President Xi Jinping met with Jerry Brown, California governor, at the Great Hall of the People.

Premier Li Keqiang met with representatives of the 5th Roundtable Summit of the Global CEO Council. Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, met with the delegation of the - Friendship Parliamentarians' Union.

Vice-Premier Ma Kai met with Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff, former German president. Contents

Express News

FOCUS 04 2017 BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum Successfully Held / Wang Qi 04 CPAFFC Vice-President Xie Yuan Meets with New Costa Rican Ambassador / Xiao Xiao

05 Reception to Celebrate 45th Anniversary of Establishment of China-Guyana Diplomatic Relations Held in / Chen Ke

05 Vice-President Lin Yi Attends Concert Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Georgia and Georgia’s Independence Day / Zheng Chen 10 06 Vice-President Song Jingwu Meets with New Kyrgyzstan Ambassador to China / Feng Miao

06 Reception Marks 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties Between China and Bahamas / Department of American and Oceanian Affairs

07 -Montpellier Medical Cooperation Moves Up to New Level / Chengdu Friendship Association

07 First International Sister Cities Outstanding Innovation & Venture Project Promotion Launched in Chengdu / Chengdu Friendship Association

1430 08 Participates in China-CEEC Mayors’ Forum / Shenyang Friendship 17 Association

08 Delegation from Sasebo City Visited Shenyang / Shenyang Friendship Association

Cultural Exchanges

09 Vice-President Hu Sishe Attends Commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of 48 Normalization of Relations between China and Japan / Gao Hui 11 China-Uganda Relationship Gets a Boost with First Dragon Boat Race / Zhang Yujun

13 Japan-China-ROK Flower Arrangements a New Platform for Cultural Exchange / Yu Xiaodong

16 A Sri Lanka Native & China Lover / Jiao Tianjiao

19 Chinese Photographers Visit Sri Lanka / Sun Yajing

22 People-to-People Friendship / Jinith de Silva 5130

2 NO.189 September 2017


24 Impression of Poland / Yao Sanming

26 India-China relations on the background of China’s Belt and Road and India’s entry into SCO / Avijit Banerjee

28 China’s Development Promotes Cooperation between China and Japan / Jiang Feng

30 BRICS Greets Its Second Decade / Lu Rucai

33 Literature Transcends National Boundaries: Chinese Writing in Translation / Liu Yi Published in Chinese and / Dang Xiaofei 36 Silent Witnesses to the Emergence of the Maritime Silk Road English 38 The Everyday Struggle of Beijing’s Rickshaw Drivers / Justine Lopez

39 Mobike rolls out bicycles in London / Bo Leung in London Front Cover: On July 12, 2017, the BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum Between Friendship Cities was held in Chengdu, province. 41 Acting as a Bridge Connecting to the World / Beijing Friendship Association

43 Beijing-ASEAN Cultural Tour in Myanmar and / Beijing Friendship Association

45 Building Bridges for Better Understanding between Peoples / Beijing Friendship Association Sponsored and published by the Chinese People’s Association for 47 Confucius Institute Promotes Friendly Exchanges / Haidian People’s Friendship with Foreign Countries Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Beijing Editor-in-Chief: Gao Weimin 49 Art Performance Marks 20-Year Friendship between Chinese and ROK Districts / Changping People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Address: 1 Taijichang St., Beijing, Countries 100740, China

Fax: (010) 65122782 Interview E-mail: [email protected]

51 Interview with Sir Henry Keswick, Chairman of Jardine Matheson Group / Staff Reporter ISSN 1000-9582 CN11-1234/D

3 Express News

2017 BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum Successfully Held

Wang Qi

n July 12, the 2017 BRICS Friendship Cities and Local O Governments Cooperation Forum was successfully held in Chengdu by the CPAFFC, CIFCA and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government. It was hosted by the Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office. Wang Jiarui, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC; Li Xiaolin, president of the CPAFFC and CIFCA; Deng Chuan, vice- chairman of the Sichuan Committee of the CPPCC; Luo Qiang, mayor of Chengdu; Tang Chuanping, chairman of the CPPCC Chengdu Committee; Des Van Rooyen, minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs of South Africa; Luciano Nunes Santos Filho, president of UNALE; Shipilov Aleksei, first deputy governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra of Russia; and I Kundan, additional municipal commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India, attended the forum, among others, and delivered speeches. CPAFFC Vice-President Xie Yuan Meets with New Costa Rican Ambassador

Xiao Xiao

ie Yuan, vice-president of the Chinese People’s Association X for Friendship with Foreign Countries, met with Patricia Rodriguez, the new Costa Rican ambassador to China, on July 18. Rodriguez said that she served as one of the leading members in the Costa Rica and China Friendship Association, and had been promoting friendship between the two peoples. Moreover, she had studied in China several times and had written some books about the country. The Costa Rican Embassy in China will actively assist the CPAFFC in organizing celebration activities, she said.

4 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Reception to Celebrate 45th Anniversary of Establishment of China-Guyana Diplomatic Relations Held in Beijing Chen Ke

n June 27, a reception to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the O establishment of China-Guyana diplomatic relations was held in Beijing. Around 200 people, including Ma Peihua, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of the China-Latin America and Caribbean Friendship Association (CLACFA); Hu Sishe, vice-president of the CPAFFC; and Bayney Karran, Guyana’s ambassador to China, attended the reception, along with some other foreign ambassadors. Before the reception, Vice-Chairman Ma had a brief meeting with Ambassador Karran. Vice-President Lin Yi Attends Concert Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Georgia and Georgia’s Independence Day Zheng Chen

concert was held at the Beijing Concert Hall on June 14 to A celebrate the 25th anniversary of China-Georgia diplomatic relations and Georgia’s Independence Day. It was jointly organized by the CPAFFC, China’s Ministry of Culture and the Georgia embassy. Li Huilai, assistant minister of Foreign Affairs; Lin Yi, vice-president of the CPAFFC; Xie Jinying, director-general of the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries of the Ministry of Culture of China; Jalaghania, Georgia’s vice-minister of foreign affairs; David Aptsiauri, Georgia’s ambassador to China; and many countries’ ambassadors and their wives attended the activity.

5 Express News

Vice-President Song Jingwu Meets with New Kyrgyzstan Ambassador to China Feng Miao

n June 6, Song Jingwu, vice-president of the CPAFFC, met with O Azamat Usenov, Kyrgyzstan’s newly appointed ambassador to China. Usenov spoke highly of the unique role the CPAFFC has played in the exchanges of sister cities, in local cooperation and in people- to-people exchanges between the countries. He thanked the CPAFFC for making positive contributions to promoting bilateral relations, and expressed hope that during his tenure the Kyrgyzstan Embassy in China would continue keeping close collaborative relations with the CPAFFC and playing the role of a bridge, so as to push bilateral relations to a higher level. Reception Marks 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties Between China and Bahamas Department of American and Oceanian Affairs reception for the 20th anniversary of the establishment of A diplomatic relations between China and the Bahamas was held in Beijing on May 25. Zhang Ping, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress; Li Xikui, secretary- general of the CPAFFC; and Paul Andrew Gomez, ambassador of the Bahamas to China, were present. Zhang met Ambassador Gomez before the reception. Zhang expressed hope that both countries would take the 20th anniversary as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in more fields, and to promote relations. In his address at the reception, CPAFFC’s Li remarked that since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have witnessed a smooth development of their relationship and the China-Bahamas friendship had taken deep root in the hearts of the two peoples. He said the CPAFFC was willing to do more to promote that friendship and provide service in developing relations.

6 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Chengdu-Montpellier Medical Cooperation Moves Up to New Level

Chengdu Friendship Association n the morning of May 22, Dr. Cong Huiquan, international project O leader under the French Health Ministry’s Medical Service, led a delegation from Montpellier University Hospital on a visit to Chengdu. During the visit, the cooperation MOU was renewed with the Chengdu Health and Family Planning Commission and ideas were exchanged for future cooperation. In January 2014, Montpellier Medical Service and the Chengdu Medical Administration reached a consensus about establishing a Chengdu-Montpellier Endocrine and Metabolic Disease Research Institute and Senile Disease Research Institute, which was officially unveiled 10 months later. In the three years since, the institute has achieved fruition in its frequent medical team training and doctor training. The renewed MOU extends the existing cooperation into more areas, including medical research, smart medicine and remote medical treatment. First International Sister Cities Outstanding Innovation & Venture Project Promotion Launched in Chengdu Chengdu Friendship Association

n May 11, an outstanding innovation and venture project promo- O tion was presented to the 2017 Chengdu Innovation Forum for Mayors of International Sister Cities. The event, conducted in the form of TED speeches, presented the innovation and venture resources of Chengdu’s sister cities and served as a platform for participants to ex- plore ways of developing professional and international in-depth coop- eration. Tel Aviv; Vienna; Moscow; Gold Coast, Australia; Hamilton, New Zealand; Honolulu, Hawaii; and 10 other sister cities of Chengdu introduced their cities’ development, industrial layout and innovation projects.

7 Express News

Shenyang Participates in China-CEEC Mayors’ Forum

Shenyang Friendship Association

n June 8, the Shenyang People’s Association for Friendship with O Foreign Countries (SYPAFFC) sent representatives to , province, to attend the 2017 China-CEEC Mayors’ Forum. During the meeting, the Shenyang officials learned from the experiences shared by other attendees on how to communicate with Central and Eastern European countries, while introducing Shenyang’s geographical and industrial advantages to the European attendees. The SYPAFFC officials hoped to give Shenyang’s enterprises a helping hand in their strategy of going global. The representatives of SYPAFFC followed Shenyang’s central mission— “Work Jointly to Make Shenyang a Happy City”—to hold business negotiations with representatives from Central and Eastern European companies on possible cooperation in projects to build eldercare and rehabilitation facilities.

Delegation from Sasebo City Visited Shenyang

Shenyang Friendship Association

t the invitation of the Shenyang People’s Association for Friendship A with Foreign Countries, a delegation led by Nakayama Kenji, chief of the International Strategy Section of Sasebo City, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan, visited Shenyang, province, from June 13 to 17. During the visit, the delegation met and negotiated with a number of entities—among them the Shenyang Economy and Information Technology Committee, Shenyang Civil Affairs Bureau, Shenyang Medium-Sized and Small Enterprises Association, Shenyang Old-Age Care Service Industry Association, the government of Yuhong district, Shenyang Normal University and Shenyang Medical College. They discussed the present situation and development of the eldercare industry and explored possibilities of cooperation in academic study, human resources and trade.

8 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Vice-President Hu Sishe Attends Commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of Normalization of Relations between China and Japan

Gao Hui

CPAFFC Vice-President Hu Sishe (R4, back row) with the Japanese friendship personages.

u Sishe, vice-president of the 5 at the invitation of the Nanao Japan- were co-organized by the Nanao soci- H CPAFFC, led a delegation to Japan China Friendship Society. He delivered ety, together with friendship societies to commemorate the 45th anniversary a keynote speech—“Strive for Progress in other cities in the Hokuriku region of the normalization of relations be- in Peace and Friendship with Joint- and people in the political, economic tween China and Japan and to attend Efforts from Two Peoples”—during and cultural fields. relevant cultural events from May 1 to the anniversary celebrations, which Hu said that friendly exchanges

9 Cultural Exchanges

had been the major part of the two for the two countries. president of the Japan-China Friend- countries’ relations over the past 2,000 Among those Hu met during his ship Society of Anamizu town. years. He also noted that the CPAFFC visit to Japan were Tanimoto Masa- Hu briefed his hosts about the cur- had played a significant role in promot- nori, governor of Ishikawa; Nakanishi rent state of China’s politics, economy ing people-to-people diplomacy after Yoshiaki, vice-governor of Ishikawa; and culture. the founding of the People’s Republic Katsumi Koga, honorary adviser to “Cooperation benefits us both, of China. the Japan-China Friendship Society of while confrontation can only hurt,” he He extended his thanks to all Ishikawa; Kimoto Toshio, president of said, adding that China’s development present at the gathering for their the Japan-China Friendship Society of is an opportunity rather than a threat. continual efforts in promoting Sino- Ishikawa; Toyokazu Fushima, mayor Peaceful development, mutual ben- Japanese friendship, despite some of the city of Nanao; Takaso Hiroshi, efits and win-win cooperation between twists and turns. These efforts, he president of the Nanao City Assembly; China and Japan are in the fundamental said, provided the impetus for the Masuhiro Izumiya, mayor of the city development of bilateral relations. He of Suzu; Akasaka Toshiaki, president interest of the two peoples, as well as made three suggestions with regard of the Suzu City Assembly; Okada Jo, the common aspiration of Asia and the to community and youth exchanges president of the Japan-China Friend- international community, he said. between the two countries, and called ship Society of Nanao; Michizo Sanbai, Hu also presented a flower bouquet for joint efforts from all friendship president of the Japan-China Friend- at the Narrow Strip of Water Monu- societies to help build a better future ship Society of Suzu: Skamoto Akira, ment in Nanao, and paid tribute to the Chinese laborers who were forced to go to Japan and who died in ruthless oppression during World War II. He also visited the family members of the late Sakamoto Misoji, former Japanese chief Cabinet secretary and a long- time friend of the CPAFFC. He said the CPAFFC would build on its past achievements and explore new coop- erative channels. The CPAFFC and the local governments and friendship soci- eties in the Hokuriku region achieved common understanding on promoting exchanges between the youth of the two countries and local regions. The delegation also took part in the Seihaku Sai Festival, a traditional cultural event in Japan that appears on The Seihaku Sai festival UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage list.

