Cooking in Central Annual event draws support for local organizations Along these President’s Report LINES By Richard Sitman Vol. 25, No. 8 May 2011 DEMCO Board President Along These Lines is an official publication of Dixie Electric Membership Corp. It is written for and distributed to members of the cooperative nine times each year. Dixie Electric Membership Corp. is a non-profit rural electric cooperative provid- DEMCO remains strong while ing service to 97,000 consumer-owners in seven parishes. The Cooperative headquarters is located at 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA. All comments, suggestions and requests for national economy sputters information concerning this publication should be addressed to Along These Lines, Dixie Electric he President’s Report is offered conductors in several areas of our sys- billed increased from 99,867 in 2009 Membership Corp., P.O. Box 15659, Baton Rouge, to the membership each year as tem in order to increase capacities and to 100,606 in December 2010. Total LA 70895, (225) 261-1221. T a review of DEMCO’s opera- reliability. With the completion of miles of line in operation increased tions, and to highlight signifi- such projects DEMCO is positioning from 9,540 miles last year to 9,613 Demco cant events that occurred during the itself to provide the safe, reliable and miles at the end of 2010. Board of Directors previous year. cost efficient electric power for your It is an honor to represent you, the Ascension Clarence Brock During a year when the overall home or business. valued members in this electric coop- East Baton Rouge financial picture of our country has While 2010 did not produce dev- erative, and report to you that we are Steve Irving, Vice President not shown the recovery that many astating weather that caused damages, on firm financial footing and headed Randy Lorio have hoped for, your cooperative has it did send us seasons of extreme in a positive direction. It is our hope Ann Samuel remained strong. With challenges of cold as well as times of extreme heat. to continue to bring you the quality East Feliciana employment and future growth sur- During these times when electricity service you have come to know. Our Glenn DeLee rounding the communities we serve, is more of a necessity than a luxury, construction work plan has provided Faye Morris Livingston your board of directors continued to DEMCO was prepared to deliver immediate benefits to you and prom- Leslie Falks make sound business decisions that you the power you needed. With the ises long-term power quality benefits. Dennis Lott, Sec.-Treasurer keep your cooperative in good stand- previously mentioned improvements In closing, I would like to thank Danny Berthelot ing. (Acct. No. 8021697201) to our power grid, your cooperative the members of the DEMCO Board of St. Helena As 2010 came to a close DEMCO continues to be equipped to handle the Directors for allowing me to serve as Richard Sitman, President boasted the completion of several demands of growing communities. President of the Board. I consider it Joe Self large scale infrastructure projects that These communities we serve have both an honor and a privilege to serve Tangipahoa Eugene Traylor will continue to meet the needs and proven to be some of the fastest grow- in this position. West Feliciana exceed the expectations of you our ing in the state. I also want to thank you the mem- Freddy Metz valued members. These projects in- A review of 2010 could not be bers of DEMCO for your continued CEO & General Manager clude a new substation in Livingston complete without acknowledging the commitment to this organization and John Vranic parish and another in Ascension par- continued growth of the DEMCO sys- the support they have shown for this Vice President of ish. tem. DEMCO’s kilowatt-hour (kWh) board of directors. engineering & Operations Along with new substations, sales increased from 2,031,347,132 Ron May Vice President of finance projects to improve the reliability of in 2009 to 2,142,649,064 kWh in Respectfully submitted, Jimmie Varnado DEMCO’s service included upgrading 2010. The number of customers Richard Sitman vice president of marketing & member services Turk Tynes vice president of Juban Lakes ribbon-cutting ceremony System Operations Mike Landry

Along These Lines (USPS 004-089) is published monthly except bi-monthly Jan/ Feb, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec, by the Assn. of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives Inc. (ALEC), 10725 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-4299 Manager of Member and Public relations David Latona Associate Editor Billy Gibson Advertising is accepted and published in Along THese Lines on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and sold to customers at the advertised price. DEMCO and ALEC do not endorse any products or ser- vices advertised herein. Address inquiries to: ALEC, 10725 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Phone (225) 293-3450, 1-800-355-3450. Annual subscription $1.70 Members; $5 Non-Members Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to: 10725 Airline High- way, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-4299. Periodicals Post- age paid at Baton Rouge, LA 70821 and at additional mailing offices. On The Cover A ribbon-cutting ceremony was recently held for Juban Lakes Apartments. Shown on the back row, left to right, are The annual Cooking in Central Larry Lumpkin, ICI Construction Superintendent; John Thompson, ICI; Steve Williams, ICI, Vice President; Middle event was a big success by raising nearly $200,000 for local schools. row, Stan Baudin, CST Land Developers, Partner; Murray McCullough, Benchmark Engineering; Edwin Wagers, USW Photo by Woody Jenkins. See story & Associates; Front row, Tom Delahaye, CST Land Developers, Managing Partner; Chris Coffin, CST Land Develop- on page 4. ers, Partner; Jimmy Dodd, AIA Architect; and Cheryl Malbrough, DEMCO Manager, Economic Development. Page 2 • Along These lines • May 2011 DEMCO continues System Improvement Plan

