Nº 26. March 2018

IMPORTANT INFORMATION “Our main objective is to carry out a research project which allows us to verify the real benefits of horticulture in the field of psychiatry”

The Sisters Hospitallers’ “Casa di Cura Villa Rosa” rehabilitation team in Viterbo () explains why they have created and developed a psychosocial project based on horticulture.

Residents and collaborators of the Sisters Hospitallers’ “Villa Rosa” centre in Viterbo (Italy)

At the end of the 19th century, professionals who worked in the area of mental health realised the great benefits associated with carrying out therapeutic and educational activity in the rehabilitation of people with mental illness. Among the various initiatives carried out in psychiatric care centres at the time, agricul- tural activities were decidedly the most numerous, also influenced by the fact that the communities of the


“The spirit with which Father Menni started this initiative has been recovered and readapted to the current psychiatric perspective in our Sisters Hospitallers’ “Villa Rosa” centre in Viterbo (Italy)”

centre were often times sustained thanks to what they produced themselves.

So, it is no coincidence that Saint Benedict Menni, the founder of our institution, set up an agricultural community in the Ciempozuelos centre (, ). The spirit with which Father Menni started this initiative has been recovered and readapted to the current psychiatric perspective in our Sisters Hospitallers’ ‘Villa Rosa’ centre in Viterbo (Italy).

Development, collaborations and characteristics The area ofViterbo is an area with a strong inclina- tion for agriculture. Listening to the stories of the residents at the centre, we learned that many of them came from rural areas and had knowledge Project based on horticulture about the wild. These characteristics were the star- ting point that led us to the ‘Villa Rosa’ Psychiatric Rehabilitation team, wanting to carry out a project In June 2017, the project came to life with the based on horticulture. We have set an ambitious planting of the first orchard in ‘Villa Rosa’. The re- goal for ourselves since we intend not only to put sidents who participate in it were chosen based into motion a path to recovery but also to carry out on a semi-structured interview, a questionnaire research that allows the real benefits of this disci- created by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in pline in the psychiatric field to be verified. and a series of tests designed to evaluate their cognitive and executive functions. Once the par- For the optimal development of this initiative, we ticipants were selected, they were divided into have managed to get several specialised entities to small groups (five to seven users) that come to the join the project. Thanks to this, we are collaborating garden three times a week (in the morning and with the Department of Agricultural and Forestry afternoon) to carry out cleaning, maintenance and Sciences of Tuscia University in Viterbo, with great management tasks. Before starting, they all took skills and knowledge in the agronomic field; the a training course organised by the Department of Centre for Behavioural Sciences and Mental Health Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Tuscia Uni- of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome; and the versity and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of Sapienza Uni- Rome. versity of Rome, which for several years has been studying and monitoring actions related to ‘social There were 34 residents who started this project agriculture’. but currently, due to resignations, transfers to


tion when the produce they grow is consumed at the centre.

In addition, the agricultural supply chain of the gar- den has another outlet, since inside ‘Villa Rosa’ we also have a pastry shop and the harvested fruit has been used as a raw material for making jams, cakes and biscuits. This makes residents appreciate the organoleptic qualities of the produce, grown by them themselves, when compared to what can usually be found in a supermarket.

On the other hand, by collaborating with Tuscia University, our users have been able to visit the ‘Agricultural Farm’ that the university itself manages and where faculty members have provided them in- Project based on horticulture formation not only about horticulture but also on beekeeping and raising rabbits. For the users, it was other centres or dropouts, 25 continue with the very exciting to be able to catch and pet small rab- project. All of them have support from and are mo- bits, which made us think about the possibility of nitored by a multidisciplinary team of professionals designing a new project based on breeding these made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric animals in order to provide rehabilitation tools fo- rehabilitation technicians, educators (including Sis- cused on emotional relationships and ‘care’. ter Silvia Zhao, a member of the Viterbo commu- nity), nurses, healthcare social workers and social As part of this project, we also visited the Botanical workers. Garden of Viterbo, where the interactions in general and the specific focus on plants were more than sa- Initial results tisfactory. The first scientific evaluations of the project were planned for six months after the start, that is, for Recognition December 2017, while the final evaluation will take The project was officially presented during a con- place in June 2018. Although there is no ‘numerical’ ference organised by the Scientific Management of data to present the evolution of the project, after the ‘Villa Rosa’ centre on 24 November 2017 at Tus- the first evaluation, the empirical evidence shown, cia University. In addition, during the ‘3rd National thanks to the detailed and constant psychological Congress of the Italian Horticultural Therapy Asso- observation work, is quite interesting and shows ciation’, held in November 2017 in Bologna, our in- that the majority of users have good dexterity and itiative has been selected, at a national level, to be interest in the activity and, above all, great satisfac- proposed to members throughout Italy.

