
444 Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 10.1007/s12182-012-0228-3 Characteristics of strike-slip structures of the Karatau and their petroleum geological VLJQL¿FDQFHVLQWKH6RXWK7XUJD\%DVLQ.D]DNKVWDQ

Yin Wei1, 2 , Fan Zifei2, Zheng Junzhang2, Yin Jiquan2, Zhang Mingjun2, Sheng Xiaofeng2, Guo Jianjun2, Li Qiyan2 and Lin yaping2 1 China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China 2 Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China

© China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Abstract: The Karatau fault is one of the important strike-slip faults in central Asia, and the South Turgay Basin is located towards its northern end. Detailed seismic interpretation indicated that the strike- slip tectonism of the Karatau fault weakened gradually from west to east in the South Turgay Basin. 7\SLFDOÀRZHUVWUXFWXUHVGHYHORSHGRQWKHVHFWLRQDQGVWULNHVOLSIDXOWVVKRZHGDQHFKHORQSDWWHUQRQ planar view. The Karatau strike-slip fault affected the South Turgay Basin in two periods: (1) The South Turgay strike-slip pull-apart basin formed as a result of regional extensive in the Early-Middle Jurassic, characterized by the juxtaposition of horsts and . The formation of horsts provided favorable reservoir spaces for later hydrocarbon accumulation, and different filling stages of grabens controlled different reservoir-forming factors in grabens. (2) Two stages of tectonic inversion occurred in WKH/DWH-XUDVVLFDQG/DWH&UHWDFHRXVDQGSOD\HGDFUXFLDOUROHLQWKH¿QDOVKDSHRIWKHVWUXFWXUHLQWKH South Turgay Basin. The oil and gas migrated to form reservoirs and mainly concentrated in the horsts, slopes and in both sides of the strike-slip fault zone. In the case of the degree of accumulation of petroleum, the factor explaining why horsts are better than grabens is the strike-slip pull-apart of the South Turgay Basin, and the structure inversion of the South Turgay Basin explains why the west graben is better than the east one. Overall, the Karatau strike-slip fault played a very important role in the formation of the South Turgay Basin and its hydrocarbon accumulations.

Key words: South Turgay Basin, Karatau fault, tectonic style, strike-slip inversion, petroleum geological VLJQL¿FDQFH

1 Introduction how the Karatau strike-slip fault affected the formation and evolution of the South Turgay Basin and its hydrocarbon Strike-slip can form complex structural systems, accumulation. In this study, on the basis of thorough to which more and more traps found in petroleum exploration investigation and detailed seismic data interpretation, the are related. These include the San Andres fault belt (Fuis et tectonic styles and distribution features of strike-slip faults al, 2001; Shaw and Shearer, 1999; Dolan et al, 2003; Oskin were identified. Meanwhile, we quantitatively analyzed et al, 2000), the New Zealand Alpine fault belt (King, 2000; the extension rate and inversion strength. All of the work Barnes et al, 2005), Chinese Altun (Zhang et al, 2006; Zheng has revealed the controlling effects of strike-slip faults on et al, 2003) and the Tanlu fault belts (Deng et al, 2008). The hydrocarbon accumulation. South Turgay Basin is one of the important petroliferous basins in central Asia. The Karatau fault, a strike-slip active 2 Regional geological conditions fault, which passes across central Asia, plays a very important role in the formation of the South Turgay Basin and its The South Turgay Basin is located in central Kazakhstan, trending northwest-southeast and has an area of about hydrocarbon accumulation. The formation of the Karatau 4 2 fault has been analyzed (He et al, 1995; Luo et al, 2004; Zhou 8×10 km . It is one of the important petroliferous basins et al, 2005; Allen et al, 2001; Alexeiev et al, 2009) from the in Kazakhstan. To the north of the South Turgay Basin regional , however, few studies have been done on is the North Turgay Basin, to the west is the Ural Belt, and to the east is the Ulutau Uplift. The South Turgay Basin is separated by a narrow uplift from the Chu-Sarysu *Corresponding author. email: [email protected] Basin to the southeast. Three secondary tectonic units can Received November 13, 2011 be distinguished, and the sedimentary center as well as the Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 445 discovered petroleum resources are mainly located in the (Buslov, 2011; Moseley and Tsimmer, 2000). The South southern sag. The South Turgay Basin mentioned below is Turgay Basin is located on the northmost part of the Karatau referred to as the southern sag (backslash area). The Karatau strike-slip fault, characterized by the juxtaposition of horsts fault is one of the important strike-slip faults in central Asia, and grabens, in sequence of the Aryskum Graben, Aksay joined by the large fault belt of the Ural to the , Akshabulak Graben, Ashisay Horst, Sarylan Graben, northwest, through the northeast Fergana Basin, then entering Tabakbulak Horst, and Bozingen Graben from west to east the Kashi Depression in the west Tarim Basin to the southeast (Figs. 1 and 2).

