.1Yi5l0Ml ottit:si:a b;i- an of'.fiei&l c·)fltbii.t. historian(Lt.. H.G. Jacke!evertbel••a1th.11 wc~-an deecr-!bed corud.d&nlhle trao~ Md rtver-acsstng eqnir•ttiit 111o••~nta in th• "n:JNn:m to BITBUiG ttre~ fh.u-lni the !'eYe'C'al prff'tficur. dq•, whtnb iapt'9111ed the. '=ivision rJ ...:?, jttd~itj; b;r" specit"i~ q1tAe"';lcnil$ ha sti~A-ted tn=- t':ie int.rrogaticn..., Sha did not r.ention an bipemiing l\\tactt, mr di• ~ l>hision sl'I• to eor"14«1." _th• poma.\biltty aa th0_1'$~t o; her dt>1c:r1pt1®a ot •lltltll7

_ 'bu1ld=\lpc .0 - . . The 422d Infantry'~ Pl!, the v~rr ser,fo~ inJured · rme, bel!ev9d he belo»ged to the 18th VG Pivi si.Qn, ns unctn"tain, and bud a~tved en the front. on 13 ~JC6lfl0 be:-.. Re had bten. Wot'fl1Jd(:w-urr1e tPt st..'ltf'd) that th0 18th VO f.\1v1sicn ns bo~ng pulled out tor °t't'h>fing and att,nck 17-25 Dee~ber.. Accordina ~o the :;~)st lledical Bsttali n• e P'fi,, h,. head hent'd a ~r or a larg..-. f'Oale at.raek to b• launched OOt':!roen l'f'•=-25 ~C61"l°ber 1 d«finit.ely before t'!'t;rlat~.'\~~ U111 unit hitd relieved another oo»-.~1 and had been told it Y.'Ould be on the line only f'our or tivg, ~'• the p"'1J.ed b&t'ik., The refc:retteas to pl'Os.r;ective atta~l:s h ~on 17-2' Deoent<~1.. tt&r" the l'!IQllent &AU rlrtually li>Clo 1nrot"Jl3tion providfl-d tr/ t~.o ri:• Gs but nc dat.."ils ~re given1 aa ~id ti: .the k.~erj.~ ~nt,.1.l~s'mcaJ __ o.f:"e:ien' ovalu~t:S.::on oi'. the enemy·1a inwn.t,ions., · · . · · · - · , ,' - , ·" . . - . - . ' ·; ....-l_,,_ .~ : ...... ~:,.... ~:"--...._~,z.,-;:·~-..,..:1.-:~1-;_-~- - ~·,, ;"-~"";,.;,::_ f:.-~"jo~~i..:-1~,.~~if".,,~,f::f>~;~~.,"' ..i,.-otl:.;r:.-'>,_·<~1,-. _,_,F-' ~~ .. ,__._ '\_-.- •;-( ' . -'~..Ii~ m ?ii!~ ... ,,,.,. e.vid•ntte >Wlla lid.t-cti. °t') e;n o~·iotibition tt.n of fivere, llhioh ftl'l an axho.rtatioa» ot flll e.,...11lan2.tir~n or ass1Br.t'l.ilmt" · , tbaae two dceerters deecribett lL r.o:·t or rep.,.1.a!k by bat' Rlion(F-tJ$tt111g Bn,,) of:ticer~ Ylho stated t!:At '" Panzer anc' tl'iO !nf&ntry divi~1.c.n~ ~ol'ft in the ftHlr ·to -execute an often~ive ot iraJo.. prcportions~ Th~ front liJMt troops 'Pl(t • ., wamc.-d to hold out untiJ. ther.e forc:en ur:ritred. Resetion of the tro--p3 1~s a "..l.'.10\Ude~ rhrug and t~~1 tml{;h.t ";h~t unl:e:pt pron1j ~fiS concerning :r~:i nfcr-..1>9 ~ienf~n h Cl b-"'"" ~ad& N:ttore~ T!leir ~tt..slion(P'esttmg) l'fJllevt>d an uukr.on uni+. of r~i.;.'1!enwl strent'f.h.1- ¥'frO'!'!I m:!$sion ?'l\l!I nc-t de!'imt&ly kncllJlo l"'m1 PYI thctight thitt u.'flit '1as nent to the J'OAt• for t~ining 1 t.'le other to a r..\'-'rs s e: tivc front.. 'llrettd;" "~u ~uip;-ecL (3)-'.P'crwartling ot"ri11:ta1

~or proper tt'T4lnation purposes, n practi~l die~.J.nction r·~tll~ to ~ a;.·uti."n bet"!een the tose19nt'lal obnt-acter of the se1·en da ta9 1.'hich r~,11 iri.~ tJl"O a:rou- "" Non""F~!'&:Jnal data.) w..toh tVJ the ~th. and Jo6th J'li'f'taionE 1 ttba•nationtt et an accellHatif.Jn r)f orH1•my v~hivi'lar trntf1ce, 1't'Uld be n~ted- to l;>e natu:~l11 reported. in t'Jff5cial ail'rrcript!ve ismuan.ees 3UCb u da1]3" (}.2 Perioclioao On the _othex- _ apih .I?~~~l.. ~~ta. ft~qu1re4 from i.wl1v1dua~- ~h~ •. ~ndft', . -, ooptm:'.'91 .. 1 !48 rapreeent by w '2Sth' a ll'OUB Womer ~ the 4th and , , lC6th Mvieio~'- four n•a. oould logically be ur~ted to be reported not onl_y b,r pre15cribed irau.nceo, but b,r inf, ite UJlvr".or tor tnton:ation c.nd tvaluati<:'r.... In t 1 1.n reapect., th1a pereoM~ <'-1Xte~01'7 O!" data 'fi'4a., the.refor.,, hlahly pit1rt.!~, «.rid_. O! ·t'f'>.a. seve.~. ~at& iriMtenaNJ .r+ve. Wt're ·ot tllitt tn>tt• · J,, fJ,tatietinl ~ of jx)th (p!OUPB int'ontn t.bat th• diviciona Mr• ....,. deti<"ient 1~ to~Ardir&rJ th'.l' pf!raoMl ~·data ·typ&r 'lfhtro the .mI_ ~rps "t ita ~esp)lljlibilit.7; · snrl1 both dirleii>rta nnlr· tlfo <".orra- :to~l"ded th&tr nen... personl data.. , . .. - - - ... - - -:: .. -~. __ __._1~ - .... ~ "'"""' ~ .l, :)- ~

.. f REF ID:A557761 -i

P~rn1oml T>,'"P6t ..,._,. Ot' the five p~u:i~nallzed data !l"'Otl ~1rlllim nrd +he rout" P'f.' e,. thf' ·• C'J:dsi.ozwrn~><•23thp 106th ru1tf 4th' ne:pcet.ively, tor~rded t.h& data to.. {!he VI!! Corps in only t~ -! !n l-Jtlth OOFO~, the .fcnrar.dine 11e4iiltl n~ by reeaapo None ot tl¥' f1Y~ 3nstan':t>S mis r,.. pcrted !r. th~ da111' tr-2 :P<'riodk a o~ tt.& j;l·r1>~ divlidontb Ttie YMI Cof.'Ts, 1n contrast, ~t~ npoi"ted tbd:. t~ro- c.(\MH'' in ita G-2 Periodic tor the day, but llO ~-olTG meaoe~e- t~ 'J'irft ArlJy ftll 1o~~~d,- Fu.rtJterr.or&» in th~ Cafe ot the ~t\1 G .:lnt.o~M.on, ·th~ Co::.p_t!_r$pttt-tcd it 1n. t.1fO otltttr dooaenttis ir• ·the dutrit,ut.til ®' lr !ntt:l11,orice ~!t17 and in the 0-2' 8 infor;-~lsi tyr,E 2Sth ~nd thq 10€.th prt·Pi>~ll- l'~p;rtfd· tht-ir obe~rvatioa of !n pe.corded th~ett diyffional. ~at.~ 1.n ~-"'·~ o'n\ (l-.-2 P~;r;;,(l!~r 1 which r.ere dc.nbtlef!e d.ifJt,r!l"Aitcd to higb·:r cor .m~r..t.\~ f •>r fr..f<.•l'ifil't tiol'.'.:.

J " ~ l'J.:d&WD!» .!Yf"'J) JP.tmU• - Her -data n3' reported h~ tW. Cor~·s by- ir.e:ss&f'." t n hc•.,·1· l'\ftc r th& D1'rl f-t-lon c-2 Mn:relf" na nti-tif~-~e., a~d tt.e Ccr-pe "~ BHJ!'lI'£'.lY kept well jn;torm•d tl~·ut th• P~ri:,.-r.s. ut et at_ ct 2220 tb~ !li'lfi!'i~ <'"•2 kn"7 ~b¢ut her, iN~t11\1::h ~• hf> M se~seed Mr C4s.• wlth tt~ ~/s~ Tbena t r·rF>rentq th$ f'irv~ the VIII Ccrpe G-2 7-f hH· -'l'~I' ~ eeh.!lM l'rf'li111ruy l"e'.F<>rt lllft~!'ai~ by tb~ D:tv!sicfl Q...2 \r. hour l!'t.~r, at. 2)dl). Cltl1r; ~:r·e e-.;cbange~ the n~rl dq, th& l!itil, ~no i.t 1J~5 thg Corps ~ .. 2 ccxirr.8.Jlded t~t ehe .t10t be rc..:l~a.l!Bd except on \iic orders 'flhic!1 rf:d d~.11¥ review. STJE~!!.f.!1 W'f'OOA-lSCOOOA;teee~. ' ' . - :: _-: . .,_ . : io6a Pili m~ 1n f P.!ll .....~ · ·this. N:rtcion reported only one (;f ito tK1 rr.:i~. l.·u:L. wa~ P.l.'Omp.t in that intd;nn¢fi.­ havinl oot:tt1fld tb~ Cojpi b.T aetrfag& ~ •inUtea &f'te.r th& i:iTision a..-2 learned ef t.he CMttt.o The 1ntc-r1w t!on ~ the _422d !ntamti71 e PW ht1 t"orwuded to th& <'.Ol'f•I ftt 2006 on 15 h~bel'", 36 llinl.tka st:t&r the 1>1l(i~ion' fJ ,ffot~t- of UlUal data fl'Gll the recaent •. Th& liidekn'• a.-.2:Per1odi.c rf:R ti'tt ~a.y did n~t report tht irtc!dent, bt.."t th$ Corp• f; .z-iodie did rACOr..~ it in ~ I-Dt"lgnlf•h t:i.tlitt.atyo ~c &rldc-ncfl n~ lccated ~t thSl-do..ta ot the )31st ltft:.!!Otll_B!t, "11.ot!,'• ~p.-;. _we:a f'~ri-?trded w the - C1>:tps,. 1n ai truu·_ rieaBqe to1· Qr in ~ _D1.rl•ion' e Q... 2 P~r1cif1c ~tor tJi.-ia70 -- "- - _- - -- - ~ '- - ~ ...... - -