10 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

China-Uganda Relationship Gets a Boost with First Dragon Boat Race

Zhang Yujun

“After finishing their dinner, Victoria and waited in the bluish waves. the Confucius Institute in Uganda were women and children in the city will With banners and flags fluttering and introducing the origins and customs lock their doors and go to the riverside crowds hurrying to watch, dragon boats of the festival, followed by singing to watch the boat race… Every time the set off swiftly to align in the starting performances by several Ugandan race reaches white heat, the drum will order. Competing rowers from Uganda popular entertainers. The activities play loudly and the crowd will burst and China pulled oars in the waves reached a climax again and again. out shouting and applauding.” and forged ahead toward the same After a day of racing, one rowing Those are the words the famous destination. The beating gongs and team representing a Ugandan logistics writer Shen Congwen once wrote about drums, together with the waving of oars company, and the Jianghan University the main event of the Dragon Boat Fes- in unison, prevailed on the lake; one rowing team from , tival in western province. The dragon boat followed another closely; province, beat 20 other teams to win writing presents a scroll of folk cus- not one was willing to lag behind. respective first prizes in the large- and toms. Now, the same scene is unfolding Excited spectators on the bank waved small-boat divisions. in Africa’s largest lake. The traditional their arms and cheered loudly for all The First Dragon Boat Race of customs remain, while some energetic rowers. The sound of drums and cheers Uganda ended successfully, and the African faces add an enthusiastic and intermingled and resounded across the scene became a sea of joy. All the bold new look. lake. rowers, whether they won or not, On May 28, 2017, the First Exciting activities were not only clapped their hands and hugged each Dragon Boat Race of Uganda was found on the lake, but also nearby. On other to celebrate. Spectators sang and held on Lake Victoria. Thousands the grandstand, Chinese residents made danced joyfully. of participants from China and zongzi and spring rolls for spectators. It was indeed a grand view by the Uganda joined the gala celebrating The fragrance of indocalamus leaves— waters of Lake Victoria. By the end Dragon Boat Festival. Ugandan Vice- a kind of —mingled with the of the celebration, differing languages President Edward Ssekandi, CPAFFC aroma of snacks of both countries. no longer presented an obstacle to Vice-President Lin Yi and Chinese The long distance from China communication. Bright smiles were the Ambassador to Uganda Zheng did not diminish the impact of the perfect way to exchange thoughts. The Zhuqiang attended the event. Dragon Boat Festival. On the stage hearts of Ugandan and Chinese people The dragon boats lined up in Lake before the grandstand, teachers from moved ever closer, and friendship was

11 Cultural Exchanges

Association maintained close contact and went through several rounds of consultations. The CPAFFC actively promoted the participation of Chinese professional dragon boat rowers, and Chinese enterprises in Uganda, as well as associations in China and overseas, invested a lot and even teamed up with Ugandan rowers to participate in the race. The rowing team from Jianghan University came to Uganda both to take part in the race and to help with the training of local rowers. Ingenious Ugandan residents, who were good at carving, made some of the dragon boats and painted them in bright Edward Ssekandi,vice-president of Uganda (in dark jacket); Zheng Zhuqiang, colors. Chinese dragons with African Chinese ambassador to Uganda (in hat); and CPAFFC Vice-President Lin Yi characteristics sailed courageously on (white trousers) attended the First Dragon Boat Race in Uganda. the largest lake in Africa. To maximize the influence of the activity, the two countries launched a enhanced. The environment provides a natural series of publicity campaigns. During closeness to boat racing for local the early stage of the race, Uganda held people. What’s more, 2017 marks the a news conference with its minister of China-Uganda Cooperation Enters a 55th year since Uganda and China tourism offering support. Ads, posters New Stage established diplomatic relations. and special issues of publications All these combined offer a perfect introduced the race in every possible In recent years, the dragon boat backdrop for the dragon boat race, and detail. The media also joined in the race, as traditional folklore and a so it was initiated by Edward Ssekandi, publicity effort to showcase the cultural icon, has become a carrier of the Ugandan vice-president and highlights. On the day of the gala, cross-national communication and sponsor of the Africa-China People’s China Central Television, Xinhua News a symbol of common development Friendship Association. Agency and Uganda’s mainstream through ups and downs. Being To make the dragon boat race media covered the event from every thousands of miles distant from China a success, China and Uganda spared aspect. “Sinomania” was the result. poses no obstacle to the Dragon Boat no effort to cooperate in every The dragon boat race was a win- Festival in Uganda, nor for the dragon aspect of preparation. Ssekandi was win scenario. For China, Chinese boat race, because of the profound concerned about every detail and traditional folklore, cultural philosophy bilateral friendship. coordinated government departments of patriotism, inclusiveness and the With its numerous pools and for full support. As to the event’s idea of coming together through thick lakes, and with many residents living personnel, agenda and training, and thin found their way into the lives by water, Uganda has been called the Chinese Embassy in Uganda of Ugandans. For Uganda—pearl of “Water City on East African Plateau”. and the Africa-China Friendship Africa—the ecological environment

12 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

and vast tourism resources were expected to attract more Chinese tourists and boost the tourism economy. The inaugural dragon boat race Japan-China-ROK Flower in the largest lake in Africa coincided with the traditional Dragon Boat Arrangements a New Festival in China. The gala aimed to promote Ugandan tourism. Meanwhile, taking the dragon boat race as a Platform for Cultural channel, Uganda had an opportunity to learn something about Chinese culture. This grand activity depicts a picture Exchange of friendship and family-like affection combining harmonious coexistence and Yu Xiaodong mutual help. “The First Dragon Boat Race of Uganda was both unprecedented and successful. We have every confidence to make the second race another success during the next Dragon Boat Festival,” Vincent, liaison director of the China- Africa Friendship Association, said during an interview. “Next year, we are planning to invite more friends from China and delegates from surrounding countries to this game. We aim to make the Ugandan Dragon Boat Festival an international brand project, and we sincerely hope that the next dragon boat race will also get full support from China so as to add more Chinese characteristics to enrich the activity. Through the Dragon Boat Festival and Flower arrangement artists from Japan, China and ROK. race, the African people will get to know more about Chinese culture and he Third Japan-China-ROK and ROK flower-arrangement artists, hence boost the bilateral relationship. Art Exchanges on Flower amateur practitioners of the art and We are looking forward, from the T Arrangements was held at the China people devoted to Sino-Japanese bottom of our hearts, to meeting Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 15, friendship. again next year at picturesque Lake 2017, attended by Chinese, Japanese The event was hosted by Victoria.”

13 Cultural Exchanges

Tokyo’s China Cultural Center, the sales promotion shop; Sang Sook Han, constantly seek originality and Chinese People’s Association for deputy chairperson of the Academic ingenuity by absorbing nourishment Friendship with Foreign Countries, Society of South Korea Flower Art from the ethnic cultures of other RBA International, Japanese NPO Design; and Jung Hee-kim, a famous countries. She expressed hope that and the Korea-China Friendship Korean flower designer. The artists’ the event would use the charm of Association of Culture & Economy. new works stirred up wide appreciation flower arranging to deepen the It was supported by Japan’s Ministry among visitors. mutual understanding of the three of Foreign Affairs and the China- At the art exchanges in Tokyo, the nations, particularly young people, Japan-ROK Trilateral Cooperation junior school students from Saitama- and contribute to the continued Secretariat. ken and other guests took part in flower development and prosperity of the art The art exchange invited famous arrangements and exchanged ideas with of flower arranging. flower arrangement artists from those the artists. In 2015, to improve people- three countries—Fumi-So Kume, CPAFFC President Li Xiaolin to-people communication and art famous artist of Tsukinowa-Misho- has given close attention and exchanges among Japan, China and the Ryu; Yasu-Ho Jinbara, chairperson of support to communication between Republic of Korea, the CPAFFC, RBA the Confederation of Kado (Tokushima Chinese, Japanese and Korean International and the Korea-China prefecture); Wang Suizhi, former vice- flower arrangement artists. In her Friendship Association of Culture & secretary of the Association of Chinese congratulatory message at the event, Economy reached an agreement to hold Flower Arrangements Art; Liu Jianfeng, she said that in order to continue art exchanges on flower arrangement in senior teacher of flower arrangement to develop the traditional arts of the three countries alternately. The First and manager of Chongwenmen flower ethnic cultures, each country should and Second Art Exchanges were held in Beijing and Seoul in 2015 and 2016 respectively, and won acclaim from all social circles. The Third Japan-China-ROK Art Exchanges on Flower Arrangements held this year in Tokyo was also a complete success. Hu Sishe, vice-president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Nobuhiro Kume, chairman of RBA international; Young Aeh Kim, chairperson of the Korea-China Friendship Association of Culture & Economy; Zhang Mei, press counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan; Ms. Shi Yongjing, director of China Cultural Center in Tokyo; Choe Byeongmi, Ribbon-cutting ceremony director of the Arts and Exhibitions

14 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Department, Embassy of South Korea “Neither can a country,” he added. between Japan and China, as well as in Japan; Ms Wang Suizhi, former vice- He said RBA International would next year’s 40th anniversary of the secretary of the Association of Chinese continue its commitment to promoting signing of the peace and friendship Flower Arrangements Arts; Mrs Kume, nongovernmental communications treaty between the two countries, Fumi-So, famous artist of Tsukinowa- among the three countries by will continuously increase the Misho-Ryu; and Ms Park Kumja, conducting exchanges in the art of understanding and friendship between chairwoman of the department of flower arrangement. Japan and China, and push forward a flower arrangement of the Korea-China Hu Sishe, vice-president of the friendly cooperative relationship. She Friendship Association of Culture & CPAFFC, pointed out that China, Japan pointed out that flower arranging is Economy, all attended the opening and the ROK have enjoyed more than popular among Japanese, Chinese and ceremony. 2,000 years of friendly exchanges. Korean people, and it can contribute RBA International Chairman As for cultural and arts exchanges, to deepening friendship and cultural Nobuhiro Kume delivered the opening Hu said, the three countries have a exchanges. speech at the assembly. He said his common historical background. He Young Aeh Kim, chairwoman of heart was full of joy and gratitude to noted that the art of flower arrangement Korea-China Friendship Association be the host of the Third Art Exchanges has common characteristics in Eastern of Culture & Economy, said she on Flower Arrangements in Tokyo culture while having their own styles. was very pleased to join flower on the occasion marking the 45th Flower arrangement art exchange, he arrangement artists from the three anniversary of normalization of said, has become a new platform and countries at the Third Japan-China- diplomatic relations between Japan new brand for cultural exchange. He ROK Art Exchanges on Flower and China. expressed hope that such exchanges Arrangements in Tokyo. Art exchange, He noted the theme of the will help people of the three countries she noted, provides a platform for event—“Exchange of Smiles”. Love of become more closely linked in their wider cultural exchanges between the flowers renders one’s heart warm and hearts and develop friendship through three countries and is an important kind, he said, adding that heart-to-heart mutual help. stage for nongovernmental diplomacy. communication transcends nation and Zhang Mei, press counselor She said that exchanges of flower age to make everybody friendly and of the Chinese embassy in Japan arranging skills have helped strengthen healthy. noted in her congratulatory message links between the three East Asian “It is our wish that all people, that China, Japan and the ROK are countries. She expressed her belief families, society and the world are safe important counties in Asia. She said the that the activity will further enhance and peaceful,” the Japanese host said. inseparable neighbors need to deepen communication. Kume promised to make the mutual understanding and enhance Participants in the event all noted event an opportunity for all participants cooperation while maintaining friendly that flower arrangement is typically and guests to enjoy the charm of flower coexistence. This, she said, is not representative of the three East Asian arrangement and flowery smiles, only in their common interest but also countries’ culture. The art of flower as well as an occasion for the three beneficial to the peace, stability and arranging embodies a lifestyle and countries to develop friendly ties prosperity of the Asia Pacific and the feelings about nature, and it can help and exchanges. He said everybody is whole world. She hoped that taking people achieve harmony with heaven closely linked with other people and no advantage of the 45th anniversary of while improving their aesthetic one can live alone. normalization of diplomatic relations cultivation and attainment.

15 Cultural Exchanges

A Sri Lanka Native & China Lover The Deeds of Sri Lankan Friend Indrananda Abeysekera

Jiao Tianjiao

“In my childhood, I read articles territory and profound culture. And so that followed his return to Sri Lanka, about Chinese master Monk ’s the idea of living in China developed in he visited China 10 times and settled travels in Sri Lanka and took interest in his mind. in Beijing again from 2005 to 2011. Chinese and its culture. Later, I knew After returning home, Abeysekera He returned to his homeland in 2011, Premier Zhou Enlai, who had been a friend took pains to seek another opportunity and since then has visited China every of the Sri Lanka people and helped us when to come to China. Eventually, in year, sometimes more than once. He we were in dire need of outside support. In 1990, he was invited by China Radio has been to more than 28 provinces, my view, China is like the big brother of Sri International to serve as an expert in municipalities and autonomous regions Lanka.” Singhalese, and he lived in Beijing in China, more than many Chinese —Indrananda Abeysekera for six years. Over the seven years people. When asked why he visited

Indrananda Abeysekera, an ordinary Sri Lankan man, once served at the Sri Lankan Youth Service Council, the Sri Lankan National Gallery and the Sri Lanka Foreigners Employment Agency. In 1987, at the invitation of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Abeysekera visited China for the first time as a member of a delegation of friends. Since then, he has forged a close relationship with China. He visited China again in the following year, a visit that made him realize that a man must reside in China for a long time before he can really Indrananda Abeysekera won the Chinese Government Friendship Award. understand the country, with its vast

16 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

China so frequently, he answered South Asia. In addition, Abeysekera is people, has developed to include six affectionately: “Because China is my a strong supporter of the Belt and Road branches and nearly 1,000 members second home.” Initiative and has added elements of and has established partnerships with Whether it was a brief visit or a it to many events he has hosted. For more than 10 Chinese provinces and long residence in China, Abeysekera example, he created the theme of the cities. always maintained close ties with Fourth China-South Asia Friendship As an old friend of Chinese the CPAFFC. In 1997, he initiated Organizations Forum—“China-South people, Abeysekera can be called a Sri Lanka-China Social and Cultural Asia Regional Cooperation under the “die-hard fan” of China. Cooperation in Sri Lanka, which Belt and Road Framework”. “I greatly admire the specializes in friendly exchanges with In 2016, to introduce the Belt achievements of the Communist Party China, and has carried out cooperative and Road Initiative to the Sri Lankan of China and the country’s leaders activities with the CPAFFC. Over the people, the Sri Lanka-China Social in the construction and development past 20 years, under Abeysekera’s and Cultural Cooperation held a of China. I also appreciate China’s leadership, the Sri Lanka-China countrywide essay competition, which development concept. I have been Social and Cultural Cooperation received thousands of manuscripts and studying such ideas as socialism with and the CPAFFC have performed a a good response from all sectors of Chinese characteristics, its Belt and variety of friendly exchanges in the society. Road strategy and the Chinese Dream.” humanities, education, economics, Abeysekera’s great contribution Abeysekera has been a firm trade, charity and many other fields. to promoting friendship between China supporter of China on all occasions. The Sri Lankan organization has sent and Sri Lanka has been commended Whether it was an international issue, nearly 50 delegations to visit China by the people of China and Sri Lanka. such as the South China Sea dispute, and has received more than 50 Chinese In China, he has been given awards the Diaoyu Islands conflict or the delegations. It has held more than by the government many times. He suspension of Sri Lanka’s Colombo 10 large-scale activities. Abeysekera has received the Chinese Government port project, he always backed China. also launched the Friendship of Love Friendship Award, issued by the During the Olympic Games program, which manages the donation Chinese Bureau of Foreign Experts; in Beijing in 2008, Abeysekera was of gifts to poor children in remote the 512 Natural Disasters Friendship interviewed by a German media outlet. Chinese areas. He also established Award, issued by Sichuan People’s When asked about his view of the a cornea donation program, which Association for Friendship with Dalai Lama, he made it clear that Tibet encourages the Sri Lanka Eye Bank to Foreign Countries; the was an inseparable part of China and regularly donate corneas to Chinese International Friendship Award, issued the Dalai Lama’s separatist activities ophthalmology hospitals. by the Guangdong People’s Association should be condemned. After the report In 2010, led by Abeysekera, the for Friendship with Foreign Countries; was released in Germany, Abeysekera South Asia China Regional Friendship among other honors. In 2004, was criticized by officials at the Sri and Cooperation Organization was Abeysekera was awarded the title of Lankan embassy in Germany, but he formally established, encompassing People’s Friendship Messenger by the stood by his words. major China-friendly organizations CPAFFC. “I did not say anything wrong, in South Asia and providing an Through the efforts of and what I said is the truth,” he said. effective platform for exchanges and Abeysekera, the Sri Lanka-China Another time, while browsing cooperation. It was the first regional Social and Cultural Cooperation, information on Facebook, Abeysekera friendship organization to be set up in which started with only a few dozen happened to see a comment saying

