Version Date Description Author 1.0 6 April 2020 First Draft Frances Ford 2.0 13 April 2020 Second Draft Frances Ford 3.0 15 April 2020 Third Draft Vicky Mason 4.0 17 April 2020 Fourth Draft Steven Abbott 5.0 17 April 2020 Fifth Draft Working Group 6.0 30 April 2020 Sixth Draft Frances Ford 7.0 15 May 2020 Seventh Draft Frances Ford 8.0 29 May 2020 Eighth Draft Frances Ford 9.0 12 June 2020 Ninth Draft Frances Ford 10.0 26 June 2020 Tenth Draft Frances Ford 11.0 10 July 2020 Eleventh Draft Brigitte Aylett 12.0 24 July 2020 Twelfth Draft Frances Ford 13.0 7 August 2020 Thirteenth Draft Frances Ford 14.0 21 August 2020 Fourteenth Draft Frances Ford 15.0 4 September 2020 Fifteenth Draft Frances Ford 16.0 18 September 2020 Sixteenth Draft Frances Ford 17.0 2 October 2020 Seventeenth Draft Frances Ford 18.0 30 October 2020 Eighteenth Draft Frances Ford 19.0 27 November 2020 Nineteenth Draft Sharyn Brasher 20.0 27 January 2021 Twentieth Draft Frances Ford/Sharyn Brasher


Name Title Date

WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 1

Table of Contents

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ...... 3 PURPOSE ...... 3 BACKGROUND ...... 3 RELIEF AND RECOVERY ...... 4 VULNERABLE GROUPS ...... 5 OUTCOMES ...... 6 READINESS FOR RECOVERY ...... 7 GOVERNANCE ...... 11 ACTION PLAN ...... 13 SOCIAL ...... 13 ECONOMIC ...... 38 COMMUNICATIONS ...... 45 COVID 19 State hotline – 1800 675 398 ...... 45 GREATER BENDIGO COVID19 HELPLINE ...... 45 City of Greater Bendigo communications...... 45 RELATED DOCUMENTS / PLANS / RESOURCES ...... 45 APPENDICES / Extra information ...... 47 APPENDIX 1 On-line services and resources ...... 47 APPENDIX 2 State Emergency Relief Plan for COVID-19 (excerpt V6.0) ………………………………………………………..46

WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 2

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to inform discussions and provide clarity regarding the roles, responsibilities, arrangements and actions needed and underway to ensure a coordinated relief and recovery response to the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Greater Bendigo community.

The City of Greater Bendigo COVID 19 Relief and Recovery Plan has been developed to guide the following:

• Community engagement throughout the relief and recovery phase • Engagement with affected sectors, including businesses [community organisations, government agencies, service providers, etc] • Continued delivery of essential services • Referral frameworks and services for the community • Information and communication pathways • Evaluating policy and service investment opportunities for State Government • Futures Planning for creating more resilient community, emerging business and service opportunities

The plan is based on the current knowledge of impacts and potential impacts and is a working document which is updated regularly responding to changes in community need. The City of Greater Bendigo Pandemic Relief and Recovery committee will guide the further development and implementation of this plan. This plan will also respond to the expectations and requirements of local government as outlined in the State Relief Plan. (see appendix)

The plan aims to be a ‘whole of community’ plan to assist in aligning efforts and maximizing outcomes for the community. It is recognized that this will never be fully achieved as the community independently responds to local needs.

The plan is aligned with the current Council vision: Greater Bendigo – creating the world's most liveable community. The mission of this plan is ‘working together to ensure the Greater Bendigo community is safe, resilient and thriving, fostering a collective sense of optimism, empowerment and adaptability’.

The actions build on the strategic goals of the Greater Bendigo Community Plan 2017 – 2021, the Greater Bendigo Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017 – 2021 and other major strategic plans such as the Greater Bendigo Economic Development Strategy.

BACKGROUND The COVID-19 pandemic has been identified as a Class 2 emergency, meaning the response is a collaboration across the health sector, government agencies and the community. The Department of Health and Human Services has been identified as the Incident Control Agency (State level) for Pandemics with Ambulance being the Regional Health Controller. Victoria Police undertake a Regional Commander role.

In the development of the City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan it is important to recognise the plan is built upon existing networks and capabilities of the community. All levels of government are working together to provide support to ensure relief needs of the community are met and identified through planning and operational activities. Local government has responsibilities to ensure their communities are supported to take up the initiatives from other levels of government and to advocate for change where they don’t respond adequately to community needs or result in negative outcomes for community.

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RELIEF AND RECOVERY Relief is defined in this plan as the provision of assistance to meet the essential needs of individuals, families and communities during and in the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 emergency. Categories listed in Version 3 of the State Emergency Relief Plan included:

1. Monitoring / coordination and planning 2. Food and other products 3. Psycho-social support / outreach 4. Accommodation [also need to consider support with heating coming into winter] 5. Health and medical (prescriptions and supplies) 6. Transport (essential but non-emergency) 7. Community information 8. Critical infrastructure (provision of telecommunications/data)

This plan utilises these categories and includes additional categories to support planning for longer term recovery. The goal for recovery is to support communities to successfully deal with the impacts of an emergency whilst at the same time building community cohesion and community resilience. Please note that Version 4 of the State Emergency Relief Plan has now deleted the last three of these relief categories (Transport, community information and critical infrastructure). The objectives for recovery are to: • provide people, enterprises, local governments and other stakeholders affected by the emergency with the information, support and services needed to pursue their recovery • plan and deliver a coordinated range of services across the environments of: o Social: the emotional, social, spiritual, financial and physical wellbeing of affected individuals and communities o Economic: the revitalisation of the affected economy o Built: the restoration of essential and community infrastructure o Natural: the rehabilitation of the affected environment • inform relief and recovery at the State level so that state-led recovery initiatives are appropriate • mitigate known and potential risks resulting from the emergency. Initial relief and recovery plan has focused on the social and economic environments as they have been most directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further actions relating to built and natural environments will be considered in later versions of the plan.

To date, unlike other parts of the world, very fortunately the Greater Bendigo community has not experienced high levels of illness or death from the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead the negative impacts on the community have predominantly been created as a result of prevention initiatives such as:

• Limiting freedom of movement • Need for social distancing • Ceasing of non-essential services

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These impacts have included:

• Loss of income – individuals, businesses, groups • Food insecurity - including purchasing limits, increased demand, lack of/no stock and increase in food prices • Social isolation • Housing stress • Increased risk of family violence • Increasing rates of stress, anxiety and mental illness

A recent ANU paper provides an overview of the initial impacts of COVID-19 in Australia, based on information gathered 14- 27 April. 1 ‘The findings suggest large declines in employment and income, significant increases in social isolation and psychological distress, changes in household structure, and significant uncertainty about the future. At the same time, we observe greater confidence in government and the public service, large improvements in social trust, and substantial observance of physical distancing measures.’ It is likely that many of these findings would apply to Greater Bendigo.


In planning relief and recovery initiatives it is important to focus on groups within the community who are already vulnerable or who have become vulnerable as a result of the emergency. Locally these include:

• Young families, especially some single parent families • Young people – including tertiary students without casual employment opportunities • Older people, living alone without support • Socially isolated individuals, especially without internet connectivity • Geographically remote or isolated individuals • Unemployed, and those with or without social welfare support • People relying on external help (e.g. home support) • People living in residential care settings • People with an existing disability who are adversely impacted • People with physical or mental illness • People with limited coping capability • Aboriginal communities • Homeless and itinerant sleepers • Substance dependent individuals • Culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) o Individuals from the Karen, Afghan and South Sudanese communities o Individuals on temporary visas not eligible for income support • Financially disadvantaged individuals and families on low incomes and/or high debt levels • Individuals or families living in unsafe situations e.g. experiencing or at risk of family violence

The State Relief Plan notes that COVID-19 is placing increased pressure on people with pre-existing needs as well as people with newly increased needs (e.g. through job loss and financial hardship). It also now acknowledges that groups such as international students who have lost jobs, and asylum seekers, who have no additional means of support or access to resources are likely to experience a higher need during the COVID-19 emergency.

1 N Biddle et al, Hardship, distress and resilience: The initial impacts of COVID-19 in Australia, ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, May 2020

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It is also important to recognise that some individuals and families will experience multiple vulnerabilities.


The outcomes sought for the Greater Bendigo community are aligned with those in the Greater Bendigo Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017 – 2021. These are:

A community that is:

Healthy and well - With good physical and mental health supported by healthy lifestyles.

Safe and secure - Living free from violence and abuse, protected from environmental risks and supported to live affordably.