,. ,,. - -- ... - ~-~~-~-- _.. -.,,_--.::.-~-.:~~:"-- ., __ ::..___~ _-_~:..... ~~~.... ------::;: _· \ REF ID:A557761

I "' . a» i'zi•iaa!1 JW l!!.11. ~The data describecl by tho .de81rt.n tat.ta at 1830 OJI l5 :Deoellber •• 110t \ranmtted to tm n:n: Cwpa~ ~b-r ei~ 8iurs&g• C)l' tM Mnliicn'a Qc:.2 Periodic tor the dqo Itt taot, althoup the m4•noe Rlt not ooncluin~ appann~ tM pirlai_on 0-2 did no\. learn M•••µ' ot the Pl'•• of an. iJlprmding attack un\i1 hia receipt ot the r.Pun~l int.urogatioa teu•a report about tt·idnieht. o.t oo~, the Cor:P• iaWJ.U.cao• ie~~_a~caniad ao r0F'1Z't,, •..- -· ,,, .. :..~ ~ ~ - --~F;UALfnt &f -- . ' _, ,..·~ ... ,. .. \ .: .; -t t ~,. · t1w to~iointi di~ ot the iianlt1.aa\. ~denca o~ Ge-run OtfWiye lnt.ntiou wu lu~:. of a recapt,iul.Uon the a oomild•l'fttion 0 of~ O'f rau· aep~-Of ~· ~deue, ..... -a_.: nJ.taW.lity, at;-oj,eD am,l 'fd\~h~.!9!J'~ 01' ... n9to 4,.tJI• ~-·~ ~t.f.~on, th• f(.\'µ.9~ -, MOtion dGe.l& With thi• 'eTidiHtoe aocordina to its eutiJ•t matt.ft Obaer"" nllon of Trar1'ic bl' 28\h and l06th D1Tie1ollffJ Oirlllan IDtoraaUon; P1r IntaraUon Obt&iDed by~ 106-th and 4th J)iv1a1ooo Thia afftion ha• the roeri t Qf 'd..cript1nq oooriin&UJ>c t'be "fSriOua 4OClllDTA.TIOK .. It dnl'la together tu aneral bite or intoniaU011 on th&ae 8Ubjact:s that are d1epersad :1.n the DOCtl1EM'ATinr.. Chronological d•ta.ils will ba foand 1a thin eeotion, whioh encollpa••• both diviaioaal and Corp• docunents in the intt'.:re1t or CO&ple'\nuao

SJ.!mmatioa ~ 1nftH z ~ .ul 106'fib l&U•ioM2 =· leginntne appro:idaatel,J" on 12 I>conber, t.wo YIII Co.rpa d1'ti11ona noted ur aocel.lna· \ion ot MJ8:T v.Uota.r aoUTi\7, part.ioulat-11-'dtn"ing dal'kua, withia their aeotora9 as uotect on th• diri.aional lrNlo lfo rigniticanc• •• attached to thi• er.OT ettort, although the two divisions wre iaprce11iMl by jt... rt 1'As reported only en their d.e.i]J- 0·2 Periodicf!.. Neither divisional nor Corpe records oontai."led me~.agee Hnt to th• Corpa callbg attentien to thia actiTity.. The VIII Corps oopisance ot tbi1 eneay ett'ort u ei ret'le,oted. onl.T in ita daily G-2 Periodica; which mentioaad , the ocCUTencets on the- Corps !ronto Onl;y the teat ot oamrrenoe uc reported, without hl'lerpretfit.iTe ~t"ntar,r bI' the Cot"fl•c .. ""' :- ' .

- .', •• - ...... ' ''. • ,. • -~>,o.C- ·- :,~ '-~ .0-.ot the - two di-.iidone wa&"tllil.l.06\h, ~Ob nporW bi !ftCh daiq ..u Coa~t. Inttnien "1th ranking of~icftra, that 1. unuual 11.0tor .U'ri.tq -••beard• parii-1arlr 4vhc·dlrtmaN.(l>iv. Leftl; P• 38~ 113-114) UthoU&h tM ob....,.4' aoti~V w•• d•soribed _ :I.a th~ ~\ ~l Pflriodi~, tber 4:14 ~ft ~ opiDttM as to the meanbtg or tbta Mt1'ri'7t tt u.r. !Q onl1' ••tia•~a ot aignU'!oance were ude. later })r otticera a Coabet. lat.nlu8, llho ·cpn1aed thit ttcell4tc- t1oa that.. tM fthi~ .,,...... , •t ~ u ~t at tu UM. ' ~ -_,-,-.'\' <..... -;,. - .. - - ___ --. --

"' - ~ - - -- - rr-- -- "' ...., - . -_ ~- -· ------. - ' _. - ~ :~·. ~- ~-- - - ~ 28:tll ~Tl.•1• •• al~---~~P.f incn::t•iltg ~ aoU~ty, ~1all.1' whiou.lar, during D•o.btt, bat. •*•l7 dur~ the la•~ tn ~ prior to 16 December•. (My. J.6ftl, p. 28, 14'1•143) h\a!W_ deaorlptio:u -.n

"' ":: .:- _; - - ~-

...... - _.,. • .. - .. ...- J... - " """'~ _;: t;::; i~ ~;:; '~'~, ;' f( ,~~~,~: ,:_ ::~c~·~~f~~'i~~~~:~ !i;~~L-~'.'± ; 119. VIII C? _-~. Crl.tique., REF ID: A557r~l }

reported in th• ddq G-2 Peri.odioa, ~boli\ hearing or et6ing nrious nn11ber11··of' "~oleo eontain:1mc troopa Cl'/14/or 11q:uiPlftt, ~ in •P•cit1..S. di1"8Ctat;: lo atraqrd' nu;r •i&dfic.anoe •• a\taohed to this aotirlty,. Periipaa tha opini~ ot th4t CO and ~ 8°3~ ll2th lttf'ant.r,-, •• oxpreeMd in a: OoaMt. Int.mew during JallUJ7 l94S npresontt\ti•.., ot th9 attitt:d1tc !lr.&-coasai49Md tb1e trattio no!IMll tor-reli•t c£ . di:.1~, -~ccor«titc to the ~ of ~ WMlt• ~~$ whtch d...-natratc eiailar charaoteristlupncod•' ..

.. ,, _- ..~-""'<.-::- ~•:." ... ·~~~,...... l?-~-:j-~L" i J:.~:+· ... ··,..-<; ...... -::..:.:::-~~~:~ ... - - "'"_,_ 0 : ''~!-• '.··-·,. · • 2 r ~·».-':'.+~i;-;._ •. ~,·~;.~t ..-..--.; '._,:_·~~to~·, l06th and -28th l>l.Sa~~lla, the TilI CotP• .a.atiotled, 1a lea• detaU · however, the var.f.Oue aoftlle•ta id 1\i-d•llT G-2 Pericdloe.(l.T,A) leitJ!er -th!. di.?i_~.11!?? ~•- ~!1• ~~-to ~-~tor~ in thei~ periodiea' •#:b!i?i ~~~ '1ie7 ftl"f.t •ueJt:.noted as.~otaQ. Th~ in~i-p~ta~!9-e~!l' ot be1Jtg,ded0ri~~as_aa~~i:&tiac• -~ . pertor.iaea·-bt -tt.·4t'tff/..-ctton Reports and Coaba\ 'ln~Wa of~-· · · two dhisiont1, Whereaa. no couentar.r·ot •l'IT tora waa ~ b.r 'ih• Ct'lrpiio ~ ...... I JiiBlilD~ ~ Int01'9.~t.1on about. the ~-troa airluM S01JNes, as obtained b7 th• d1T1aiona, oonaiacHd ot the "ts. "'1l'Plie4 by a '109an ta.k8n into cutody \y th• 28th DiTiaio11oa14 hoembtr.(Div.. Lewl, Po 161-163; T.a:i I'f,J.) A ~ waa Ude. to the C'ozp••and br nta~ were of distinct interest to both th4 28th DiYialon and · Corps' Q.»2• 8 ~ but the r&o...-rda or the ie comaands diJ•rered as to Urcwa s 1ume6 other being taken into OWJtodT, ant, u.-oro baportantq, aa to !l.,? infol"lfStJ on .. Th• tollowllfC,ehtonoloa traces tbtt dbiaional and Oo.rpa event• re~t thics tl'OUn •Jlll tier intoraaUoni

( l) Official divieiona.l record& did :not indicat• mn am ho~. the YOJi'.LUl fell inwtb8 28th•a ~o ht, a poet-cupcaip ll!Ab8crip1' descrlbi11g the 2S'th' 8 operi-.tion in tho Oounterottenaift, b;r •• ottic:lal e«1bat h1storiall{Lt. B.G • .Taokeon), baeod subatan'U&117 vpon Ccabat , lntenin• with partieipe.ting 11t.aW: "On 14 lecmber, a woun who htld been captved b;r tM Gel"Mna and. later osctptMI,. tvaacl hM"aelt ht to tho oIC. She ea1d :ilia had been taken aa tar beok air Bll'BtmG and tha~ ~- ~~ ~re t'sll of Genum ~uif:ae~., • {2);JH:risioaal t'~aord• ·recorded,that a'\~ the Jl1Yiaion G... 2 cal1e4 .....c/s ·~ a ...... • 1nteroptloL _- . _ · . {3) ~, appanntlJ" tb• 0-2 notiti*1 ~·- COrp• G-a •'bott\ h.r, at. 2320, an ~our, iaaehlll1eh •• the Corpa records contain the •essa1e oent by ti. 28th to the Corpe Qa-2",,.,.. ot its 4•t.ail _ ot de~tia ~ -"°* ecabat. hltttol'ian' • .UttMDt,, 1n tact • ocmvad!.otlon ot 1t11 ilhi• •••I* ia cit.di

~-~~ ":'.. - "-_ "'------. - --...... -;t j ;: ..... ~....., _:::.:__1;-~~ - ?·' - '-~~~~--=~-~~ '-~":~.~:~..:·- -_::_ '~- - - ! .. • ,. ~.. j ,,.. ~ 1t-,.,..J .. ' ' "' ' } • •• )lo - . , RE'F· $D :A5571~1·il .. · ,,,: :; - ) J l:IJ:• ·,XII oorp~ .. Crlttq~.

BIDELS P90S2 where her bome i• to pick up. olothe• on O.etnber l.Othc Raftf'nr~ while. there a Geraari rcn patrol \cot hor into cutod.y.. Sha •• ~Et taJtM. t.o &Un:R t9os3 e.nd &iwn ~ ~llVT iaWnoptlon" She 'JJ&e tl?2n ukett to OIICHLIGU J9el. Bet;nen t.htee two potu. aha obanvcd no tn.tfic." HmNIYff,. ~t. Gsiohl.1ngan ahe obternd SQ1' U'uob and hoi-n~u wbiclee, pontoons~ an4 ..u bollt• and otit.r rivet'o>Cl'O•dlt.g l\aterl.el..., ·rn -ti.ddition she ohtftl"Md tUUQ' al'tJ' p!ecea,, eoae of lfhicb nn horse..,..ora"'11. en.i othE'r trw,.kdnno Sha Jma apiG intencaated a\. B1tbu.rg. and. "Mle in tbia to~_•h•_ •~ed •• ~ iil lip~ gn,.- unU'om with black co'"*8 Troopa) ~ In litbuq llha ~ fl"Clll oon~tioDJ , ot mops that it. bad Uken tbea 3 •ob to .., bot 1'l'Cli ltall'. · . She.•~ a!U•-rt tld"fi• -- ~-le\tiltpn m · Obenei• UJ5S2.o."·Jae&• .IU.npo.rt• httJing oen • usor thit"''° trip., Shft "s _told ~~f ~- ~· jc. p~~ to rat~ :. V&in• '2 ot 1fh1a ~ '' Bit.bzra -~11¥ ~ 6U~@ ill• ~ra.tna U4 ou. at 2000.lj) , an. eeeapad at · !ltbtU'g,. p.t'OH'.l,'U:ag ba#k toward~ Uaes Yi& Obe,..._la .... J.0552• luxe.nth 19555 to Benelld4 an4 ~ to 8auhr '905.Jc- Wosan then '"nt' to Yianden ..mere Im• un picked up tak• aorooea .the riftr.. Pt1n ot Mr :return t.r1p was alo:o« toot, peths am nothing of ld.lit6J7 eipt... !'ioanoe W.8 O~o - •;28th DiY 00UU.l"8 iM illtonwit. .fab'l.7 Hliabl• fl'Oll what ~-· dutcl:s 'tb.91 ...... tu been abla to 1111te·. lVC1Mn'• oomiti~ l• highq Mnr

't>) th~ ~'"C!' f'or further !.u~rr· gat.ion~ which w:;a gxaanted,, The n.·nt lt,orni'l"<;Jt J.60-;>r'i(lf & O!C Of1'ict-r- ..._!>& gh.'ar. the. l'idah~I.~ ~ \)OUlhti.~f.!ll t.;, > ~f....";.1, ht-r! '"'th~ !l'~• .c'f, t. .'>..•tr:l B cat;e.