1 96 y DEMCO contin- w L H a H La wy 10 Greensburg ³ ues to expand its La Hwy 10 Sub Ba H ttle w infrastructure with R y d 6 improvements to 3



its power distribu- y w


a tion system. This L graphic shown at



9 6

1 right indicates re- y

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w H La H H a cently completed wy a 1 (L 6 L 7 3 d Thompson Crk y 9 R 4 w projects as well as 4 Sub k H n a y La a L La hwy 63 w Hw H those project that are y 64 Pl U S under construction H w 1 y 4

6 4

Hwy 1019 1 and proposed proj- y w H Dyer Rd

ects planned for the 6 1

y Hwy 1024 future. The map is w H

Ligo Sub a color coded to identify L areas of improvement 7 US Hwy 190 4 4

and their current y w I-12 H 6

90 1 status. DEMCO will Hwy 1 US y w H

always strive to make I-12 a system improvements L U S 3 Frost Sub 6

H that will increase its w Harrell's Ferry y y w

6 H 1 Sub a

reliable and efficient L DEMCO service to the mem- 2008-2011 La Hwy 444 CWP Projects bership. Hwy 929 I -1 L Under Construction 0 Airline Sub a H Hwy 931 w 1 Complete y French Settlement 3

4 1 6

Proposed y (HOI) Sub La Hwy 22 w

PrimaryConductor H


Youth Tour winners attend Cooperative Youth Leadership Conference in B.R. Twenty-seven high school stu- tive is to do whatever we can to im- dents gathered in Baton Rouge on prove the quality of life and expand March 30-April 1 to attend a Coop- opportunities for our members, the erative Youth Leadership Conference, community and our leaders of tomor- meet with state officials and learn row.” more about Louisiana’s electric coop- The meeting in Baton Rouge was erative system. hosted by the Association of Loui- All participants in the event were siana Electric Cooperatives together winners of the annual statewide Youth with eight other Louisiana electric Tour Essay Contest. In addition to this distribution cooperatives from around conference, the students will embark the state, including DEMCO. on an all-expense-paid trip to Wash- In Baton Rouge, the local Youth ington, D.C., on June 10-17. Tour delegates spent two days meet- Each year the national “Govern- ing their fellow Youth Tour Essay ment in Action” Youth Tour event at- Contest winners, touring the old State tracts over 1,500 high school students Capitol and new State Capitol build- to Washington from 36 states across ings, touring the NRG power genera- the country. tion plants in New Roads, visiting Representing DEMCO at both with their elected officials and learn- the state and national conferences ing more about the cooperative busi- this year are: Holton Hancock, Emily ness model. Hodges, Marquisse Taylor and Wil- While in Washington this sum- liam Morvant. mer, the local Youth Tour delegates “We’re proud to be able to spon- will visit the offices of Louisiana’s Visiting with Senator Dale Erdey at the Youth Conference in Baton Rouge sor these outstanding students and to representatives and senators, the U.S. are (from left to right) Holton Hancock, Emily Hodges, Marquisse Taylor, support both the educational and cul- Capitol, the Smithsonian Institution, and William Morvant. tural development of our local youth,” Arlington National Cemetery and Mrs. Sandy Stockwell, Tour Direc- Electric Cooperative in New Roads, said DEMCO CEO and General Man- other historical and government sites tor for the Association of La. Electric and EmmaLee Tingle from Claiborne ager John Vranic. “Part of our mission of interest. Cooperatives, Inc. (ALEC), Baton Electric Cooperative in Homer, along as a locally-owned electric coopera- Chaperones for this year’s tour are Rouge, Addie Armato, Pointe Coupee with her husband Heath Tingle. May 2011 • Along These lines • Page 3 2010 Year in Review: Local co-op completes sucessful year January 2010 April 2010 July 2010 October 2010 DEMCO continued its commit- East Baton Rouge Parish director DEMCO continued to prove its After conducting a member satis- ment to its members by finishing Randy Lorio, East Feliciana Parish commitment to safety education by faction survey, DEMCO proved once a substation project in Livingston director Amanda Stroughter, Livings- sponsoring and participating in the again to have the members’ best Parish. The Frost Substation plays a ton Parish director Danny Berthelot, Louisiana Safety Council’s Safe- interests in mind. The information crucial role in elevating the reliabili- Tangipahoa Parish director Eugene tyland Camp. Co-op employees gathered from the survey was used ty of electric power being distributed Traylor, and West Feliciana Parish presented numerous electrical safety to make a