
Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Research (2019) 1:5 Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-019-0011-z Research

POSITION PAPER Open Access Progressing education research as a disciplinary field Keith S. Taber

Abstract This article offers a viewpoint regarding the current status of research (CER) as a scholarly field within science education, and suggests priorities for future directions of in the field. The article begins by briefly considering what makes something a discrete field of activity, and what makes such a field ‘scientific’.Thisprovidesa basis for understanding and evaluating CER, and informs a consideration of imperatives and priorities for progressing the field. In particular, it is suggested one emphasis should be on areas of work which can be considered ‘inherent’ to CER as they arise from essential aspects of chemistry teaching and , and some examples of such inherent research foci (the ‘’striplet’; models in chemistry; chemical explanations) are briefly discussed. Keywords: Chemistry education, Inherent disciplinary , Chemist’s triplet, Teaching about models and modelling, Epistemological relevance, Scaffolding learning, Teaching about scientific explanations

Introduction: CER as a field research groups focused on chemistry education, and This article discusses chemistry education research (CER) offer specialist doctoral training. as a field, and considers both why it is reasonable to con- A field needs to be focused on some sphere of activity sider CER as a discrete field (rather than just a domain or phenomena, and in the case of CER this is the practice within science education research) and how this has impli- of chemistry education. As an area of practice, chemistry cations for both what is considered to count as CER – education might be generally equated to teaching the cur- such that not all educational research carried out in chem- riculum subject ‘chemistry’. The core phenomena of inter- istry teaching and learning contexts (CTLC) should be est in educational research are teaching and learning considered inherently CER – and for setting priorities in (Pring, 2000), and so logically the primary foci of CER are the field. It is argued that a productive scientific field en- the teaching and learning of chemistry. The wider scope compasses progressive research programmes (RP), and of CER encompasses areas of enquiry linked to these foci. some suggestions are made for timely RP. This would include such matters as the chemistry curricu- There is a range of indicators that can be used to con- lum (what is set out to be taught and learnt; how disciplin- sider the extent to which an area of activity can be con- ary chemical knowledge is represented in the curriculum); sidered a scholarly field (Fensham, 2004), and based on how learning of chemistry is assessed; the discipline- these indicators CER is now well-established as field in specific aspects of how teachers are prepared for and de- its own right. CER has its own international journals (in veloped in their work; the design of teaching resources particular, Chemistry Education Research and Practice (such as textbooks and digital tools) that represent chem- and the Journal of Chemical Education) and regular con- ical knowledge in ways informed by knowledge of human ference series; there has been a stream of scholarly learning processes or to support particular . books on the subject from major publishers, and there is Teaching is activity that is intended to bring about now a specialised book series (Advances in Chemistry some specific learning. The notion of (specifically) Education, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry). chemistry teaching therefore has most traction in a con- There are academics with chairs in the subject, who lead text where there is a formal curriculum having ‘strong classification’, that is where the curriculum is divided Correspondence: [email protected] into clearly distinguished subjects with identifiable areas Science Education Centre, Faculty of Education, of Cambridge, 184 of content (Sadovnik, 1991). This is worth noting, both Hills Road, Cambridge, England CB2 8PQ, UK

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 2 of 8

because there has historically been debate on the place within university science departments and faculties. In of discrete sciences, versus integrated or coordinated sci- that context CER seems a natural category for those ence in the curriculum at school level (Jenkins, 2007), employed by chemistry departments - and having little and because in recent years the notion of ‘STEM’ (sci- opportunity to come into direct contact with teaching ence, technology, engineering and ) has and learning beyond that context. That rationale offers shifted from being mainly seen as a label for a grouping of little to those primarily concerned with teaching of (discrete but) related disciplines, to a recognised curricu- school chemistry. lum area, and potentially indeed a curriculum subject, in the school curriculum (Chesky & Wolfmeyer, 2015). That is, in some national contexts STEM