U A!'.L~L~~~J} ~~ ~ ~~. J.~~t ~c ='~ ;tit w•:ivdoo f,1' e from tht1 l$Jth fO r iVJ.t?iJr. or.. 15 ~cenher,., •ho re.terrad to a rossibla ~r.tltt'!l ot.fanaive botw-.'..lj» 1"1- ;.:5 t'e~tt.:;..t t.t< (tiv.. !,.,~·d~ }', lll...,113) Jn. the "1Mi.:!1 of tm~ Ff' i M.• i!d'cxv.uti.)n \ ·,E. fr.r-w~I'd~1~ t.o the Y:UI Corpn 36 s.inutse aft'°r ti.:.'t Di:vlsion l('arned or ~he datas. 'k»tt there rm:- no svid•n~«!l that th" t>:.het" rr. 1,e data 'li"'s .rent tc• Corpe ... ' - "J ,.,,.. • :., - ~ •t,,. OtUl PW W39 .. ~pttL'! _d ~'!" t~_:4?,24 }:l}f•ntry~ /.:D. a~co·bJ:!J;_ of_ hill~ caP,t~ -llile d~~M~ni;, 11£.-0tt, t11a d w1?'1 ?ill: ,?~,O:da! c1f\C poirt... crw~;ign Comba:L ~ t1te_rvi!!W• f i-nri ~wlt , - ar th•, regi11enta1r:.docuaenta trore destroyed· ox• captured lihen tha 422•1 1 cl'·'lnb.ey" ~ tuclf wa~ eapt.ure o::i 19 DeaeY.i ,i:-r.,. E Co... ot tb., 2d i"J..roo ~.en a -0,e~n J.~ii"'vl, : i;f:. piokeit -up a .Polti woti!W. :rn the f 1J-.)t., :Ue lVld. ~HTi'l.!tfu 1:1;1 t:ie tront on U1e Bfterr.::-oii of tha l4thr re.tieving an. unku,•vm. unit, "¥~ich H>c t..o be pulled ~ ar,d b:d~r.u for an at~aek alo~ ths erit:ln front ~t.wet>n 17th end ~ietwle.. The Pll did not knoF it tha f\o.ont r;..~5 to he rer;is~ntRlQ dhis:lon, e @o H<1t hnd hen:rtl r--ec..r& th~t SS tl"'l>Opa t!OU1J ra.t't.laip t\11 but ·~id not Jamw their locatiou,, Cew.Q~1lll,.;ht::- ~~re to- bg Med"'

The informiJt.1.o». 1 !r'O:» thli!l p;; l'n\s ~J•i"lttd bj" the Divldon '1.t 19.JC·j and to t 11 vnr r.r')JJS '.)6 1t1.n1:it.n 11'!.t.i'!'i, at ZU06r No "port on thia fh 'H\S tnc:lut~. 1 ir~ thf' i:'f,th,f ~ G'"':c. 'f'£-r.icrH{t fol' th~-. 15th ..:>r tb~ 16th,. ?"k:J eh nre -iifr~1-i"' 'bti.Uld tt) the C'.Orpllo

Tba wouMed Ft! h~lJJ b,r tJ:ie mu J31~t ~edical :Bsttalion TiafJ ~lSo from thtt 18th \?G f\,. !'ind ms caj;pured IJ;'}'.il:tttiice on tho l.5t..~., Ke :related thf'.t h.s h$d h~a1d a r~r ot a l8rg~·fiCPle e't!'ek to be l~u..~hef. ~~t~een l1=Z~ Dec"Omt:,.;x.·:> and de£L"l1 tit17 befcr~ Ch1•ietmtta. He au Jn.farJt:cy'rilaa)' n.jld 'fl"~nt on t~9 line when enoth0r GerM11t OOlli.paD_T 11oved ou~, but had b"ft~n' tcld he would bfl en, the lin<3 oIHT tour or tlve d41• thitn pulled ooe:C.f tbff Pl. report: ni~. mad• by lh• s... 2, SJl.Nt Mettt•l ~t~lion,. t:nd ~nt.t:trcd · in tha IHvision G-2 Journal· 152200 Dt"C'M'b.ero -!to ••ntion traa mad• of it.. in either th& G-2 Pmodio £or th• dq or thi" i6ih, or ift other pertinunt i·eoorde, Nor wit& there indiO&tion that the Corps ns ln:toru.Qd of th.111 lnci.~1rrogativ1\o · , · _,

• ~At; noted n~ve, the <'-orpa waB llOti!'ied about on~ th* 4221 Infantry'• s l'W; nl)t about that or tha )31st, 1'!.ulical iatt.iion~ l>•t• 'about th• .to.r~Hr J'I was rei»rted I _irt .the Corpa-:G".'"2 ~eri«l~c~ tor l.S~~ct•bftr, ~in- a ~l'l1Ph-:f1\l. ~.arr~(Iv9A) I !r.;asn;ueh as. the l06th did not.-:~t thtt .PW ia ita Q..2 Fr;ricdl~ for tM -~,-itiich.-WOiillt_b&_dis\r1wtel=to .c.or:~--~--tlii-iQ~g-ot t'he. r.01"Jl• .1n_t.tinl 1.ofl.)rw.ttion 1u\s a~parent.q thl' lo6t'h' • tt~1'safP of -20C'i6~ rnrthor dat.!til• t1ei•e obU--tined. b;: t.lie l06th thllt. night, :.t.nx wh1~!i •re raported tu I . the Corp• b:!' aeesag• th• next bn:rld.llt6,. tlle 16th, at fi!:proxim - Etly Q'_,'(IJ . (V 1B) Tblt preo1n tie ·of thio &epsage' e neeipt was tmd•tem;:nabl• in the Col'Jl• -~eco~a, __an9: ~~~ 110t mentiol.llld_ ~~,.,~~e .~v1si'"- ./;.., ,... _ ., ; ,,. "-..,.;~...... -+- ~ .....,~~~-~~\>-~ ~--.,.-.. ,.,, ..--"""""'51 _..i;_ ..... "J~ ' - .. .; ,__., ~ ..,."'-:..--ii--~ ~:_~7=--:.._ - _._ ,_;;. - .,.~ -:;---o-:_- -- ... ., .__,_

-.!.., -- ~ _.,_,;.__" ~ - ~ - _, •~"="- :;;__~ ;;;.,., ... ~ - ~~Ji~ -.,...., ':; ;~,,, f - "'!~ *"_;.-,,~~ - ...'f.,.~ ~-~~ .. - _:._.,.--t- ~~ ;:J;:.,~l,,._I. ~~: ..-¥~ >d "*:'"{.'ff::~~ 1\i~? ,,.._!. ,"'- "',j: ~ .;;.~ .. 'lj~"' r

~~.~~i~~ =-~~ ~~~~~ -~~~~r~~ ~~~A~=~~~~~~~~----_ +f J:\ecording to this n.ew info111\~t.i.on~ the Pll wa~ Plll!uh, a ~~:i... tf.r9 ~'5 D~l"J,QW., b~ it!jw¢d in a "'t>xt;l\~ minefield .. H9 '1i:lf.i tm::i~rte.ln of his \U'tit;i but, bf>.lfov~d he t-.ol.onged tc ~n. 18th VG Di·d3;c~ 9 and h!le a71':i 'f~d or tht\ f'ror.".: OJL l.'J Dccm:.bac, 1:~ 'If.'\~ ir..tcmK tlu t. th.r. lf· t.'h 'vC :.. :lrteion r:.1s '\>:;ing p~~"d Otlt t,, b4l' 'briftfed 1'¢ 1!d l!".g t.o t>-:at, o.l:t·1'ad,; rq:.crt~c" Thti l.06th &dd~; "~aluatiom ~t:-o condition V'(f"J!T f!f'tri,-ra ha:ting J.ol:'Jt f!!Ost of l~~ri. right l('sgand b'9t~~ 1.tni.~r the 1M'lu~nc1e ot l!!<'·?PMn~ ':"'el'i n1y :j:noohet'f$nto• ..- - ~ . " , . '' _ SUfplKont... :.l'lg th-t Corp~ 1.l ~t?i!ttth.~f&:ni.r;, tlieDe two P\'> t e d11:scrib.-ld Q'll or!.entaM.. 011 t:llk two days pr17eru.~ 'Fhioh '!ff,3 i:itated tlir.t. fl fiAn~et" ard \wo !n..-At\tlj" d:tv:sicnp ~:f''" i':i. thEi rl.)r.r9 a~d would ex~1~u.ts i:.:;. crr<'ir.:sive of lf..aJr>r p!"o~ons~ The f'ront liM t.~o;s witr~ warr-~\ to hold out until thees force:; arrindo Tho troops r~acticn"' howe'f'.. r 9 was s ltho?llder sh:nlu.g ~ t.'le the1u.gbt that unkept ptt«11eeis had bnn l!lad

Ttte 4th tivid$1\$r Q.. 2r s lm.:iT'l~~~&~ 0£ this infom-- tien we~ not eht.ained un.C.1 ahcut !tlrude,ht of t..'1~ 15th~ and t~.>re ns i::.o evident:~ that 1t w~s re~t.ll:.ti to the <~o:?l~fl- ( A p:relWna:t·y refort tb.a.t thar aapti1re ha\t O<"CllrrE"d :tt :ill3C °V'fl1l mi;ide l7J' the Sth !..n!'ant.ry to the D1vis1ob Q... ;i .!it 2135 indir.;~tS.rlfi I 9 els'' that th8 Stb did not yet h8ve int'oriaation trOll tt1•., 'l'hen 11 into.l'h

l5J.600a.l'~ ~f!r. . ' ' r '

, _ · :D-iviai•JDal rec~vls did ~'t# fJrovid.l evid-..~ th•t tile~ PW' s: int'omatiott was tor. w th!! "II!I Corp1 by- message, no. ~re their capture and/oi- data i'lentiollltk.l 1n_th• 4th Didsion•s G~2 P~r1odic• tot 1~$'16, _171"c~'bel"1 whiob th• Corps dc>ubtle1s ~im. Th~ C'l'tl'• f)52 nes awL\r& cf ~ capttirs, nl!'V~hlll•stl1 -but b!s- int'ol'lt ·ti.tin Wl!S ~parontlf Uid-ted* ar.d-did not -.. :tnnlu.--t. tM: Pl!'~ t!en'tion ot a po::!iiba. planned 14t<:l\ek~- ZMpnuab•• +..he d.•ta,.ltt about th• PW'• fttt 00!\taiiied ill U!e 8th Intantrr lPW Tea., ' 134' a ~ri 11 pe$p11 tu Corp• prooUrod 1ti Wonat!on fl'Oll that eG~o ' ~ e~·i was_ ~t._ ~jttf~ for di&tl't~o~, on.q the nattal.ion., l9th ~A Ju.~ &.-2, S•l• and t.h• 1'i•ia1ol'1Q. lfowmr ~ iatoraatioll watJ - -- Jl'f' _I - ... ~ ""- ~;'" _, ~ ~ ~ "- --

.,., j.,, ~.... ~ ~1 r ..-',;• ----"'