West Siberian Basin North Turgay Basin Turgay North N

Pre-Caspian Basin South Turgay Basin Ulutau Uplift Kazakhstan

Work area Ural Suture (Fig.2) Balkhash Basin North Ustyurt Basin Chu-Sarysu Basin Aral Sea Caspian Sea Syr Darya Basin Mangyshlak Basin

Tianshan Suture

Fergana Basin Kashi Sag Tarim Basin

Amu Darya Basin Karatau strike-slip fault

Fig. 1 Location of South Turgay Basin

Inversion fault types: 01020km 1 Concave upper and lower 3!Convex upper and concave lower TabakbulakHorst 3 Convex upper and lower Sarylan Graben 4 Convex left or convex right

Aksay Horst

Bozingen Graben A’

Ashisay Horst

E’ 2

E Akshabulak Graben Fig.7 B’ A Aryskum Graben

C’ B 3

Legend 4 G’ 1D’ Aksay Horst First-order faults Second-order faults C G F’3 D A A’ F Graben Profile position

Strike-slip mark

Fig. 2 Tectonic framework and distribution of faults of the South Turgay Basin 446 Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454

Jurassic and Cretaceous strata are the main target layers 3.1 Regional distribution characteristics of the in the South Turgay Basin, and the major source rock is a Karatau strike-slip fault large set of thick mudstones deposited in the Middle-Lower The Karatau strike-slip fault can be divided into two Jurassic deep lake–semi-deep lake facies. The Upper Jurassic groups on planar view. One group is distributed in the shape and Cretaceous and siltstone deposited in delta of broom, striking northwest-southeast, with dextral strike- DQGÀXYLDOIDFLHVDUHWKHPDMRUUHVHUYRLUVZKHUHPRVWRIWKH slip. This large scale group of faults controls the major petroleum discovered so far is distributed. The thick Lower tectonic and sedimentary framework. The other is a group of Cretaceous mudstone in K nc Formation is the regional 1 1 northeast-southwest sinistral strike-slip faults, which controls cap rock. As shown in Fig. 3, several sets of reservoir-seal some small scale slopes or tectonic zones (Fig. 2). Therefore, assemblage are developed in vertical section in the South the Karatau strike-slip fault is a fault system consisting of two Turgay Basin, so the basin has large exploration potential. groups of faults with different scales.

Stratum There are significant differences in the strike-slip Depth Sedimentary Source Cap Formations Reservoir System Series m facies rock rock tectonism of different grabens in the South Turgay Basin. From the profile AA', BB' and CC' in Fig. 4, we can see

pe oe Upper Lower Upper Flood K plain that strike-slip tectonism occurred intensely in the Aryskum Cretaceous 2 500 Graben, causing obvious and typical strike-slip tectonic Braided river movement. Steep fault planes were developed in the main Delta K1nc2 faults, which can extend into the basement, and also reach WKHVXUIDFH$VZHOOÀRZHUVWUXFWXUHVGHYHORSHGLQVKDOORZ Lake K nc 1 1 layers. The fault scale became smaller in the Akshabulak

1000 Graben, and most of the faults ended in the Upper Jurassic. J ak Meandering 3 river The Sharalan and Bozengen grabens showed their strike- slip feature only in the western edge controlled faults, and then trended into normal faults in the east. From these J km Delta 3 characteristics, we can conclude that the Karatau strike- slip tectonism weakened gradually from west to east (Fig. 1500 4). Therefore we will mainly discuss the profile and plane distribution characteristics of the Karatau strike-slip fault in the Aryskum Graben. Lake J2kr


ideLower Middle 2000 fault Typical flower structures were well developed in

Lake the Karatau strike-slip fault. During the process of their

J2ds formation, the flower structures always underwent compression and torsion in different degrees and further 2500 Delta formed strike-slip inversion structures. The inversion structure of South Turgay is not a simple one, and at the same time, it has strike-slip features. Therefore, the inversion Lake characteristics (positive or negative) are not obvious after