Able to participate - Having the capability to participate and contribute to the local economy and community life.

Connected to culture and community - Socially engaged and inclusive and is a place where people can safely identify and connect with their culture and identity.

Liveable - Adaptable and resilient and has access to sustainable natural, built, social and economic environments that support and enhance health and wellbeing.

The plan also utilises the Framework for Action with additions as outlined below:

Our Equity & Accessibility Policy Community Evidence Evaluation Partnership principles fairness alignment engagement informed Our Place based Co-design Health in all Asset-based Systems Collective Risk approach policies community thinking impact management development Our Shared Community Financing & Media & Learning & Advocacy Technology, enablers leadership groups & resource communications development innovation & & strategic organisations allocation creativity thinking

Development, updates and implementation of the plan will also be consistent with the National Principles for Disaster Recovery.

These are:

Understand the context: Acknowledging each community has its own history, values and dynamics.

Recognise complexity: Responding to the complex and dynamic nature of both emergencies and the community.

Use community-led approaches: Be community-centred, responsive and flexible, engaging with community and supporting them to move forward.

Coordinate all activities: Ensuring a planned, coordinated and adaptive approach, between community and partner agencies, based on continuing assessment of impacts and needs.

Communicate effectively: Successful recovery is built on effective communication between the affected community and other partners.

Acknowledge and build capacity: Recognising, supporting and building on individual, community and organisational capacity and resilience.

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More information on the National Principles can be found at principles-disaster-recovery/


There is a growing global literature about scenarios for life post COVID-19, all based on asking ‘what might life be like after this crisis and what will it take to thrive in a world remade?’ 2 These range from very negative predictions based on devastating long term social and economic impacts nationally and internationally to much more hopeful scenarios where community connectedness is strengthened and economic stimulus measures are carefully targeted to address other global challenges such as climate change mitigation and emissions reduction.

Regardless of which scenarios play out in the Australian context, our communities are expected to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis for many months and years to come These impacts are experienced differently according to many factors and the intersections between them (e.g. at the individual level impact is influenced by age, gender, health conditions, residency status, financial position and other factors).

A useful summary that addresses the need to consider how gender and other factors intersect and outlining the disparate impacts of COVID-19 and implications for recommended actions in recovery can be found here:3

There are many existing strengths within Greater Bendigo which means the community overall is relatively well positioned to ‘bounce back better’ and to thrive over the medium to longer term. The application of a strengths- based approach to relief and recovery planning will recognise and wherever possible leverage these local strengths and resources to maximise community benefit. Examples include:

• Strong and respected leadership at key local organisations, with strong advocacy links to state and federal governments, and demonstrated commitment to working in partnership • High levels of volunteerism and civic engagement and collaboration. • A pipeline of $400 million of capital investment over the next three years. • A growing population of around 2,000 new residents per year. • Strong intra and interstate visitation (as opposed to international tourism) with events attracting over 140,000 individuals annually to visit Greater Bendigo. • Greater Bendigo being a regional centre and provider of key services, such as health, education, financial services, advanced manufacturing, government services, arts and creative industries. • A diverse, creative and innovative economy with a variety of jobs rarely seen in regional centres of a similar size. • A significant program of planned small, medium and large events across the region that have been postponed rather than cancelled.

It is critical to ensure that recovery initiatives identify and consider the differential impacts of COVID-19, and that the challenges and opportunities for individuals/groups/ businesses in Greater Bendigo who are most

2 One example from Deloitte can be accessed at 19/covid-19-scenarios-and-impacts-for-business-and-society-world-remade.html#

3 Policy brief : Beyond sex and gender analysis: an intersectional view of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and response (Olena Hankivsky and Anuj Kapilashrami, University of and University of London)

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vulnerable/impacted are addressed as a matter of priority. In some cases this vulnerability pre-dates COVID-19 (e.g. high levels of youth unemployment). In others it has been exacerbated by the context of COVID-19 (e.g. businesses who were not digital-ready). Community engagement processes need to include strategies for hearing from and responding to people who may be heavily impacted but whose voices and experiences are often not heard.

There is an increasing body of research about the diversity of impacts of COVID19 on women, men and gender diverse people in the Australian context. A fact sheet developed by Gender Equity Victoria and Victorian Women’s Health Services4 highlights that :

• Women are at greater risk of exposure to the illness while in lower paid jobs. • Family violence increases during and in the aftermath of all disasters • More women than men are unemployed as a consequence of COVID-19 • Women are shouldering a bigger burden of unpaid labour in the home • Specialist women’s health services are adversely affected by pandemic • Disaster impacts different women in complex and diverse ways

At the local level it appears that young women have borne the brunt of falling employment during COVID19.

ABS Labour Force data shows the percentage of women in their teens, 20s and early 30s engaged in the workforce in central Victoria has dropped dramatically, the steepest falls of any group. 5

The greatest decrease in employment in Greater Bendigo in in retail trade. In percentage terms it’s in accommodation and food services. 6

There are also significant concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on low income earners aged 50 - 65, documented by the Brotherhood of St Laurence. 7 This study highlights that up to 30 % of the newly un- or underemployed are aged 51 to 65, the majority of whom are women, and most are unlikely ever to work again. The paper focuses on broad and multi-dimensional disadvantage, including employment, economic security, housing, health and connections. COVID-19 has compounded existing vulnerabilities for this group, increasing risks of transition between different forms of disadvantage. The high level of withdrawals from superannuation accounts that were already very low is just one example. Half of all women aged 50-59 approach retirement with less than $50,000 in their superannuation (before any withdrawals during COVID-19).

A new report 8 documents the impact of COVID 19 on temporary migrants including international students, backpackers and other temporary visa holders who had been working in Australia prior to COVID19. It states 80 % of international students are still in Australia, many of them unable to meet basic living needs. Close to three quarters of survey respondents lost all or most of their work during the pandemic. Many temporary migrants are encountering exploitative work during COVID-19, and experiences of racism have been widespread.

4 More information and references can be found at Gender-Equity-Factsheet-WORD.docx and infographic ‘COVID19 is a gendered problem’ here

5 crisis/

6 REMPLAN COVID19 impact data for Greater Bendigo 28 August 2020 available here 7 Hidden in plain sight: The impact of the COVID-19 response on mature-age, low-income people in Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence and Nous Group, 30 June 2020, available here 8 As If We Weren’t Humans: The Abandonment of Temporary Migrants in Australia During COVID-19, UNSW and UTS, published 17 September 2020, available here . For a summary of the findings see article in the Conversation 17 Sep 2020 here

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‘The Age’ reported 20 September 2020 that Victorian women are seeking mental health support at record levels as the coronavirus pandemic drives up stress, anxiety and depression among those bearing the brunt of caring responsibilities, quoting Professor Jayashri Kulkarni from Monash University: "Women are largely responsible for bearing, caring and rearing of children …it's a huge role. They also make up a significant portion of the casual labour force, so as the economic downturn continues they are presenting with stresses around joblessness and money. We have also noted a significant rise in domestic violence. All of these factors exacerbate mental ill health."9

Gender Equality Victoria (GenVIc) has now released a budget submission ‘Towards a Gender Equal Recovery’ that outlines how COVID19 has exacerbated gender inequalities and strategies to address this. 10

Results are available from a survey of 2000 people conducted by VicHealth in the first COVID19 lockdown. 11

This information is not specific to Central Victoria but includes data on many areas of health and wellbeing in relation to COVID19 impacts, including healthy eating, alcohol and tobacco use, social connection, physical activity and working and homelife. Interestingly 44% of respondents said there were some aspects of life in lockdown they want to keep, including more time with friends and family and more time gardening and/or exercising.

More work needs to be done to gather and analyse data about the impact of COVID19 on a range of population groups at the local level. An emerging issue is the impending impact of reductions in Jobseeker and Jobkeeper allowances, on different population cohorts e.g. older people who will face major challenges getting another job (women over 55 have been identified as being especially vulnerable, especially as they are also most at risk of homelessness). At June 2020 9.9% of the population of Greater Bendigo 18-64 years of age were on JobSeeker (compared to 8.3% for Victoria as a whole).

Results have now been released from the YouFood Insights study developed by Bendigo Foodshare, YoBendigo, the City of Greater Bendigo, and the Bendigo Student Association, looking at the financial impact of COVID-19 and the ability to afford food and groceries on young Central Victorians. A survey for people 16-24 years of age was carried out July- August 2020. This research found that 76% of respondents had experienced some form of food insecurity in the last 2 years, mostly since COVID19 pandemic began. 25 % of respondents who had not accessed food relief did not know where they would go to seek help. 12

9 20200921-p55xmx.html

10 The submission is available at

11 VicHealth Coronavirus Victorian Wellbeing Impact Study – Survey #1 available here 12 Detailed results are available here.