:~.-~: ~ - - ' "·:"'--~:,..:,,·~,--':_~:~ ;.;,~._~--_. -~"'--:r"".. '... ·::L_ .,-~:f:-" :~,~--~:·- '' • ~ ~~ •' ~ .. . ; i -~;.;c~~----~~t:-- ...._v, ...... '1~·{-"'•~:....~ ~~w•.'..>l!;;-..~l-;~ J 1"-~ .. -...,,.~--:w..,..,i -~..., _.J..~,., "' 7 ..:_~..;~ _ ....._ < _,,,~,'"-~-; - ,,.,::_, 4:f;.rv:;: ~~;f'..tli '°~"" -~l'""~iJ:.,-- M r·,.~«\4- · ··...!~ < • / 7',, • :< - • - ~--• -' =-~~~" ~~ ~~ ~- _';-~ J~~:~-~~~ .. ~;·'.f:r~ it.A~;~~;""~~ 4'..~..!,""1~)~~:);__.~\~\~~~~=~~~~~~:~~-::...-·~~~~f¥;*.; ~;~ !~2_~~~--~,r -~ ~_/:~;~~ ·~ I'¥; ~ 4

I~ c>-x:u!t·~>d:.- th!t V:>rpt1 Q... 2 ?,r:riodic Dl.Sl, L42400A~l5240-l!" tcok ~~ o.f t.l'1.1: C$.p\'1ro h1-s1.dant in ita 1'-a~ Ident,U'ict~ti~-'ts 1Lcle1• Utt,l'b irt Cc·11t~.<:- ti Jf!l?l ft'O:zi lat Co,, g 4'~th 1'•!.itung CG :Sn reli~"fcd a unit of rac;t ~i:&il ir. J.Jde ~aetor <>oo week ···~ .. (~r~ent; It true, ftet iL-volvfJd. would 'be ·the ;20t.r. rnr Re-gt~ 21.t:.'th VG n1v. )" (ll' ~A} l

TI;,. Corpa Concern. Over tack ot Pl Intoru.tion. I ' Acc4~di~~ t.t:t th~ ll"tl' Co pe Conoolldated !nterroge.t.ion l\et:iorta I., att-"ll]fl1!·:' to- dail · G~ 1'nriodic:e~ )a lnd!vidttsls weH int.Rrrogat.. d wt tMn thB Corpe tt~ ~uring 1-ls Decettbel" •- 01¥:l'Odl.~ ll. tak• on 24... 1s P~o.etl''bor 'fho n'try':1~~al3' ~e~M a t:fA'3k int~tioni- i~Pntwh :'iS thq w~n 't ~ atwopt.Jn.t; ";. ~tm~ -~-(i~~t.ri trlWI tho on fort» .. {L-:.$4'"'()1.1) ) .- Ot' tho~~ ~~rt\~ ~~s~·.20 'ffwN d~,..,ignated its' ~nr~rs... In coatraat, _ ~, t.r.<1 d1..,!d"~~ X'~portfld'iaNnng "':h~fr rEicorul! tho :)U~todi of 3:;; Pff'atp t?ctt9 (If ?.hoc we1·~ f..<>Serl..t8rs...,{Piv.,l.®olt p'"~} Some o! the Cr.>.z."Pif npor~i ,- f','.1 s warc- ~ouhtJ,.r;~ appr~hend.ed l1y e('IJ:1.ts troops., ~ I Th~ (ih:r't'G !6ti!-tiati.ot1 were 60!l,?lled with the ftttJ:C per1d.t.t(td bf the "

ln.:id$q,'l\ley" vt 'J''!j dt?"~1·ipt:onrj,, but «114r.rt!tud6 wao mitik11.l;y9 A.t1 e-rrot' ~ m..o pro!jbq ttn 0'711:J~t .. caused bJ" the train SSO!li t rerl')rl'J tt> d~ tS~r! tl•o i::nna 'PW on d1t.r.enat day.a~ 311-i m ~:::u a~ ... ~ ~ ~fly h:t't'n bA.en ro:mt.t'd twl~1L ':.ft'ither~ M.1'5,~ir-r.... '11 tl·'r Corpo reoord~ rr~ltl.itJtl a~p!)~tiones. C-''!a.· ~t,atiaticlt ~e nec• de:lo,;~od;i a.~ G&~:u:t!;r .\,' l 1 ' ' I :.~ p'?c-e .c. o ...

According to Q ~t Inten!~T ~~ th9 Corpa;, G"'2 auriug Jam.t&Iy I:: t 1945, tb~ l&c~ ~l' .Pr•• a arid thi:-1 fail1.ire of flttl"Ol8 to 1:Jl~~ them had be.en t ; ·r:..::"t'Y to tll# Cal';>.ilc(V'!I 1 f) F.ate?. "~r-<1 ~r.,ereti by th1t Ccr:ta., and T:i... ~th r>·1v18i1....r. r. .:::.'J Vf.'\·ta: 1J° c l""f"nd t.:, condu~t a i-eooru:..:.iso~ rili.t'i I i; !n~<:1"eeo •;'l:.e Col}t; !J-.;:. ~a~. c I ;. .·:",'$t.lcoi,rul :i.~1 .;,ff IJ!. r~rl.'1Pi!' n~t to W'1 ~ C~\'"}'l~'I ~,.,,.,;! 1 5 kl!t.:ilfl~i:~ I the rai.1 1"~~ t!!~tt~uten,, Only or..ia P'~'< t\".llf;l cap~~~ ~~ uu 11nd VI:n CQ7Pso Neit!wr c~-.Qd~ r.awe~r" aaaoeiated ! this,~,·~~-~~ ~1~_.ita .~ir ~~·~tiTe iainta.nceaf !he_ flannel' ot ~ {".r.r~# 'liC~'U!.,.fti.~n of 1nfoma~ion !!lxn..~, th& 1'1f W&l:'l uot evidant. bell\ th• ' I· :t-~edf"d.•~,, I . - . ·, . .' t ~i·1-otl;r 1 the obain or {>ven~• ec1nc$rttinf _tM.e raid wer.s tha :!' - .I. foJ!lt1'\dti£:(IP$40(leh _Diva te~•l• p .. 15)41 166-l.G.'1) !he 28tb•s CG ntt /.ecM~t~~d over tho l~ck of' Pr 1u!'o:IT9ti~n, but th$ inapint.ion t<3r bi!J ~ 1f!O"f'7:J~ "!'t'ltl not 01&11r~ U. Wail o<-ucetn:3d dlM'illi early Ir~o~bu;1 cmd patrla ' I' / ~er~ 1~~ :-J.J!l~en& nu.f:r.lll ,th• 6th CtL~ 91$th 'VGR, )Sat-VG .-ivicion" Rt_ ~e>~~<\_th~ct <·. h~a ~1:aent t~d-relined_ thia _9_16-th-Rcf;~nt oar 1~e V?lat ~iaa of t:1• OUk.>

- ...,...... t - - .... ~ • .. .. - .,... .. ,.. - - - ~ - - ::..._ -· ~ i . : \ .. . !t '" i ;.'~,, I _i: · 1 .-..J' ~7;. 1 ;! \ \.

.I I 'th• 2Ztb1 s _G..,2 Per:odic for th<:' 4th tr.6nti~n"'d hi~ ~pkr. Aro inf1.)l'filat.in11; tut. tbu c.,,~~ it !'e~ior:rc rrr the 4&3>" m~t.ioood hi$ capture on.17Q Then; th9 Gorps ~nsolidatcd !nt~l"l"OgAtion· Rr.;k.ort., &ir..exed 1o the ~o:U.. ~ 01: .6 Dit3!:1ti1bbr1 pzv'rld&d & detx;1Jc-:'! ac

I ' "..:: tl1. th:! n hfmtt\:tli,."'f~ "111 al.a!m~ tlw b"'o::·s -were tQld tha.t ~!Sll the an.ov fhl j ·' a.n.'l .tt-ei cold ;!a~~ .lits the ~l't'!lln Rill latmd1 s Mg of.fensiv• ,.,,..,, tr& 1"'3:-t.. ..,rn ?'r-ont, i'i~ th'Y k!.el"ioon f.roo;:-t ammot atand e; .W•«L"·'t ulll'tr.rt.N., a I "";t ~ -"' -- . f , _ .l-l#ss -~ a\titme tottrdl PW'e ft8 ...stlfld .b;,',•a'1a Guo ~7 R" MiddletJO.n, CG of ttd~ Corpe9 durl.r.g a C.bat !nt'A)rlJ'iGY cm 19 Ja.m'-rr l94~.,, (VI! ,D} &oo:ur.t' of w.., dif'ferlng ?in1' fro~ trmt of th. G ,2 ale~ e:~n~4d ~Ul."!~z & 0oa~..;at !ntomew durl~ 'i::he sMiu; month, .f'..Jte. ;t~ _ttiktt~ ur< tih~ lnt':.t~l(i~lf~-~ .b;trctt14~1;nnn-"8 tor artt h~.n,y•ing tbar·, i'J.g!1t lhtv:t tq\':ln,.a,,cc~t'·itll.Y~ Aecnrd!ng: k' the ('~Mt :biste.ri~!t(O&pt., _t: Ba :.nark}, no ll.,~ir were +~k@'!l during the j ut,(tnie•. but. ~a~ i~odia~'ty '!ts ftextr(l:",.~- f:':'io~ 'li'id l.Ul'."~1·2~r.Ung:,,tt , . ,

~ ~JEtt!'l ' ~ .t%. .ot O:"~ ~riaon~~ froo its front.... B11t. r1.f5 t.!!1:.l :1\nt P"t!"vl~ fr<"!5 °':.h<'- UtA"bl 1.1ouldn't M e:J..:'Ceted w get .!tJl~,i c:~ an\~:>' .st.r1·7'gth b.atfk a ....,.:ne. BXT?unG .. .Hia said th~t at. all tim•• they- knew e.11 the ~nttq" divisiono in ootiwct, but the ~l"tl';i3 ktm aa tmlCh a1:xmt. o~it' ahift1'. itiooe they- were j~-1At as aet5v.,, and hnd pa°kll.".1 Jn £':-ti!' Un.:~ e\'bl".f n:.£h~ .. 11-.ey 1-JJ~W we V;", re. Uf:'ing the t11re~~ thG vu; i'!v::'Y,c :fr,:nt11 Al$ ti 2'-l'Hlt and rehcab!lltrti('ll S?'CE?o*°

~ lt,,,B,,"""'- ftGzssdi .f, the ~nc.ral' A cla'n alr.ut !dentli'ioat1oa cf vu~ dh~.ff1£'na, ,r·lea~e oota 7,~t thfi> Corpe hed identifi.ed 01\ly rov ,.f t.h~ 'l.eti. llldt.'8U.ltlnr, di 71.dons pr!ar to t?le 16 De~smbe.r~ ,.,, dinfluesed ir. (J'.F. S"'·C'!·ii'.n 1tJ thin Critjquf tf tlGd: Initial fmcogruticm o:." the A!3sault1 r. G.,...i...vitf., iU.ts fln..'t~.TtJ~-JS of tL.e ~~!'" strencth. did not conroi~ t ~en eneuah tr1 do what, the;r did aga i nat t,'W\') w1•11out 'ln..i. on.a brand.-new di'fiisiona{plu 1l Uttl& art'tor), hi.>lding a es--nl• tront.,ri(m,c) _ .

' - ~UJ!t -tl>~ f'!"tt VIII C"vrre ~i?isfon1t -~it¥{:ass4'd on the di"f'itd.on - hv~l(Div., ~11 _ J.• 7) ~ the 2B:th lffrlaion Httn!m to ili:t- -rt\oonnaioan---:~; ty kilr r-~n -f'ore~t', -and it notrij .-.ttt.r prtnPt«i for the nod part. ant't ~ pJ.amrs

< '.