remains largely a con- CER as a compound of its elements, not a mixture struct offering a convenient branding for a strategic alli- Another argument that has been made is that much re- ance of those wishing to raise funding support for, and search that takes place in chemistry teaching and learn- public awareness of the importance of, the sciences and ing contexts (CTLC) is addressing general educational related areas. Yet, in other contexts the traditional bound- questions, where the choice of the particular study con- aries between the natural sciences, and between pure and text may be little more than a matter of convenience, or , are being fundamentally questioned both reflect the professional concerns of practitioners enquir- in terms of science practice and science education. ing into their practice to see if they can fruitfully apply In such a context, CER may not be understood as purely recommended innovations in their own teaching. That focused on teaching and learning in classes formally la- is, although the work is carried out in a chemistry class- belled chemistry, as the teaching and learning of chemical room or some other CTLC, that offers little more than a topics (e.g., acids), and specific concepts (e.g., oxidation) backdrop to an examination of some general educational can occur in the context of ‘science’ lessons - or indeed focus: for example, about how best to organise a mixed- STEM classes, or even within the context of curriculum ability class into productive working groups. These are offerings based around interdisciplinary projects that do questions where the findings from one classroom may not explicitly acknowledge traditional subjects (Rennie, not automatically generalise to other classrooms, but Venville, & Wallace, 2012), or less formal making and tin- where the CTLC is only one potentially relevant variable kering activities where STEM knowledge might be devel- among many (age of students; gender; diversity of school oped on a just-in-time basis (Bevan, Gutwill, Petrich, & population in terms of socio-economic status; propor- Wilkinson, 2015). Yet this raises the question: why con- tion of students accessing the learning in a second or sider teaching these topics in such contexts as chemistry additional language; etc.) teaching (and so within the remit of CER) rather than sci- This type of study has been labelled as ‘collateral’ CER ence teaching or STEM teaching, or just teaching. (Taber, 2013b). By contrast, ‘embedded’ CER (Taber, There is also a criticism that the science taught in formal 2013b) goes beyond this by carefully linking particular as- education systems is often learned as a set of discrete topics, pects of the specific subject matter being taught to the gen- whereas one core metaphysical commitment of science is eral educational issue - for example, not just how to to seek overarching ideas and superordinate concepts that implement a flipped learning approach in this class (which can subsume previously discrete notions (Taber, 2006). This happens to be a first year undergraduate chemistry course), raises the question of whether compartmentalisation of the but how to best profit from the affordances of flipped learn- curriculum is a barrier to students linking up their learning ing when introducing the topic of transition metal com- (Taber, 2018a) both within and across subject divides. plexes (or the Nernst equation, or whatever) given the Such considerations raise an existential challenge to CER particular challenges in teaching and learning that material. as a field. There is a very well established field of science An inherent assumption here is that the outcomes of education (Fensham, 2004), so it might be asked whether the research are in a substantive sense dependent on CER is any more than just a term covering those studies teaching that is informed by the specialist knowledge falling within science education research (SER) where the about teaching and learning of specific material that a material being taught happens to be chemical. Unless there subject specialist teacher brings to the classroom: that is, isacasetobemadeinresponsetosuchachallenge,CER the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (Kind, 2009) might be seen to be simply one convenient administrative that evolves as a kind of meta-knowledge formed from a category when considering studies carried out within SER, hybridisation of subject knowledge and general peda- rather than something with its own character. gogic knowledge, and developed through testing out in Indeed, there is a strong argument to be made that the classroom practice (Taber, 2018b). PCK is not just a recognition of CER, and PER ( education re- mixture or assemblage of subject and pedagogic know- search), etcetera, as discrete fields owes much to the ledge, but something new, formed by ‘reacting’ these work done in education by researchers from through planning, teaching, and evaluating classes. Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 3 of 8