comparison of DEMCO to to the communities situated in the director Freddy Metz all returned to demonstrations to the camp par- the American Customer Satisfaction southern region of the parish. the DEMCO Board of Directors as ticipants throughout the month-long Index and other electric co-ops. February 2010 each was re-elected for a three-year event. November 2010 DEMCO joined Governor Bobby term. August 2010 DEMCO invested in the educa- Jindal and other local and state of- May 2010 The DEMCO Board of Directors tion of its youth by bringing the ficials to celebrate National Career DEMCO served as a sponsor for welcomed its newest board member. electrical safety magic show, “Mak- and Technical College Month at the the 16th annual Dream Day Founda- Glenn DeLee was selected by the ing Accidents Disappear,” to area Louisiana Technical College Flor- tion Fishin’ Galore event held at the board to fill the unexpired term of schools. Scott Davis of Hot Springs, ida Parish Campus in Greensburg, 3 Bar E Ranch in Clinton, Louisiana. Amanda Stroughter. Ms. Strough- Arkansas presented his popular show Louisiana. The DEMCO Cook team DEMCO employees contributed ter served the members of DEMCO to hundreds of elementary students provided lunch for all those in atten- $63,000 through payroll deductions, faithfully for six years. at several schools throughout DEM- dance. all of which benefited St. Jude’s September 2010 CO’s service area. March 2010 Children’s Research Hospital. This year marked consistent December 2010 Local high school students Kaity June 2010 growth through the efforts of DEM- DEMCO was proud to host two Addison of Holden High School, Yen DEMCO was honored to play a CO’s economic development team. area high school students in a job- Nguyen of Christian Life Academy, supporting role in the West This month in particular saw a de- shadowing program. Durrell Joseph Hannah Selbach and Blake Wes- Republic Bicentennial Celebration veloping office park at Copper Mill and Raven Snowden were given a ley both of Zachary High School, that was held in East Feliciana Par- in Zachary begin construction. Also, tour of the Engineering Department. each won an all-expense paid trip ish. Also, the event was highlighted in Livingston Parish the Juban Park At the end of the tour both students to Washington, D.C. The four were in a cover story in DEMCO’s award- Elementary and Junior High School were able to learn more about a winners in the 2010 DEMCO Rural winning publication Along These buildings were opened for classes career field where they will surely Electric Youth Tour essay contest. Lines. during this month. make a positive impact one day. Cooking in Central event raises nearly $200,000 for education One of the positive things to come ganizers decided to make it an annual out of Hurricane Katrina is what has contest and to donate proceeds to a grown to become a highly anticipated different charitable cause each year. annual fund-raising event called Cooking in Central is also supported Cooking in Central. by the local business community and Although the original program the City of Central Chamber of Com- was organized by local plumbing merce. contractor Louis DeJohn and was held This year’s program held last after 9/11 to raise funds for a new fire month at St. Alphonsus raised nearly truck, it became an annual affair after $200,000 for local schools. Featured Hurricane Katrina. activities included a crawfish boil, Inspired by that Gulf Coast disas- a dance with live musical entertain- ter, a group of energetic citizens from ment, a drawing for $10,000, live and tion has been a philanthropic orga- our political atmosphere has changed Central put together a cooking contest silent auctions, outdoor entertainment nization created mainly to assist a a bit throughout the years, one thing to raise enough funds to purchase for children, and the cook-off which neighbor in need,” DeJohn said. “The remains constant: Cooking unites our three school buses for the St. Bernard showcased the culinary skills of over devastation caused by Hurricane citizens with an invigorating passion. Parish school system. 70 contestants. Katrina ignited a fire in our city that Cooking in Central appeals to the The event was so successful, or- “Cooking in Central from incep- continues today. Our original inten- spirit contained in all of us and con- tions were, most importantly, to gath- tinues to attract people of different re- er the people of our city, working to- ligious, cultural, ethnic and financial gether, for a common cause. Though backgrounds.”