!""""..- --;:: -;:_~ ~.. ~~~--;::i::~::-~-- - ..... ,,, ""'" REF ,,ID : ASS 7 7 6.1 \::t-~.t.~I..\'.'. J I.

~ i ""t Acroroin.:; -:-"' the VII! Corpis t.~!!.ily C'r:>2 Periodice t.b1 s wa~ th.., caf!e., ~:\r 1 r; R.ri! 1rc. .-:t.i·(},. ';:'"t~•kV: ~t.;' r~~onn"11';t.Jttnc.~ to tri:"&"1~;.ib.1Hty. £~1 1" .J~;:;t!~r:>'.:. r-c-r if.(t",: r~tt:)TL'lF'i~,.. :-,~ett~ r•.:r-e ;t}orm cm 10 of' th<' t'll'\ys 1..\'..!'lr·t: '!' '.h i, ... -~ t:~eu).1~:r ff'l'i~dJ c>11( t~ ~e-.. the'.:':' .. rven on th4' ct.ha?' days all . :r.1sdm~3 ~er-e i:.!ar;.c~lltd e~oert +he f!'llc".ui f~:~3 ~ teet111\l:l"r0.,,~l TP<},'r. ~1S..:t~ioi:1; l}t:~- >thi; f"\t":J. twi..' Tac/H missiotll'j 8th0 ce=UOO :limr -. mls!!dons l{'th==--one Col'fa al'ld cna artillery l"$Conr..dasant:e reaalltd t'G.~ t-0 ~~tbf>t"; l4th~"'"'ort'13 01:!~ Tao/R l't1.rte:ton1 1Sth=-~-t11-ci Tac/R mis~io~~ ~'1t.t'E' ·a"lrlll:rtb6 due t.") :rro the:I"", ·rte obs~rv"'l ~ct.ivity .-was 11'in()r$ ,,.£·.mwemant.J ot tt'o tmw f!:r...d of a re-. mtrr..or w'' l<:'.i:ntiona oz r .'rr.e field tor~1c.:ticr.s 1 n?W rm the oon~iderabltt mil actiTity '~ .-,nd -notr t: fa~ pvi>_iti·)ro in t.h~ "lill'!'R arf. f:. i

... ' ~. . - _. '!. VJ'!! ,C~~ Ge~.->l"itl '-n Prec-0-·::>unttitf'Off•~iff ~ln ~" .....1rr;;~ .. -:..~'..-.---- )' - .. ~~ ..~1~~11·- .. "'~ _;:"""~.. A.~~:..-."'),,_'!;'t..~v..,.~ .,._ ~,.~., f,;t 1 '• •P ,, !f.nj,, Gen., 1hoy t!" ~idr£let~w1, the VU! Corps cOrtiv.Mini -Ge•l'l!ll . .r·rw:i~di'r'-b a:ld d~rbg the Btr~,tJ.f· c!' th~ ~.J'd4?inngs,., e~!'l'ed post.. i.'ttllllp'd.p. I ,,;,>i1!'1.u:in..u Upt>n t.ha Corra n11d t~~ ~nr;ny• ~ pn\...Coimteroft~i~ poten.t,i!lliti~s b'f' lH :1 tr.r!.·~ul .!.!e:~tJ..:in.. °EU!"'•ff.i!'"n Thf',ater r,f Operntioni*,, (Vl I 1.1»t1C ~D) ; ,...._ T'-·l>tponra to ii s"'r!ea or qtt~-tion~ G\1.~imitte\; by thf' Th~ater Riett">~ian, Col,. B 11 . .1 irub~0<.,.V. .'!J:1t to +h~ \nitfo! ~51.3ttult on 1.6 !¥1c>?mbero ~ qu~diot'llli Lol-11'.tV~r, pa_-t-,e:!.nM to tJle prtt... CGC.ll\.f;ero:t'ten~i"ff' :r:eriod9 and11 !nan·mtd1 r~a tl~y t'1'3rf. salt" explan.atr y, tbny- are citi~ verbritillo TPA t~'1";e:-a.:. ?a.riona QbseTv-at:."ns two Ccubat !nttimns Mld r':.t-h h1i:i on l':i :.n·.1r.!'j" 1945 i'ir.C ~~ :.i•:z·.11. '~"TA t,".c".} t· fiist.r.-·!':!.·1al rarv"!ett'; trhich r.!lr ~tt•H:h\'a'd tr.i TMrd u.. s .. .\rr:·, ,}u~.. · ~ :C'l h t.h't1 'J'hti.:'.~;i:- Hi$!1,')'!"im., Thea'.: remn?'ka a:lU'. L.kewloo ~x.tract·:d :.~ c~.ted ~•rbatim.. f

w4, Puri~ t.he t"~ 'lff,eb of iuf.,etivity on the VIII C""rpit front ~:".J::i:. l:~ Dac~her were a·uy a-;epa taken -t;o pr..apnn re1Jene de.fence ;·.•.sH.i·>f.11.1''1 ~.,~ po~rtnio:i a"."llf,(ht f'Z'OA, '.'.'1ret 11.,,S,. Amy- to w!thlh"aw to a ·• ~Naier -dst~no

·~ {->~ t.i'->? l06th TJirl1ti1.>lh c ' . )tTflere ~"*'a!' n:tt a !+.rottge.r- 4eftrr.~d:~•s f"'tttfo:n tJnn tka onB hel.d.exept i:;;n th~, :-1.'.>rtl'At:n! ~;t_rt o! the ir-Gth Divictkn f'.rottt~ .swer~l · o~.. 'ii:tlf'B "ritre 11':\df! ·01\ thia f~r._t. ~ri.1 on. t.'.f.t" Hirt ~t'" t~ll'»ft-:-nt occupitfd b.r t£e ~th 1l1n~1o.n in ordttt to ;,idd •t.Nll&th t:o tti. ,POotiono !bi• ••

.;:.. t ~

-= ..__--.- - :,- ... -~- -- --

~-;~~~J-~~'-~~~! ~' ~ ~~~-' I: _£1 -:).! -;--=.~z~-_,,._ - .., ..-----.-.:----..,,,..._ ~..!..~~__;"~ -\."""...__.,.. REF ID:A5577~1 ) '. :":om:. ru-~ t.h""r Ulf-~-::t!..i t:- r..t~:.y .. lrtrr'.; did not •r nt. th£ btt~c held b'.r tl>~ l~)(.t,;. :-·~h·'.iS.1o'l tb... ""-1.•gh cl:-: iliei.:r~ ... :; :. .. n~ b ... itt'lA up. •'- r~~;.:..,.er t

~ ~ ::. i of : Cs' • •-,vt .. 11.t !,,.~\- J: !,r ~!. one i U! -..f~l~~ t>Cs:,t3:ta.:t..:..j ..'" \~O: ~~htJ:&: t ~j. ~ t! St~ I ~"1 t.t1 "\ Hv... e :;r.; ~ t..-, h.l"f"C",;°"'l\l.'1~".r .ll;; ,'.:..vt;n ut1 the l..11·tle ..i·aa in ar.a tfu"'\ii.w,~i the f:>i~._;i'r~~~J 1'.ln:! Uf'oe gen~ hi~~... 3~Vora1 s:~.:..lea t.o thi9 };-lOS:i..(.iOb ';-;.uj_« h-~;:i} c-&.a-i1 fciJlitJh. ~'l~en tl".i.e ~n:fi.B.n. att.sck sot U)¥htr ym,y tm>~.1 .it j~it lutf,tJl.ludd ~All:. l>~' hunch il'~•tt ri&hto

..-llen ,Ton~.:;, ' eooided ta. witbdl-a.w- bia left it : tli> · iat-0"'"' ,.. >;_ ~ . ,.. ~ ~ ... .._ ~ ""'~ ~ - ~ "' ./-r - • - - • . ~"~ ,, '1Qo ];.f"tO:t 'Pirct UC A:rnv 0°2 en lO Dif;c. rop0rvt~d tlAE distinct rep~:.·11: ':.."/ o.C a l.·wge ... ci.A.1e. '.:t:. .t~ of!tttii!.i':?il in tl'.c l"t&St( th-a likely &'<.3. uf ~ttad; \t<.~ giver.. :~·•~ the ~ Rr>tss•;;,,;a""'t.ohlci r.E<:-; ~u l.!-";1'}Jfl ~'1>-1.?\ic.1 'rl;d ~ ba a.r> ·~tell pro11ro:t'{lii ~s poesible tt> .:nutt Bt-;.t..~h a-.r~ &(..teck'i' i 4 (( { ~N"I;,.-. ·'::ho 1:nt.e:.rpol.at1uu ...... h .. tn p1:r{tfli"Jii':!rls i4 tbs .,,J~ s pc.r:i.gcaph t.ro1•0 ;>a.1 t. uf tl:.f;. ru~nUS(.ript .. } j)}) "' "4. The Co:rt. ,atitt:.r:a }'Tor-.: s.1-, a,r·il kvpt £abreast or tr.. 6 si tna t.ionC' 'i Just. prlol' to l.'i&cember l6thr thic. Fil·st An/l¥ took a COGlbat. co;;."l!.BNl i :f:rc~ thr.: 9th :.rt:r.ored Division,, i...,- reser-.,-e 1 and gave it to tlle V Corp•.. i i thtu ir.c-rod. the Reeervia ~bat Col:".rumd, 9th A.naorotl;> froa:i t.he sout.'1 i.. ·...v 'tti~ r.oJ:tL tv ' ut the r of th<1o l06tt.. Divi&.;,.tt!"> and Ute le-ft. of i tht: 2Gili Di..r.1.1..ion" ThiG Com1.and t.ock ~t.!.itir,~ MG4l' .1'1'0i~ Vez-gesJ> Selgim~ ~;o ·c- ~q1.'.t-.~ :. .1.: I...... ie i..o i l:e't AJ.·q for troops bacause th.s fi1·at. .A.rm:y I · lH l..s!d.r 11 t ;r.;,,il-t> fro~. t!:e 't";!I., t •~Tt-o high oo:-f'.i.and could not have ooen alci1'l!led about. q asr'fil.!.18 ll'O:'l.t COC&t:Btl dur.lng this peri.o..l r \\SI~ 'dil•t:.oU..d to I•Ut on " Il :prd&d for a ~uOllest £'ul pr.:. .. ram.) o Thr0s ·_nft.r1t\'Y C:ivi:.<~V.US on an 38,.,t.lle f'l'..,i:1~ 'be.o.Ud 'UJ: by p.ll"t cf ~ al"IL.Ure..i ~ :.v:, : cul(: ll6V•... ' te lltil'.'.. J.-lJ.ti ta '1!~£Jt. a .tull sea.:-..~ e~•r att.acko Th.rt,.. .t. tr~e ni.> .... -any: ba~e!~ .iu.eoiti.t-&f.i ! kn.:>w, vn t.ho ,f4rt \i:,t G-2 pel'.. I :;:on.. r.e1 thut. a Gor.z:,n wctild be ii' on V:11l Curps l'.'r>:>J,to 6 lf.Bo ,_,.,,.,. Th.1 FU$.A. tfo~1~n.t r' f errecl · t.O-i~ the -Qust1om; Ka~ th6 f,L [;1. .~rs· G~2 '£atlita.t9 [31, l!J DecBlr.t~:r .. rt.~ .rollowinJ & I ~~;:tr::iet£ .are a~de to htill~tc th!l Sl1b~~n. ot this C.ceWlleAt&

