Headteacher: Miss A Elstob Hamsey Green Primary School Tel: 01883 622000 Tithepit Shaw Lane Email: office@hamsey..sch.uk Website: www.hamsey.surrey.sch.uk Surrey Ofsted No. 144230 CR6 9AN

3rd May 2019

Dear Parents and Carers

Year 4 Visit to Hobbledown Farm – Monday 10th June 2019

The Year 4 teachers are taking the children to visit Hobbledown Farm, Epsom, on Monday 10th June 2019.

The children will need to wear school uniform on top (Hamsey Green white top and green sweatshirt/cardigan) with their own trousers suitable for the weather. Trainers should be worn. Weather dependent, they may need a sunhat and/or a coat.

They will need a packed lunch including drinks (please note, no nut based products, cans or glass bottles please). Children that are eligible for free school meals may order a packed lunch from school. Please indicate on the slip below if you would like to order one and return to the school office by Thursday 16th May 2019. The children should be in school for normal time and will return at 3pm. If you qualify for pupil premium, you may be eligible for a subsidy for this trip. Please contact the main office in confidence with any queries.

We ask for a contribution of £21 for this trip, could you please sign and return the slip below. The payment covers the cost of transport by coach, entrance and the workshop. Payments are to be made online using School Money, please do not send cash in to the school. Unfortunately, if enough contributions are not received, the trip will not be able to go ahead. Please note that in accordance with the school Charging Policy, we will only be able to issue a refund for costs not already incurred if your child is unable to go on the day. This will also apply to children whose behaviour has meant that they are unable to participate in the trip.

Yours faithfully

Mrs H Mellis

Please return to the school office by Thursday 16th May 2019: I have made a payment of £21 online

I give my permission for my child to go on the Hobbledown Farm trip

I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed

My child has free school dinners and I wish to order a packed lunch from the canteen

Signed______(Parent/Carer) Child’s Name______

Together we learn for life’

Tandridge Learning Trust (trading as Hamsey Green Primary School) is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in with Company Number 8248059 and has a registered office at Tithepit Shaw Lane, Warlingham, CR6 9AN. VAT No: GB 178 4619 66