An interesting thought to distinguish em- and learning the subject, and so has become a key focus of bedded CER from collateral CER might be to consider a research and scholarship (Taber, 2013a; Talanquer, 2011). CER research report where every mention of chemistry, This issue is important across the teaching of many topics particular chemical topics, specific chemical concepts, within chemistry, but does not apply directly in other dis- etcetera, has been redacted; and then to ask the question ciplines. Johnstone suggested biology and physics faced whether the (now non-disciplinary-specific) conclusions similar, although not identical, issues, but his arguments of the study can still be considered robust. If we judged have not been seen as so centrally important in teaching the study offered convincing implications independent those subjects. In particular, the ubiquitous use of the of the disciplinary context (which is no longer available ‘chemical language’ of formulae and equations to bridge to a reader seeking to evaluate the redacted manuscript), between the molar and molecular levels in explaining then these have not been bound to the specific chal- chemical phenomena is characteristic of much chemistry lenges of teaching the subject matter. Such research teaching (Taber, 2009). could be considered metaphorically a mixture of educa- Another issue that is especially important in chemistry tional research and chemistry, as these components can relates to the nature of models met in learning the sub- be separated out, rather than a compound that has its ject. Again, this seems to be an especially pertinent issue own characteristic CER properties. for chemistry education, where an understanding of the Of course, embedded CER might not be so different in nature of models and modelling (both those used in kind than embedded PER or other educational research chemistry itself, and the various teaching models where the specifics of the curriculum context are intrinsic employed to introduce abstract chemical ideas) is essen- to the research. There may be differences in detail in how tial to make sense of the concepts of the subject and teachers can, for example, usefully apply Bloom’staxonomy make good progress in learning (Taber, 2010). Models of to planning different lessons (Anderson & Krathwohl, atomic and molecular structure, mathematical models, 2001), but perhaps (and this may be considered an empir- notions of ideal , typologies (such as metal and ical question) those differences in detail are no greater non-metal, types of bonding), metaphorical language when (a) comparing the teaching of homologous series with (sharing electrons, electrophilic attack, etc.) and historic- the teaching of electromagnetic induction, or with the ally shifting concepts (oxidation, acid, etc.), and so forth, teaching about the causes of the industrial revolution; than are ubiquitous, and much of this conceptual apparatus when (b) comparing the teaching of homologous series has become second nature for the teacher - for whom, with teaching about Lewis acid theory, or with teaching subjectively, a double bond has likely become as real an about electronegativity. If that were so, then CER still seems object as a conical flask. Supporting students to develop little more than a bureaucratic label, albeit for (i) findings the epistemological sophistication to make sense of the that are contingent on the peculiarities of specific disciplin- concepts of chemistry, and to keep in mind the onto- ary content (where that content falls within the discipline logical status of the ‘objects’ they meet in their studies of chemistry), rather than (ii) findings presented as widely (e.g., dative bonds, electron deficient compounds, anti- generalisable to different teaching contexts, which just hap- aromaticity, transition states, hybridised atomic orbitals pen to derive from a CTLC. …) is a key challenge for the CER community (Taber, 2019a). Models and modelling in science and teaching is Inherent disciplinary educational research certainly an important theme across SER (Gilbert, 2004), Yet, it is also the case that a discipline such as chemistry but has proved especially vexing in chemistry teaching, does present its own particular challenges that are some- and would seem a clear imperative for research in CER. what distinct from those found in other disciplines, and which are also widely relevant when teaching and learning beyond a single teaching topic and across the discipline. I CER as a scientific research field will here suggest two such ‘essential’ foci for ‘inherent’ There are many recognised academic fields across the nat- CER (Taber, 2013b) that explores issues intrinsic to the ural sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts. Educa- teaching of the discipline. tion as an academic subject is something of a scavenger - Johnstone (1982) mooted the idea that chemistry teach- founded on other subjects (usually considered to include ing was especially challenging because it asked students to philosophy, history, psychology and sociology, and these think - often at the same time - about the macroscopic days increasingly economics), intimately tied with the wide (bench-scale) phenomenon, the molecular level structure range of disciplines that are found in curriculum (such as, of matter, and the specialised forms of representation used inter alia, chemistry), and regularly borrowing ideas and in chemistry. The so-called chemist’striplethasbecomea perspectives widely from other areas of the academy. Edu- particular core concern in chemistry education where it cational research is often considered essentially social sci- has been recognised as critically important in teaching ence, but the diversity of research and scholarship carried Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 4 of 8