•1.. Str ;, AF.I JJF :llf, ::1!itJ/-.flOJ. ,., . ua.,. Ccuarnl., Dines the rm.bile t!(m-ot G... 2 lio~ 36,. &t.l·.1 2(1 !fover;.ber 44.J the -eL3it.Y i1su- f!tn.btoi:uly aolit&&tod- evN·y .t'<»t. _-o~ gl·ow-Ar lr.: __ i;le_ sot1t.. of scti~n 9! t.ti.a J·1.:t:~t \T~s ... A-J:t.11,, o!)o -:Sack o.r tbe lltt6' (#£ w rtau he h4tt :Jnuul!".1.~d !1.i.~ 4~i~ ~o~ .• > -::.-:. ~ - - - ".:..__ -- - - ~ 4-- __:;:-~-- ;; ..... r::;.. ~ - _,. ~ -


. , ' . f fr-:;r'l:;j_~i .....s.tio~ 1:;1 'hr'tbt eor'f't'?! e~oh yi.lJ.llg(l int:;- ll ~t..ll."t"llfil'lt')iri·~~ .0 ~rJt b.11 ~~ r•. :tAh}.'lll' d,.'l"~l'l"'theret~. th~ ~ fif1ld tortif!CJ\+,,iontt O?\ th'll ! line o"" th~ ~ .. - .. ., ·rt 1~ ,111tn t.Jifllt M.•. ~tntt:u i'!'l detttNHJ :,,r it. _lt<) i..$ 'Nl~ on th.- ~"lthsau!'+..T,,.n of O\tl" of1'ene1.vf> to bcrc t"ollowad b;r •Ul .'lt1.l=0•r1 ~~'lmt-."'U'tt.t.t.aC!Z nn:.orr M~n tb.3 :Rl~r~ ~nd tt..._ Fm, ~Ul"':•.• :.. 'W.r. " 1*' 11Y&!'/ •~~pon hfl Mn hr-ir..:, ti.'> bi-'i8'!", Th"' ~~perud.on C\f 'f,,..l tini f't'Otl · · t.hi!t M.\~>..n!R /.;g,rt! l'\fll~ th• Wl~ff' ei'tet:; s • ~ll~ ~ hA- t.a~ <>n ;t.b1' n,.,,;' '?f hi.ts "·J J..t-oci!l.a f o~ 1Jla bri~!ng in of new Volktt:~na<.Uar t;lt-rs ~:~~' lh>':,~· ·~t ~ mnmt An>' ?~ - the 'bu1~tOllp Qf th~ nctl)es~ 4U'tillin:: ~-~ ~-nnd MI..lfll!'i to f.1.~t\rt h:ta .ftl1""{1ut em nd t;OQlltentW.ek .. ).:t0 lt. i~ · , 4!>£ aNti\ ,~~(Vt:'d ~irt.efft:J woo o\m.oualy i.c «i~1 ~~ 11ti.litar.f -- t.l~,-~t·-ns _l! the ~tit of 1nblit'!oi,~ hae ~ilfn '.ly 1l9fcl\dl)d .! l ~oo ~-~nd~- Mo$. f)?f Htt''A.111~~ 1•11 po7'dl'>l•., lndi.~-;t-i.ofln ·t,o- i'i"1t~ pni·:;.t to .O:Ju1 1..('l.:rit.ic-r.: (!It thi~ f,,c.::tl prtin 1"1' ~~rig be~6'l l(0~0!0 r,.nd SC~TJl:T:')JiJf,.. 1.nd ~thin th1~ hr8G~t tM e ,J{':nfletitr,,t~ .fo:r-'1e w!!l l.Y.t ":tp;'li@'J Vt th~ I A.)J,!P.d f>i:.trf:!e J~;r,rl 'by tht:l GPX'P'll!TA Jilgh ~and to oo tJ'1«t gt'ill~'tcf't threat to B'®n~aaM d"f'tmse

S. T~~- of, l.9 r1tl'fl, 1945~

(Co~t)l,\t Rlutorl~nt~ st.'\tePtent.s ~o notes we?"e t::i.k;-,n d'l.ll'ing .. rh,.r.r! .. .,..~ ~t. rr:>t."'i.'\ 'FJ?l"1".• 1'J:>'fo irum~ill\t~~ n{'f..,,e-r its cc~"''tlU'Ri'nc Th., 1nt.n;rv.h1\ll' l

:nther ditfinult to tdefend in p.t.~t>e', ,. !:::h >i-as tlaa Corps 111btlion _·3, i'..a '1e,}tOl"00~as t.j. st.a~~; th&re i& nei anstiB~ ~ the defaan problff! ot u OO«>Ril~ tront with .)~- Gi'lfi•ionu~ tlID Corpe r•nrve consiting t)f a haruU''".tl. of •naiaer batt.allona. Ae a.aid the encin&er1 did a ~gmttnnt l<>b. He eaid 'we tAtaoh' a 7000<=8000 7d front f'or de!'ens"'" I R;I) etlid ?\.£- r1.aa been proteating ll£ ifieo"lnts during his whi l~ e01<11x\t m:p€l"5.~nco in tM no. Tn S!C!tr ha h.ll'C: 45 miles with one dld.aion._. !n IfALt he aloo bed f'V&rr wide rrcnt., He $aid lle ~k~ then to Gen Dr<-:.dl•r that. SOiie da;y n "•i·~ going to pt, into trouble with our rlde tronta" l"hi11 ..,.,. it" . I lllhen ask"4 what. orders or chang• of ai•lion ~iYed f1'?.8 Firt'Jt. US A'J.'O.'f' after the atrongth or the aitaok waa re.slisN, the Gen .aid the. t. he talked to the C/S Firs~ lJS ~(11.aJ., Gen Kean) and ri)cftiT&d ord~a,,to .'t!~cl with tbe 1111itac~•' (I as .tairly Wt not abl80lutcq poei\1ve -or ~ ~ct wo~ing 0£ thias quoteetac) Gen n1d ~ nev~r-'did UIJ.d~tand aaotly what. this'direni've meante > ~,.,··- -- •• ,-••·.,··~·,·: ~ • ... •Qeu. JUddlaton that. •nry day up to the ~im• the - Ge.naans attacked• the Corpe got at laaat one priBOMr troa it.a tront.,. f But ke i;aid that patrols tro• the diYieions cQuid't be expected to get ' dope on •l\81' atnngtb back aronnd BITBtlRGo R• said that dix at all ti.ine.s they knelt all the eneay divial ne in oontact, but the Gel'IMl19 knPw as much about our shifte since they nre JUBt as activ• and had patr?lt1 in our J.ilws eveey night,, 'l'ho;r knaw • were uai»r ths area" th& VIIl Corp8 front, n~ a ~est and rehabilit~tion areao ~et..l'."dir.g th~ simulat~ed pr.itaenc.19 of the 75th In!' Div "n hit- fr-;nt." G"n ~idtU19ton mtid ht; nnsr had. approved of 'rubber .!u ..;x• ¢¥6~nti·-,ns 9 .;,.nd tlu\t knowing the st11mgth u.f what i'iaa on hia \,,~,$1iat,e .'."r~mt~ he w ti 1.E>st> than 'Ui!OOlly enthusiat.i.4 about thi• parti·"' c1i!.$1· c~era.tion\op.r•U.on 'OOBIJ'llTZ' ). ~tz,_~ W?be ~fl said tha. t "f'6 Wffft al-ha,.. eonosrned abou~ the 4Ul il\v on th" oouth and its ability to hold and defend the oit7 t:rt ~,.'t;te<>ib111 st:reo l.intJ SCHWARZ!ENTZ (1 1 m not ab9olu~.l.1' 8'Ul"e this ia the s~m he ~eant s!nee he .i.ndicai;(i.d it on tl-A r.:ap for only a moinent.,) 1\ 111aht ha'ff'been seriouso .... "

IL In1't1al Recopition ot jeaault.' • G?'&'ri.... c

~·: -- Corpe Ini.lligenef) SU111rarie1, 1setttt4 four tiH• 4a1ly• o3'.l!'1bed op.rat1ona11 but. did not expr-oea opim.ou on the- now attaak'• eeaning; and, tM 1'Srat !l'fly' a lSUlt for the p•riod. l~ •iap~ dss4"'i~ ope.rat1o.u ot· th• V, TII, Ylll Oo~a, Without. bet~ ngeatiw ae to th• etttmyt•-1nwn,iona. E:owner, durtng the ..,.n!.ng ot the l6tb~ the VIII Corpa &C(\uirad th• \ex\tk ot th• cornr 4ndel'-!-!.:rt-O!lt•t 'feat' a Ord•r of th~ Dq prool lldng ~ Counteroffenaiv• to the 0e1"*2l £e>rc••~ and aoiM other !!slated dt>~e11teo But. th& Corr-El Go2 Perio2:3.c tor the dft,Y eee11.ed t~ diereg

,...,. - - - -

_,,~ -.:.,_f...A_..._;.,.., ..... ~ ·" -·' .... :: .. "'_," f ~ ... ~ .... / .,. -:~ •"" ...:~.:-:-~~- ~ '"".;_~-'iJJ-~"l~ ¥(fJ;-r,,,,/.~,1S-¥'L ~~,-:.~~*""'i'·~,...,,-~~y-.. -~~-..-.;,.J1 _ -~ !t:~~~::.:_;~· ~~~~ :_f ~-~~ ~~~~~::·~~~~ ·: ~;~! #::-~~~~~' . ..:-"~5t~.;~ .. REF ID:A557761.....

Th.~ Com:.~m.t:ng G~or;:il ~x:rirsaNd Uin tho1..:gjlt dur~ng a C;lin'bat !nteroett thait ~ ~liged the attriak' a i~lght b:r the 11orning ot 17 DeOGber9 and th:i! G-2. admitted in .an interview that the attack we.e a But'Prba to. hill,

~ ~ ~ .. =~ !th" tint report th.'\t the VI!! Corpe made t:oooerning the GC!'rmtm onBl.auaflt. ~ about 0530 on 16 l?eA D~OO-c-,. (1... ;4o(S) J'ei• 176) In the 106th DiYisiont* tU"R light arl.11.l•ey tw« 1rortar !ir.e blJgnn 1d, 0$30.A upon the ft'X, am th9 424,th Infantry ?t.''3eiVGd op•:rationsp but did !lt)t ~ opitdon~ ot the action's s:tgnifican.'tSc SiD8 eoneiderat!on of the ~ri~•11• of ~ en1Ql71 a otion lt'AS dttnoW in the •ucueeding ISW #'247, if.ISQICl at 1200 tor tM OtOOA.0~ ~2rlodo(V,:a, Mag., /i'l7) Regarding th• l06th D1Yieiont~ nee~t-0r~ it ~rt.,dg ttenelO. hc.mchad an attack,. eeoptt •nd obJectina a11 ~t undetel'!limd,~nt Kand S (lukn at 0700l. ft•&'VJ"