J2ab large scale horizontal displacement of stratum. According to the compression and torsion strength and the inversion 3000 Fan delta GHJUHHRIVWUDWDWKHSUR¿OHVKDSHVRIWKH$U\VNXP*UDEHQLQ the South Turgay Basin can be qualitatively divided into four types: concave upper and lower, convex upper and concave lower, convex upper and lower, and convex left or convex Conglomerate Sandstone Siltstone Mudstone right (Fig. 5). Fig. 3 Comprehensive stratigraphic column of the South Turgay Basin The concave upper and lower type (B in Fig. 5) has a slight strike-slip compression, with slight inversion of the 3 Tectonic styles of the Karatau strike-slip strata, which can be seen in some south areas of the Aryskum fault Graben (DD’). The convex upper and concave lower type (C in Fig. 5) has experienced moderate compression, where the The strike-slip fault, generated under a particular stress degree of inversion is large in the upper strata, but small in background, characterized by both sides of the fault blocks the lower strata. This type is commonly distributed in most moving along the strike with a sliding displacement, always northern areas of Aryskum Graben (EE’). Strong strike-slip has a series of special geometric characteristics (Xia et al, compression occurred in the convex upper and lower type 2007). These geometric characteristics are important signs (D in Fig. 5), where the dips of upper and lower strata all used to identify whether a strike-slip fault exists or not. changed. This case can be mainly seen in stress centralized Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 447

A Aryskum Graben Aksay Horst Akshabulak Graben Ashisay Horst Sarylan Graben A’ Depth m K nc -Q K nc -Q J ak 1 2 1 2 3 J3ak J km K nc 500 3 K nc 1 1 J3km J kr 1 1 2 J ak 3 J2kr J2ds 1000 J3km J2ds J1 J2kr 1500

J2ds 2000 J1

2500 J1 3000




B Aryskum Graben Aksay Horst Akshabulak Graben Ashisay Horst Bozingen Graben B’ Depth m K nc -Q 1 2 K nc -Q 1 2 J km 500 3 K1nc1 K1nc1 J3ak K nc J ds 1000 J km 1 1 2 3 J J ak J ak 1 J kr 3 3 2 J km 1500 3

J2kr J km J ds 3 2000 2

J2kr 2500

J ds 3000 2

J1 J 3500 1



5000 C Aryskum Graben Aksay Horst Akshabulak Graben Ashisay Horst Bozingen Graben C’ Depth K nc -Q 1 2 K1nc2-Q m K nc 1 1 K nc1 500 1 K nc J3ak 1 1 J km J3ak 3 J km J km 3 J kr 3 J kr J ak 1000 2 2 3 J3km J2kr J2ds J2kr 1500 J ds 2 J2ds J1 J2ds 2000 J J 1 2500 1



Fig. 43UR¿OHIHDWXUHVRIWKH.DUDWDXVWULNHVOLSIDXOWRIWKH6RXWK7XUJD\%DVLQ release area of the southern part of the basin (FF’). The convex right type was mainly developed, where the right side convex left (E in Fig. 5) or convex right type (F in Fig. 5) is suffered intense compression, resulting in obvious inversion, produced by the different compression on the two sides of the whereas the compression was much weaker in the left side strike-slip fault. In the Aryskum Graben, the concave left and (GG’) (Figs. 2 and 6).

Strike-slip compression fault 3


1 C. Convex upper and concave lower D. Convex upper and lower 4

A. Original B. Concave upper and lower or Legend 1. Slight strike-slip compression 2. Moderate strike-slip compression 3. Strong strike-slip compression 4. Discrepant strike-slip compression

Petroleum migration direction E. Convex left F. Convex right Migration pathway

Source rock

Fig. 5 Types and accumulation patterns of inversion tectonics in Aryskum Graben of the South Turgay Basin 448 Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 2750 2850 2950 3050 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 0 0 0 0

500 500 500 500

1000 1000

1000 1000

1500 1500

1500 1500 2000 2000

2000 2000 2500 2500

2500 2500 3000 3000

Concave upper and lower (DD') Convex upper and concave lower (EE')