Members of the “Casa di Cura Villa Rosa” rehabilitation team

Psychiatrists: Stefania Cerino, Vittorio Digiacomantonio. Psychologists: Renata Murolo, Silvia Capezzuto, Marisa Nicolini, Mara Milioni, Antonio Muzi, Giuseppina Stella. Psychiatric rehabilitation technicians: Romina Saioni, Francesca Sacripanti, Matteo Testoni. Educators: Loredana Cimarello, sor Silvia Zhao. Nurses: C. Bas- sanelli, E. Borgi, M. Ceccantoni, E. Fracassi, F.Huancas,C. Gullotto, B. Marinelli, F. Martone, V. Nardo, P. Pallotta, M. Perelli, P. Ricucci, E. Sacripanti. Healthcare social workers and social workers: A. Armellini, L. Bernardini, R. Brozzetti, L. Castagnini, A. Ercoli, E. Ginebri, D. Leonetti, D. Maiolino, D. Mezzetti, M. Perinelli, L. Pianura, A. Rocchi. Trainees: Eva Berrettini, Manuela Brachino, Chiara De Renzi, Benedetta di Lollo.


INTERVIEW “Poetry can be used as a means to talk about God and his action, as a form of evangelisation. It recreates images, while suggesting allusions and analogies”

theology. I currently carry out inspired me and taught me to the service of trainer and tea- love them. The initiative comes cher of young sisters. I am also from an attempt to translate, in involved in the work and writing, the music of the soul reflection on the areas of through a book of poems. spirituality and the charisma of the congregation. This is my first book but I am writing another about spiritua- Where does your interest in lity that will be published in poetry come from? Which June. poet or writer has most influenced your literature? In your role as a writer, what Since I was a child, I always had is the most satisfying? a lot of interest in rhymes. For Through writing, I let my verses me, writing poetry is a way of speak before my voice. I like to life. Better yet, a way of express dreams in writing, as

Nicole Mayinga Muwenge behaving. It is my way of well as to learn new words by creating, inventing... As a conse- reading other writers. The expe- crated woman, I contemplate riences of the cosmos inspire the history of humanity through my poems. The constructions of the eyes of God. the different literary genres shape my mind! Nicole Mayinga Muwenge, Sister I have always loved the style of Hospitaller of the Kinshasa the book ‘Song of Songs’. As for What message do you want to Community (the Democratic a poet or writer, I have great convey through this book? Republic of the Congo), has pu- admiration for Victor Hugo. This book aims to create exis- blished a book of poems called tential art with the ‘I’ and the ‘Regards Croisés’ (Different How did the initiative of ‘thou’. It deals, in an educational Viewpoints), where she masterly writing this book come about? way, with the limited nature of intertwines poetry, philosophy Do you have any book that our human relationships today, and spirituality. has been published? the difficulty of grasping our ‘I’, I belong to an African family full which evolves throughout life. Before telling us about your of life, where I learned to read literary experience, please tell and write about the faces of It can help us to realise that all us a little about yourself... others and the cosmos. As a experiences are beneficial to be SI am a graduate of philosophy woman of the church, I have able to coexist harmoniously and hold a degree in spiritual learned to interpret looks. They with ourselves and with others.


What is the relationship between poetry and evangelisation? And “INTER-NOS” a brave with hospitality? Poetry can be used as a means to look at stigma talk about God and his action, as a form of evangelisation. It recreates images, suggests allusions and analogies.