17 Cultural Exchanges

State Councilor Yang Jiechi met with Indrananda Abeysekera. that the Diaoyu Islands belong to of engagement in the heavy work, improved. After being discharged from Japan. That made him angry, and he Abeysekera developed diabetes, high the hospital, he stayed in a hotel for two immediately retorted to the poster of blood pressure, heart disease and other days and then resumed his efforts for the comment with the argument that the problems. But every time there was Sino-Sri Lanka friendship. Diaoyu Islands are an inseparable part something related to Sino-Sri Lanka The ancient Greek philosopher of China. friendship, he would always insist on Aristotle said 2,000 years ago that Abeysekera has made painstaking participating, even when he was ill friendship is “the same soul in different efforts in the development of Sino- In 2016, desiring to visit China to bodies”. Though Abeysekera was born Sri Lanka friendship. As a friendly discuss the Sri Lanka Eye Bank’s plan and grew in Sri Lanka, he has a sincere organization, the Sri Lanka-China to donate corneas to Chinese hospitals, Chinese heart, which is extremely Social and Cultural Cooperation has no Abeysekera—who was in poor health valuable. fixed source of funding. At first, many at the time—led a group despite his I would like to dedicate this ar- of its activities relied on Abeysekera’s doctor’s objections. ticle to Mr. Abeysekera, who is still on meager personal salary and his Unfortunately, he suffered a heart the path to promoting friendship be- relatives’ and friends’ sponsorships, attack during the visit and was in serious tween China and Sri Lanka, and to oth- and he had only his spare time to work condition. But under the care of Chinese ers who are committed to the cause of for success. Owing to his long years medical professionals, his condition international friendship.

18 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Chinese Photographers Visit Sri Lanka

Sun Yajing

his year marks the 60th the country’s long history of cultural begun weeping at the sight of a silk fan T anniversary of the establishment exchanges and deep-rooted friendship made in his hometown. of diplomatic relations between China with China. The Buddha statue had a unique and Sri Lanka. A series of cultural face, with half its mouth in pain, exchange events themed “China and Sri the other half smiling, when seen Buddhism in Sri Lanka Lanka in the Eyes of Photographers” from different angles. I couldn’t help was held to mark the occasion, which thinking how mixed the master’s was jointly hosted by the CPAFFC, the Buddhist cultural exchanges feelings must have been when he Provincial People’s Association between China and Sri Lanka date to preached here under the Bodhi Tree. for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420). It is My visit coincided with the Vesak the Municipal People’s recorded that Monk Faxian, during his Day, a major Sri Lankan holiday. It Association for Friendship with visit to India, also sailed to Sri Lanka, was traditionally celebrated on the full Foreign Countries and the Sri Lanka- where he studied and transcribed the moon in May (Gregorian calendar) to China Society. The activities kicked off Buddhist sutra in the local Abhayagiri commemorate the birth, enlightenment in May, and will last until November, Vihara. In one of his travel records, and death of Gautama Buddha. When to boost understanding and friendship Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, he the holiday arrived, five-color Buddha between the two peoples and bring the wrote about Sri Lanka. flags and various lanterns, with a white vision of sharing in the Belt and Road We paid a special visit to lantern as the main one, could be seen Initiative to Sri Lanka. Abhayagiri Vihara, the temple that hanging on the doors of home and I got the opportunity to participate Faxian visited, located on the northern offices and in various public places. in the first cultural tour from May 9 Anuradhapura, the best-known ancient Standing before the open-air to 17. Following the photographers in capital of Sri Lanka. The , the Buddha in the holy city of Kataragama, our group, I viewed the whole process only temple structure that has escaped we could see Buddhist believers of tea growing, as well as the Bodhi destruction brought by sectarian praying continually with fresh lotus Tree, the great history of the Galle fighting, came into view, standing in their hands. The altar was imbued Trilingual Inscription and the splendid among the ruins of the conflict. with flowers, pure and beautiful. Today scenery of Hambantota. All these gave In front of an exquisite Buddha Vesak Day has become United Nations me a deep impression of the unique statue, Jinith Desilva, vice-president of Day of Vesak, attracting believers from culture, history and natural beauty of the Sri Lanka-China Society, recounted all over the world. The 14th United Sri Lanka—“the world’s most beautiful the legend of Monk Faxian, who once Nations Day of Vesak this year was island”—and allowed me to witness meditated here. He is said to have themed “Buddhism’s role in promoting

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social justice and sustainable world by sea, exactly coinsides with the Silk Tamil and Persian express admiration peace”—a way of working for world Road and Maritime Silk Road. The for Brahmanism and Islam. It also peace and development in its own way. trade route, growing in the Wei and Jin records the offerings made to two gods. Buddhist cultural exchanges dynasties, has flourished for thousands We also saw many examples of have been uninterrupted since Monk of years. In fact, when it comes to fine Chinese coins and celadon in the Faxian visited the island. While filming the ancient maritime trade between splendid art palace. These items are a in Polonnaruwa, the second-oldest China and Sri Lanka, , the record of the long history of trade capital city, we came across a group of outstanding mariner of the Ming between the two nations, and of the monks from Jingci Temple in China’s Dynasty, must be mentioned. History flourishing ancient trade routes. The southeastern city of Hangzhou. They says Zheng He visited Sri Lanka three spirit of national equality, religious said they were planning to transplant times—in 1409, 1410 and 1416. tolerance, harmony and diversity that the Anuradhapura Bodhi Tree in China. In the Colombo National Museum they manifest is what we must uphold of Sri Lanka, we saw the well- in our pursuit of world peace and known Galle Trilingual Inscription. development. The Silk Road This stele features inscriptions in three languages—Chinese, Tamil Lasting fragrance of black tea The route of Faxian, beginning at and Persian. The Chinese inscription Chang’an (today’s Xi’an), the ancient depicts mainly the origin of the trip capital of China, and returning home and lists alms given; the inscriptions in Ceylon tea, Keemun tea and Darjeeling tea are the world’s Top 3 black teas. Black tea is a must in modern cultural exchanges between China and Sri Lanka. During the visit to a tea garden in Sri Lanka called Blue Field, a girl told us all about tea in fluent Chinese. She said that she acquired her Chinese language skills from an exchange program to a tea garden in China’s southeastern province. Nowadays, the mainstream opinion in Sri Lanka is that Ceylon tea originated in China in the early 19th century. Since Sri Lanka became independent in 1948, the tea garden, which once served British colonists, became the country’s major export and an economic mainstay. This year, the Reclamation at Hambantota government of Sri Lanka is planning a celebration of the 150th anniversary of

20 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

commercial tea planting and the launch the lotus pond shape of Polonnaruwa, bright and prosperous paradise, covers of Ceylon tea promotions in China. aided by the Chinese government and 66,000 square kilometers and has six Under the framework of the Maritime designed by the two nations, Lotus Na- world cultural heritage sites and two Silk Road, Ceylon tea will be better tional Art Theatre opened in December world natural heritage sites. These appreciated by Chinese customers and 2011 and became the largest China- ancient places serve as centers for more easily promoted in China. aided single building in Asia. In addi- citizens to recall the past—centers for tion, the Bandaranaike Memorial Inter- living, study and education, as well national Conference Hallin Pettah, was as vacation, leisure and philanthropy. China-financed infrastructure built in May 1973 with free aid from Despite interference from modern the Chinese government under the care lifestyles, old traditions—the pagoda, of Premier Zhou Enlai. Over the past the Bodhi Tree, the Buddhist sutra, In our brief visit, we had a full decades since it was put into use, the traditional saris worn by women, itinerary. On the way from mountains hall has been playing an important role the tea garden—have endured from to seas to cities, we got a direct as a symbol of China-Sri Lanka friend- generation to generation. This is, impression of the infrastructure in ship. Opposite the hall is the embassy actually, the thing that impressed me Sri Lanka. The road to Hambantota of the People’s Republic of China. The most. was broad and straight; elsewhere two buildings, echoing each other, have I remember on the day I arrived were ordinary two-way streets with fully manifested the unity of the two in Sri Lanka, a knowledgeable member few traffic lights. This newly built peoples. of the visiting team pointed at a Vesak highway was financed by the Chinese The design of the current Sri lantern and told me: “Tassels of the government, we were told by Mr Lankan 1,000-rupee note includes the lantern are often made in the shape of Jinith. China-aided A5 highway tunnel. With waves because the road to nirvana must At the port of Hambantota, Mr the development of the Belt and Road be tortuous.” Prasanna introduced the ongoing Initiative, infrastructure in Sri Lanka A commonly quoted saying goes: project of the port and its future plan. will definitely make remarkable prog- “The road is tortuous, but the future is The project, a model of win-win ress. bright.” cooperation between the two nations, Over the past 60 years, China- has finished its second phase. Mr Sri Lanka ties have overcome complex Conclusion Prasanna pointed at a distant island, international obstacles and maintained saying it was artificial—built up with sound development. Today with the earth—and soon there would be banks, The nine-day visit flew by. At new opportunity brought by the Belt supermarkets, luxury hotels and other the end of the visit, I asked myself a and Road Initiative and 21st Century facilities to serve ships docking there. question: What impressed me most? Maritime Silk Road, the friendship Looking in that direction, I suddenly Was it the salute when the national between the two peoples will also sur- thought of the words of Sri Lankan anthem of Sri Lanka was played? Was mount any new difficulties. The future Vice-President Mahinda Rajapaksa it the magnificent ruins of two ancient is an extension of history. The future at the launch of the first-phase: “Our cities? Or the citizens’ tolerant and between Sri Lanka and China is win- nation’s hope starts from this port.” calm attitude that values peace over win development. From now on, the China’s aid could be seen ev- violence? Indian Ocean will shine with greater erywhere in Colombo. Inspired by Sri Lanka, whose name means brilliance.

21 Cultural Exchanges

People-to-People Friendship

Jinith de Silva

hina has maintained friendly any country, as some Europeans six times. But these visits also helped C relations with neighboring did. By the 15th century, China had China cultivate friendly relations with countries since days long past for two become a big naval power, with famed the other countries he visited. He took reasons. One was trade, the other was navigator Zheng He crisscrossing the some of the representatives of these Buddhism. China’s link with Sri Lanka Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea countries to China and introduced them spans 2,500 years. seven times from 1405 to 1433 for to the emperor. China did not occupy or annex trade purposes. He visited Sri Lanka After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, China continued its policy of pursuing good foreign relations and took steps to establish diplomatic ties with many countries. Sri Lanka was one of the first countries to formally recognize it. The rubber-rice pact signed in 1953 brought the friendship of the two countries to a higher level. Sri Lanka established diplomatic relations with China in 1957. The Chinese government also realized that in addition to inter-state connections, there should be people- to-people connections for relations to be meaningful. Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping once said if there was only cooperation between governments without people-to-people contacts, Mr Liu Dong, cultural secretary of the Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka, there would be no solid basis for presenting a certificate to one of winners of Third Sri Lanka and China bilateral relations. Photographic Competition and Exhibition. The Sri Lanka China Society was established in 1981. We have

22 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

taken many steps to promote and friendship association. much needed by the school—was maintain Sri Lanka-China friendship In the last several years Chinese donated by the Jiangsu organization. at a very high level. Necessary support students from various provinces We considered the teaching of the and encouragement for this has been have been given the opportunity to Chinese language to children at Devi provided by the Chinese People's take part in “Manjaree”, the annual Balika to be our biggest achievement. Association for Friendship with art exhibition held by Devi Balika. Of the school’s 2,000 students, about Foreign Countries and the Chinese Our society played a major role 700 now study Chinese. In this school embassy in Sri Lanka. in collecting the artwork from the a student can use Chinese to enter a Sri One very successful project was provinces. A large number of works Lankan university. executed by our society in Colombo, by Chinese students—mainly from An opportunity was given to the where in the last five years a great Qinghai, , Gansu, and prefects of this school to visit Jiangsu friendship has been built between Guangdong provinces—were received province in 2016 at the invitation of China and the Devi Balika School— for these exhibitions, and some won JPAFFC. As a result of this visit, Devi a leading school for girls in Sri Lanka. awards and certificates. Balika School managed to foster a This project helped students gain In addition to that, we gave sister school relationship with two knowledge of China and gave them students at Devi Balika opportunities leading schools in Jiangsu—No 16 an opportunity to study the Chinese to take part in exhibitions held in Middle School of and No 1 language. various provinces in China, and Middle School in . At the essay Some of the remarkable invited Chinese children to contribute competition about China held by Sri activities in this effort were the art and to the annual photographic exhibition Lanka China Society annually, the photographic exhibitions featuring called “Roo Chaya” held by this students of Devi Balika always get top Chinese students and students of the school. results, showing that their knowledge Devi Balika School. In April 2017 a two-day of China is extremely high. An art exhibition was held in photographic exhibition was held Within a short period, Devi 2012, with much ceremony at the at the school, organized jointly by Balikahas been able to create and National Art Gallery in Colombo, the Jiangsu friendship organization, foster a good understanding among to display the works of the children the Sri Lanka China Society and the its students about China. I can of China’s Devi Balika students in Photographic Society of Devi Balika categorically say that out of all schools Jiangsu province. A delegation of School. The exhibition was themed in Sri Lanka this one single-handedly the Jiangsu People’s Association for “A Dream Back to the Six Dynasties, maintains very close relations with Friendship with Foreign Countries led Taking the Culture of Six Dynasties China. by Hu Haiou, its secretary-general, to Sri Lanka.” With this, the children Finally I would like to say that the visited Sri Lanka to take part in the of Sri Lanka had a great opportunity children of Devi Balika will become exhibition. to educate themselves on the ancient a bridge that links the two countries’ We are pleased to say that in history of China. The opening friendship for many years to come. 2013, Devi Balika students took part ceremony of the exhibition was graced I would like to thank Mr in the Nanjing International Youth by Jiangsu People’s Association for Amaradasa Gunawardana, president of Drawing Competition, and five of those Friendship with Foreign Countries the Sri Lanka China Society, and Mrs girls placed among the 10 best in the Vice-President Cai Xisheng and his Prdeepa Samarasinghe, principal of world. They were given an opportunity delegation. Devi Balika School, for their unfailing to visit China that year, thanks to the In 2013 a table tennis table— support.