2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 0 0 0 0

500 500 500 500

1000 1000

1000 1000

1500 1500

1500 1500

2000 2000

2000 2000 2500 2500

2500 2500 3000 3000

Convex upper and lower (FF') Concave left and convex right (GG')


3.3 Plane distribution characteristics of the Karatau strike-slip fault 127 0 H 112 An echelon pattern on planar view is a typical feature of 96 10 80 strike-slip faults. The Akshabulak Graben developed a total 64 20 48 32 30 of four large-scale adjusting faults in an echelon pattern, 16 0 40 which controlled the secondary tectonic units within the -16 -32 50 graben (Fig. 3). In middle Aryskum Graben, on both sides of -48 64 60 the strike-slip fault, a series of smaller echelon pattern faults -80 -96 70 developed, which controlled the local structural traps. These -112 -128 80 trap-level adjusting faults strike mainly NNE and locally NNW, and intersect with the primary fault striking northwest- southeast. These echelon pattern faults are 0.7-3.8 km long, and the vertical distance is 0.2-2 km. In the north of the three- dimensional region, the fault tectonic units are distributed in a diamond shape in the plane, and these diamond-shaped tectonic units are another typical feature of strike-slip faults on planar view (Fig. 7). The echelon pattern faults are REYLRXVLQWKHSUR¿OHEXWKDYHOLWWOHIDXOWGLVSODFHPHQW )LJ 8). H' 4 Formation of the South Turgay Basin under the control of the Karatau strike-slip Fig. 7 Planar distribution of echelon pattern faults in a three-dimensional fault region in the Aryskum Graben (coherent horizon slice along J3ak Formation 20 ms upper and lower) The Karatau strike-slip fault belt began to develop in the Early , when it was sinistral, with little slip. At in the Karatau strike-slip fault belt (Burtman, 1980). The the end of the Late Paleozoic, with the South Tianshan Ocean Karatau strike-slip faults affected the South Turgay Basin in closed, large-scale dextral strike-slip movement occurred two periods: Early-Middle Jurassic and Late Jurassic–Late Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 449

L300 L350 L400 L450 L500L550 L600 L650 L700 L750 L800 L850L900 L950L1000 L1100 of different degrees. The Karatau strike-slip fault was of -torsional type at that time. A series of strike-slip pull- apart basins including the South Turgay Basin formed along 500 500 the Karatau strike-slip fault (Luo et al, 2004; Zhou et al, 2005). Based on the analysis of the tectonic characteristics of 1000 1000 WKHUHJLRQDOSUR¿OHVRI$$ƍ%%ƍDQG&&ƍWKHH[WHQVLRQUDWH and the extension coefficient of the basin were calculated. As shown in Fig. 9 to Fig. 11, the extension rate in the Early 1500 1500 Jurassic, Middle Jurassic, and Late Jurassic can reach 0.068, 0.048, and 0.017, respectively. Meanwhile, the extension Fig. 8 Seismic survey line Trace 1430 (HH’) in a three-dimensional coefficient in the Early Jurassic, Middle Jurassic, and Late region in South Turgay Basin Jurassic reaches 1.07, 1.05, and 1.01, respectively. Therefore, Cretaceous. During the former period, strike-slip pull-apart the extension of the South Turgay Basin was the strongest rift basins formed, whereas during the latter period tectonic in the Early Jurassic, the next is Middle Jurassic, and the LQYHUVLRQRFFXUUHGDQGWKH¿QDOGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKHWUDSVZDV weakest is the Late Jurassic. That was to say the extension set. gradually weakened from the Early Jurassic to Late Jurassic. 2QSODQDUYLHZSUR¿OH$$ƍDQG&&ƍORFDWHGRQWKHVRXWKHUQ 4.1 Formation of the strike-slip pull-apart rift basins and northern sides respectively, both have large extension under the control of the Karatau strike-slip fault in UDWHDQGH[WHQVLRQFRHI¿FLHQWZKHUHDVWKHYDOXHVDUHPXFK the Early-Middle Jurassic VPDOOHULQSURILOH%%ƍLQWKHFHQWUDOEDVLQ7KHUHIRUHWKH In the Early-Middle Jurassic, with the close of the South extension of the basin was strong in the north and south, but Tianshan Ocean, the north areas were in an extensional state weak in the middle of the basin (Figs. 9 to 11).