J.K.’s Taxidermy

J.K. Johnson Denham Springs, LA From left to right, John Ballard, Greg Ballard and Curtis Yaun represented 225-665-7010 DEMCO as they participated in the Cooking in Central event in April. Page 4 • Along These lines • May 2011 DEMCO offers four academic scholarships to area students One-year academic scholarships to stu- the fall semester (or quarter). The scholar- dents attending a Louisiana public college ship does not include summer sessions. or university will be awarded in a random 3. The scholarship money can be used drawing highlighting DEMCO’s annual by an undergraduate student to attend, on a membership meeting to be held May 14, full-time basis, any Louisiana PUBLIC uni- 2011. versity. The scholarship will not be awarded According to Brent Bradley, Manager of to a student attending a private university or Business and Member Services, a minimum vocational/trade school of any kind. of two scholarships will be awarded. “We 4. A first-time college student applying will determine the number of scholar- for the DEMCO scholarship must: a) have ships awarded after the random drawing. graduated from high school with at least a How many students receive assistance will B average (3.0 GPA on a 4.0 GPA scale, or depend on who the winners are and if they the equivalent); or, b) have graduated from receive assistance through Louisiana’s high school and received a minimum ACT TOPS program.” he said. test score of 21. High school students who The scholarships awarded by DEMCO apply must be seniors. provide full academic tuition to a Louisiana 5. An undergraduate college student public college or university for both the fall seeking the scholarship must have achieved and spring semesters of the academic year a minimum of 2.5 (on a 4.0 GPA scale) on provided the student is not enrolled in the all prior college work. Tuition Opportunity Program for Students 6. A scholarship application must be (TOPS) program. Students eligible for the completed and returned to DEMCO. TOPS award or other scholarship assistance 7. The scholarship recipients will be receive a $600 cash award to be used by the chosen in a random drawing at the annual student as needed. (Acct. No. 8002769801) meeting of the DEMCO membership. Louisiana’s TOPS is a comprehensive 8. The scholarship recipients will be re- program of state scholarships and one of quired to provide DEMCO with an official DEMCO honors employee the most innovative and progressive student transcript verifying his/her eligibility within assistance programs in the nation. Students 10 days after the drawing. for service to members should check with their local school for 9. The scholarship funds will be paid to Dovie Carter (left) and Cindy Haisten (middle) honor their fel- further information concerning the TOPS the recipients at the beginning of each se- low employee Dianne Sullivan at a recent gathering of DEMCO program to determine their eligibility and mester (or quarter) upon presentation of an the amount of assistance they may receive. official receipt for the payment of full-time co-workers to celebrate Sullivan’s retirement. Sullivan served Last year over 200 applications for undergraduate tuition (see No. 10 below). the members of DEMCO for 12 years. DEMCO is grateful for the scholarship assistance were received by To receive the second semester (or quarter) hard work, loyalty and dedication of all its employees and we DEMCO and four students received assis- payment, the student must provide evidence wish Sullivan a happy and healthy retirement. tance through the scholarship program. that he/she successfully completed at least DEMCO is allowed to use unclaimed 12 semester hours (or 9 quarter hours) and deposits, refunds and other monies owed to that he/she maintained a minimum cumula- former members to provide funding for the tive grade point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scholarship program. Complete eligibility scale). requirements are listed below. 10. The scholarship provides full tuition 2011 Scholarship to students who DO NOT participate in eligibility requirements Louisiana’s TOPS program or receive other 1. Applicant must be a DEMCO mem- scholarship assistance. Students who par- ber, child or the legal ward of a DEMCO ticipate in Louisiana’s TOPS program, or member who has been a member in good receive other scholarship assistance, receive standing for at least twelve (12) consecu- a limited scholarship award of $600 per tive months as of the application deadline, semester. May 6, 2011. Only one scholarship will be 11. Members of the DEMCO Board of awarded per family per academic year. Directors, employees of DEMCO (includ- 2. A student can receive the DEMCO ing part-time employees, students, and scholarship one time. It is not renewable. temporary employees) and children of the The term of the scholarship will be for one Board of Directors and employees are not continuous academic year beginning with eligible for this scholarship.

Application for Scholarship Program Student’s Name ______

TURNS OUT, MONEY BURNS Parent’s Name ______WHEN MY WATER HEATER Address ______Telephone No. (____) ______IS SET ABOVE 120 DEGREES. DEMCO Account # ______Do you qualify for TOPS Assistance? Yes ____ No _____

I didn’t even know there was a dial. Now, I’m saving $73 a year by School you will attend ______turning my water heater down to 120°. What can you do? Find out how the little changes add up at (Complete this form and return it to DEMCO Headquarters Office at 16262 TOGETHERWESAVE.COM Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 by May 6, 2011)

May 2011 • Along These lines • Page 5 DEMCO lineman participate in advanced training

DEMCO linemen recently participated in an advanced training pro- gram administered by the Association of Louisiana Electric Coopera- tives in Baton Rouge. Shown in the photo at left, left to right, are Cal- vin Goza, Patrick Donohue, Dentory Lee, Jason Ballard, Daniel Cross, Dusty Guarino, Hijah Armstrong, Justin Milton, Darren St. Pierre, Daniel Poirrier, Donald Prest, Douglas Dalgo, Raymond Stewart and Buddy Thompson. Pictured above are Vince Estes, Ray Hill, Kenneth Bailey, Chad LaCost, Brian Merritt, Rusty Todd and Jamie Berry.