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Impression of Poland

Yao Sanming

his year marks the 207th education and balanced development a cylindrical structure converted from T anniversary of the birth of Polish of private and public schools. More an old barn, with a quaint exterior and composer Fryderyk Chopin. Recently, than 90 percent of Polish people have a fresh and elegant interior featuring I had an opportunity to enjoy a concert a high school or advanced education Polish national style. There were featuring the works of the world- background with the rate of higher many yachts moored on the river in famous composer and pianist, and I education at about 20 percent. There front of the hotel, making a beautiful couldn’t help recalling the short but are 443 universities in Poland, of scroll picture when viewed from a impressive visit I had in Poland a few which 133 are public and 329 private. distance. The hotel owner proudly years ago. Generally, every 80,000 Poles can share told us: “My hotel is the place where In April 2013, I had the honor of a university. The crowds we saw in the the Portuguese national team stayed visiting the Republic of Poland with streets, stations and parks in Poland during the European Cup in 2012.” a delegation of the Chinese People’s were mostly reading while waiting for There were photos of the players with Association for Friendship with Foreign buses or enjoying their leisure time, the staff on the wall. When the pictures Countries. The name Poland means demonstrating their cultured character. of these world famous teams and stars “plain” in Slavic. It was called Bolieer Poland follows the Bologna Process were shared to my WeChat Moments, in ancient China. I found that Poland in higher education and is committed numerous friends “liked” them. is true to its name as we traveled in the to harmonizing the architecture of Gdansk is a famous city in the country. In just a few days, we were the European higher education and modern history of the world and intoxicated by its poetic and refreshing technology system. It ranks in the top plays an important role in the history green scenery. Poland boasts a diverse 10 of the world’s higher-education of Poland. On Sept 1, 1939, Nazi natural environment, including the powers. Germany’s bombardment of the Gdansk coast of the Baltic Sea, the Carpathian Sixteen Poles have won the port marked the outbreak of World Mountains and the Wieliczka Salt Nobel Prize in the fields of literature, War II. The color revolution of the late Mine. During our visit, we learned that chemistry, art and peace politics. 1980s was initiated by Solidarity, the the total forest area of Poland is more Among them, Madame Curie won Polish trade union, in Gdansk. After than 8.89 million hectares, accounting twice. Poland’s continued commitment Solidarity won 99 percent of the seats for about 32 percent of its territory. No to education is one of the most of the Senate in the general election in wonder we saw a world of trees and an important reasons for its renewed pride 1989, Poland was renamed Republic ocean of flowers. in the world. of Poland. Since then, it has formally What impressed me most was Gdansk was the main city of embarked on the political pursuit of the education in Poland. An education- our visit. The first Regional Forum Western parliamentary democracy and oriented country implementing a Poland-China was held in this beautiful implemented an economic development completely free nine-year compulsory city. The forum was co-hosted by path of a market economy based on education, Poland has rich educational the CPAFFC and the Polish Foreign private ownership. Over the years, resources, low tuition fees for higher Ministry. The hotel we stayed in was despite twists and turns, Poland has

24 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

become the most successful country in passionate Military Polonaise, one of cultural exchange. The concert ended the economic transition of the former his works that embodies a powerful with Chopin’s Nocturne but we were European communist countries. national spirit and eulogizes the so excited that the applause took a long In the course of history, Poland glorious performance of the Polish time to quiet down. has been torn by war, with 123 years of national struggle. It serves as a Even though it has been a few foreign invasion and occupation. But triumphant march. years since that visit to Poland, I still it is now the sixth-largest economy in Tan Yong, a professor at have vivid memories in my mind. the European Union and an economic Southwest Minzu University in China, Poland, as a former socialist country leader of Central and Eastern Europe. then performed an erhu solo—Horse of Eastern Europe, still has relatively The first Regional Forum Poland- Racing—which once again ignited the underdeveloped infrastructure. China was held at the Gdansk concert enthusiasm of the audience. At first, I Dilapidated factories, houses and hall. A delegation of Chinese local was really worried about whether our social environments are waiting to governments selected by the CPAFFC Chinese folk music would be accepted be improved. Poland needs time to carried out extensive and practical by the local people in this musical city. become strong and wealthy. The exchanges with Polish government Actually, it turned out that music is a political forces of the country have and business sectors, and a number universal language. Tan’s performance been competing, and the road to a free, of intent agreements were reached for drew big applause. Afterward, the democratic and affluent new republic, cooperation. As the deputy director artists of both countries took turns which was proposed by Lech Walesa, of the Reception Office of the Xi’an on the stage, bringing us wonderful still has a long way to go. May Poland Municipal People’s Government, I performances. This was a gala both have a bright future, with everlasting exchanged ideas and experiences with for music and for the China-Poland friendship with China! our Polish hosts about the protection of cultural relics and other heritage. The forum was a complete success, with both sides achieving fruitful outcomes. After the forum, we enjoyed excellent China-Poland arts exchange performances in the concert hall. It was a rare opportunity to enjoy Chopin’s works in the motherland of the renowned composer and pianist. Our group leader told us we needed to be attired in formal dress. Before we set out, we examined our clothes. Hair, shoes and neckties were inspected carefully by our cautious leader. Upon arriving at the concert hall, we noticed that the Polish audiences were all dressed up. The concert began with Chopin’s A glimpse of Poland

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India-China relations on the background of China’s Belt and Road and India’s entry into SCO

Avijit Banerjee

ecently, there has been a lot of exchange between the people of the encompassing around 60 countries. R discussion in the media and also two countries. India’s Buddhism, Oceania and East Africa are also among the policymakers on which astronomy, medicine, literature, music, included. direction India-China relations is dance entered China; similarly, China’s The Belt and Road is a moving, especially after India declined silk, porcelain, tea and printing also centerpiece of China’s foreign policy to participate in the Belt and Road entered India. and domestic economic strategies. It summit that was held in Beijing in May The Silk Road Economic Belt and is aimed at rejuvenating two ancient and after India joined the Shanghai the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, trade routes and opening up markets Cooperation Organization in June. also known as The Belt and Road within and beyond the region. In order India and China, two great Initiative, is a development strategy to make it successful, China is keen ancient civilizations, jointly fill a and framework, proposed by Chinese to offer more economic and financial brilliant chapter in world civilization. President Xi Jinping that focuses on assistance to countries on the route As close neighbors, India and connectivity and cooperation among and beyond through a connectivity China enjoy the longest history of countries—primarily between the program, technical exchanges and exchanges, with the most profound People's Republic of China and the building infrastructure. The Belt and mutual influences. Ancestors of our rest of Eurasia, which consists of two Road sounded interesting and timely, two countries came to and fro to main components: the land-based Silk and many of the countries in the learn from each other and exchange Road Economic Belt and the Maritime neighborhood of China had already Buddhist scriptures, jointly creating a Silk Road. The strategy underlines extended their support. A great deal of splendid history. Since ancient times, China's push to play a bigger role in deliberation and negotiation may be there has been a continuous cultural, global affairs. The coverage area of the necessary among the countries along educational, economic and friendly initiative is primarily Asia and Europe, the Belt and the Road for generating

26 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

the necessary political interest in and with Beijing on matters of mutual now become a proper multilateral support for these mega connectivity interest. India’s involvement in the bloc. There have been proposals for projects and viewing mutual benefits Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank economic cooperation and even a free- in. Though proposed by China, the (AIIB) or the BRICS Development trade zone among member countries. Belt and Road should be a common Bank, now known as the New India’s entry into SCO will help aspiration of all countries along their Development Bank (NDB), is an India to communicate more with the routes. example of the fact that it accords Central Asian countries in order to China has already started taking strategic engagement with China a great successfully carry out its “Connect several initiatives by investing in deal of significance. Reconsidering the Central Asia” policy’. This is another infrastructure projects and seeking dynamics of India-China relations in a important forum where the two most a comprehensive engagement with broader context, India should not go for populous countries, India and China, member countries. However, better an out-and-out strategic competition should play a more important role for planning will be essential. From an with China. It will be a great challenge future security and economic space Indian perspective, it is apparent to Indian diplomacy and business to that could ease tensions in the region. that the Belt and Road Initiative will make the complex game with China The SCO forum will provide India seriously hamper India’s efforts in work in India’s interest. India’s not the opportunity to regularly interact increasing its share in global trade joining in the Belt and Road Forum with the member countries, and will and commerce if India chooses to stay until now should not be allowed to enable a better understanding of the out. Not only is India likely to lose influence New Delhi’s overall approach regional dynamics at work within the existing and prospective markets, but it toward China. India must join hands organization may also see its share in global capital with China to achieve strategic In the present scenario where inflows come down. The initiative will reconciliation. Perhaps India is aware economic development is fundamental foster policy coordination, increase of this reality; that is why Prime for the country, India’s entry into the trade and investment and ensure Minister Modi, speaking at a panel SCO will help it have greater access to people-to-people connectivity in this discussion recently at the St Petersburg the region’s resources and markets and region. India, for various reasons, is International Economic Forum, said: open the way for further cooperation reluctant to join. The main reason “It is true that we have a border dispute with countries of the region. India has behind India’s opposition to the policy with China. But in the last 40 years, not been suffering the menace of terrorism is the China-Pakistan Economic a single bullet has been fired because of for a long time. Therefore, her entry Corridor, which is a part of the Belt and it.” will provide an opportunity to address Road. In such a situation, it becomes India’s inclusion in the the threat of terrorism which has imperative for policymakers in India Shanghai Cooperation Organization affected the peace and stability of the to plan out strategies that not only as a full member in the June 2017 region. mitigate any adverse consequences of Astana summit in Kazakhstan is Another important summit meet- the initiative, but also enables India to significant considering the present ing, the BRICS Summit, will take place reap benefits. geopolitical game in the world. Sept 3 to 5, 2017 in the Chinese city If we look at the cooperation India’s membership in the Shanghai of under the theme “BRICS: mechanism between India and China, Cooperation Organization (SCO) is Stronger Partnership for a Brighter we find that in spite of its border also likely to make way for increased Future”. BRICS has become a driving disputes with China, India cooperates cooperation with China. SCO has force in promoting global economic

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growth, improving global governance and pushing forward democracy in in- ternational relations. It will be a chal- lenge for the BRICS countries to work together to cope with challenges and China’s Development seize the opportunities for common de- velopment and find common solutions Promotes Cooperation to difficult problems. India should take the opportunity of the BRICS summit to strengthen and deepen its strategic between China and Japan partnership and mutual dialogue with China Jiang Feng In the present scenario, India and China should also enhance trade and investment cooperation for more early harvests in such major projects as pro- ow time flies. It has been 45 years and grew to become editor-in-chief duction capacity, industrial parks and H since the normalization of Sino- of the Japan Monthly section of the railway construction. Efforts should be Japanese diplomatic relations. This People’s Daily Overseas Edition. made to promote regional connectiv- has great resonance for me, as I have In 1979, after graduating from ity and common development, acceler- witnessed the changes in the diplomatic senior high school, I was admitted ate communication and coordination ties between the two countries over the to the History Department of Beijing among think tanks, educational and years. Normal University. Since I already cultural institutes, and media houses of I remember that it was in knew Japanese, I didn’t have to learn the two countries, which will help in September 1972 that normal relations English, which was an academic relief managing and handling differences and were established. I was in primary at that time, though now I find it a great sensitive issues. school—sixth grade. The next year, pity. Fortunately, I had the opportunity India and China should not only I entered Beihai Middle School in to read the works of famous Japanese competently overcome historical ob- Bejing’s Xicheng district and was historians, from which I learned an stacles, but also establish cooperation told to learn Japanese instead of attitude and method of learning that in every aspect, including linking each English or Russian. Because of the laid a solid foundation for my future other’s separate strategies together. It change in relations between China studies. is also imperative for the two countries and Japan, people who knew how to In 1983, I worked in the China not to sharpen rhetoric against each speak Japanese were in great demand. Youth Publishing Group. At that time, other and look for pragmatic solutions Premier Zhou Enlai designated three Japan was a place many people yearned to existing problems. The onus lies on middle schools to serve as pilot to visit. For example, the cool adver- both India and China to maintain sta- Japanese teaching centers—Beijing tisements for Toyota cars—“Where bility in South Asia, which is beneficial Yuetan Middle School, Beijing No 36 there’s a way for a car, there’s a Toyo- for the people of the whole world in High School and Beihai Middle School. ta”—drew people’s attention at the en- general and the common people of In- Because I started to learn Japanese so trance to Beijing Capital International dia and China in particular. early in my youth, I learned quickly Airport.