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There are a large number of community organisations and local networks who can contribute to the development and implementation of this plan and collaborate on future actions. Some examples are shown below:

Local Relationships and Networks (this is not a complete map but indicates just some of the sectors, networks and stakeholders involved – they are not ‘ranked’ in any order of importance )

Aboriginal community organisations

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Under the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP), Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have responsibility for coordination of relief at state and regional level respectively and local governments have responsibility at local level. Support agencies including Australian Red Cross, Salvation Army, Victorian Council of Churches Emergency Ministries and Foodbank play a critical role in supporting provision of relief to vulnerable people.

The diagram below shows the inter-relationships across the State governing the pandemic response, and the state, regional and local layers of responsibility.

The continued development and implementation of this plan will be overseen by the Greater Bendigo Relief & Recovery Committee. Organisational membership currently includes:

• City of Greater Bendigo – Leadership & secretariat support • ABC Central Victoria • Be Bendigo • Bendigo Bank • Bendigo & District Aboriginal Co-operative • Bendigo Cluster of Neighbourhood and Community Houses • Bendigo Community Health Services • Bendigo Foodshare • Bendigo Health • Bendigo Regional Tourism

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• Department of Education and Training • Department of Health and Human Services (by request) • Goldfields Libraries • Greater Bendigo Youth Council • Haven Home Safe • Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services • Loddon Aboriginal COVID-19 Leadership Response Committee • Victoria Police

These organisations will engage with their respective stakeholders and communities to understand needs, generate ideas and communicate back. Many individual organisations will also have their own coordinating committees internally.

Other stakeholders including Australian Red Cross, VCC Emergency Ministries, Salvation Army and Regional Development Victoria are represented on the Loddon Regional Relief and Recovery Committee.

Community engagement in developing and implementing the plan will be extensive and will include service clubs and groups such as Rotary, Lions, Zonta etc.

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ISSUE/ IMPACT OBJECTIVES KEY ACTIONS OPPORTUNITY STAKEHOLDERS(LEAD) Plain text = In progress Bold = Planned Red font = additions since last version of plan SOCIAL

Health services Potential impact on Build capacity to respond to increased DHHS NB. These actions and communications are being developed and health services numbers of patients requiring care. Bendigo Health managed by DHHS. including hospitals, Ensure that the workforce remains safe Heathcote Health Council and partners are disseminating information to the local GPs and ambulance from cross infection. Bendigo Community community through websites, community leaders etc. to services such as an Support local workforce to enable them Health Service minimise risk of cross infection. increase in cases to continue working. SJOG Hospital and a reduced Murray Primary Health Be Bendigo is leading actions to ensure health service workforce workforce who may Network (PHN) have easy access to goods and services required to support them become infected. Bendigo Loddon Primary continuing to work. Care Partnership (PCP) CoGB – Maternal and Child Bendigo Health have activated a health service pandemic Health and Home Support implementation plan to support the provision of health services Services within the context of the COVID -19 pandemic. This plan is Bendigo & District integrated with the plan for all Loddon Mallee health services and Aboriginal Co-operative planning is inclusive of the interface and contribution of SJOG and (BDAC ) Heathcote Health.

Information about BDAC services is on their website here

Access to food Vulnerable groups Ensure the general community and Bendigo Foodshare and Bendigo Foodshare is supporting food distribution to nearly and other are less able to vulnerable groups have access to local outlets 13,000 local people and has recruited more than 200 new essential supplies access food and nutritious food and essential items. Food Relief Network volunteers to assist with food distribution. other essentials Haven Home Safe (HHS) CoGB deployed 3 staff to assist Bendigo Foodshare with BCHS operations, logistics and social media. CoGB (this transitioned to new arrangements - several staff employed Red Cross by CoGB through the Working for Victoria program have been Salvation Army

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BDAC working with Bendigo Foodshare for several months – these contracts are now coming to an end) In response to demand Bendigo Foodshare has increased food distribution from an average of 51,000 kilos per month to 64,000 kilos per month. More food is available however warehouse size is currently limiting the ability to accept and distribute more. Demand is continuing to increase each month.

Promote the Foodshare Cafes for COVID campaign (launched 12 May and raised more than $11,000). This has raised funds to pay local businesses to create meals distributed through the food relief network in the region. Donations through GoFundMe are tax deductible. More information here

Food relief flyer is on Council website: City_of_Greater_Bendigo_Food relief info_April_2020_pdf_1.pdf

Haven Home Safe is continuing to provide Emergency Relief and material aid for rough sleepers and those in housing crisis, including the digital sharing of Essentials Cards, payment of utility bills, etc.

Food Relief Systems fact sheet has been developed and circulated to committee members.

Bendigo Community Food Pantry- working with all food relief agencies and Bendigo Bank to develop options for those newly experiencing financial hardship. Development of online community food pantry has been operational and live to the public since 14 September 2020. People can access four free food orders to temporarily reduce their living costs and help them get back on their feet. Food can be ordered online or by phone. The COGB Helpline is no longer in operation, however community can receive support by going directly to website (below) or call CoGB Customer Support 5434 6000.

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City of Greater Bendigo is offering support to Mt Alexander Shire and surrounding municipalities to assist with food relief arrangements if required, during increased demand period e.g. in Bendigo Student an outbreak. Association A study from Bendigo Foodshare, YoBendigo, the City of Greater Bendigo, and the Bendigo Student Association – YouFood Insights – looked at the financial impact of COVID-19 and the ability to afford food and groceries on young Central Victorians. Survey for people 16-24 years of age was carried out July- August 2020 and detailed results are available here.

The research found that 76% of respondents had experienced some form of food insecurity in the last 2 years, mostly since COVID19 pandemic began. 25 % of respondents who had not accessed food relief did not know where they would go to seek Farmers for Food Relief help.

Farmers for Food Relief. Five farmers locally providing produce. Working with VFF to develop statewide approach.

On-line purchasing services: Contact information: Woolworths: here Coles Aldi IGA

Food deliveries to people in people in isolation being coordinated through the Statewide COVID-19 hotline (with referrals to local councils)

Established the “Help your neighbour campaign”

Help your neighbour is now transitioning to the Connect Greater Bendigo online platform. WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 15

High demand for Supporting businesses to sell their food produce on-line. masks including people from vulnerable groups Several neighbourhood houses set up sewing groups to produce reusable masks for local community members.

DHHS has provided masks for vulnerable people, Aboriginal community and front line service providers to vulnerable people, including distribution through Aboriginal organisations, community health services and local councils. More information available here

CoGB has distributed more than 6000 disposable masks to food relief services, community health and homelessness agencies and neighbourhood houses for distribution to vulnerable people across Greater Bendigo (along with Easy English flyers about why and how to wear masks)

DHHS has also provided supplies of reusable masks to City of Greater Bendigo and a number of agencies including BCHS, for distribution to people from vulnerable groups. Additional supplies of reusuable masks are now available – please contact CoGB staff if you need more for your agency.

A BCHS Karen language video clip about masks is available here

Free Coats from our Bendigo Community Coat Drive are being distributed through BCHS staff and partner agencies, including refugee and family services areas, Community Houses, Foodshare, Madcow and Haven Home Safe. If any agency needs to access a supply of coats, please contact Rod Case at BCHS via Need for winter BCHS Coat Drive email [email protected] or via 5406 1200 clothing for vulnerable groups Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre (BVRC) is recruiting volunteers to support relief efforts across Greater Bendigo to gather data on how many people in Greater Bendigo have no access to income support (e.g people on temporary visas, refugees on bridging visas, international students).

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Some groups are Bendigo Volunteer Collaborate on actions to meet support needs of these groups not eligible for Job Resource Centre including advocacy where appropriate. Keeper or Job seeker allowances CoGB is supporting the Nobody Left Behind advocacy campaign including people on through the Welcoming Cities Initiative. This calls for support to temporary visas be provided to all workers left without a safety net. More information here

Rural Australians for LCMS is providing a virtual community meal on Fridays collected Refugees from the Old Church on the Hill (Food Safari using ‘pay what you can afford’ model). Some of these meals are also being home Latrobe University delivered where needed - 140 cooked meals being provided each week, providing sense of connection and community as well as CoGB nutritious food. Food Safari not operating in January but will be returning soon. BCHS Refugee Settlement LCMS Care and Food Exchange Weekly Foodshare pickup and Network delivery for most vulnerable households- this is an opportunity to do welfare checks. LCMS

Food safety Increased risk of Ensure that local hospitality businesses CoGB CoGB Environmental Health Officers (EHO) are providing food borne illness maintain high standards of food safety. additional supports to businesses where required. partly due to hospitality business-faqs-17-3-20-pdf businesses moving EHO support has been provided to Loddon Shire businesses to take-away food (ongoing support as required) models. Essential services Challenges in Maintain critical functions to support CoGB These include: maintaining critical relief and recovery (as identified by services amidst Chief Health Officer) Immunisation programs - still operating from COVID-19 Community Centre to ensure it can accommodate the needs of restrictions the community and the health requirements related to COVID.