When we read the Gospel, we realise that Jesus is a poet. We also see it in Psalms, the hymns of the Old and New Testaments. These same realities are contemplated in hospitality, which puts man at the Province Spain centre of action. Every person is worthy to be loved!

Does this book have any impact on the Hospitaller mission? Dr. Francisco del Olmo and María González Without a doubt! Through these verses, my book tries to translate the feelings of Christ into the heart Since January 2018, among the publications of the of otherness. Like Solomon, Saint prestigious journal European Archives of Psychiatry and Therese of Lisieux, Saint Teresa of Clinical Neuroscience is the article ‘Mental health Avila and Saint John of the Cross, professionals' attitudes towards mental illness: professional and the history of our congregation cultural factors in the INTER NOS study’. INTER-NOS is a offers examples of Father Menni, research project led by the Sisters Hospitallers' San Miguel María Angustias Giménez and Clinic-Line of Psychosocial Rehabilitation in Madrid (Spain) in María Josefa Recio surrendering to which 37 professionals from 25 centres in Spain, Italy and poetry. have been involved.

This legacy has inspired my writings Two of its driving forces, María González Blanco, coordinator to a great extent, always in favour of the home in Aravaca (Madrid) and Francisco del Olmo, me- of the Hospitaller mission. dical director, both from the San Miguel Clinic, explain, ‘It is research that involves analysing, in a brave way, various Sis- How do you combine Hospitaller ters Hospitallers professionals’ attitudes towards stigma to- life with poetry? wards mental illness. Attitudes that may be influencing our Hospitaller life is reflected in users’ healing process’. Samaritan attitudes towards service and towards others and my poetry One of the main findings, extracted from the study, suggests tries to use language to express, that there are currently differences in the attitudes towards describe and present different stigma among the different professional categories. Psycho- realities and feelings. logists, occupational therapists, social workers and educators are the ones who show less stigma, followed by psychiatrists I am a nun who, modestly, through and nurses, while nursing assistants show more stigma. poetry, tries to encourage and fos- ter love and hospitality, which are ‘This is very valuable information which has served as the basis intertwined through ‘different for defining training strategies and awareness of our profes- viewpoints’, as the title of my sionals which is helping to improve the quality and humani- publication reflects. sation of care’, says Dr. del Olmo.


The Province of England pulls its community out of Takoradi (Ghana)

After 17 years of mission in Takoradi (Ghana), the Province of England has decided to pull the com- munity out of the Holy Child Health Centre to strengthen other Sisters Hospitallers’ communities located in Ghana and Liberia. The community clo- sed last 31 January and, since then, the centre con- tinues providing service managed by the diocese.

Our sisters have done a great job over these years and have greatly improved the quality of the servi- ces provided. Since they assumed management of the entire centre in 2009 (they had been in charge

Province of England Province of of the Day Centre since 2002), they worked tire- lessly to offer optimal social and health care and to make a positive social and economic impact.

During this time, the infrastructures were renovated and a maternity unit was built to respond to the needs of the population. The patients appreciated both the changes in terms of care and the commu- nity’s Hospitaller charisma.

Sister María Begoña Pérez, provincial superior of the Province of England, explains that this measure is part of the restructuring process that is taking place in the congregation. ‘It was not an easy decision, but we wanted to strengthen other communities, as well as our commitment to the vocation ministry and training, in addition to giving a higher quality response to our Hospitaller mission in Africa’.