28 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

There was another example: One tourists. diplomatic relations, what impresses of my superiors got a chance to visit When I was leaving for Japan, my me most are the great changes in Japan as a member of the China Youth whole family went to the airport to see Chinese society, which have made Delegation. During his visit, he met me off, but they could not accompany some Japanese politicians, financial my aunt in Tokyo and she exchanged me to Japan. I heard of one mother who leaders and even ordinary people feel some yen for him so he could buy a chased her child’s plane on the runway, jealous, anxious, upset and confused. color TV. Even a long time later he was sobbing. Now, most young people who Recently, I have been on tour giving still excited about the TV set he had go to Japan are accompanied by their lectures at Chinese universities. brought home from Japan. parents all the way to their destination. Important topics are the changes in In 1988, influenced by the trend Some parents even buy housing in China and Japan, and the two countries’ of many Chinese going to Japan for Tokyo for their children. changing relationship. I have repeatedly advanced studies, I decided to study During my stay in Japan, it stressed that the normalization of Sino- there at my own expense. In those days, was very difficult for my family to Japanese relations ended the war and China’s economy was underdeveloped. visit me because of the cumbersome has brought us an environment of People who went abroad on their own customs formalities and strict peaceful development. were only allowed to exchange 8,000 financial requirements. All of that was Today, China is growing stronger. yen one time (about 480 yuan today), daunting. In 2000, Japan introduced a On one hand, we still need to have while nowadays, self-financed students new visa for China—a tourist visa— the mentality of “Worst Enemy, Best can exchange 5 million yen (about marking the start of mass visits by Teacher”; on the other, we can help 300,000 yuan) annually. Chinese people to Japan. In 2016, energize Japan’s stagnant economic I remember that the most common the number of Chinese visitors development with our Chinese gift Chinese would receive from a reached 6.37 million, representing wisdom and approach. In the face of Japanese friend was a ball-point pen the commencement of a new era of UnionPay, Alipay and WeChat Pay, or a disposable lighter. If it was a close people-to-people exchanges between some Japanese exclaim that these relationship, the gift might be a pocket the two countries. new models of payment have not only electronic calculator. At that time, if a China’s GDP was only one- impacted their country’s antiquated Chinese received such a gift, the whole fiftieth that of Japan’s when the two financial system but also brought family would invite the Japanese friend countries resumed diplomatic ties in economic benefits—and they even to dinner. 1972. In 2010, China’s GDP surpassed contribute to solving Japan’s social When I was in Japan, I also Japan’s for the first time after World problems, such as labor shortages worked hard to achieve the goal of War II. In 2016, China’s GDP was caused by an aging population and low “Four Larges” and “Four Smalls”. nearly three times that of Japan’s. birth rate. The “Four Larges” were a color TV, Today, many Japanese entrepreneurs China and Japan have refrigerator, washing machine and come to China to do business. They do experienced twists and turns in their camera; the “Four Smalls” were a not know what gifts they should send relationship for 45 years, which Walkman, microwave oven, recorder to their Chinese friends: Those ball- reveals a truth: The rising China has and calculator. With these things, the point pens, disposable lighters and seized the initiative. In the future, living standard status of a Chinese pocket calculators are gone with the the coordination, cooperation and family would be greatly raised. wind. friendship between China and Japan However, those appliances nowadays Reviewing the 45 years after must be further improved on the basis are no longer the priority for Chinese normalization of Sino-Japanese of a better-developed China.

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BRICS Greets Its Second Decade

Lu Rucai

“Since the foreign ministers of Brazil, “Formed as an alliance between percent to 23 percent. This means the Russia, India and China first met five emerging nations, all with strong five countries have contributed strong in September 2006 (later joined by momentum and potential, BRICS momentum to global development, South Africa), cooperation among the was originally seen as an investment Wand said. BRICS nations has remained strong initiative. Ten years on, the five The idea of the BRICS alliance and has been very fruitful in a number countries have successfully responded was first put forward in 2001 by Jim of areas, such as politics, economics. to the expectations of the international O’Neill, then-chief economist of and cultural exchange,” said Wang community by producing real results,” Goldman Sachs. O’Neil identified four Xiaolong, special envoy of the Chinese said Wang. major emerging markets—Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for BRICS The economic aggregate of the China, Brazil and India—and referred Affairs, in a speech at the 2017 BRICS BRICS bloc as a percentage of the to them using the acronym “BRIC.” Think Tank Symposium on March 22 world’s total has increased from 12 In 2010, South Africa joined the club, in Beijing. “The creation and development of the BRICS mechanism conforms to the call for a fairer and more just system of global governance, and coinsides with the common interests of the international community.” Wang also announced that the 2017 BRICS Summit will be held in September in Xiamen, Fujian province. As the host country, China will call on all its partners to work together to create a “Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future”—the slogan for this year’s summit—and to welcome a second decade of cooperation in the light of past experience and a vision of future development. Heads of state from BRICS nations meet in Goa, India on October 16, 2016. Reviewing BRICS Achievements

30 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

adding an “S” to the term. trade agreements will greatly facilitate Symposium took the theme of According to Wang, the BRICS economic cooperation between BRICS “Strengthening financial cooperation nations have played a positive part nations. and promoting BRICS development”. in the advancement of the reform Luan Jianzhang, secretary general Financial Cooperation of global economic governance, of the China Council for the BRICS guaranteeing a multilateral trade system “Cooperation between the Think Tank Cooperation, noted that and giving emerging markets and BRICS countries now extends beyond for emerging markets and developing developing countries a greater say in the economic sphere,” said George countries involved in the BRICS these aspects. The New Development Zinoviev, minister counselor of the mechanism, their voices and level of Bank and the Contingent Reserve Russian embassy in China. He noted representation within global economic Arrangement, created and launched by that in recent years, at the United governance largely correlate with those the BRICS bloc, have also contributed Nations and other international in the international financial system. to global economic governance. platforms, the BRICS nations have The establishment of the New Zhao Jinping is director of the successfully coordinated their positions Development Bank and the Contingent Department of Foreign Economic and taken action on a wide range of Reserve Arrangement marked the Relations at the Development Research global issues like terrorism, drugs start of BRICS cooperation. Financial Center of the State Council. He has trafficking and corruption, and have cooperation hence became a key visited Russia, Brazil, South Africa and worked to guarantee international aspect of the integral cooperation of India many times. information security. the BRICS nations, having been very “I am so impressed with their “Moreover, their cooperation fruitful. Since 2011, there has been an rich and diverse cultures and the in the area of cultural and people- annual meeting of BRICS financial vitality of their social and economic to-people exchanges has also grown ministers and central bank governors. development,” Zhao said. rapidly,” said Zinoviev. According to Wang Xiaolong, the He traveled to New Delhi last With this in mind, all parties have New Development Bank has approved November and talked with experts called for further cooperation, giving the first batch of projects and issued from the National Institution for rise to “BRICS Plus”, a cooperative green bonds in China worth 3 billion Transforming India, which reaffirmed model named by Chinese Foreign yuan. The BRICS countries have also his optimistic view of future Minister Wang Yi. acted in concert under international cooperation between BRICS countries. Zinoviev particularly stressed the frameworks such as the G20, and The BRICS nations have always progress that financial cooperation had have coordinated on a range of issues held fast to globalization, as they made under the BRICS mechanism. including reforms of the international have benefited from this trend of The New Development Bank has so far financial and monetary system. development, said Zhao. He believes confirmed seven investment projects in Carlos Henrique Angrisani these countries should act collectively the five countries. Cooperation within Santana, special representative of rather than independently in order to the Contingent Reserve Arrangement the Brazilian ambassador to China, drive the process forward. has also begun. Zinoviev believes that believed that the New Development “This highlights the importance of “the two new mechanisms are able Bank and the Contingent Reserve cooperation among BRICS countries,” to play a key role in the international Arrangement will, to some extent, Zhao said, adding that establishing monetary system”. stimulate reforms at the International free trade zones or high-level free The 2017 BRICS Think Tank Monetary Fund and the World Bank,

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steering them in the direction of better disappeared. All this resulted from a is an active participant in the BRICS representing developing countries. better world economic environment, agenda and that BRICS countries and but also from cooperation among emerging markets will play a more Missions BRICS countries. decisive role in the reconstruction Over the past few years, Western Zhao Jinping said increased of the global financial and economic media have given a lackluster response import demands from China also supervision systems. to the BRICS initiative. What is the injected momentum into the economic Regarding the BRICS economy, future of this mechanism? recovery of BRICS countries and Luan Jianzhang stressed that the Economic globalization is at a the world as a whole. Taking a look five countries must be confident in turning point. In 2016, world trade at imports from January to February themselves, a top priority. In addition, grew by 1.7 percent and GDP by 3.1 2017, the growth rate of imports from they need to pursue further opening- percent, the lowest since the financial India, Brazil, South Africa, and Russia up, innovation and cooperation under crisis broke out in 2008. In contrast, maintained a level higher than that the BRICS mechanism, while fighting BRICS economies displayed a growing of other countries—India stood at 52 protectionism. trend—in 2016 India maintained a percent, South Africa and Russia were In February 2017, the First BRICS growth rate of 7 percent, and China 6.7 between 41 percent and 43 percent, and Sherpa Meeting was held in Nanjing, percent; in the other three countries, Brazil was 39.4 percent. Jiangsu province. In a speech delivered the falling range gradually diminished, South African Ambassador to at the opening ceremony, Chinese State and their economies showed signs of China Dolana Msimang thinks highly Councilor Yang Jiechi defined the tasks bouncing back, although the trend of of the cooperation between BRICS and key points of the preparation work zero or negative growth has not yet countries. She said that South Africa for the BRICS Xiamen Summit. Communication and cooperation is ongoing in different areas between BRICS countries. From March 27 to 29, the Eighth Meeting of Heads of National Statistics of BRICS Countries was held in Shanghai. On March 31, the BRICS Business Council Midterm Meeting was held in New Delhi, during which China took over the presidency of the BRICS Business Council. On April 6, the Eighth Meeting of BRICS Heads of Intellectual Property Offices was held in New Delhi. These meetings will facilitate communication among BRICS countries and improve their cooperation in all areas. The new Development Bank opens in Shanghai on July 21, 2015. From China Today

32 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Literature Transcends National Boundaries: Chinese Writing in Translation

Liu Yi

or writers, cultural differences are public. There has been much discussion market dominated by Western culture F a constant source of inspiration. about professional issues such as and values, others viewed it a useful As the world becomes more like a translation standards and skills. approach to enable foreign readers to global village, Chinese writers are One of the most highly debated gain a better understanding of Chinese eager to communicate with foreign translations is the English version of culture. readers through their works. This Mo Yan’s Big Breasts and Wide Hips. Literature as Communication communication, however, is inhibited The translator, Howard Goldblatt, by the language barrier, as well as by who is a well-known sinologist, “Literature is the way writers huge cultural and societal differences made significant changes and even communicate with their readers, so between East and West. Literature in deleted certain plot points. Many it’s natural to make changes to adapt translation has become an important people believed the changes went to their readers,” said Professor Karen way of overcoming obstacles that no against the principles of translation S. Kingsbury of Chatham University. other means of communication has and were designed to pander to a She went on to say that such changes managed to deal with. show respect to readers, taking into In 2012 the Nobel Committee consideration their cultural background for Literature awarded the prize to and historical position. “As far as I Chinese writer Mo Yan. Mo Yan’s know, all changes Howard Goldblatt novels have been translated into many made were approved by the author.” languages, making him better known Professor Kingsbury is an expert among foreign readers than other on contemporary Chinese literature and Chinese novelists. This is widely translator of Love in a Fallen City, a believed to have been a key factor in masterpiece by Eileen Chang (Zhang his nomination for the Nobel Prize. Ailing). “Many great works, and not- At a news conference at the Chinese so-great works, are not the sole works Embassy in Sweden before the prize of the author but a group of people,” ceremony, Mo Yan expressed his she said, “for example, the editors.” gratitude to his translators for their She then gave another example creative work. that is more familiar to Chinese Literature in translation has people but is sometimes overlooked. since become a topic of interest in the A Dream of Red Mansions, she said, is Chinese media and among the Chinese the greatest novel in Chinese history,

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but its author made many changes and when you push the door, there is an enjoyable and stimulating game according to suggestions made by his another room behind the door,” she or puzzle”, said Kingsbury. As the close friends, who were also his first said, going on telling what she felt most serious reader of a fiction work, readers. When the author passed away when reading The First Brazier of the translator needs to solve many the novel was completed by another Incense, the novelette that established problems of understanding before she writer who contributed about a third of Chang’s writing style and literary fame. is able to present the work to other the finished work. The story is set in 1940s Hong readers. Professor Kingsbury studied Kong. In the opening scene, the young “Translators might solve some Comparative Literature at Columbia female protagonist makes her first visit problems, but leave others vague,” University in the mid-1990s. Her to the villa of her rich aunt, a widow said Kingsbury, “as the vagueness is doctoral dissertation adviser, Professor and socialite. She looks carefully also the charm of a work that attracts Xia Zhiqing, was at the forefront around the living room, which is readers.” of contemporary Chinese literature decorated in the Western style. Several Looking for the Next Eileen Chang research and thought highly of Eileen objects stand out starkly: a snuff bottle, Chang, a famous chronicler of 1940s a small statue of Avalokitesvara and When asked why she translated Shanghai. It was during her time at a wooden screen, making the room a Chang’s novels, Kingsbury replied, Columbia that Kingsbury decided to confusing jumble that doesn’t quite “My goal was to find great Chinese translate Love in a Fallen City, as part make sense to the readers. writers.” Kingsbury started to learn of her dissertation. But go on reading. The Chinese in her 20s. At that time, she The translation took nearly six protagonist walks into the sitting room had just graduated from university years. When the first draft was finished, where her aunt has just taken off her with a degree in English Literature. She Kingsbury showed it to friends and hat, and she is sitting there with her then went to teach English in Sichuan, asked for their feedback. In 1996 it was high-heel slippers swinging from the southwestern China. published in Renditions, a magazine ends of her toes. The setting here is of literature in translation published by entirely Chinese—the author even the Chinese University of . mentions the old-fashioned curtains The reviews helped Kingsbury to and a spray of flowers that natives of go deeper in the novel. After several southern China love. rounds of revisions, her translation “Then I understood why Chang was eventually published in 2007, and describes the settings so deliberately,” soon made part of the Penguin Classics said Kingsbury. “The living room is range. set to produce an Oriental impression Kingsbury spoke frankly about the that is made especially for British huge effect a translator’s understanding visitors, catering to their colonial of the original work can have on mentality. Moving to the inner room, communication with readers. She said which is not for public display, the she often had questions about plot details of the setting show the owner’s details when reading Chang’s novels. actual personality and convey key Eileen Chang, a writer famous “But when I push it a little further, connotations to fellow Chinese.” for her portrayals of life in 1940s I will say ‘Oh yes!’ It’s like a door, Exploring the work is “like Shanghai.