Louisiana Dental Center Attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Louisiana Dental Center were, front row: Sherrie Despino, Ascen- sion Chamber President; Cheryl Malbrough, DEMCO; Tommy Martinez, Ascen- sion Parish President; Dr. Joseph Lacoste, Jr., owner/ dentist; Dr. Keith Luminais, owner/dentist; Pat Bell, Ascension Parish Council- man; Mike Waguespack, Ascension Chamber Chair- man of the Board. (Acct. No. 8003451101)

O’Reilly Auto Parts A recent ribbon-cutting event marked the opening of O’Reilly Auto Parts in Gonzales. Shown at left, front row, are Polly Whitfield, Waguespack and Associates Insur- ance; Patti Roussel, E.A. Band Di- rector; Mike Waguespack, Wagues- pack and Associates Insurance and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Ascension Chamber; Reg- gie Beachum, Manager of O’Reilly Auto Parts; Tommy Martinez, Parish President; Benny Johnson, Ascen- sion Parish Councilman; Meghann Hebert, EATEL; O’Reilly Auto employees. Back row: (unidenti- fied), Cheryl Malbrough, DEMCO; Nick Meyer, P & N Promos; O’Reilly employees.

Page 6 • Along These lines • May 2011 FRoM thE DRy CoUntRy to thE hIgh CoUntRy...

Whether you live within the desert or above the treetops, a Mueller metal roof is always right at home. Our variety MUELLER of panel styles and color choices complement your natural landscape, providing both outstanding beauty and protection for your home. Drop by one of our 29 locations IS RIght today to get the friendly, personal service you deserve. 877-2-MUELLER (877-268-3553) At hoME

May 2011 • Along These lines • Page 7 9320_MuellerLAOKNM.indd 1 2/22/11 4:12 PM Life as an indentured man-servant in the House of Mouse After the first time, I pledged I’d become the all-time Accelerated Read- never do it again. ing points leader at her school or when After the second time, I vowed it she browses the menu of the famed would be absolutely the very last time. Café Dad-Day’ I created for her or when But after stepping through the front Viewpoint we visit the doughnut shop on Satur- gates of the Magic Kingdom for the third by Billy Gibson day mornings and she selects the ones time, I thought about just having myself Director of Communications sprinkled with bright Easter colors. committed. Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives He also knew, in contrast, magic for It was at one particular moment my children is defined by dynamic char- while helplessly hemmed into a hell-bent don’t have those youngsters living under From that point, it’s like taking a acters and whimsical stories and exciting herd of humanity frantically stamped- roof, may be baffled that a place that’s razor-thin loss to the league champ: you games and rides enhanced by spectacular ing down Main Street USA toward that completely surrounded by swamp- know if you had just one more crack, one special effects. I’ll never hear my son iconic castle that I finally realized the land, that’s fairly difficult to get to and more overtime period maybe, you could say, “Hey, Daddy, you know today when force simply could not be contained. features over-rated rides, over-priced prevail. Driven by your determination to you tied my shoes and gave the side of The intense pull, the volcanic pres- accommodations and over-populated avoid defeat and armed with your newly my foot a little pat like your Dad used to sure, to load my tribe into the family spaces can attract millions of victims - I acquired knowledge of the drill, it’s only do to you…man, that was pure magic!” chariot and road trip to Disney World ev- mean visitors - each year. a matter of time till you make that phone But most of all, Walt understood ery few years - whether we could afford If you doubt Disney-mania is real, call to the Disney Reservation Desk to that uneasy moment of separation that to or not - was essentially insurmount- consider this: An on-line survey I took book your next trip. It’s a vicious cycle occurs each weekday morning when my able. I was Disney-whipped. asked, “How many times have you vis- that never ends because any operation children and I are cleaved by our respec- I had to submit to reality and finally ited Disney World? If more than 99, just with 58,000 employees spread across 47 tive duties as they depart for school and I come to terms with the fact I’ve become key in 99.” What?! Seriously?! square miles is just too large to master in shuffle off to work. He knew that having a full-fledged slave, a man-servant, to In many ways, it’s like an enigma a single lifetime. to say goodbye, even just for eight hours, the House of Mouse, hopelessly afflicted wrapped inside a mystery. However, Walt Disney’s model for carrying out is the worst part of a typical day for me. with a severe case of serial visitation to after thorough contemplation a few his dastardly scheme of exploitation is So, why not build a site where the the home of that ruinous rodent where rational explanations emerge as to how as ingenious as it is cunning, anchored child’s idea of magic and the parent’s they claim dreams come true – at least parents develop this sick Disney delirium in the basic understanding that parents idea of magic can coalesce in the same the dreams of those green-visored bean- and become dupes in the grand insidious and their children define magic in two space - family time and fun time at the counting gremlins hidden behind the plan the founder designed decades ago. different ways. Walt knew that the same time. Any parent whose biggest stucco facade of that blasted castle. It begins with the fact that pulling off magic began for me the very moment dream is only to spend time with his My friends who were already initi- a week-long Disney vacation is as com- my children were born and that I don’t child and to share and observe while ated into the addictive ways of Disney plex as an overseas military operation, have to strap a luggage rack on my car that child is living out his own dreams snickered at the folly of my delusion yet it gets easier each time you deploy. and travel 687.3 miles to experience it. romping around in fantasy land certainly when I first vowed never to return to Be assured the first three days of your He knew it’s magic for me every time won’t mind driving hundreds of miles, never-never land. They already knew first visit will be spent in a mental fog I tie my son’s shoes in the morning or standing in hour-long lines, getting what I have since learned: with two as you become consumed by chaos and toss the football while he trots around in sun-burned, battling through boatloads elementary-age kids under roof, few fa- confusion. By the time you finally famil- his Saints uniform or when we ride our of people and dropping a few thousands thers have the constitution to keep from iarize yourself with your resort, figure bicycles together. dollars to grab that experience. getting sucked into the sinister swirling out the meal plan, master the complex Walt knew that magic for me is go- Walt had it all planned out. Touche. vortex, sort of like the one created when transportation system, grasp the Fast ing to the book store with my daughter Well played. Now, if you’ll excuse me you flush your toilet bowl. Pass format and study the character din- and scouring the shelves for the latest while I go book my family’s next stay at Rational people, many of whom ing opportunities, it’s time to go home. Harry Potter release as she endeavors to Pop Century...