!hie ·elisht ntenr.ce to the ~:rf'fens~ve•a ecope and cibjeotiT~ se atated in the ISUI 1atmed at 1200 wan th~ cnly t5U'Ch mP i"&nt. in th• Cc.frpe 181.WS dllt'i?lg l6 December .. (V,,Jl) ISUf'a ror 12001.. 1~, lSOOA.-2400.A mcreq deacribed operations, and no eott»iderAtJ.on fi&s giYtm to overaJ l aeo~ and ob~eoti"f•lh Tho F..amie. -ue truo ot the ISU» 1:80 9 162400A=l'108C1'A.,

i JlE'amrhiloa Y&.\'"iod datll ffero !'lo"in6 into the Corps prorldinJ 110H or ltu•• widenctt for opition tonnlaU.ono 1 <- -.,.,_ ! ~ ·t~:-:'I ~~~::.. ~: :.~ ... :·~'~- ;:i.:-•'-:b f·~~-::\:~:~~,~~~,:~;?;;~·'~" .._=. - __: ~ mJ.\> =Only liaiteil aid tor ewluatil)l'i purpose• •a• tur.rdehf,d ~ the l'irst. .\nay' s Intolligenc luwmtU7 tor the period emina 0900, and which wats r.ot ree.1vcd by~· Corpa G""2 untul 13384 1?7 ~~o(V11, Meg~ 1?9) '!'his !SW cont&J.Md data frost all_111SA corpa, and those troB thtl V and VII Cor s were as tollon. ht their intonation ns not, · p:u·ti~u.1.A?-13' av.ggei-t:l••~ •* J..Ast &s ;uc.h 80 ae that ot the VIIIth: t:Ueual amount, ot artillery fin reported by V Corps !It 1'1.RGSTJ.ll(1'0633) ana at OJ}OA,, Consj.der&ble artJ.l•~ tire 1it ~.9 llOuth~m soetorG SpondU et7 fin ~ 1D JW.MD1'(&'1804)~ _YII Coapa~ ..otori BRUQU1Ji(F0497) rind- R) .am ••mm BJ.UBttnm.{110.U) aha. South o.t-QIDWI ID. •DOeT 00tmte.raita0t •tarted at. 0600.t. "PUl~ bi·~.• th• 1UI Cort>I! account Mil at:e=l"&rised-trt the Corp• 0.11 Iei!!. £or l5~wl60800A• pra'f'ioua]T d-.ori~. - · r - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ .. • :;:~ Y~ -- ;.. • ' !.,._ .f ... - -., ~· ';-.. - ~ ~ - ~ ~ . ,.... :;._- --

~- --- - ..... - - ~.,, ~~-f ,._ ~ ~~____.. ' ... .. oh - ..,._ .- .,. .,..:,t;~~~-· ~- :_ ..._ £'_..__:.. "'~"- .... (" ,..... ;I,_ ..~;,.~..:,•, -•->,• . _,_,,\~:"-,-- -~,-~~::~7~~!:-.;,~-~"-~--.~~~~ • :.-~-~,_;, _-;r,;./t"':':i::'-~~- .._~;.»_M•:>-~-.'. -~·~;·-:-:-.~~-.·H'~· ·, 'c_-;'-""··--·L --~,._,.,., -, _,,. ~ ,.,._.~,,_,,..,_,.,.~,~~~q'O't'•,-.ec_,..~~'""""""~~\ _,,,~~~«?-"'-"""•""t_.~ •• -,...-t',_.r,~ .,...._.~ ''"° '\ ---~- S. ""''"'...... ,.,.,...... _...... -..,,JI.;('.; -. ... --lo- J_""'l"tf"J" ·~~:_"'\.-.::.'l-\ .. ..S:~~~,. ;11!::"-~ _..t '"¢ff'_._ ___ t_·.,-~-:_::....•"!o¥,_~~:--~ ,,._s-.,.,.,J~~~- - ~....------>- ..... ~ ""J ~~~~ ~":-l'~\,.i ~:.....-: - J.!.-r.--~- --:1~ T - - ~- _, .,_ y---:~1i--",,_.,..t-X;-!f-><~1~..a--f~ ..-i: ,.,,,,•_t'"' .. to~ --- -,<- - l-... , ~~_,___-:.._- :::_- ,, _____ "-1'... .. J; ~t~ ..".._"l_.n~~.:-<"~v~ ...... ,.t,f·/~~~ ...... ~ ;:. 'j;,,.._.:)'.. ::-...~J.;--~-- '~ ..,,- ...... -.,.,, ,,-f~ ,. r f ' ' ; REF ID:A55776:!­ J'>lle vJ:~ : !~\~ti,

Thia firat Arst, u.srn fo the p~ri~ ending at 0900 .f;ia t.h, only FUSI.. ISUt! "t'ti~oiv•i by the Co~fi. dm•ing th& day1 r.or did the Cocyc ~Nords tnd:h;.st

~ 9san ~r•" =-- ot ldgh eipif1"'1n06 ~ acq,td1rtimt ~ tho Corps of thf: c~~-r ot th\'l ~ by the Comttan4ei-1n-cbi~t" Wo1.tS> 16 D3ict.'!l.'00.r tt rroolain~ th• Cowlter\)ffenaive,., The h.rp~ .tJ.rat reeeived t."le ·text 11t. 2120 wh•n the V Co1-p~ Spacial Iat.e-lligttnce Sflllitt~l7 f(jr l6oO 31"ri-Voo, and -.11lflh aontained the t«Kt.:o(L=-s.40($)~ 16 Dea., l':ag,,#90) Thia 01'46r or da:,r and e•veNl other mealing docwueilte ~n captw:"'9d t.y tti. lw.6th Division, and the7 wen in tJl.e ~· pos'ses~!on &e of ~ 2310A.,(V 9B, 16 Deocg ~ego 1100) ,. r-- . - .. - -. . · , - Acct.,rding_ to tU. W.nwtion b:r th., O/B 'Ee~ 114lu ot ~ -106th!a· n... 2 a•otion, W& Ordaibillti&& for Our !'e.t~ier and Our Fnhrert .... R't1utAtdt C ia c reat . . Gent1ral F•ldaareJ&aµ• ll:tho\tgh tha V Ccrpa Spe_,ial I$tl' quotx only th.i.3 Cir1C Orde? o.f t!'Je Dayi t..Wa- col.hietion c-,f docunimts from t'be l.06th Divlsio~ aluo lnel'l!l!ed the O.rdert: by-the Ant/' Group ·89 a eo~.r.i&llldftr imd tlMI Sixth Panttt:~'" a doc-.elltt expl ain!ng Oj>.arat.ion GREIF 9 and s&v&ral minor papcarr.~

.- ' ·T'bia laau•aoe'a rcvi0\'I' Qf .the 16th p:rorld#d data (l) m&kred the t'aet tbr•t.~ Co:rpa 'hat\ notauq 1mdenst.ilirlted th• ene117• e 1rtrensth. an4 (2) 1'elt that th• attack of. tile dq ua onl;r • eommrattaok to~ lost poaltlonl, (3) cstensibq ~garding in it~ opinioa th~ or theuaen'ill~ ~s a~~ - bJ' the CotmandU°"'i.r4Cb1t'>:f fie at' ll Cb."der ot th~ q ~ th& u~ or. which ?·a• pou~aaed b)1' th• Corpa Go2o - ~

• - n - - ~------~ - ~~-~~ ---'*--- --~ --~-

~. ) REF ID:A55776¥. t-Ti. Yi!l t...c .. ·:• s, :."d.t.~\Jt.~"'

.Analyi;i a of th'9 anit~ ~ri c(°intdet, list d in this G-2 l'f:riodic lor l6 Deaeµ:ber aane the !act th~ Corp al had p:i•evio~l:r iantitied on'.cy' four t>f the tsn ~Mll!Y diYieion.s which strv-ck during~ 16th.. 'lh4t l8tb9 26th, 2Ut.b~ 352d VG flivioi :-:r. and the 44th Fe1Jtung IQ Battali n •.sre known to ts.e~ tho Corra.. !et, eix other divi.Btons abo aaaaultod 4UJ."ing tbe day,. eix divieiono whoco prorlldt7 c:011plt.t.teq lSllknown to tlw Co!"p5. Thor !'era t.he 62d.r. 560th, 276th Vtl Dtviei~,. th.ti at &ii.d 116th Panzer D1:rltiion~$ Qtnd tho 5th Kare Div!aiolk . _ . Thia tou;.., to ten »e.(UJ'&q· ratJ.c o~ r~1·a. ident1ficatiou to act\llll assault d.1.'rl.Biona on 1 ~ Cor-~ l·the 4ila ,:. _kO'.!lln~l;r identified its singl£ a1s~ult di\fiaion~ b1a.t the 9tb. ~red \llis aa&'\ultetl by a dif't~tence din•·ou than tha~ pn'riottel,y .-11.-vK. to be ia ito sector~ In generali the Corpl.l ns •~• ~f' t1'-e pro~e of all ~~ diyidonu tm\t t..he d:lviestone knew ot prior to th& &~snult, and ite lit!+., 0£ tlA l\tl'~ult dirtoou &greed witb thoett ot the Corps divisioru;., excf,pi. the C.orpe alst> lietsd the 5th f''1nt: D1vli ion., not ~~ntioned bf a diYiaiono !tfla~tlnc Gho •~tintioal comp~rieon, th~ ll6th Panzm- Division ns reportd. twice, bJ" the 28th and J.06th D1Tiaioru.Jo Wiii! CAP.ABILlT!IS l!i'Jre ..Usted and in. thi1 G=2 PqiJbdio9 l52,4.00A... l62400A, tm.!itr that. title" Th$ appr:sisal did not rsUQtftst • nll d•t™d real1sativn -).a 61l«uJ·' s att,&.ck purpo~,. In :fqc~, as obeened in Cllf..t'tbility il, the ccmception z.eomed to bfr t.hat tb.11 t\ttack na J'&garded aa only a 001;n~ttar~k to restore lost t:otU.oruJo 'ftm: O!JpahliiUes doolaredi

t:(l} The cnuz.1,- CM t!OtH;tnue present; count~rattaok to ro~re lost podttons with the torae~ oow on his .t'ronto •t2) Tho •ntm1" can .tw.-t.her ?"ilintorca bia t'ront. llM s~ with aJd.ition&l reea"e foroea and tt.Otmt. an otterusift6 either in thia 1UBSC.ltE!P-SCR14}% EIW.L area or the V:U.D!Jf-ISCllTERNACH area .. •(,3} TM on~ ean mk~ up an aeti.Ye det•n.e ot his P1'P&ent p.oait!uns. or t!to.;& .-hitlh. be ftiA7 taU back on.a• . ~ - .C.,.b:W.t.7' (l) •• coni!dd•rod aa being cun-entq ilr.plemen.Wdo Although tlwtn ~o Mt"q. t~ prtiditltfo., (2), PW ets:t~ta &8 lf.tJt>f>d iU ~ '°'"• taYOred it1 )10" (3) wat' thought •uteq w l;-e 15pl$!i.ettte4 it he is astoppctd alQng p1•tu1•n1i ~oit.i.omt t-nd hie att&Ok dOt!B not m-set with ·.moo•B•,,•

· ~ _ov~ll aeop• and cb,fectlvo~ n! the~ attack wen not tiuari #~LMd a110»g·tJ-aQtS• ~e Olfi~billri111t.. TM A~r~omm.aa or tba~ det'1b0if!1t\V' ~$ ft!lPha~iaed . by tJt• a. parent la

Co!kJ.!! ai~ni:.·ed th13 d., .eu1 of ~W and (\gal.n ~ :l310J.1 SlU'e.l;r i4 could 1.:-are be~n takf.ln 'iuto a 'Nnmt. as part ot lh9 Corp• opinion ot th• emm7t a int.entionei tJ:1d ~Et!ibillt.iea.. leniri..gly the 'Corps • Qc.2 CO>l'tpl"fU·•;nd.ed th~ i.flport of thi• aud th• aci~iae dootmuta, in that the t1Ung !!Ot&tion rlth:l.n the 0.-2 fo'Cll'Ml nle aa.ertedi 9'fhe!l9 docmtsntn 1nd1cat• tbe ecol>$ or tbe German o.t'fene1ve and its iapos-tonu• be~eB appal'ent trea th• iJftprerd.n list ot hieh"'l'anldni Gezaan ~Mral whoce aignsturen ept:e~r thertt>!k • Yet~ tha- 0.. 2 Periodio1 • #ta~nt of 4fM117 upabilltiea did JiOt ntlect thll lnport ot Ws .- Orde~ o~ thtt nq,. , • A11U"Uet1tt ot these 4ocm enU1 rwel•tion.c wae deaonstrate4 "1' the t&<'\,t.t.t the blU a-at s Pr:riodiq ro:a the 16th incl'tl!ed tnn.tsltttfans ot .~ or thta 1a 1te-~6r or Bai.ti. Jo1:eo;· pntacd.rt4f•ith -thl>. aw. q,mted •ttiae\.· a~i. th&!.r:,i~icati_,n ~t-the ottens1'14''• aa<>pea Stra:sgel.r, howevu, tne ten ct the' m-..'>i!t imptrrt«Dt of th'9 d~1J111n•1Jp the Von lbmdatedt 0.t:dn- et tJ)~ nay, 'ftllfmbt prin1*! in this G-2 Perl.edic(> the oU.tudon !t'

t ('