Maternal and child health centres Service provision is guided by State recommendations and diversified to meet COVID-19 requirements with the goal of maintaining some level of service delivery for our community. Information on current arrangements is here.

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Council run childcare centres - occupancy dropped during Stage 3 restrictions.

Home Support Services Service provision is guided by State and Commonwealth recommendations and diversified to meet COVID-19 requirements with the goal of maintaining some level of service delivery and connection to older community members

Authorised officers carrying out their functions and investigations Responding to business and public enquiries Support and advice to regulated businesses Rubbish and recycling collections

City service updates – there have been further changes with the move to COVIDSafe Summer, further information here. For details of current services please see here The City’s Customer Support Centre re-opened on Wednesday 27 January 2021, click here for details. Rental stress and Ensure community is aware of support Haven Home Safe (HHS) Facilitated access provided to toilet and shower facilities at the Accommodation evictions services available. Tom Flood Sports Centre. Support local agencies to support the Significant numbers homeless. Housing Justice Service Housing Justice Service of homeless people • Bendigo Office is open Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm with across the City phones open to 5pm. • Walk Ins accepted • Phone contact and remote contact remain available. • Secondary Consultation for workers continues. • Any Issues related to a person’s tenancy are welcome to make contact Free Call 1800 450 990 or see

Bendigo Winter Night Winter Night Shelter 2020 Shelter Board Bendigo Winter Night Shelter committee (combined churches with MADCOW) provided the Winter Night Shelter at the Spring MADCOW (Baptist Gully Scout Hall, for 92 nights until 31 August, liaising with HHS Community Care) as required. The average stay for each guest was 25.3 nights and volunteers covered a total of 1,104 shifts (usually 12 shifts each Local churches

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night). 17 % of guests are now in rental accommodation and 25 % are now being accommodated by HHS. More information here

All HHS rental increases on hold. No evictions – moratorium being observed in line with state government guidelines.

Affordable Housing fact sheet has been developed and circulated to Relief and Recovery committee members More information available here

The State Government ‘Big House Build’ funding announcement will see - $5.3 billion in new and additional investment. - 9,300 social homes and 2,900 affordable homes, - $1.38 billion delivered through the Social Housing Growth fund over the next 4 years to support up to 4,200 new dwellings. - 10% growth in Victoria’s social housing system by the end of the program. More information here.

Mental health High levels of stress Ensure community is aware of support CoGB CoGB is a Community Connector agency for the Community and anxiety due to services available. Activation and Social Isolation (CASI) initiative, funded by the income loss and BCHS Victorian government to help people build social connections and social isolation. Bendigo Health local networks of support. The CASI program has received further Support community campaigns that BDAC funding commitment until June 30 2021. More information about provide ways for people to make a Headspace CASI is available here difference. 5-ways-to-wellbeing-when-in-isolation.pdf and other health and Healthy Greater Bendigo wellbeing info on City website. Bendigo-COVID-19-updates

Information provided on local services and supports here

Identify and celebrate local community Established the “Help your neighbour campaign” – 2240 followers resilience initiatives at 27 January 2021 (Will be transitioning to Connect Greater Bendigo online platform)

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Community groups and organisations (e.g. CWA Neighbourhood houses across City of Greater Bendigo are and neighbourhood continuing to provide support to local communities. For contact houses) details for local neighbourhood houses see

The Bendigo Cluster of neighbourhood and community houses are open for COVID safe business by appointment. Program information is posted on individual Facebook pages and the Help Your Neighbour Facebook page.

The Bendigo Cluster has also produced an overview of support provided by Greater Bendigo Neighbourhood Houses March- September 2020, available from any of the houses. Murray PHN A free phone and online counselling service ‘Talk it out’ has been launched by Murray PHN (Primary Health Network) for people over 15 living in the Murray PHN catchment, which includes Greater Bendigo. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week More information here

HeadtoHelp is a free mental health support service open to Victorians whose mental health has been impacted by the pandemic. It is available to people of any age, including children. Service can be access by calling 1800 595 212 during business hours Monday to Friday (except public holidays). More information here

PHN boundary locator is here Healthy Heart of Victoria Healthy Heart of Victoria has rolled out a series of TV ads and social media content on the themes ‘be active, eat well and stay connected’ during COVID19. More information here

Healthy Heart of Victoria has launched Adventure Bingo to get residents active by participating in one of six walks in each of the participating local government areas. More information here or on their Facebook page.

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Established the ‘Make Someone’s Day’ – letter writing campaign 04/Make%20Someone%27s%20Day.pdf This has had a great response and letters continue to come in from children and from older people (to send to a child).

Similar projects have been supported by community groups such as CWA. See here

LCMS LCMS is providing home learning packs to support English learning at home and the option of weekly catch-ups with English trainer.

CoGB The City of Greater Bendigo ran a Voices of Optimism campaign and Virtual Café Series to promote our community’s strong sense of optimism even during challenging times. The café series ran during August and presentations can still be accessed at More information here

Community grants Remaining CoGB community grants funding for 2019/20 were redirected to assist community groups providing relief and support to community through COVID-19. As at 6 July $160,000 had been allocated through these grants. The Community Grants Program has now returned to normal, and the City is encouraging applicants to consider community needs related to recovery from the pandemic.

The City of Greater Bendigo is offering temporary Love your Local Volunteers – Community Reactivation Grants to assist community groups to recover from COVID-19. Local incorporated not for profit community groups and organisations are eligible to apply for grants of up to $3000. Applications close June 30, 2021. More information here

Applications are still being accepted for the Community Group Essentials grants – up to $3000. More information here

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Applications for medium and large grants have now closed Care/Community-grants

Goldfields Libraries Regular telephone contact with CoGB Commonwealth Home Support Program clients.

Goldfields Libraries branches and agencies are now open in line with State Govt safety guidelines and density limits. Sign in required on entry. For up to date information click here.

Residents who are housebound due to illness, frailty or disability and unable to attend the Library may be eligible for the Home Library Service/ More information here

The ‘How we stay connected’ project is now under way. This project is exploring all of the opportunities and challenges for older people and carers staying connected during exceptional circumstances . This is a partnership between Bendigo Health, the City of Greater Bendigo and Goldfields Library. It covers Greater Bendigo, including Elmore, Heathcote and Rochester.

Working for Victoria initiative includes staff positions to support older members of the community to build confidence and competence in digital literacy (CoGB and Goldfields Library)

LCMS Multicultural youth network – supporting and connecting youth who support their households and community

COGB YO Bendigo Online is an online program of workshops, performances, and interaction opportunities for young people in Greater Bendigo to connect with the broader community. It aims to continue YO’s public programs including skill-building workshops, mental health and wellbeing education, and music and cultural events into an accessible online format for young people whilst the COVID-19 restrictions are active. More details

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Gather and collate local data on incidents and experiences of Racism and stigma Challenge racist stereotypes and racism towards local people promote positive examples of cultural Old Church on the Hill of Chinese or Asian diversity and inclusion Encourage people to report incidents to police and/or Human background Rights Commission accusing them of Increase cultural awareness programs spreading COVID-19 run by culturally diverse community Include responses to racism and stigma linked to COVID-19 in members review of the Cultural Diversity and Inclusion plan

The Refugee Settlement Network COVID19 sub group agrees the actions need to include multiple sectors and include a multifaceted approach for all multicultural communities but with Refugee Settlement a specific focus on the Karen community due to their Asian Network COVID19 sub- Australian appearance, and reluctance to report. However this group led by CoGB (see group may look to broaden approaches beyond COVID-19 also p34) incidents.