News Notes The next meeting of the DEMCO call or texting. exposed, even partly, when the cord is visibility clothing, gloves, over-the- Board of Directors is scheduled for Dangers of Extension Cords in use. ankle boots and clothing made from a Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 6 p.m. They look innocent enough and Remember: Purchase only cords sturdy material such as leather. Board meetings are held at DEMCO’s they’re used quite often, but improper tested by a recognized testing labora- Drive defensively: Never let your headquarters facility located at 16262 use of extension cords can lead to seri- tory and use them only on a temporary guard down. Most motorcycle accidents Wax Road, Central, La. ous problems and injuries. basis. are the fault of another driver who Calling All Boaters Trips and falls: The U.S. Consumer Rev Up for Motorcycle Safety doesn’t see your bike or doesn’t under- We know that cell phone usage Product Safety Commission (CPSC) According to National Highway stand how they’re driven. while driving a vehicle on the road- estimates about 2,000 trip-and-fall Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Know your motorcycle: Get rider way is dangerous, but boaters need to injuries associated with electric exten- data from recent years, about half of all training. Know how your bike handles, remember that includes boats, too. sion cords occur annually. Don’t run motorcycles involved in fatal crashes such as how fast it can reach certain Unfortunately, last summer this cords across a walkway or path. If you collided with another type of vehicle. If speeds, how it brakes, and your turning became all too clear to U.S. Coast must, tape them down securely with a you ride a motorcycle or are a passen- radius. Guard crew members who were brightly colored electrical tape. ger on one, heed this advice: Lucky Account Number Contest involved in two boating accidents Fire hazard: The CPSC states Wear a helmet: Helmets are esti- The Lucky Account Number Con- (one involving a fatality), apparently extension cords cause about 3,300 mated to be effective 37 percent of the test continues this month with four because the skippers were using cell residential fires each year. Don’t place time when preventing fatal injuries to winners in this edition of Along These phones while driving. cords under rugs or near heaters or riders. Besides, it’s the law in Louisi- Lines. Before you continue looking While cell phone usage may or may radiators. Don’t overload cords and ana. When selecting a helmet, be sure through this edition for your winning not have been the actual cause, it was don’t use frayed or damaged cords. Use it fits properly and that it meets DOT number, look for your account number a wake-up call. Just as they do when only extension cords labeled for out- compliance. printed above your mailing address. riving a car, operators should put down door use when you need power outside. Wear the gear: Helmets alone aren’t Locate this number anywhere in this the cell phone while steering a boat. Electrical shock: Don’t use staples always enough. Other gear designed to issue and win the $25 prize. To claim Remember to anchor or idle your boat or nails to attach extension cords to any protect riders includes helmet shields, your prize, please call 261-1221, ext. in a safe area before making or taking a kind of surface. Never leave prongs goggles or shatterproof glasses; high- 400.

