Bangladesh Development Bibliography List of Publications from 2000 – 2005 (As of January 16, 2012)
Bangladesh Development Bibliography List of publications from 2000 – 2005 (as of January 16, 2012) Aaby, Peter; Abbas Bhuiya; Lutfun Nahar; Kim Knudsen; Andres de Francisco; and Michael Strong (2003) The survival benefit of measles immunization may not be explained entirely by the prevention of measles disease: a community study from rural Bangladesh ; International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 32, No. 1 (February), pp. 106-115. Abbasi, Kamran (2002) Health policy in action: the World Bank in South Asia; Brighton, UK: University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies (IDS). Abdalla, Amr; A. N. M. Raisuddin; and Suleiman Hussein with the assistance of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (2004) Bangladesh Educational Assessment - Pre-primary and Primary Madrasah Education in Bangladesh ; Washington, DC, USA: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Basic Education and Policy Support (BEPS) Activity (Contract No. HNE-I-00-00-00038-00) (June). Abdullah, Abu (2001) The Bangladesh Economy in the Year 2000: Achievements and Failures; In: Abu Abdullah (ed.) Bangladesh Economy 2000: Selected issues (Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS)), pp. xv-xxix. Abdullah, Abu (ed.) (2001) Bangladesh Economy 2000: Selected Issues; Dhaka, Bangladesh: University Press Ltd. and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. Abdullah, Abu A. (2000) Social Change and ‘Modernisation‘; In: Rounaq Jahan (ed.) Bangladesh: Promise and Performance (London, UK: Zed Books; and Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University Press), Chapter 5. Abdullah, Mohammad (ed.) (2004) Technologies on Livestock and Fisheries for Poverty Alleviation in SAARC Countries; Dhaka, Bangladesh: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC). Abdullah, S. T.; Mullineux, A. W.; Fielding, A.; and W. Spanjers (2004) Intra-household resource allocation and bargaining power of the women using micro-credit in Bangladesh; Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham, Department of Economics Discussion Paper, No.
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