~o rlll t-e lfithdr&wn trm prttMl'lt podtiou onq npeat cmly if positiona becau coq'>lstelJ' ~.-.abl•o la no ennt with enuy lxt al:t.oweci to penetraw nat o! line !OLZP.E'!lla$ETZ-~KP.smLD<=> ~· J.t'.J'ELf..-Ll rtF.R-n~!lfOU-L!'IJ.JNGln~ASSEI•BtmDE!foOOf.ltUl~EIS!MBtmG­ lltNZEN~Dm.IJZr-»~Jlf.F.IT.,, wb:ch wlll btJ hel4 a\ all oo•~• letter of Instrooticna tollow~.•

~ Stn.tmn.\ a~ - Ina~ ae oft1cial C?n>•. rooord.•~ did not. intJludti s~tetentu ae to wn the Corps rMogni:red thp aeault'" t.rne eervarity end if the attack es a turpri.Op ,.Ooabat lnt~r'tiewa pN"C'ide the onl,-,inf'onatio"',., ~ bia account of an 1!).temew on 19 Jariuar;r 1945 with the oo,- t.he c;oabat hiatomn, Carico l'... B. Glal"k, wrote: naen lfit.~dhton eaicl h& nalbett tM- Ml wej.ght or the G91'M!fl off>&nPiVe b1' tr.• Ot 17 fAtt.'o .,, o•(YJ'I.D) 0.ptda (tJ.cuit &190 _ Interviend Cal• .i. 1,. a. ..vee 1 Cc>q• a-a, oa tbe ~ dq, iiwporiinci ltCol. lenu...,.,, tba~, truk:cy-, th• 11ttack wari a aapr.lee to hia. &.

~--_-:- .... _"'":_- ~-;_;--~ ~ ~:: REF ID:A5577.Pl 1;?33, vu· ·\,i*?s. i;.tt:t~uo.., J ''.

m·~tted 1\0 tD the fooltth A:nri1' Group a... ~ pau-iodic of the WCt!k bet'Gl:'O which ~ tmid WRa eJ,;t,re-iilely optiaistio abput the aituatlon on thtt c~~ !ronte" (VII ,J.) r e1•h4p:! the Colon'9l referred to the Tw<th I A.ray Group fl'•ekl.y l11telllgcmo. swur.r~ IJ.S, -~ '1lft nok ending 9 De~mbUl! 1944¥ 1s~4 12 ti.c&?Abet-, instead .()t a l'erlGdic.. The IStlM' • I text mre nearly- con'fJ~tOr.rd3 witll hie thought !ban did deaDriptive d~ta within p~riodiose(L-320(3) }

' . I

~ " - ' ~ bil..~.~ .:ffr:i@. - TU. Co1119 diYiaions, tb~ lt~'tp I 2t1tb)>.. nnd~th soquil~ eeven dnt31., only tom• of 1'1hi and tl"..-ey- might~ chllraoterized aa the lu?st ~iguiticant~ i ' I . The .tollow1n;; tto per&iftpb simpq eur,,.;ns.ri'Zt:1 the !"ormu'ding data. For d~ls, ple88f'aect '1le £ Oritiqu~' s aoo.tion titled, Sj.gnlfioaut Evideri..oe of German O:tfanaivo lntentioua, whle.b contains ·;;.:.'le full &Mly.eiu ot the forwarding 0£ this pro-J.'!ounte1

. As t!le.ntion<3d above P ·llhe ,. ;tornx-iliog or data b,Y the divia1¢ll8 to the Corp• Wll& •Ughto The 28th be! 1G6th Dirlsion obnJTed illcnasing eD1!17 vehiculttr trefiio during th• i.2-15 Decmber porlcd$ ~nd thifl actirlt.:r wa• described in detail in theil• c;...2 Pericdluec A civilian l'Mlin ve tai!3r:i b7 tb9 28th DiYisfon on 11~ Det.~:nberp who de&cribcd emce G~ngn build-up in thG enetl;1 ~or~, rid tho Corps mit: notifiad prvmptly about her intbni.s.tion~ b;r m-etaagij. 1 bu.ti not in the Pivision~ s G-Z !\~riodic of the dqo Fou.r flit a were er.pturod b7 the 4th tu·.d l06th :'ivisions on 15 Doef*bel"J wlio cld•ed to wwe h&\rd st.a taaeata or rumors ot an impending Gewa:i attack tiet\'Mea l'Y ... ~5 l\llr.;~.be1·. 1'h11 l06th Piviaion reported th& clata sLot1t. one Fr. i::.imecliate~ bl.. me~sagt> to- thia< Cor,psg bn~ not •bout the otber Pfi, atld tho 4th D1Yia1on reported neither or. it:? two Ptf .' s da~.. NaitbN"· npo~.ted tM inO.tdeat. ia ihei1" il-2 Per~• !"or ~.-daTo ~ ...... _.. .. In contnlat 't6 the divisional leek or t~an•isaion at it~ acquirod dat-. to ~ VIIl Corps, t.bie cOtllr".and prcopt~ reported ita acquired data fi:on. the dirlalom., Oi.' : ha seven dAta ixustau,!ee, the <".orfat ~va pro11pt-l;y the .fout- dlllt~ it received from th• dine.: ons. la the ~2 Periodic for tb• dqa. Th• CorpiJ 9 howover, ap~-erontl.y did not report. u:r of it bf' a:.tsue• to th• First Arfqo In tho eane of on• data, th& Corps diatributed it •l.oa · r.n 1ta rsmr. -


; .. j • + ~ ... - ~ J

,' ~~~;~~~~ ' - ~~ ::-:.~ .. 1 • ' .· - REF ID:A557761 1u...mi - )p •• Ct:l~. I

' '. . . I J.{f:»t~~ P"""" Jl'ur!Dg the day tJi.e VlII Cort a aoqtd.l'ed lM tJle V".Co.1-'J,l:t ant! IAainlT frora its own l06th Dirl$0n th9 tma or o.>nain t ~ir;v!fleant d~lU.e:lt•, which ooul tc! contri~t~ to the G..-.21 is opinion ' at t,!'Ji. \l~taek' 11 se~1ouenef!e... fhass ~Tent• Wlft the OJ.ide.r ot ·th• Day 16 D{;'(:~rs;»." 1 ·or th4 ~er-in.--Chief''~ Von Ruda~tS 1 the .?~dt::~"5 of' the r.41 b,- the ~ C\t"Otq> B ud t.b• ll'ifth anaer ~ P ii ~eltt ~~Or1blng the Op~rat1'n CmJir, .tlM B•TI!l".-.1 mtnol'" p&~rsv 1'\te·~ ~~ !~l"t&ioe Of t.hitst) docmento, the •aqDtnae ot eunte and · thefp~\l.f'llOut~q .,;id~ ooacerning their trattlld.JStiion to tJt9' Col-ptt ,. !k~ewwde ·; . -~ ~// ~ .<: :, , , , ., ?tie first Of' theM. tlC()fl~810llS t~"-_the V Cor,pa ' th& F..16.tb D-tyl_aion wne ~ thfi :f9rLl .r" ~ _t.t cf the Von lumiated°' ii:' ; .,si..qr tUr».d b$', the Y C4rpa _duri~ the aorntnet> - !1 .. · 11li1tJ· ·t~3s dl.a\\!llinut:-d in its. lntelUg.nce. SUa.~r.r for 1600; which /u-x-ii;e-i at the V!!! Corpa a... ~ f.00.ft t®t hourc lJlter, at 2l20(L:-S4D(8) $' ,1/16 Dticl)• ?i.e~., 690) .To bt $W"ilir the t.-xt or this nluttble d~ent .N.r. it&.B minglftd ~Jth other •nd leff!er 1nfl)ru.st1·n .on•e. Newrtheleaa, the f , 't tu\ :o.! it waa Pb.1aiosllT 1• tte Corp;1 G-2 •Dela wtll prior- to M• ' itft'Ul1.WA or his G0 Z Perlcd!o ror- th~ &A.r1 -;

ln t.~• cae~ or th.~ 106th f)iv!aion'G do~ents, :at 1320 tte 424,tl: :::n..r~:rrt.17 1 meeal\ged the DiTiaion G-2 that '°possible ;lh2 VG tn: v sn~ 116 Int' tlT doc-umnets t•i~en f'roa officer ind loate J la~ge sn~l~ ~~k e to ti!! ::aade by GeilianB. T:ranelat~n tollowinge•(Divo ite-vsl, .Pc 106) Tj!!,!J.~»Jt&$ hter~ at~ 1330, that f!lss;age ns rfffeat~d v~~tat1m~ ~l"tti~ th& last two ~~rd;~(IbidJ) At 1420 Corp• "'S.S. b Ui9 .1..06th1 itr e r.~v~ capture_d documnet with lots of ir.!'G< .. Would llt:e :rov to w.iine t<# CP ah.-:r it." •(Ibid.. )

Thia doci~cnt wtu. not turthcr idcntifi!:?d with ~ct,ci(:t\iB by the J.06th" :nor Pf re thi! till-. r.n4 manner of Aoq1litJi tion by I the: nn Corp• eootpl•tely indicated~ !fothr1thatan4ll'lg, the Cprpa reaei•ed 'IJOlle doetmenta,, one ot l'h~ ch ll'ae witho~t coutt. the ono 'fl!tt1n•d tc) bJ' t the :iC6tho Probab.l;r the- 1('6tn e"tueL',y tas~ the ~entl cl~enta ' tot;ether ~a single orw.,. Al! of 2,310, the Cot'pi!l poaseeaed tnnalation• d st:ver~) !t.~y i.'tco~~tt:1 em~?!i tn., Or4!lrs a.nno~noiDg the_ Oo~,.~f;ensinte t..t ~t hour a group or dOO"&ents were in~er.ted into the Corps Q.:..2 J ourual fil6 ~ incl\uUng a tnmal1U!on ct the Tee Rund;tedt Order o-r the f'.a~·, of ::c117 GroUI· lli1t(1is-ld Msrslt•l, i'-Od$l), iatc .. {V,nJ_ As their ident.if-r-»i <.1ttts denQt~d. 'Ute Vf're so ~ire-d bJ" thci OtP Tef>m #44g 0 ... 2,. 1(6th Di11ision, e.?l4t taken froo a deed Ge~•n Qffit1&?'0f 6th Coo 1 1'6"1

I R ~ .. " ll6th P• ia.v!eion.~ '!!-1eir filillt notation aleo ir' a:tadi *Theo~ i~ d.6cwt~nt~ indi$:nte:i the eocptt ('lf tho '"f-U16n -c>tt'tlti•ivo &nd its ~ • 't h:!coit• nppar~t- £~ tbt iu.i:-reur-ive lle.t c-t b!gh-ratlk!nt c... nan Q~nlll l'it.1'ei:?' oign}'j,tur: is aa,eal'.' tce:-ecnv Tiie O~iE!F' o_Fn~t~rm arr-X"a to be a pa:rt ot a larittt Mml• counter.. ott•noiw-> • , _ - - - - ' . ,. . fhua; the l06th Di.noon fomrdea tO t.b Coips tht- M~ eignif'icut- C!•nta 1'bioh uplaillf!Jd the new ~:wisy .atit4t.tka . . , ___._ L -" ~ ' . . -. ..