J ak J ak 3 3 Extension Extension rate coefficient J km J3km 3

J kr J2kr 2

J ds J2ds 2 J2ds J J1 1 J1

00.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.93 0.98 1.03 1.08


J ak 3 J ak Extension rate 3 Extension coefficient J3km J3km

J2kr J2kr

J ds 2 J2ds

J 1 J1

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.93 0.98 1.03 1.08


J3ak J3ak Extension rate Extension coefficient J3km J3km

J kr 2 J2kr

J ds J2ds 2 J2ds

J1 J1 J1

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.960.98 11.02 1.04 1.06 1.08


4.2 Two stages of tectonic inversion under the control The result shows that large-scale inversion has occurred of the Karatau strike-slip fault in the Late Jurassic in the Aryskum Graben, especially in the convex upper and Late Cretaceous and lower type and convex upper and concave lower type tectonic styles, whose inversion strength is the largest. Next :LWKWKHLQÀXHQFHRIWKH


dc h Zero d



R Fig. 13 Schematic diagram showing i calculated in fault-type (left) and fold-type (right) inversion Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 451

Inversion fault types: 1 Concave upper and lower 2 Convex upper and concave lower 3 Convex upper and lower 4 Convex left or convex right 0.55 0.62 0.58 0.38 0.560.59 01020km


0.70 0.58 0.69 0.5 2 0.71

0.7 Legend 0.5 3

Fault-type inversion Fold-type inversion 4 0.7 0.73 R >0.7 R 1 0.54 i 0.6< i<0.7 0.7 3 R R i<0.6 i

Fault Strike-slip fault Oil field Gas field

Fig. 14 Types, strength and petroleum accumulation of inversion tectonics in the South Turgay Basin

In the Cretaceous depression epoch, sediments covered the were determined in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous. From ZKROHDUHDPDLQO\FRPSRVHGRIÀXYLDOGHOWDDQGÀRRGSODLQ the above analysis, we find that different reservoir-forming deposits. The distribution of reservoirs and regional caps factors were controlled in different stages (Fig. 15).

Delta Floodplain Fan delta Incised valley Deep lake–semi-deep lake Alluvial fan Shore-shallow lake Sand bank Coal Fan delta



J2kr J2ds J1ab J1sb


Fig. 15 Model graph of tectonic-sedimentary framework of the Aryskum Graben in the South Turgay Basin

5.2 Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion amount margin. and the accumulation patterns changed by tectonic (2) Under the influence of uplift, strata were lifted, inversion temperature and pressure were decreased, so convex upper (1) Concave upper and lower type tectonic inversion had and concave lower type inhibited the hydrocarbon generation OLWWOHLQÀXHQFHRQWKHK\GURFDUERQJHQHUDWLRQDQGH[SXOVLRQ amount of upper source rocks, while the lower source amount, and the hydrocarbon accumulation patterns. The rocks were basically not influenced. The upper generated generated hydrocarbon mainly migrated from the central hydrocarbon mainly migrated to strike-slip faults along basin to the edge along lateral migration pathways, and lateral migration pathways, and then migrated upward accumulated in lithologic-stratigraphic traps at the basin until it accumulated in shallow traps. However, the lower 452 Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 hydrocarbon mainly migrated from the central graben to the edge, and accumulated in suitable traps. Tabakbulak Horst (3) The convex upper and lower type resulted in a change 0 10 20km Ashisay Horst of the dips of upper and lower hydrocarbon source beds, and Akshabulak Graben the hydrocarbon generation amount of all the source rocks Bozingen Graben was inhibited. The generated hydrocarbon migrated toward Aksay Horst the faults along lateral migration pathways, and then migrated up along the faults and accumulated in shallow traps. (4) The concave left and convex right type inhibited the hydrocarbon generation amount of the right side source rocks, while the left side was basically not influenced. The Aryskum Graben right generated hydrocarbon migrated toward the faults along lateral migration pathways, and then migrated up along the faults and accumulated in shallow traps. However, the left hydrocarbon mainly migrated from the central graben to the edge, and accumulated in suitable traps (Fig. 5). The major source rock of the South Turgay Basin is Legend the Middle-Lower Jurassic dark mudstone. Therefore, the Trap