out in some education faculties spans a full range from something a strictly falsificationalist model (Popper, 1989) pure to literary criticism. would not allow - against a global judgement that the Chemistry education is clearly not a natural science as it programme is, on balance, making progress. focuses on social, not natural, phenomena, but scholars working in CER generally consider they are seeking to be scientific in their work. In natural sciences, such as chemis- Striking a balance in structuring CER as a field try, research traditions develop where researchers are The historian of science Thomas Kuhn (1959/1977) re- inducted into the norms of the research field, and mature ferred to the ‘essential tension’ in science between (a) traditions of work can be characterised by a disciplinary the priority of the established research traditions (a pri- matrix (Kuhn, 1970, 1974/1977)thatcanincludeonto- ority often reflected in academic appointments and pro- logical commitments (e.g., matter is comprised of sub- and, in particular, awards of research grants), microscopic quanticles) and epistemological and methodo- which require scientists to be disciplined in following logical standards (such the forms of technique lines of work that have previously been found fruitful, and analysis considered suitable in a line of work) as well as and (b) the importance of the creative insight which, conventions relating to how arguments should be recognising which anomalies are potentially significant, presented, use of technical vocabulary and specialised forms enables a completely new conceptualisation that might of representation, and such matters as which journals and revolutionise a field. Hegemony can be an impediment conferences are appropriate targets for research outputs. to progress in science (Josephson, 1992), just as else- Compared with chemistry, CER admits a wide range of where, but even if the creative research scientist adopts theoretical perspectives (deriving from the learning sci- something of the mentality of bricolage, seeking to find ences, sociology, etc.) and methodological approaches. what works in relation to a new problem (Feyerabend, That could be considered a sign of a lack of maturity in 1975/1988; Kincheloe, 2005), scientific fields are largely the field, but could also, alternatively, reflect the complex- characterised by structured research programmes. ity, and context-dependence, of the core phenomena of The present author’s experience of having edited a re- teaching and learning (Taber, 2014). There are guidelines search journal dedicated to CER for over 7 years sug- on what makes educational research scientific (National gests that anyone reviewing CER today would find Research Council Committee on Scientific Principles for considerable diversity in (a) the specific foci of research, Educational Research, 2002) which acknowledge the diver- (b) theoretical perspectives used to conceptualise that re- sity of approaches possible, subject to meeting search, and (c) methodological strategies and tactics criteria in terms of research design and execution. adopted (e.g., Teo, Goh, & Yeo, 2014). It is clearly im- One helpful idea from history and philosophy of science portant that CER remains open to new ideas, new in- is the observation that research in natural science disciplines sights, new directions of research (Sevian, 2017), but such as chemistry becomes organised into research pro- there is also a case to be made for adopting a more pro- grammes (RP) that have inherent and explicit core commit- grammatic approach that allows studies to share suffi- ments (to what is to be taken for granted; to what classes of cient groundwork to build iteratively on each other research questions are to be addressed) shared by re- (Taber, 2017). searchers working in that tradition, and which provide suffi- cient commonality to allow work from different scholars and research groups to iteratively build up a better under- Recommendations for the field standing (Lakatos, 1970). These RP are not exclusive, in the The danger I have sought to highlight in this article, is sense that alternative parallel programmes taking different that CER may largely be (or become) a label for educa- approaches to explore the same phenomena are possible, tion research studies that are either only addressing gen- but the agreement on ‘hard core’ assumptions and research eral questions and happen to be undertaken in CTLC, or purposes allows those