34 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

“There were only about 20 for- example of Japanese writer Murakami ences, and how different genders see eigners in the college, including foreign Haruki. “He is very popular in the US, life.” teachers and their families,” Kingsbury as he knows what English readers like Nowadays, there are multiple recalled, “so I started to learn Chinese.” to read,” Kingsbury said. channels through which people can In the early 1990s she studied Kingsbury noted that love and access Chinese literature, thanks to Comparative Literature at Columbia life are topics that could arouse the advances in telecommunications. University with Professor Xia Zhiqing widest interest amongst readers. Many Kingsbury gave a particular mention to and Professor Wang Dewei, leading Americans are curious about how Paper Republic, a platform for literature lights in contemporary Chinese Chinese society operates, how Chinese in translation founded in 2007. Since literature research. Eileen Chang people live, and what they think of going into cooperation with Beijing- became well-known in the United religion and life. based People’s Literature in 2011, the States only after her novella Lust, “But personal interest and social website has gathered together a group Caution was adapted for the screen by trends also influence readers’ decisions. of writers, works of literature and Academy Award-winning director Ang For instance, my students pay translators. Lee in 2007. Back in the 1990s, her special attention to women’s issues,” “Many American publishers visit name remained relatively unknown for Kingsbury said. the website for publishing ideas,” several reasons. Chatham University, where she Kingsbury said, “as the US market is “I deeply believe that Eileen Chang teaches, was until recently a women’s looking for more outstanding Chinese is a great writer, as good as Lu Xun, college, one of the oldest and most literature.” Leo Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf,” said eminent in the Midwest. “They want to From China Today Kingsbury. “So I want to do my best to know how Chinese see gender differ- bridge the gap of language and culture.” Kingsbury believes Eileen Chang’s background in bilingual education is one factor contributing to her appeal in the West. “In her early years, Chang didn’t write fiction for English readers, but her multicultural background helped her think like English-speaking people. “Writers who have a profound understanding of foreign cultures are able to ‘adjust’ their works for foreign readers.” Kingsbury explained that this “adjustment” means that the writers can think of various cultures and social backgrounds while writing, whether they do so intentionally or unconsciously. She gave a more recent Karen S. Kingsbury

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Silent Witnesses to the Emergence of the Maritime Silk Road

Dang Xiaofei

n Lianyungang, a city on the eastern Dynasty, especially after Buddhism first Feng. “They say that Sakyamuni Bud- I coast of China, is a hill known entered China and took advantage of dha rode an elephant before he was re- as Kongwang, which translates as the local religion—Daoism—to spread. incarnated. After his rebirth, Sakyamuni “Confucius Contemplates,” a name it “The positions of the images and the stepped on lotus flowers.” Along with received after the great philosopher carving techniques clearly reflect the images that decorate the rock, the Confucius (Kong Zi in Chinese) the Han style: full use of high relief stone elephant relates to a time when climbed it to contemplate the sea. and engraving with convex lines,” Buddhism spread through China and However, the most amazing thing about explained Gao Feng, deputy director of coexisted harmoniously with Taoism. this small hill only 129 meters high Haizhou District Tourism Department Inside the left front leg of the elephant is not that it was visited by one of the in Lianyungang. is written in characters: “Fourth month great Chinese thinkers, but that it hides Opposite the Buddhist images, of the fourth year of the reign of Yong- a group of Buddhist carvings from the upon four lotus flowers—one under ping.” This date indicates the creation Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). This is each foot—is an elephant carved in of the elephant, which took place during testimony to the arrival of Buddhism in stone, from a single gigantic rock. “Both the rule of Liu Zhuang, second emperor the country through the Maritime Silk the elephant and the lotus flower are of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Road. closely related to Buddhism,” said Gao In 1980, experts revealed that

200 Years Older than the Mogao Grottoes The figures can be seen from the paved road 500 or 600 meters west of the entrance at the foot of the hill. Carved into a yellow ocher rock, 105 figures of different sizes and positions tell Taoist and Buddhist stories. In fact, these images incorporate the secrets of the Maritime Silk Road. Although the “picture” is dominated by Taoist figures, some Buddhist images can be found around them. This syncretism was a cultural particularity of the Eastern Han A carving of Buddha on Kongwang Hill.

36 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Kongwang Buddhist images were located on Honshu, the main island of other South Asian countries. In turn, carved in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the Japanese archipelago, Xu Fu also the ships brought back Buddhism. 200 years before the Mogao Grottoes – went to Kitakyushu, on the northern If calculating since the date Xu known as the “China Grottoes” – were tip of Kyushu Island, the Setonaikai Fu left Lianyungang, the Maritime Silk created. Sea and the Kii Peninsula. In fact, Road has existed for over 2,000 years. How is it possible that such nowadays in Japan it is possible to visit For its part, being the small hometown syncretism occurred first on the historical sites related to Xu Fu, like of Xu Fu, Lianyungang has been Kongwang Hill and not in the center his temple, his tomb, his well, his point transformed and nowadays is a coastal and west of the country where Buddhist of disembarkation, and so on. Some commercial city. culture was most developed? The Japanese scholars have even come to explanation has to do with the fact suggest that Xu Fu was Jimmu Tenno, Communication with Northeast Asia that in that area, in addition to living the first Japanese emperor. in a strong religious atmosphere, Why did Xu Fu chose Xu Fu not only took the the Eastern Han Dynasty had fully Lianyungang as the starting point of his techniques of agriculture, sericulture developed the stone carving technique. journey? According to Luo Lin, deputy and medicine to Japan and Korea, but However, another explanation points director of the Lianyungang Historical also inaugurated new shipping routes, to the fact that, in parallel with the Relics Protection Research Institute, unlocking the channels for cultural overland Silk Road, Indian Buddhism the ancient inhabitants of the region exchanges with countries along the was introduced to China through the mastered navigation techniques and way, and even with the Arab world. Maritime Silk Road. traded with the outside world by sea, During the Sui (581-618) and laying the basis for the opening of the Tang (618-907) dynasties, the flames of Maritime Silk Road. “All that can be war hampered the overland Silk Road. Xu Fu’s Trip to the East seen in the paintings on the Jiangjun However, the adverse circumstances in How did the Maritime Silk Road Cliff,” Luo explained. Known as the the west helped the Maritime Silk Road open? More than 2,200 years ago, “Heavenly Scriptures of the East,” to thrive in the southeast. Lianyungang the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the paintings on the Jiangjun Cliff are so became an important center for sent his alchemist, Xu Fu, overseas, in not only the first of their type to be exchanges with Silla (a country in the search of the elixir of immortality. As discovered on the Chinese coast but southeast of the Korean Peninsula) and the head of a caravan of thousands of also, with about 7,000 years of history, Japan. children and technicians from different the oldest of their kind in the country. Japan sent numerous diplomats fields and carrying tons of cereals of In order to find the elixir of and scholars to Tang Dynasty China to different varieties, Xu Fu left Haizhou immortality for the emperor, Xu learn about its experiences. One of the (as Lianyungang was known at the Fu’s expeditionary fleet traveled on most prominent was the monk Ennin. time), his hometown, for the East. The several sea routes, which would then Having fulfilled his mission, Ennin alchemist obviously did not find the provide precious experiences for the decided that Haizhou (Lianyungang) elixir, but he did open up a navigation merchant ships to come. Thanks to the would be the starting point to return route in the eastern part of the country, gradual consolidation of the Maritime to his homeland. Abe no Nakamaro thus becoming the pioneer of the Silk Road, silk products and Chinese was another well-known character. Maritime Silk Road. porcelain articles were exported from As a member of the ninth Japanese On his journey, in addition to Lianyungang to Japan, the Korean delegation sent to China, he arrived in arriving in Wakayama, a prefecture Peninsula, India and Sri Lanka, among the Tang realm during the fifth year of

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Emperor Xuanzong’s Kaiyuan Reign. The Everyday Struggle of Known in Chinese as Chao Heng, Abe no Nakamaro forged a friendship with the great poet Li Bai. When he decided Beijing’s Rickshaw Drivers it was time to return to Japan, Li Bai Justine Lopez traveled to Lianyungang to bid farewell to his friend. Because the departure of s the capital pushes toward “It’s devastating and Abe no Nakamaro coincided with a A modernity at breakneck speed, inconsiderate. The government great storm, Li Bai thought his friend Beijing’s most charming characteristics says they’re now cracking down on had died in the disaster. He then wrote are becoming increasingly threatened. illegitimate businesses, but China has a poem in his memory: “Sad clouds From the destruction of historic always been full of them. China has settle over Cangwu ...” (Cangwu hutongs to the closure of decades- always had people selling on the streets referring to Lianyungang). old restaurants, making a living in the and China has always had rickshaw In addition to officials and capital is becoming more and more drivers. Always,” Li, 40, said. “It’s scholars, Lianyungang also attracted difficult for people in some traditional the livelihood of so many people, ordinary people from Japan and Korea, trades. And the city’s rickshaw drivers and it’s part of our culture. They’re living in harmony with the local are not immune. taking it away without compensation population. Because many people from With the rise of shared bikes and or arrangements for what we can do Silla wanted to settle in Lianyungang, the increased enforcement of traffic without rickshaw driving. There’s a “consulate” was opened in Sucheng laws, many rickshaw drivers are nothing we can do, though.” Town of Lianyun District. In addition struggling to get by. However, the hyper-enforcement to registering as citizens of Haizhou, Although traffic laws pertaining of traffic laws and the clamping down many migrants took their relatives specifically to rickshaws have long on illegal businesses aren’t the only with them, who performed official existed in the capital, they are now things posing a threat to Beijing’s work, carried out business, converted being enforced in ways they haven’t rickshaw culture. The rise of easy-to- to Buddhism or married, and lived before. Police are cracking down on use transportation options like Didi, by farming. With such a notable drivers for all sorts of infractions, from electric scooters and shared bikes population of people coming from operating without licenses to driving in means that drivers are now seeing even Silla, a Silla Village was formed. restricted areas. fewer customers. In July 1990, a small team of By law rickshaws can only Despite the challenges, it’s still four Korean professors traveled to conduct business in places designated common to see rickshaw drivers Lianyungang to conduct an inquiry by the government, mainly around pedaling lazily down Beijing’s streets, into the old site of the Silla Village. At touristy lakes. However, it’s not carting tourists around or rummaging the end of their research they erected uncommon for unlicensed rickshaw up customers. It’s a sight not all that a tombstone in the north of the Baojia drivers to break the rules and risk hefty different than when rickshaws first Mountain, which reads: “Ruins of fines in order to make a better living. appeared in the city nearly 150 years Ancient Silla Houses in Sucheng.” It According to a rickshaw driver ago. is another monument commemorating surnamed Li, the police crackdown on Rickshaws have a long history cultural exchanges between China and illegal businesses, rickshaws included, is in Beijing and in China as a whole. Korea. making life in the capital more and more They first appeared in China in 1873. From China Today challenging for many people like him. Back then they were simple, two-

38 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

wheeled carts that were literally pulled by “drivers.” As simple as they were, they became such a popular mode of public transportation that the number of Mobike rolls out rickshaws in China ballooned to 10,000 in less than a year. bicycles in London It wasn’t until the onset of cars and motorbikes in the 20th century that rickshaws began to be edged out Bo Leung in London of the market. Yet even still, Beijing’s rickshaw culture has somehow managed to endure. The same can be said today. bike-sharing scheme that could Ealing Borough Council in Despite the newest set of challenges A rival London’s so-called Boris West London approved plans during facing rickshaws, drivers like Li are bikes has been granted permission to a council cabinet meeting on July 11 still finding ways to drum up business. operate in the British capital. evening for Chinese company Mobike “I have to be more cautious now, but work hasn’t been harder or easier,” he said. “Beijing’s very big, and if I can’t go to one area, I can go to another. People are not more or less willing to take a rickshaw if there are places they need to go to.” On a good day, some drivers manage to make up to 500 yuan, according to Shanghai Daily. But rickshaw drivers who are operating outside the law still risk being slapped with fines or having their vehicles— worth roughly RMB2,000 (USD295)— confiscated by authorities. But drivers like Li still believe the risk is worth the reward. “It makes money. I’ve been doing it a long time, so I’ve got used to it and I’m good at it. I’ll just have to be more careful,” he said. And for the many drivers who have spent their lives pedaling rickshaws around China’s capital, there’s no other choice but to persevere. From That's Beijing Mobike rolls out bikes in London.

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to launch a pilot project in Acton. The According to an Ealing council stablished in July 1981, the scheme would bring 750 bikes to the report, cyclists will have to pay 50 E Beijing People’s Association for area and was scheduled to start at the pounds ($64) deposit to join the scheme Friendship with Foreign Countries end of July. and will be charged 50 pence for 30 (BPAFFC) is a civilian organization Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member minutes. engaged in promoting people-to-people for transport, environment and leisure, Bike-sharing schemes have taken friendship between Beijing and foreign said: “We welcome Mobike’s decision off in recent months and Mobike isn’t countries. Under the leadership of the to start operating in Ealing. Hiring a the only company wanting a slice of Beijing Committee of the Communist Mobike is an easy way to give cycling the London market. Party of China and the People’s a try over short distances, without Singaporean startup Obike has Government of Beijing Municipality, committing to the expense of buying a preempted its rival by rolling out the BPAFFC has played an important bike, and we hope that residents will be 400 Obikes in East London’s Tower role as a bridge in enhancing friendship encouraged to get out of their cars and Hamlets borough. between the people of Beijing and the cycle instead.” The Mayor of London’s office rest of the world in the past 36 years. Mobike has already made its UK said, although it cannot confirm which It has been opening new channels for debut in Manchester, where a fleet of other London boroughs are in talks with multidimensional people-to-people 1,000 bikes was launched in June. bike-sharing companies, Transport for exchanges with foreign countries in Unlike former London mayor London will work with the boroughs to different fields at various levels. The Boris Johnson’s bike-share program in ensure that any such schemes work for BPAFFC has achieved positive results the capital, users do not need to return Londoners. in promoting China’s international a Mobike to a specific docking station. Mobike, which handles 25 million exchanges, implementing the Belt and And while the so-called Boris- rides a day in China, also looks to be Road Initiative, contributing to the bikes are partially funded by Transport preparing to put riders on its bikes in Chinese capital’s social and economic for London, Mobike will be available Washington, based on its hiring plans development and introducing the city at no cost to the taxpayer as the scheme in the area. to the outside world. It has also pushed in Acton will be run as a private One of the jobs Mobike has forward the capital’s nongovernmental enterprise by the Chinese company. posted on professional networking site diplomacy. The BPAFFC has Mahfouz added: “Mobike is LinkedIn is for an operations manager, established friendly contacts with initially starting on a small scale in based in Washington, who would need more than 230 nongovernmental Acton before expanding to the rest to get to know “the local environment” organizations from at least 60 foreign of the borough. We will be watching and “be the main point of contact for countries. the rollout with close interest and the regional government officials and I. Conduct People-to-People encouraging local people to do their bit transport authorities”, according to The Diplomacy in Line with China’s for local air quality and congestion by Wall Street Journal. Foreign Policy giving them a go.” In Washington, Mobike would The specially designed bikes are face competition from Capital Bike- To commemorate victory in the equipped with GPS and proprietary share, a local company that operates Chinese People’s War of Resistance smart-lock technology, which allows more than 3,700 bikes at 440 stations Against Japanese Aggression and the users to find a nearby bike and scan its across five jurisdictions around defeat of fascism in World War II, QR code to unlock it. The rider can then metropolitan Washington. the BPAFFC held a commemoration park the bike in any location and lock it. From China Daily of Michael Lindsay, an outstanding