Agreed actions include: BCHS worked with VicPol to develop an anti-racism video for the Karen community featuring Bendigo police inspector Shane BCHS Brundell, letting people know about prejudice motivated crime and encouraging them to report any such incidents to police See video here

Bendigo Police have established a direct contact for service providers and community members to report and have made VicPol contact with key sites in Bendigo where known incidents have occurred. They are also increasing the physical presence in these key areas- Completed and ongoing

There has been increased reporting of incidents to police by Karen community members, assisted by settlement staff and Bendigo Senior Secondary College staff

Mayor presented a series of anti-racism videos supporting our refugee communities and calling on everyone to support each other. These are available in three different versions with translations into Karen, Dari and Dinka. The text of the statement is available in English here

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Dari video -

Karen video -

Dinka video -

Through the network, the Karen community report feeling very supported by these actions.

LCMS will work in workplaces and schools at some point LCMS Believe in Bendigo and BCHS partnering with the Bendigo together Campaign with a strong social media platform- ongoing

Believe in Bendigo

Alcohol and Risk of increased use To minimize harm linked to alcohol and BCHS Referrals to a range of Drug and Alcohol support services can be substance use of alcohol, drugs and substance use during COVID-19 Australian Community accessed locally by contacting ACSO on their Regional Victoria gambling. Support Organisation AOD Intake number 1300 022 760 or at (ACSO) YSAS Bendigo Headspace Bendigo BCHS can also be contacted directly to assist with community- BDAC based and residential withdrawal services 5406 1200 or a range of counselling, case management, and family supports, as well as provide needle syringe program and opiate replacement supports. Service information can be found at:

Young people (under 21) and their families can receive support locally from YSAS see:

For young people under 25 information is available at: drugs/ Family violence Potential higher To support people escaping family VicPol Promote local and statewide services, including the CNV COVID19 rates of family violence. Centre for Non-Violence Q&A webpage : violence and lower To continue the work on preventing (CNV) levels of reporting family violence. WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 24

Women’s Health Loddon CNV have asked that all partners in relief and recovery support Significant access Mallee the latest phase of messaging on family violence during COVID19, barriers for those Family Safety Victoria including sharing the You are Not Alone slides and messages, experiencing family Loddon (The Orange Door) (click on link to access) violence and BDAC needing support Women’s Health services and others are advocating for more during COVID19 recognition of impact of COVID19 on women and gender diverse LOUD Loddon Murray people and need for a gender lens in all aspects of COVID19 relief (LGBTIQI+ advocacy) and recovery, recognising gender as an intersecting element of wider structural inequalities.

Ref Joint Statement on Gender Equity and COVID19 here and budget submission ‘Towards a Gender Equal Recovery’ here Greater Bendigo Against Family Violence The Greater Bendigo Against Family Violence 16 Days of Activism Greater Bendigo Coalition November 25 to December 10, was very successful with many for Gender Equity online events, short video presentations and 88 facebook posts that reached more than 14,000 people. Webinars have been recorded and can be accessed here.

Victorian Government has announced a funding package to support family violence services through COVID19, including crisis accommodation and specialist support

VicPol launched Operation Ribbon 21 April, checking on family violence victims and perpetrators during COVID-19.

Bendigo office open Mon-Fri 9am- 4pm with phones open till Loddon Campaspe 5pm (walk in’s accepted) . Community Legal Centre Areas of focus include family violence, family law and child protection. Duty Service at local courts available, free Legal advice. Free Legal representation (when not conflicted). Secondary consultation for workers continues. Email [email protected] or ring 1800 450 909 for more details or see

HHS is working with family violence agencies to assist with Haven Home Safe (HHS) emergency accommodation and longer term access to housing via its Moving On and Private Rental Assistance Programs.

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Potential for higher Working with CNV, CASA, Arc Justice and VicPol to produce a levels of Elder series of webinars through the lens of family violence Abuse during isolation CoGB Skilling up CoGB home support staff to identify and respond to signs of Elder Abuse All Home Support Staff who were able to – accessed Elder Abuse training/refresher through a webinar during Elder Abuse week Child safety Concerns about Emphasise the importance of family and DHHS Community engagement that links ‘Help your Neighbour’ with child safety at a neighbourhood support CoGB Bendigo being a ‘Child Friendly City’ – importance of informal time when Child supports, referrals where needed and ‘it takes a village to raise a Protection cannot North Central Victorian child’ theme visit homes and Family Services Alliance families are under (including Child FIRST) Enhanced Maternal & Child Health Services have diversified additional stress service delivery to enable them to maintain contact with BDAC vulnerable families with children who may be “at risk” during Early years services periods of isolation, and will report to CPU if required School networks As part of supporting CoGB to be a Child Safe Organisation, an online training module is being developed along with designing face to face training for relevant staff – promoting children’s safety and how to respond

Community Increased likelihood Strengthen security for closed public VicPol Police patrols safety of public anti-social buildings. CoGB Increased security patrols of community buildings. behaviour and crime Increased cleaning of public toilets. (building theft, Increased Local Laws team presence in the community graffiti, etc.) Clean up and maintenance occurring around the Lyttleton Terrace (Coles) precinct, sparked by anti-social behaviour, multi- agency response (VicPol, HHS, CoGB, Bendigo Taxis, traders).

Potential lower Promote continued immunisation Immunisation: Centralised immunisation service to the Strathdale Community levels of program with emphasis on flu CoGB Centre to enable physical distancing and ensure high levels of immunisation due vaccinations. Murray Primary Health hygiene. Full list of immunisation sessions is here to need to leave the Network (PHN) home. Bendigo Loddon PCP

Communication Some members of Ensure that community messages are CoGB Establishment of the Greater Bendigo COVID-19 helpline and and community the community not accessible and reach all sections of the Bendigo Health (BH) email service [email protected] engagement aware of prevention community. Bendigo Community messages. Health Service (BCHS)

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Ensure the local community are Be Bendigo The Helpline has closed, and calls have transitioned back to the Some members of supported to access the relief and Loddon Campaspe CoGB Customer Service Centre. The Covid19 relief email remains the community not recovery services they need. Multicultural Services active. aware of local (LCMS) supports for relief Establish and participate in a range of ABC Central Victoria Establishment of a Community Leaders Forum was facilitated by and recovery. forums to share initiatives and advice. Bendigo and District the Mayor of Greater Bendigo. This has now transitioned to the Aboriginal Co-operative Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Committee. (BDAC) Neighbourhood houses Establishment of the Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief & Goldfields Libraries Recovery Committee

CoGB website and facebook pages Bendigo-COVID-19-updates

Mayor – regular videos posted on Facebook.

Regular newspaper and radio communications.

Links for Multilingual Information: SBS Multilingual Coronavirus Portal. resources/ disease-covid-19

Bendigo Community Health Service – have developed an online Bendigo Coronavirus Resource Hub full of translated information sheets and videos keeping our refugee communities up to date in this rapidly changing environment. Available here Examples of videos in Karen and Dari:

Utilise networks to reach specific communities (e.g. BDAC, Neighbourhood houses)

LCMS is providing regular COVID19 messaging and supporting Make a Change other community services to support CALD community members

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Let’s Pivot is a resilience response program to strengthen community efforts. Delivered as online community and professional development supporting community leaders, organisations and individuals to change their strategy without changing their vision. More information and registration details available here.

Develop communication engagement Bendigo Health is supporting community awareness of Community plan for COVID-19 Relief and Recovery prevention messages through: engagement has plan been strong in some Bendigo Health website parts of the Bendigo Health Facebook page community (eg. Consider who we are NOT hearing from Bendigo Health supported newspaper media through social and find ways for their voices to be media) heard Easy read versions of key documents are also available (see Haven Home Safe (HHS) resource list in appendix)

Ensure that community is actively HHS’s office has remained open with reduced office hours (10am- engaged in contributing to developing 4pm) and infection control measures in place. Posters, and implementing this plan information on COVID provided for intake clients. HHS has a dedicated COVID landing page with information for tenants and clients re hand hygiene, social distancing, symptoms, and hotline details. All vulnerable (over 70 and disability tenants telephoned and provided with COVID advice), several tenant newsletters on COVID. All information provided in Easy English and up to 35 languages.

Various Emergency Management meetings including: • Northern Victorian Integrated Emergency Management Pandemic Cluster Committee • Loddon Mallee Regional Relief Committee

Liaise with local neighbourhood houses and library agencies

Promote local community resilience initiatives e.g. Heathcote COVID19 Community Newsletter here:

Connect Greater Bendigo will be a one stop online platform to strengthen community connections– now in final stages of

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development following extensive consultation. Engagement with community groups is currently occurring to encourage them to utilise Connect.