working within aparticularRPto embedded studies that address specifics of teaching and evaluate whether it remains a ‘progressive’ programme. learning particular chemistry content, but which are tied A progressive RP is one where empirical and theoretical to teaching that topic, at that academic level, with lim- work are feeding into each other to develop better under- ited scope for generalisation beyond the specific context. standings (as opposed to, for example, where theory is Two recommendations that follow from the analysis simply being adjusted after the fact to ‘save the phenom- are offered here. The first is to encourage work that is ena’ as empirical tests fail to demonstrate predicted out- ‘inherent’ CER because it addresses issues especially, in- comes). Within this model, the scientist may sometimes deed essentially, important across teaching chemistry. ‘quarantine’ anomalous results (Lakatos, 1970), that is, ac- The second relates to identifying the programmes of knowledge they challenge current theory, but choose to work that link to the major challenges that arise in put this aside as a problem to be addressed later - teaching and learning chemistry. Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 5 of 8

Identifying inherent CER Perhaps, teachers might initially question the wisdom I have already mentioned two examples reflecting major here, but we would recognise progress when students challenges faced by practitioners: the so-called ‘chemist’s come to regularly respond to teaching by asking difficult triplet’ and the ubiquity of models in teaching and learning questions such as (i) how can the be touching in chemistry. I briefly revisit these, and suggest another related a solid when the spaces between them change with - focus for research attention (chemical explanations). ing or cooling; (ii) why do the protons in a nucleus not repel each other so much that the nucleus disintegrates; Applying the chemist’s triplet (iii) in what sense, exactly, is a methane a tetra- One important RP concerns understanding how the core hedron (Taber, 2019a)? CER notion of the chemist’s triplet can be used to better conceptualise learning difficulties and plan curriculum Explanation and teaching. Johnstone (1982) highlighted how the triplet Another potential focus for productive research is the put a burden on students, but the nature of chemistry sug- theme of explanations, and this might be an area that gests that authentic chemistry education needs to often could be linked to the developing focus on learning pro- simultaneously employ the three aspects of the triplet. gressions in chemistry (Sevian & Talanquer, 2014). Ex- There is a good deal of groundwork in this area (Gilbert & planation is core to chemistry (and often links to the Treagust, 2009), but it is questionable whether this has yet triplet, and to the various models used in the subject). fed widely into informing classroom practice. In recent years there has been considerable focus on Johnstone’s initial characterisation of three levels has the the process of scientific argumentation and how this can elegance of a simple formulation that teachers can readily be modelled in teaching (Erduran, Simon, & Osborne, appreciate and relate to. Most commonly, the triplet is 2004; Newton, Driver, & Osborne, 1999). However the understood in terms of Johnstone’s(1982) original related, and equally core, notion of explanation has had macroscopic and submicrosopic (as well as the symbolic much less attention, with very little work looking at the representational) levels, but Talanquer (2011,p.180)em- nature of students’ explanations (Taber & Watts, 2000) phasises the contrast between the ‘descriptive and func- or how students can critique or construct explanations tional’ level “at which phenomena are experienced, (Taber, 2007). This would seem to be an important area observed and described” and the ‘explanatory’ level “at where there is much potential for useful research. Ideally which phenomena are explained”. A slightly different this might be the focus of learning progression research reconceptualisation sees the phenomena observed (and (Alonzo & Gotwals, 2012), to first explore typical levels often perceived by learners in relation to everyday ideas, of student competencies at different grades, and then to e.g., burning, disappearing) to be re-described both at the inform curriculum design and teaching that can support macroscopic level in terms of technical chemical concepts progression. and categories (e.g., combustion: reaction with oxygen, dis- solving), and then in terms of the explanatory models of Responding to key challenges in chemistry the structure of matter at the submicroscopic / nanoscale education (Taber, 2013a). In this version, the symbolic is not seen as There are many other potential areas of work in CER a discrete level, but as representing, and sometimes bridg- that can increase our understanding and so better sup- ing explanations across, the two levels of chemical descrip- port teaching. Probably the two biggest challenges to tion. As these brief accounts suggest, there