The sisters of the community (Sister Georgina Don- zing, Sister Anastasia Gifty Acquaye, Sister Margaret Afful and Sister Juliana Anokye) would like to say ‘medawase’ (thanks) to the professionals at the centre for their invaluable collaboration, the great quality of the care offered and their willingness to grow professionally. They are confident that they will continue improving and raising awareness about mental health. They hope that patients never lose hope, continue to rebuild their lives and acti- vate their potential. In the words of Sister Iwona Olesinska, who also belonged to the community, ‘The Lord is with you, he helps you overcome pain and social stigma. He will never abandon us. Thank you for your testimony of hope and joy’. “Holy Child” sisters and collaborators


I Conference on Pastoral Care

Sisters and collaborators attending the Latin American Province's ‘1st Conference on Pastoral Health Care’

From 19 to 22 of last January, in São Paulo (Bra- guidelines that strengthen and guide the evange-

Latin American Province zil), the Latin American Province held the first lism activities in all the centres. In addition, the Latin American conference on pastoral care, with work carried out in each framework was shared the slogan ‘PASTORAL CARE AT THE SERVICE and a provincial support network was formed to OF LIFE’, in which 13 collaborators and 2 sisters constantly invigorate Hospitaller pastoral care. participated, coming from the 7 countries that make up the province. During the opening, Sister Ernestina Aros Alegría, provincial superior of the Latin American Province, The organisation of this initiative was taken care thanked the participants for their participation and of by Sister Angelica Flores, second provincial the mission they carried out at the centres. ‘We are councillor, and Sister Gloria Miranda, coordinator all called to sow the Good News, called to heal. I in- of Pastoral Health Care in the province. Father vite you to open your heart to receive the experien- Luis Fernando Granados SJ led the conference ces during these days and also to participate in a and the enlightenment following the ‘see, judge dynamic way contributing your knowledge’. ‘You are and act’ method. developing the Hospitaller charisma and therefore you have to do it transversally in all areas’, said Sis- The main objective of the conference was to ter Ernestina. offer some theoretical and methodological

Prestigious scientific appointments

In February 2018, Professor Giampaolo Perna, director of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience of the Sisters Hospitallers’ ‘Villa San Benedetto Menni’ centre in Albese (Italy), has been appointed president of two international associations. The first refers to the chair of the personalised psychiatry section of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the second to the chair of the scientific committee of the Italian Association for Behavioural Analysis, Modification and Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (AIAMC, for its abbreviation in Italian).

Italian Province Prof. Perna’s active role in these associations offers the Sisters Hospitallers the opportunity to create solid exchange and collaboration networks to contribute to the progress of psychiatry and comprehen- sive care of people with mental illness, always in line with Hospitaller values.


I International Conference on Dementia

The “Casa de Saúde” of the Sisters Hospitallers in Idanha (Portugal), held its ‘1st International Conference on Dementia’ on the 22nd and 23rd of last February. These sessions, organised by the centre’s Gerontology and Cognitive Rehabilita- tion Unit, were aimed at promoting exchanging and updating knowledge about geriatric psychiatry, both at a clinical and therapeutic level.

The congress was attended by outstanding pro- fessionals in various scientific fields such as the president of the National Council of Mental He- I International Conference on Dementia Portuguese Province Portuguese alth of Portugal, António Leuschner; the Portu- guese researcher, Alexandre Mendonça; and parallel activities such as the ‘Free Presentations’ Professor Takonori Shibata, a pioneer in the use and the ‘Networking Space’. This informal dyna- of robotherapy in cases of dementia. mic was organised through brief presentations, about five minutes long, on each of the institu- In addition to enjoying the great presentations, tions represented there and the work they carry attendees had the opportunity to participate in out.

The opening of the “TELEMA Boutique”

In 1991, the ‘TELEMA’ Mental Health Centre was created by the Sisters Hospi- tallers in Kinshasa (the Democratic Re- public of the Congo). Over the years, thanks to the great work that has been carried out, it has become a leader in the field of mental health care in the whole country.

Among the different actions carried out French Province at the centre, there is an occupational “TELEMA Boutique” therapy workshop, managed by Sister Ángela Vicenta Gutierrez, where a dressmaking activity is carried out to make family, social and work reintegration easier for patients.

With this aim and thanks to the voluntary assistance of the ‘Gran Hotel’ manager in Kinshasa, whose wife met Sister Ángela during a visit to our centre, the ‘TELEMA Boutique’ (inside the hotel's shopping area) has been opened, where the products made in the dressmaking workshop are sold.