40 Between Friendship Cities

Acting as a Bridge Connecting to the World

Beijing Friendship Association

friend of the Chinese people; an Snow photo exhibition in the United Kite Festival. exhibition of posters depicting Russia’s Kingdom, invited winter sports experts II. Push Forward “Contact Building” Great Patriotic War; an exhibition of from the United States to Beijing to Program with Focus on “Making paintings by friends of the Chinese share experiences, organized foreign Friends” people in the War of Resistance experts and students in Beijing to go to Against Japanese Aggression; and the Yanqing district for information on the With “making friends” as its Peace Festival: Promoting Peace with preparation of the Winter Olympics and priority, the BPAFFC continues to International Friends, a painting and hosted the 2017 Beijing International consolidate its social foundation and calligraphy exhibition. To mark the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March and the 80th anniversary of Edgar Snow’s interview with Chairman Mao Zedong, the BPAFFC hosted the 17th Edgar Snow Memorial Symposium with the Edgar Snow Memorial Fund. To celebrate the Year of Cultural Exchange, the BPAFFC held the Exhibition on the Culture of Caribbean Countries, the Cultural Photography Exhibition of the Pacific Alliance and the Cultural and Tourism Exhibition on South Pacific Countries. It invited inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to events held by the Chinese embassy in Japan. To boost preparation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Beijing International Forum on People-to-People Friendship. the BPAFFC held the Beijing in

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expand the circle of friends for China. China-Thai Young Executive Exchange agriculture technology. The BPAFFC Strengthening Existing Friend- Program and China-Nepal Young hosted the Beijing International Forum ship: The BPAFFC invited civilian or- Entrepreneur Exchange; co-hosted such on People-to-People Friendship, ganizations from ASEAN, South Asia, events as the “Joy Dancing Beijing” which focused on themes related to Japan and the Republic of Korea for Cultural and Art Exchange Week of urban construction and management— friendly visits; enhanced exchanges International Youth, the International preservation of historical and cultural with people’s organizations from the Youth Piano Competition, the “Wushu constructions, education, culture, and United States, Germany, Norway, Italy, and Winter Olympics in Beijing” development of the silver hair industry, Australia and the Czech Republic; held and the Foreign Students Camping building a platform for international various events including the 35 Years and Beijing Sister City Youth Camp nongovernmental organizations to of People-to-People Exchanges Be- with the Foreign Affairs Office of establish friendly ties with one another tween China and Japan Photo Exhibi- the People’s Government of Beijing and enhancing pragmatic cooperation tion and the China-Japan Tai Chi Ex- Municipality and the Communist Youth between Beijing and cities of other change; and organized prizewinners of League Beijing Municipal Committee. countries. The BPAFFC held a variety the One Belt, One Road and Sri Lanka All these have widened platforms for of events to spread Chinese culture and Essay Competition to make speeches. international youth exchanges and introduce Beijing to the outside world, Establishing New Friendship: The helped foster future envoys of people- such as the Taiji Beijing International BPAFFC invited the Arniko Society to-people exchanges. Health-Building Exchange, the of Nepal to the Beijing International Beijing International Kite Festival, III. Implement Beijing’s Health-Building Exchange; invited Walking Around Lake for Development Plans and Establish prizewinners of the Zheng Lvcheng International Friends, Trees Planting Platforms for People-to-People Nursery Rhyme Competition to China at Beijing International Friendship Exchanges and hosted the Zheng Lvcheng Nursery Forest, Foreign Diplomats Reunion, Rhyme Concert; established friendly The BPAFFC tries to turn its the “Beijing and Me” International contacts with more than 10 foreign foreign affairs resources into an Students Essay Competition and people’s organizations including the impetus for the capital’s social and “Beijing’s New Image in the Eyes of China-South Asia Friendship Organi- economic development. It organized Foreign Friends” Photo Contest. These zation and the Richard Nixon Founda- private enterprise owners to attend the events were warmly welcomed by tion; and initiated friendly exchanges China (Czech) Investment Forum and foreign friends and attended by more with 14 Latin American and Caribbean Hellenic-Chinese Cities Forum, and it than 5,000 foreigners each year. countries, co-hosting events with them. held the China-Thai and China-Nepal IV. Enhance Cultural Exchanges Promoting Youth Exchanges: The Entrepreneur Exchanges, encouraging and Present an Impressive Image of BPAFFC hosted the China-US Middle and helping Beijing’s enterprises to Beijing to the Outside World School Student Exchange, as well as go global. The BPAFFC organized China-Japan and China-ROK youth community eldercare workers to visit The BPAFFC strengthens peo- exchanges in the fields of culture, Japan to acquire experience in line ple-to-people ties between China and sports and art; the China-Malaysia, with the city’s implementation of the different countries through cultural China-Brunei youth exchanges in Regulations on Home-based Elder Care. exchanges as part of an effort to imple- science and technology; and the China- It sent agriculture experts to Myanmar ment the Belt and Road Initiative. It Japan-ROK Youth Forum. It held the and Cambodia to spread advanced hosted the Beijing-ASEAN Cultural

42 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Tour in such countries as , Cam- bodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia; held Beijing-ASEAN Cultural Chinese Culture Week, Beijing Cul- ture Week and the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Leba- Tour in Myanmar and non, Sri Lanka, Lithuania and Malta. It displayed intangible cultural heritage Vietnam objects at the Traditional Russian Fes- tival; held Chinese Culture Week at the Beijing Friendship Association Colombo-Beijing Friendship Forum; and hosted a serious of activities in Lebanon under the theme “One Belt & n February 10, the “Beijing- in Heaven, a famous Peking Opera, at One Road in Lebanon: Beijing & Bei- O ASEAN Cultural Tour” Yangon University of Foreign Studies rut”. These events provided a way for exchange in Myanmar—co-hosted (YUFS). A performance featuring local people to experience traditional by the BPAFFC, the ASEAN-China magic tricks called Golden Opulence, Chinese culture by taking Beijing cul- Center, the Xicheng District People’s oral stunts and other performances ture to campuses, communities and Government of Beijing and the China- drew rounds of applause from the Chinese culture centers. Myanmar Friendship Association— YUFS students. The BPAFFC enhanced people-to- kicked off with the staging of Havoc Several hundred students people exchanges with countries along the Belt and Road by organizing prize- winners of the One Belt and One Road and Sri Lanka Essay Competition to make speeches and hosting the Gala for International Organizations in Beijing, the Future Leader and Young Ambassa- dor-Revisiting the Maritime Silk Road International Youth Summer Camp, a symposium under the theme “Friend- ship Along the Silk Road—enhancing Exchanges among People’s Organiza- tions & Promoting the Implementa- tion of the Belt and Road Initiative for Common Development”, as well as the “Charm of National Essence” Peking Participants in the “Beijing-ASEAN Cultural Tour” exchange in Vietnam. Opera Gala.

43 Between Friendship Cities

learned to make handcrafts from a the “oriental garden”. The students Affairs Bureau and members of the few inheritors of Chinese intangible and their parents learned Beijing Shwezigon Pagoda Management cultural heritage at the scene in a handicrafts such as paper-cutting, straw Committee attended the event. More close-range appreciation of the charm weaving and burn-carving on gourds. than 200 local people watched the of traditional Chinese art. Brochures Peking Opera artists inspired children’s performances and participated in the about intangible cultural heritage and interest by painting monkey masks activities. the customs of Chinese New Year in for boys and teaching girls to walk State-to-state relationships are Beijing were handed out to visitors. on stage. Fishing, a Chinese magic underpinned by people-to-people Mimi Turner Kay, a deputy director trick performance, received repeated amity. Organized by the BPAFFC, a of Myanmar’s Ministry of Culture, applause. delegation of the Shwezigon Pagoda said: “It’s a great pleasure for us to Mohammed, the university Management Committee came to appreciate fantastic performances of president, praised the performances, Beijing in July 2016 to communicate Chinese intangible cultural heritage. hoping for more events like this in with the staff of the White Pagoda This will increase our students’ interest the future. Tian Shanting, cultural Temple Management Office under in learning the Chinese language and counselor at the Chinese embassy in the Beijing Municipal Administration culture.” Myanmar, spoke highly of the event. of Cultural Heritage. Actually, the The Beijing-ASEAN Cultural He said: “With support from the new exchange in Bagan was a return visit. Tour, as part of the Happy Spring administration, Myanmar has held Maoming, vice-president of Festival series held by China’s Ministry a series of large-scale activities to the pagoda committee, said: “Rural of Culture, had three segments celebrate Chinese Spring Festival residents in Myanmar, who have involving intangible cultural heritage: for the first time. The Beijing- little access to cultural entertainment, performances, displays and making, ASEAN Cultural Tour stood out desire to know the outside world. The and the Charming Beijing, Colorful as a highlight of the activities. By exchange in Bagan enabled them to Xicheng photo exhibition. The first spreading traditional Chinese culture watch wonderful performances that section covered oral stunts, ancient to local young people, such events are not available on TV and learn to color-magic tricks, Chinese Guqin (a will contribute to an enhanced Sino- make traditional Chinese handicrafts. traditional plucked string instrument) Myanmar Friendship.” I hope more exchanges like this can and Bianlian (face-changing) and On a day when the temperature be held. The Shwezigon Pagoda other examples of Chinese national exceeded 30 C, the tour in Myanmar Management Committee is ready to intangible heritage. The second section came to its last stop—the Shwezigon support them.” covered snuff-bottle inside painting, Pagoda, the largest pagoda in Bagan, On Feb14, the Beijing-ASEAN Chinese medicine fragrance-making, an ancient city known as the “City Cultural Tour visited Hanoi Capital clay sculpture painting, Beijing painted of ”. Despite the heat and University. Bianlian, a famous Sichuan sculpture, Beijing paper-cutting, Yu crude hardware, inheritors of Chinese Opera, and Fishing, a Chinese magic style straw weaving and burn-carving intangible cultural heritage introduced performance, caught the attention of on gourds. The photo exhibition traditional Chinese culture to Bagan, teachers and students. The inheritors showcased a fast-developing Beijing resulting in active communication of oral stunts integrated electronic and the lives of Beijing people. between the traditional cultures of elements into traditional plays, drawing The event gave a Beijing flavor China and Myanmar. rounds of applause from the audience. to Yangon, a modern city known as The director of the Bagan Cultural The event, which enabled the audience

44 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

to participate and interact with the performers, attracted crowds of people. Building Bridges for Better The exchange in Vietnam implemented the consensus reached by Chinese and Vietnamese leaders Understanding between on enhancing cultural exchanges and increasing mutual understanding Peoples between the two peoples. Vietnam also traditionally celebrates Spring Festival. BPAFFC’s Efforts to Enhance People-to- The event, as part of the Beijing- Hanoi Sister City Program, presented examples of Beijing’s intangible People Exchanges with Sri Lanka cultural heritage to the people of Hanoi, sending them best wishes for the Beijing Friendship Association festival. It also enhanced the exchanges and cooperation between Beijing and Hanoi in such fields as culture and eople’s hearts are the biggest contacts and held various activities tourism, strengthened their sister-city P political power. People-to-people in multiple fields since 2010, when ties and increased understanding and ties underpin strong and sustained they established relations. At the respect for the cultures of each other’s connectivity, as well as international commemoration of the 60th anniversary country. cooperation on the Belt and Road of Sino-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations On Feb 15, the Beijing-ASEAN Initiative. held in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital, Cultural Tour exchange in Vietnam To build bridges for greater on March 20, 2017, guests from both came to its final stop—Hanoi understanding between people, the countries reviewed the 2,000 years University of Culture—marking the Beijing People’s Association for of Sino-Sri Lanka friendship and end of the 2017 Happy Spring Festival Friendship with Foreign Countries, the progress the two countries have series. The performance there ended together with Beijing Women’s made in friendly exchanges. The with elegant Kunqu plays and graceful Federation and Beijing Federation Sri Lanka International Eye Bank but powerful martial arts. of Literary and Art Circles, sent a donated 60 pairs of corneas to China. Hong Xiaoyong, the Chinese delegation to Sri Lanka for a friendly The ASLCSCC proposed building 60 ambassador to Vietnam, spoke highly visit and cultural and women’s schools to mark the 60th anniversary. of the event. exchanges from March 19 to 26, 2017. Karu Jayasuriya, the speaker of Sri “The leaders of the two countries Lanka’s Parliament, wrote with a brush Reviewing the History of Relations to reached consensus on enhancing pen: “May Sino-Sri Lanka friendship Deepen Traditional Friendship cultural exchanges during their recent last forever!” in Chinese characters, and meeting,” he said. “As an effort to The Beijing People’s Association presented awards to the ASLCSCC, Sri implement the consensus, the exchange for Friendship with Foreign Countries Lanka-China Friendship Association in Vietnam was held during Spring and the Association for Sri Lanka- and China South Asia Friendship Festival. The timing could not have China Social and Cultural Cooperation Organization to acknowledge their been better.” (ASLCSCC) have maintained friendly contributions to bilateral friendly

45 Between Friendship Cities

exchanges. and women’s federations in Sri Lanka. photo exhibition in Sri Lanka. The She also made a keynote speech photos displayed places of historical Enhancing Women’s Exchanges to at a panel meeting— “Development of interest, such as the Great Wall and Convey China’s Ideas Chinese Women and Experience for the Palace Museum, as well as modern Enhancing exchanges and Sri Lanka”—elaborating on the Beijing spots such as the central business cooperation to jointly promote the federation’s efforts and progress in district and night views of Financial development of women’s causes was promoting women’s and children’s Street. They also showcased the high on the agenda of the visit. On development from seven perspectives. development of modern industry, March 21, Zhao Lijun, vice-president Her speech was highly praised by the science and technology, presenting of the Beijing Women’s Federation and attendees. Sri Lanka delegates proposed an all-around and multidimensional head of the delegation, delivered an to communicate and cooperate with image of Beijing as an international impassioned address at the First China- their Chinese counterparts on women’s metropolis. Sri Lanka Women Friendship Forum protection, flexible employment and Ye Yongcai, president of the China held in Colombo. She said she expected leadership development. Photographers Association, introduced the forum to be a unique platform for 50 selected photos that showcased Tell Chinese Stories Based on China and Sri Lanka to learn from each Beijing’s history, culture and scenery Cultural Exchanges other’s experiences in the support of in his address at the opening ceremony. women’s causes, to share resources, Cultural exchange, the most He hoped the exhibition would move cooperation forward and important channel of communication, enhance cultural exchanges between deepen friendship. She also expressed holds the key to connecting different the two countries and increase mutual hope that the forum would enhance countries and strengthening people- understanding. At the Women’s the exchanges between the Beijing to-people ties. On March 21, the Leadership Forum, the photographers federation and people’s organizations delegation held the “Colors of Beijing” from Beijing told the story behind each photo. Those who had been to Beijing marveled at the city’s profound changes and expressed their intention to revisit the places shown in the pictures. A Chinese adage says “Victory is assured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.” The Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, as a people’s organization engaged in the work of nongovernmental diplomacy, will play a more important role in building bridges for greater understanding between Chinese people and the people of other countries, especially countries along the Belt …Zhao Lijun, vice-president of the Beijing Women’s Federation, addressed the and Road, and help turn the vision of First China-Sri Lanka Women Friendship Forum. connectivity into concrete action.