Page 8 • Along These lines • May 2011 DEMCO and Subsidiaries Apply now for the DEMCO Consolidated Balance Sheets December 31, 2010 and 2009 Foundation Scholarship Program Assets Utility Plant 2010 2009 The purpose of the DEMCO Foun- 4. a minimum of three (3) letters Electric Plant in service $469,223,213 $439,058,657 dation Scholarship Program is to pro- of recommendation of which none can Construction work in progress 16,185,392 21,973,652 Other fixed assets 5,026,533 5,019,367 vide assistance to DEMCO members be from a family member 490,435,138 466,051,676 who are financially needy and seeking 5. an acceptance letter from the Accumulated depreciation 117,755,031 119,678,753 to better themselves through trade school of choice for first time or trans- 372,680,107 346,372,923 school, vocational or technical school, ferring students Investments and Other Assets Investments in associated organizations 8,218,473 7,671,290 community college and/or other forms 6. a cover letter by the applicant Notes receivable, long-term portion 958,568 1,053,034 of educational programs in the state of detailing financial need and reasons 9,177,041 8,724,324 Louisiana. for consideration Current Assets TERMS Please note: All must be submitted Cash and cash equivalents 503,639 448,713 (restricted cash) 610,059 The deadline for scholarship ap- by 4:00 p.m. central daylight time of Current portion of notes receivable 241,602 229,752 plications is June 20th for the Fall deadline date of June 20th for Fall se- Accounts receivable semester, and December 21st for the mester and December 21st for Spring Consumers (net of allowance for Spring Semester. Up to 20 scholar- semester. uncollectible accounts of $431,827 in 2010) 8,900,046 8,491,637 Unbilled revenue 10,620,014 11,201,144 ships in amounts up to $1,000.00 may Current portion of other receivables be awarded each semester. (net of allowance of $511,760 in 2010) 7,035,410 6,405,403 Funds are to be used for pay- Materials and supplies 6,016,324 5,207,790 ment of educational expenses such as Prepaid expenses 1,327,954 1,476,500 34,644,989 34,070,998 tuition, books, and fees. Payment of Other Assets scholarships will be made directly to Deferred charges 27,499,789 27,467,320 the applicant’s school of attendance. Intangible, net 800 800 ELIGIBILITY Certificate of deposit-pledged 150,000 150,000 REQUIREMENTS 27,650,589 27,618,120 Total assets 444,152,726 416,786,365 Applicant must qualify based upon his/her financial need. Financial Equities and Liabilities 2010 2009 need shall be determined based upon Equities Memberships $409,285 $404,675 information provided to the DEMCO Patronage 77,393,724 65,246,015 Foundation including parental and/ 77,803,009 65,650,690 or spousal support, cost of education, Long-Term Debt and any other scholarships, funds, or SCHOLARSHIP Notes payable, less current maturities 276,812,707 223,230,083 LIMITATION Deferred interest-RUS notes 5,224,126 6,283,037 grants received. 282,036,833 229,513,120 Applicant must possess a high Prior scholarship recipients are eli- Current Liabilities school diploma or equivalent. gible to apply for a maximum lifetime Managed overdraft 3,505,690 3,559,203 Applicant must be a legal citizen scholarship award of four (4) semes- Current maturities of notes payable 9,649,764 9,538,888 Line of credit 19,598,003 64,209,412 of the United States of America. ters per individual. Accounts payable 13,672,844 12,184,729 Applicant must be a DEMCO Please note: Applicants must sub- Consumer deposits 6,839,836 6,603,748 member, as defined by DEMCO Foun- mit a completed application package Accrued interest 1,576,799 1,041,038 dation Bylaws (see definition below). for each semester in which they intend Other accrued expenses and deferred credits 1,808,582 1,403,506 Applicant must have no felony to apply. Deferred fuel adjustment 2,882,283 742,280 Customer refund-Cajun 624,336 624,336 convictions. Excerpt from ARTICLE II, DEM- 60,158,137 99,907,140 Applicant must plan to attend a CO Foundation Bylaws Definition of Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities trade school, vocational or technical DEMCO Member: For the purposes of Accrued post-retirement benefits 19,150,200 16,877,600 school, community college or other these Articles of Incorporation, DEM- Accrued vacation and sick pay 5,004,547 4,837,815 24,154,747 21,715,415 such Louisiana institution. CO members are defined as those Total equities and liabilities 444,152,726 416,786,365 Applicant must submit a com- individuals who are members of Dixie pleted DEMCO Foundation Scholar- Electric Membership Corporation and Statements of Operations and Patronage Capital Year Ended December 2010 ship Application and all supporting the members of their immediate family. 