See also details on bHive Bendigo under digital inclusion p30

Survey was developed to engage widely with community across Greater Bendigo about their ideas on impacts and relief and recovery. (1178 responses as at 21 July). Efforts were made to increase the number of responses from young people and some areas outside urban Bendigo. Responses have informed recovery planning. This survey has now closed. Liaise closely with Aboriginal community Bendigo & District organisations to ensure best outcomes Aboriginal Co-operative BDAC is sharing a lot of information with community via their for community (BDAC) website and facebook page, including Uncle Rick Nelson’s Covid19 rap health message available here (nearly 8000 views) .For more information on BDAC services during COVID19 see Loddon Aboriginal COVID- 19 Leadership Response BDAC, City of Greater Bendigo, Bendigo Health are active Committee participants of the Loddon Aboriginal COVID-19 Leadership Response Committee that is identifying needs in the Aboriginal Community relating to COVID-19.

This committee organised a COVID19 survey ‘to better understand the issues our Mob are facing’ for members of the Aboriginal community only.

City of Greater Bendigo and Bendigo Health are committed to supporting partnership responses addressing the needs of our local Aboriginal community.

Digital inclusion Some members of Utilise digital connections for Goldfields Libraries Link to Smart Cities development /digital literacy the community may communications, social connection, CoGB Continue developing draft Greater Bendigo Smart City [ref critical not have access to recreation, learning and business. Bendigo Farmers Markets Framework infrastructure the digital world Be Bendigo Continue investigating best approach to whole-of-community category ] The digital world Build new service / business models Heathcote Community and business digital literacy upskilling offers an utilising digital technology. Bank Explore the ‘Smart Rural Areas’ concept as a possible opportunity to Department of Education approach to helping our rural communities use digital engage with the technologies to meet their needs WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 29

community as part Advocate for improved digital access for of the relief and the Greater Bendigo community. Digital inclusion factsheet has been developed and circulated to recovery effort. Relief and Recovery committee members.

CoGB has three Working for Victoria positions dedicated to assertive outreach – going out to community members to teach them how to connect and stay connected using IT. See also the ‘How we stay connected’ project on p.18.

During stage 3 restrictions the Goldfields Libraries provided a wide range of community connections: Calling regular patrons (particularly those known to be vulnerable or elderly) Extending online literary & streaming services Inviting patrons to chat via Facebook Hosting virtual storytime Live streaming programs/events for adults Fun activities for kids Be Connected – training mentors to assist older people with digital technology Life in Lockdown project – collecting photos, art and writing about living through COVID-19

Faith communities on line communications and pastoral support (including Church services – many services are still being streamed live or recordings are available via YouTube and facebook). With the COVIDSafe Summer restrictions in place, there are no limits on the number of guests/ attendees however the 2m2 rule needs to be applied. Services at private residences must abide by the gathering limit of 30.

Heathcote Visitor Centre and some local Heathcote businesses are offering free wifi access to people in their cars parked close by.

Open Food Network

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Haven Home Safe (HHS) HHS has produced hard copy and posted letters to all its vulnerable tenants to keep them in touch.

bHive Bendigo bHive Bendigo - online digital co-operative has now launched its Villages platform - to support an ‘epidemic of belonging’. The development of this element of bHive Bendigo has been supported by a Great Ideas grant funded by CoGB and Fosterville Gold Mine. For more information see

Arts and Creative Wide range of arts Celebrate and promote opportunities for Bendigo Venues and The Bendigo Art Gallery is now open with bookings essential. Industries and creative social connection and recovery through Events More information here activities have the arts and creativity Bendigo Art Gallery Bendigo Venues and Events venues remain closed at this stage (see also moved to online Goldfields Libraries due to COVID19 restrictions. Economic platforms. Regional Arts Victoria More information here environment) Significant mental Regular updates on local arts and creative industries news and health benefits opportunities from Bendigo Venues and Events (including Arts e- associated with bulletin) here active participation in arts and ‘Love your Local Creatives’. The City of Greater Bendigo's Creative creativity. Recovery Activation Fund is supporting local creative businesses and artists to activate public spaces with innovative ideas, with grants up to $3000. Applications have now closed. More information here

‘What I did last week’ is a weekly online art exhibition available at Bendigo Venues and Events website here This online gallery displayed more than 780 works from 175 artists over 32 weeks and the archived gallery is still available.

Life in Lockdown project – see Goldfields libraries above and here

Create at Home online workshops (Bendigo Art Gallery) ran from March – June 2020 See more information here

BackStory: a weekly interview series presented by the Bendigo Writers Festival, Backstory continues to feature local, national

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and international authors and presenters in conversation every week on Facebook and Youtube. More information here

The Way Back concerts - showcase local and regional artists supported by full production on stage at Ulumbarra Theatre and livestreamed to an online audience. The first concert 19 July was viewed by more than 6500 people, with two more concerts livestreamed in October and December. They are still available for viewing here

Isol-Aid Festival. BV&E collaborated with the organisers of Isol- Aid to see Bendigo artists featured in this on-line music festival with global reach. More than 23,000 people tuned in to the broadcast in August, which featured six Bendigo performers playing from their homes or local landmarks. The event was also supported by the Tourism and Major Events Unit.

Play at Home – Watch Parties featuring local artists (hosted by Bendigo Venues and Events) here (first round has closed but previous events are available on this page)

Public Events Event organisers need to register their event and submit documentation based on number of attendees and risk factors Currently (Jan 27) , Tier 3 events are being approved limiting roaming events, with majority seated. Tier 1 and Tier 2 events are not being approved by DJPR as at 27 Jan 2021. CovidSafe Event Plan and CovidSafe Event checklists can be found on above link. Sport and Facilities and venues Support clubs and organisations to plan CoGB CoGB initial response: Recreation closed for recovery Sports Focus Cancelled winter seasonal use invoices Aquatic /leisure Sports clubs and Extended payment periods for club contributions centre staff stood Provide financial support to clubs and organisations Frozen interest payments on outstanding fees down facilities where possible Sport and Recreation Redeployed staff within the team to other functions Sporting seasons Victoria (SRV) Revisited draft 20/21 budget delayed VicSport Updated hardship policy to include COVID-19 measures

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Many events Focus strongly on communication Reprioritised opportunities to enhance mental wellbeing and cancelled strategies and gathering data from clubs provide public health messaging on needs and concerns Significant mental Advocate for statewide approach to summer and winter seasons health benefits associated with Strategies to be inclusive of participants Gather data from clubs about their current situation and future active participation with limited financial capacity needs and challenges in sport and recreation Advocate to funding bodies to reorient Provide increased messaging to clubs about grants, webinars, current funding to required needs protecting wellbeing, reverse sponsorship, finance updates etc

Develop strategies to maximise return rate and attract new members and volunteers when restrictions ease.

Build capability of clubs (e.g. financial education for treasurers)

Reorient community grants, prioritise low fee clubs, advocate to state sporting associations SRV and VicHealth about changes required to funding to meet new needs.

Advocate to Victorian government for continued program funding and additional grants – operational and capital

Work in partnership with Loddon Campaspe LGA neighbours on region based sports recovery options

Part of Building Works stimulus package is being allocated to community sporting infrastructure projects.

More information about transition arrangements for sporting clubs from SRV here and from VicSport here

Facilities have reopened (with density quotients) in line with the COVIDSafe Summer restrictions for regional Victoria.

CoGB is working with CoMs to assist with reopening of community centres where necessary. Play spaces, skate parks and outdoor fitness stations are open. More information here

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The Victorian government announced the launch of Get Active Victoria 7 Sept –

Get Active Victoria is a new Victorian Government initiative which aims to encourage Victorians to move more every day.