46 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Confucius Institute Promotes Friendly Exchanges

Haidian People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Beijing

he Republic of San Marino Laisheng, president of the HPAFFC, the preparation. T is among the first European Terenzi proposed to build a Confucius The Confucius Institute under the countries to establish diplomatic Institute in San Marino to better spread University of San Marino is committed relations with the People’s Republic of traditional Chinese culture. Liu Lin, to spreading the Chinese language and China, and the bilateral friendship has president of Beijing City University and culture, especially traditional Chinese enjoyed stable, sound and sustained HPAFFC vice-president, was pleased medicine, in San Marino, southeast development. On March 29, 2015, the with the suggestion and expressed full Italy and the European mainland. It first Confucius Institute in San Marino support. The HPAFFC and the San helps people in these areas increase was co-founded by the Confucius Marino-China Friendship Association their understanding, and built a bridge Institute Headquarters, China National put great effort into preparations for exchanges with the Chinese people. Office for Teaching Chinese as a for the institute’s establishment and Unlike other Confucius Institutes Foreign Language (or Hanban) and development. Terenzi and his old friend in Europe, the University of San the University of San Marino in Xu Cunsong, vice-president of the Marino institute combines Chinese Montegiardino, with Beijing City HPAFFC, played an important role in language and culture with healthcare to University as the Chinese cooperative school. The Confucius Institute under the University of San Marino is the outcome of efforts by both countries’ associations for friendship in enhancing people-to-people communication. Gianfranco Terenzi, councilor of the institute and president of the San Marino-China Friendship Association, who has served as the captain regent of San Marino for four terms, has a great affection for China. The Haidian People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (HPAFFC) received him several times. In 2013, Terenzi visited Haidian district as an old friend. In his talks with Zhou Gianfranco Terenzi visited Baijia Dayuan in Beijing’s Haidian district.

47 Between Friendship Cities

better spread knowledge of TCM to (heads of state) of San Marino spoke nese proficiency test) for the first time benefit the people of San Marino and highly of the museum during their in San Marino, an effort highly com- the region. visit on Sept 23. San Marino TV and mended by the San Marino govern- To help local people understand newspapers covered their visit. ment. and experience TCM culture, which is Language is the vehicle of culture. Spreading culture requires con- extensive and profound, the institute Taking Chinese language and culture tinuous effort. Apart from teaching the held various teaching and promotion courses as its focus, the institute tries to Chinese language, the institute hosts events. In April 2016, Beijing City increase local people’s understanding various events to spread the country’s University sent outstanding TCM of China. Over the past four years, it culture. In September 2015, the Shang- experts to the institute to teach has set up 15 types of classes, including hai Photo Exhibition—sponsored by traditional Chinese medical massage. long-term ones for spring and autumn the Shanghai People’s Association for San Marino’s Ministry for Education terms, and short-term ones for summer Friendship with Foreign Countries and and Culture held a news conference and winter breaks. In addition, it has to promote the course before it began. created special classes, including short- the San Marino-China Friendship Asso- Apart from teaching, TCM experts term intensive Chinese language, ciation, and co-organized by the Con- also gave lectures at universities and elementary Chinese for adults, fucius Institute under the University of communities to spread TCM culture to traditional Chinese calligraphy and San Marino and Shanghai Library— more local residents. hand weaving. opened at the institute. At the commemoration of its The institute has created a website Also that month, the institute first anniversary on July 22, 2016, the and mailbox, and publishes information held the first Confucius Institute Open institute unveiled the Tong Ren Tang about cultural activities and China’s Day to increase the influence of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, big events on such social platforms Chinese language and culture in San the first museum in Europe devoted as Facebook and Twitter. In February Marino and the nearby Italian cities. In to TCM. The two captains regent 2016, the institute held the HSK (Chi- November 2015, the institute hosted a performance by China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble, the first of its kind by a Chinese national-level performing group in San Marino. Institute councilor Terenzi, Mor- ganti, minister of culture, and other San Marino officials watched the per- formance in the packed theater. During Spring Festival in 2016 and 2017, the institute held Chinese style celebra- tions. All these events, which were widely acclaimed, opened a window into Chinese culture for the people of San Marino, thus enhancing friendly exchanges between people of the two The Confucius Institute under the University of San Marino was unveiled. countries.

48 Voice of Friendship No. 189 September 2017

Art Performance Marks 20-Year Friendship between Chinese and ROK Districts

Changping People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

obong-gu district in Seoul, South servants exchange program in 2004, 12 evening of June 2, an art performance D Korea, a “sister city” partner of delegations of civil servants have paid celebrating the 20th anniversary Beijing’s Changping district, is located mutual visits, which greatly benefited of bilateral relations was held by northeast of Seoul, with 340,000 both sides’ training of comprehensively Changping district. An audience of 500 people living in its 20.84-square- capable civil servants who have an watched the performance, including kilometer area. Its name is derived international vision. In addition, they district leaders Hou Junshu, secretary from Dobong Mountain. One of Seoul’s learned of each other’s experience of the CPC Changping District major residential districts, Dobong- of scientific administration. In 2007, Committee; Zhu Guangtong, director gu boasts full-fledged infrastructure the two districts launched a biannual of the standing committee of the and convenient transportation. It is program for middle school students Changping people’s congress; Chen home to the city’s largest agricultural to visit their counterparts for cultural Qiusheng, chairman of the Changping product transaction market and exchanges. The activity provided committee of the Chinese People’s Yuying Electronics, a major high-tech opportunities for the youths to broaden Political Consultative Conference; company. their international vision and foster the delegation led by Lee Dong-jin; In 1996, a sister-city relationship friendship. and people from all walks of life in was established between Changping In 2016, the year that saw the Changping district. and Dobong-gu, making Dobong-gu 20th anniversary of sister-city relations Starting with Dance of the Golden district one of the earliest metropolitan between Changping and Dobong- Snake, a Chinese folk music ensemble, area to become Changping’s “sister gu districts, it was our common wish the art performance welcomed all city”. Thanks to unremitting efforts to commemorate this special and the Dobong-gu guests with happy on both sides, the past 20 years significant year in special ways to and festive traditional music. have witnessed increasingly closer make people of both countries fully The Drunken Beauty, a Peking Opera governmental exchanges, lasting aware of our precious and hard- classic, and I Only Care About You, a friendship between the people and earned friendship. After several female solo, demonstrated the different fruitful cooperation in administration, communications and consultations, the charm of Chinese traditional art and economy, culture and hygiene. We are two districts decided to co-host grand modern music. Niuniu Playing in Snow, the witness of each others’ changes and ceremonious art performances, a handkerchief dance performed by and development. Over the years, we presented by residents and hosted in students from Ermao Primary School, have arranged several governmental Changping in June and Dobong in unfolded a scene under the dreamlike and people-to-people exchanges, September. lights where kids enjoyed themselves and visited some key projects and In early June last year, Lee Dong- in a winter snowfield. Fire Phoenix, a noted each other’s pride worthy jin, the mayor of Dobong-gu district led magic show performed by Ding Shuai, achievements. Since we initiated a civil a delegation on a visit China. On the a young magician from Changping

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district, opened a mysterious magic event ended with all the performers with Balancing a Jar on the Head, an world for the audience. singing Arirang, a Korean folk song. acrobatic show and Fisherman’s Song Yulia Shen, a Korean opera pop In late September 2016, Sun Wei, and Horse Racing, a Chinese folk music singer from Dobong-gu district, and a member of the Changping Committee duet played on the zheng (Chinese He Manze, a male tenor, each sang a of the Communist Party of China, and zither) and erhu (a Chinese stringed Korean song, respectively Beautiful the district’s executive vice-chief, led instrument). All demonstrated the charm World and Nessun Dorma, a Turundot a culture and art delegation to visit of traditional Chinese performing arts. classic. Lee Dong-jin, mayor of Dobong-gu district for celebration The Korean audience sang Time Is All Dobong, sang O Sole Mio, an Italian activities marking the 20th anniversary. We Need, a popular Chinese song in song, for the audience. The dynamic On Sept 22, the Dobong auditorium, Korea, happily together with the singer K-pop dance by the juvenile dance club packed with jubilant audiences, was on the stage. Artists from Dobong of Dobong’s high school won rounds of well-decorated and full of a festive also performed the long-drum dance, applause for their youthful style. mood. Even the aisles were crowded a fan dance and Korean folk music. The art performance was full of with spectators. Performers from Taekwondo stunts and martial arts excitement and came to a climax when the two districts presented Dobong performances were the most acclaimed. Korean taekwondo and Chinese martial residents with a wonderful show The audience was deeply impressed arts were demonstrated. Difficult stunts conveying love and friendship. by the forceful rhythms, the masculine were displayed in the taekwondo show, Coolest Ethnic Style, a dance movements, the imposing manner and including cross-kicks, side kicks, show presented by Changping district, the delicate balance of strength and and aerial triple-kicks. Students from displayed the beautiful dance and rich beauty. At the end of the show, Chinese Beijing Shaolin Martial School also culture of many ethnic groups, including and Korean performers sang Jasmine showed their various martial skills. The Han, Mongol and Zang (Tibetan), along Flower, a Chinese folk song, to bid farewell to the audience. The past 20 years have seen the friendship between Changping district and Dobong-gu district increase steadily. By integrating the distinctive art forms of the two districts, the art performances gave residents of both areas an opportunity to share the fruits of friendly relations and enjoy Chinese and Korean cultures. The celebration activities for the 20th anniversary held in Changping district and Dobong-gu district have deepened the friendship between the peoples and enhanced the comprehensive and pragmatic cooperation between governments and peoples. People of the two districts Beijing’s Changping district held an art performance to commemorate its 20- cooperated for mutual benefit and win- year friendship with Dobong-gu district in Seoul, South Korea. win results.

50 Interview

Interview with Sir Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson Group

Staff Reporter

VOF: We know that you were born in Since then, I have visited China President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Shanghai, China, in 1938. Can you many times as the firm’s business Road Initiative? And what kind of tell us your first impression of China interests grew and flourished. I have opportunities or challenges will be as an ancient Asian civilization, and met many of the country’s leaders and brought by this initiative in terms of with regard to its recent changes and have made many friends. I was always company development? development? gladdened by the positive feelings for Jardines that I found in China. Many Keswick: President Xi Jinping’s Henry Keswick: While I was people recognize our long association Belt and Road Initiative envisions born in Shanghai, my family returned with China and the continuous support the development of logistics and to the United Kingdom while I was we gave to the country and its people— communication linkages that will still an infant. Nevertheless, China and such as in during World War support trade, investment, monetary the Chinese people have always been a II, where we maintained our presence flows, tourism and people-to-people significant part of my life. during times of hardship for all, and exchanges. Taken together with the I became more deeply acquainted where today we still have substantial planned China-Pakistan Economic with China when I began my career interests in various activities. with Jardine Matheson in Hong Kong I am impressed by the resilience, in1961, at age 23. Since then I have determination and entrepreneurship of had the good fortune to participate the Chinese people, both within China in Asia’s commercial ascent over the and among those who have made past half-century, and in particular the their homes across the region, many resurgence of China. of whom are our friends and business While inevitably there have partners. It is these characteristics that been bumps in the road, it has been have underpinned China’s significant gratifying to watch China’s steady rise economic growth over the past 30 years since Deng Xiaoping’s reform and or so, which is still going strong today. opening-up policy in the late 1970’s. I am sure that China will continue to We reestablished Jardine Matheson’s go from strength to strength, and I very presence in China in 1979, and in 1980 much hope that we in Jardine Matheson established the first commercial joint will have a continuing role to play in ventures in China’s modern era. These supporting that economic development. were the first of many developments in the country, where today we have Sir Henry Keswick, chairman of investments of over $8 billion. VOF: What’s your take on Chinese Jardine Matheson Group

51 Interview

Corridor and linkages through inland cities. have been key to the firm’s success to mainland Southeast over the years. Asia and the eastern parts of South VOF: The Jardine Matheson Group Asia, these initiatives look forward to was set up in China in 1832. As a much higher degree of connectivity chairman of this diversified enterprise, VOF: The Chinese People’s Association with the more than 60 economies which has such a long history, would for Friendship with Foreign Countries covered under these new Silk Road you please share with us its successful is one of the earliest organizations in visions. Domestically, the Chinese operation philosophy? China engaged in people-to-people government has been developing diplomacy. Have you heard of the ways of increasing connectivity and Keswick: I represent the fourth association and had exchanges and integration within China’s borders generation of the Keswick family to cooperation with it? What ideas or as part of a strategy of coordinated lead the firm, and am already being suggestions do you want to share with economic development, such as with followed by a younger generation. I am us on effectively enhancing mutual the Yangtze River Economic Belt frequently asked by Chinese business understanding among peoples of strategy. owners how we create businesses that different countries and promoting These initiatives are of great last generations. international cooperation in the new interest to international businesses, such It is a critical question. The circumstances? as Jardine Matheson, in considering question of succession means that opportunities in inland China. On simply being local or owning a brand Keswick: CPAFFC is a well a broader front they represent real won’t always be enough for leading known organization in the world, with opportunities to stimulate regional Asian firms. The ability to train up a long history. It is one of the most economic development that will a new generation of family business famous national people’s organizations enhance the attractiveness of China’s owners, or introduce professional in nongovernmental diplomacy. markets, as well as those international managers without diluting the It has made great contributions markets’ increasing links with China. advantages of being a family-owned in enhancing people’s friendship, For Jardine Matheson we give firm, will be crucial in the years ahead. promoting international cooperation examples of two specific areas where Many firms will struggle to make that and safeguarding world peace. The we can participate. First is the role of transition, but some will make the CPAFFC has helped Chinese localities Hong Kong, which will have a pivotal transition and thrive. establish friendship relationship with position as a financial center where The most successful firms will more than 2,400 provinces, states and our group has a significant number of have a strong sense of purpose that cities in the world. In the UK there interests. Second is Chongqing, where helps guide them through uncertainty. are 58 friendship cities with China, the group has major investments and At Jardine Matheson, our business for example London-Beijing and which we see as having much to gain model has undergone many changes, Edinburgh-Xi’an, among others. as an important hub in the Belt and market upheavals and new ways of Thanks to President Li Xiaolin’s Road. working. Yet our values have remained hospitality I was invited by the It is initiatives such as the Belt constant: Our integrity, strong work CPAFFC to visit Beijing. I hope Jardine and Road that will help maintain ethic, financial prudence, long-term Matheson Group will have further China’s economic growth and to view, independent spirit and, most cooperation with the CPAFFC in the provide opportunities for the country’s important, our determination to succeed future.