Through this boutique shop, the TELEMA Centre gives its patients the opportunity to work and obtain financial resources since they receive part of the profits derived from sales. Like this, they can show their families that they are capable of developing professionally, despite their illness. In addition, the achievement of this business activity is that most of the users involved do not beg on the street and gain back their self-esteem.


Hospitality without borders...

Professionals and facilities of the Adult Shelter Unit (UAA, for its abbreviation in Spanish) of the Latin American Province

The Sisters Hospitallers’ ‘Assistência e Saúde de painting, theatre, dance and strolls around the Nossa Senhora de Fatima’ in Pirituba, São Paulo city. All of them, together with the Hospitaller (Brazil), has a network of psychosocial care values, provide users significant improvements facilities, following the invitation of the city’s in their interpersonal relationships, giving them Municipal Secretary of Health. This network back self-confidence, strengthening family ties made up of Psychosocial Care Centres (CAPS and and fostering the recovery of their health. RTS, for its abbreviation in Spanish) since 2006 and Adult Shelter Units (UAA, for its abbreviation To complement this service, the Adult Shelter in Spanish) since 2008, aims to make the social Unit (UAA) was opened in 2013, made up of a reintegration of people who are at risk of social number of homes for people of both sexes and exclusion easier. from the ‘Capela do Socorro’ centre where they can reside and receive professional support for The Psychosocial Care Centre (CAPS) III some time. Sister Eugenia Correia and nine (Alcohol and Drugs), called ‘Capela do Socorro’, collaborators are currently working in this unit. was opened on 15 January 2007 to provide care and treatment to people (men and women over In addition, the UAA hosts, for 6 months, a 12 years old) with scarce financial resources and maximum of 12 women who are dependent on habitual users of psychoactive substances such psychoactive substances and over 18 years old.

Centre “Assistência e Saúde de Nossa Senhora Fatima” Centre “Assistência as alcohol and other drugs. Able to serve 300 During this period, they carry out various types patients simultaneously, since its opening it has of activities such as cultural walks, occupational served more than 13,650 people. therapy and actions geared towards work-life balance and social inclusion. Currently, the centre is managed thanks to the work of Sister Eugenia Correia, a manager who The average age of this group of women is 35 is a specialist in mental health and chemical and all of them come from the Capela and dependency and holds a degree in social work, Parelheiros neighbourhoods (São Paulo). In and 42 collaborators. these areas, there is no shelter for women with this condition, which worsens their situation of Some of the activities that they carry out are vulnerability and reinforces the need for occupational therapy, playing group sports, Hospitaller care.

9 Prayer for the XXI General Chapter The XXI General Chapter, whose slogan is: ‘Practice Hospitality’, will take place in Rocca di Papa (Rome, Italy) from 8 -30 June 2018.

Holy Trinity, source of kindness and love. We thank you for the paths of revitalisation that you have allowed us to walk over the years ‘recreating hospitality’.

We put the celebration of the 11th General Chapter in your hands, an opportune time to rekindle the joy of the Gospel in the practice of hospitality in our Hospitaller Community.

Grant us, Father of merciful love, to form inclusive Samaritan communities, in the process of conversion and continuous transformation, fostering hope in our world.

Grant us, Jesus, Samaritan of humanity, to embody in life and in mission, the prophecy of service and surrender, creating communion and overcoming what moves us away from those who suffer.

Grant us, Holy Spirit, vivifying breath, the passion for proclaiming Hospitaller values, in our daily encounters with people who are ill and in need. Reviving the meaning of common project.

Mary, Mother of the Heart of Jesus, we wish that your protective gaze and your intercession continue to be decisive on this path of congregational and charismatic renewal. Holy Trinity, through the intercession of St. Benedict Menni, Maria Josefa and Maria Angustias, make us ‘strong and brave’ in the practice of hospitality. Amen.

Important dates: March and April

n VI Sessions of the magazine ‘Informaciones Psiquiátricas’, 12 and 13 April in Madrid (Spain). n XIII San Juan de Dios Conference ‘Hospitaller Work: Science and Humanism’, from 19 to 21 April in (Portugal). n Feast of St. Benedict Menni, 24 April.

Further information and contact details [email protected]