are different chemistry education, especially where chemistry is not ways the ‘levels’–and how they link to models, theories, an elective subject but one all students are expected to and explanations - can be understood. There is clearly study, relate to relevance and difficulty. scope for more enquiry into how these ideas can best sup- port chemistry teaching. Making chemistry relevant to all Chemistry is obviously (to a chemist) relevant to every- Making sense of models and representations thing around us in the material world, but, as a science, The second issue concerns the high frequency of models chemistry is concerned with substances and their proper- and related devices (e.g., metaphors) met in learning ties and interactions - and that is already an abstraction chemistry. Again, an authentic chemistry education (that when very few of the materials young people come into reflects the disciplinary practices of the subject) cannot contact with in everyday life are pure substances. There is proceed by excluding these, so work is needed to support a challenge therefore to make chemistry relevant (Eilks & learners in developing more ‘epistemological nous’ (for ex- Hofstein, 2015). One response might be not to teach ample, not seeing atomic models as realistic) and applying chemistry as such in the lower grades (e.g., up to age 12 or metacognition to critically examine their learning (e.g., 13?), but rather a form of material science that would be asking critically what does ‘sharing’ electrons mean?) more context-based (Bennett, Hogarth, & Lubben, 2003) Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 6 of 8

and enquiry-based (Schwab, 1962) - possibly linked to en- Conclusions vironmental and socio-scientific issues (Zeidler, 2014)- Space here does not allow the development or augmen- and which would provide both practical experience and tation of these examples, but hopefully they sufficiently background knowledge to be used as the foundations of a make the point: for CER to progress as a field (i) it needs formal study of chemistry in later grades. to take as strong foci the particular issues of teaching Another suggestion (perhaps once students progress to and learning chemistry, that is, those issues that are spe- those later grades) is to use practical work as a means of cific, or especially pronounced, or at least need to be introducing phenomena to be explored and explained, and understood within particular contexts, in the practice of so to provide epistemic relevance to the concepts of chemistry teaching; and (ii) there needs to be a program- chemistry (Taber, 2015), given that more traditional matic flavour to much of the work undertaken - to en- approaches teach scientific concepts that are in effect able ready between researchers; to answers to historical questions that most students have facilitate studies to clearly build iteratively on what has never had reason to ask. This might be a less efficient gone before; and to allow the CER community to make (i.e., slower) approach to teaching canonical concepts, evaluations of which lines of work are progressive, and but may be a more authentic reflection of chemistry so worthy of attention and resourcing. as science, and a way of engaging students’ imagina- This is not an argument for a ‘closed-shop’ with exclu- tions to develop rich conceptualisations that may sive programmes of research, nor for excluding the mav- ultimately offer better foundations for learning canon- erick or idiosyncratic from the field. CER benefits from ical models and theories. cross-fertilisation with other disciplines, and the ‘essen- tial tension’ needs to be held in balance. This article is certainly not suggesting a need for a regimentation of re- Scaffolding learning search moderated by intellectual thought police, but ra- That chemistry is a highly theoretical subject, as well as a ther that those leading the field should offer heuristic laboratory subject, makes the introduction of a good deal guidance to channel the most promising directions for of abstract material that many students find challenging, enquiry. For any field to remain viable there must be a unavoidable. There is already a great deal of work semblance of structure and order perceived as standing exploring aspects of learners’ difficulties in understanding out from the background of diverse activity. CER is not chemical concepts, and in particular their alternative con- a field of chemistry in the way that transition metal ceptions and frameworks in the subject (Kind, 2004), and chemistry is, or is, or photo- why these conceptions occur (Taber, 2002, 2019a). There chemistry is: its primary phenomena are social and psy- is also work on supporting teachers by providing class- chological (teaching, learning), not chemical. room diagnostic tools to identify student thinking (Trea- This can present challenges for CER researchers. For gust, 2006). Yet there is more to do, especially in those transitioning from exclusively undertaking re- supporting teachers to adopt research-informed teaching search in the natural sciences, this can require