2010 2009 Operating Revenue $174,933,819 $162,171,371 documentation to the address listed Members of the immediate family Operating Expenses below. The application package should shall mean those natural persons reg- Cost of power 94,098,421 88,634,095 include the following: ularly residing in the member’s home Cost of sales 202,504 277,115 1. an official transcript including which is served by DEMCO. Distribution-operations 6,544,082 6,561,763 Distribution-maintenance 14,048,734 14,625,590 the most recently completed course- Contact: Consumer accounts 5,523,862 5,854,096 work DEMCO Foundation 2. a 2.5 cumulative GPA on an attn. David Latona Administrative and general 7,642,085 7,649,610 overall 4.0 scale 1810 S. Range Avenue, Suite 2 Depreciation and amortization 14,381,534 13,250,904 Taxes 4,408,030 3,851,148 3. a summary of work and/or Denham Springs, LA 70726 Other 1,539,851 1,283,626 extra-curricular activities Phone (225) 665-0317 148,389,103 141,987,947 Operating margins before fixed charges 26,544,716 20,183,424 Fixed Charges Interest on long-term debt 13,337,755 12,557,938 Other interest 2,160,879 2,058,337 DEMCO System Stats 2010 15,498,634 14,616,275 Average consumer Billed/Mo...... 100,606 Operating margins after fixed charges 11,046,082 5,567,149 Average Consumer/Mile of Line...... 10.47 Capital Credits 1,037,050 809,815 Nonoperating Margins Average Miles of Line...... 9,613 Interest income 152,938 153,931 Total KWHs Sold...... 2,142,649,064 Other income (expense) (88,361) 39,349 Average KWHs/Month/Consumer...... 1,775 64,577 193,280 Average KWHs/Month/Residential Consumer...... 1,900 Net margins, as restated for 2009 12,147,709 6,570,244 Average Monthly Rev./Consumer...... $145.00 Patronage Capital, beginning of year as Total KWHs Bought...... 2,310,384,812 previously reported for 2009 65,246,015 59,025,565 Prior period adjustment - (349,794) System Peak Demand...... 577,872 Patronage Capital, beginning of year as restated - 58,675,771 Month of System Peak...... August Patronage Capital, end of year 77,393,724 65,246,015 May 2011 • Along These lines • Page 9 Louisiana Young Heroes honored for overcoming adversity DEMCO’s Marketing and Member Services personnel were on hand to pro- vide a free barbecue lunch for winners of the 2011 Louisiana Young Heroes program. The program, sponsored by Louisi- ana Public Broadcasting and the Rotary Club of Baton Rouge, honors outstand- ing high school students from across the state who have distinguished themselves by their service to their fellow citizens and their communities. This year’s winners are: Charlton Jesse Boyd, 15, Loyola College Prep in Shreveport; Samuel Loyd Coo- per, Evangel Christian Academy in Shreveport; Cassidy Crews of Deville, Buckeye High School; Jenna Mitchell, Slidell High School; Shaela Nelson, Scotlandville Magnet High School in Pictured in the photo above, left to right, are Ty’Riana Baton Rouge; Katherine Rashall of Ida, Wilson, Nicole Torres, Katherine Rashall, Samuel Cooper North Caddo High School; Nicole Tor- (foreground), State Rep. Frank Foil, Jenna Mitchell, Charl- res, Zwolle High School; and Ty’Riana ton Boyd and Cassidy Crews. At right, top, the Young He- Wilson, Catholic High School in New roes enjoy a barbecue lunch provided by DEMCO employ- Iberia. (Acct. No. 8005537702) ees. At right, Bob Meese of Louisiana Public Broadcasting DEMCO congratulates these out- is served by DEMCO Marketing and Member Services standing students. representative Penny Fruge. Official Notice: Annual Meeting in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 3.03 of the Bylaws of Dixie Electric Membership Corporation (DEMCO), notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the corpora- tion will be held at DEMCO’s Headquarters Facility, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, Louisiana, Saturday, May 14, 2011. The meeting is PROOF... scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. in accordance with Article IV, Section 4.05 of the corporationT Bylaws,his ad below is scheduled for the NOV./DEC. 2010 issue of notice is hereby given that the following persons have been nominatedTODA Y IN . by the official nominating committee to fill the four positions on the Board of Directors in which vacancies occur this year. Please check this proof carefully to be sure that I have all info correct. If all is correct Print this out, and mark “OK” , sign it, and fax back to me at BY NOMINATION: Mr. Steve Irving, East Baton Rouge Parish, District 4 601-605-8601. If you need to make a change please call me at 601-605-8604. Ms. Faye Morris, East Feliciana Parish, District 5 Mr. Dennis Lott, Livingston Parish, District 8 Mr. Richard Sitman, St. Helena Parish, District 10

If you would like to register for the 2011 annual membership meet- ing, please sign this notice and return it to Hawthorn, Waymouth, and Carroll, Certified Public Accountant, P.O. Box 82559, Baton Rouge, LA 70884, so that it is received by 4:30 p.m., Friday May 6, 2011.


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Page 10 • Along These lines • May 2011

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                                                     

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May 2011 • Along These lines • Page 11 We’re DEMCO, but to our members we’re known as

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