Guide to the COVIDSafe Summer restrictions in regional Victoria can be found here

Transport Significant increases CoGB (including Active in walking and Advocate for funding for improved footpaths and protected transport – cycling during Accelerate development of dedicated Healthy Greater Bendigo cycling networks [BDAC suggests this could include walking and COVID-19 cycle lanes both off road and on-road consideration of footpath needs Prouses Road) cycling) Local transport providers Reluctance to use (bus companies and taxis) Explore feasibility of bringing forward projects to encourage public transport Develop strategies to ensure community walking and cycling, based on Walking and Cycling strategy and during COVID-19 doesn’t become more car dependent Parks Vic identified need data such as Active Living Census. Department of Transport Continue to develop business case for ‘Walking and Cycling to Regional Roads Victoria Recovery’ proposals Bike Bendigo Bendigo Cycling Club Ensure that natural revegetation/revitalisation is included as part Bendigo Mountain Bike of any walking and cycling infrastructure projects, (linked to Club implementing Greening Greater Bendigo and partnership projects involving Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation - DDWCAC)

Monitoring, Our recovery will be Evidence based planning (and Greater Bendigo Relief and Collect data on community strengths as well as needs and planning and co- sustainable and evaluation) Recovery Committee reflecting on the learnings as we go; drawing on evidence in both ordination resilient if it is well Comprehensive community engagement planning and evaluation processes planned and co- Coordination of effort Find ways to engage with people whose voices are often not ordinated with Most effective use of resources heard strong co-operation Strong understanding of Participate in relevant committees and forums between partners intersectionality and access and equity Gather and share information and report identified issues to issues; recognising that the impact of regional level as required COVID 19 varies according to the Monitor changes to State Relief Plan and adjust this plan interplay between gender, age, accordingly disability, financial position, migration Update Relief and Recovery plan regularly status and other factors Apply a gender /inclusion/access and equity lens in all phases of planning and program delivery, using an intersectional approach

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Design process and impact evaluation using action learning models

The Pandemic Relief and Recovery committee is gathering data about COVID19 impacts and specific groups most affected, to Consider alignment and consistency with inform the development of additional recovery support other strategic priorities and initiatives. frameworks in planning investments for COVID-19 recovery Support staff in our organisations and build and maintain a positive culture

Keep community outcomes central to all service provision

Identify and advocate for COVID-19 recovery projects that will also address other strategic priorities - e.g. provide environmental and sustainability dividends through ‘green infrastructure’ and energy efficiency projects [see sustainability section below ]

Link with Swinburne University data co-op project on community Explore community resilience and resilience and wellbeing wellbeing data before, during and after Swinburne University COVID-19. Refugee Settlement Network has established a Refugee Settlement COVID-19 network to identify unmet needs, enhance Refugee Settlement service co-ordination and responses to COVID-19, identify Co-ordinate responses to COVID-19 Network learning needs for service providers and provide peer support to drawing on existing networks and 15 member agencies : network members resources COGB, Education sector - Bendigo Senior Secondary, This group is meeting fortnightly and reporting regularly to Relief Catherine McCauley and Recovery Committee College, Department of Key themes – Education coordinator of • COVID19 related racism (see pp 22-23 above) school nurses, Centrelink, • Extreme difficulty for international students finding part- Access Employment time/casual employment (Action: LCMS to discuss) LaTrobe university , DHHS, • Low COVID-19 screening rates reported for our refugee LCMS, Bendigo Police, communities. ( Action: BCHS work with BH to develop update Rural Australians for messages and disseminate) Refugees , Catholic Care • Communication messaging needs to continue and will be Sandhurst, Bendigo Health assisted by the DPC COVID-Recovery Grants provided to LCMS and BCHS. LCMS will focus on employment and BCHS

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on COVID-19 messaging, Karen hot line, maximizing reach of messaging with development of secondary dissemination champions. Both will include some work on racism

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Sustainability COVID19 presents Invest in and advocate for recovery CoGB Finalise and implement CoGB Climate Change Action Plan both opportunities projects that will advance sustainability Bendigo Sustainability and challenges. goals and climate action - providing co- Group Continue to explore possibilities such as: Strong alignment benefits to community (including job- Drawdown Greater • Retrofitting programs that can increase energy security, between recovery creation for people who have lost jobs Bendigo Alliance make households healthier and take climate action and objectives and during COVID-19) Landcare groups stimulate local jobs existing strategic Carbon Track • Increasing seedling stock for accelerated tree planting priorities Central Victoria program ( through Greening Greater Bendigo – tree Greenhouse Alliance planting activities to be tripled over the next 3 – 4 years) (CVGA) • Workshops to encourage local growing and food production Community organisations • Encouraging development of more community gardens (included in Food Systems Strategy) Regional Roads Victoria • Reducing energy costs for sports clubs and other community groups through energy audits and installing solar panels • Accelerating Carbon Track roll out (Smart Energy Management System) • Increasing availability of EV charging infrastructure (including for tourists) • Promotion of Environmental Upgrade Finance support available for local businesses. More information here • Community engagement about reducing emissions (through Drawdown Alliance) • Completing business case for implementing major street lighting LED change over project

The Clean Jobs plan being promoted through the Climate Council More information here

36 Working for Victoria staff are currently working with Parks and Open Space team, maintaining and watering newly planted trees, undertaking landscape restoration in some of our bushland reserves and monitoring roadside vegetation.

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Financial Relief Loss of income for Provide targeted financial relief to CoGB CoGB: Hardship policies updated and promoted. significant vulnerable groups within the Coliban Water • Rate payments can be deferred until 30 June 2021. This is for all percentage of the community. rates payments due, and will not have interest charged. More community due to information here cessation of non- • A number of business/commercial related fees and charges will essential services. be waived and reduced to support hospitality and other businesses over the coming 12 months • Council has frozen 500+ fees and charges to 2019/2020 levels for the 2020/2021 financial year • City is making more regular payments to suppliers (regardless of trading terms) • 50% (or greater based on impact) reduction of commercial rent for impacted tenants in Council owned buildings • Regular Central Victorian finance forum (FinPro regional group) linking with finance professionals from Wodonga / Ballarat / Shepparton / Macedon etc

Coliban Water: has in place a range of Hardship relief arrangements. Eligible concession card holders can receive up to a 50% deduction on water and sewage charges, as per the DHHS guidelines. Coliban Water also encourages customers who are likely to experience difficulties making payments to contact them directly on 1300 363 200 to discuss a personalised payment arrangement. Coliban Water has also partnered with Anglicare to provide financial counselling and practical support for customers experiencing vulnerability. Coliban Water has commenced an outreach program and has partnered with Credit Solutions to ensure a wider reach to its customers.

Hardship policies for tenants have been promoted to HHS tenants. Financial counselling referrals – The main providers Haven Home Safe (HHS) refer to are: • Bendigo Family and Financial Services - 8 Myers street Bendigo Ph: 03 5441 5277 WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 38

Haven Home Safe (HHS) • Salvation Army Ph: 03 5440 8454 • Anglicare – 47 High street Bendigo Ph: 1800 244 323 BDAC also provide a financial counselling service, only available one Friday per month.

Bendigo Family and Promote availability of services such as: Financial Services Bendigo Family and Financial Services (independent personal budgeting advice) Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria North Rural Financial Counselling Service (for farmers and small West business)

Employment Loss of jobs in non- Identify opportunities for employment Be Bendigo CoGB – Participating in the Working for Victoria initiative and essential services for people who have been stood down CoGB recruited more than 100 people across several business units, including hospitality or made redundant. providing 6 months work for people who lost their jobs due to and tourism. (see also Sustainability section above) COVID19. Nearly all of the people being employed in these roles are residents of City of Greater Bendigo. Most of these staff are Identify options that will give people Latrobe University now nearing the end of their WFV contracts with many having opportunities to retrain where Kangan Institute transitioned to new work and/or study opportunities. appropriate Advertising job vacancies at organisations across the Greater Bendigo region.

Explore possibility of offering free or low cost courses to promote ‘down time’ as opportunity to upskill /diversify knowledge base (see also actions under Business support section)

Working for Victoria includes an Agriculture Workforce Plan to match workers with employers in the agriculture sector who need additional workforce support. Fact sheet available here

Business support Many businesses Promote support for local businesses Utilise GROW Bendigo to support local economic recovery. have closed or had Build capacity of local businesses to Be Bendigo GROW Bendigo is a collective impact initiative with business, their income implement digital service offerings (including GROW Bendigo- government, community organisations and individuals working significantly cut. Growing Regional together to address disadvantage in areas of high Opportunities for Work) unemployment. It was launched late 2019 and is about creating new jobs and supporting impact investment that will benefit WORKING DRAFT V 20.0 27 January 2021 City of Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Plan 39

Some businesses are Procure more goods and services locally CoGB local economy growing due to and ensure prompt payment opportunities Regional Development created by the Support local businesses to employ Victoria Promote Localised - a business directory and digital platform, pandemic. more local people. which is free to use and enables other businesses or the general Coliban Water public to search services they are looking for in Central Victoria (launched by Be.Bendigo 11 May) More information here Diverse range of impacts depending Love your Local – first phase of the ‘Love your Local’ campaign partly on how digital focused on encouraging support for local businesses. Later ready businesses phases also encourage people to reconnect to their community were pre COVID-19 and the things they used to do, e.g. play sport, volunteer, visit the library, neighbourhood house etc., and encouraging local people

to visit our key attractions.

More information (Fridge chart) here

The Love your Local campaign extended across regional Victoria from 30 August 2020 with a dedicated message to support Bendigo based accommodation providers via a ’book now stay

later’ campaign.