a sub- within existing curriculum and institutional constraints. stantive reorientation in relation to both the nature of One notion that has been adopted in school teaching knowledge claims and the kinds of approaches that need is that of ‘scaffolding’ as a strategy for supporting to be applied. As two obvious differences: natural mate- learners to master challenging ideas or skills. In practice, rials subject to investigation in the chemistry laboratory however, this sometimes amounts to little more than ap- neither expect a duty of care from researchers (we do plying such common pedagogic tactics as breaking com- not need to take precautions to protect the integrity of plex material down, offering students support in the strips of magnesium or aliquots of sulphuric acid that form of hand-outs and hints, or expecting group-work are subject to laboratory manipulations), nor change to provide sufficient peer support. The idea of scaffold- their properties in response to being selected as the sam- ing, however, derives from a particular perspective based ple to be tested or because they suspect they know what on the works of Vygotsky (1978), that offers potential the researcher is looking for. By contrast, people are en- for providing more customised, individualised, support titled to expect researchers to both avoid doing anything for students given sufficient information about their par- likely to harm them (which includes disrupting their ticular characteristic as learners (Taber, 2018c). In learning), and to take their preferences (such as declin- principle, then, scaffolding could be a very powerful ing to participate) into account; and may also have their strategy, but needs to be applied in relation to both the attitudes and motivations (and so their responses) modi- particular learners and subject matter. Research to ex- fied by the attention of researchers and/or tacitly com- plore how viable the approach is when used by busy municated researcher expectations (Taber, 2019b). teachers with large classes could be very valuable, but For those based in chemistry or other natural science also challenging to carry out. departments, another challenge can be the attitudes and Taber Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:5 Page 7 of 8

perceptions of colleagues. The norms of CER may not Fensham, P. J. (2004). Defining an identity: The evolution of science education as a be appreciated by colleagues with no background in re- field of research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Feyerabend, P. (1975/1988). Against method (Revised ed.). London: Verso. search in the social sciences, which are often considered Gilbert, J. K. (2004). Models and modelling: Routes to more authentic science to be ‘softer’ (and so by implication less rigorous or de- education. International Journal of Science and , 2(2), manding) than the ‘hard’ sciences. Commitment to CER 115–130. Gilbert, J. K., & Treagust, D. F. (Eds.) (2009). Multiple representations in chemical enquiries may not always be accepted as a valid alterna- education. Dordrecht: Springer. tive to chemistry research, especially in a context where Jenkins, E. W. (2007). School science: a questionable construct? Journal of university research is evaluated along disciplinary lines Curriculum Studies, 39(3), 265–282. ‘ ’ Johnstone, A. H. (1982). Macro- and microchemistry. School Science Review, and CER publications are considered education rather 64(227), 377–379. than ‘chemistry’ outputs. Josephson, P. R. (1992). Soviet scientists and the state: Politics, ideology, and For CER to count as ‘disciplinary’ research it needs to fundamental research from Stalin to Gorbachev. Social Research, 59(3), 589–614. Kincheloe, J. L. (2005). On to the next level: Continuing the conceptualization of be an identifiable discipline in its own right and not sim- the Bricolage. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(3), 323–350. https://doi.org/10.1177/ ply borrow credence from being associated with the dis- 1077800405275056. cipline of chemistry. I hope this article has offered some Kind, V. (2004). Beyond appearances: Students’ misconceptions about basic chemical ideas regarding how this can be maintained and devel- ideas, (2nd ed., ). London: Royal Society of Chemistry. Kind, V. (2009). Pedagogical content knowledge in science education: oped in practice. Perspectives and potential for progress. Studies in Science Education, 45(2), 169–204. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057260903142285. Abbreviations Kuhn, T. S. (1959/1977). The essential tension: Tradition and innovation in scientific CER: Chemistry education research; CTLC: Chemistry teaching and learning research. In T. S. Kuhn (Ed.), The essential tension: Selected studies in scientific contexts; PCK: Pedagogical content knowledge; PER: tradition and change,(pp.225–239). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. research; RP: Research programmes; SER: Science education research; Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions, (2nd ed., ). 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