Middle-Lower Jurassic concave lower type is important in Boundary of structure units order to ensure abundant petroleum supply. In the case of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion amount, the types of convex upper and concave lower, concave upper and lower, Fig. 16 Structure map of the top of J3ak in the South Turgay Basin DQGFRQFDYHOHIWKDYHOLWWOHLQÀXHQFHRQSHWUROHXPDPRXQW The Lower Jurassic source rocks of the South Turgay and can guarantee oil and gas supply. However, the type of Basin started generating much hydrocarbon in the Late convex upper and lower has great influence on petroleum -XUDVVLFDQGWKH¿UVWK\GURFDUERQDFFXPXODWLRQRFFXUUHGLQ amount, and it is not favorable for source rocks to expel the tectonic inversion period also in the Late Jurassic. The hydrocarbon. In the case of hydrocarbon traps, faulted noses, Middle Jurassic source rocks started generating hydrocarbon faulted and anticlines on both sides of the strike- in the Late Cretaceous, and the second hydrocarbon slip fault are effective reservoir spaces, so the types of convex accumulation occurred in the tectonic inversion period in upper and lower, convex upper and concave lower, convex the Late Cretaceous, during which the previously formed right, and convex left facilitate petroleum accumulation. reservoirs were adjusted and transformed. The dominant Comprehensive analysis suggests that the convex migration directions of oil and gas were: (1) lateral migration upper and concave lower type is the best one for petroleum in the horst area and graben slopes, thus forming generation and accumulation, next is convex upper and lower, pools in horsts and lithologic-stratigraphic reservoirs in and concave upper and lower and concave left or convex graben slopes. (2) lateral-vertical migration on both sides of right are the worst. Fig. 14 revealed clearly that convex upper the strike-slip fault belt, forming fault nose (faulted block) and concave lower and convex upper and lower accumulated reservoirs. Therefore, the two stages of tectonic inversion a large amount of oil and gas in the north of the Aryskum in Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous facilitated secondary Graben, but two other types had little oil and gas. hydrocarbon migration and adjustment, then the reservoir VKDSHVZHUH¿QDOO\VHWDQGWKHK\GURFDUERQGLVWULEXWLRQZDV 5.3 Trap formation and hydrocarbon distribution stabilized (Fig. 14 and Fig. 17). controlled by tectonic inversion Horsts are better hosts for petroleum accumulation than A structural framework of juxtaposed horsts and grabens grabens. Horsts were formed early in the strike-slip pull-apart was formed under the control of the strike-slip Karatau fault period of the Early-Middle Jurassic, and reservoir properties in the Early-Middle Jurassic, and the present status was were improved through long weathering and . formed under the control of inversion movements of the Moreover, anticlines on horsts are suitable for the long-term strike-slip fault in the Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous. petroleum accumulation. Therefore the explanation of why After experiencing intense compression during the inversion horsts are better for petroleum accumulation than grabens is period, large area and high amplitude anticline traps were the strike-slip pull-apart of the South Turgay Basin. formed in the horst area, and faulted noses and faulted Four grabens of the South Turgay Basin have great anticlines were formed on both sides of the strike-slip fault. differences in the degree of accumulation of petroleum, and These traps provided effective reservoir spaces for petroleum the west graben is better than the east one. This is caused by accumulation, and host the oil and gas discovered so far in the difference in the degree of structure inversion in the South the South Turgay Basin. Turgay Basin. With the highest inversion degree, the Aryskum Two compressive events occurring in the Late Jurassic Graben accumulated the maximum petroleum. From west to and Late Cretaceous formed a series of faulted anticlines east, the inversion degree reduced, and thus the petroleum and faulted nose structures along the strike-slip fault zone, accumulation reduced. Therefore, the explanation of why which provided effective reservoir space for hydrocarbon the west graben is better than the east one is the structure accumulation (Fig. 16). inversion of the South Turgay Basin (Fig. 14 and Fig. 17). Pet.Sci.(2012)9:444-454 453

W Aryskum Graben Aksay Horst Akshabulak Graben E T T0 0

500 500 K1ap

K1nc2 K1ap K nc 1000 1 1 1000 J3ak K1nc2 K1nc1 J km 3 J3ak 1500 1500 J2kr

J3km J2ds Pz 2000 2000 J1ab J2kr

2500 2500 J2ds

Legend 3000 3000 J1ab

3500 3500 Migration Fault Oil Gas Sandstone Trap

Fig. 17 Diagram of petroleum migration in the South Turgay Basin 6 Conclusions References

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