Future directions for the Love your Local campaign are influenced by the stages of the roadmap for easing of restrictions in regional Victoria

The City’s Love your Local Business Revival Grant Program was

run in late 2020 with a large volume of applications received. The grants offered up to $1,000 to small businesses who could demonstrate that they have been negatively impacted by COVID- 19. The grants will be used to fund the purchase of local goods and services and/or professional advice from other Greater Bendigo businesses. A second grant round is being considered for Q1, 2021.

The City continues to support businesses through the Business Development and Engagement Program with a vast number of events and workshops delivered by the Australian Taxation Office, Australian Small Business Advisory Service and Small

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Business Victoria. The Small Business Bus is also scheduled to visit Bendigo in March 2021.

New and existing businesses continue to be supported through

the dedicated Business Help Desk and the Talking COVID-19 Business Matters. The newsletter is distributed to over 6,500 businesses every fortnight advising of news, events and grants relevant to local businesses.

Outdoor dining The City of Greater Bendigo wants to make it as easy as possible for hospitality businesses to either start or expand their outdoor dining footprint to maximise the number of customers that are able to dine on the premises. This may involve use of adjacent car parks or even partial road closures and the development of ‘parklets’. All outdoor dining fees have been waived until 30 June

2021. More information here or contact the City’s Business Help Desk [email protected] or 5434 6000.

A review of the Outdoor Dining initiative is currently underway to gauge community appetite for its continuation post 30 June 2021. The review includes the preparation of a survey and consultation with business and community members to

determine the long-term viability of the initiative.

The Bendigo and Heathcote Visitor Centres have reopened.

Promoting local products and services that can be purchased online or takeaway.

Gather data to better understand Supporting businesses to sell their food produce on-line. economic impacts and inform recovery strategies.

The Victorian Country Market online was launched 17 May, an e-

commerce market to promote and sell the best of regional

Victorian goods,services and produce. It aims to complement the

existing regional farmers markets and online market stores. More

information here

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Buy Local campaign

Shout 4 Good Campaign

Range of supports are available to small and medium businesses: support-amid-covid-19-crisis/

The City partnered with Be Bendigo to host a series of free webinars to help businesses through the changing environment of COVID-19. Past webinars are still available to view here The Virtual café series presented in August is still available to view. More information here Business Fact sheets here

COVID19 FAQs for Business can be found here

The City has extended the availability of counselling and support services available through its Employee Assistance program (EAP) to all Bendigo Tourism members (324 businesses based in Greater Bendigo)

Upskill My Business initiative The Victorian Government is giving businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic free access to top online short courses, training events and other resources. More information here

Analyse the latest REMPLAN data to learn more about the economic impact of COVID19 on local economy The publicly available Bendigo data with details for July 2020 is available here (updated 28 August 2020)

HHS partnered with the International Housing Partnership to host Haven Home Safe several Life in Lockdown webinars to discuss ways of working differently and digitally in the housing sector.

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HHS is working with other community sector agencies to develop co-hosted webinars.

Job vacancies promoted.

Large employers including Bendigo Health, CoGB & Coliban Water are supporting small business by seeking to pay creditors within 7 business days.

Latrobe University Latrobe University is offering small business owners (especially those in regional Victoria) to apply for a free online program ‘Design and Grow Your Digital Presence’. More details here

Latrobe University is also offering a free online leadership development program, ‘Leaders in Lockdown’

Tourism Victoria Bendigo Tourism has surveyed its members about their experiences during COVID19 to date (finalised 18 August). Bendigo Tourism Biggest theme when asked about support needed from Bendigo Tourism was marketing support. Survey will be repeated in a few months.

Tourism, hospitality, Provide support and information to See also pp31-32 Arts and creative industries section arts and creative assist artists /musicians / creative Bendigo Venues and industries sectors workers whose work and Events Promote links to assist artists and creative industry organisations especially hard hit performances are affected by (from Auspicious Arts – updated regularly) COVID-19 Regional Arts Victoria

Creative Victoria Promote resources for the music industry (updated regularly) Auspicious Arts #CovidCreativesToolkit -mostly open source resources to support Music Victoria creative practitioners to go digital – here

Bendigo Tourism membership subscription fees have been postponed

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Tourism promotion campaign for Bendigo region is being developed.

A reduction of Council’s commercial rents and ground leases for impacted sporting, community and hospitality venues

CoGB has activated new capital and renewal projects in closed facilities e.g. reflooring Peter Krenz Leisure Centre.

Coliban Water is continuing to undertake capital works within the region to support the continuity of employment for construction workers and regional economic growth

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COMMUNICATIONS COVID-19 State hotline – 1800 675 398

The Department of Health and Human Services have a dedicated line for COVID-19. When contacting the line there are four options available for the caller to choose. These options are: 1. Information on COVID-19 – this line can be transferred to Nurse on call for medical advice. 2. Information on current restrictions including mass gatherings, isolation and social distancing. 3. Information in relation to services as per Emergency Management Victoria 4. Reporting of people who are breaching isolation or quarantine. This call will go to police.


The Greater Bendigo COVID-19 Helpline is now closed. A dedicated helpline is no longer needed. Greater Bendigo residents can still call for support through the City of Greater Bendigo Customer Service Centre on 5434 6000 or access relief information via email [email protected]. Out of hours emergency relief needs will be met via the COVID 19 state hotline 1800 675 398.

City of Greater Bendigo communications The Department of Health and Human Services is the control agency for Pandemics. All information needs to be in line with their messaging to ensure consistent and up to date messaging for the community. It is important to ensure information is in line with state and federal governments to ensure consistency and one source, one message.

Council has a responsibility to protect the health and wellbeing of staff and its community. This means continuing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, as well as promoting positive mental health, lifting morale and supporting our staff and the community through this time. The intent of this campaign is to support each other and show the community that while some services have changed, the council is still committed to the community and their needs.


Title Location

Cluster Pandemic Plan Library/nvemc-integrated-pandemic-plan-pdf IMEMP 18-05/IMEMP-Integrated-Municipal-Emergency- Management-Plan.pdf State Emergency Relief Plan for COVID-19 Available online but only for those with EM-COP (V6– 4 Sept 2020) access: https://files- mergency_Relief_Plan-COVID-19.pdf Excerpt about local government role is provided below (p46) as an attachment Covid-19 Pandemic Plan for Victoria Covid-19 Pandemic Plan for Victoria

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Victorian Action Plan for Pandemic Victorian Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza Influenza Department of Health and Human Services

Coronavirus(COVID-19) business support business-support

Statistical information by municipality covid-19 surveillance report

Australian Department of Health - Health alerts, situations and case numbers coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19- current-situation-and-case-numbers

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APPENDICES / Extra information

APPENDIX 1 On-line services and resources (focus is on those not already included in Action table above)

[Can prune back the list below and refer to a few key sites for detailed resource lists - are there local sites that should be included that are not available on state/ national sites ? ]


Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 A free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Mental health information and support for all Victorians

Eheadspace 1800 650 893 Online and webchat support and counselling for 12 - 25 year olds, their family and friends.

HeadtoHelp Bendigo Hub via Bendigo Community Health Service Anyone struggling with the impact of COVID on their lives can access free mental health support by calling 1800 595 212 between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.


Health resources in Easy Read

The Australian Government has released a range of health information about COVID-19 on the Disability Information Helpline page on the Department of Social Services website in Easy Read and Auslan including:

• Coronavirus – What is it? - Easy Read • Coronavirus – 5 things to do right now – Easy Read • Coronavirus – What you need to know – Easy Read • Coronavirus – FAQs – Easy Read • Coronavirus – Social distancing – Easy Read • Coronavirus – Staying at home – Easy Read • Information and support for people with disability and carers-Auslan

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Parents and carers may have concerns about how to talk with their children in relation to COVID 19. The link below has a variety of information and fact sheets to assist with talking to young children.

Children’s services to continue with the following:

• Communicating through emails, website, social media platforms and telephone consultations. • Reporting any child safety issues through the appropriate channels.

Other links for useful information include:


Identify local grief counselling services and hotlines.

Information can be obtained from:

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement:

Operating via Telehealth or by telephone and will still respond to requests from new clients for specialist bereavement counselling

Contacts [email protected]

Phone: 9265 2100

My Grief App: This app provides support to grieving people and those who support them. Users have the option to answer some questions about their grief experience and then to be provided with some appropriate strategies for help them to manage their grief experience. For those supporting a bereaved person a range of helpful suggestions are provided - from the initial point of bereavement through to longer-term support.

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STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF PLAN FOR COVID19 V6.0 – Excerpt showing regional and local arrangements 4 September 2020

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